Yeah, that's exactly how we want it. Okay, fantastic. So we'll go ahead, we'll start the local recording. And then we'll start the stream. And now the stream and local recording have indeed begun, or at least that's the theory. We're gonna go make sure that stream is working and then we're gonna get the show started. And we'll go ahead and see if everybody else did their job today. We're a little late, but then we'll start the stream. Okay, that means my, I have sound, I have video. The video is utter garbage, but you know, it's, you can see me and that's what's important because I'm good looking and you need to see me. And so ladies and gentlemen, that means that this show is about as red as it's gonna get. So let's check in on Ann Coulter, shall we? That's it, it's over. Then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people? You can't call people. You can't call people. Enemies, if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. Eladical agenda, the event has turned into an opportunity for the rats to push in racial and theoretically, and implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad actors, what they want to do here is ramp their radical agenda down your throat. This is great American, these are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know, they try and build a nightmare of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda, let's go. The second amendment. All right, on with it, welcome to the radical agenda. To show about tantalist ideas and news today, and whatever's on your mind, it's 217-688-14383. Yes, this agenda is quite radical, and welcome to it this 81st episode of the sixth stage of the program. Those of you who are on the Odyssey feed right now, you might see it says, stage eight, episode 81. That's what's known as a typo in the business. So I'm gonna fix that as soon as I get done here because I'm just realizing it as I look at the screen. And so yeah, so this is, it's August 23rd, 2,024 be in the current, yeah. Cause that's coming in a little hot. That's much better, okay, fantastic. And we got a bunch of stories on a radar today. One of the things that's not actually in the announcement for the show today, actually, I'll go pick this one up from Telegram, I want to give a shout out to Pat for getting this to me. Jacob Dicks, you might have heard, he took his case to trial in Charlottesville, Virginia. He was part of the Unite the Right Rally. He went down there with a bunch of us and walked with a tiki torch at the University of Virginia, which is legal, by the way. That's why nobody got arrested while we were there. As a matter of fact, it's why we were talking to the police about it before we went down there because what we did was not a crime. You see, it's kind of the idea. That's why we called the cops. And then a bunch of criminals attacked us, right? And so we were like, yeah, but you guys are a bunch of like, fucking AIDS-infested faggot. So we'll beat the shit out of you because, I mean, that's our idea of a good time, frankly, and you guys are gonna make it impossible for us not to. Like, you're gonna give us no other choice. And so, you know, so we beat their ass, it was a good time, whatever. And then we woke up the next day and we're like, okay, you know, what's next? And then we went and we did the thing. And then, you know, then they created a complete goddamn catastrophe the next day and a lot of guys got hurt and they brought guns. They pointed one of the kids, the kid hit somebody with his car. It's a big disaster. And then everybody gets cases, lawsuits, all these shit's going on. And then years later, years, years, years. Some fucking jack-off Democrat, Soros funded prosecutor got into the Al Moral County Commonwealth Attorney's Office. It's a matter of fact, he didn't take that long. The Republican bitch who had prosecuted me who was so scared that he might be called a racist if he let the innocent guy go. Shockingly enough that didn't save his career. He was knocked out of there by the first Democrat who came along and said, racist, I'm bad. And so this fanatic guy gets in there and he ran on the platform. He's like, we're going to indict every swing and dick that came down there with a torch. I don't think he used to term swing and dick, but you get the idea. He doesn't like dicks that swing. He's all about, you know. But anyway, he's like, we're going to go and indict these guys for burning to intimidate. Burning to intimidate. And so, you know, that makes sense like if you're running around with fire intimidating people, okay, yeah, let's go throw your ass in jail, right? That's fine with me. If you go waving a gun around at people and say, hey, don't make me shoot you asshole, you know, that's a crime. It's called threatening people. You're not allowed to do that. And so if somebody's right around with a flamethrower and they're like, hey, don't make me set you on fire, motherfucker. Yeah, like you can go put that guy in jail. It go ahead. As a matter of fact, you didn't even need to write some fucking law for that in the 60s or whatever the fuck it was, right? You don't need that shit. Everybody understands you. Not a lot of the threatened people with fucking fire. But you know, the race fanatics, the so called anti-racist who just despise the majority demographic of this country and will, long after it ceases to be the majority demographic of this country, which I think it's pretty much there. The people who hate civilization, frankly, they just, they're like, you know what it is, you know what we got to do in order to bring this country to its fucking knees and destroy the government. What we actually need to do is pass laws for everything. You see, you know, some people they look at the Democrats and they're like, yeah, you guys just, you guys just want a micromanage every aspect of the human condition. I don't know why your buddies with the, with the Molotov cocktails keep saying they're anarchists. But that's fundamentally what they're doing. They're, they're just crediting the, the institutions that they're destroying, right? You can't, can't just come up and be like, knock the government over. The government has to make a fool of itself first, right? So you take over the government and then you make a fool of yourself and then, and then you leave the government and you'd be like, that government's fucking crazy, right? It's kind of the idea. And so one of the things that they did was they like, you know what we really need to do? We need to set these fucking savages loose on the, on the streets of America and have them actually like fuck the white women and destroy the genetic integrity of the organism. And so they did that. And, and, and when they did, they were like, okay, now if anybody goes and burns a cross, we're going to say that that's, that's, that's, that's intimidation because it means violence. Now that doesn't even work as a matter of fact. You can't even say that. It depends on the time matter in place, whether you burn the cross and do the burning of the cross or the lighting of the cross, I should say. It's actually not. It's, it's actually still protected speech. That's a Supreme court way did on that. You just got to do it off, you know, in some hidey hole somewhere where nobody's going to be intimidated. But you could carry a Tiki torch. I can Tiki torch a sell them at Walmart, you know, or at least they used to. I don't know if Walmart went all, you know, like Dick's sporting goods, but you know, Dick's sporting goods famously stopped selling a 15. I'm like, is Walmart going to go all Dick's sporting goods and stop selling Tiki torches next summer? I don't know. We'll see. But back to the point here, they came around, they entited everybody for fucking carry the torch. I just got another listener of the show just contacted me, told me he got, he was trying to get on an airplane on a grad to meet the airport. And he's had a fucking warrant out for his arrest since last year. He didn't even know he had a warrant out for his arrest the whole fucking time. And he goes to get on an airplane. They're like, yeah, you're wanted. He's like, what the fuck are you talking about? It's like, yeah, you shouldn't have fucking carried that fucking 799 piece of bamboo through the fucking university of Virginia campus. And so, you know, I had pretty low hopes for legal cases down there. I saw that fucking circus go on, right? You know, I watched all my guys get smoked down there. Raymo's goodwin, boarden, you know, and I was like, what? That guy just got fucking six years. I think I just got eight years. What? I ain't going to trial and just sitting here out of your fucking mind. Elmer, come on. Get me to fuck out of here. I know, like, yeah, please guilty to two misdemeanor so you can fucking leave with your guns intact today. Just you can't come back to Virginia for five years. I'm like, I won't help. You lucky if I ever fucking step foot in this fucking state again. Yeah, get me to fuck out of here. Fuck your Commonwealth. And I was very fortunate as a matter of fact, because when I took that plea deal, the prosecutors office said this office agrees not to file any charges against Christopher Kentwell for any of his conduct on the evening of August 11th at the University of Virginia. Otherwise, I didn't have a torch, but they might have been, you know, trying to intimidate me for this shit. So they started entitling all these guys and they were kind of doing it in this dramatic fashion. The idea of it, obviously, you know, Jason Castle is going to get arrested to the day before election day or something. That's the idea. They're trying to keep Charlottesville in the news as the election comes. And so they started titan these guys and a bunch of guys take plea deals, right? off the bat. They're like, yeah, fine, felony. Yeah, no problem. Obliac convicted felon because I'm the, you know, I shouldn't, I'm going to stop there. But they scare the shit out of you, right? They're like, look, you can go and you can have 12 Charlottesville residents decide what you do for the next. I don't know what the, you know, I was facing five to 20 on each of three counts. They scared to live in crap out of me. I'll tell you, I don't remember exactly what the maximum sentence was for burning to intimidate, but you know, we're going to, we're going to let 12 Charlottesville residents registered voters, all of them Democrats or DSA. We're going to let them decide what you do for the next two, three, four, five years. Or you complete guilty and we'll go ahead, get you on out of there a little bit faster than that. And so guys who have been through to system a couple of times, they, you know, they look at that Charlottesville court and they're like, yeah, I don't stand a snowballs chance in hell in here. Like, and try me for assassinating the Abraham Lincoln. And I'd be like, I wasn't even born yet. And they're like, objection your honor irrelevant, sentence him to die. I mean, this is the, the nonsense that you can expect out there, slightly exaggerated. And so a bunch of guys, they take plea deals, they become convicted felons, people are wondering, are they going to fucking turn states evidence or whatever. And the first case gets the trials and fell by the name of Jacob Dicks. And that boys become something of a hero to me. I got to tell you. And so he went to trial. And of course, you know, you couldn't get all 12 jurors to say that he's not guilty because there are, in any 12 people in Charlottesville, Virginia, one of them will find one of us guilty for any crime that they are given the option of, right? You can't get them acquitted because somebody's going to vote guilty. There's no two ways about it. And I forget what the exact verdict was, what the, what the jury count was, but it was mostly not guilty. And he's fanatics in the Elmaw County Prosecutors Office. They're like, well, we're going to, we're going to retry them. We're going to, we're just going to have to keep on doing this. Don't you know, we understand how terrible it is to be put through this process and we'll put him through it as many times as we have to because we don't really give a fuck of fees and jail or not. We don't care if he's convicted and punished for the crime. We just care that you people are depleted of resources and made miserable for as long as we can fucking manage it. We will abuse every lever of power in our disposal to see that happen. And they've been doing that for a long time, you might have gathered. And you know, fuck, I couldn't get a, I couldn't get a real trial in a federal court and fucking New Hampshire for Christ's sake. You think anybody's going to get a real trial in Virginia? No. So you could have some sympathy for the guys who pleaded out, but Jacob Dix, he's like, Hey, you know, I'm going, I'm, I'm taking this fucking thing all the way. Any hung the jury and they say, Oh, we're going to do it again and again and again and again because fuck you, you Nazi prick. We don't care what the law is. Well, it was just announced that they are not going to be prosecuting Jacob Dix anymore. They've learned their lesson. Okay. They're like, you know what kid? You go ahead do whatever you got to do. We're going to go intimidate somebody, dominant in you. Okay. Now, I would not get our hopes up for the rest of these trials because, you know, it's just who's on the jury. You know, when we went to civil trial, okay. Now, it's worth pointing out, Elmore County Court, your jury pool is not like the Charlottesville City Court. Okay. Elmore County is not Charlottesville. Charlottesville is so Democrat like they, it was, they did, I went over this in one episode of the, the show and I want to say probably stage four. Well, like, you know, it was an intentional effort to turn, you know, Charlottesville into what it is. It's like the free state project for communism. If you don't know, I mean, I'm doing like extremist reference on top of extremist reference. If you don't know, if you're like a normal sane person, you have no idea what the free state project is, it's like a, it's like a libertarian thing in New Hampshire. The idea behind it was, okay, everybody, you know, there's a bunch of libertarians that get together and they're like, okay, well, like there's a lot of us, but we can't change our politics because we're all spread out. And they're like, I got an idea. Let's move to the same place. And that will become a constituency. We'll become a voting block. So like they had this conference and they all chose New Hampshire because they're like, okay, well, you know, they got basically very non-restrictive gun laws. They got low taxes. You know, there's a lot of freedom there already. And there's, you know, I don't think that they probably mentioned white people at all during the course of this, but that's why, right? It was a place full of white people and therefore they hadn't fucking destroyed it. And so they were like, yeah, we can go there and like, you know, they haven't taken a guns away because you don't have a bunch of gang bangers gun in each other down in the street, so over 20 bucks. It's not really liked that anymore, sadly. But back when they did it, anyway, so they moved here, they decided to move here and they basically, you know, they haven't abolished the government. They haven't really, you know, they've had some impact, though, you know, they, they, they have gotten guys elected. They've made a name for themselves. Most people in New Hampshire, you say free state project. They know what you're talking about. Anybody who's involved in a politics anyway. And so the Charlottesville thing was basically like that. I mean, I went over, I don't have the data in front of me here. But it was like, I want to say it was like Bill Clinton won that, one that city by, you know, 51 or 52%, which is still, you know, in modern presidential elections. It's, you know, that's a pretty heavy win. But I think in, you know, 2016 Hillary Clinton took, you know, 90% or something like that. So they changed that city and part of the way that they did it was like building low income housing. They, the Democrats, they took over, they raised taxes, they made it impossible to make a living and then they're like, yeah, well, we'll subsidize the, the lifestyles of the poor. And then we'll keep on building low income housing to get all of the poor people from everywhere else to move here. And then we'll pay for them to live here and we'll make it absolutely impossible for you Republicans to survive. And then you'll leave and then we'll have complete control over the place. And that's exactly what happened. I mean, the last time, I don't pay attention to the, you know, elections every year down there. But the last time I looked at a city council election in Charlottesville, Virginia, there were no Republican candidates involved in the thing at all. Nobody even ran from the Republican side. The Democrats are facing off against the DSA, the Democratic Socialists of America. And the DSA was winning. And so they took over that city. And I should, I should go do that. I should actually go get the data from that episode, go see how much it's been updated. I should do this again because the reason that I did it at the time was to propose doing this in New Hampshire with like a right-wing city. Okay. And I talked about this at the beginning of stage six, like, okay, look, you know, I used a different city because the facts on the ground had changed a little bit, say, but you know, if you could go into a place and you could capture the local government, you know, it's not the same thing as running the White House. It's not even the same thing as running the governor's mansion. But in your day to day police work, your local court, somebody gets murdered in your city. A lot of times it's the municipal government handling that, you know, what your local cops are going to come and say, hey, music's too loud or have you guys been firing guns in the backyard? You're driving on a street, you're walking on a street, walking on a street, cop sees you with a pistol, cop decides to check. Are you allowed to carry that pistol? That's your local police department, right? You take over the municipal government of a city, you can throw people in prison or not, whatever you choose. And so they did that down there and it's working out spectacularly from their perspective, right there like, hey, I got an idea. Let's have a riot, attack the police and then we'll throw the guys who we were attacking in prison. And then we'll have a bunch of Jew lawyers come down here from New York City and they will help us sue poor people for millions of dollars. And anybody who tries to get in the way will beat the living shit out of them in the street and the police will do absolutely nothing about it, except quit their jobs, which they did. There's mass exodus, law enforcement from the Charlottesville City Police Department. Not so long after this chaos, you know, guys who think you know the cops are the bad guys, you know, I tell you something, go tell good cops that like you shouldn't do your job anymore. Go ahead, tell good cops that what you get in Charlottesville, right? And they're like, okay, all the good cops get the fuck out of here. No more, no more police work for you. All right. Who do you think took them jobs, right? Who do you think took them jobs? Wasn't a bunch of fucking boy scouts to tell you that might have been some fucking scout masters. What is the purpose of the smoke above the speakers? Are we vaping like de jens or is the truth setting them on fire? 1433 from Libertary Ott in the Odyssey chat. As a matter of fact, here's what happened. During the after the member show on Wednesday, an 18 terabyte hard drive crashed. And it's a bit locker encrypted. And I do not know where I put the encryption key, because this place is such a mess for me having to, you know, tear everything apart. And that caused me to sort of shut down, if you will. This is why, if you remember why the member show wasn't posted until the next day. And I got everything more or less straight now, but it had not occurred to me until I started my broadcasting software that all of the images associated with the show were on that hard drive. So I come up, I got no background. I've got no, you know, the book bar, the, the, you know, the branding at the bottom of the screen. And I realized this, you know, a few minutes before showtime. And I'm like, you gotta be fucking kidding me. So I just went, I was like radio studio background wallpaper into Google. And I grabbed the first thing that was there. I didn't even realize the smoke until you pointed it out, Libertary Out. Normally those of you who watch the video, you know, those of you who listen to the audio, God bless you. I usually, I use an artificial, like, it's basically, I mean, it's AI at the end of the day, but it's background removal. It takes the absolute disaster that is my studio. And that, and it's removed and that it's replaced with whatever image I placed there. So there's basically this, it looks like a hot shot studio behind me. But it's in this case, it's actually like really hot shot because there's smoke coming out of the speakers. I didn't even realize that until just now. But we are, I mean, I'm not we are. I'm not going to speak for everybody else. I'm vaping like a D gen. I, I vape like a D gen all the time. It's, you know, it's almost like, I don't even know what I do anymore. I meant she get three years, no smoke in a cigarette, no nicotine at all. The whole time I was locked up pre trial and the whole time I was in prison. I never took one drag off a cigarette and never got a piece of dick or rat, nothing. And I was like, well, you know, I've guess I'm finally kicked it. Second, they left me alone for 30 seconds. I was like, I'm getting a pack of fucking new ports. I would have gotten the vaporizer, but I was on my way to halfway house. I knew they were going to take it. So it's like, these are disposable. And I haven't put the vaporizer down basically ever since. Well, I was smoking in the halfway house because I couldn't like I said, I couldn't have the vaporizer. And they, and so I'd get cigarettes and then I'd stash them outside or I'd throw them away. And then once I got out, then I got the vaporizer. I've been vaping ever since. But that's not what's causing a smoke to come off of the speakers. That's just whatever artists created this fake background. They just put that there, libertarian. Thank you for the $14.33. And you know, the rest is, maybe you throw me $14.33 or $1433. Whatever you want to do, give send slash SPM. I got the cash app, you know, the cash app is like, great, it's like, it's cash basically. And you could do, you could do, you want to do like a recurring payment. You could do it on, you could do it every month. That'd be great because then I could make economic plans around that. I was talking about this on the member show the other day. I could probably get this out of this. This is probably a good idea. You know, I've, I've thrown this idea a few times. Like, all right, you know, the original plan for this was if I can get, you know, a thousand people to pay ten bucks a month, then I've got $10,000. I can, you know, I can have a $5,000 a month salary and I can, you know, hire somebody and have maybe a couple of bucks left over for contractors or whatever. Well, that never really came anywhere close to materializing. And I said, well, maybe I can get a hundred people to give me a hundred bucks. Maybe I'll call it the heavy hundred. And I kind of haven't bothered to talk about that very much because I'm like, you know, I'm just a quit. I'm just going to have to quit and find another line of work because there's no way this is going to pay me enough. But I'll drop it here. Somebody, somebody contacted me the other day and actually set up to do this. And so if you'd like to become part of the heavy hundred, maybe you send me an email, you know, get, get a hold of me on telegram or something. You want to, if you want to give me a hundred bucks a month that I can make economic plans because the problem that I have here, among the problems that I have here, is that most of the money does not come in in the form of like a subscription payment. Okay. Sometimes you, you've seen me or you've heard me talk about when, you know, Tony or Libertarian or somebody throws me 500,000 bucks in a super chat. And I'm like, wow. Okay. Like that's where the money comes from. It's people who are like giving me money that I can't plan around. And don't get me wrong. If you want to give me money at random, I'm not going to complain about that. Okay. You give me money at random anytime you want. But, you know, I can't make economic plans around it. So there's been times somebody who say the person I was talking to about the heavy hundred recently, he was like, it's like, you know, we got to get you out of that place. And I'm like, look, I've had the money to get out of here. The problem is that I don't know how much money I'm going to make each month. I have no idea how much money I'm going to make until I, until I can't pay my bills. If I get to the point where I'm like, okay, well, you know, this one's this one's taken care of and this one, I don't know, I'm going to have to figure that one out. You know, that's, that gets a little uncomfortable sometimes, obviously. But, am I, I'm going to wait too long. Check, check, check, check, check. Oh, where is my plug? That's fucking damn headphones. That's why that's not working. Excuse me. That's much better. Okay. I'm like, I see myself on a, I see it a red light says I'm clipping over here. I'm coming into hot, but I'm like, I don't even hear myself in my headphones. It's going on. I realize I was plugged into the wrong thing because there's trouble shooting some. And so, you know, Gibson slash SPM. That, that fundraiser there, funding surreal politics media is what it says. You can do a monthly contribution there if you want. You can set up a recurring payment. That would be a great idea. I don't have like a hundred dollar package for like a subscription because I, you know, this is, this is, you're just supporting the show. I have the subscription thing for $10 a month for, you know, 33% off your first three months. If you use code agenda 33, check out. That's a surreal politics membership. If you want to be somebody who gives me a hundred bucks a month, I don't have exactly a package to, you know, compensate you or whatever. But, you know, I'll give you my signal. We'll start there. You know, you can, you have direct access to me. Not that I'm a difficult guy to get a hold up for free. But, you know, if I could do that, if I get, that's not an unreasonable goal, right? There's a hundred people who listen to show who can part with a hundred bucks a month and 100% certain of that. I'll just say a hundred a few more times, keep on putting that idea in your head, you know. And well before I get to a hundred people, if I get, you know, if I could get 50 people to give me a hundred bucks. Well, the first things first, I'm the hell out of this shitttle. And I'll have, you know, I'm actually going to get a car anyway. I got a car. I just got to go pick it up. I got to go grab a temporary plate at the New Hampshire DMV and then go drive that thing down to New York, bring that thing down to New York and drive it back. So it's coming together, right? I mean, if we could, if we could get somewhere close to 50 people paying a hundred bucks a month. I got a car coming already. I get the hell out of this place because you know, he's a thing. You know, you heard me talking about the shit with the flies or whatever. Forget it, forget about those things. Okay. Like the thing that has been, and pardon me for those of you listening to the member show, I'm kind of repeating stuff now. I apologize, but this is something worth putting out into the public. You know, when I get out of prison, I'm furious because, you know, it's happy as I am to be getting out of prison at all. You know, it wasn't my plan to come back to New Hampshire. I moved to New Hampshire in 2012 because New York state when it let me buy a gun. And I wasn't a convicted fellow. I'm like, well, fuck you, New York state. Like I'm an American citizen. I have fucking, I have, you know, I'm not committed a felony that you've caught me for. Libertariat sends a hundred bucks. Is anyone going to join me? Well, you know, they, you've been the gauntlet has been thrown down, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much, Libertariat. So the feds, you know, when you get into a federal prison, you get a case manager. Mine was a guy by the name of Simkins and Simkins is all right. And I'm like, yeah, Simkins, when I get out of here, I'm not going back to New Hampshire. I went there for my second amendment. You, Cox, I could just took that away from me. So I got a place where I can stay free in another state. And I'm going to be planning to go down there. And he's like, okay, cool. Give me that address. Give me the number of the person who's like responsible for the property or whatever. And I do this. And I do this like as soon as I get there because I'm like, I don't want to bullshit. You know, you, you do in a feds, you're supposed to do 10% of sentence or six months, whichever is less in a halfway house or home confinement. Okay. By the time I got to the federal prison, I had less than two years of. And so, you know, I wasn't like I was going to be sitting there for, you know, 24 months. I'm like, yeah, you had to get my, my release plan all straightened out so that we're ready to rock and roll when it's time to go to halfway house. And there's even, you know, you can actually get, depending on the circumstance, as there was in a very high likelihood that I was going to get it. I didn't really try that hard. You can get up to a year, halfway house or home confinement in a federal prison system. So I was like, when I first got to the prison, I was like, yeah, I'm going to figure out how to get the whole year in the fucking halfway house or home confinement. I don't want to spend any more fucking time here than I have to. But everybody just explains you when you get there. You're like, yeah, just don't even waste your fucking time because it's never going to happen. In any case, I tell them, you know, here's my release plan. And he's like, yeah, cool. Great. That's my job to make sure that you're a release plan is in order. So I'm going to go ahead and get to that. And so I'm like, hey, Simkins, you know, did you, did you do my release plan? He's like, yeah, man, you're not leaving for over a year. Shut the fuck up. Okay, buddy, you know, I'll talk to you again in a month. I'll talk to you again in a month. Talk to you again in a month. Sing thing over and over again. And then they fucking shit me to Virginia. I'm going there for, you know, come back from Virginia. I'm like, okay, you know, Simkins, we're right up on the line here. Okay. I'm supposed to get at least four months in a halfway house. I got a 41 once sentence. I'm supposed to do 10% or six months, whichever is less, four months is less than six. Get me to fuck out of this federal prison. And he's like, yeah, yeah, we'll get to that. What? And I'm like, you know, like, you know, for me to spend like a day in prison that I don't have to is actually like a major big deal. I understand that for you to come to prison all the time, you get paid for this shit. Like, I don't. No, I don't worry about it, man. I'm telling you, I'm worried about it. Okay, Simkins. And so sure enough, he does not put this in until the absolute last minute. And they fucking completely fuck my release plan over. I said, I'm not going back to him. Sure. I got another place to go. But they don't even start working on it until I'm already supposed to be in a halfway house. They call up the woman who owns the house. And she tells them some fucking nonsense. She's trying to make it sound wholesome. Says I'm going to marry her daughter. I'm like, no, I'm not mad. I'm not going to marry your fucking daughters. I'm not, I shouldn't get into that. And so the federal governments like, you know, your history with this woman is troublesome. And so, you know, you're not going to, you're not going to go there. Marry her. I'm like, fuck it. First of all, you don't get to tell me who I can marry Cox sucker. And by the way, that's not the fucking plan. I have one address. The other bitch has the other fucking address. We're not living in the same fucking house. You're not a fucking Nazi prick. You're going into Hampshire and they dropped me off in a fucking halfway house in Manchester. He lived in Keynes, like a fucking over an hour away from here. And so when I get here, you know, the fucking PO is like, hey, you know, you're basically stuck here. If you try to move my first PO is a pretty good guy. I think I have now is not bad. But the first PO actually like, he understood me. I'm not going to say that he saw I to I, but, you know, largely because I don't want to harm the guy. He understood what was going on. He looked over the case. He knew what I was about. And he was a guy who, you know, would look in the eye and tell you things. Or decline to tell you something that would give you all the information you need. And he's like, look, anywhere you try to go, the probation department there is going to have to okay you go. And they're going to look for any reason to say no because it's just why do they want to deal with it? Right. You're a pain in the ass. I'm like, well, I'll give you that. If I make the government uncomfortable, then my job has done here. And so I'm like, all right, fine. I get out of halfway house and move into this fucking shithole I've been complaining about. And I'm like, yeah, what do I care? Right? Like I've been in fucking prison for fucking three years. This is awesome. This is such a cooler cell than I used to have. This one's got internet access and my own fucking goddamn, you know, I can have, I got a TV to myself. I don't have to fight niggers for it. It's fucking fantastic. So I'm like, I'll just keep on acting like I'm in prison. I'm just stuck here. I'm just still doing my time in my fucking little apartment here. I've literally been living like that. You know, like, you know, I mean, I, it's not literally. I mean, you know, there's, you know, for a while, I have more responsibility than I did in prison. When I was with area of person, I was in you couldn't have a job. Right. So like, you know, you, there were no bills to pay. It was just, you know, either you people send you money and you can get some commissary or you're not going to get some. Right. I'm like, I get, I get to get through this point and get to the damn news tonight. The reason I start to tell all this story is basically like, you know, I came here basically thinking in that mindset. Like, yeah, I'm just going to, I'm just going to keep on acting like I'm doing my time. And, you know, this is a fine time for me to get fed up with it because it's fucking over as a matter of fact. Like it's August now in December. The feds run out of excuses to keep their tabs on me, to keep their fucking paws on me. Unless they go fucking make up some shit. Right. And my life has been dull as fuck. So, you know, good luck. Uh, at which point I'm going to get the fuck out of here for sure. I mean, you know, I, I, I didn't want to like go move to like another place in New Hampshire. I don't want to go deal with this process of like, yeah, let's go make a bunch of plans. You know, there's been people who listen to the show and people who are like, you know, friends of mine over the years who are like, yeah, you can come move to this place and yada yada yada. And for me to go try to do that is like, all right, United States federal government. Here's the people that I'm going to be dealing with in that other state. Why don't you go and interrogate all of them. And then if you guys approve, then I can go move down there. What sounds like a big fucking pain in the ass. Like I'll just wait. I'll just wait a couple years. Matter of fact, I got, I got good at waiting a couple years. I'm good at that. And so. But the other component of it was it's like, you know, like I said, I can't make economic plans if the only way that I make money is, you know, somebody like something I said and threw me a chunk of cash and a super chat like I can't make economic plans around that. The only way I can, the only way I can plan expenses is if I have recurring subscription payments. And that's what all the money of the radical agenda was when the show was at its peak right before the fucking shit hit the fan of 2017. A paypal basically either had PayPal donation subscriptions or they had we didn't even have super chats back then. I got one YouTube super chat for a hundred bucks. Google still hasn't fucking given it to me, by the way. Before 2017, I got one fucking super chat for a hundred bucks. We weren't even doing that. Everything was like PayPal and, you know, donations to the website and credit card payments for subscriptions and sell and t-shirts and hoodies and shit. And so I could take a look, I could tell you what my monthly revenue was from month to month. If I told you what my subscription revenues are today, you'd laugh. I don't know if you'd laugh, but you know, it's laughable. You call that an income. But I'm still managed to pay my bills for the most part on time since I've been here. It's just not with the subscription payments. And so anyway, all of which is to say, I don't care how much you want to send me, just go just go fuck you pay me, okay. You could go to Christopher Cantwell, not net slash donate and then you get the link to the Gibson slash SPM. You get the link to my cash app slash edgy Chris or dollar sign edgy Chris is the cash tag. I got the I do with a Bitcoin them an arrow the Ethereum the Bitcoin cash like whatever fucking crypto shit you got. Like if you go to the Christopher Cantwell, not net slash donate and you see like not you don't see the public key for the coin you want to send me just like tick me an email, sit him up on telegram, whatever. I'll download a while. What if I have to? I got the exit is like I got a atomic. I got all that shit. And so I got you know any coin that goes on any you know exchange that you could attach you a bank account to in the United States. I probably got the software for it already. But if not, I'll go downloads and software. And I'd be happy to I'd be happy to I learn about you new coin there Mr. Crypto fan. You know you still have like the crypto guys used to like be fans of the show we got to go start get them back into the fucking thing. I got to start like I don't bring crypto guests or something on used to have like crypto guys call into the show. We had crypto Joe you know crypto Joe used to call any be like, hey Chris you know Bitcoin did this today and by the way I like I was back in this prostitute or whatever and I'm like, oh, okay, Bitcoin and prostitutes. Thank crypto Joe. Anyway, I should probably get to some news. It's almost 10 30 already is quarter after 10. I see. Let's see one second. Sorry, I just I just I saw a message that I didn't know if it was urgent. Let's go pull up some news. Yeah. Get that out of my way. I might as well start here. So I thought that this was pretty for the headline here is fucking funny as fuck. I titled the show today. I titled it market's yearn. And it was the headline here was CNN be clowns itself and says the market's yearn for Kamala. Now I don't even watch fucking Fox News anymore. Much less do I watch any goddamn CNN. So I didn't see this shit, but I thought that that was pretty fucking funny. And I was gonna I was like, you know, I'll just go ahead and name a whole episode after that because that's fucking hilarious. Yeah, the markets are just waiting for Kamala Harris to come in there and fucking boost this economy. You know, once we have a black woman in charge of everything, all of our finances are going to be just like that of the demographic known as black females. And that's going to be great because you know what black females do. They spend a lot of money like more than they have, you know, like they have like they have some amount of money and then they have, you know, then they spend more than that. And that's the banks. They love that. And so, you know, we'll probably be all set. You know, once the banks are happy, they can stop torturing us, I think it's probably the probably the reasoning. I don't think that that's very sound economics, but you know, if you're trying to like, you know, please the banking gods, you're like get these fucking just satiate these Jews before they kill us, you know, just be like, well, pay more interest. Yes. I don't know. That's probably not what they're thinking. Let's see what they have to say over an American thinker. It's a pure love fest in Chicago this week. According to most of the media, the Democratic National Convention is so electrifying and pure joy. The journalists have clearly received their talking points from the DNC or they wouldn't be at with they wouldn't all be using the same words. The Democrats have been telling us how great Joe Biden was for three and a half years until we saw him in the debate, even calling him sharp as a tack. They told us that Kamala was weak and unpopular and an albatross around Joe's neck. Now she is the greatest thing since sliced bread, despite running away from her record. Biden's policies is fast as she can because she knows their losers. Here's CNN telling us what that Wall Street is gravitating toward her and it's clearly our turn to cackle when we read a headline and an article like this. How Kamala Harris is winning over Wall Street? Harris has a better relationship with Wall Street than even Joe Biden had. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, founder and president of the Yale Chief Executive Board of the Senate, the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute told CNN in a phone interview on Tuesday. At the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night, former American Express CEO Ken Chinol, strongly endorsed Harris, particularly contrasting her with Donald Trump. She knows that a market-based economy needs a strong and effective government. Kamala Harris understands that we need to help to turn good ideas into thriving companies that we can create, good paying jobs by helping manufacture. She knows that the way not to build an advanced economy is a broad tariff that would only raise prices. Her consumers and businesses and jobs. Oh, there we go. Yeah, so we need somebody who's going to make sure that you don't stop all the money from going out of this country. There's just so much to love. Let's blame corporations for greed and gouging when they make a small profit instead of government spending and regulations. What's not to love about destroying the oil and coal industries along with private health insurance? Let's raise the corporate rate 33% from 21% to 28%. I can hear the company's cheering now. Let's raise the top rate on individuals. The applause is deafening. Then let's essentially double the tax on dividends and capital gains over 40%. That should get a standing ovation from all investors. What harm could that do to asset prices? Then the big one that gets the loudest cheers of all taxing unrealized capital gains at 25%. There is nothing smarter than making people liquidate assets to pay a tax when they haven't sold the asset. What would these geniuses do if press crashed? I'm sorry. What would these geniuses do if prices crashed and the net worth of rich people went down? They certainly wouldn't lower government spending because smaller government is never an option for Democrats. We tax slaves can always just hand over a little more. Of course, most of the media will also act like the foreign policy of these people is great as if they essentially finance Iran and Russia by making the world reliant on these nations oil and gas. There are no policies on the Harris website, but the media doesn't care. I hope the voters in Wall Street are smart enough to see that capitalism, freer commerce, fewer regulations and less government are more conducive to expanding wealth and creating opportunities to move up the economic ladder. Isn't it great that the government only missed job growth statistics by 28% in the last year? And these people suddenly know how to control inflation and pretend they can control temperatures forever. Yeah, it's something tells me they can. Joe Biden can't keep his sun for smoking crack. You think it's going to prevent it from getting hot outside? No, it's a bunch of bullshit, as a matter of fact. So, yeah, I don't think the markets are actually yearning for Kamala. I mean, I am 100% certain that there's some bunch of Jews on Wall Street who are like, you know what? You know how we could really fuck this country over by getting Kamala Harris to be president of the United States. You and me, we're going to make a fucking killing. Those people with the 401k's, fuck them, who gives a shit about that? You just went and you put your money in the fucking S&P 500. Well, you know, that's a good idea until it's not. I'm not saying I'm not dead. I should that's not like don't let that sound like. Economic advice against putting money into the stock market because actually that's that's not sound reasoning. I'm just talking shit. Let me see here. I have mentioned the phone number today because I've been kind of busy talking, but let's see if anybody's on the lines here. It does not appear to be the, oh, no, no, that does not appear to be the case. 2176881433, you like to be on the program and we'll talk to the list I have to so please do give us a call. What about what I was going to say? Well, you know, they just brought up the weather thing. I might as well go check this one outside. So I had a story here. Apparently, like the Atlantic Ocean is cooling at a rapid pace because climate change, you see. They can't do the global warming thing anymore when the oceans are freezing. The Atlantic Ocean is cooling at record speed and climate hoaxers are absolutely baffled. Now this story is the gateway pundit. You know, and this is what I get for clicking on things from revolver news. It seems to me that maybe as a matter of fact, this might have come from drugs. No, I don't think about it. I don't know. But now, judge wouldn't do that today. They wouldn't link to gateway pundit on an anti climate change story that's by their run by a bunch of Democrats. Basically, the Kamala Harris campaign, I think on judge report now. That's not literal, but basically it's the same idea. The Atlantic Ocean is now cooling at a record speed leading climate alarmists absolutely baffled. While temperatures in the ocean were recently reaching record highs that trend has gone into reverse over the past year. Confusing scientists and those warning about an impending global catastrophe. The news scientist explains quote over the past three months, the shift from hot to cool temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean has happened at record speed. This emerging Atlantic Nina pattern comes just ahead of an expected transition to a cooler, a cooler, a lot of Nina in the Pacific Ocean and these back to back events could have ripple effects on weather world. Why the spring toward cooler temperatures in both oceans is a welcome change after more than a year of record heat at land and sea, largely driven by the rise in greenhouse gas emissions and a warm El Nino pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean that developed in mid 2023. We are starting to see that the global mean ocean temperatures are going down a bit says Pedro Dineso at the University of Colorado Boulder. According to the US National Oceanic Edmat admit atmospheric administration. Global sea surface temperatures this past July were slightly cooler than July 2023 ending a 15 month streak of record high average ocean temperatures. While there are likely a range of scientific theories as to why the shift is occurring such sudden changes in temperatures serve as a reminder of how the Earth's climate is always changing with no regard for human activity. That is perhaps why practically every single prediction from Al Gore's famous and inconvenient truth all the way through Greta Thunberg suggestion that humanity will be wiped out unless the world stopped using fossil fuels by the year 2023. Whoa, what can you make check my what time is it? Shit. The extent of the so called global warming phenomenon is the best is best exposed by the recent climate the movie which interviews a range of world leading academics who is exposed to the paper thin science behind the climate hoax and the multi trillion dollar industry around it. I'm seeing that movie yet. But I should probably do that and go through I have some awareness of what was that when I read. I read a really interesting book about climate change in prison. And I don't remember what it what the title of it was. But it's a complete it's complete nonsense. I mean like I've known that for a long time you know they they educated us in the tea party. Rallys in 2009 about the subject. Then like these people are completely ins I mean set that they're insane there it's a flat out deception I mean it's not there's not a misunderstanding happening there you know your average Democrat mayor may not have some awareness of. How dissatisfied they're being maybe some of them are dumb enough to believe it blacks in particular but I don't believe there's a whole lot like. Well meaning white folks who are like yeah. If we don't get rid of fossil fuels then we're not going to live anymore you know if you're doing that you're trying to destroy the mankind it's obvious. It's just it's just it's just it's just right there for your face. What was it apocalypse never was one of them it wasn't I read two books now I think about I don't know what the second one apocalypse never was the Alex baronson I want to say his name he's been on the Tucker Carlson show a few times. It's a really good book and and like what he did in that book he's like let's just assume everything they say is true. That it's not okay it's a bunch of nonsense but just go ahead and say everything that they tell us warn us about in term in fact terms is actually true stop with all their inferences from that and let's go deep as it turns out you're a lot more likely to die from cold than heat just in terms of you know statistical how many people freeze to death versus die of you know hyperthermia. It's a lot more people freeze to death or get hypothermia than people who die from hyperthermia just too hot. And so you know right off the bat right there like let's just say that the climate changes to such a point where the death rates from temperatures start changing well as a matter of fact the death rates are going to go down as a matter of fact is a bunch of fucking people living cold places that would die a lot less frequently and so if you're just if you're just concerned about the body count Democrat. You know you're just going to have to keep on you're just going to have to stop the blacks from killing each other because this is not what's going to end mankind okay. There's a bunch of shit in there like that but you know the whole climate things are fucking scam they and they know that it's a scam you know Al Gore comes out there and he's like the polar bear is going to be floating away on this last block of ice it's going to be all your fault Mr. fucking SUV. Tucker Carlson would call him out every time you like yeah he's right around and just you know John Kerry on his fucking the fucking flying squirrel or whatever they got down private jet that this guy's running around on. They all went and took their private jets to some fucking conference that the Thunberg girl right she goes she's like you know in order to show you that I'm that's not a very good threat of Thunberg impression sorry but you know just trying to sound like an asshole because she is. I'm going to go take a I'm going to go take a sailboat to the climate conference okay guys I'm going to take a sailboat. So that I don't increase my carbon footprint. And then you find out that what actually happened is you know she's got like this crew of guys who had to be hired to do it the crew of guys and it's like a carbon fiber boats just like to create the boat was like the carbon footprint of creating the boat was astronomical. And so she's got this fucking crew of people and like it takes a long time to get there so like guys had to I want I'm tempted to say I don't know this for certain but I if I recall correctly that they actually had like the crew had to be picked up either on a sea plane or another boat. A fossil fuel boat okay to get the crew of the boat to replace the crew so that they could keep on rowing Greta Thunberg not rowing they're not rowing but you know they keep on sailing Greta Thunberg to the climate conference so that she can walk in that that room and go tell all those crooks with a straight face that she took a sailboat there unlike all you crooks who took your private jets. And I'm pretty sure she took a private jet home to she's a crook right so people think that she's got you know she's been fed up on to propaganda she's making mistake no she knows exactly what she's doing she's a criminal they're all criminals. And so you know I guess I let's see her since since the material put up a hundred bucks and nobody has yet joined libertarian I'm going to do a little bit more we'll go try to go not get a crook. Call it a night at 10 30 on the dot tonight let's get another story in here there's another like weather thing what's the there was like what's the other weather story add. Uh that that that that. I don't give a fuck about George Camp shut up oh fucking RFK so we do that and then we'll go with the weather thing. No I get to do the weather thing first it's like a it's like a segment it's like a block okay um come on one of these tabs is going to have it okay a wear a year of weird and record breaking weather five things to know ladies and gentlemen let's do it I love lists lists are such great radio you know. Vanishing glaciers newly ice free stretches in the Arctic record droughts punctuated by record delusias a hurricane supercharged by hot Pacific water that last six weeks all across the globe implacable record breaking heat except for in the Atlantic ocean the guys at the hill might be missing that part maybe they should go read gateway pun it. In 2023 record production and burning of fossil fuels so this is hilarious okay we just went from like the climate scammers are fucking full of shit and taking carbon fiber boats and private chatting the crew. And then we go over to the hill and they're like yeah all of your fucking fossil fuels are really fucking up the planet go you better stop it by an electric car. Car. In 2023 record production and burning of fossil fuels poured unprecedented amounts of energy into the world's atmosphere and oceans helping to spur some of the wildest weather in recorded history as the structures that underpin modern human civilization began to buckle in the rising heat. On Thursday the American meteorological society or AMS released its annual survey of the state of the global climate a soberly worded account of a world in rapid transition toward a state unlike any humans has ever known. Okay that's just pause for a second here okay. This is your talking about the fucking weather guy okay if you're talking about the weather and you're like you know what let's go higher the most creative writer at the hill and get him to tell us about the weather for 2023 because we've got to make it sound ominous. But we're just talking about the fucking weather right so we've got to find somebody who's really like you know he conjures the words to make you scared. Here's what you need to know about the reports findings on last year's climate and what they say about the emerging state of the world. Your puppy will fry on the sidewalk like an egg no I'm kidding that's not what they said in the hill they're going to save that for 2025. What did the report find a world where the weather is getting far hotter and also far more strange yeah like it gets colder in the Atlantic ocean I know we're just reading about that in the gateway. Punnets you guys talk about that part in here I bet not last year was the hottest on record except for in the Atlantic Ocean with the average global temperature every month from June to December setting all time highs. Meanwhile the mean ocean temperature for the year now wait a second so like you're right there okay. The average global temperature so first of all fuck your average global temperature okay. You're like yeah it's fucking negative 200 degrees and Antarctica and it's fucking 85 degrees and you know Florida. Do you want to bet that they like discount Antarctica a little bit I'm going to go ahead and guess they do probably a lot fewer thermometers down there you know what I mean. Then they say. For the year but they're actually talking about June to December now I don't know about you but like I had this like they taught me just calendar thing was a kid and it's got like a year. What is it January February March April made June they June so that's six months that's not a year. So as a matter of fact no asshole that's not for the year as a matter of fact that's for six months. And I'm pretty sure that you left the other half of the year out because it probably doesn't support your data. Such as this situation going on in the Atlantic Ocean does your scumbag criminal right to like oh my god last year's temperatures the whole year was just completely insane look at these temperatures for June through December. And you know if you're the average Democrat voter you're like wow yeah that year is pretty bad. Meanwhile the mean ocean temperature for the year a number that averages the human tropics and the frigid Arctic and Atlantic Antarctic I should say hit a record 66 degrees Fahrenheit. Or 18.99 Celsius so they're like yeah now listen again meanwhile the mean ocean temperature for the year you know June through December. A number that averages the human tropics and the frigid Arctic and Atlantic hit a record 66 degrees Fahrenheit or 18.99 Celsius. Did they talk about at all the cooling of the Atlantic Ocean of course not because you can't do that because that's fucking up the narrative you know you got to get this average temperature thing. On Thursday wait what did you fucking things scroll back up on me what are you doing asshole stop it you motherfucker I fucking scroll the goddamn page when I want to don't fucking go up what are you talking about. Sorry you don't see what's going on it sounds crazy to you. Um. Because the heat is fundamentally added energy and above all added ability for air to trap water the warming helped drive a cavalcade of new disasters from hurricanes to sudden deluge to drought. The North Atlantic had its seventh straight above normal hurricane season while the Pacific Ocean was marked by a new level of destructive storms. The Pacific tropical cyclone Freddie became the strongest lived tropical cyclone on record lasting for five weeks between February 6th and March 7th March 12th. Throughout that time the storm stayed intact across the entire Indian Ocean and made three separate landfalls in Mozambique and Madagascar on the other side of the ocean hurricane Otis strengthened from a category one to a category five in just nine hours a record to become the strongest hurricane ever to make landfall on the west coast of North America. Punctuated events such as those storms already mark of what Texas Tech University Climate Scientist Catherine Heyho you can't you can't be a climate scientist in your name be Heyho okay Heyho I know that you're foolish shit okay. Can't make it you can't make a Heyho into a house right if you understand well you might want it because she might you she needs a new last name out of fact. Punctuated events such as those storms are a mark of what Texas Tech University Climate Scientist Catherine Heyho has called global weirding yeah it's global weirding don't you know that's what happens when you like college students figure out your fucking. It's called global weirding I can't figure it out it's odd okay you know scientists they used to try to figure shit out right they're like that's odd let's form a hypothesis and perform experiments and try to understand it now they just call it weird okay they're like out you know what guy the weather was fucking fucked up as here that's weird okay and you can't explain this is the you know you know you know that mean what's that below Riley. He explains God okay you guys know what I'm talking about is this thing and this thing are in conflict you can't explain that therefore God exists okay. This is climate change in a nutshell okay. Yeah guys it was you know there was a fucking there was this storm that lasted for five weeks and like I haven't seen I know I don't I don't pay that close attention these things but you know that storms are usually last for five weeks therefore is your SUV you fucking goddamn go and stop it. Okay get a goddamn scooter I got a scooter I'm all set. It's just global weirding don't you know and so that's the thing the same thing climate change right they're like yeah climate change is really fucking fucking up the country you guys you guys you know we don't want to talk about global warming anymore call it something else the fuck is that about. Okay I know that is so fuck that anyway so it's global weirding says this college kid. Where's the fucking goddamn sentence that I was reading the way in which planetary heating interacts with a chaotic global climate to drive results that are rapid unexpected or matched together extremes for example drought and floods coinciding last year saw one of the lowest records of global precipitate. So I'm not going to read this again for example drought and flood coinciding last year saw one of the lowest records of global precipitation more than 40 years since records began but an above average level of one day maximum rain falls indicating a rise in rainfall intensity the AMS report noted. Fuck you okay what are you talking about. I'm going to read this again for example drought and flood coinciding last year saw one of the lowest records of global precipitation more than 40 years since records began but an above average level of one day maximum rainfall indicating a rise in rain fallances okay so there was less rain and the rain fell for one day on more days than the prior years. Therefore give me your car keys you piece of shit. We're taking your car away you can't take some fucking road trip you're going to go down you think you need to put the kids in the car go down the floor to kiss my ass. You know how many times it rained for just one fucking day back in back in 2023 you have any idea what time we're living in now because now it rains for days it used to rain for days and now it just rains for one day and then you get back to work and do you think you would take a car to the car wash. And then you take the car to call wash and then you fucking what using up the water and you putting soap and trains okay so we can't have you doing that anymore fuck you pay me. For example AMS pointed to the record 30 inches that fell on Beijing in August of 2023 within less than two days killing 137 people. Oh 137 people died in China okay well you know what Americans give up your cars then you know because if 137 people died. You know if we owe it to them to just basically let them have the number one economy after that. Meanwhile Greece experienced both its highest day of daily rainfall on record 30 inches or a year's worth of rain in a single 24 hour period and the largest wildfire in your in the European Union's history. Okay well you know if you didn't have communist setting things on fire you'd probably have fewer forest fires stop it you know just go kill all your car. Just go kill all your communist check them out of fucking helicopters take your cigarettes away you know. You notice you know where's a you know California therefore Democrats right and Mexicans or whatever I remember all time I was in prison like well probably this was happening while I was in pre trial detention in the jail but you get the idea the whole time is locked up. I'm watching stories about wildfires wildfires in California like the whole time like the whole time I blocked up I'm like what is like California I'm gonna stop burning. And you're like yeah well you they're straightening out of the climate stuff if you're a Democrat you believe shit like that I'm like yeah this is the climate crisis destroying the environment it's what they do right. And so New Zealand not done to see when Greece is run by the to anyone Greece is run by a bunch of communist okay the series of party got in there last I checked that was a long time ago but like I think that they're still holding the rains over there. And they're tearing a fucking country apart and they just you know they're like look we're gonna do every fanatic left wing stupid asshole thing and then when the country goes to shit like we'll just go demand that the IMF bail us out this is the whole entire point of the racket what are you talking about. And so like we'll go ahead and we'll spend a bunch of money and we'll fail to collect and we'll we'll raise taxes and make production impossible regulate the shit out of the human condition and then when that predictably fails and we'll just have the IMF pay for it. And in the process why don't we just make sure that there's no way that the fires can stop. And so that's what happens. They're like you know what we could do we should probably go do a control barren over there in the woods because a bunch of leaves on the floor and there's not you the democrats don't understand like they have Mexicans come clean their yard or whatever right. And so like they're like that doesn't happen in the fucking forest sweetheart okay so when you're a fucking kids goes out there smoke marijuana throws his fucking roach clip in there the whole fucking thing goes up like a tinder box. So you can't do that right you got to clean the fucking shit up otherwise it's going to get set on fire because what was the other thing. What's the thing that naturally deals with that I forget that somebody I remember hearing about this anyway but they'll go do like a control burn right to be like yeah let's go you know just burn this path here so that if there's a fire it'll stop right there and they're like no you can't burn the trees we like the trees the trees are friends they're pretty. I like no I'm trying to I'm trying to say the fucking trees guy if you don't if you don't prevent the fire from spreading the world going to be fucked and they're like yeah it's okay the goal is to get you fucked the whole entire point is to ruin the world. And so anyway I'm not going to read the rest of this fucking horse shit article it's a bunch of climate change crap why would a fuck what I was poison you with this nonsense. Let me just go check on it over here fun fact the Arctic is named for the Greek word Arctose which means there are bears that's right bears. And the Antarctic is named because there are no bears there we name continents based on bears well that's why Russia's going to be you know that's why we need. I'm going to stop there it's a bad joke I didn't even have it I was like Russia bear I'm going to say something funny and I just failed didn't work at all. So yeah look climate change is a bunch of horse shit and you know that's all you got to know you know that then you can vote properly come November okay. And oh you know just get it out of you know rfk Robert F Kennedy junior that guy the guy talks like that you know he talks like me after you know if I don't have an energy drink in a and something to take a second to clear my throat once and well. So rfk junior he dropped out of the presidential race it because first of all because he wasn't going to win right he's not part of the two party system therefore he's a joke right and so he's like yeah I'll be a joke that's fine I don't I make a mockery of politics why not. And then he's like you know what like actually these guys are going to get us all killed and so I think we're going to have to endorse Donald Trump. And he went on I watched I don't know how long the press conference had been going or the speech he was giving you wasn't a press conference so much as an address. He was giving this address and I was actually like making food what was going on so I was in and out of the room a little bit but it went on for a while and he's talking about you know like chronic disease you know what were the numbers in this year and what were the numbers in this year. And he says he talked to Donald Trump about these things Donald Trump understands these things and Donald Trump is going to take such and such measure to make these things better. And the Biden administration is not doing any of that you know like you know what we really want we want to get you some more vaccines okay. We like those vaccine things because those vaccine things like basically we just pay the companies they put the stuff in you and then if you die we just protect the companies. And we love that because that's what the markets are yearning for. That's what we mean when we say the stock markets want Kamala Harris is that we're going to take a bunch of government money and give it to Pfizer and we're going to get stinking filthy rich in the process of that you understand you who have a 401k or whatever you people who are stupid enough to give your money to a financial manager. Who's going to diversify your funds and put it in things that ought to be able to grow should everything be done properly in the federal government. You're completely fucked but we're smart people so right after we we do something to scare the shit out of you about the price of Pfizer and you all sell your Pfizer stock and we're going to go buy that up. And then we're going to give billions of dollars to them to pump you with some shit and then when you try to get your money out of them for poisoning you will protect them. And that'll be fine with us because we're the shareholders or so. So that's your economics lesson for the day ladies and gentlemen I think that I think that we're going to wrap it up for now but I appreciate you tune in and if you had called in I would have appreciated that simply just make sure that you haven't. Yeah zero calls it's fine so you know I spent dialet see I spent a couple of bucks just sitting there on a whole new care sorry sorry. So anyway ladies and gentlemen that's our show and so since it was a great one you should probably pay me you join libertarian centimum hundred bucks. And you can do it every month if you want you can be part of the heavy hundred okay. If you want to send me less than a hundred bucks yeah all means come on you know you think I'm going to say no to 20 come on go ahead right now cash out you don't need to wait you don't have to save up for it you just get your cash out about boom edgy Chris I'll have it. And I'll go pay bills and stuff like that would be great and failing that you can send me the crypto currency Christopher can't well that net slash donate will tell you where all of that stuff is be a great idea. And you can do the monthly thing it gives you go to a comm slash spm I probably said that enough times just fuck you pay me get the idea and we're going to be back we you know we keep on come back I'm like yeah I'm going to close a fucking thing out with dog fuck you and then I'm like yeah but you know I what am I going to do. What am I going to do I'm going to go go back into it go hey I got to go work in a data center now. I could do that I just get to like learn it all over again I'm like how are you going to figure out how to wait entertain you shitheads I don't know anyway all right we're going to go all the night but I'll be back Monday for you yeah we're going to curse a lot less on Monday and every time I say fuck I'm going to be like sorry for you. And then on Wednesday you know I'm going to make nearly as much effort not to curse and that's the Wednesday member show for surreal politics don't be back here a week from today for the radical agenda every Friday 9 30 PM US Eastern time so if you're listening on some of the platform and some of the time that about you to join us for a program we'd love to hear from you 2176881433 you know you can leave me a voicemail the contact page Christopher can't well that net slash contact has it number on it I don't know what off the top of my head but you can leave a voicemail there and I'll listen to it probably if you look at it. Probably if you like run the thing out into the last three minutes then Google's not going to give you a transcript I'm going to be like let's just guys are painting the ass and I'm going to be late you know but anyway you know you say something you give me some audio give me something to talk about I'm you know maybe I'll talk about what you want me to talk about because you know we used to do some audience interaction here when we had an audience and then they all left they were like why are you talking to queers on Grindr I'm like I fuck you it's good just my ass somebody's going to like it. All right guys that's it I'm out of here fuck you I'm no I'm not fuck you you guys are great you know that you know some of you are just pay some of you are at least not stealing and you know and 2024 what can you ask from an American you know like what you haven't stolen anything today Jesus Christ you're a fucking model citizen that's it it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't call to enemies if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda implementing the radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actors but they want to do this ramp their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans these are people that want to see great things that they got to you know they try and build a life here. A lot of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment fuck you baby.