All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're about to get started with a live airing and a radical agenda. Please stand by while we bring our videos streams online And we would expect that to go quite smoothly in fact We think that it's gonna go just fine. We're all we're all set to go here And so we'll bring them online. We'll just make sure everybody's everybody's functional and then once we know that they all function Indeed, then we shall begin the we shall begin the broadcast Are you could say the broadcast has begun? But you know, it's not really a show just yet You know depending on how you define these things of course You know you could make the argument that you got a good-looking talented guy like me on a camera. I mean, it's a show and so You know, there's that now Telegram is telling me that it doesn't see my stream You know and this just happens sometimes sometimes like you know what the hell with you buddy? I have no idea what I'm doing today. It's like you know, okay, you know the problem is I start the stream at the beginning of the show You guys you guys watch those other streamers that they have these 10-minute countdown videos and you're like stop with the countdown It's a waste of my time and I think you know after a decade in this business Maybe I should just have a countdown video so that I can do these things You know and check them before the show begins and then like then we'll just start the show on time instead of me Barking at the computer and a bunch of service providers Because I expect them to do their jobs when I expect them to show up for work on time and they're like you know what? Fuck you buddy. That's right. This is radical agenda not surreal politics. I dropped those f-bombs I apologize for them sometimes, you know, sorry for the f But fuck them, you know like if I'm gonna be in my I'm gonna be in my chair I'm gonna be starting to show and these guys like you know what we're taking around over here I'm gonna be like well fuck you cunt, okay? Listen cock sucker get the fuck away from my fucking goddamn show I got it's bad enough as it is, so right so anyway, let's get this fucking thing started shall we? That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America You know what you call people you can't talk to enemies and if we want to divide our society into Arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing Erratic Electrical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the last to first a racial Radical agenda implement their radical agenda is the only thing they do Not their bad act But they want to do this ramp their radical agenda down your throat This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things to the country You know they try and build them like here It's not a radical agenda. It's called the second amendment. All right on what it welcome to the radical agenda To show about timeless ideas the news of the day and whatever's on your mind at 217 688 1433 yes, the agenda is quite radical and welcome to it this 80th episode of the six stage in a program today is August 16, 2024 is a current year. It's a Friday as usual and we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location where ladies in gentlemen You know if it ain't one thing. It's a mother fucking other as I said the wise man by name a Snoop dog Snoop dog is my favorite philosopher actually I'm kidding. That's a lie But you know We have been telling you we've had it ongoing thing with the studio basically being taken apart because there was these things called drain flies and Those those little creatures are like really nasty and Everything about them is disgusting. I'm not gonna do it to you today. I've talked about them too much already But they are like they're hard to get rid of and they're even harder to get rid of if the people who are in charge don't give a fuck Right with the people in charge don't give a shit if they're like yeah fuck you Cock sucker. I go home at the end of the day. You live with the fucking bugs kiss my ass. You then it's a whole not a level shit because You know say you get some say you bring some Produce home that has some you know drain flies got on it right they get into your house And as a mommy and a daddy drain fly and then they're like, oh, let's go fucking a sink or whatever and then they go make some baby drain flies Well, like if you see that shit and then you're like yeah, well, I'm gonna go fucking you know pour some bleach down the sink It's like no big deal. It's just you know You genocide them. They don't reproduce. You know You guys are familiar with this concept. I know and so once you've killed them all they don't reproduce and that's the end of it But if you're like if you're a slum lord, right if you're a complete piece of shit And you're like fuck these you know what the what am I gonna do fucking something for you for fuck yourself I'm gonna go home. I don't have to put up with this crap And that's your attitude on the world and the fucking property that you're supposedly managing well, you know It's a decidedly different. It's a decidedly more Complex affair because what happens then is they continue to reproduce much like other, you know parasites, you know, we all these lesser forms of life than you and me better out there. They're reproducing it. It's a complete fucking disaster They have to be stopped and it's the same thing with the drain flies, you know, vermin either way and so they're With them though, they breed a lot faster than you know, even Mexicans. I mean, they're completely fucking nuts and so You know if you have a place such as the one in which I now live Where you have a it's this is a three-story building We have common showers and common sinks it basically came here after I got out of prison because it was like cheap And you could get it you could pay by the week it was a low barrier to entry, okay? It's it's not cheap as a matter of fact It's the low barrier to entry that you're end of paying the premium for most people don't stay here very long I'm an idiot apparently so anyway uh The So you've got three floors and they have you know sinks and showers on each floor And I don't know we I haven't actually spent any time on it on the third or bottom floor So I can't tell you how many drains or sinks are down there But I know up on here. We've got one one two three four sinks for toilets and four showers and so let's just say that you've got a dozen drains And And so the bugs they don't stay in one drain, you know, they're like they're like every other parasite that they They get into everything they can you see what I'm saying they migrate You know, they they're big proponents of immigration drain flies it tells you that you know, you know, they're obviously Democrats And so they migrate and then they go in other drains and then they fuck and then they create more fucking drain flies and then and then basically They're infesting the whole fucking house And they and they don't they don't stay in the drain of course their flies They have to get their fucking wings, uh, you know, dried out or whatever so they they travel You know, it's the whole it's part of the immigration process And so uh they get into fucking everything and if you don't do something about them like you can't leave it You can't leave a beverage out you can't leave food on the table And so I've been barking at these people we had this problem last year And I was like hey do something about the fucking flies will yet and they just didn't do it and winter fucking like it didn't you know End them it didn't genocide them like you're supposed to do it just they stay they they I don't know exactly what they I don't know what they fucking do with the wintertime if they're bears they hypingate I don't know I didn't check that part But after they got cold outside then there's no flies and I'm like okay fine Well of course as soon as the summer got here I see this fucking things again And I'm like hey you got to do something about these fucking cocksucker's I'm not gonna deal with the shit for another summer You you waited until winter killed them last time no fucking way And what they've been doing it became obvious last month What they're doing is they're bullshitting me and fucking like putting it off and delaying Knowing that eventually winter's going to get here and they'll get away with it And this drove me completely out of my fucking mind and like I get it up yelling at the the woman who was the primary onsite manager Like we had a telephone conversation we were like cursing at each other And She's like yeah, we're gonna spray we're gonna spray for bugs soon don't worry about it I'm like I know what you're talking about they wanted the last time I I really lost it on them I sent in a maintenance request and I and I went off on them like you gonna do something about this I'm not gonna wait for you to wait until winter And she calls me up and she's like look you know flies There's just like a part of you know life in New Hampshire. I'm like no they're not as a matter of fact Okay, I know what these things are it's even in correctional facilities for flux sake This is not a part of life in New Hampshire. This is not like fruit flies. You left an apple out. This is something different And she kept kept calling them fruit flies and like they're drain flies. You know what they are you've seen these things every year for years And so She tells me oh well they they come by I don't know once or twice a year to like spray Shit on the floor they killed roaches, okay You've been a building with this many people especially once like a low-income place like a certain number of roaches are effective Like there's nothing you could do about it and yeah If you don't feed them though the roaches are not you know they go where they're fed right You know, but if they if other people are feeding enough of them then you know they get they get hungry They start going out on expeditions and shit and then you'll start seeing them Say like yeah, we're gonna go see if you when I bitched about the drain flies again I'm like she's like yeah Take all the stuff away from your walls to feet and then Mary will come and she'll spray your room for bugs And I'm like to stop that you spray on the floor to kill roaches It's not going to stop the flying insects that are coming out of the drain and you know that So like don't waste my time make me take my whole studio park So that you could do this to one room of the house and accomplish nothing in the process and then come back when you spray the whole house So I have to do this again and I went and I got like all this like retail crap from the supermarket I'm spraying fucking fly killer around here I end up this whole fucking place stinks of bug repellent it and a fucking And I've got you know fly corpses all over the place. So I'm like okay now I got to take the whole fucking thing apart just to clean up the fucking mess. I made killing them But you're not getting the source so they're gonna keep on coming in a fucking loser my mind with them So they do they come around the they do the roach spraying all over floors And that is effective for the roaches. They did like I haven't seen a roach since they did that but the fucking flies still come And in my room. I don't have a I don't have a window. I don't have an air conditioner It gets fucking hot as fucking here and so like I try to leave the door open But now I can't do that because of the goddamn flies they come into the room And Cleaping the door closed doesn't prevent them from coming in at all. It just reduces their volume very substantially So after they did the the bug spraying I I sent them What I've called a strongly worded letter. It was a format it as a maintenance request To say hey, you know what? As anybody who had ever googled this fucking term with no Spraying roach killer on the floor did nothing to stop the fucking flying insects coming out of the drains And uh this uh this way became something of a rant it went on for a little while. I've already shared Um a pdf of this with a few people in the inner circle group on telegram if you're like a financial supporter You haven't seen this yet. I can pass it to you, but I'm gonna read it out loud um Find the damn thing The uh you might notice there's there's still a little background noise Here I don't have the the noise gate connected yet That thing was like a complex device, you know, I've got basically I've got the wires connected But getting the audio levels right is something that That I never actually figured out how to do it. I just kept on turning the dials until it was like okay Let's do that. Maybe we should like weld these knobs where they are and I did not do that And it's unfortunate that I didn't because the knobs got all knocked around when I was moving things so the the we'll have the um The gate expander compressor Available on the uh on the sound system next week And so then uh, I'm just gonna have to deal with the sound of my fans a little bit So let's pull this thing up. I got the cine folder letters letters. There we go One of these days, you know, I've uh, you know when I when I put the amp when I put the MP3 out for the podcast You know, I got these like ID3 tags they call them if you see like um Information in text on your MP3 player when you play it. That's the ID3 tags And so like I've got a few of those um tags like saved as XML files that I you know one of the one of those for the radical agenda One of those for surreal politics podcasts one of them is for the surreal politics member show, etc like that I've got a um I've got an ID3 tag where the album is called the chorus bottoms of Christopher Cantwell And I think that's going to be pretty interesting one of these days, you know, I I mentioned in the the piece words as weapons You know sometimes you know This stuff. I don't think I can release until the other person dies or whatever right um I It's on my to-do list say or get somebody to do it list To let go through all of these things and start trying to compile them into a book and or a um a compilation of audio recordings Because I got a lot of really interesting correspondence kids and here's just one sample of it. Let's see here Now the title of the maintenance request is the drain fly problem obviously persists and waiting for winter to kill them is disrespectful and unacceptable Submitted August 15th by Christopher Cantwell in the category general Ask anyone who bothered to google the term drain flies would obviously would would consider obvious spraying roach killer on the floor has done absolutely nothing to mitigate this perennial nuisance Uh, I'm gonna say so and so whenever I have to mention a name here, okay, because they don't You'll hear during the course of this that I have actually had a non disparagement agreement with these people That I signed like an idiot when I moved in here. We'll talk about that later So and so knew that very well when she made that preposterous statement to me over a month ago Since this has been going on long before I moved in in December of 2022 In all my years of touring hellholes like jails and prisons I've never once seen such absolute disinterest in if not enthusiasm for the suffering caused by the mismanagement of a building It's as if to say if you're dumb enough to pay me while I abuse you this way you deserve it scumbag take that Whoever's in charge if you don't understand the severity of this problem you need to get here yourself If you haven't seen much of the way of complaints about it from the other tenants That's because almost nobody here even has heard of this app If they moved in after it was no longer useful and mandatory for paying the rent Forget just a moment about my complaint about what these pests have done to my room Despite my refusal to feed the damn things. Let's talk about the common areas Every morning when I go to brush my teeth. I'm sworn by insects. I gag every single time I now bring bug spray and electric fly swatters with me just to reduce the thickness of the swarm So and so literally tells me to put up with this because flies are just a part of being an adult in the state of New Hampshire I've lived in New Hampshire for over a decade. This is absolute nonsense So and so tells me that she has this problem in her own home and does nothing about it That renders her absolutely unqualified to run anyone else's property Anyone who does put requests him through here can look forward to being Admonished by the people on site as I was long ago And then enduring their dirty looks after like there's some kind of snitch It's obvious that the goal here is to lie and delay until winter kills the flies like they have been doing since before I became one of your transiting guests now the transient guest thing I should point out So landlord typically has obligations and They're always trying creative ways to avoid them And the one of the creative methods that they have for trying to avoid those obligations here is by calling us transient guests I have a three-month lease on this place every time it comes up I don't technically renew my lease what they actually have me do is sign a paper That says I hear by vacate the premises and abandon all property So technically I'm never here for more than three months, okay? And You know now when I first saw this I was like what are you talking about? I'm not abandoning all of my property And they were like look, you know, if you want to take all this stuff out of here and then move it back in you can But we're not gonna take your stuff And I'm like what the hell are you talking about They have they have you in any Legal fiction you're abandoning all your property. So you've moved out you have nothing here nothing here is yours And then you just move it in your stuff as yours again, okay? And you don't have to do any moving in and out They're just creating a legal fiction about it and they do this. So that's how they call you a transient guest and at least in their minds God knows what would happen if you tried to test the legal theory They can avoid the obligations of a landlord thereby And this was one of many things that I realized when I moved in here. I was like I'm getting myself into something It's uh, oh so um It's obvious at the goal here is to lie and delay until winter kills the flies like they've been doing since before I became one of your transient guests That is completely outrageous whether I live here or not. I will not tolerate the disrespect Nothing has been attempted to even pretend than anyone cares So and so says that she sprays the sinks if you pester her enough, but one that's obviously not true since I mitigate this madness And my own expense with retail crap in the supermarket and two a moment of researching the subject would scream in your face That this would help for no more than a few hours You have to stop them at the source you have to stop them in the drains. That's why they are called drain flies Or at least do some daily maintenance to slow them down Fly paper light traps vinegar traps the on-site management has been absolutely negligent in doing none of these things for years They blame the bad behavior of tenants and report to be powerless to spend ten bucks on simple stuff like that without raising the rent There's clearly some truth to the bad behavior people dumb enough to pay for this But it's actually no excuse for a responsible professional anyway When there's a problem the on-site management thinks having Mary scream about it in the hallways is somehow going to make Contemptable slabs care enough to clean up their mess How about checking the cameras once in a while? How about confronting the offender personally when you do instead of slipping a note under every door in the place making To monsterably unrealized threats of future enforcement of the basic rules of human decency How about charging the offender a clean up fee? How about having a responsible party on site to make meaningful use of such a fee kicking the slob out on his ass into the street where he belongs instead of accepting what can only be payment from the government to subsidize this menace More to the point so and so insists though she refuses to reply and writing That biological drain cleaner is some kind of unique peril to the delicate plumbing here It fucks up the pipes is the exact quote she used If safer all septic systems drain cleaner quote fucks up the pipes Then the pipes are already fucked up which is why I brought up the water problems at the beginning of my insistence at something be done more than two months ago More over the first results of a web search for this would say that you can alternatively use bleach This can be purchased for dollar 25 a gallon at the dollar tree Like I've been doing at my own expense when it gets bad enough that I pay to slow it down Bleach is not nearly as effective as the proper solution and must be done repeatedly as a consequence But at a buck 25 I figure my 225 dollars a week alone What's a cover doing this at least I don't know once or twice a year No attempt to even give the impureance of giving it damn has been made They plan to do this every summer from now until they get fired or the damned places condemned by the city Well, not on my watch a strongly worded letters all I can offer in defense against this outrage for now I understand very well the implications of the non disparagement agreement. I signed to move in Instead of running for my life at that glaring red warning light like any sane person not forced by the federal government would have upon seeing that bright amber glow But mark my art for words whether you kick me out in the morning or give me to deed in the afternoon I will not let you get away with doing this to human beings just to save a buck 25 I will use every lawful resource available to me from now until I'm physically stopped to make you understand the gravity of this crime that you commit every year You ought not underestimate the patience and determination of a ban who spent three years at a federal prison For defending the woman he loved from a scumbag Do the absolute minimum that your profession requires and just try a little bit to pretend that you are doing something to fix it And so that's my strongly worded letter. I think I think that was a pretty good. I Said to copy over to my PO and I said yeah, you know, this is uh this is kind of spicy He'd stop by as a matter of fact. He stopped by Wednesday during the day before the show And he saw that I had the whole place taken apart. He's like what the hell's going on? I'm like I'm like dude, you know, they they They had this problem with the bugs that yeah, I tell you you already know the story And so I talked to him about this for a little while. I was like Jesus. I can't believe they fucking do that and uh So I talked to him about this in my cow that that the situation I talked to you about it persists of course And so I fired up this letter to them, you know when I was when I first got on probation here The uh the PO I have a different PO than I had when I started and me and the first guy that I was on with like we had a really good report Like I actually I like like this guy like I would like hang out with him if if not for all the other static that you know, we didn't sue Um, but I used to send them I'm supposed to send I send them an email every Tuesday, okay That's my check-in like I don't have to go down to a probation office They don't you know he stops by once in a while You know, I get drug tested from time to time not so frequently, but they do it um and so like they uh But I send this basically check-in email every Tuesday and when I first started doing it I posted a couple of them to the telegram channels some of you guys have seen them. I've read a couple of them on the air You know what I'm talking about And uh, you know, I tried to make them creative like I don't you know, I don't know what you're expecting of me They're just like send me an email on Tuesdays Okay, what do you want me to tell you? You know, am I supposed what am I they give me no instructions So I'm just like yeah, here's what I thought sort of bunch of shit that happened last week I'd be like talking about the news or whatever and I put some effort into these emails And they had getting you know, the of course it's not the the PO is not the only one who reads them like the the uh, you know the boss reads them right And then they're like a subject of discussion around the offices what I come to hear so I actually kind of got a kick out of that I'm like, yeah, you know, I'm growing my audience a little bit right Um But so I uh I fired off an email to this guy because he now he was not really so interested to engage honestly right like he's like Yeah, I'm gonna stay out of your hair because uh, so and so tells me that you know, you're not a problem There's basically the relationship that I have with him of course, you know There's been times that you probably some of you have heard me say that like that's almost like a bigger pain in the ass Because like I gotta go like break his chops to get him to listen to me That one point I found out my emails are going to their spam trap. I'm like hey, you know I told you these people are malicious right like that's the new weapon is to you know It's not so new they've been doing after a long time But they've made it a lot worse in in recent years, you know spam traps fucking you know I'm a hundred that nobody will ever tell you this But I'm a hundred percent certain that can't well Christopher can't well and surreal politics and radical agenda are all scored as spam You know to some degree in Many popular male filters apparently including the ones used by the fucking federal government in the United States I'm talking emails that I send from my proton male account these are not even from the email servers for Christopher can't well that debt I send an email from my proton male account to my probation officer And my signature says Christopher can't well radical agenda surreal politics whatever That goes to his fucking spam folder I'm like are you out of your fucking minds go tell the IT guy to go fix it and they don't because it's the federal government Why would they? So you know, I'm like, yeah, I don't think it's worth the effort for me to go and write a thousand words for you every Tuesday Fuck off and so so like ever since then I just send an email that says status quo. It's basically just a proof of life You know, and it's it's not really proof at all I could easily schedule that email to be sent for the next 200 years, you know, supposing that proton male stays online But any case I'm like yeah, you know, I know you guys used to get a kick out of my emails But you know if you get a throw them in spam I didn't think it was worth it, but I just fired this one off. I think you might enjoy it And I sent that over to him and I said when I said it I I accidentally made a mistake I said yeah, it's spicy, but it's lawful well-reasoned and free of anything that can't be repeated on FCC airwebs And then I go back through it and I found out oh, that's right when I quoted the the woman She said it fucks up the pipes that I dropped some F bombs So hopefully I don't get in trouble for lying to a federal officer 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm all you talk to less I have to please you give us a call It seems to me that telegrams just not gonna work today guys. Sorry for the telegram stream. I tried it I did what I could But sometimes other people don't do their jobs and that just leaves me completely shit out of luck So not nothing to do about it Let's go check on our Odyssey chat. We talked to you guys those Odyssey guys. We like them Hang on a second. We'll go say hello some of you guys pay me once in a while and that's fucking fantastic Not today though Good to see you all. Thank you very much for tuning into the show Why don't we get into some news we gotta get to you in the news here Uh, let's see him Let me I'm gonna you know what let me play a quick clip and we'll come back and then I'll do some news okay um We will do uh what can we What can we do which one you want to do we'll do uh We'll do um I'm gonna get clips at a not 15 minutes long come on We'll do a shut up cancer boy. We'll do that with beer back I hope we can again rely on humility on our need to cooperate On our dependence on each other to learn how to trust each other again And by so doing better serve the people who elected us stop listening to the bombastic loud mouths on the radio and television and the internet To hell with them. Let's return to regular order. We are the servants of a great nation A nation conceived and liberty and dedicated to the proposition That all men are created equal that's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America What do you do you have to start getting out there you have to recognize that this is an emergency There is no deathile level higher than what we are facing right now You need to pull out all the stops get all the f-makes you can it is down to this because if we don't solve this peacefully There are no more hard hands So at one point the sorrows accept that we are in some way compelled to be defiled by our enemies at one point We reels at peace and marriage a credit competition I know what we're going on is some option at one point we think you're physically revolving Democrats and Communists The establishment they take the liberty So All right on with it. Oh Jesus Christ. That's coming to a little hot there going all right on with it. Is that better? Oh, it's still too hot. Oh, it's still too hot. No. All right good today is July 26 2017 it's a Wednesday where you're coming alive for my sorry choose for studio and getting your hands right I haven't had too much fun folks It'll be a long as how much fun I'm having over you Ha ha ha I had to say look here at the radical general ladies you gentlemen We try to focus our energies on defeating the left. That's the most important thing after all And you know for the most part that means defeating the Democrat party Since Republicans are the only force in America capable of stopping the Democrats at the ballot We've reluctantly accepted our role as partisans and try to best to obey Ronald Reagan's eleventh commandment This is no small task of course because the Republican party is full of globalist tools of the elite if you had no what I mean So let's start with something that I think every one of us would agree with Indeed he is Ha we really do try though And that's why when John McCain announced that he had brain cancer I celebrated privately instead of dancing on his yet to be dug grave like the Democrats who were too stupid to realize he works for them sadly cancer boy just can't help but continue punching right So now we have no choice but to verbally stop a mud hole in his tumor-inproved skull This tax and spend anti-white liberal just can't die fast enough if only Jared Loftner had a better understanding of how the world works Perhaps he could have removed that tumor the way he tried to remove Gabby Giffords John McCain is what happens with the Republican party mistakes illegal immigrants for natural conservatives And if the only thing that can stop John McCain's tenure in the US Senate is cancer Then I say we started a new type of cancer charity one that actually supports cancer As if the Democrats had not openly told the whole country that their purpose in intent was to resist the Trump administration This war-mongering neo-Con hack actually had to nerve to get up on the floor of the United States Senate and blame his own party for stall progress over appealing a replacement Obamacare He said stop listening to the bombastic loud noise on the radio television internet to hell with them Now the owner operations that statement is important If he had told the Senate to stop listening to the bombastic loud bouts on television One might assume he was talking about the fake news propaganda So keep insisting that the Russians trick me into voting for the greatest precedence at least Ronald Reagan It was rather specific and mentioned radio first because radio is the medium of the right So he had a words that is bombastic loudmouth like you've never heard anything else in your life Asshole the United States sonnet and a Republican party in particular can listen to us while we talk on a radio Or they can listen to us while we nail them to crosses Our countries being given away to lesser animals our economic incentives are breeding an infestation of parasites Which threatens the survival of our race and nation and against our better judgment We gave the Republican party one last shot the straight news mess out before we take matters into our own hands Repealing Obamacare was not just a promise made by the Republicans as they begged us to put them back into power It was the central focus of their entire campaigns In line with Trump's campaign promises they already abandoned repealing the most crucial part of the law The prohibition of discrimination against insurance clients with pre-existing conditions They have already abandoned defunding plan parenthood to the two and a half a billion dollars a year Which I remind you it's not only the nation's largest abortion clinic But also a communist activist organization that spent 30 million dollars trying to get Hillary Clinton elected So this bill is too far right for this mafric of the US Senate He actually had to nerve to tell us I voted for the motion to proceed to allow debate and continue amendments to be over I will not vote for this bill as it stands for a If repealing and replacing Obamacare Doesn't mean allowing insurance companies to function properly by refusing to cover the uninsured And if it does not mean defunding the lobbying groups who created it then what minor details does the Republican Party intent to alter If those minor details are too far right for the likes of John McCain then just what minor details does this malignancy ready to deal with He gets up there and tells us the success of the Senate is important We're talking about the survival of the market economy here We are talking about literally limitless amounts of suffering and loss of life as the man as the last major economy Would anything resembling a free market at health care puts it into what was left of our ability to fund prices in the medical marketplace This country is about to fall to single payer in a case you think that's a good idea I would remind you that when only one entity pays for something This eliminates competition for resources from which prices are formed When the entire global medical system is run by central governments prices for services will be decided by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Wars Which is to say by random guesses and kicksbacks to campaign donors The only silver lining to this black cloud of bureaucracy is that the regulatory environment destroying our medical system is probably what prevented a cure for cancer from being developed Let us take comfort in the fact that John McCain's cooperation with the left is gonna be what gets them killed Even if none of us ever get a clear shot at him. Oh, that was spicy All right, so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the radical agenda. Thanks for sticking with me through that little break there Oh, I got to turn my camera back on don't I I gotta say where are you there we go Hey Come back on there you are okay. There we go. All right. We're back 2176881433 like to be on the program and I'm more you told the less I have to so please to give us a call We got a bunch of stuff going on in the news today. None of it good Obviously goes without saying news is always gonna make you unhappy That's why we do it. We want to spread misery here on the radical agenda We want everybody to be as miserable as we are So let's get to it Loudon County police identify the amounts suspected of breaking into the Trump campaign office bet he's a swell guy Let's hear all about him The Loudon County Sheriff's Office has identified the suspect in a break in at Donald Trump's 2024 campaign office in Ashburn, Virginia as 39 year old Toby Shane Kessler. Oh no another Kessler caper dammit The Trump for president 2024 campaign office located in the 20,000 block of Ashbrook place Also serves as the headquarters of the Virginia 10th district Republican committee The break in was captured on surveillance video on Sunday August 11th Oh August 11th a Kessler's running around damaging shit sabotage you're not gonna This is starting to sound like a rerun kids So Showing Kessler forcing entry through a back door although the footage reveals Kessler's brief presence inside it remains unclear whether he actually stole anything Of course, huh? It's just like him go commit a burglary and just leave with nothing The LCSL announced that Kessler is wanted on charges of burglary under Virginia code 18291 Which prohibits entering a dwelling with the intent to commit larceny or other felonies LCSO released the following press release the Loudon County Sheriff's Office has secured a warrant for the arrest of Toby Shane Kessler 39 of no fixed address on the charge of burglary Code of Virginia 18291 entering Entering dwelling house etc with intent to commit larceny assault and battery or any other felony In connection with the break in at the local office of the Trump for president campaign in ashburn, Virginia on August 11th, 2024 The office in the 20,000 block of ashwork place is being leased by the Trump campaign and also serves as the headquarters of the Virginia 10th District Republican Committee The burglary occurred at approximately 8 11 p.m. and was captured by surveillance video inside the office The LCSO's investigation determined that Mr. Kessler forced entry into a backdoor of the location And spent a brief period of time inside before leaving he appears to have left nothing behind And is still unclear what it is still unclear what if anything he took with him the investigation is ongoing The LCSO is working with other law enforcement agencies to locate Mr. Kessler And is asking the public's assistance he is a white adult male just that demographic you know those people they're always in trouble And was wearing a he was wearing dark clothing a dark cap and a backpack when he entered the location Mr. Kessler has a history of criminal behavior and appears to have been in the Washington metropolitan area at least since 2018 He has a California driver's license. Well there you go. He's a Democrat. What did you think he was gonna do His criminal record um sorry ex-user that means Twitter account because we dead name that bitch over here ex-user twitter account freedom piper shed light on Kessler's extensive criminal past noting that his history of crimes dates back nearly a decade The suspect has been arrested for a variety of offenses ranging from assault and battery to robbery and grand theft often committed while out on bail for other crimes Why would you leave California you have it so good as a criminal there, you know You had Kamala Harris just straightening the whole thing out for you Then you want to go to Virginia go fuck around with those nice folks. You should have stayed there and robbed your fellow Democrats until you died of an overdose He has criminal record paints a disturbing picture of repeated failures in the justice system With numerous instances of Kessler being released only to reoffend shortly afterwards Here are his offenses for per freedom piper July 19th 2024 booked in Virginia for failure to appear on a felony charge April 29th 24 booked in St Augustine Florida for loitering fraud and impersonation May 17th 2019 booked in Coco Beach Florida for loitering and prowling May 15th booked in San Francisco, California for robbery possession and felony while on bail February 18th 2018 booked in San Francisco, California for a string of jewelry store burglary is totaling over $250,000 Mr. Kessler you stole $250,000 worth of shit from jewelry stores and your broke mother fucker who just trashes the camp the campaign office of the Trump campaign Drugs are bad them, okay February 16th 2018 booked in San Francisco for battery burglary grand theft resisting etc you got to put that at ceter in there because you got arrested for too many things at once I never been charged with it ceter before Okay, and I've been in some trouble, but I have never been once seen etc on on an indictment You know if you're getting indictment for it's if you're getting in trouble you're going to jail for etc man you don't fucked up November 24th 2017 booked in San Francisco for threats of violence battery on transportation personnel concealed weapon vandalism. Oh there's that word again, etc 731 2016 July 31st 2016 booked in San Francisco for exhibiting a deadly weapon in threats of violence booked in San Francisco July 27th 2016 for assault and battery on a person October 20th 2015 booked in San Francisco for assault and battery April 29th 2015 booked in San Francisco for exhibiting a deadly weapon in threats of violence April 28th 2015 booked in San Francisco for contemptive court uh Don't you say april? Oh, yeah, that is april four is april three is march so three 25 2015 march 25 2015 booked in San Francisco for contemptive court March 12 2015 booked in San Francisco for assault and battery you know what that was that's a domestic you could tell right there You got into it with the girlfriend of the boyfriend whatever you're into And they were like yeah, you got to stop beaten the shit out of your uh your sex partner And he was like then what the fuck am I having a sex partner for i'm not gonna beat the shit out of them And so they kept going back and then you know they put the bitch was probably sucking his cock But he's like yeah, I slap you around or whatever she likes it that way And then you know this happens all the time Anyway, I shouldn't get into I shouldn't say that uh A March 10th 2015 booked in alameda county for assault and battery uh alameda county california for assault and battery February 6th 2015 Burke booked in Berkeley california for threats of violence possession of a weapon on school grounds and exhibiting a deadly weapon So mr. Kessler as uh tends to be the case sounds like a swell guy um In and out of jail always um I'm not here in the part where he's like where there's convictions on all these i'm just hearing he's booked And um if if the guy is running around committing felonies And then he's not convicted of a felony and then he's showing up with guns and he's getting gun charges And he's not becoming of convicted felon then and i'm like yeah, well that'll happen, you know Just legalize misdemeanors. Fuck it man. We're just gonna we're just gonna go We'll be like listen everybody um law abidens that's santa edged stuff. Okay, we're not gonna aim for that anymore. Okay The expectations of the citizenry are that you will not commit a felony But if you do we'll just convict you of a misdemeanor. Okay your aspiring goal your aspiration As a citizen is to not commit felonies We understand that that's beyond you white man And so we're going to legalize the misdemeanors We'll just let you have run with those Steal up to nine hundred and fifty dollars, but not a penny more Well, we will charge you with a felony That said, you know, we understand That we've created a nation of criminals and so when we do charge you with the felony We'll eventually allow you to plead guilty to a misdemeanor Unless you piss off the Biden administration in which case there's no deals you understand you can Face the jury and the judge or you can become a convicted felon 2176881433 you like to be on the pagram and I'm more you're told less I have to so please do give us a call Yeah, mr. Kessler doesn't sound like a swell guy. I don't you know, he'd probably he's been sabotaging a trump campaign for who knows how long That Kessler guy Uh, I don't want to read that one screw that uh That might be interesting if we get to it um the secret service Ha, I get a fucking believe this nonsense I got three stories about the damn trump shooting, okay, and like it just you know Uh It's completely fucking insane So you might recall They got all bent out of shape because people noticed that there was a DEI program in a secret service and a president got a bullet across his ear Right Oh, wait a second. So we all told you that that DEI nonsense was gonna get somebody killed right and then sure enough Some 20-year-old kid with an AR 15 you think we're dumb enough to believe takes a shot at the president all by himself And we end up seeing a blood all over the place Yeah, maybe that had something to do with the DEI stuff Maybe it has something to do with the four-foot tall woman trying to jump in front of the seven foot man Just you know protect him from a being shot And I say hey you don't want to go back to the bed old days of sex testing do you that's the Olympics It's not actually from the trump thing but you get the idea they all have the same canned responses They come back and they're like hey listen I don't want to hear anything about efficacy don't tell me about the facts on the ground, okay? You fucking ideologue What really matters is that we put incompetent people into positions Specifically for their identities. It's a whole entire point if we put people with merit in the positions You would not know that they were there because of their ethnic or gender or sexual identity They have to be incompetent fools. They have to be incapable of doing the job. We can't allow Merit to be seen here because that would Not affect the conditioning appropriately And so Among the problems that you have with women in certain lines of work is that I don't want to call this a problem as a matter of fact as a matter of fact I think it's wonderful. It's the greatest thing about women and there's lots of great things about women But they get burnt to babies you see and not only do they get burnt to them, but then their breasts they swell up I mean, it's like they're nice to look at or whatever But the actually the reason is to feed the kids, okay? They're they're for feeding children you fucking perverts, okay? And so Uh, this woman apparently Is working the secret service detail for Donald Trump on a day that he gets a bullet You know hit him in the head, you know, it's not the skull, but you know You talk about bullets whizzing past your head. That means that you're not bleeding. You understand, okay? He got hit for Christ's sake And so it turns out that some broad who's working a trump detail walked away from her post To go breastfeed Now The sick fucking joke here The sick fucking joke here is that there's people who are like yeah, that's totally appropriate Because I'm an advocate for women you see You scumbag misogynist Nazi motherfucker you hate women because you don't think that a woman should walk away From her presidential detect protection detail To go put a titty in a child's mouth you hate women and children, don't you know You think I was fucking pissed off the fucking slum lord who subsidized that fucking insect infestation When I hear stuff like that man, I could fly off the fucking handle, right No cocksucker what I think is that she should be home taking care of a fucking child You know and that she should probably be 10 years younger before she has the first one. How about that Having running around taking bullets for the president of the United States. Fuck that stay home play with children, okay Much more fulfilling I promise But you know, I don't hold it against her that she's got to go feed her kid for fuck's sake I hold it against the federal government of the United States For saying I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead. I'm going to completely up and the performance standards here Because I want to set a goal of having 30% of the protection details covered by people with clitorises I think they might have you know used some other word, but you know They needed to say that they wanted women there and they don't know what a woman is And so they probably called out some body part so I'm thinking Because they're a bunch of fucking degenerates. That's what they are So she walked away from a fucking spot to go feed her kitty with a teddy And shockingly enough like that didn't work out very well didn't Now I'm not saying that she would have stopped the thing you know, I want her own Well, maybe she would have you know, I mean you know if she's got the kid there Maybe she actually wants to protect somebody there and it doesn't seem to me like most of the secret service did right Yeah, oh there's some fucking kid out here with a rangefinder go set the mom on them, okay Yeah, I don't want you to shoot my kid cocks sucker. I'm gonna make sure that fucking that fucking thing is found right away Far from me saying that you know, let me get be useful you ever try to find your fucking car keys Jesus You've been the idea how much of a fucking pain in that is if pain in the ass that is this single man you marry guys You know you've forgotten all about what that's like. I'm sure trying to fucking find your own goddamn car keys 2 on 7 6 8 8 1 4 3 3 you like to be on the program and I'm more you took the less I have to just please you give us a call So let's go to we'll read the story here. This is in the daily caller a A female secret service agent says Robert McGrievey over the daily caller Abandon her post to breastfeed a child right before president former president Donald Trump's North Carolina rally Wednesday Oh, this is not at the fucking one where he got shot Jesus. Okay. I I misunderstood this. This is in North Carolina But still as a matter of fact fucking all the more right Hmm The president's been shot psycho. Maybe you don't put the fucking press feeding mother there. Maybe you go put a bunch of like Single steroid heads there, you know, maybe you have a bunch of guys who uh, you know the boss, you know learn not to test them for performance enhancing drug sometime ago, right You're like after the president United States has taken a bullet to his ear. I got an idea guys. Let's double down on the DEI horseshit Jesus Christ Real clear politics Susan Crabtree reported The site agent in charge of security for the entire event found her breastfeeding her child in a room that was supposed to be set aside for the secret services official work five minutes before Trump's motorcade arrived according to Crabtree The woman who came from the Atlanta field office was in the room with two other with two other family members Crabtree reported she and her family reportedly bypassed the uniform division checkpoint and were escorted by a staff member Who was not cleared to be there to the room according to Crabtree secret service agents secret service spokesman Anthony Gugliel me Told Crabtree the incident did not affect the event. No, it didn't affect the event at all Because when we put these DEI slabs in their fucking slots We just end up spending more money, right? We go and we put people there who can do the job And then we put the breastfeeding mother there to make it look like we're fucking on board with the project But all we're doing is wasting your fucking money and trying to get the kid hurt Quote all employees of the US Secret Service are held to the highest standards He said while there while there was no impact at a North Carolina event the specifics of this incident are being examined Given this as a personnel matter. We are not in a position to comment further Gugliel me told Crabtree You know, I love hearing this shit from the federal government We can't talk about it because it's a personnel matter Yeah, well guess what mother fuck what the fuck is the point of you come into the office to testify about anything What the fuck did I have you put your head on a Bible for and swear to tell the truth if you get to be like Yeah, you know what it involves human beings. I can't talk I'm not gonna snitch on my friends, you know, what the fuck is that? The incident occurred a little over the month after a would-be assassin shot Trump in the ear during a Butler Pennsylvania rally on July 13 in the wake of the incident critics have scolded the Secret Service for their unpreparedness former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheetle resigned her post after succumbing to outside pressure July 23rd of this year Which was the least that she could do. I made it to an improve matters any because my understanding is the fucking shit out who found himself in that slot Was actually like the subordinate who was responsible for the whole thing right Hey fuck what you know you're fucked this up promotion buddy Moving on up huh 2768 1433 you like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to So please do give us a call. Let's check on there's another Secret Service story I got you So you know if you if you're at all skeptical of the Secret Service You know if you're at all skeptical of the federal apparatus at all You might say like look. Let's just get rid of it. Let's let's let's not indulge These nonsense ideas about This one of that one has no political opinions. Okay, let's just skip let's just spend with that because it's a fucking lie and everybody knows it okay Why don't we make sure that we understand the biases of the people who are working for us and put them in positions that are appropriate for those biases So you know have Republicans protect Donald Trump Preferably non-Jewish ones who don't like Bill Crystal or whatever, you know How about you don't have fucking Mitch McConnell's fucking nod you know half Asian fucking stepchild whatever to fuck you know slave whatever you call them Whatever they buy from those fucking people When you buy like a Chinese wife and you fuck her and she produces a child is the child's a slave to or just a wife I don't understand how that works actually But anyway Yeah It's just like it makes sense No, no, no, we're the secret service like we're not political you understand we just protect the president of the United States Okay, well, I don't buy that because you could have done a better job in Pennsylvania and you could have Put a bunch of like trained killers to protect the president in North Carolina But you sent a breastfeeding mom to take her to the out in a room with a bunch of people who would not authorize who got past the checkpoint Anyway, so what the fuck you talking about you can't be trusted okay And if you thought that that was bad, it's just gonna keep on getting worse because now what they're doing because you know Biden's such a swell guy, okay, Biden's like you know what man. I'm gonna die pretty soon anyway I don't even know where I am half the time. Why don't you take parts of my secret service detail apparently Headlined at the Washington examiner secret service pulling from Biden security team to protect Donald Trump report Emily Halas over at the Washington examiner informs us thusly the secret service allegedly pulled from president Joe Biden security detail To add protection for former president Donald Trump after he narrowly escaped an assassin The decision to reduce a sitting president's detail was unusual but necessary According to a report from the New York Times and you understand that for you know for the Democrat party You know the New York Times is basically it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a Daily Bible essentially, you know, it's the it's the it's the doctrine of the faith Published daily With Biden relying on security for fewer events as his pace slows I think you mean his breathing The secret service felt it was safe to shift agents temporarily to protect Trump Donald Mehalik who worked for the secret service for two decades before retiring in 2019 offered further insight into the decision Mehalik said the agency's methodology is flexible and made to address known and unknown threats The steps the secret service is taking are a natural part of its asymmetrical approach to assure there no fail mission is fulfilled Yeah, I don't know about that friend Depending on how you define failure that might be a few in the history of his country, you know The imbattle agency faced heavier scrutiny after it failed to stop Would be a assassin from opening fire on Trump during an outdoor rally in July While secret service agents were made aware numerous times of the massive security threat prior to the shooting a gunman shot Trump killed one spectator and seriously injured two others After facing heavy pressure to resign Kimberly Cheato the agency's head stepped down last month Trump has not held an outdoor rally since the July debacle but the secret service announced plans to provide additional security Should he decide to do so ballistic glass which is designed to repel bullets will be used at outdoor rallies in the future A bipartisan congressional investigation is underway along with the FBI scrutiny into the attempted assassination The Washington Examiner reached out to the secret service for a comment But apparently hasn't gotten one yet And so you know, we're like yeah look Trump I understand you know People shot at you and that's gangster whatever and we understand that's because we gangster too And so we're just gonna send some of this guys guys to take care of you, okay? Like yeah, but I'm pretty sure that guy had something to do with it You understand and these guys are like these guys who run around with him with guns all the time And I don't know if I feel good about that. He's like yeah, don't worry about it We got them in this pregnant broad the pregnant broad, you know, she's not you know She's not gonna let them do anything to you Jesus fucking christwee Now And that'd be bad enough right you just like yeah, you know what you're in a bunch of incompetent ideologues Oh, I fucking sacrificing the life of the president of the United States In order to like it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a human sacrifice fundamentally. It's you know, it's like like savage you know Savages, you know, they're like they're like human sacrifice religions and stuff They go and they'd be like yeah, a collie ball and they take your heart out and shouldn't and they give it to the gods I don't know exactly their recipe You get the idea to do that here in America now because they're fanatics Um And that's bad enough right but then like you know Afterwards they're like yeah, well, you know If we get caught we're gonna get a lot of trouble. We better start destroying evidence is what ends up happening And so that's what they do and so I couldn't believe this they fucking read this Uh congressman blasts FBI for releasing Thomas Crooks's body for cremation days after the Trump shooting I'm trump the congressman describes this as unheard of Now I don't know if it's unheard of and not I mean, it's not every day that somebody takes a shot at the president. So, you know And I don't know. I mean, what are you gonna get from the body? I'm not sure But I'll tell you what how about you fucking wait and find out how about you bury the fucking thing and don't set it on fire Okay, hey, you're the parents of this kid you want to go bury your son fine, okay? We're gonna pop him up full of fucking famaldehyde So if we forgot anything we could go back and get it all right They fucking they're gonna go set the fucking thing on fire, okay? I don't believe your bullshit to understand me and now you're telling me that you're fucking setting the evidence on fire And Louisiana rep clay higgins he has a similar attitude about it He has blasted the FBI for releasing attempted Trump assassin Thomas Crook Thomas Matthew Crook's body to his family for cremation days after the shooting Calling a disturbing that the agency would impede further investigation The Republican congressman said he discovered that Crook's body was handed over to his family when he requested to examine it during his visit to the Butler Pennsylvania rally's rally site to investigate the shooting Quote my effort to examine Crook's body on Monday, August 5th will cause quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact The FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after July 13th Higgins wrote in the report to the July 13 task force A bipartisan committee organized to investigate the security failures around the shooting On January 23rd Crooks was gone nobody knew this until Monday, August 5th Including the county corner law enforcement sheriff, etc So like his a thing all right, I'm perfectly happy to accept it like yeah the medical examiner took the fucking guy apart Is you know, let's get the you know the parents they're not you know and if they bought the gun but whatever you know You got to get these parents their kids that they could put them in the ground. You don't want them stinking up the fucking place. You know what you know But sorry asshole like we don't trust you you understand you're lying all the fucking time And then you're like always the body of the guy that you killed and said case closed Oh, yeah, we set that on fire yeah We took it out into the ocean and covered it in a shroud and threw it in the ocean so that the other terrorists wouldn't get upset when we killed A some when we when we killed a song of bin Laden We didn't want anybody to go to some of bin Laden's gravesite and say a lot of walk bar, okay? So we put him in the ocean and of course we didn't let you see the body Because we're not a bunch of morbid freaks who would do something like that. We just run around the fucking world murdering everyone who takes off the Jews Well fucking shit Did they do the same thing with Epstein's body? I bet I don't remember like what the the story was with Epstein's body How much you want to bet Epstein's bodies like a it's it's allegedly a pile of ashes somewhere Yeah Jeffrey Epstein oh up in smoke no, he's no way to be found You're never going to exume that body and discover that we lied to you you understand All people I don't know I should probably I should probably should have looked this up Like what kind of like numbers of people are cream is that um like I think I think most people get buried right Let's we talk about be in dead you're talking about being buried right You know Why is it that whenever something has like evidentiary value they got to set it on fire. Why is it only when that happens? I you know, I don't know Higgins described the FBI's actions as an obstruction to any following investigative effort Higgins claimed that while the body was under the Butler County coroner's authority the corner could quote have never released Crooks's body to the family for cremation or burial without specific permission from the FBI The four term congressman said he wanted to examine the body to know 100% if the coroner's report and autopsy were accurate We will never actually know yes We'll get the reports and the pictures etc But I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body he added Along with revealing their disturbing fact of Crooks's body Higgins blasted the FBI for its handling of the crime scene stating that law enforcement agency released the area after three days The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene which is unheard of Higgins wrote cops don't do that ever Quote I interviewed several first responders who expressed everything from surprised to dismay to suspicion Regarding the fact that the FBI released the crime scene so early after j 13 Higgins son It should be noted that the FBI was fully aware of the fact that congress would be investigating j 13. Yeah, no shit. You don't say The FBI does not exist in a vacuum They had to know that releasing the j 13 crime scene would injure the immediate observations of any following investigation Higgins found that the 20-year-old shooter had quote perfectly positioned himself on the roof to minimize the threat of counter fire from the ground on the US secret service counter sniper teams Crooks effectively minimize the skyline to profile of his head and upper body he wrote He fired eight shots before a butler SWAT operative shot back with the bullet believed to have damaged the buffer tube on Crooks's AR Higgins said The 10th and I believe final shot was fired from the United States secret service southern counters sniper team The report stated Which according to my investigation entered somewhere around the left mouth area and exited the right ear area Crooks's bullets struck three rally goters killing Cory fighter Cory compatory 50 while severly severely injuring David Dutch 57 and James Copenhagen 74 One bullet drake graze trumps right ear drawing blood before the 45th president was secured by the secret service agents Now like I said I'm not saying that this is proof of anything but like Yeah, okay. Hey FBI You think that you're gonna be the last say on this thing. I'm sure you'd love to be uh Why didn't you like that you cock suckers, huh? You know it'd be a hell of a thing If I you know At that big show it's the thing that went down there in August, you know If basically they were like hey, all right. We heard you guys have been committing some crimes Why don't you go Investigate yourselves and let us know what happened and whatever you don't think is pertinent you just go ahead throw it away, all right That That would most certainly have produced a more meaningful investigation than one that in fact transpired at that event I'm not saying, you know, not saying what And of course it would have produced a much more of thorough investigation than it's now being made into the Trump matter Because like we're actually like inquisitive curious people. That's how we know that you know, Jews are dangerous But the FBI is not Inquisitive at all they're basically like how do we get enough things together that we could tell 12 fucking registered voters at this guy did it And they you know they have some very accurate if Unflattering estimation of the average humans intelligence and so they operate on that standard Instead of you know On the basis of trying to do the right thing And that's why you can't trust them for anything you know They go and they're like okay, I got an idea guys We're gonna come put the president's life in danger. We're gonna put a breastfeeding broad in the goddamn protection detail We'll go put the kid in danger. Hey bring your fucking teddy feeding child with you to the scene where we're expecting the guns Okay, honey You come there you put the teddy in the child's mouth. It'll be a big bold statement for you ladies Ray tries to undermine him in front of the US House of Representatives has anybody in a position of authority gone and fucking taken apart the Chris Martins and video that we played on here Why do I hear different gunshots From different locations And now you're telling me That three days after the incident knowing that the Congress is running their own investigation They're like yeah get this fucking corpse out of here guys, okay? Get the fucking body out of here. What they're gonna set it on fire good. Fuck them Just go burn it just set it on fire go go give us the ashes. We'll search through those I got an idea because somebody proved to me that there's a guy in this world named Thomas Matthew Crookes can somebody do that No, you can't as a matter of fact because there isn't one. He's not buried anywhere He's been supposedly incinerated his ashes are scattered all over the fucking beach by his house his mother's distraught over it You had your fucking mind You can't even show me the body of the killer. I don't even get the fucking find out if you're telling me the truth that he's existed much less dead How do I know that Crookes is not that Thomas Matthew Crookes is not fucking living it up with Hunter Biden somewhere You know that that didn't happen because the FBI told you and the FBI is the their whole entire thing is fidelity bravery integrity that you can't question their integrity. They're the FBI Yeah, well Just gonna be one of those things that I disagreed with the federal government on I guess There's a few of those you might have heard had my disagreements with the United States I am Winston sends over a hundred bucks. Hey, thank you very much Winston He says have you tried boric acid powder Mixed in with a food source to get rid of the drain flaws Works well with getting rid of roaches and ants just mix borax and a little cap with a food source and put it where animals can't reach it Repeat until they're all gone Well, you know what I actually did. I got boric acid like a boric acid powder And I was like okay, you know what I'll do. I'll put this and now I never heard of trying to use it for the flaws I didn't think of that. I might pour some of the shit down the drain. We'll give it a shot because I got a bunch of it And I put at what was the other one some kind of earth what is uh Diver something Something I'm literally gonna do a web search for diver something earth No, yeah, that's like a that's not gonna give me what I want, you know Wait, what's that it's like bedbug killer earth It's uh Diode a diatic Macious diatomaceous earth. So I got boric acid and I got diatomaceous earth And I was like yeah, I'm gonna fucking put this shit I'll put this shit all around like the edges of my room Because I thought it turned out they weren't bedbugs. I got scared because we got a new kind of repair Apparently there's like different species of cockroach. I you know, I wasn't familiar with how diverse The cockroach community is it's not like blacks. They're very diverse the cockroaches They're like they're more like Hispanics That's not I didn't say that that was Jill fucking Biden said that okay, stop picking on me I'm just saying so I saw a roach. He didn't recognize. It's like what the fuck I've been stomping out fucking roaches You you're a completely different animal and so I'm like is that a fucking bed bug And I panicked, you know So it's like bed bugs like the fuck and so I went I got I got the boric acid for the roaches and I got Diatomaceous earth for what turned out not to be bedbugs And I was like yeah, I'm gonna put this shit all around like the the edges of my room or whatever And oh my god, what a fucking nightmare that turned into that was actually the it was that was why I had to fucking Take the whole fucking room apart, okay? Because it didn't like just Yeah, it didn't just like Lying the corner of the room my room became like in you know contaminated by the shit And then like I started getting like itchy. I'm like, oh this shit is like a skinnier attempt or something and and I don't know which one it was But that this is what transpired that I was like I does the first time in the last week or so Whatever that began the process of be dismantling the studio I had like been spraying bug spray and I got fly corpses all over the place like I fucking you know The the hot shot spray crap it dries up in like these little balls. It looks like you got like like little white like It looks like you've been doing cocaine all night or something and somebody fucking was messy, right? Yeah, I don't know if you guys know about that don't don't don't try it But you get the idea that they I got shit all over fucking place from the bugs in the bug spray And so I'm like I gotta take this fucking place apart. This is what it why I did it um I don't know about like I know I've seen the boric acid is like the shit that they use for ants and roaches Like I've used boric acid traps for like uh or baits for ants many times Like I had carpets or ants in my place in keen those fucking boric acid traps. I got the little liquid ones They come take like a little drink of sugar water from there and fucking they're all dead. It's over. Fuck you ants And I don't hate ants near as much as I hate drain flies. So I hope that this fucking shit is painful as fuck for them, you know So I haven't tried I haven't tried that I might I might just go ahead give it a shot I've got a whole bunch of this stuff and I don't think I'm gonna use it in any other ways Some others will give it a give it a shot So thank you for that my friend um Yeah, uh christian Steinberg on Odyssey. He says uh fire button, you know Those of you who are not gonna be as cool as Winston send me a hundred bucks Maybe you just hit the fire button. Maybe you just say yeah, you know what This show is not absolute crap. I can put in that much effort to hit the fucking fire button That'd be nice. Yeah, you know what I mean So go ahead do that and if you want to really step up you gave me fuck you pay me, you know what I'm saying You go over there. You know I've seen a good fellas movie, you know Fuck you pay me. Yeah fuck you pay me give me your fucking my money Your money. I'm the one working here to fuck And Despite all this shit. I think we actually did a pretty good show today So I want to I just bow out with dignity before I fucking jump to shock, huh? So we'll call tonight Thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda if you do want to pay me I'm not actually telling you to go fuck yourself, but you know this is there's a joke you see I'm saying If you want to fuck you pay me Uh, if you want to fuck me pay me you could do that too like I'm single You know depending on who you are we can talk about it just you know Christopher catwall that net slash contact You could you know solicit me for sex if you want Um Don't get any fucking ideas. Some of you get it. You know anyway. I'm not gonna say it because you're a bunch of fucking degenerates And I want to feed you a sick minds But I've already done too much If you want to pay me okay, then you can do that. It's very it's easier to pay me than it is to fuck me as a matter of fact If you go to Christopher catwall that net slash donate you'll see all the shit I'm just making so easy to pay me, you know, it's a lot easier than fucking me just give me the money Go to Christopher slash donate and then you'll see like my bitcoin and my manero and my ethereum all of my Uh, public keys for my crypto stuff You'll see the link to the gifs and go which by the way is gifs and slash spm like surreal politics media That'd be great And you can even do on you know, it's the gifs and go thing is nice because like you can send me as much money as you want Which are like credit card and you can even make it a recurring payment if you want So if you want to give me a hundred bucks a month or something like that And then like I would like actually fucking pay attention to you and stuff that would be fucking awesome Go ahead do it But if you just want to send me some money like that I can spend right away like I got the cash app You just hit that cash app over boom. It's like right there. It's it's it is what it said is that it's the app That functions like cash. It's a really great except that except that you could send me money from fucking You know the other side of country boom again a snap of a of a of a of a sniper's gun or whatever You could do it in the time it takes for the uh for the supersonic crack To for the for the report of the gun to catch up with the supersonic crack. I mean that's how fast the money travels When you use the uh the cash app thing. I mean it's run by the same crux who do stripe and um uh not striped square So you know it eventually you'll be fucked and you'll have to stretch switch over to strike payments Which you should you know you should probably get that thing But it works for now and it makes it very easy for me to uh receive uh your funds and put them to um Meaningful use and so please go ahead do that in any way you see fit you could send me stuff including checks precious metals Love letters Christopher cat well 497 hook set road unit 312 Manchester New Hampshire 03104 That's hook set HOKS ETT there's two T's in there Unit 312 497 hook set road Unit 312 Manchester New Hampshire 03104 you just send it over to all your humble court respond it by name And I'll receive it now, you know, if I keep it up if there were a road away it depends on you know what you send me You know so send me some good I guess okay And uh and if you do you'd be kind of cool if you gave me like a contact information I could send you a message Like hey, thanks for the for the You know, whatever it is. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna guess what you're gonna send to me. There's thousands of you listen to this out the fuck do I know it's gonna happen so All right, so you guys have yourselves a wonderful weekend. I hope that you do I hope that uh everything goes well for you and that you're not fucking swatting bugs or anything like that And if you are just make sure that you're fucking you know just just try to find some inspiration in it. You know what I mean? Get angry go say something mean, you know, it's a good time Sometimes it's all you can do all right, so you guys have yourselves a wonderful weekend. We evening have yourselves a wonderful weekend I will see you Monday and Then of course we do Monday we do I say fuck much less frequently over there and I apologize every single time I say it on surreal politics for the Monday show and then on Wednesday we do the surreal politics Monday the members only show I think did I just say membership the Monday show is the public surreal politics show It's much like this one you can call in and stuff like that You won't because you know whatever it's over nobody wants to listen to me much. Let's talk to me But you know you get the idea you have that option on Monday And then like if you're like one of those few people who actually pays for your entertainment then on Wednesday You can like hang out for the whole thing like we just have like a discord you can chime in whatever you want It's pretty cool the member chats are great And then on Friday Same time same channel Oh, I word is you picked this fucking thing up. There's lots of ways to do so I'm not gonna list them all I'm calling in a night. All right, so you guys have yourselves a wonderful weekend get the fuck out of here already That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America You know what you call people you can't call two enemies And if we want to divide our society Arms camps for them Oh, you're gonna be kidding me you fucking you fucking killed my fucking exit music like I was just about the fucking goddamn app crash I just need you to play to fucking MP3 file. You're like in the middle of Jordan Peterson's in the middle of fucking sentence You're like that's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America You know what you call people you can't call two enemies and if we want to divide our society Arms camps for them to see all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing A radical agenda of the event is turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radicalism The only thing they do Not their bad act They want to do this ramp their radical agenda down your throat This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things to the country You know they try and build a light here It's not a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. It's called the second amendment You