I will acknowledge in advance that the audio quality today is absolutely terrible. And I'll tell you a little bit more about that once we get started, which is going to be pretty much now. So let's go make sure our video streams are online. And that should be the case. All right. So there we go. That's going to, let's come on, talk stupid. All right, ladies and gentlemen. All right. Good. Fine. So my camera's fuzzy, my audio sucks. But we are connected. And that's what really counts over here at the Radical Agenda. I got a nice shirt on today. A full house guy sent this to me. Great guys over there at Full House. Thank you so much to Coach and the gang for getting that to me. So now let's go ahead and play some intro music and get this shit show on the road, shall we? That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda, the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing the radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know, they try and build a life here. One of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The second. All right. So agenda to show about timeless ideas and news of the day and whatever is on your mind usually a two on seven six eight eight one four three three. But as I announced right before the inter music began to play, I got some audio problems in the studio today. That's not unusual of course. It's kind of our signature thing. But I'm being told by libertariat in the in the Odyssey chat that the sound is fine on your end, but it's absolute motherfucking shit in my headphones. And basically I had to completely dismantle the studio last night. I have to dismantle it yet again tonight and hopefully with any luck, which means you shouldn't bet on it by the way. If I have any luck, believe me, somebody's going to fucking call the goddamn New York times. There's going to be a big story about that. What I mean to say is that I have to dismantle the whole fucking studio again this evening. And hopefully over the weekend we can get the fucking disaster that's straightened out. That is this fucking hobble that I live in. And so I'm very sorry for whatever quality issues you may experience and for whatever that does to my capacity to perform because it's driving me completely out of my fucking mind. And I'll tell you what it is. It's fucking ridiculous. I live in this fucking shit hole and completely outside of my control, there's there's common areas that are constituted the sinks and the showers and shit like this. If you've ever had drain flies in your fucking house, there are goddamn nightmare. I experienced this in a fucking Suffolk County New York correctional facility fucking back in the early 2000s. And I had never fucking seen anything like that anywhere else. I've been in other correctional facilities. They don't allow this to fucking happen, but they allowed it to happen here. And I went to them and I said, hey, they're just fucking flies or whatever. And they did nothing about it. They did this happen last year. And the only thing that killed them was the fucking winter. And so I came back to them at the beginning of the summer and I'm like, hey, do something about the fucking flies. I'm not going to deal with these things until next fucking winter. And so they're coming from an area of the house. It's not in my control, but they come into my fucking room. And like I think some of you, I think I mentioned it during one of the debate things, but like I was fucking spraying them. I'm doing shit to try to kill them in the room. And the other day I went so nuts that like I went to the store and bought like, you know, all types of sprays and shit like this. I've got the fucking little light trap thing for them. Yada yada yada. And then what ends up happening is, you know, I've got a room full of dead bugs on top of the fucking live ones that keep on coming in. And so like this place, I've got this little room with all of this shit in it. And it's not a small matter to give it like a thorough cleaning because then I've got to take everything apart to try to do that. And so like I did that last night. I have to do it again over the weekend because it's not done. And I had to get it reassembled before the show today. And then the thing is fucking fucked anyway. And so, yeah, the material says, I will burn a place down if there are drain flies. You know, I don't want to confess to like making my arson premeditated on the course of this broadcast, but believe me, it's crossed my fucking mind. It's disgusting. And it's like, you know, you live in a place like this one, they rent by the week. Okay. And so it's like, I'm not the only person who comes here fresh out of prison or off some other fucking problem. And you live in that place. Like, you know, you have to accept a certain number of roaches, for example. Okay. They don't really come into my room because I don't feed the fucking things. I write the roaches alike every once in a while you catch one scurry. I put out some baits or whatever. You know, I don't, they're a problem in the house, but not so much in my room because keeping the room clean keeps the fucking bugs out. It does not do that with the fucking flies. And like I could, I really, I'm having trouble containing myself. I'm not, I'm not containing myself, frankly, right? I'm not doing it because they're fucking disgusting. And there's nothing that I can do about it. And now I just went and like spent a bunch of money on like, I tell them to go do it. They're like, oh flies are just like a fact of life. I'm like, no, as a matter of fact, you stupid pieces. They're not. Not if not if I have a fucking place, not run by a slum lord, not if I have competent people managing the fucking building. And so like I went and I got, you know, pouring bleach down the fucking drains out there and bug spray outside of my room. I'm going out of pocket on all this shit. I want to fucking strangle these people about it. Get some perreterum from your local hardware store problem solve. Well I know that that chemical is in some of the sprays that I've acquired. I don't know if there's a concentrated form of it that I can make better use of. But like I buy what the fucking, I think that's in the fucking hot shot shit, right? That's in my fucking eyes are going. Oh, this is per methron and tetra methron and the other one, what's the other one? This one's got tetra methron and phenothridden. But it's all those, they're all the same classic chemical is my understanding. And I just, I think what I'm actually going to end up doing is I've been going out and pouring bleach in the drains out here. And then I think what I'm actually going to do is this weekend, I'm just going to pack up everything in here. I'm going to go put it into my storage in it. I'm going to set up bombs in the place. I'm going to fucking use the goddamn foggers. And I'm going to terrify that because when I have, I took the sprays and I'm like, okay, I'm just going to basically fog the room with the bug spray. And when I realize is that this is not just like some spray that evaporates and goes away, what it does is it like leaves white shit all over the fucking place. Like I've got these like specs of dried up insecticide all over my place on my bed and shit. And even if I kill every fucking bug in this room, if they don't deal with the source of the problem, they just keep coming. So I've complete, I'm really losing my fucking mind about it. It's driving me completely nuts. And then I, you know, and then there's the run of the bill routine signature fucking radical agenda technical problems like the stupid fucking asshole, faggot ass camera. They can't stay fucking focused for some fucking reason. I don't know what the fuck is going on. You know, put me in a courtroom full of fucking Jewish attorneys and let me out of it. I'm like, okay, you know, like I take that challenge and I'm like, come on, motherfucker, I know who my fucking enemy is and I just, you know, I go and I perform, you know. Make it just some environmental fucking disaster and I just don't know what to do. So anyway, I mentioned today in the blog post, you know, the issue of men dressing up as women to sneak into sporting events and gain unearned glory has reached something of a crescendo. It's one thing to see a high school boy join the girls swim team and make a full of his school administrators. It is quite another to have a man show up to an Olympic boxing match and beat a woman senseless. As if to drive home the point, Mark Adams, an international Olympic committee spokesman, said that we don't want to go to the quote, battle days of sex testing Olympic athletes. And as I heard this, you know, I thought to myself, you know, I felt a recall a time fairly described as old when this was even considered. The idea that you needed to conduct some kind of scientific process to determine if a person was a male or a female is a pretty new one, matter of fact. And it stems from ideological fanaticism by unenhanced and uninhibited extremists. Until pretty recently, women were women, men were men, and this was all quite uncontroversial. There wasn't much debate on the subject. It may have been the case that from time to time out of sheer want of undeserved glory. Some team might try to sneak a man onto a woman's competitive team. Maybe that happened. You didn't hear about it frequently for sure, but it was at least rather straightforwardly understood that this was cheating and the perpetrators perfectly comprehended that getting caught would be an embarrassment. But it would seem that some portion of our species has evolved out of that useful instinct we call shame. Hmm. They simply lack anything resembling that sense in the ongoing Olympic Games, not one, but two different males got into boxing rings with women and the unfairness of this has become a subject of some news coverage. Monique relief of Algeria and Lin Yuting of Chinese Taipei, otherwise known as Taiwan, both failed gender tests in prior Olympic Games. So they're like, yeah, let's just figure out if you're a man or a woman because this is what our world has come to. Boxer. Appropriately, since they are males, they were not permitted to compete against females. The organization making that decision has since been accused of corruption as everyone who tells the truth is at some point and has been replaced by another, which permitted this lunacy to go forward. Whether women should be punching one another in the face as crowd's cheer is in itself debatable. Perhaps one can make the case make sense of this other, I'm sorry, perhaps one can make sense of this otherwise lunatic behavior by calling a collective punishment for our lesser depravities, huh? Like drugs, one starts at one level and quickly finds themselves in the depths of despair. A few hits off a joint, but the kids after school spirals out of control until one is smoking crack and prostituting themselves while on the run from police. Man at some juncture abandoned their duties, they gave their women whatever they asked for, even when it was not in their interest. Equality? Shuhari, enjoy it. Then sweetheart, take a big whiff. You are not equal, but on your command, we shall treat you so nonetheless because you know what it's too much of a pain in the ass to argue with you. We've given up, don't you know? So feel free to put on those gloves and step into that ring with that man. And when, predictably, he beats you so badly that you literally throw in the towel, simply state your next demand and this too we shall grant. I predicted long ago that this gender lunacy was the proverbial straw that would in two cores break the egalitarian camel's back, debating feminism long before I had much grasp of the racial question I was told by a feminist that the racist too believed physical and genetic differences between the races justified segregation and discriminatory policies. I thought then that this was impossible. That would of course be entirely sensible and to my understanding, racism was born out of irrational prejudices and ignorance. Yeah, ignorance. You don't know what you're talking about. If only you were better educated than you wouldn't be a racist. Were at the case that blacks and whites had the sort of differences observable between men and women, then quite obviously this would have to be considered in public policy, hiring decisions and social science. I came to know later that this was indeed the case that a biological chasm exists between most notably blacks and whites, which makes the differences between the sexes seem slight by comparison to entirely different types of creatures, sharing in common just enough to interbreed, but by no means could they be described as equals by anyone who had observed so much as one day of their respective lives. Those who most vigorously deny the existence of any force they cannot control, most notably God, purport to know the origins of the universe. They purport to believe that Darwin's theory of evolution explains all that there is and yet reject the notion that biological organisms, sharing in a common climatic condition and gene pool, will in any number of years evolve differently than similar organisms inhabiting a different climate and sharing a different gene pool. Sure the African son made the black man black, sure it made his hair different, but safely within his skull resides the mind untouched by his circumstances, or so we are told. This has always been to preposterous for the thinking man to believe, thus we have created a global education system to prevent men from thinking. Yet here we are as a woman flees a ban and a combat sport begging for mercy. The referee complains a bigotry and the folks at home look on from their televisions in horror at the absurdity of all of it. One can hope that this overestimation, the leftist made of their own power, will serve to finally drive home the point, faced with the inescapable realities of the human condition, the average non-thinker sees that it is wrong for a man to beat a woman, whatever his attire is called a Nazi for the observation and is left to wonder if the Nazis are really so bad after all. If we can get people to see that segregating sports by sex is obviously just that perhaps we can make better sense of the what was once upon a time Negro leagues, which once preserved the integrity of European athletic competitions. If we can segregate our sports, perhaps next our water fountains and from there is just a hop-skipping a jump to the sanity of segregated continents. And so that's my little rant about that. You know, I could not believe that guy got on television. He's got a cabinet's face and microphones and there are people watching and without any shame whatsoever, he's like, we don't want to go back to the battle. There is a sex testing. Do you ever remember sex testing? Did anybody have to fucking figure out if you were male or female? I never fucking had that happen. I used to play football. I was on the wrestling team. As a matter of fact, it was a girl. It was a controversial thing at the time of my school. There was a girl who wanted to join the wrestling team and they were like, well, what are you talking about? There's no other girls for you to wrestle with. You'd be wrestling guys. Are you out of your fucking mind? And she's like, no, I suck half their cocks already. Like I definitely want to wrestle these guys. It's my idea of a good time. And so then it became just like controversy because you know, the guys are wearing these, like, you know, these tights or whatever. They wrestle the girl. They get an erection in the LA. They were embarrassed by this. And I'm like, you think that's embarrassing. You better fucking hope you don't get one wrestling dude. Which happened from time to time. And she predictably lost most of her matches. But you know what? She was actually a lot better than you might have thought. But she just had to fucking go join the boys wrestling team and wrestle the boys and you know, do what boys did. And she lost. She lost. That's how they treated it. Whether or not that's a great idea is debatable. But you know, at least you can make sense of what just happened. This fucking nonsense. The girls like I just couldn't take it anymore. I've never been hit that hard in my life. Yeah, that's exactly. That's why you don't fight men. That's why when I walk down the street and I see a man giving a woman a hard time, I feel compelled to intervene. I believe that by being a man of my society obligates me to the women thereof. Even if I don't know them, right? I gotta go white knight in a shit like this. You know, maybe I, you know, the fucking, the repeated misery that follows doing something like that might and do course train a man of that out of that instinct. But it's a healthy one if everybody's doing what they're supposed to do. Those of you who've been paying attention to me for a while, you'll remember the only time I have a drew my weapon on anybody. I was walking home from Ian Freeman's house at Key New Hampshire. I had late at night. I heard some guys yelling at some girls. And I said, hey, I'll better go make sure nobody gets hurt, right? And so I go over there. And I take out my camera phone just to keep an objective record of what's going on here. And they tell me do not, they tell me put your camera away. The men tell me this. Now, you know, I, you might know I've been to prison. Okay. And before that, I had been to jail a couple times. And so I understand criminals. They really don't like being recorded when they're committing crimes. And so I said, well, you know, I understand. I didn't say, I just said, no, I'm not going to do it. But you know, yeah, I understand you don't want to be recorded, buddy. That's why the cameras out. You understand? But I just said, no, I'm not going to do it. So what do you say? I said, I'm not going to do it. And these guys come on either side of me. They come like this like on either side to guys. And at the time that they go into either side of me, the broads, they come straight at me. I'm like, hey, fucking get the fuck away from me. I got to concentrate on this threat. These threats plural. I back up, back up, back up, back up. I got no way to go, but down like a dark alley and I decide, okay, that's it. You know, I got no choice but to stand my ground now because I'm not going back there with you fucking lunatics. And I pulled out my gun. And it was a good thing that I had that camera running because the police took one look at that video and they were like, yes, as soon as you took two steps backwards, you exceeded your obligations for self defense in the state of New Hampshire, Mr. Kent. Well, if you had blown that man's brain out without taking one step back, you'd have been just fine. At point being, you know, that was it. And I'll tell you what, they scared they're living fucking shit out of me doing that. You know, I didn't think I was going to, I was like, what the guy's going to make me kill him. I said, don't move. He's like, you're not going to shoot me, bro, you're not a cop. I'm like, oh my god, I'm really going to have to kill this guy. If I was walking down the street, Manchester, New Hampshire tomorrow and some fucking girl was cried and some guy was yelling at her, I'd do the same fucking thing over again. You know, it stands the fire on me at a felon and all because why? Because I'm a man and she's a woman and we're members of the same society. And that means that I have fucking obligations. And those obligations are born from the reality that combat is our province, right? Like, we are better, better positioned to handle those types of things. And so, you know, we have our jobs, they have their jobs. Now the fact that they're not doing this, that's a conversation to be had. But that's what gets me mad about the trend stuff. It's like this, it's more than that they come claim benefits, right? You know, a man one day, because now you just, this is just by mere declaration is the way they would have it. Who is a woman? Who haven't fucks says they are? As all that's like the basically the answer, they can do this by mere declaration. So you know, if you believe that a man has obligations and a woman has obligations and like men owe things to women, well, then a guy who just stands up one day and says, hey, forget about my penis, I'm a gal now. Well, he does two things. As a matter of fact, first and foremost, he, he shirks his obligations, right? He's like, I know, well, I'm no longer obligated to do the things a man has obligated to to. And then while he shirks those obligations, he goes and he says, I'm going to claim these benefits too. Fuck you, buddy. How about that? How about fuck you? What do you think about that? I don't think you're going to claim those benefits. And by the way, I'll just draft your ass, right? Like we'll just take you into the war. We'll just drop you out there. And if you just, you're not very good, then we'll just make sure that one of your, your one of the first ones to die. How about that? One of the things that troubled me the most in the course of this production was conversations about drafting women into the military. I'm not in fact, I wonder if I can pull this up real quick. I'm not really particularly proud of the way this came out. But you know, the statement is sincerely heartfelt. Let me see if I have this audio. Yeah, audio, essays. No. I see if I can find it this way. Star draft, star. You will not draft our women was the name of the piece. And maybe just maybe. Windows is interesting. They're like, yeah, sometimes you type things into that search box and it will search for it. Other times, you know, it has other designs. And so they just do whatever they want. Yeah, go ahead. There we go. Yeah, thanks. Appreciate it. Good. All right. So we've got, yeah. Okay, we've got the transcript of it. So that means we've got to have the audio. And so one of these days it's going to pull it up and then I'm going to play that clip. And then I'll be right back. So this is this is three minute 37 seconds long. Let's go ahead, give it a shot. You will not draft our women by Christopher Cantwell originally published the Christopher Cantwell dot com October 14th, 2015. The nonsensical push for some fabled gender equality is nearing its ultimate nonsensical conclusion, according to a piece by Richard Sisk at military dot com army secretary John McHugh said Monday, if your objective is true and pure equality, then you have to look at all aspects of the roles of women in the military and registration for the draft will be one of those things that will have to be considered. I could go on at length about whether or not I think women should even be allowed in combat or even in the military at all. There are very good reasons that all successful societies throughout history have let men do the fighting for them, ranging from their fitness for combat to the basics of human reproduction. But hey, if some lunatics feminism drives her to get killed in a war zone, one less feminist is quite fine with me. I could also go on at length about the merits of conscription at all. Last I checked, there was a pretty strong anti-slavery sentiment in this country, and forcing men into cotton field seems downright civilized compared to forcing them into war zones. This combined with the US government's propensity to get involved in needless drawn out bloody conflicts instills in me an opposition to conscription I can barely find words to describe. But conscripting men into war is a tradition as old as written history, and one could make the case this practice is less harmful than awaiting an enemy's arrival on our shores. But the notion that our daughter's sisters, mothers and wives, would be thrown upon the gears of the war machine against their will, just so a handful of ideologues could feel one step closer to an impossibly gallotary goal. This ladies and gentlemen is where I draw the line. I have spoken of insurrection on this blog more than a few times, and I'm often asked why I don't start shooting or when the time to fight would be. I say to you today, this is my red line. Before the first woman is forced into combat, I will wage war against the government of the United States, and I have no problem saying that any able-bodied man who did not join me would be a coward of the worst variety. Throughout the centuries, men have accepted conscription as a necessary evil to protect their women from foreign enemies. The entire point of fighting a foreign foe on his soil is to prevent the war for reaching ours and putting our women in jeopardy. The notion that our government, in the name of equality, would then use that same mechanism to put our women in those war zones is the height of political folly, and it risks doom in our civilization. So whichever government threatens the safety of our women, that government is the enemy of the civilization. If we are taxed, we can simply produce more, or evade taxes. If oppressive laws are passed, we can break them. If our weapons are taken, we can resort to improvised munitions. Our women are not so easily replaced that we have no business calling ourselves men if we will not protect our women from such tyranny. In all reality, the time to fight our enemy, the state has been ongoing for quite some time. If the government of the United States does not meet the definition of despotism, then despotism is a meaningless word. Understandably, though, people are hesitant, particularly while they are comfortable. When I call on every American man to state it as loud as he can to all who will listen, we will wage war against our own government before we allow it to draft our women into foreign wars. This is one line that shall not be crossed. We will kill and we will die before we allow nonsensical, egalitarian sentiment to enslave our women and doom our civilization. And so, you know, and the idea there, I'm sure most of you have been listening to this program for a while or familiar with it. It's like, actually had this conversation with somebody the other day and it had been completely lost on them and I'm like shocked that anybody doesn't get this these days, you know. But since it is apparently the case that people don't understand this, I'll say it one more time though you guys are probably familiar with it by now. You know, a man can produce a near infinite number of children over the course of his lifespan. Okay. So like if you have a society where there's a dramatic sex disparity and that sex disparity is a bunch of women who need men to impregnate them so as to produce another generation, the men who I left behind are actually quite capable of accomplishing that task. This does not exist in the opposite direction. Okay. The women are literally just in a biological sense more valuable than the men. Okay. That's why we have chivalry and all that shit. They literally are more valuable. That's the commodity. Okay. That's the commodity in greater demand. A woman might be able to produce, I don't know, nine pregnancies over the course of her life, whatever the number is and maybe she has some twins or some shit like that but that's a pretty small number. A guy can go and you know, have sex in the morning and have sex in the afternoon and have sex in the at night. He can jerk off in a cup and give that shit to 100 women. A woman is only going to produce a certain number of eggs and if she doesn't produce, if she's not pregnant every single time she's able to be, you know, there's limits on, there's limits either way but that further limits her capacity to produce children. And so if you send the women to a war zone and they die in equal numbers to the males, well what you have is you have a very dramatic sex disparity and in the opposite fucking direction. Now if you tell women, hey, I got an idea, why don't you just go fight and combat in absolute, we're just going to take sex out of the equation and we're just as a matter of fact, we're not going to take sex out of the equation. We're going to lower your fitness standards and though you have lower fitness standards, we will just assign you tasks as if you had met the physical fitness standards of a man. Are you going to have equal casualties? Fuck no, you're not. Okay. You're going to have more dramatic, you're going to have disproportionate representation of dead women on your battlefield. And so if you go and you get your women fucking killed in what you have, you have a bunch of men standing around with their dicks in their hands waiting to die. That's what you have. That's the end of your civilization. That's like the extinction of your kind. And of course, the people who run our country, they with very much like that, right? That's what they're doing. That's the whole entire, it's a genocide. They're trying to kill us. And so they make it impossible for us to raise a family. They encourage homosexuality. They sterilize, they encourage the women to sterilize themselves, I should say. They go and they take these women, they take these girls, these children. And as soon as they are old enough to be able to understand the words that come out of the mouths of the people who lie to them, they tell them, you know what you need to do? Well, your woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, honey. What you need to do is you need to go work for some fucking solace corporation until you're like 39. And then after that, maybe if you feel like it, maybe if you haven't become a devoted lesbian by this point, at that point, then when you're about to hit men of pause, you know what you should do? You should find the first man stupid enough to knock you up and you should have a child with him. And if that doesn't work out, fine, just kill the fucking thing. We don't care if it's been born already, just go ahead, do it. And while you're doing that, we'll complain that we don't have enough people and then we'll open up the borders and replace you with another race. Would you better get on that fucking plane sweetheart because you got some dying to do? And so, yeah, I'm not going to put up with it, frankly. You know, that fucking piece that I just played, you know, was from before I fucking understood that when you got, and you say you're going to wage war against the government, the government wages war against you and then you lose. And so I wouldn't suggest that, but you can't do it. Let's go read some news, shall we? Because you know, that was depressing and we got to go read the news, try to get ourselves cheered up. Acting secret service chief retaliated against agents, which security concerns that the Trump events claims a whistleblower. This is by Rebecca Zelchko over at a daily caller. So, you know, there was a sense that you might have heard somebody tried to kill the president of the United States, Donald Trump. You know, it's not a big deal. It's just Donald Trump, whatever, but you know, some people are like, you know, maybe we should just just going to check this out or whatever. And so they checked it out, you know, it's not really an investigation, but a couple people that you know, they check it out or whatever. And alleged whistleblower, I'm sorry, a whistleblower alleged, I should say, that secret service acting director Ronald Roe personally cuts security resources and retaliated against agents with security concerns, leading up to former president Donald Trump's rally on July 13, according to a letter released Thursday. The whistleblower alleged that Roe personally implemented significant cuts to the counter surveillance division or CSD, which does advanced threat assessments for venues and alleged that agents who express conservative security concerns were retaliated against, according to Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley's letter to Roe. As a result, the CSD failed to perform its typical evaluation of the rally venue in Butler County, Pennsylvania, and was not present on the day of the attempted assassination. The whistleblower claims that if personnel from CSD had been present for the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a rangefinder the letter stays. And so you know, now it's not that big of a deal for most, you know, most of the people in the media, they're like, oh, Donald Trump, somebody tried to kill him, whatever, you know, we're more concerned about that picture afterwards that makes them look good. They don't care so much about the assassination of Donald Trump. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump, I should say. They care very much about the assassination of Donald Trump, you know, they're very invested in that outcome, as a matter of fact, they've been trying to get it to happen for a very long time. But you know, these people would go out of business at the end of the day, if you know, when somebody took a rangefinder to the rally of the president on its state, someone was running around with an A-15, if they would just like, hey, guy, I'd say what? You look suspicious with that rangefinder as you're trying to find a sniper's perch to murder the president. So why don't we just put you in handcuffs and jam you up for a little while, and then we'll get the president out of here safely, and then you can go back to being a nutcase. And they don't want that to happen because you know, first of all, then Donald Trump survives, and then secondly, like they don't have shit to talk about. So that's the media. That's your media. Quote, secret service personnel expressed alarm that individuals were admitted to the event without vetting, the letter says, the whistleblower led us to that those who raised such concerns were retaliated against. At the July 13 rally, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to fire shots at the former president from Arufthop, just 130 yards away from the stage. Crooks had been reportedly spotted by witnesses flagged by secret service and even was identified by a local counter sniper over an hour and a half before Trump took the stage. A whistleblower has alleged to my office that the secret service counter surveillance division or CSD, the division that performs threat assessments of events sites before the event occurs, did not perform its typical evaluation of the butler site and was not present on the day. The letter states, this is significant because CSD's duties include evaluating potential security threats outside the security perimeter and mitigating those threats during the event. As a result of these security lapses, Crooks was able to take aim at an injure, the former president killed volunteer firefighter Corey Compatore and injure attendee James Copenhagen and David, I'm sorry, injure attendees, James Copenhagen and David Dutch who are both in stable condition. Road testified on Tuesday before joint hearing held by the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security Committee after US Secret Service Director Kimberley Cheetle resigned on July 23 following her own evasive congressional testimony. Rose testimony was similarly evasive as he left many lawmakers questions unanswered. You acknowledged in your Senate testimony that the American Glass Research Complex should have been included in the security perimeter for the butler event. The letter says the whistleblower led us that because CSD was not present and butler this manifest shortcoming was never properly flagged or mitigated. Despite this, Trump has vowed to continue holding outdoor rallies and said that the secret service will substantially step up their security detail going forward. According to a post on truth social from Saturday, the secret service didn't immediately respond to daily caller news foundations request for comment. And so you know, you're like, hey, a boss, a chief, I'm trying to protect the president of the United States over here. You know, you might, if you got to television, you might have heard there's a lot of people pissed off at that guy. And so, you know, we're going to this place and there's all these places where you know, somebody might get up on a roof with a gun and try to kill the president because I'm the secret service. I think that that's probably something we want to try to try to take a look at. And this guy's like, why are you breaking my balls, you piece of shit? Like it just works more slowly. This is a union gig, okay? Just just just drag it out, okay? Just put in your time and make sure that you don't make everyone else look bad by working too hard. All right. Seems to be about what's going on over there at the secret service. So not exactly not exactly ideal for the same. Let's go. We got some we got some super chats here. Libertary out sent 1433 at the beginning. I read that message. I don't know if I mentioned the super chat when he stated quality is fine. Fellow white 17 minutes ago, he sent $15.67 that hail. Can't well. And John Batista, Batista, he says women in sports or any career during peak fertility years is also an attack on a people. Let the trainees ruin their distraction from their path to motherhood. That's a fine point, matter of fact, you know, I'm telling you, well, it wouldn't it be something, you know, wouldn't it be something if that was what liked straight and everything out, right? The calling number guys, the phones are down today. I'm sorry. I announced at the beginning of the show that I've got some audio problems here. And among them is that the phones are not on. So I know the phone that phone number is in there. I specifically mentioned in the show announcement today, but we don't have phones because of the aforementioned equipment problems here because the studio has been dismantled and must yet be must yet again be dismantled to deal with an infestation of insects in another part of the building that's completely beyond my control. Otherwise, I told you to phone number 100 times. It's usually what I do when I'm pausing when I'm like, I don't want to say I say 276881433 if you'd like to be on the pogrom and a more you took the less I have to simply to give us a call. I've not said that 100 times today because you can't call the show because the phones are not on. And so yeah, wouldn't that be quite the thing if it turned out to be the case that like, you know, the trade is actually ended up saving a country, right? Crazy things have happened to be sure. Basically, like that's literally what I'm thinking is happening because it was it was the training stuff really did it in for me in a lot of ways. Like I was like, listen, you know, like you force people into a biological world view, right? Like, most people don't think of themselves as mammals, right? They're not thinking of themselves as genetic organisms. They're like, oh, I woke up and I was hungry. So I ate and then I wanted to go outside because because it felt like this just I just want to I thought it would make me happy. They don't understand that like them being hungry is, you know, maybe they understand it, but they're not hyper conscious of it. They're like, yes, of course, my body requires things and then it changes the way my mind thinks about the world in order to get the things that it needs. You get people to start thinking that way, you know, you should get people to start thinking in biological terms, you start thinking about what they are and what they require and the reasons that they do the things that they do. And if they start assigning some like genetic reproductive elements to everything that they do, what it what is going to happen to their political views? Well, they're going to very much resemble those of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as a matter of fact. And since that's actually the case, you know, that's probably a good idea, matter of fact. Because you are, you know, you're a you're a very special type of edible. I would it for one second deny that. Human beings have a lot of, you know, things going on and they're experienced of the world that I don't believe other animals have anything comparable to. And I'm a guy who I feel everything, you know what I mean? Like I mean, like I get like emotionally invested in a lot of things about life. And I'm 100% certain that most creatures don't experience that. You know, I find meaning, I find inspiration in things. And I'm 100% certain that that's like a uniquely human thing. And so I went in for one second try to downplay the uniqueness of the specialness of human beings. But so far as, you know, our composition is concerned. What are we? How do we come into existence? What happens to us? Oh, I shouldn't get into what happens to us when we die. But how do we come into existence? And how do we exist on this earth? Well, it's actually not, you know, fundamentally all that different from that of a cat or dog. Okay. You are born. And fortunately, you're very fortunate that your species, this causes hormonal changes in your mother, which causes her to completely lose her mind and devote herself entirely to you. She forfeits all of her personal interest to take care of her kids because she's driven mad with love for the child. And thank God for that. But at the end of the day, you are a collection. You're a synergy of genetics and environment over, of course, a time when you come into existence, you are entirely the genetic information provided by your mother and your father. And over, of course, of time, even while you are within your mother, even while your mother constitutes the entirety of your environment to the things outside of her influence you. And eventually you'll start making things that could be fairly described as choices. And the choices that you make will influence your character and your physical composition. But that baseline is your genetics. All human beings, all biological organisms are created, born or grown out of the ground, whatever a case may be, hatched with a certain degree of genetic potential beyond which no environmental factor can improve, doesn't mean that everybody is, you know, they try to caricature it. They're like, oh, you're a racist. So I guess you must think that all black people are stumber than all white people. And I'm like, well, no, as a matter of fact, I know some pretty dumb fucking white people. And I've met black eyes who can, you know, know their way around a sentence. So as a matter of fact, I don't believe that. You're an idiot. You're the stupid ignorant mother fucker who didn't involved with to understand the subject matter, not me. I don't believe those things you do, because you've been told stupid crap by people who don't have your best interest in art. Perhaps you should read some books. Maybe you should take some time to not be ignorant yourself. But that's of course way too much to ask. So you get people thinking in that way that like, yeah, what am I? I am what was described by Charles Darwin in the origin of species. I'm a consequence of environment and genetics creating the thing that I am. And then somebody just comes around and they're like, you know what? Because we've got all this tricky science stuff. Because there's so much information in the world that I can confound just about anything by combining it in the right way. I'll just be able to declare my womanhood penis or not. Anybody surprised that that's not working out? Anybody? Anybody probably not. Right. And so that's great. Literature outside is Christmas me. I'm a dumb like you're not dumb. I know that. Why don't you? Why are you bullshit and in the goddamn chat? Literature out. Don't be fucking lying to people here. Come on. Let's see. We'll go to the next story. JD Vance. He's letting into that Harris lady. Let's see how I watch this clip from Fox News real quick. So Of course it's not. Why would it be? Yeah. So Fox News. They're not always very useful. Those people over there. They're actually complete and utter shit. And so I pull up a story about JD Vance ripping Kamala Harris a new asshole when they show me a video of Kamala Harris talking about hostages. Which is a bunch of nonsense too, by the way. I was really nauseated by Fox News yesterday. Happens a lot when I watch Fox News these days, which is why I don't watch Fox News a lot these days. And so you know, you understand that Paul Wheatland's a spy and that Evan, Evan Gerskovic is a spy. And they're working for the US government to go and obtain the secrets of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation is like not big of that. Like yeah, I understand whatever you got to do to job to do. We send spies that go steal information all the time. And so we understand that that you have interest in our interests are different than those and when our interests are in conflict, we're just going to have to throw you in prison or kill you. Okay, understand. So welcome to the Russian Federation. You better fucking behave yourself. I don't know that those are the exact words that they use when they bring you through customs in the Russian Federation, but that's pretty much the sentiment. We do the exact opposite here in the United States that basically you come here and we're like, how can we help you subvert our government? If you would like to wage a revolution, that's that's quite alright with us. How can we help? You know, we find that whole constitution thing rather troublesome and we're just we're just trying to get rid of it. So if you guys want to help us out, throw everything, you know, set everything on fire killer, but it would be whatever, that's good. We've been taking a real slow route trying to replace them with immigration and depriving them of the means to defend themselves. If you could hasten a process, we'll be down right grateful. This is what they say to the immigrants, basically on the form. I don't know, it's actually on the form, but you get the idea. Anyway, back to the story. Republican vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vans criticized the media and vice president Kamala Harris over her comments following the repatriation of Americans, jailed in Russia. Vans appeared to critique Harris's unscripted remarks made while standing beside President Biden had joined base Andrews in camp mar, some camp springs Maryland. It's amazing that journalists can look themselves in the mirror while letting this person coast to a major party nomination for president said, said, Vans on Twitter. There's no such thing as actually dead name that whore. Is anyone going to ask this person a question? Of course not. They don't do that. That would be like critical. That would be, you know, journalistic integrity. We just can't have any of that because that would be conspicuous. Nobody would believe it at this point. Harris has not held a press conference in the nearly two weeks since she became the presumptive democratic nominee upon Biden's decision not to continue his reelection bit. During a reporter gaggle, Harris said of the prisoner swap. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands that strength. The strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. What? I'm sorry. Maybe I read that wrong or maybe I'm just reading Kamala Harris's exact words and therefore they make no goddamn sense. I think it's probably the latter. The clip, first posted by President Trump's campaign War Room included a response, included responses calling Harris's comments significant of the passage of time 2.0. Yeah, they're like, you know what? When Biden comes out and he's like, yeah, we got all these other people involved. We had to do all this stuff to get those guys back, but you know, it was totally worth it because we're coming up on the election and we don't want Donald Trump to fix this problem. Oh, excuse me. But Paul Wheeling got caught with like a half a dozen passports. Okay. He was receiving classified information, same for Gaskovitz. Now, Gaskovitz is defense. It's like, hey, I work for the Wall Street Journal guy. Don't worry about it. I'm just going to tell those Jews all about your stuff and then we're going to print it in the newspapers, which is totally different from stealing your secrets and giving them to the government because the government doesn't read newspapers. The government is like, no, I don't read. Shut up. Fact it. What are you talking about? Why are you talking like a queer? That's what the government thinks about reading, generally speaking. They like paperwork. They like that. You know, anyway. Let's try something else. Oh, speaking of criminals. Trump January 6th case to resume after presidential immunity rolling. So the guard court is like, yeah, you can't prosecute him for things he did as president. It's fine because we don't think he was the president. So we'll just prosecute him. It's kind of like, you know, the sex testing. They're like, are you a woman? I don't know. I will just treat you like one. We'll just fuck you and see how that works. Former president Donald Trump's election interference case is set to resume as early as Friday and Washington DC after sitting dormant for months with a Supreme Court, mold presidential immunity. The cases anticipated revival could pave the way for dramatic posts, sorry, pretrial court proceedings in the coming months serving as only serving as the only remaining case out of Trump's four criminal prosecutions to see significant activity ahead of the presidential election. The Supreme Court issued its decision on presidential immunity on July 1st and the courts and the high courts order known as a mandate will be turned over to presiding judge Tanya Chukkhan on Friday. Chukkhan Obama appointee will probably not hold any of the hearings immediately, but the judge will likely provide expectations about what will come next to a scheduling update on Friday or in the coming weeks according to legal experts. The defend democracy project a bunch of stupid assholes, Democrats who use the word democracy as a euphemism for communism. That's not what they say in the Washington Examiner, but you know that it's true. A group comprising Trump legal critics said in a statement that Chukkhan's next moves could lead to a mini trial, which would involve a series of court hearings in which special counsel Jack Smith and Trump's defense team closely examined and argue over actions in the former presidents indictment. Whatever judge Chukkhan does on Friday opens the door for a possible mini trial around Trump's participation in the attack on our country on January 6th 2021. That lousy bunch of flea infested communists said. That's not what they said in the Washington Examiner, you get the idea. And so ladies and gentlemen, it's all fall apart, but that's okay because we got each other, you know, we can have a good time over here. You know, three days a week if you're paying, twice if you're not. And I would encourage you to pay. It's a good idea. You should send me money right now, as a matter of fact, especially you guys with that crypto stuff, go send me some Bitcoin. That'd be great. Okay. If you got the man arrow, I like that shit. I got the man arrow, but you know cash Apple do just find my cash tag is edgy Chris. Don't resign edgy Chris or cash dot app slash edgy Chris. If you don't have a cash app, you should fucking get that thing. You know, the cash app is fucking dope as a matter of fact. And you get the strike payments too. Strike that me slash can't well. And I got to give send go so you want to like you want to make sure that I can actually pay rent in a place right because that'd be great if I could pay rent. And then I wouldn't live in this bug and festive shit hole. That would be great. And then that I can actually plan on that if I knew the money was coming every month. So you could do like you could do whatever you want. You can make a recurring payment with your debit or credit card at give send go dot com slash spm. And you know, when I started doing a show, I was like, well, when I started doing a show after I got a president anyway, I said something which I had said prior, which is what I need to do is I need to get a thousand people to give me 10 bucks a month. Well, I actually need to do is get a hundred people to give me a hundred bucks a month. That's kind of the goal at this point. That gives me 10 bucks, 10,000 bucks a month. That means I can hire somebody that means I have a few bucks to spend. And it means that I'm not completely miserable. And that's really good for you as a matter of fact, because if I'm just like, yeah, I fucking hate what I'm doing. And that's not your best interest in the slightest. Every once in a while I get to curse it up a store that might be entertaining. But I'd be doing a lot better. You know, in the best episodes of the show are arguably were. Oh, you know, there's a lot of answers to that question, but you know, when I when I had two girlfriends and we were just like traveling to country in the car, going and meeting you guys. And I was having a wonderful evening in my hotel room each night when we all went to the same bed. That was a good time. And not just because I was getting laid, but because like, you know, I was my mind was moving and I was doing interesting things. And I had interesting things to talk about. I was being exposed to new ideas when I'm sitting in this shit hole bedroom being exposed to fucking bugs. It's a completely different fucking thing. And it causes the content to suffer. And that's a downward fucking spiral because then people like what the fuck do I want to listen to this much less goddamn pay for it? Right. And that's totally reasonable that people feel that way. And I don't blame you on the slightest. But if we could, uh, if those of you who are not paying would fucking go ahead and get on that, then as a matter of fact, and like, I'm about to get a car by the way, like that problem. I should have done it this week. I could probably do it by next weekend. About to get a car. Get me the fuck out of here. A lot of you put some goddamn gas in the car. And I'll go do shit. I'll do interesting things and we'll see each other. We'll do things about the meal of probation and like less than in like less in four months about. So like, you know, whether it's fucking, you know, the radical agenda, I'm going to kill the brand. It's just blacklisted from everything. But like, well continue doing shit. Okay. But like, it's got to, you know, some got to give with the free loaders. Like you guys, there's thousands of people listening to fucking show don't pay. Go fucking fine. 10 bucks. Come on. Do it. If you don't have it, don't don't feel bad about it. Okay. If you really don't have it, don't feel bad about it. Fine. You have free. No problem. Okay. But like, you know, if you're about to go fucking spend, you know. If you're about to go spend fucking 200 bucks on fucking, I don't know, whatever the fuck you're spending it on. If I fucking spend 190, send me some money. Okay. Christopher Cantwell. That's last donate. We'll tell you where all my cash out my strike payments, my Bitcoin, my money. I know all that shit is there. And, you know, but just if you got the cash out, just do that tonight. Okay. Edgy Chris. And thank you to those of you who do because that's really great. I really appreciate it. Those of you have been supporting this show financially for a long time. You're fucking really great people. And it's not just, you know, the reason. You know that the reason you're doing that. I mean, whatever you reasons are may be, but you're helping more than me by doing it. I'm sincerely grateful in all these free load motherfuckers. Better thank you at some point by calling in be like, I'm a free load motherfucker. But you know what? I'm so grateful for the people who pay for the radical agenda. These guys are great. You know, just call into the show next time I have the phone. So I'm presuming I can afford to do them in the future. And go thank the people who pay for your entertainment. All right. So in the meantime, you guys have yourself a wonderful evening. Thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda. I have yourselves a best week and good night. That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to enemies? And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. The radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. What they want to do here is ramp their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things for the country. You know they try and build a blanket. It's not a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. It's called the Second Amendment.