Alright, and so everything seems to be at order and with the local recording having begun Let's go ahead. We'll place a intro music and we'll get to show on the road, shall we? And so ladies and gentlemen, let's go check in on end culture. That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to? enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. What they want to do here is ramp their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things for the country. You know they try and build a blanket, run a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second amendment. All right. All right. Welcome to the radical agenda. Show about Sandals ideas and news today and whatever's on your mind at 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This 77th episode of the Sixth Days of the program today is July 26, 2024 being the current year. It's a Friday as usual. We have come to you live once again from my undisclosed location. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you know, not so long ago I had on here. I read a piece from revolver news about why JD Vance was like the greatest presidential vice presidential pick to Trump could have chosen. And I read it with some skepticism and I'm kind of like, you know, he's a good life insurance policy, right? Like if if you know if he selected Marco Rubio to be his president, his vice president, it's a bunch of these idiots on Fox News or Tell Him to do, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what'll happen. It'd be a bullet in the back of Trump's skull at no time, right? You know, one of these war hawks would be like, yeah, Marco Rubio will definitely go and invade Iran for us. We'll just go ahead and do that. Just go ahead and kill Trump. And Trump, you know, he figured out that like there's actually no limit to the depravity of the people who are destroying this country. And so he's like, yeah, I can't do that. As a matter of fact, like they'll definitely kill me. I've got it fresh in my head that like they literally just shot me in the ear. So I can't play games with these people. I can't play Kate the many more. And so he chose JD Vance and you know, that's about all JD Vance is good for if you ask me. I don't think he's actually such a great presidential candidate, a vice presidential candidate. If JD Vance decided to run for president in 2024, even if Trump wasn't against him, he would have been laughed out of the room, right? Vivek Ramaswamy would probably mop the floor them frankly. And so I'm like, well, you know, this is really just a great idea. But I got a piece here in the Daily Caller. It makes me feel a little bit better about it, if I'm honest with you. And it's not because the Daily Caller is very flattering of JD Vance. It's exactly just the opposite. It's by Colby Hall. And Colby Hall is, he's actually the, he's the founding editor. I'm sorry, this is not in the Daily Caller. This is at Mediaite. Colby Hall is the founding editor of And he's a Peabody award winning television producer of the nonfiction narrative programming as well as a terrific dancer and per error, a preparer of grilled meats. This is his little bio there at the bottom of the piece. It's a little bit of self-flattery I gather. And the piece is titled Trump has Tucker Carlson to blame for the abject disaster of selecting JD Vance as his running mate. And it goes a little something like does. By any objective measure, JD Vance has a terrible horrible no, has had, I should say, a terrible horrible no good, very bad week following former president Donald Trump's selection of him as it as it's running me. A spate of embarrassingly massacinistic clips have emerged in the past few days, raising serious questions about Trump team's black sweating process. But who is most to blame for this disaster? None other than former Fox, Fox News host, turned podcast host in part time, Trump advisor, Tucker Carlson. And so like right there, you know, we're like, yeah, well, you definitely picked the right guy because now there's a bunch of liberal douchebags running around calling him a misogynist. And so that must mean they have nothing to say as a matter of fact, right? We've been through that routine ourselves here. You know, one of the earlier popular pieces I wrote was going after a woman called herself Lacey Green. And Lacey Green basically had this thing about like, yeah, well, you know, in order to stop rape culture, you know, we're going to have to make sure that you need to get consent to have sex and everybody hears that simple statement. And it's like, well, yeah, obviously stupid bitch with the fuck you talking about. Don't make me rape you. And so, but she, you know, she goes and she redefines rape is what she does. She defines consent as, you know, there's a contract and the lawyers are involved. I mean, she doesn't, you know, she doesn't actually get that far because she actually won't define it as a matter of fact. What she does is she says, well, you know, if you have any power in the relationship, you're a rapist. If, uh, if you kissed her and she was totally into it, but you didn't ask permission first, you're a rapist, right? And I was like, you're aspiring to make mankind extinct, aren't you? Because this is not how people have sex as a matter of fact. And so whenever anybody comes up with feminist jargon in political context, I know immediately that they're a bad actor, you know, either that or they're a complete idiot, right? Now, it's possible that there's a complete idiot who says feminist things and, you know, their hearts in the right place. Their brain might be up there fucking ass, but their heart is in the right place. But if you're the, you know, what the fuck is this stupid faggot's bio say? If you're the founding editor of, at a Peabody award-winning television producer of nonfiction narrative programming, as well as a terrific dancer and prepare of grilled meat, well, you know, you know, I'd love to call you an idiot, but I get, you know, I'm pretty sure you're a fucking piece of shit. I'm pretty sure you're a monster, you know, you're a dude and you're running around calling a Republican a misogynist. Yeah, you're fucking, you're, you're a criminal, as a matter of fact. You're part of the conspiracy to destroy mankind, and you don't like JD Vans. And so now we got to give JD Vans a second look. Maybe he's okay, you know. How has the first week on the campaign trail been for the best-selling author of Hillbilly Elegy, who's served less than two years in public office as a US Senator where to begin? In the days leading up, the Trump's apprentice style last-minute VP selection process, news emerged that Vans once referred to his now-running mate as American Hitler. Well, that's why I endorsed Trump too, stupid fuck, what's wrong with you? And an appearance on MSNBC in 2016, he also took the side of Jessica Leeds, who will let she was a victim of sexual assault by Trump, but oddly, that was only the best part of the news to emerge as it only pertained to the former president. In the past few days, a series of profoundly misogynistic and anti-democratic comments have emerged. No doubt painting Vans, and the most possibly negative light in the eyes of the suburban women, a key voting block that could determine the 2024 election. That's right. You see this guy, you know, he's calling JD Vans a misogynist to the fascist because he just really wants to help Trump win the election. If it wasn't for all those gavs, you know, if he could help Trump get into the White House, he'd be all about it, guys. There was his now infamous child, Cat Lady comment during the 2021 appearance on Tucker Carlson tonight. Quote, we are effectively running this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless Cat Ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they've made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too, Vans said. This was a dig designed to blast Kamala Harris, representative Alexandria Cosio Cortez and transportation secretary Pete Booty judge, and earned an immediate rebuke from a broad spectrum of critics, perhaps most notably from the normally a political movie star, Jennifer Anderson. That's right. Now JD Vans, you know, he's made some powerful enemies in his day. You know, he took on the foreign policy establishment. He took on Trump himself at one point. But most notably, you know, after he came out and he said, we're run by a bunch of faggots and and and fucking women who don't want to have kids, a bunch of dried up old broads who don't want to fucking use their pussy's properly. And then he made his most notable enemy to date, according to the founding editor at Media, some actress by the name of Jennifer Aniston. Now, I've heard the name Jennifer Aniston before, but I have no fucking idea in my mind like, what that stupid bitch looks like, right? Because, you know, I'm constantly thinking about shit that matters. And Jennifer Aniston has actually done on that list. But when you are when you are Colby Hall, the founding editor of Media, you're like, well, you know, maybe you're going to take on the foreign policy establishment and maybe you're going to take on the Federal Reserve and maybe you're even going to, you know, make those Jews a little bit nervous, but you know what? Your most notable enemy is in fact, Jennifer Aniston because that's what I masturbate to you see. And that's how his life is organized. He's like, yeah, when I jerk off, that's what I think about it. Jennifer Aniston. And therefore, that's what matters in our politics. On Thursday, the Harris campaign resurfaced a video from September of 2021 at a Vance at the Conservative Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Vance argued that American citizens who don't have children should have less power to democratic republic than those with children. Oh, Paris a thought. Imagine that if the people who have the most to think about in the future have a greater say in the future than the people who are trying to destroy the present, huh? Imagine that. He says, quoting from fans, when you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power. You should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic than people who don't have kids. Let's face the consequences and the reality. If you don't have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn't get nearly the same voice. Now, people will say, and I'm sure the Atlantic and the Washington Post at all the usual suspects will criticize to be about this in the coming days. Well, doesn't this mean that non-parents don't have as much of a voice as parents? Doesn't this mean that parents get a bigger say in how our democracy functions? Yes, absolutely. And, quote, the steady stream of embarrassing clips was in, I should say that differently, the steady stream of embarrassing clips was enough to elicit commentary from proud conservative Meghan McCain. You see? So, you know, so when you're Colby Hall and you're the founding editor of, your P-body award-winning television producer of non-fiction narrative programming as well as a terrific dancer and prepare of grilled meats and you're thinking about, you know, when I take my finger to the pulse of conservatism in America, where do I go? And you come up with the answer, Meghan McCain, and you call her proud conservative, you know? She's a proud conservative because she had so much self esteem that she allowed her to self to be kicked around on the stage of the view for, I don't know how many months or years, right? She was their punching bag. She went out there and she basically, you know, she was the, you know, the Anna Navarro of her day until they were like, get out of here, you stupid white bitch, we need to spec, right? And so they were like, yeah, Meghan McCain is basically the punching bag for a bunch of childless cat ladies. I don't know if any of them have kids, but you get the idea. On the view, right? And so she's a proud conservative because, you know, she takes pride in destroying conservatism, I guess, whatever it is. So that's what Colby Hall, founding at a media, I'd dance or shit like this, you know, Meghan McCain said, I have been trying to warn every conservative ban I know these JD comments are activating women across all sides, including my most conservative chumps supporting friends. She declared in a post on Twitter. They said x on, but guess what? There's no such thing as x. X is a letter in the alphabet. It's not a fucking website. Elon Musk is trying to destroy that fucking thing in good luck to him because it fucking bullshit anyway, fuck him. It's gotten so bad that during a Thursday phone interview with Fox and friends, Steve Ducey had the temerity to ask Trump if he is still 100% standing by JD vans to which Trump revealed at least for now, no plans to make a change. When you've even conservative firebrand and out kick host Tommy Laren posted on social media Friday morning, I'll read you to the quote in a second, but you know, Tommy Laren, right? Tommy Laren used to work for the blaze, used to work for Glenn Beck. And then the stupid fucking whore went on the view and she said of abortion. Well, you know, that's one thing. I think as a conservative, you could say my body my choice. And Glenn Beck was rightfully like, oh, you're stupid fuck, you know, it's fine if you, you know, I don't know that this is exactly what Glenn Beck said, but I imagine it went something like this. You want to disagree with me about abortion, knock yourself out. Could you at least like inform yourself about the fucking argument? Could you at least know what the fuck you're talking about before you say something that ridiculous on the view? Okay. So Tommy Laren's a retard, right? And so she actually doesn't know her fucking, she doesn't know her fucking uterus from her clitoris. Okay. She doesn't know sweet fuck all about the issues that she's talking about. Somebody pulled her off, you know, what was the fucking thing happen? You know, a few months ago that strike or one of these guys, they dug up the the talent sight thing. I don't know that you got her from this one, but I mean, that's what Tommy Laren is, right? Like Tommy Laren is to conservatism what what Josie Wales was to Larkin Rose say. Okay. Now, you know, I don't know if you some of you have lives, you know, and you don't pay attention to all that libertarian horseshit that I was involved in at the time, but it's a lot of you get the joke here, right? Like Larkin Rose is like a libertarian commentator made a name for himself, whatever. And he's like, yeah, and he's like, I got this secret weapon coming out, you know, and it's like this really attractive woman is going to go like to say my things from there, whatever. And so that's exactly what happened. So, you know, it basically, you know, a bunch of conservatives like they keep calling us massacinus guys, what are we going to do? We're like, let's get a bunch of hot female puppets to say our things for us. And so Tommy Laren is one of these puppets and Glenn Beck, you know, he was putting his hand up a rass or whatever. And then he's like, oh, you're disgusting. You just said my body, my choice, what the fuck is wrong with you? You don't even know your, you know, I thought, well, you know, we'd teach you this shit. You should at least listen to the fucking show stupid whore and they fired her. And then she went over to go work for Fox News because that's what Fox News does is they prevent, you know, the conservative movement from becoming right wing, essentially. And so Fox News hires her and she's like, yeah, this is great. You know, I was just like working for this radio dick a little while ago and now I'm with like the TV people and, you know, this is much more like the porn career I was born for or whatever. And so you said that's that's Tommy Laren in a nutshell. Okay. And so back to the story, even conservative fire brand and out kick host, Tommy Laren posted on social media Friday morning, quote, I like JD Vance, but I'm not sure the calculation is VP checks out. Going to be three months of replaying his past comments, it's not going to be easy to get around some of these sorry, just the truth. Yeah. Cause that's Tommy Laren, you see Tommy Laren's the broad who comes out and tells you the uncomfortable thing. Yeah. Tommy Laren says, Hey, sorry, it's just the truth. Because that's what I do. I tell the truth, don't you know, like when I went on the view and I said my body, my choice is the conservative argument for abortion against whatever, you know, I don't even know what side I'm on. Fuck it, pay me. See, sorry, just the truth. I'm just, I'm just the chick who tells you how it is, whether you like it or not. That's all. So whatever. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking fucking shit me? Asshole, what the fuck? I didn't know that the fucking telegram thing ain't fucking work it. Now why the fuck would it, right? You know, why would you? Why would you? Let's try this. Fucking stupid motherfuckers. Come on. Yeah, there we go. That works. Now, I never does what it's supposed to do when it's supposed to do it, but you know, you know, if you wait, you know, 20 minutes into the show, whatever, eventually you find out what's not working. Then you hit a couple of buttons and then they work. That's how it goes. Continuing from Colby Hall, the founding editor, P-Body Award winning Faggot or whatever, he says when you've lost Tammy Larrin and Jennifer Aniston and Megan McCain and Anthony Scaramucci and a raft of others. Maybe it's time to admit it was a bad pick and this is where we pivot back to took a carlson. So, you know, that's Scaramucci guy, you know, when you lose him, I mean, you know, he's the most loyal guy at the mall. You lose Anthony Scaramucci. I mean, what do you got? You know, he's like that intellectual powerhouse and, you know, the brave warrior who never folds. No, he's fucking piece of shit as a matter of fact. So what the fuck do I care if he gets lost, huh? The fuck is he doing on CNN MSNBC? How? What the fuck is he doing there? He's selling out his fucking people. That's what? So what the fuck do I care what he says over there? What do you think he's over there to do? Dick. Carlson may no longer have a show on Fox News, but his influence on a Republican party refashioned in the image of Donald Trump is still remarkably significant. This goes on full display last Thursday as he was given the prime 8 p.m. speaking spot before Trump's nomination acceptance speech. Carlson was also a consistent presence throughout the RNC and he could be seen yucking it up in Trump's family and friends box. Carlson is also the most influential figure, Trump's orbit who vociferously pushed for fans to get the VP pick. Yes, Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr. also made the case, but it's hard to argue anyone in that world has more political juice than the top host of the top rated conservative podcast. Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan reported that when Carlson learned that Trump was wavering on selecting vans. He called the former president to lobby personally on the Ohio senators' behalf. Vanity fairs, best leaven also reported that Trump listened to Carlson. Axios reported the same as did new Republic of the Hill and Tim Alberto to name, but a few. One can only guess the source of the scoots, but Carlson himself is a notorious media gossip himself. Coincidentally, the most damning clip to Vance came from an appearance on Carlson's Nowty Funk Fox News show, which is certain to be a treasure trove of more misogynistic comments given Tucker Carlson's longstanding perclivity of blaming Cecil Wows on childless children, among other things. And none of this is good news for a Trump campaign that was showing great triumfilism just a week ago and is now suggesting it will not participate in a debate with presumptive nominee come on a Harris, but I don't think any of the Vance comments, however controversial they might be, will lead to Trump changing running bates. Just a real quick second there. So, you know, call me Hall. I understand that you're a founding editor at, but a P body award winning producer of, I don't know, fucking faggot porn, whatever fuck it was. And you make some meats in your dances, shit. But let me just yell so lie in PC garbage, right? Because nobody who fucking watch 15 minutes of news today believes what you just said. Trump didn't say he won't debate Kamala Harris. He was like, yeah, you fucking you fucking a ride on going to debate Kamala Harris, get that stupid fucking digress over here. He didn't use those words, but he's all about it, okay. What he said was, no, she doesn't just get to go and, you know, take all the goodies that Joe Biden negotiated for fuck you. We'll do this differently. I'm gonna, we have new negotiation now. I negotiated a debate with Joe Biden. You want a debate with Kamala Harris? Let's negotiate that. And I'm looking forward to it. And what Trump should absolutely do is be like, I will absolutely insist that this beyond Fox News and it's debated by, and it's moderated by prepare. Fuck you. If you don't like it, then just go tell everybody that you're afraid to get on stage with Donald Trump. Come on, Harris. Go ahead. Do that because nobody likes you and you're going to lose the election unless I help you win. So fuck you stupid bitch. Now Trump might eventually pick another vice presidential candidate as he's a world class floucher of decorum. I got to work on being called something that classy in the media. You know, they just call me Nazi and shit. I want to be called a world class floucher of decorum. That's fucking high and shit right there. Now Trump might eventually pick another vice presidential candidate as he's a world class floucher of decorum. But if he did, it would be for an entirely different reason. And as Scaramucci said on CNN Thursday night, if there's one thing, Trump detest, it is public figures who are dull. Do you double L all of the candidates currently out there of all the candidates currently out there. JD Vance may be the dullest. And in the eyes of the carnival backer, turned would be second president, second term president, I should say. There is no greater political sin than being boring. Watch your back, JD. Now, this is so you know, these people are fucking joke, right? I'm so good, you know. Excuse me. What the fuck are you about? Oh, all right, I'm right here. This fucking thing, are you kidding me? There we go. I have fixed my fucking camera. Hang on a second. Come on. There we go. All right, that's much better. So as I was saying, you know, this guy spends, you know, I don't have many words telling us that JD Vance is calling a Kamala Harris, a cat lady and and and making childless comments about Pete Booty judge. He is tells us all this stuff about he's on TV saying all this edgy shit. And that Trump's got to get rid of him because he's saying all this edgy shit he's talking about, you know, hey, not everybody's vote should count the same in our fake ass democracy anymore. Man, who the fuck things that should just though? Do you wish to why should you want him off the campaign, Mr. Hall? Is it because he's saying a bunch of edgy shit because he's dull? Oh, I get it. You think he's going to help Trump win the election and you're like, I don't care what you're excused. Just get rid of him. We need Marco Rubio there so we can put a bullet in the back of Trump's skull and go and fade some fucking shit hole in the middle east. I think Trump is entirely averse to going to war with a random just Sam. 217-688-1433 you like to be on the program and boy you told the less I have to, so please you give us a call. Tribalism only for them. It comment in the Odyssey chat. That says the world is 110% anti-white. We just need the lesser anti-white. I'm not going to. I shouldn't comment on that. I don't know. I might be reading it wrong and then I if I say something shitty, it's not going to be good. So I want, I'm just going to shut my fucking trap. I'm going to move on to another story. You know what I'll actually do real quick? Let me go play a clip and then I'll come back with another story and we'll have some fun here. You know, maybe do Ted Cruz. We had a message, an important message for Ted Cruz supporters. Okay. And you know, this is what the Democrats are probably saying something like this to the Biden supporters. Not there aren't any of them, but you get the idea. And so, you know, there's some people who think, you know, fucked Donald Trump because I got some higher principle or whatever. No stupid fuck you don't. Okay. So you're not going to, you know, it costs you nothing. Okay. You go stop by. You check the box. You go to fuck home. Okay. It costs you nothing. Maybe you save the country. Maybe you wasted 20 minutes. Okay. But these fucking people, you know, in 2016, went Trump won the Republican primary. There was all these like conservatives. So like, you know what? I was, I, I've been voting Republican my whole life, but I like that Ted Cruz guy. And, you know, Donald Trump was mean to him. Ted Cruz is the real constitutional conservative. And Donald Trump, he's just, he's just a raving fascist loan. Well, you know, I, I, I thought that that was sort of misguided thinking. And so after the 2016 presidential primary, I said this to our Ted Cruz supporting friends. First, let me start off with a little message to Ted Cruz supporters. More specifically, the Ted Cruz supporters who did not support Ron Paul in 2012. If you are Ron Paul guy in 2012, consider yourself excuse from this particular admonishment. But if you opposed Ron Paul, and now you're calling in to talk radio, talking about how Donald Trump is not a constitutional conservative, then do us all a favor and end your miserable fucking life. I don't care if you do it with a rope. I don't care if you do it with a gun. Just don't waste my time with any of these plea for attention. Took too many pills things or the cliche horizontal wrist slitting like you've never heard the correct way to do this. Do it right the first time. Well, by all means vote Democrat. I'm sick of having you. And go here at retort in my fucking primaries. I don't want to hear another word about Ted Cruz's constitutional credentials. If Ted Cruz gave a fucking shit about the constitution, he would not have been running around touting the USA freedom act to some kind of win for liberty. In case you're not familiar with that, it took the old federal surveillance model where the federal government desasterously tried to store all communication records of everyone in America. And it essentially half ass privatized it. Instead of the federal government building these massive data centers and getting their water supply cut off by the state of Utah, etc, etc, they just forced the communications carriers to store your records and give them to the federal government upon demand. Ted Cruz voted for this. And in a matter that would make George Orwell frightened, he went around simultaneously calling it a win for a win for privacy and saying it expanded the surveillance apparatus of the federal government. Sorry, there, Teddy. You can't have it both ways. And last night, check there was nothing in article one section eight about compelling for rising to spy on me for the federal government. So you people had more dirt and blood and constitutional violations on your hands going into this than Donald Trump will have at the end of his second term. If you wanted a constitutional conservative, you had Ron Paul, but Ron Paul didn't want to run around dropping depleted uranium in every third world shitton. You can't find no one to map. And so you supported me. Fucking Ron me and John fucking McCain. So I'm not going to listen to your whining for one more goddamn day. All these idiots are still clinging to the foreign policy madness that gave us the Iraq war. That's what the whole never trump thing was about. That's what took Ted Cruz from Longshot underdog to first place loser. If you want your wars and your police state and you don't even want to use it to execute the communist amongst us, then your whining about the Constitution is no better than that of Barack Obama. The Republican party has a presidential candidate and he is going to brutalize Hillary Clinton for the next six months. And in November, you will go to your polling place and you will vote for him. And if you do not, then you have no more love of liberty of the Constitution than does Bernie fucking Sanders. I will not suffer another eight years under Democrat rule. So why the get on board or lock and load because the time for Americans to start shooting was back when the first American tax collector was hired. We should have finished that revolution in freed mankind instead of setting up this monstrosity that rules over us today. Here's the sad truth, ladies and gentlemen. I don't like it anymore than you do. The Constitution is a dead letter. It's an ancient text written by dead men who aren't around anymore and in all likelihood, had all manner of corruption in their own lives that they weren't exactly anxious to see history record. The left doesn't give a fucking shit about the Constitution. They will use every dirty rotten trick taking conjured to destroy you. And if you use the Constitution and some kind of excuse not to brutalize your enemies, then you're not a principle conservative. You're a fucking pussy. The modern electoral process is the only shred of supposed adherence to that document that still exists and understands something. The smart money is on ending that process too. We don't need better or fairer elections. We need to end elections. This whole democracy thing, whether you call it a republic or not, is overrated. Someone with balls is on their way to the highest office on planet earth. And if all he does for the next eight years is remind Democrats that government is a violent monster, then that's just got to have fun with me. If he buys the genetic integrity of the United States a little bit more time, even better. But if you want to run Paul's support, don't talk to me about constitutions. We had a referendum on that subject in 2012 and you found it against it. From that point forward, the gloves are off. The referees were executed and there are only three objectives in front of us today. One, to defeat permanently weakened and ultimately destroy the left. Two, stop the systemic extermination of white people from planet earth. And three, undermine the foundations of democratic government. That's it. And once we accomplish those goals, I am very happy to discuss limited versus no government protectionism versus free trade, anarcho-capitalism versus national socialism and yada yada yada. Believe me, I think those are all conversations worth having. And I consider it very important that my viewpoints win those arguments because I believe they have factual answers. But every last drop of energy that every single one of us has must be devoted to stopping Hillary Clinton in November. I know people say this every four years. And in some years, it may have been true with others. But this election is the most important one in mankind's history. A Clinton presidency will be our fucking doom. We will have nothing left to fight for if she is not stopped. So all of you self-important libertarians, all you fucks new zombies who think that your bruised fucking ego is more important than our survival. Either get with the program or get out of my fucking helicopter. Yeah, try get out of my fucking helicopter. 2176881433. You like to say otherwise and I'd love to hear from you. You know, it's funny to me now. You know, I still, you know, I take the Georgia port. I probably shouldn't say every day, but at least on days I'm doing the show. And it's just gotten so blatant. You know, they're just, it's just the anti-Trump page. It's basically they've done the same thing to the the Georgia port that they did to Wikipedia essentially. They're like, they're like, oh, here's the headline of drugs. Shock images. Trump ears seems to make remarkably quick recovery. FBI director Sturrs controversy with bullet skepticism. Don backtracks on debates. No, we just went through that with the Colby Hall Faggot. Okay. That's a fun one though. He's planning to go back there, right? Which is smart on his part, right? Because you know, the guy who, you know, the guy who they set up as a patsy for shooting them. Because it wasn't the kid. It's a total lie. We're going to get into that soon. It's fake. It's fake. Because, you know, the guy that they pretend tried to shoot him. That guy's dead now, right? Or, you know, there's a body somewhere. They kill people all the time. It's not a big deal. So whoever they killed somebody, you know, the narrative is that the shooter's dead. And so Trump's like, I'm going back there. Everybody's like, you're so brave and bold. He's like, no, the fucking guy who tried to shoot me is dead. It's not a big deal, actually. Let's like, if somebody went to like Charlottesville, Virginia and just like, you know, like every register Democrat and every registered DSA, it's just like locked up for the next 200 years or whatever. Just you just put a one trial and be like, yeah, you're a left-winger, right? And be like, yeah, I'd be like, you're guilty, shut up, go to prison forever. And then you're like, guys, you're going back to Charlottesville. Like it would be triumphant or whatever. But it wouldn't be that brave, right? It'd be like, there's no Democrats. There's no leftists here. There's like, the place is not even populated. There were no Republicans left. You know, just, just an empty city, guys. Vance fed should track women traveling for abortions. Tucker Carlson to blame for VP disaster, A plus pole, Trump 48, Harris 47. Now come on. Does anybody believe that bullshit? Okay. You know, you remember 2016, all the polls were completely fake. And then like, you know, in 2020, they were kind of like, it seemed like what they were actually trying to do was scare the other side. Get them out to the polls, right? This is what they do. It's like, do you want to, what do we want to do with the polls, fellas? Do we want to scare our own people and make them motivated to vote or do we want to demoralize the other side? Hmm, I don't know, guys. What do you want to do? You know, if you were pollsters, if you were people who are trying to measure public opinion instead of shaping it, you'd just be like, yeah, let's go ask the people what they think, right? But that's not what they do. And so in order to accomplish the things that they want to accomplish, they say like, okay, we're going to create a poll that says that VP Harris has 47% and Trump has 48% and will act like it's a dead heat neck and neck. But that's complete bullshit. Everybody knows it, right? So like, they were saying that like, Trump and Biden were a fucking dead heat neck and neck. And then they were like, at the debate, they were like, nobody's going to believe us if we keep on saying that we've got to get rid of this Biden guy. Like, our lies are not going to be credible if we keep on having this guy stumble around and take orders from the fucking Easter Bunny. It's just not going to work. Nobody's going to buy it. And so they went and they fucking told me like, look, we just fucking shot Trump's fucking ear off. You don't die. Okay. If you don't want us to fucking put a bullet through Hunter's fucking skull. Okay. You're going to have to do what we say. You're going to have to drop the fuck out. And he's like, all right, we keep on supplying me with girls to sniff. And they're like, yeah, no problem. And he's like, all right, I'm done. Okay. So I was there. I saw what happened. That's an exact quote I'm kidding. But seriously, this is basically what's going on. So who in the fuck believes that fucking Trump and Harris poll 4748? Nobody fucking believes that. These people have completely fucking lost it. And they blame Trump appropriately for like to meet, to meeting them and taking away their credibility. They're like, no, people don't believe the media anymore. So Donald Trump's fault. Donald Trump called the media the enemy of the people. And now that people don't believe the media and now they, they believe conspiracy theories. I'd rather them fucking believe the fucking like shit they found in a fucking, you know, I don't know, it's dirty rhymes fucking book or something. Then what you fucking tell them? Because you tell them shit like this that fucking half the country wants to call Harris to be president. That's bullshit. Nobody believes that. And of course, nobody believes you when you say it, it's fucking ridiculous. Vice President Kamala Harris, this story is at denues by, but it's actually, denues actually doesn't have denues. They just steal shit. They borrow things. I think they probably pay for it, actually. This appeared first in the New York Times. Because in New York Times, they were the perpetrators of the fraud, right? So they wrote the first story and then deduced like, uh, can I give you some money? And then I'll publish that lie on my website in New York Times. It's like, yeah, we love spreading lies. Yeah, I pay us. Vice President Kamala Harris begins a 103 day sprint for the presidency in a virtual tie with former president, Donald J. Trump. According to the latest New York Times, CNN, college poll as her fresh candidacy was quickly reuniting a democratic party that had been deeply fractured over President Biden. You see, they're all like, you know what, guys, I know that Joe Biden was like a senile old fool and that he destroyed the country, you know, albeit more slowly than we'd have liked. But you know what, Kamala Harris is a really dumb, black female. Now we understand she's not, you know, I mean, she's black, you know, she's black enough to be enslaved or whatever, but like she's not actually black, like, black people like, yeah, shut up, you stupid Indian bitch. Like, we're not, you're not one of us, we know that. But you know, they don't care, you know, the Democrats are like, we're going to fuck those black people over and we'll, you know, cultural appropriation, you know, they talk about this sometimes. We're just going to go and put up this Indian woman and be like, yeah, she's black, vote for her nigger. And then the niggers are going to be like, okay, whatever you want, you know. Just days after the president abandoned his campaign under pressure from party leaders, the poll showed Democrats rallying behind Ms. Harris as the presumptive nominee with only 14% saying that they would prefer another option. And overwhelming 70% of Democratic voters said they wanted the party to speedily consolidate behind her rather than engage in a more competitive and draw an out process. So you see, we went over this too. I think it might have been on the member show you Wednesday. There was a piece in zero hedge titled the party of democracy. Well now, select your candidate for you or something to the fact, right? Kamala Harris getting to be the presidential nominee of the Democrat party is it's like something straight out of house of cards, right? This is Frank Underwood shit. This was the, this was the scheme the whole time. They're like, how do we get a black woman to be president? They're like, well, we can't, we obviously can't do that. Like we have to like keep these people alive. We're stealing from them. You know, black women will just get us all killed because they're fucking crazy, right? And they're like, all right, we'll get like an Indian woman. And, you know, this and then somebody's pipes up in the middle of that and they're like, no, like some of those idiot women are smart like doctors and shit and like, no, no, we'll get one that like fucked a nigger her dad fucked a nigger or whatever and then she'll be dumb as a boxer rocks and then we'll control her and they're like, okay, that works. Perfect. And so they got this like Negroes Indian woman and they're like, yeah, we'll go and fucking, you know, let's find out. Let's see if she has any credentials like, no, basically turns out she just like, she like fuck some guy and then like the guy like gave her all sorts like corrupt influence or whatever. And they're like, yeah, she's perfect. Like we'll make her our puppet or whatever and all the Jews, they rub their hands together and they cackle or whatever. And then they put her as vice president to Joe Biden, right? Because they understood that there's no way that anybody's going to even like in this even in this setup, like there's no way anybody's going to vote for Kamala Harris to understand that that's just not going to happen, you know, not not even in a Democrat primary, right? Like she was actually the worst candidate in 2026, 2020. Like she dropped out before the Iowa caucuses like she literally didn't get any votes. The Vekram Swami got more, more convention delegates than Kamala Harris. You see what I'm saying? Okay. But you know, he's an Indian man. She's an Indian woman but she fucked a nigger and I should dumb, you know, it's how it works. I mean, I made her mother fuck to nigger or whatever. Her mother fucking, her mother fucking fucked a fucking nigger, her mother fucking fucked a mother fucking nigger and that's what happens. You see what I'm saying? Then you have mother fucking nigger, Indian nigger, whatever, you get the idea. And Indian nigger fuckers who are half nigger. And that's Kamala Harris, you see. I don't think I've used the word nigger on so many times in an episode before in a long time. So get those fucking super chats ready. Okay. But uh, no, but you know, in house of cards, like that was Frank Underwood's whole bit. He was like a member of the House of Representatives and he like schemeed his way to be the speaker and then he dislodged the vice president and then the president and boom. Here there he is, you know. And he sits in the Oval Office and he touches the resolute desk and he's like, I became president of the United States without getting a single vote. And that's Kamala Harris. Okay. Now it's a little, it's a little off track. Like they were probably hoping that Joe Biden would get reelected and then and or he wouldn't get reelected, but he'd at least put on a plausible show so that when they stole the election and put him in the White House, there was fewer people were willing to die to stop that scam from taking place, right? But they were like, yeah, nobody's gonna believe this and so that like we've got to do something and they're like, yeah, but like we have this like we've been trying to control all their political speech through campaign finance laws and and so now we can't like take this $96 million and just go give it to us like the next Jewish puppet we've got to do Kamala Harris and they're like, well boys, you know, if we did it for Joe, we could do it for this stupid fuck. Let's just give it a shot. Let's give it the old college try, hey? Her swift reassembling of the democratic coalition appeared to help narrow Mr. Trump's significant, what happened? A parent to help narrow, Trump's significant advantage over Mr. Biden of only a few weeks ago, Miss Harris was receiving 93% support from Democrats, the same share that Mr. Trump was getting from Republicans. So what they did to get Kamala Harris to be the nominee, they basically read they ran roughshoddle everything. It's like, yeah, you know, remember a few days ago Biden was like, I'm not dropping out of the race. I got 14 million votes in the primary, that's my legitimacy. And then Kamala Harris comes in and she's like, yeah, why didn't get any votes in any primary? Nobody Democrat wanted to vote for me, but I'm just gonna come take it anyway because I've got the endorsement of Barack and Michelle Obama and to show you that endorsement, what I'm gonna do is actually just have like a camera crew around when my phone rings a big, oh my god, Barack, how you doing, homie? Michelle, what's up girl? And then they're just like, you know, and then they're like, yeah, Kamala, we're gonna, we're gonna give you our endorsement. And we're gonna put everything behind you and she's like, oh my god, well, Barack, you know, first of all, your friendship all these years has been great. You know, and they have what they actually did. She has a teleprompter on her shoes because she's just like looking at her toes what she's doing. She's just isn't wanting the camera to see that she knows that she's lying. And so, I don't know that she actually has like a shoe prompter. I'm making that up. I'm just saying, she's always looking at the ground. She's lying. And she's not very good at it. And so they basically did this like scam. It was, it was Frank Underwood straight up that they were like, yeah, we'll go in there and there won't be any conversation about it. Like the average democratic primary voter will have absolutely no say in this process. And that has to be the case because democratic primary voters have rejected Kamala Harris as a president repeatedly. So much so that she didn't even bother going to the Iowa caucuses in 2020. And now her swift reassembling of the democratic coalition appeared to help narrow Mr. Trump's significant advantage over Mr. Biden, if only a few weeks ago. Ms. Harris was receiving 93% support from Democrats. The same share that Mr. Trump was getting from Republicans. So, you know, she's very popular with Democrats now all of the Democrats who who participated in the second Democrat primary of 2024 voted for well Harris, which is to say none of them. There was not one. She has completely latched up the support of everybody who had a say in the matter, which was not anyone who has a regular life. Overall, Mr. Trump leads Miss Harris, 48% to 47% among likely voters in a head to head match. This is a market improvement for Democrats when compared to the time she and a poll in early July that she had Mr. Biden behind by six percentage points in the aftermath of the poor debate performance that eventually drove him from the race. And you know, here's something that actually brings up an earlier thing we said into context. You know, in 2020 and 2016, Mark Zuckerberg and his friends were putting their thumbs on the scales. I mean, like in 2020, I mean, it was more their feet, you know, they were basically jumping. They were smashing the scales with hammers, but basically just make sure you couldn't measure anything as whole on the PowerPoint of the scam. And so this year, Mark Zuckerberg is like, no, as a matter of fact, like Facebook, like we're not so into the politics thing anymore. Our listeners, our users just keep on telling us that they want to hear about less politics. So we're going to give them less political content. Oh, okay. So like as the elections approaching, like you're going to be like, yeah, we're going to give you less political information because you're a bunch of dumb fucks. And if we don't feed it to you, you won't know, right? So just give you less of it. We'll give you pornography. We'll give you, uh, you know, drugs. You could buy oxy cotton on Facebook in some places, whatever. But you can't get political information there anymore because like if you understand anything about Kamala Harris, then like you're definitely not going to vote for her and you might or you might just like stay home because you're like, what the fuck am I? Why, why, what I degrade myself with this process anymore. And that's why. So what they're doing now is they're basically like, okay, well now we're going to put Kamala Harris there so they'll forget all about Biden's bad performance and how like they'll forget all about how we lied to them the entire course of his campaign and his presidency. And we'll just like start talking about fucking, you know, Winnie the poor, whatever, and fucking everything will be straight. This is what they've been setting up the whole fucking time. This is Frank Underwood shit. This is a part of a process. They probably thought that they were going to do it after the election and save her the trouble of being elected. But they're not. They've got a, they've got to, they've got to skip a step here now. Mr. Trump leads Harris 48% to 46% among registered voters. He had led among registered voters by nine percentage points over Mr. Biden in the post debate poll. The survey provides a snapshot of the presidential race in the middle of one of the most volatile and unpredictable periods in modern American history. It's unpredictable because we scumbags at the media are deceiving you on a daily basis. And we can't figure out which lie to tell because things have gotten so completely fucking ridiculous. Oh, what a tangled web. That's not what they actually said in the New York Times. I'm just ad libbing. Democrats suddenly have a new nominee and less than two weeks after Mr. Trump survived an assassination attempt. His favorability rating rose to the highest level has ever been in the National New York Times survey. And with Trump's approval level at the highest level, he's just right up there with small Harris. It's just so popular and we're supposed to believe that. Oh my god. They print these things. They put their names on shit like this. Can you believe that? Can you like, like, it's one thing, you know, you know, I understand like disinformation in the sense of like, okay, guys, let's go create a bunch of anonymous Twitter accounts and participate in hashtags, right? You know, there's that napho thing, you know, that bait that that SBU operation with the FBI's cooperation where, you know, Elon Musk gives them API access to Twitter. And then they create many fake accounts and then anybody who criticizes you, Crayon, they get they get kicked off of Twitter. I think you humble correspondent. I'm still like, I mean, I go back. It just doesn't matter because like, I don't use it because I'm going to get kicked off. So I don't bother trying to build a following, but God of talk radio if you care to check it out. Um, the survey provides a snapshot of the president's race in the middle of one of the most volatile and unpredictable periods in modern American history because we shot at Donald Trump and that stupid motherfucker lived and then we had to go and threaten the life of Joe Biden to get rid of him. Now we're going to have a fucking black woman as vice president. God knows how that's going to work out. These fucking women are insane. You've ever seen, they didn't say that in New York Times and just ad libbing. In some ways, the polls showed a reset to where the race was before Mr Biden imploded on a debate stage at Atlanta, months of a narrow but steady Trump ad to the national polling averages. But in other ways, the new poll provided intriguing hints at how Harris, Canada, he could remake the political coalitions and map that will determine the outcome of the 2024 election. Miss Harris was fairing better among groups that Mr Biden had been the weakest in, especially among younger voters and non-white voters that's right because it's fucking niggas. They don't know what to doing. At the same time, some Democrats fear she might not retain the same strengths that Mr Biden had among older voters, namely that he's a white man and that's who is supposed to be in charge of the country and everybody fucking with an IQ over 85 on a stance said, for whom the poll to state and say that New York Times and just ad libbing. For whom the poll does show some erosion of democratic support. The poll showed Miss Harris garnering about 60% of support from voters under 30 and Hispanic voters. Groups Mr Biden had consistently struggled with among voters under 45. Miss Harris was ahead by 10 percentage points less than three weeks after Mr Trump had held a narrow edge with that group over Mr Biden. Because the survey was a voters nationwide, the impact of Miss Harris's candidacy in particular, battleground stage was not immediately clear, but a democratic candidate with a great appeal, with greater appeal to younger and more diverse voters could put renewed focus on the Sunbelt States of Nevada, Arizona and Georgia, which had been threatening to slip off the swing state map for Mr Biden. Miss Harris has emerged as a democratic party's expected nominee after tumultuous few weeks. Mr Biden stepped aside on Sunday following a month of drawn out questions about his mental faculties following a poor debate performance at the end of June in the interim. Mr Trump escaped an assassination attempt named Senator JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate and formerly accepted his party's nomination at the Republican National Convention. Miss Harris is on a glide path toward next month's democratic convention as she seeks to become the first woman, the first black woman and the first person of South Asian descent to service an American president and to wreck the country all in the name of identity politics. They didn't say that New York Times, you probably galore. Her being president or even being in the running is very important just for history said summer Nesbitt, a 27 year old school tutor near Detroit who supports vice president who supports the vice president, but Miss Nesbitt who is black? Oh, you don't say. Herping president or even being in the running is important just for history said summer Nesbitt, a 27 year old nigger. Who doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about, right? Who's a fucking stupid bitch just thinks that she who just thinks that what we really need is another black president because the last one did such a great job of improving racial relations. I'll uh 2020 race minds. A but miss Nesbitt who is black? I don't think that you just have to that you have to try to pretend to be more down or be more black just so you can get the black vote just be yourself. Yeah, that's right. Stop pretending that you're a black marijuana smoker stupid bitch. Yeah, I was just like riding around with my homeboys listening to two pox smoking blunts and shit, you know, because my dad's Jamaican he does that shit. Oh God voters are more turned tuned into the race. Yeah, they're tuned into race. All right. How could you ignore it with this fucking stupid animal about to take the helm? I'm sorry, they're talking about the presidential race. That's they didn't do that in New York times. They don't confess to shit like that there. Adjust before the June debate, only 48% of voters said they were paying a lot of attention to the presidential campaign. That figure now stands at 64% though the interest of independence continues to lag behind out of Democrats and Republicans. The national mood remains bleak, but noticeably less so was 61% seeing the country headed in the wrong direction, which is lower than in recent months. Miss Harris faces some structural challenges as November approaches like systemic racism, right? That's what it's going to be. No, I'm I haven't read the piece yet. I don't know. We'll find out. She is sitting vice president at a time when 75% of voters rated the nation's economic conditions as fair or poor and significantly more voters see Trump as a strong leader than those who say the same of Miss Harris. Miss Harris. I'm a Democrat, but I've changed my mind after everything that's happened with Joe Biden's administration said Anna Ayala, a 50 year old who 58 year old who lives in San Jose, California and voted for Mr. Biden in 2020. She plans to vote for Mr. Trump in 2024. I mean, the party situation's out of control. Yeah, yeah. See, even the stupid California liberal bitch who's over to hell. She knows. I shouldn't say she's over to hell, whatever. There's some very fine women over the age of 58 who listen to show and I apologize. I'm sorry. I'll find some other way to make fun of that bitch. I apologize. The country's view of Miss Harris is also brightened with her favorability rating rising by 10 percentage points since February. Miss Harris enters the campaign with a favorability rating of 46 percent better than Mr. Biden's, but still behind Mr. Trump's views of all three. Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden, Miss Harris, but dramatically along gender lines for the most part, men like Mr. Trump while women don't. Yeah, women like Mr. Trump's is fine believe me. Okay. That's why they drop their fucking pants in front of him and then they take them in the fucking bathroom and fuck them and then sue him because they're sick fucks who want to fuck him. Okay. He's like tall and powerful and he's got money shut up stupid asshole. Fucking New York Times. Jesus Christ. Mr. Trump's favorability rating ticked up to 48 percent. This comes not long after the indelible images of him rising to his feet after an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally pumping his fist in the air as blood streaked across his face shouting fight fight fight. Honestly, the way he handled it, the fact the way he pretty much stood up into the fight ends of what happened kind of gave me the sensor pride that I had in felt when it came to our country in a while said Eddie Otsoi a 29 year old contractor in Los Angeles who had voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Mr. Biden 2020, but it's now back. He Mr. Trump wants the assassination attempt happened. I knew my fellow Democrats were bunch of dirty criminals who would kill the president of the United States just to fuck the country up a little more. And I say, hey, we can fuck the country up slow or stop trying to kill people. Okay. We want those guns off the fucking street already said the California liberal. They didn't actually say that. I'm just I'm ad libbing you get the idea. But he actually said it was once the attempt assassination attempt happened and made me feel like they wanted to shut him up for a reason. Well, that they did, sir, you're catching on eventually. That'll happen once in a while not often with Democrats, but every once in a while one of them is like, hey, wait a second. The sun comes up in the morning. Goes to bed at night. I'm able to see how the world works. Nearly 90% of voters said they approved a Mr. Biden's decision to exit the race. If you shared by Democrats, Republicans and independence alike, perhaps as a result, Ms. Harris has almost instantly united the party behind her to a far greater degree than Mr. Biden had been able to in the past two years. Nearly four and five Democrats or voters who leaned toward the Democratic party said they would like to nominate her in contrast. Only 48% of Democrats had said they wanted Mr. Biden as a nominee just three weeks ago. A majority of Democrats said they felt enthusiastic about Ms. Harris as the nominee with only 10% to satisfy her angry. How much fucking longer is this thing? Jesus Christ, it's over. You know what? Fuck you. It's not you get the fucking idea. Okay, we're going to do it done with the fucking New York timespiece. They just go on and on and on and on. Me like, don't you know your fucking readers are stupid fucks. That's why they believe the bullshit you tell them. Why are you talking for so fucking long? Jesus Christ. What the fuck? Libertary Otson's $14.33 on Odyssey. Classic R.A. stream. Indeed it is. I'm uh, I got a bit of a foul mouth tonight. I apologize for the F's, but you're welcome. Yeah, so he has a thing, right? So they, you know, the FBI director who's about to be jobless by the way. Okay. So one of the better things about Donald Trump becoming president is on day one. He's going to fire Christopher Ray. Okay. If he hasn't resigned by then. And I hope it's, you know, I hope he's with you know, Mr. Trump. I know you used to listen to the show. I hope you still do. You know, it'd be a swelting, uh, Mr. President. And turn the fucking firings of federal employees into like a fucking game show type thing, right? So like, you know, they're working on this thing. They call it the project 2025 or something. And one of the things they said is they want to get Congress passed the law make it easier to fire bureaucrats. It's a great idea because bureaucrats notoriously scum in. You just have to fucking, you know, have to change them like diapers or whatever. They say that about politicians, but you actually get to do it with them, right? But bureaucrats, you don't, right? That's why they, they call them the deep state. And so when Trump gets in there, right? You remember when he cat in before he's like, yeah, hey, call me. Are you going to be loyal? And he's like, well, no, I'm a, I'm not loyal. I'm a scumbag Democrat. He's like, okay, well, you're fired then. And he's like, yeah, well, I'm going to go write a book and set you up for a crime. He's like, okay, that's fine. That's why I don't want you to be direct to the FBI piece of shit. And so, you know, Donald Trump, he's been through that already. So the first thing he's going to go do is walk in there and be like, hey, Christopher, why don't you come into my office for a second? You're fucking fucked. No, I didn't say you're fired. I said you're fucked, okay? And you're going to got a big bunch of people lined up out here. We're going to bend you over to fucking share. And we're going to teach you what it feels like to have done to you what you've been doing to this country. Now, I don't know that you can add that on broadcast television or whatever, but, you know, they got, you know, pay per view, whatever. Internet, you know, you got to have some kind of age verification. Charge people a dollar to watch or whatever. And you get an unlimited viewing for dollar. Just make sure they're over 18. You make them use a credit card. But maybe you don't have to make it like sexually explicit. You just make sure that they're really unhappy, right? Just make sure that the federal employees, they get fired in a really spectacular fashion. Everyone gets to watch, right? Let them know that like there's no such thing as a secure job in government, okay? Your job can't be more secure than that of the president of the United States because fuck you. That's why because if you don't do a good job, you're going to get fired, okay? We used to do that. We do that in America all the time. Like you go to where you're on the radio and you say you tell the truth or something like that and they're like, well, you're fired. You're like, well, wait a second. I told the truth. That's a good thing. They're like, no, we live in the empire of lies. Okay? That's treason. You know, people get fired all the fucking time unless they work for the United States federal government. It's like, no, fuck you. Like it's not the way it works. And you could episode one, it'll be Christopher Ray. And there's an endless number of reasons to do that. But just most recently, like he's like, yeah, well, I don't actually know if you actually got hit with the bullet in the ear. Might have been strapped in all of something. We're looking into it. You know, just don't want you to think too highly of Donald Trump. Well, you need to undermine that narrative. However, we can. That picture is really bad for the next election. And I'm definitely going to be out of a job if he wins. And so whatever I could do here to undermine his candidacy, let me do. And he's backtracking on that. He's like, yeah, well, you know, strapped in all might have come from the bullet. You know, I don't know what the fuck he said afterwards, but he's Jesus Christ. Sorry about that. Jesus Christ thing. I know a lot of people don't like that. I apologize. I mean, you like Jesus Christ. It's fine. You just don't like me taking a Lord's name in vain. I get it. I get it. Get it. So it's a smoking gun, ladies and gentlemen. You know, people were trying to figure out is this this crooks guy, the guy who shot the the patsy that they had to pretend that he used the guy who shot the present. The Democrat, the guy who the Democrats shot in the head, the child that is now dead because the Democrats set him up to be Trump's assassin. He had a, he had a, he had a gap account. Okay. And so everybody's like, yeah, well, you know, as you're a public in our Democrat and the Republicans like he's obviously a Democrat. The Democrats like he's obviously a Republican. And so now it's all settled. He was, he had a gap account, which means the Nazi. You see everybody would get a cat in the Nazi unless they support to abide in which this kid did. And so apparently Torba, a bit of blog post, he got a law enforcement request to preserve the information from this, from this account hood, only been on gab for like nine months. I'm sorry, only posted to gab nine times apparently created the account in 2021. And what he was doing was like talking up, Joe Biden in those nine posts. He's like, yeah, Joe Biden's great. Joe Biden, yada, Joe Biden's COVID policies are sound. And so like, you know, if you need any more evidence of the kids like mentally disturbed or whatever, not only did he try to whack Donald Trump, I think he was going to survive and go to the Democrat convention, just go drive to Chicago and whack Biden afterwards. He actually supported Joe Biden's like COVID stuff, which means he's completely out of his fucking mind. I mean, but it's fake. It's obviously fake. And what this actually shows you that it's premeditated. You see, so this kid, you know, this kid who they tell us that he grabs his dad's AR 15 and sort of like on a whim, went and tried to murder Donald Trump and had some like remote detonators, because you know, just that's what white people do. They just like have these, it's in their DNA, you know, they just make detonators and stuff. So like, they have the remote detonator gene. And then they just make them and then they grab guns and they kill people because that's, you know, it's a white man, but in AR 15, stop asking questions, go ahead and what are you talking about? And what he did was he actually, he went, so he went back in time to 2021 and then he started making posts about Joe Biden. And then what happens when he does that, when he goes back in the delorean and he goes back in time and it's like, hey, 2020 went me. I need you to create a gab account, right? And then he's like, why is it because I'm going to kill the president. It's like, okay, no problem. I'll do it. And then what happens then, then revolver news comes and revolvers been skeptical to the story. They're like, what the fuck is this bullshit that like some 20 year old kid goes grabs his AR 15 and makes some remote detonators and tried to kill Trump. That's bullshit. This is fake, right? And then they're like, oh my god, he's got a gab account. We better definitely undermine the prospect that this kid actually existed. And then like, wait, guys, guys, relax. Hold on. The gab account was posting things in support of Joe Biden. They're like, perfect. Perfect. He's real now. Okay, guys, everybody, the kid is real. He actually supports Joe Biden. He's the one who did it. A Biden supporter has tried to kill president Trump. Everybody repeat that line. And this is why I just, I've completely given up on news as a general matter. Like, you fucking, you can't count on revolver. You can't count on foxes. You could, you could reliably count on CNN and SMBC to lie to you. Maybe it's like, go to, I'll just start paying attention to left wing media and like, I'll learn more by listening to them lie to me. Then I'll will by reading revolver, right? Because revolvers like, what can we do that's convenient? We don't have like a, we don't have like a process, right? There's not like rules. We have this fucking fucking weird over headline USA. Just go make a bunch of shit up and go quote, a mentally ill fucking prisoner. Right. We just go make it all up as we go along. It's like, I can't, hey, stop moving. Stop, stop fucking moving. Okay. I have to watch you behave so I can analyze your behavior and figure out what your lies mean. Okay. And revolver news doesn't do that. They're just crazy. Here's the least shocking news in a day for you. Says revolver news. No need to sit down or brace yourself for this revelation. Anyone with a half functioning brain already knew that the lunatic who targeted Trump and tragically succeeded in taking his life was a violent violent Biden supporter. How this was confirmed is an interesting story. They're also incompetent at the revolver news. You see already knew that the lunatic who targeted Trump and tragically succeeded in taking his life was a violent Biden supporter. Well, I'm pretty sure he didn't succeed in taking Trump's life as a matter of fact. Thank God. You know, would you need to say he's succeeded in taking his own life? I think that the next paragraph is going to suggest that these people are just fucking idiots. They actually just don't know how to write as a matter of fact. It goes on to say it all started with Andrew Torbo, the CEO, the free speech powerhouse social media platform gap. You know the one that banned me. Mr. Torbo was thrust into the dramatic whirlwinds surrounding the Trump assassination blood due to some mysterious activity on the site. After a series of potentially serious developments, Mr. Torbo confirmed that the assassin who attempted to murder President Trump and tragically succeeded in murdering fire fighter Cory Compertor was an avid Joe Biden supporter. Mr. Torbo explained that this revelation came about following an emergency disclosure request from law enforcement. And here's the back story from Kenneco with a great now just to the point about tragically succeeded in taking his life. I don't think that the guy succeeded in taking his own life. That's not he didn't kill himself who shot by a sniper. There's no evidence that his intent was to be shot by a sniper. He obviously undertook that risk, you know, by being a member of the Democrat party. It's blood in blood out. They nobody gets out alive. But it doesn't look like this was like a suicide plot, right? Does not have an answer that as a matter of fact. Get thought he was going to go take some remote detonators, drive to Chicago, whack Biden if we believe this fucking horse should. tragically succeeded in taking his life. No, he didn't succeed in tragically taking his life. He succeeded tragically succeeded in murdering firefighter Cory Compertor is what they say in an experiment. So if the guys that revolver news, they don't even read what they say. They just publish it. And then they leave it there, right? So like, you know, if this was like published, it, you know, took off any afternoon, then I come back and it's 10 o'clock at night and I'm like, oh, well, I'm glad they fixed that error. But no, they don't do that. They don't do that. And I guarantee you they make more money than I do. So what the fuck? I fucking fixed typos. Fix it, should. Backstory from cano co to great new Thomas Matthew Crooks made a nine post on gab supporting president Biden, COVID lockdowns and Biden's border policies according to gab founder Andrew Torba. Quote, I'm sorry, explain to me how Trump was never concerned with what the left wanted or anybody in the GOP matter for that matter. The reason all the deaths are down is because you are stuck in your house. Actually, the executive order allows an easier path US citizenship, therefore no longer making them illegal and allowing children to join. They're already legalized immigrant parents in the United States. First of all, Biden executive orders don't incentivize human trafficking as human traffickers aren't interested in citizenship. Likewise, the majority of illegal immigrants, not criminals. And in fact, some studies, such as the one link below show lower rates of crime committed by these individuals. It's also unclear if the extensive path to citizenship is in fact effective at routing out bad actors. Hence why there is a review of that system. That's funny because the first order mandates reuniting any of these are the policies between them are one quote to the next. And this is just their line breaks. And that's all that you're doing in the canico, the great post here. So that's all I've got. That's funny because the first order mandates are reuniting a family separated the board of the second and third orders review of review of Trump's immigration policies and other previous policies. However, his order doesn't actually open borders to reduce the authority of Border Patrol or anything that would substantially reduce Border Patrol effectiveness. Now what you know from those posts is a few different things. A 20 year old kid did not inform himself and then write that. Okay, that's not what happened. Nobody actually believes any of that shit. Those are democratic party talking points. Maybe like with a chat GPT level of originality to them. Like, can you tell me the nine talking points where it's a supporter of Biden today and chat GPT be like, yes, this is what we gave the Biden campaign. You know, they don't admit that, but they do. That's what they do. They're all in it for the left destroying mankind. So you know that this is complete fucking horseshit that this kid this kid created a gab account went on there and said these nine things which are acid on. And he's like, and he's like, yeah, I guess I'm done using gab or whatever. And then of course he like shoots the president and you know the feds are like, oh, hey guys. You guys somewhat that terror social network. We need all the terrorist stuff. Okay, so give me that terrorist stuff right there. And like, well, wait a second. Like, discuss, oh my god, it's the shooter. And conservative Incas like, oh, fuck yeah, dude. Yeah, we've been trying to say that like, obviously, the guys are Democrats. So we'll do this. No, no, no, don't say that the kid is real now. This is evidence that it's fake. There's no fucking way that this happened. And then and since and since they wrote this out in 2021, it means that it's premeditated. You see what I'm saying? It wasn't this was not a recent decision to try to whack Trump. Right. It's not a recent decision to make this kid a pat. This has been going on for a very long fucking time. And it's kind of weird to fucking look at it if I'm honest with you. Like, how the fuck? Let me see if I want to do one more story. I'm not going to finish that because it's fucking bullshit. Why am I going to just listen to you? I'm going to go tell you a bunch of nonsense like as if we don't know what's bullshit. It's 1046. One person has paid me tonight. I should just like do a private show. It sounds kind of weird to do a private show just for the bacteria. I don't know if his wife would appreciate that very much. Because he's the only one who paid and none of you other motherfuckers did. But you know, some of you guys you give me 10 bucks a month or whatever. There's one, you know, there's some of you give me more than that on the on the gifts and go. And so so I'm still showing off for work most days. So thank you very much for that. Appreciate it. Somebody went and tried to fucking like sabotage the Olympics. It's like coordinated arson attacks. France is completely fucking out of control. It's all it's all coming on hinge. Ladies and gentlemen, it's all coming apart. I wonder if this has been updated since then let me refresh this page. They have not updated it in a while. France's rail network has been paralyzed by a series of coordinated arson attacks today affecting nearly a million people traveling to the Olympic Games. Flames and golf train tracks at strategic points across the country this morning just hours for the Olympic opening ceremony was due to kick off and river scene, river scene in Paris. Around 800,000 travelers had been affected by the cancellations including two German show jumpers set to take part in the opening ceremony. Who will now miss the event? There was no longer a chance of making it on time. Rider Philip Weisshopp, who was traveling with teammate Christian Kukuk Kukuk KU KU K. Oh, I get it. He's one of ours. I'd say it's a dog whistle. It's all German news agency DPA. Officials condemn the attacks as criminal actions and prosecutors in Paris open a national investigation saying that crimes could carry sentences of 15 to 20 years because this was not in service to left wing ideology. They didn't say that in Express Dakota, UK. I'm just making it up. I'm sorry, not Express Metro. Metro Dakota, UK. Gary Dunorne, where the Euro Star stops in Paris, also affected by the attacks on the rail network said a spokesperson for the SCNF, the National State and Railway Company in the country. Euro Star customers at 90, I'm sorry, at London St. Pancras, which travels directly to Paris, have been told to cancel their trips were possible while this situation resolves itself. Two out of four trains carrying Olympic athletes. The Paris were stopped hours before the opening ceremony SCNF, SNCF said, Frank Du Bois Du Bois Du, the head of the Atlantic line at Lettich Line, could not say which athletes were halted or whether they would make it for the ceremony. He said services were improving and added the impact of the opening ceremony was very small. The majority of team GB were also due to, I guess that's team Great Britain. You're using like cult slang S hole. I'm from America. I don't know all this shit. The majority of team GB were also due to travel to Paris via the Euro Star, along with thousands of travelers from the United Kingdom. Maxi and her 12 year old daughter, Ivo, were among those stranded at Gare du Nord this morning. The train to Cologne was supposed to depart 9.55 AM, Paris time, but was then delayed by another hour and a half. Well, it's what happens. You go to Cologne, you get raped by migrants and then you miss your train. The mum feared that the delays would continue throughout the day and that they'd be raped more times as they sat at the station and Cologne. They're not adding the rape stuff I am because that's where my mind goes. It's in the gutter. But she kept positive telling Metro Dakota UK at least it is not a terrorist attack. Well, you tell me that when they come take your daughter's ass. Maxi has already looked at the price of renting a car to drive to Cologne, but it starts at 1000 euros. Prime Minister Gabriel Atal said France's intelligence services have been mobilized to find the perpetrators of active sabotage. She described as prepared and coordinated. He said the sabotage in arson had a clear objective blocking the high speed train network. The SNCF executive Jean-Pierre Ferrandu called the sabotage premeditated, calculated, coordinated attack that indicates a desire to seriously harm the French people. The places where were specifically chosen to have the most serious impact since each fire. Cut off two lines. He said three fires were reported near the tracks of the French Atlantic, Norden-Este, high speed lines by local media earlier today. Trains in neighboring belt. I don't know if you're a fucking traffic report from France. Okay, we're done. All right. I don't need a fucking traffic report. I just need to know what the ideology of what's the fucking arsonist. Okay, tell me what fucking did they paint a swastika? Did they say a law walk bar? Did they say democracy forever? Viva la revolution. Okay, that's what I need to know. And if you don't know that, then you don't need to fucking suck up. Four thousand words. Tell me about traffic patterns in fucking France. Okay, fuck you stupid fucking assholes. Jesus Christ. What am I doing? I'm so lazy, gentlemen. We used to do shows like this, so I curcel up a fucking storm and we have a lot of fun. So maybe you should fucking pay me and then maybe I'll do more shows. And if you don't, maybe I'll quit. Okay, so thank you very much to Libertaria and those of you who pay in other fashion. Thank you very much. Sincerely, even for you free-loading mother-fuckers, thank you very much for your attention. I do appreciate it. I just need to break your chops a little bit so I can pay the bills. And we will be back. We'll be back Monday, is it where? We'll come back, we'll do the, we'll curse a whole lot less. You know, probably try to keep it to zero, but every once in a while you just got to fucking do it. You know what I'm saying? Then I apologize for the F. For surreal politics on Monday that would come back Wednesday for the member show and then most of you fucking fake us, you don't get to listen because you're broke by the fuckers, you don't pay me, but you could join us. You want to do it. Just go to slash join you fucking, you fuck you pay me. Okay, you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you pay me and then you could fucking do the thing. Alright, and then I'll you know, then I'll then I'll feel better about doing a show. But I had a lot of fucking fun tonight. I hope you did too. And so yeah, so you know, we're doing it for now. And so I'll just keep on fucking over them fucking checkers. Go on, you know, I'm saying three extra shackles. Yeah, just let's say, you know, three extra three more, whatever, 10, whatever you got, whatever you got. I'll take it all whatever. You know, you ever watch like that was strong. You got like what's his name? Francisco Danconia, you know, he's like, he's like, you know what? He's like, I'm gonna blow up all my shit. Okay? Fuck you. You think that I just like inherited all this crap and then that I have it because I just have it. Well watch this. I'll set it all on fire and I'll make it all again because that's what I do. You understand? You could do that with me. Like you could just like give me your whole fucking fortune. And then and then you'll be like, watch I'll go do it again because I'm that good. And then you'd be like, yeah, fuck you. I'm that I'm a hotshot motherfucker. Now, you know, that might sound self-serving, but it's I'm saying that entirely so that you can have the satisfaction of building your fortune all over again. I'm just kidding. Okay? So anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I've had a great time tonight. I hope you have two. We'll be back to do it again real soon. And I hope you'll stay with us until then have a good night and a great weekend with the ones you love. That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people? You can't call two enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, the vanity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. Let's go to second amendment.