Let's get the show on the road. That's it, it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, and enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Inplemented and radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. And what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know they try and build a life here. One of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The second to now. All right. Welcome to the radical agenda. To show about Thomas Ideas and News of the day and whatever is on your mind, it's 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This 76 episode of the fifth six stage of the program. Today is July 19, 2024 is the current year. It's a Friday as usual. And we are coming alive once again for my undisclosed location where it's 9.30pm, US Eastern time, as a matter of fact. You might know that because that's what we do every Friday. We air the radical agenda live every Friday. And if you tune in live at 9.30pm, US Eastern on Friday, then you can call into the show 217-688-1433. And we would love to hear from you because the more you talk less I have to. We say that sometimes. And so I would invite you to join us while I program if you're listening at some other time because I'd love to hear from you guys. I don't like to just talk. I like to listen. You might have heard me talk about that in my book, Beauty Revisited, which is available for sale on Amazon.com. And you should definitely go buy a copy of it because it's a great book. You guys know who Max Boot is. Not to be confused with Victor Boot. Now Victor Boot was a guy who was a Russian citizen. He was convicted of conspiracy to kill Americans. But the US government basically went and tried to set him up for that because he was selling weapons or he was accused of selling weapons. And that the United States didn't have any jurisdiction to arrest him for that because it's not the world police after all. And so what they did was they set Victor Boot up and said, yeah, you conspired to kill some Americans and you're going to go to prison. And then they kept them in prison for a whole bunch of time. And then they let them go because some black lesbian got caught with marijuana in Russia. And they were like, yeah, well, let's just let this guy go because we need the black lesbian basketball player back. So that's Victor Boot. That's not to be confused with Max Boot. Now Max Boot actually, he's an American citizen, believe it or not, but he's a traitor to his country. He's trying to destroy it actually. And so don't confuse these two guys because Victor Boot is actually a pretty good guy. He actually likes American stuff, but Max Boot is an American citizen technically. And he's trying to destroy the country. So remember the difference between those two things. Max Boot, the infamous Russian born so-called conservative cough coughs as revolver news. Now I want, you know, Max Boot, the infamous Russian born so-called conservative cough cough. And staunch never-trumper has never held back in his angst when it comes to President Trump throwing around labels like Russian asset and geopolitical catastrophe. Now, I know a thing or two about Max Boot before I see this article, but I'm like, well, you know, he's Russian born. I think that if he was just like a Russian, then then then revolver news, they'd be like, yeah, he's a Russian, but he's not a Russian because you go to the, you go over to that Wikipedia thing, right? And at Wikipedia, it's like an antifa block. There are a bunch of scumbag criminals over there, right? And like somebody should go edit that thing. Somebody should go edit my Wikipedia every day, right? Somebody should go and be like, that picture does not look like Christopher Cantwell. You're a bunch of scumbags who took the worst picture on the internet that you could find if Christopher Cantwell and put it on as Wikipedia because you're a bunch of scumbags. You don't even see his face. He's looking down on his phone. What's wrong with you people? Somebody should go do that. But anyway, that aside, Max Boot is a Jew and he says he is personal life page on Wikipedia. He says, Boot was born in Moscow, his parents and grandmother, all Russian Jews fled from the Soviet Union in 1976 as refugees and moved to Los Angeles where he was raised and eventually gained naturalized US citizenship. There's nothing natural about this. You are a Jewish subversive who ran away from the terror that your own people imposed upon the country of Russia and then you came here and you did it to us. There's nothing natural about that. That's artificial and that's dangerous. That's his Jewish most of all. And so Max Boot, the dirty fucking kike, so-called conservative cough cough and staunch never trumper has never held back. It is angst when it comes to President Trump throwing around rate labels like Russian asset and geopolitical catastrophe. Boot is such a staunch anti-trumper that he could easily take the helm at the Lincoln project if he wanted to. Max Boot, a foreign policy adviser to Senator Marco Rubio Flora said that if efforts to block Mr. Trump fell short, he would vote against a Republican nominee for the first time in his life. I would sooner vote for Joseph Stalin than I would vote for Donald Trump said Mr. Boot who expressed optimism that Mr. Trump could still be defeated. He added, there's no A&H I could ever vote for him. I would far more readily support Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg if he ran. Now Boot finds himself entangled in a personal scandal as his wife, a former CIA analyst, is accused of spying for South Korea. Yeah, so this woman who married this Jewish subversive, she worked for the CIA and now she's been indicted for her working for the Koreans. And if you take a look at her, let's go ahead and take a look at her, matter of fact. Oh, wait a second, what's that? Maybe she's Korean. Maybe we should racial profile our CIA analyst, huh? If they like, hey, there's a Jew in a Korean and they're like, yeah, let's control the intelligence apparatus of the United States. You're like, but we're a bunch of white people and you guys are like hostile enemy races. Maybe we should just get rid of you. Maybe we should get you out of our country. Yeah, that might be, that might be prudent. It's a curious twist, right? It seems like the anti-Trump crowd always embodies. The very faults they claim Trump has. The real icing on the cake here is that Max's wife allegedly played spy games in exchange for luxury handbags. It sounds like the boot family's sense of patriotism and morals could fit into a Louis Vuitton purse, quoting from Sky News. Sue me Terry. Oh, that's pretty funny. Her name is Sue me. That's right. I thought my name was Sue me. Sue me Terry. I'm not a fan of the word. Sue me Terry. The wife of Washington Post columnist Max boot was charged with failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act according to an indictment made public Tuesday in Manhattan federal court. Prosecutors alleged that Terry promoted South Korea's policy positions disclosed non-public U.S. government information to South Korean intelligence officers and facilitated access for Southern South Korean government officials to gain to their American count. Excuse me and facilitated access for South Korean government officials to their American counterparts. South Korean intelligence officers allegedly gave her a botega Veneta and Louis Vuitton handbags and Dolce and Dolce Gabonna's coat and dinners at Michelin starred restaurants. Oh, wow. You sold out your country for handbags, a coat and some dinners. There you go. You should talk to your Jew husband. Learn how to rip people off for Christ's sake. Be like, okay, you want me to sell out my country? What I want to do is I want to insert myself in the Federal Reserve. I want to be able to send their country to war. That's how you rip people off. You're like, oh, I got an idea. How about I commit espionage and become a traitor to my country. Can you give me a handbag? Okay. Why don't you give me a little purse that I can walk around and feel cool with as I cheat on my Jewish husband with blacks. I don't know that she's fucking blacks. I'm just saying if she's a scumbag, you know, that's scumbags, dude, they fuck niggers. Prosecutors say they also provided more than $37,000 in covert funding for a public policy program on Korean affairs that she ran. Marie is alleged to have worked as an agent for a decade from 2013, two years after she left US government employment. Meanwhile, he and his wife co-wrote a column for the Washington Post on US and Korean relations while she was a spy, followed up, of course, by his 18 reasons that Trump could be a Russian asset. So, you know, here's a great observation, okay? She's working at the CIA and then two years later, she's working for the Korean intelligence service. I want to know what she was doing with the Korean intelligence services when she was still working at the CIA because it doesn't seem to me that the CIA, that the Korean intelligence service would be like, I will just wait until she's gone, right? Why didn't the Korean intelligence, you know, what made them think that she would be helpful to them after she left the CIA? Probably because she was helping them while she was at the CIA, most likely, as a matter of fact, right? So we've got like four intelligence officers in the CIA, most likely. That's probably like 100% true. That's definitely happens, right? I mean, the intelligence services of other countries would certainly try to do that. And now we know that the CIA analyst is actually working for the South Koreans. And we also know that the South Korean is supposedly an ally, right? South Korea is supposedly an ally because, you know, we're all against communism, aren't we? We like democracy, not communism. They're different. And so there are allies and they sent their spy here to marry a Jew and to work at our CIA and to betray our country because there are friends, you see? Or maybe they're not. Maybe they're not actually our friends. Maybe the South Korean government exists only because the United States protects it, right? Maybe the South Koreans would be at war with North Korea in like two seconds, were it not for the threat of US military force, right? And so, you know, you might think that somebody who depends on you for their survival, like, has to be your friend. Like, you have no choice but to be my friend because if you're not my friend, then I'll abandon you and then you'll be dead. And they'd be like, yeah, well, you know what? And you put it that way, I definitely better be your friend. But that doesn't mean that the relationship is friendly as a matter of fact. They're like, you know what? You piece of shit. You're coercing me as a matter of fact. You're threatening my life. And I mean, hold you and contempt for that. That's what happens with dependency, you see? This, you know, respect is not possible in that relationship, you know? The, the fanatics, the feminist nutcases, right? They say like consent is not possible if, you know, you're somebody's boss or whatever, right? And I don't think that that's necessarily true, right? I mean, you're a woman in a work force and you want to go fuck your boss, you know? I think you've consented, say, okay? But there's something to that, you know, the power dynamics of a thing influence the nature of the consent of the agreement, I think is fair to say. But if your survival is dependent upon somebody else and especially if your survival is dependent upon that somebody else doing something corrupt and against the interests of the people that they're supposed to be serving, then there's like, there's going to definitely be some contempt and distrust, right? Because it's actually not in the best interests of the United States to be the military force of every other country, right? It's not, no, that's not our best interest. Like they had to fuck us over to do that. And so they fuck us over to do that and these other countries are like, yeah, please, keep on fucking over your citizens so that we can keep on ruling this country, right? Does that mean there are friends? No, it doesn't, as a matter of fact. It doesn't mean that they respect us at all, as a matter of fact, it's a hundred percent certain that they don't. And do you think that everybody wants to be like Ukraine? I do not think that they do. It turns out Trump isn't a Russian asset, but Max Boots wife is a Korean spy. How's that for irony, folks? Ironically finding just one reason why Mrs. Boots became a South Korean spy isn't hard. In fact, she was so knee deep and intrigue and designer handbags that she found herself passing handwritten notes highlighting security secretary of state blanket. Sky news piece goes on. She advocated South Korean policy positions during media appearances, shared non-public information with intelligence officers and facilitated meetings between US and South Korean officials according to the indictment. She also admitted to the FBI that she served as a source of information for South Korean intelligence, including by passing handwritten notes from an off the record June of 2022 meeting, which included US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The indictment says it looks like Mrs. Boots soon may soon be trading in her luxury boots for prison shoes straight into the big house. Sky news piece concludes as follows. Terry who is now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, of course, right? Oh, she's working at the Council on Foreign Relations and everybody's like, yeah, she must be an American patriot. Yeah, that's right. We love our nation of immigrants, don't we? That all these people of all nationalities and races they come here and they just put their hand up and become Americans. It's great. And then they work for foreign intelligence services that are more ethnically aligned with them. And then they go work at the Council on Foreign Relations, which is a globalist institution trying to institute a form of global government, right? That's fantastic. Terry who is now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, served in the US government from 2000 to 2001. First as a CIA analyst and later as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for East Asia and the National Intelligence Council. Okay. So the woman who's now working for the South Korean Intelligence Services was not just a CIA analyst. She was Deputy National Intelligence Officer for East Asia at the National Intelligence Council. It's fantastic. I wonder if those two things are related in the slightest. Propsecutor say Terry said she was not an active registrant on disclosure forums filed with the House of Raps where she testified at least three times between 2016 and 2022, but also never disclosed her covert work with South Korea, preventing Congress from having the opportunity to fairly evaluate Terry's testimony in light of her longstanding efforts for the government. Now the even bigger question looms. What role did Max Boot play in all of this? Was this staunch anti-trupped hater using his platform at the Washington Post to push foreign propaganda onto Americans just to build up his wife's exotic handbag collection? No revolver news. He was doing it because he's a subversive Jew who's trying to destroy the race of the people who once dominated this country. Here's an example of the type of work Max Boot was publishing at Washington Post. He said, for example, on March 8, 2018, South Korean conservatives have had two nightmare scenarios about President Trump that he would either be embroiled their country in a ruinous war with North Korea or that he would sell out their interest to the North. So you see here, the South Koreans are not our friends. They don't respect us. They don't respect this crazy democracy theory that is the basis of this nonsense, right? They don't actually believe any of that crap, do they? What they believe is, oh, well if America does better, if America has a president that's going to take care of its own people, we're fucked. We're fucked. So we better make sure that that Trump guy doesn't win. We're going to help that Joe Biden guy and if he goes gets them into World War III fine, whatever. As long as we don't have to fight the guys next door, let the whole world burn down and destroy the United States in the process. Price person's aside was Max himself getting paid to spread propaganda. Here's a tweet from Sean Davis, did Max boot who had a foreign flag in his bio because you got the Ukraine flag there, which is treasonous. And so did he do this stuff like for free or was he getting paid by a foreign government to sell out his country? Probably the Israelis, you know, or you know, some Jewish interest group that you know, is not necessarily officially aligned with the Israeli government. They do that all the time, you see. You know, the Jews, they're like, no, no, no, no, I'm not an agent of the Jewish state. I actually work for APAC, it's a totally private institution. No, I'm not, I'm not a member of, you know, the Mesod intelligence agency. I work for the Southern Poverty Law Center. That's what they do. You know, that's the, you know, the South Koreans what they got to do is, you got to do like the Jews, right? No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm working, I'm not, I'm not a foreign spy. No, I'm working for an American newspaper and I'm publishing national security secrets in the name of freedom of speech, you see. During a recent trip to Japan, I'm sorry, during a recent trip to both Japan and South Korea says Max boot, we found considerable anxiety in both countries about the prospect of another Trump term. The nervousness is particularly palpable in Korea because Japan had more success in managing Trump. Federal authorities have indicted the wife of, oh, this is Sean Davis post about this. I don't need to read that. It's interesting, isn't it? How all these never trumpers end up being the worst kind of folks? It makes you really think about what those anti-Trump elitists are pushing for. Why these big shots fight so hard against transparency and why they don't want to hand the government back to the people. It really is, you know, I say it all the time, you know, I can't say that I don't believe it anymore, right? Because, you know, what else, right? Is there a limit on the depravity of these people? Of course not. They're child molesters, right? The fucking Lincoln Project guy was literally banging kids and shit, okay? So if you're running around fucking the children and betraying the country, don't turn around and tell me our democracy is sacred. Nobody messes around with the votes here, buddy. You're a conspiracy theorist. Like, yeah, no, I know. My PO stopped by yesterday, right? Oh, he's all right. You know, my first PO was better. They switched him out, but anyway, but he's all right. And he stops by and he's like, see, hear about this, you know, Trump thing. I'm like, oh, you mean did I hear if somebody took a shot at the president of the United States? Yes. As a matter of fact, I think I caught wind of that. And he's like, what do you think? I was like, I don't fucking buy it, you know, some 20 year old kid just picked up his dad's AR 15. It's just a white man with an AR 15 tried to kill the president of the United States. This is we told you that those white people have problem, you know. And I went over this, I think on the member show the other day, they're basically like, yeah, you know, he's like, what, you think it was a conspiracy? I'm like, you're a federal agent, motherfucker. Like people get prosecuted for conspiracy in the feds all the time. What are you talking about? Yeah, I think it was a conspiracy. I think it probably more than one person was involved in this kid trying to take out the president of the United States as a matter of fact. Yeah. That's all that a conspiracy is. Two or more people conspired to do a thing. That's all conspiracy is. If more than one person is involved in its clandestine, it's a conspiracy. Yeah. And people are indicted and sued for conspiracy in the federal court system all the time. It's actually not the difficult to believe. And he, you know, met with that explanation. It was a little difficult for a federal agent to argue. It's like, it doesn't matter if fact. Yeah. You know, I'm a probation officer. Guys get out of prison for conspiracy. I end up, you know, supervising them. I can't argue that point. Can I? No, you cannot. So yeah, motherfucker's conspire. And then bad shit happens. And then when you find some neatly wrapped up story like a dead 20 year old in a bunch of bombs and you say, oh, well, another lone wolf white man with an AR 15. We're just going to have to, you know, there's no conspiracy here. It's what those white folks do. Well, no, as a matter of fact, you can't do that. Okay? Because that's too neat. Okay, it's too tidy, right? And then they, and then they decrypted the guy's phone. And what did they say was on the phone? Blans for the Democratic Convention. Okay, so what you're saying to me is that, you know, just guy was going to whack a president one way or another. He's not going to have to trump, really. He's actually not specific to Donald Trump. This white man with a gun just wanted to kill a guy who won an election because he hates democracy. You see, and so he was going to go kill Trump or he was going to go, you probably figured he'd get away with it. He'd whack Trump, you know, take up train down to Chicago, whatever. And then he'd go whack Biden. And then whoever else they put up, he'd whack them too, right? That's probably what that kid thought because those white people, they're nuts. Well, no, that's a bunch of fucking nonsense. All right. Now here's the next fucking thing that happens. Senator Holly says a whistle blow, it tells him HSI, not secret service was put in charge of the Butler, Pennsylvania security. Guess what HSI was doing on January 6th from revolver news. Americans are demanding answers. They want to know how it was so incredibly easy for a gunman to shoot president Trump and kill one of his innocent supporters. Clearly there was at least a communications breakdown. And right now we can't rule anything out until we know more information is still coming in slowly. For instance, Senator Holly has just revealed some disturbing details from a whistle blower about president Trump's security details. According to this source, most of Trump's security team that day in Butler, Pennsylvania weren't even official secret service agents. Holly claims that they were unprepared and inexperienced personnel assigned by the Department of Homeland Security. Sean Davis, the editor of the Federalist, believes there's more to the assassination plot that meets the eye, especially after Holly's observations. Davis says, now why would secret service in DHS star Trump's security detail of resources than assigned unprepared and inexperienced staff to protect him? It's enough to make you wonder if the Biden regime was deliberately trying to create the conditions that would allow someone to be able to shoot Trump. Revolver goes on, we should say off the bat that several highly placed sources have downplayed the alleged role of DHS HSI and have suggested that the secret service was the primary if done exclusive agency involved. It's very possible that the whistle blower could be inaccurate and we can't even rule out an intentional effort at dare we say it, disinformation in order to somehow absolve the secret service of its blame. Nevertheless, the attention on HSI's possible role in Butler in the Butler assassination attempt is significant. Remember when we covered the story of Green Beret, Jeremy Brown, whom the Biden regime prosecuted relentlessly, persecuted relentlessly after he revealed hidden recordings of government agents trying to recruit him as an informant in the months leading up to January 6th. Revolver news can confirm that those agents whose business cards we've seen belong to the DHS HSI division, the very same division that Senator Holley's whistle blower claims was mysteriously put in charge of some Trump security detail at Butler. As we learn from Jeremy Brown's secretly recordings, DHS HSI was part of a massive effort to recruit informants with proximity to militia groups in the months leading up to January 6th. These are given that they weren't supposed to know January 6th would be significant. The above underscores how the suspicious behavior of certain agencies in relation to January 6th will help to illuminate the dark and suspicious behavior of the secret service in relation to the tragedy in Butler, Pennsylvania. There is much more to say in relation to the secret service and much more is coming soon as we process some explosively state tunes since revolver. This is a come bunch of complete fucking nonsense. There's no fucking way that just some fucking 20 year old kid picked up his dad's rifle and tried to kill Donald Trump with nobody else involved. That is a clear setup. Libertary ought sends $14.33 on Odyssey based on the picture, USA doesn't look like her country. I don't think that the Korean woman who was working for the South Korean intelligence services is genuinely an American. I think that she's a liar. I think that she's a foreign spy and she's a subversive foreigner who's in our country for the purpose of harming it. Now let me find a clip to play so I can step away from this thing for a minute and just take a little quick break and then I'll come back really shortly right after we play out see him. I gotta do something less than 10 minutes long. Don't give me all this stuff. It's got to be more than five minutes but less than 10. You know what I'll do? Screw it. 11 minutes. We'll do prudence. You know, my getting up to speed, let's say, has been an interesting experience because of course, I didn't have so much as Jared how to keep me informed for the last year of my bid. I was completely out of touch and as I come out, I have a conception of things that in 2017, things were getting really hot and then they threw water all over it and everything got fucked. And so at the time that I got arrested in January 2020, things were not looking good. I think everybody was really black-pilled and you know, bad though it was, I think the things that happened in the year 2020, sort of like, you know, put a fire under a lot of people's asses, let's say, and everything that has sort of transpired since has driven the ideological fervor in a lot of different directions, I think it'd be a fair assessment or my assessment of it in any case. So and I don't know enough about some of this in-person organizing that's going on. I'm minimally aware of it, but I know definitely about the NJP, I know about Patriot Front and there's like the active clubs and stuff and so I'm still sort of getting the feel of these things and it's definitely happening. So I think that, you know, I don't know, I don't know. Listen, I think that you've made some great points and I'm just going to, I'm not going to respond to them because it's a little late and I was just adding that on to what the other caller said, I'm going to hop off now. Thank you very much for the call my friend. What I'm going to do real quick is I'm going to read something to you from the GTV chat and I'm going to explain something to you that's kind of important and I hope these guys haven't actually tuned out yet because I can teach them something. So I'm just going to read to you a few messages from Xiogram. Swastik is a sacred symbol and it describes the path of the North Star, don't let Jews control your mind. You guys got Kettle the Charlottesville, Satan cornered you, alienate, they are already alienated from themselves. You do not understand the war we are engaged in. They do not understand the enemy and will therefore continue to be but fucked by them. The J6ers got conned by Donald Trump, the greatest president Israel ever had. Chris, you need to understand the scope of this war. No more pussy footing around. They will label you a Nazi white supremacist no matter what you do. So it's time to go all in bro or lose your race. Proud boys support gay agenda, fuck the proud boys. Show the video where the proud boys are chanting we are gay. Proud boys can suck six million dicks. Chris, you sound really nervous. Did the Jew break you in prison? A Jew suffering through all this abuse. Did you just say that? Holy shit, I've seen enough. Hope you wake up Chris Godspeed. So that's an ex it's a sampling of the chat from GoMTV. And so specifically to the fellow son GoMTV, let me inform you of something. You know, I, the idea that I was broken in prison is kind of amusing to me. So I am a guy who like takes his calls very seriously and I do not give a fuck what I have to do to accomplish my goals. I don't care if I go back to prison as a matter of fact. So that's literally not what it is. The question is, am I being effective in accomplishing my goals or am I failing to exercise restraint and then being taken out of the mission as a consequence of being reckless? All right. And so when I come home, I say, all right, I'm going to be very prudent. All right. I need to make sure that I can fund my media operations so that I can reach other people, which means that I have to maintain a brand that can get financial services. And I need to be able to get paid. Otherwise I can't do, I can't work all day and night on this project unless that's how I make my money, right? If I have to go and, you know, work a regular job, there's nothing wrong with that obviously, but it limits what I can do. And I believe that the most effective thing that I can do is be a full-time propagandist. And the people who are in the member chats, they actually understand that like I'm doing a lot more than people in the public actually understand. And so that's what I'm trying to do. And just as a rhetorical matter, you know, as I'm coming out and I'm sort of like getting the lay of the land here, an actually really important moment in the course of that was the interview with Handsome Truth, okay? Because the entire interview was great. Like we had a great time, we were getting along and I wasn't entirely certain that it was going to be like that. But in the course of that really nice conversation, he like made this like one jab at me, right? He's like, yeah, I think prison broke you, man. I hope you come back or whatever. And it really fucking got to me. And the reason that it got to me was because we had this like really good conversation up until that point. And I'm like, oh, you just like, like we're like building a rapport and we have respect for one another. And this guy who, you know, I'm building respect with just like called me home, you know? And if you watch this show from episode zero to episode 21, you might notice the content changed a little bit after that. Now if he was just over on Goi MTV being like, fuck that can't well, faggot, I'm not going to listen to that fucking prick, fuck you, okay? That's persuasion. And I would encourage you, if you're not familiar with this production, I forget which I would probably episode two, three or four of stage six. Go listen to an episode I titled Persuasive, okay? And I went over a book by a guy by the name of Robert Chalvini where he's talking about influence, okay? He's talking about persuading people. And the science of persuasion is a thing that you can study and you can get better at it if you want to do it. Handsome truth is in the chat, he says, as he's mentioning me, I gave you a very honorable mention, sir, I'll encourage you to check the replay. It's a very honorable mention, my friend. And so if you want to persuade people, like you need to have, you know, an open channel of communication with those people, if you don't have that open channel of communication, then you are not part of the conversation. And so how you go about doing that, there's a lot of different ways that you can do it. I'm not telling you that there's any one right way or there's any one wrong way. What I'm saying is that if you just think that you could go fucking to war with everybody, guess what? You don't have any fucking power, dude. You have no fucking power. You're the underdog, okay? You're the one who has to ask other people for things, all right? And so like if you're just like, hey, my idea is so much cooler than yours that you should just come on board with me, like you're going to fucking lose, dude. And I do not consider losing a goddamn option, okay? If I have to lie, cheat and fucking steal to accomplish the fucking goals, enough fucking lie, cheat and steal, okay? If I have to fucking drop bodies, I'll fucking drop bodies. If I, whatever I have to do, you know, I'm not going to lose my race for eternity because I had some, some fucking moral dilemma about it, okay? So like, you know, figure out what your most prudent strategy is to accomplish your goals and based upon that assessment, do it. But if you just think like, hey, you just have to be ideological fervor alone is going to get you somewhere, you're fucking wrong. I did that for years, you know, and it didn't fucking work. So like, you know, I reassessed strategy a little bit and I'm, I reassessed strategy every day. And like I said, the interview with handsome truth was actually a moment, one of those moments. And the reason that it was one of those moments was because during the conversation, we built up a rapport with one another and when he, and we was like, I think prison broke you like that it actually like bothered me. And the reason it bothered me was because we built a rapport. And if we had a built a rapport and he was like prison broke you, like fuck you, bro. You know, we built a rapport and then he said it. I'm like, oh, I care what this guy says. Now fuck. I got to, I got to do something. And I'm like, hey, can I stream on your platform? That's, that's literally what happened. And so, you know, you take that for what it's worth. And I think if you analyze what I'm saying, you're going to realize that I'm no fucking dummy. And that's a, you know, maybe like other guys content better than me, you know, I don't blame you. I used to do things very differently and I, and I recognize that it was a, in a lot of ways, more entertaining. And I would love to like, I would love it if I could just like get paid in Manero and operate on tour. That would be great. You know, can I just do like, can I do a, can I do a Manero only tour podcast and like pay for my shit box apartment? Well, if I could do that, I would do that. But I can't. And so, you know, anyway, you get the idea. Bless your capacities and utilize them to the benefit of your relationship. You know, it seems to me to be like a prudent thing to do. And sometimes that's going to involve like, wait in a fucking second before you curse somebody out. That's my thinking. Man animal, he sends three bucks. Someone on Paul said it, well, Chris has adjusted the sales and he's made it clear that he isn't running home to Mama. What he is saying is that mainstream politics in the Republican Party should not be abandoned as a vehicle for change. That's not hard to grasp. Well, I appreciate whoever said that on pole. I think that that's an accurate assessment of what's going on. You know, I want power for fuck's sake. Okay, like we're getting, you know, like we're in a situation where like our guys can go and get fucking beat up by the proud boys and the proud boys don't go to jail. Like the proud boys go to jail for fucking bullshit. They beat the shit at you because they call you Nazis first. They could do it in front of the cops. Both fucking shit. That's how much power you have. So like you better fucking fix that. You better fucking fix that. I'm not fucking, you have to fix that. Okay, that puts all of us in danger if we don't have that much power. You know, you think you're going to get sovereignty. You think you're going to control a government because your ideas are cool with somebody else's. No, it's not going to work that way. So like fucking figure it out, dude. You know, and if you figure it out before me great, I'm not going to count a signal. You go ahead. You know, I'm not going to fucking get in your way. By all means, I hope you're right. Fuck, you know, blaze the fucking trail. I'll follow you through it. I always have a lot more fucking fun talking about fucking gassing people and blowing fucking people's brains out. That was a lot more fun for me, frankly. And I'm sure it was a lot more fun for a lot of you, you know, fucking certainly paid better before I lost all my payment processing. You know, so, you know, we'll figure it all out, you know, but for now, see end of the show, see end of the show fucking 25 minutes over. It's not the end of the show. You're not 25 minutes over. I'm fucking super chats. You guys who are listening later and you're like, hey, this guy worked overtime, you know, gits and go.com slash SPM Christopher Cantwell dot net slash donate. You get the idea. And fork those goddamn checkers over because it's about time. Fuck you, pay me. All right. You can, you don't want to worry about that. That's the end of the clip there. 217, 688, 1433. You like to be on the program and the more you touch the less I have to, please, to get a skull. And if you don't call, I'm going to end at 10 30. So if you want to get on the phone, you better do it. Okay. And we were just talking about how most of the people who are on Trump's security detail for that, for that assassination, when the, when the government tried to kill the next president of the United States over there. And then some people brought up as a matter of fact, I got a big kick out of this with libertary op brought this up on the member chat the other day. That there was like all these memes about the DEI high is at the secret service, right? Now, it turns out that they're not even secret service. They got DEI high is it other agencies being sent over to do the pretend to do the work at a secret service. And then they go send some, and they go send somebody into assassinate the president. And they set up a 20 year old kid because it's a white man with an AR 15, don't you know? Secret service cries foul over criticism of DEI selected agents for being DEI selected agents. This is over at Red State. In the wake of Saturday's failed assassination attempt on former president, Donald Trump, the US secret service is still unable to explain how the incident happened, but it's devoting a lot of effort to defending the secret service agents who appeared to be flummoxed and a lot less than competent as former president Trump was evacuated to a hospital. What are they quoting from here? Well, they're quoting something and they don't tell me the source. So Red State gives me a block quote. I'm going to go read the block quote because they're incompetent. They don't tell me what they're quoting Anthony Gugliemi, the secret services chief of communication said in a statement quote, we stand united against any attempt to discredit our personnel and their invaluable contributions to our mission and our appalled by the disparaging and disgusting comments against any of our personnel. As an elite law enforcement agency, all of our agents and officers are highly trained and fully capable of performing our missions. He said, it is an insult to the women of our agency to imply that they are unqualified based on gender, such baseless assertions undermine the professionalism, dedication and expertise of our workforce. He had to accept that that is not the case under the current director, the secret service has relentlessly pursued a goal of ensuring that 30% of protective detail agents are women. The physical fitness standards required are wildly different. A male doing four pull ups fails the fitness test. A woman doing four pull ups gets a maximum score. The physical fitness requirements are either related to the job or they are not in that case, they would have difficulty surviving a legal challenge. If they are related to the job and men and women are required to do the same job, they must be the same. There are other stories circulated which I cannot confirm of women getting a pass on firearms handling. Women who had the woman who had a couple of those coves calls and trying to find her holster seems to validate that. Block quoting again from who knows where because red state is incompetent. Everybody has stopped doing their jobs, America. The problem with DEI is that it dictates decisions based not on performance or on virtues such as honor but on demographics and ideology. Failure is easily dismissed and blame easily shifted. Another problem, DEI is hard to roll back. Will the secret service, jettison its goal of increasing the number of female recruits, will it reassign the women on the president's security detail? Will the agency ditch the separate fitness standards and require that women prove as capable as men? No they will not. There might be symbolic resignations or slight tightening of the standards but the DEI regime in force for half a century can't be abandoned without a public fight. This is where Trump could make a difference. If he is elected president again, he has a chance to rescind affirmative action. Reject, critical race and gender ideologies in abolish all DEI programs in the federal government. This would not only improve the performance of the secret service but also the functioning of the government as a whole. Neither president's life nor a country should be gambled on DEI. While the secret service is trying to make this a sex issue, it isn't. It is a competence issue. There is no issue with women on a presidential protective detail so long as the men and women meet the same objective and empirical standards. In the words of Inspector Harry Callahan and the enforcer... Look, she wants to play lumberjack, she's going to have to learn to handle her into the log. Yeah, okay. That's a clip. Christopher Rufo, who is probably the most dogged critic of the DEI industrial complex on social media notes that the very fact that they are accepting DEI as a synonym for failure and incompetence shows that we are winning. America won't survive another four years of a Democrat president. We must take back the House. It's the editor's note because that's exactly what you wanted to insert in the story here. Great job, bread state. You know, I got to tell you, it's really all coming apart. I went on this bit of a tie already the other day about like retail workers, you know. And I did another thing, a customer service thing today. I don't even really want... It's not... I'm not going to do the thing justice to get into it. But literally I called and I asked for a customer service representative to do a thing. All right. It had a problem with my phone, okay. Basically wanted them to ring it. I just wanted them to call my phone. And they're like, no, I can't do that. And I'm like, yeah, you can. Do what I told you to do this. No. I said, well, transfer me to somebody else. I said, no, I can't do that. I'm like, listen, lady, I understand whatever you say to me, just, just, forget it. I just, I need to who can fire you, okay. I need to go over your head. You need to escalate this problem. No, I can't do that. Okay. Call back again. Hey, I need you to do this thing. Yeah, I can't do that thing. I'm like, well, you need to do the thing where you need to let me talk to your supervisor and he says, no. Curse the guy out and I took both of the names and their employee numbers. And then I called back and a third person I talked to just did the thing I asked them to do. Because it wasn't impossible for them to do the thing that I was asking. It was actually like really easy for them to do. But they kept on giving it and I'm not doing this justice because there's, there's actually it's kind of tedious. It's went on for almost, almost an hour. That was screaming at these people and they're like, no, you will do this, do this, do this. And I'm like, I'm trying to explain to you the reason that I need you to do the thing and you're not listening to me. Okay. They're speaking to me with an Indian accent that's added. When I went on the thing about, you know, retail workers, I go to straight, I go to Walmart. They're like, yeah, here's the thing that you want to buy. I can't sell it to you. Come back on another time. What? Sell me the thing. It's right in front of me. What's wrong with you? And then I went and I went back and I bought the thing and I had to give them an email address and they put the wrong email address in. The world's falling apart. Okay, like people are not doing their jobs. People don't care. People are not, you know, tell the truth. Like the whole thing's coming unhinged and like, I don't think, I don't actually think, I think that we probably give too much credit to the DEI stuff for doing it. Okay. DEI is a symptom. Right. They're like, we are, we are failing. Okay. And what the way that we're going to cover up our failure is by mixing it up with raised stuff. Right. We're going to hire incompetent people in the name of racial equity. And then when we all fail to do our jobs, right? That will just blend in with all the other failures that come as a consequence of us trying to change the racial makeup of the workforce. It's actually a pretty good scam if you're an incompetent piece of garbage, right? You do everything that you can to make your failures less conspicuous, you know? You know, I've seen this in like management, right? That guys try to hire people, you know, a person who's not very good at their job will try to find rather than get their job done or try to find more efficient ways of doing it, try to find ways to make themselves look comparatively better because for them, the objective is to gain the boss's approval or to avoid his score to just to keep collecting his paycheck. It actually has nothing to do with accomplishing the task. And that's like a deep cultural problem, right? That's like, it's a societal character flaw. And I see it more and more every single day and it drives me absolutely out of my mind. And then you see that they're doing it at the secret service for fuck's sake. It's a fucking secret service. Can you have one fucking thing in his country that fucking works properly? Can you have one fucking thing that protects the president, the United States from fucking assassins with rifles? Can that at least be the one fucking thing where people actually go to work every day and fucking give a fuck about what they're doing? No, it can't, apparently. We can't do that. That's a fucking goddamn disaster. I gotta tell you. 217-688-1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you talk less, I have to, so please, you give us a call. Let's do another story. See. I titled it bad yesterday because, you know, I don't like, I'm not a big fan of that Zuckerberg guy, but you know, you know, even Zuckerberg couldn't deny it. When Donald Trump got shot in the ear and then he gets up and he's like, wait, wait, before you run me out of here and he puts his fist up in the air and he's like, fight, fight. And then the crowd went nuts, right? And everybody saw that. And like, media outlets were like, we gotta bury that photo. Like, that thing is, you know, that's like, this is gonna be like one of the most iconic images in the history of the United States. That's gonna be up there with like the guys putting up the flag thing, right? What's the, what's the, forget in the name of it? You know what I'm talking about? The Marines putting up the flag that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that statue. Mark Zuckerberg said that former president Donald Trump's immediate reaction after being shot was badass and inspiring and helps explain his appeal to voters. Quote, seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass images I've ever seen in my life. Said meta-platforms in chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg Thursday during an interview. The company's headquarters in Menlo Park, California. On some level as an American, it's like hard not to get kind of emotional about that spirit and that fight. And I think that's why a lot of people like the guy. Zuckerberg 40 declined to endorse Trump where he is presumed opponent president Joe Biden adding that he's not planning to be involved in the election in any way. Still, yeah, yeah. I'm not getting anywhere near that fucking thing. I got caught last time. Still his comments add to a growing chorus of Silicon Valley leaders including Tesla ink, billionaire Elon Musk and venture capitalist Mark Andreessen and Ben Horowitz who are warming to the former president. Some pledging donations to his campaign. Zuckerberg made the comments during a wide ranging discussion about the future of AI, social media and and more for the circuit with Emily Chang for the full episode is set to air on Tuesday. Zuckerberg said meta is making changes that he hopes will mean Facebook is not as much of a flashpoint in elections going forward. The main thing that I hear from people is that they actually want to see less political content on our services because they come to our services to connect with other people. Meta is already recommending less political content to its users. You said I think you're going to see our services play less of a role in the election than they have in the past. Well, as a matter of fact, you're not playing less of a role, okay? You're a subversive Jew and everybody knows what's going on. You're like, oh, well, you know what, we're not going to get involved in the election. As a matter of fact, we're just not going to pass political information to our audiences. We wouldn't want them to be informed on election day that might not work out well for us after all. So, you know, we're just going to keep our fucking mouth shut. We're going to keep doing mouth shut too because you guys don't want the political content anymore. Oh my God. Zuckerberg's relationship with Trump has been complicated by Trump's use of Meta's products to reach his followers. The former president's post ever routinely contained misinformation or challenged Meta's rules. Stories in Yahoo News from Bloomberg. The former president's post have routinely contained misinformation or challenged Meta's rules. The company suspended Trump from both Facebook and Instagram for two years in the wake of the January 6th Capitol riots. At the time, Zuckerberg posted that Trump was using his account to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elective successor. And, you know, I'm not going to get involved in that election at all there going. I'm just going to be back over here making sure that nobody shares political stuff on Facebook anymore. While the accounts of since been reinstated, Trump indicated he hasn't forgiven Meta or Zuckerberg and recently suggested that he plans to retaliate. He called Facebook the enemy of the people in March earlier this month. Trump also appeared to warn Zuckerberg, quote, all I can say is that if I'm elected president, we will pursue election fraudsters that levels never seen before. And they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. Trump wrote on truth social, quote, we already know who you are. Don't do it. Zuckerbucks, be careful. Now, you got to understand something. I hope most of you do. But if you don't, you're going to want to look into Zuckerbucks. Okay. Here's what Zuckerberg did. And this, he should definitely go to prison for this. Okay. If they said, if, if what Dinesh D'Souza did was illegal and got him sent to prison, then Mark Zuckerberg definitely should go to prison for campaign finance violation. Okay. Mark Zuckerberg was part of this foundation for tech and civic life or something that affect. And what they did was they spent a whole bunch of money supposedly to make it easier to vote. Okay. And you know, you have a, you, that's not a partisan donation. You're not giving that to the candidate. You're not giving that to the party. You're not giving it to a pack. That's just, uh, you know, being civic minded, just helping people to vote. But what if you were trying to help people vote in very specific ways? What if you were trying to help people vote in Democrat districts or not Republican districts? What if you were trying to help one race of people vote and not another? Well, that's what Mark Zuckerberg did, of course. Right. Mark Zuckerberg was not like, hey, you know, once we need to help those poor white folks, right? Mark Zuckerberg wasn't even like we need to help those black folks. Mark Zuckerberg said whatever he had to do to get, to make it as easy to vote as possible in areas where that was politically effective for the Democrat party. That's what Zucker Bucks is. That's campaign finance violations. It also spells out the futility of campaign finance laws, by the way. That alone was election fraught. Okay. If that was the only thing that happened in 2020, the election would have been stolen on the basis of that alone. And it was like half a bill. I want to say it was it was hundreds of millions of dollars. Okay. It was crazy ridiculous amounts of money that were spent to do this. And you know, in the in the course of that that they were facilitating fraud too. Okay. You know, the drop box thing. I mean, I haven't even watched the movie much less verified all the things, but you know, 2000 mules, the Beneshtis Susan thing. What they were talking about, I listened to coverage on it on the air. Okay. Where you see the same person come up to a drop box over and over and over again, putting in ballots. Okay. Well, actually, there's actually not a legitimate reason to do that. That's actually not disputable. Okay. So, there's fraud going on. Mark Zuckerberg spending hundreds of millions of dollars to make it easier to vote, which is easier to cheat. And so Mark Zuckerberg should absolutely go to prison. And then he should be deported to Israel's subsequent his release. Trump has reversed policy positions in the name of punishing meta while he was president. Trump pushed for a ban of the Chinese owned video app TikTok. Trump has since changed his stance, arguing in a business week that a ban would be too beneficial to meta's business. Zuckerberg said he welcomes competition. It's good. Glam. He said on the circuit, I think we're doing pretty good here. We're getting market share. I don't know, as I don't know, maybe they'll go do that. But I think we're going to be fine and we'll continue doing well in this space either way. When asked if he thought TikTok should be banned Zuckerberg to merge, that's above my pay grade, he said. Well, yeah, we should ban TikTok. Yeah, we should definitely give it a tick-tock. But we should ban Facebook too, right? Like, you know, I couldn't believe when I watched, you know, Tucker Carlson did a segment on the the the the Tucker Carlson did a segment about TikTok. What does TikTok look like in the United States? What is the Chinese version of TikTok look like? Well, what do they do it in TikTok in China? The China version of TikTok, they're showing like academic achievement, right? They're showing like athletic performance. They're showing people being impressive, right? And over in America, they, you know, you just keep on seeing crime waves happen in America and Europe. And they say it's like a TikTok challenge, right? Hey, guys, there was that black guy in Europe somewhere and I think it's in England actually. It's like a black guy in Europe, he's an invader. He came into the country pretending to be a refugee. And what he was doing is, you know, in America, we would call this home invasion, okay? This is when you go into a person's house while they're home and you threaten them with violence, you see? And he doesn't explicitly say he's going to hurt anyone. He just understands that white people are going to be scared of them him when he goes into their house. And then he just looks at them like, what are you crazy? You don't want me in your house? Well, it's coercive. That's violent, right? He's a violent criminal. And this was like a TikTok challenge, okay? Your flash mobs, you know, knock out game. Girls catching hot dogs thrown at them in their mouths. That's American TikTok. And then in China, they do it completely different because they're not trying to destroy their country. They're trying to destroy hours. And so if they're trying to destroy us, and you know, yeah, like, you know, let's just stop it. Well, you know, but we have to set the, you don't have to do anything. They're trying to destroy us. You stop them. Okay? I don't care about standards. I'm not trying to establish a universal principle by which we determine whether someone's trying to destroy us or not. Once we identify that they're trying to destroy us, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Get out. Go away. When I know that that's what you're doing, and I can, I can, when all of the evidence of vincis that design, like, no, fuck you. Okay? We're not going to let you say here and fuck us. Okay? Mark Zuckerberg, if you want to manipulate your audience's politics, first in favor of race riots, and then just take away political information when you know that it's about to go the other way, well, fuck you. You're not, you're not staying out of politics. You're turning the dial up and down according to what you think you do ask and get away with. So, fuck you out. You go. Tiktok. Okay. Tiktok, you have an algorithm here. You have an algorithm there. And the algorithm over there promotes decency and achievement and accomplishment. And over here, it promotes violence and degeneracy. Fuck you out. Okay? Because we know what you're doing. You did it over there. You did it over here. You gave us the shit. You gave them the good thing. Fuck you. You go. That's not actually that difficult. But that requires, like, trust in your leaders. You know, there's no, there's no alternative. There's no substitute to decent people who give a fuck and who are competent running a government. That's actually you can't pass a law that gets around that requirement. So let's fucking try to find a couple, shall we? Fuck you. Pay me. Go over to Christopher Camp. Well, dot net slash donate. You'll find all the links. Cash app, edgy, Chris. You got all the Bitcoin, Manerole, the QAR, not the QR codes, but the public keys. The QR codes actually, as they happen to be, they're actually at the bottom of every blog post. Okay? And so however you want to send the money, give us a go.com slash SPM strike payments, can't well, whatever you want to do, I'll take it, you know, send the money. We got that Amazon wish list there. You want to go buy me something from the Amazon wish list. It's at the Christopher Camp World.com slash donate net. Christopher Camp World.net slash donate. I don't have to.com anymore. Because some cocksuck a stole it from me while I was in jail. And so, yeah, you know what I'm saying? Fuck you, pay me. Do that. And I'll see you soon. That's it. It's over then. We organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. El radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad wish. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know, they try and build a life here. One of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The second amendment. Fuck you, pay me.