We are ready to get this show on the road, shall we, so I will start the local recording. And with the local recording having begun. Hey, what are you talking about? That's it, it's over, then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into......arms, camps, the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. The radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans, these are people that want to see great things for the country. You know, they try and build a blanket. One of the radical agenda, it's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The second to never end. Hi, all, and welcome to the radical agenda. Show about timeless ideas and news today and whatever's on your mind. 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This is 75th episode of the Sixth Day Journal program. Today is July 5th, 2024, it's a current year. It's a Friday as usual and we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location where I'm going to apologize in advance. I think there might be some pops in the audio today. I'm using my headset microphone and the windscreen has fallen off of this thing a couple of times and now I can't find it. I also have my fans running. This is not going to be the best audio quality and that's regrettable because I have a pretty good monologue today. I had a couple of interactions recently which sort of jogged my mind if you will. Hang on a second, I'm going to use a different microphone stand by. This is going to be annoying. This is a good monologue. I'm not going to screw it up with a microphone problem. Hang on. Check, check, check. All right. Okay. So anyway, you know, if it ain't one thing, it's another, right? I got this, those of you who are watching a video, you can see my, my short SM7B, my high end microphone connected to this boom arm. But it's kind of like, you know, it's a pain in the neck if I want to move around at all. I like that headset mic. But right now that windscreen is missing and I don't have time to find another one. So anyway. As I was saying, I had some, some interactions recently which sort of jogged my mind if you will. I went to Dunkin' Donuts a little before 5am one day recently, all my electric scooter, the maps app that sent me there said the place was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But only the drive-through it turns out was open 24-7. The inside did not open until 5am. I saw two employees smoking cigarettes in the parking lot. I asked them about the hours and they told me that it would be open at 5am on the inside and you could use the drive-through 24-7. I said, well, can I use my scooter in the drive-through? And they said I could not. I wasn't entirely shocked by that. You know, when I was a kid, I worked at Taco Bell and like, they wouldn't allow you to ride a bicycle through there. I don't know if they thought that the, you know, some idiots going to hit you with his car and they're going to be held liable. I don't know. Seems to be the guy who hits you with a car is probably the guy who's liable. But, you know, lawyers are what lawyers are and lawyers aren't used. So they abuse the legal system and just ask for a convertor to Kaplan. So, all right, no big deal. I'll wait a few minutes until 5am and then I'll go inside, right? Once the door is open by somebody who works there and it's, you know, of course, a couple minutes after 5 o'clock by the time this happens, I attempt to enter the establishment with my small scooter and tow. The man who opened the door, the child, I might say, he says, hey, yo, just a heads up. He can't bring that in here. I reply, you might if I just like leave it in the entryway here. No, you can't bring it inside. And so, you know, I turn around, I look at the homeless drug addicts in the parking lot, I shrug lean scooter against the window and, you know, hope it will be there when I get out. I enter the restaurant and place my order, which includes two coffees. I'm not asked if my order is to stay or to go. The order is promptly brought out and I grab a four cup tray because there's no such thing as a two cup tray from a self-survivalent near the front counter. I asked the cashier, do you have a plastic bag with handles, which can fit this tray? Purpose being, it's not easy to carry two hot beverages while riding a scooter. She says no. And then promptly begins to help the next customer. So, you know, it may be true that they did not at this time possess such a bag, but I happen to know for a fact that this is in the past been a fairly standard feature of Dunkin' Donuts. I used to go there on a pretty regular basis. I understand that most Dunkin' Donuts orders are for an individual on his way to work or whatever, but I've placed larger orders for like an office full of people and it is absurd to think that a franchise owner just isn't prepared for that. Fortunately, I happen to possess a reusable grocery bag and manage to get my two coffees to where I was going in this way. Another interaction occurs at a 7-11 convenience store one evening. I arrive again on my scooter and the only employee working at this time is in the parking lot, smoking a cigarette and talking to two people who are leaning against a car in that parking lot. She sees me about to enter the store and she looks at me as if I've pissed her off for interrupting her social life and so she enters the store head of me. I'm going in there looking for eggs and bread. And I used to have a 7-11 right around the corner from my house in a group of New York where you go to that convenience store all the time. It was a pretty standard feature to go grab bread or eggs at 7-11. There's no bread at all in this store. I look all over the place for eggs I see none. Then I ask the young lady to sell eggs here as she is pulling expired sandwiches off a shelf nearby. She says we're all out. And a fraction of a second later, I see a dozen brown eggs down into the left from where we are both standing. I say, oh, here's some. And she says, I guess we had one left. I bring my items to the counter and when she has finished her other task, then she joins me there. I pay for my products and it occurs to me that I need to put some money on my cash app for something. And I looked up earlier that I would be able to do that at 7-11 for a fee of $1. I ask her about this. I say I wanted deposit $40. She scans a barcode on my phone. The amount I am told to pay is exactly $40. So I say there's no fee for this. She says no, not for cash app. No. I say, oh, it's great. Cool. So I hand her 220's and promptly I am notified by my smartphone that $39 has been deposited into my cash app account. I'll actually go off script a little. I'll give you yet another example that happened just before the show today. Walmart has a pretty good deal on a cell phone. It's a Motorola G power. It's normally $149 I believe. You can get it for free right now. Well not right now as a matter of fact, but you know, during the day, if you get there, I don't know, first thing in the morning, I don't know. If you get there when there are people who are ready to sell you the phone or there, you can get that phone for free if you buy with it a silver unlimited plan for $45. So you get, if you buy the service for the phone for one month, you get $149 phone for $45. Pretty good deal. And with straight talk, if you have the phone for 60 days, even if you don't get that second month service plan, after the 60 days expires, you can activate that phone with any carrier you see fit. Not bad. So today around 7 o'clock, I take my scooter down to Walmart. On the way there, it starts pouring raining. I walk into Walmart soaking wet. I go to the back counter where the electronics are and I, I go over by the phones and nobody comes over to help me because you know, why would they? And so I go sit online and wait for someone to at the cashier of the electronics station and say, hey, can you help me get a phone? And the kids like, yeah, sure. And I'm like, okay, great. I heard that there was this deal that, you know, I could get the Moto G power for free if I buy the silver unlimited plan. And he says to me, oh, you need the OSL people and they've already left for the day. It's 7 p.m. Walmart closes at 11. And so I look at it. I'm like, I'm sorry, OSL, what was OSL? He said, oh, they're resellers. I'm not looking to have anything resold. I'm telling you that I'm trying to buy a Walmart straight talk phone and a Walmart straight talk plan from Walmart. There's the phone. There's the card. I'm pretty sure that we could pull this off and we try hard enough, buddy. No, to do that thing, you need, you need the OSL people. Okay, kid. Thanks anyway. And so I figure, I don't know, maybe there's a responsible adult somewhere within this building. And so I go out to the front, I go to the customer service station and of course there's a line, you know, am I along there? Because there's only one person at the customer service station and they're pissing off all of their customers and she's not able to help any of them, of course. And so I sit on this line again and when I get up to her, I pull up the advertisement on my phone and say, hey, you know, this phone is in stock. Says so right there. I saw it on the shelf. I talked to the kid back there and he tells me that I need some OSL guy to sell me the phone if I'm going to get to deal. And she's like, oh, yeah, no, OSL's gone. By the way, nobody ever told me what OSL stands for. I don't even know what this acronym is. It's just OSL. I think they're talking about S-O-L as in shit out of luck. And so after I spend another 15, 20 minutes waiting on this line, this woman tells me, oh, that's right, I'm not capable or competent or giving a shit if you're happy either. So just go fuck yourself, buddy. And that's exactly what I go off and do. I go fuck myself. I leave, get on my scooter and ride back here to get ready for the show. And the thing is like I could give you a thousand examples like these, right? I can tell entry-level employees who don't give a fuck about their jobs or their customers. Or worse, hold their customers actually in contempt and their employers all the more. They show up maybe for the hours demanded of them, collect their paychecks and see no connection between the money and the happiness of their customers. When discussing the subject, I love to bring up RadioShack, which is quite sadly, hardly even in business these days. It used to be the case that you could walk into a RadioShack and ask the people who worked there about the circuitry of amateur radios or the functions of a computer. Employees work commission salespeople and were made to understand that their capacity to answer these questions would impact their sales and their take on pay. Because of this, RadioShack had capable people incentivized to service their customers competently. Established in 1921, as the mail order shop for amateur radios, RadioShack was later purchased by the Tandy Corporation, which would soon become a household name for their popular computers. They would grow to more than 8,000 retail stores all over the world. By 2015, after changing hands several times and going through 7 CEOs in 9 years, the company filed for bankruptcy. A few brick and mortar stores remain, but RadioShack is today largely just a website with e-commerce functions, which I do not imagine many people visit at all. Read online about the collapse of RadioShack and you will find the blame spread between poor management decisions, market up pebbles like the internet and e-commerce, and as the Wall Street Journal ordered it, bare knuckled lenders, probably a bunch of fucking Jews, obviously. I didn't have time to research this before the show today, but I'd bet a hundred bucks that in an effort to save money, RadioShack reduced or eliminated employee sales commissions. If I'm wrong about that, which is a distinct possibility, then price competition with retailers who don't give a fuck about their employees, who is most likely the culprit. Thinking about this made me remember the iron-ran novel, Atlas Shrugged. In this book, Societies Elite, who have been scorned by their fellow citizens as greedy capitalist pigs have been in their positions and retreat to a place they call Galt's Galt, Galt's Galt's. Upon being relieved of the burdens of these in grateful peasants imposed upon them, they cure cancer and are presumed to live happily ever after while the rest of the world falls apart in their absence. The book was thought-provoking and, in part for that reason, very popular, especially among libertarians. It certainly delivers an important message, which is that a civilization cannot prosper under perpetual revolution. People who are extraordinarily capable must be allowed to earn in a market-driven economy and be driven by their ambition for wealth and power. Without them, the labor they employ will fall into disorganization and chaos from which no one can benefit. What it rings to me a bit like George R. Wells 1984 today. In this dystopian fiction, the world has fallen to absolute despotism by the year constituting the title, and big brothers all seeing eye keeps the population ever fearful of the most horrific consequences for disobedience. As it turns out, things are a bit behind schedule, and we, more closely resemble Al Dyshuxley's brave new world. The population does not fear the government so much as they celebrate its majesty. Instead of Soma, our population is hooked on SSRI antidepressants, and largely resembles the emotionless dystopia of a 2002 American science fiction film titled Equilibrium. In brave new world, human beings are no longer sexually reproduced. They are created in a laboratory in one of several classes. Among these classes, the alphas are the smartest and most physically fit and the most beautiful. When a lab worker is asked, why don't they just create all alphas and have a society made up of the most capable people he explains that this was once tried? The result was that none of the alphas wanted to do the jobs that make civilization possible, like killing the soil or delivering products to market. They would sooner wage war against one another, then sink to so low, and eventually they completely destroyed themselves. Numbed to everything by drugs and circumstance, seeing no hope for their futures, the people of our society may or may not show up for work to work for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. Far fewer can be said to enjoy their work or see any importance to what they do, aside from the need to pay rent and buy food. And maybe drugs. And so instead of the elites fleeing to galt's galt, we have a sort of bizzaro atlast shrug situation, the entry level employees of our society are quiet quitting at best, and in more and more cases completely dropping out to become homeless drug addicts. Another thing happened on the way back from that Walmart. Speaking of the homeless drug addicts. So I leave the Walmart, and when you ride on the scooter, you could take bike trails in your hamster, and there are a lot of times quicker and safer than taking the rain roads. So I mentioned that it started raining on my way there, and so of course all these homeless drug addicts are looking for a place to stay dry. And so as I'm riding my scooter back down the bike trail, I see not one but two different homeless guys setting up not one but two different campsites on different parts of the trail. And I don't mean like they're in the woods hiding what they're doing, like they're setting up their tents in the middle of the bike trail where everybody's supposed to be like walking and riding their bicycles. They have no shame about it at all, they're actually like, hey, look at me, I'm here, I'm in your way. And so rather than solve this problem, our elites have decided to replace these human beings with computers and robots. You might have seen this not to mention illegal immigrants. Now, they say they're replacing them with illegal immigrants because they don't want to do the jobs, but the illegal immigrants are not here to fill the jobs. The computers and the robots are okay. Visit and McDonald's if you dare. And you are much more likely to place your order on a touchscreen than by speaking it out loud to a cashier. For now, a human being will still hand you the bag, but it cannot be long before Carl's Jr. is the dominant chain and the entire process is completely automated, such as in the 2006 comedy gone documentary film titled idiocracy. What shall we do about this, ladies and gentlemen? I regret to say that I have not the biggest idea, but somebody better fucking figure it out and fast. 2176881433 if you'd like to be on the program and I'm all you talk to less I have to. So please do give us a call. We play a clip. I'll come back in a couple minutes. I really got me bent out of shape. So I'm going to take a couple of minutes, catch my composure and we'll come back after let's see here. We'll do, uh, what are we going to do? Not that one. Not that one. That's too short. That was too long. We already did that one. Christmas 2023. You know, Christmas we've been doing. I've done this at least twice before that I make this, uh, twizzed eye before Christmas remake. And these things have been, uh, we've had a lot of fun with them to pass and I have another one for you today. Twizzed eye before Christmas in Manchester, New Hampshire for junkies at blacks and their Jewish masters. This place went so white, but not anymore, but at my apartment and not going to door. This fucking P.O. with this Alarond Christmas, who else could be knocking this place as a secret put down the controller to my PS4, put on a t-shirt and open a door. You ain't my P.O. with the hell are you wearing? There's no pets allowed here, much less eat reindeer. Bull fucking shit. Is this some kind of gag? The FBI said you the fuck's in that bag? Take your damn drugs and your weird fucking pets. Go back to Boston. I'm done with you, feds. I asked you for help and you sent me to prison. Now I'm trying to work and you keep interfering. Enough with the jokes. I'm in no mood to laugh. Oh, Chris, you're too funny by half. I'm not with the feds and I live far from here where everything's white except my reindeer. You expect me to believe that you're Santa Claus in this shit hole building for what fucking cause. Been a long time since I've been that high. The feds took my guns, but you try me. You'll die. I'm a fan of the show and what white man isn't since you've been so good, thought I'd pay you a visit. All right, I'll bite. Come in, have a seat. Ain't got no cookies. Have an energy drink. Okay, now fatso, what's your agenda? I've got Jews to hate and I'm playing Nintendo. I hate to Jews too and that's why I'm here. I bought you some presents to put them in fear. I can't have weapons. I knew this was a trap. If you're from the North Pole, I suggest you go back or I'll fuck Mrs. Claus in front of those elves. You send me to prison your life's on a shelf. Oh, no guns at least not just yet. First you need power, which I'll help you get. Let's start with some crypto, monarugal lore. Spend all you want, but no wait, there's more. Here take these keys. The car's in the lot. It's got cold AC where you're going. It's hot. Yeah, I'm going to hell, but not tonight asshole. You think you could kill me your name probably echoes. I'll bash your skull in with this cast iron dumbbell. I'll dump you in the park with the junkies. Who go and tell? He said relax, psycho, not that far south. I got you a studio in a big fucking house. For what? So those Jews can take it by judgment. The fuck is the point while they run the government? Pay in Monarugal. There's no short supply. No way that I'll pay them. I'd rather die. It's not the expense. It's the principal Santa. Those Jews made it up in advance and they planned it. I'd soon receive Victor and learn to speak Russian or go back to prison or get a concussion. There must be some way you can help me with this. You're Santa. You're here. It's fucking Christmas. I do know a guy, a powerful lawyer, connections on high. You straighten this out. Keep the car in the mansion. Get these Jews off my back and you'll see me dancing. He called him on signal like Charlie Brown's teacher. I grasped not a word, but listen quite eager. He hung up the phone and asked for a fax. I looked at him sideways, then clicked and he clacked away at my keyboard to find such a service. I gave him a number. We sat there quite nervous. Then came the message page after page. As I started to read them, I got enraged. To say to dismiss you from the war of motion for such, these are desertificates. You fat crazy fuck. Did you just rope me into a murder for hire? I've got enough problems and this is quite dire. The call was encrypted enough from your phone. You knew not a thing and you're home alone. They died in six states of natural cause. Would that make you believe in me, Santa Claus? I'll always believe now. Thank you, Santa. He said, don't thank me. Thank God, I'll have Hitler. And there in my doorway with that fashy stash, the fewer did smile. And then in a flash, his arm went up in a Roman salute. I returned it quickly and Santa did too. Then we all shook hands as they made for the exit. I'd all turn around and said, just one more thing, Chris. Because struggle is real, I died for it, trust me. There's more paint to come, but it's worth it. Come what may. Permanent struggle is the law of life. Be grateful for it and go find a wife. He jumped in the sleigh with Santa and waived, Rudolph's nose glowed, and they were often ablaze. I turned around and said to enter by building the black swirls staring in disbelief blurry. I told them relax. It's just Hitler and Santa for white nationalist Christmas. Here have a banana. I pack half my shit and got in the car to my new studio for my best show by far. The phones did not ring as I told them the story of Adolph and Santa and victories glory with funds to spare in my enemy's dead to show us a hit in the Jews they did fret. With fame and fortune, the power did come. I pardon myself and I bought many guns. Next Christmas Eve, no Jews to be found. No happy holidays, no manure, no browns. I sat by the fire with the wife and the kid, rubbed her pregnant belly and gave her a kiss. And as we went to bed and I turned off the lights, I heard Santa again on that cold winter night. Merry Christmas to all of America's whites. All right. Welcome back to the radical agenda. Merry Christmas everybody. Shut up. That's my bit. Yeah, I know it's your bit. I wrote it. Up. Chris can't. Well, you jack off. And so as I was saying, I try to get that fan away from this microphone. So I got a couple of super chats here. Let's start actually at the bottom here. Kristen Steinberg says he sends 1433. And he says in the morning, can I get a de-douching? Somebody has to pay for all my babies, machine gun, trump, African Americans. Okay, so let's do that first. Somebody needs to pay. Oh my god. Where's this? African Americans. Yeah, okay. And so you get your you get your sound drops. Thank you, Christian Steinberg for the 1433. And then I'm going to go back up to the top because Christian actually drops some some pertinent point to him. He says people said the same thing during both industrial revolutions. The machines will take all the jobs. However, human desires always expand to meet the level of production. Our ancestors could not have imagined the demand for podcasters and like they could not have imagined themselves capable of navigating the machinery and software of the internet nor even the complexity of our current system. Human faculty expands to meet and exceed the complex and challenges of the environment it is raised in. Lamenting the implementation of computer automation makes us makes as much sense as advocating the abolition of the combine harvester. Somebody simply needs time to raise itself up to our new position. No need to throw our shoes into the servers. Throw our shoes into the servers. Anyway, I'm not sure I get that one but you get the idea. Look, I'm actually not one of these people who say, oh my god, automation is going to destroy the jobs. My concern is more this. Number one, if you were to go to McDonald's and place your order with the computer, chances are that would actually be a more pleasant experience than dealing with the fucking idiots who work there these days. So as a matter of fact, for you, the customer, maybe that's better. And I'm all full. Like you say the combine harvester. Like yeah, like we didn't actually have to fight a civil war to end slavery as the myth goes, right? It was going on a style. Like who the fuck wants to keep a bunch of fucking blacks around, right? Like even if they are in chains and you fucking can tell them what to do, much less if you can't. Nobody wants them around. Like make fucking digger slaves obsolete. It's a great idea. Fine, okay? Lots of things have come and gone technology wise. And generally speaking, the last one goes away because the next one's better. And that's obvious, all right? They blame the, you know, radioshack going out of business, largely on e-commerce. If people would go buy their electronics online, they don't have to worry about radioshack. Sourcing this crap, whatever. Where does a guy who used to shop at radioshack, like there is actually no replacement for what they did, okay? There's literally no replacement for that. You can go buy things at Amazon, sure. Have you ever gone to Amazon customer service? Have you ever tried to ask those people a question? It's a fucking nightmare. You know, I'll tell you another thing. So I got, I think I mentioned some portion of this. I don't know how much of the story I told. But like, I mentioned I was really pissed off at Citizens Bank. I do my banking. Because for one, so this begins with a problem that their business debit card will not refuse a transaction if you have insufficient funds, okay? And so one day, there was like some service I signed up for a year prior that auto renewed and build my debit card for a large sum of money, which I was not expecting. And this overdrew may account. And then they charged me a $35 overdraft fee. And I'm like, hey, if I want to borrow money from you, I'll fill out a credit card application, okay? This is a debit card. I didn't bounce a check, okay? Somebody came around and asked for money. I didn't have it. You gave it away anyway. And then you took some for yourselves, okay? I'm not paying that overdraft fee. Turn around or I'm going to go to another bank and make sure this never happens again. And they tell me, okay, we're going to forgive the overdraft fee. Well, first of all, fuck you and your forgiveness. I didn't do anything wrong, asshole. You gave away money I didn't have on a debit card. Fuck you. That's not how a debit card supposed to work. But yeah, I'm not paying the fucking fee great. Now make sure it doesn't happen again. Oh, well, we can't do that as a matter of fact. I'm 100% certain that you can because of my personal debit card, you don't do that, okay? You do not give away money I don't have on my personal debit card. If somebody goes to build my debit card and I don't have sufficient funds, you decline the transaction like a normal bank on my LLCs checking account, you charge me a $35 overdraft fee because, you know, small business owners are your fucking goddamn pay-piggy, so I guess. And so whatever this problem happens and I'm fucking furious about it. And so what I start to do after that is I stop, you know, what I was trying to do is basically put all business things for accounting purposes on the business card and personal things in the personal card. But after this, I'm like, well, I'm just not going to use the business debit card anymore. Like I won't use that thing if they're not going to manage my money responsibly. So I start doing everything on my personal debit card. When I get a text message from Citizens Bank one day, they ask me, they send me a text message to say, did you spend the $1,000? It's a vendor I've never heard of. No, I didn't do that. They say, okay, we'll call you tomorrow from the fraud protection department. I say, okay, great, looking forward to it. They do not call. Next day I go to use my personal debit card to purchase groceries and my debit card does not work. I find this out at the grocery counter. And so I'm like, these fucking assholes turn my debit card off. They said nothing about this. They said nothing about turning off my debit card. They just said they were going to call me and then they didn't call. So I find the fraud number that they said they were going to call me from and I call that number. And they're like, ah, we'll be right with you. Please hold. And I listen to that message repeat for the next half hour, 40 minutes or so. Somebody tell Christian Steinberg that he could try the surreal politics broadcasting channel on Get Me Radio. I think the Get Me Radio app radical agenda channel might be down, but the surreal politics broadcasting channel is up. I'm aware of that problem. I'm sorry it hasn't been fixed. Somebody else brought to my attention yesterday that there's a problem with the email server as well. I will work on it. As I was saying, so I sit on hold for a half hour listening to this message repeat. And then I'm like, okay, well, you know what? I don't have a fucking night. Okay? So I try to call another number, the number on the back of the debit card. And then I say, okay, like put the number in of your debit card. And I put in my debit card number and says we have no record of this debit card. Well, fuck you. You might have turned it off, but don't tell me you have no record of it. You are the fucking numbers on the back of the card. I'm reading you from the card. It's not a mistake that I'm punching in. You're you're you're turning it over to the fraud department and say, hey, the record says it's turned over to the fraud department. No, we have no record. Fuck you. I go on the bank's website for the branch where I opened up the account. And I say, I want to talk to somebody and say, yeah, you can make an appointment. Okay. Because there's no way to send these fucking people an email, by the way. So you can't send them an email. You just can't do it. PayPal neither. Pardon my eating. That's terrible. I'm gonna stop. Sorry. Sorry about that. I had I got a chicken cheese steak and fries like right before the show. And I forgot all about the fries. They're off to the side here. And I just looked at them like those fries look pretty good. Anyway, as I say. I'm making an appointment and they say, they say, do you want to make an appointment to come to the branch? Or do you want us to call you? Well, yeah, just call me with the what the fuck do I need to come down there for? Just fix the fucking problem. I should have been able to send you an email a week ago. Fuck you. Call me on the phone. Make an appointment. They say they'll call me. They don't call. I make another appointment. Tell them to call me. They don't call. Are you out of your fucking minds? I'm not. And so then it happens again as a consequence of now they've disabled my personal debit card. Now I'm putting everything on the business debit card. And then it happens again that some fucking service from that I signed up a year prior forgot all about. I was just like, yeah, I'm going to buy an hour service. Buy a year of service. I just said, no, I doesn't recall anything about a renewal. They didn't send me an email about a renewal. They send they bill made for some yearly fee. And I get on the horn with them immediately. And I'm like, no, turn that, we're fun that fucking transaction. I don't want anything to do with you. I haven't used your service the entire time. I gave you $60 for nothing. And they say, yeah, okay, we'll riff on the money. But now my check-in council withdrawn. I'm like, you're going to, if you fucking charge me a goddamn overdraft fee for this, you're going to be a lot, I'm going to, I'm going to fucking make your life living hell. That's not what I said to them. I didn't go into this fucking thing because I'm mad. But let me return to the point. I don't have a problem with automation. Okay. What I have a problem with is that the fucking, it becomes a better deal to deal with a computer than to deal with a human being. Because what are we doing to the fucking human beings? Okay. Like, it should be a fucking happy thing that you go there to a place. And like, somebody comes and helps you out. And you're like, yeah, thanks a lot. Here's a tip. Okay. That's how things used to work. And now you're like, what the fuck do I want to see other people for? Right? What the fuck, why would I want to see a human being when I could deal with a screen? Like, that's the problem. It's not like, you know, I'm not saying that like, technology is going to create unemployment or whatever. You know, it is, by the way. But, you know, who cares? Just for the sake of argument, who gives a fuck about unemployment? The bigger problem is that it's actually the better deal, right? Dealing with people sucks. Dealing with an impersonal computer system. Like, at least they're not going to go out of it. It's not going to go out of its way to piss you off unless it's been told to by a human. You know, a kid has to go to a job to learn how to do a job. Like, not how to do a specific job, but like, how work works. Okay. If a kid goes to work and he doesn't fucking figure that out, then like, what the fuck is he going to do? Like, you can teach him all the skills in the world. If he doesn't understand what the fuck a job is, then what the fuck is he going to do? You learn how to fucking, you can learn how to do any number of skills. And if you don't understand the fucking point of a job, then what the fuck are you doing? So like, you know, like entry level jobs are important, you know. The minimum wage alone, okay? Like, you know, you can make legitimate arguments in favor of minimum wage or whatever, okay? But like, you know, if some shopkeeper wants to fucking pay some kid two dollars to sweet the floor, let him pay two dollars to sweet the fucking floor. What the fuck is the labor department going to come in here for, right? That means that that kid can't sweep the floor for two dollars. It doesn't mean that the fucking shopkeeper has to give him 20 bucks. It means he can't do it. And so the kid doesn't learn what a job is from sweeping a fucking floor, and then the kid goes out and fucking does drugs. I mean, you know, it's not a direct line, but you get the fucking idea. And so yeah, like, you know, I'm a computer guy, like before I was in media, I was in IT. I was all about automating things. Like, I still am, you know. But what the fuck are we doing? Like, people show up, they don't give a fuck about work, they don't give a fuck about their customer, they don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck about their paycheck fundamentally, they don't care if they get a paycheck or a welfare check, they don't care if their bill is paid by their job or by their fucking government. They don't give a fuck if their parents pay their bills. They're just like, I need the things that I need. So, fucking fuck you give it to me. I feel like a foul-mouthed version of my grandfather, right? Get these days, get off my lawn. It's a fucking disaster, you know. Go create all the fucking computers in the world. I got an idea. How about we create people who you'd rather deal with than a screen? How about that? 2-1-7-6-8-1433, you like to be on the program. And more or less, I have to, so please, to give us a call. Caller, you are on the radical agenda, what's your agenda? Stand by, caller. I believe this is my fault. Stand by, find out why my audio isn't working. Well, what's going on here? Have caller, give me just a second. Caller, I'm going to disconnect from my phone system. I'm going to call it right back and I'll try to take you, stand by. You know, another example, just like, nothing fucking works. Like, what the fuck? Thank you for calling Colin Studios Hostage Hulk. You're very fucking welcome. How about you give me a fucking goddamn working system so I can do my fucking radio show? Un-fucking-believeable. Un-fucking-believeable. Welcome, host. You are now in the host room and can manage your callers from the Colin Studio web interface. Yeah, a call. A-dear recording is on dual channel. So I lost the caller, of course. And so we're back on the, we're back on the air. And let's try Raphael. Caller, you're on the radical agenda, what's your agenda? Yeah. Hey, can't well, so I'm curious. Do you know there's a space race going on right now between America, China and India? I think that there's been a space race going on for some time. Do you have a more specific element? Oh, I'm just curious who you think is going to be the first person to put the man at do a man to listen on the moon. China is trying to build a lunar base. America and India are trying to build a lunar base. I'm sorry. Are you asking me who's going to put the first manned mission on the moon? Well, I mean, I know America already did it, but who do you think is going to do to see it and build on the first lunar base? Because China has plans on doing it. They already have Russia and other countries to work in with. India has their own plans to do it and America has the Artemis mission. Would he want to have a lunar base to have people living on the moon? Well, I can't say that I'm very familiar with China space program if I'm honest with you. Nor can I say that I know much about India's. I know that America is completely fucking falling apart, so I wouldn't bet on them. Yeah. The Artemis program that NASA has is focusing mostly on diversity. They want to have the first woman, the first person of color. And it's just very crazy compared to the programs China and India are running, where they're just having this merit, merit, obviously. Well, I think that we need to increase the ethnic diversity in Earth's orbit. So they want to go and start putting ethnic minorities into outer space. That's great. Take care. 2-1-7-6-88-1433. You like to be on the program and the more you touch the less I have to, simply because it's a call. Libertari Otsin's 1433 Taylor Sheridan, the guy who makes yellow stone, wants to make a fountain head movie. If he ever does, the left will be done forever. Wasn't there already a fountain head movie? They're going to recreate it or something? A fountain head, if you don't know, is an iron-rand novel. So we'll see if that destroys the left or not. Tony soprano, good guy. Tony, thank you very much. Sends 100 bucks. What would we do without Tony soprano? He says, Christ is king, Kentwell is king. Valorant is for faggot's real G's play Counter Strike, and he they do. And it doesn't mean that real G's play it really well. By the way, it just means that they've got it on their steam or whatever, you know. Thank you very much, Tony. I appreciate it. Christian Steinberg comes back again with another dollar. Anyone that doesn't pay for a membership is on the side of Antifa. Well, that's indeed, you know. All you people who I like, you know what? I love listening to the show for free. And I don't give a fuck if other people pay for it, I don't have to. You know what? Maybe you want. Maybe you'll with the reds, I don't know. So two, one, seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three, like to be on the pogrom. And I'm always up to less than half to please to give us a call. Call your own radical agenda. What's your agenda? Hello. Hello. You're doing Christopher. Doing well. Good to be with you. Sorry about that audio problem before, pal. Yeah, you're talking about debit cards and this thing is one thing that surprised me not long ago. If you try to rent a car, the only way you can do it is a credit car. These rent a car places it like at an airport. Unless you can do it with you want to give them like a $500 deposit or something like that. But yeah, you can't do it with a debit card unless you want to, unless you want to put up the money. Yeah. Well, they won't get, they won't take cash either. They won't take, why don't they take cash? You know, I don't know, I don't know about that. I mean, I paid him on a debit card. I rented a car without a credit card. It's just you got to, you have to be able to authorize your debit card for like another $400 or something And that can be a pain in the neck for sure. I tried that too, what you're talking about. They wanted to deposit and that didn't work for some reason. They said it's because I don't have any credit. I don't have any credit because I never have a, I never use credit. If you never use credit, you don't have a credit rating. Well, you do have a credit rating. It's just, it's just not very good. It's not as bad as mine because I had credit and then I went to prison and all my things got destroyed. And so, you know, so now I look like a bum. And so, you know, my credit's completely fucked. And so I understand what it's like to, you know, not, not be in the credit markets say. Well, in America, you have to have credit. People think you're some kind of a freak if you want to pay, like if you go, I went to my bottom house for cash. And the realtor didn't believe me. She thought I was some kind of a hoax or something. She didn't believe I had that much money in cash in the bank. So she just, she quit answering my calls. I, she kept saying, well, you got to go through and get your mortgage and all this stuff. I said, no, I want to pay cash. And she, and the same thing happens if you try to buy a new call for cash. They, they, they don't like that. They give you a dirty look. Well, you know, stop selling drugs. What am I going to tell you? No, I'm kidding, but, you know, I'm, I'm surprised that somebody's telling you they don't want to take cash. That's, that's, that's news to me. Imagine you come to a car dealership with a briefcase of $30,000. And you're going to walk away with a car up to $30,000. But, you know, if, uh, if you're, I don't know, in some place where they like, yeah, no, we don't like dollars, you know, that's a, that's a rough spot to begin, I guess. Well, thing is America for a long time. It's, it's this idea of you, I mean, you have to have a credit card. To get a mortgage, you have to have a hold of credit card forever for a long time. Yeah, I'm, I'm sure you, you say I don't have, I don't have a good credit rate. I have no credit rate. They call it. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, if you install the credit karma app, you'll have a credit score. It's not something that you sign up for. It's something that these Jews do to you, whether you like it or not. They won't, they won't give you a mortgage or anything unless you hold it. I'm not saying they'll give you a mortgage. I'm saying you've got a credit score, okay? And the credit score is whatever it is, you know, based upon your income and your, your lack of the use of the, your credit, right? But like, you've got, you, you have, look, if you decide to go get, you know, a capital one credit card, like, don't give you $10,000, the line of credit, I can 100% guarantee that, right? And you'll, the charge at 25% fucking interest, probably more than that. But, you know, you can get $10,000 a credit from capital one. I'm 100% certain. If you've never had credit and you're, you know, over 30 years old, then you'll be able to get a $10,000 line of credit from capital one because you have a credit score. It's that, you know, it's trans, union or whatever, and aqua facts or whatnot. You go install the credit karma app, you give it your social security number. It's going to say, oh, yeah, your credit score is yada yada yada. So you've got credit. It's just, you know, it's, it's credit commensurate with your credit activity. Okay. Yeah. Anyway, thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Take care. Have a good night. Thank you very much for the call. 2176881433. You like to be on the pogrom. And more or less, I have to, so please give us a call. Chris, last Friday you said, enjoy the last few days of summer. Was that hyperbole? We aren't even in the middle of winter yet. Is your continent really that uninhabitable? Or is it yet another example of global boiling disaster? Somehow making everywhere in the world colder? Did I say the last few days of summer? I mean, it's July. I don't know when is the last day of summer. Sometimes it all gets right. Like, we got a month of it. Is that the case? Is summer end in September or something? So I don't know. I mean, like, I actually don't know the, I'm not sure what you're getting at. Is my continent, or you're not in North America? Christian, I guess? I don't know. Like, I have no idea what you're talking about. Here in America, or in New Hampshire, it's going to start getting cold in September. I'm pretty sure. They call that fall. They call it autumn. And then in autumn, then we have in New Hampshire, we have what we call leaf peeping season. That's right. That's when all the tourists come to New Hampshire to watch the trees. And that's great. 2-1-7-6-8-8-14-33. If you'd like to be on the pogrom, and the more you touch the less I have to, just a please, just a call. Tony Soprano sends another of $1.77, and he says, also, what do you think of the Domino's Lava Cakes? I think they'll make me fat, Tony. That's what I think. And so I don't want to look like, you know, I mean, I understand that real Tony Soprano in the chat is actually like a fit, good-looking guy who somehow still manages to eat Domino's Lava Cakes. But I don't want to look like Tony Soprano, like the fucking, the mobster in the movie, like he's fat, you know? And so I don't eat Domino's Lava Cakes. I don't eat sugar, unless like I feel like I'm going to pass out, and then I go to the snack machine, and the hallway sometimes I get a skittle, like, A, skittle, like, you know, I suck down these energy drinks all day, and then sometimes I'm tired anyway, because they're sugar free, and then I eat one skittle, and I'm like, whoa, hey, what happened? Good morning. 2-1-7-6-8-8-14-33. You like to be on the pogrom, and when you touch the less I have to, just a please, just a call. Maybe I'll read some news, what do you say? What else should I get at? I mean, there's a couple of things going on, I guess. We'll go over 2-1 on my news tab, and see what else I pulled up this morning. You know, I'm not going to read this fucking thing, because I mean, it's just obvious. But this is a piece in New York magazine, at the Intelligencer, the conspiracy of silence to protect your Biden, the president's mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters. It's not a fucking secret, okay? Like, in the 2020 election, Donald Trump was making fun of him for taking orders from the Easter Bunny, okay? Like, this is a very famous thing everybody saw, before the fucking guy even got elected, or even before the guy even stole the fucking Faggot ass election. The fucking guy was all over the place, okay? Like, you didn't know what the fuck is going on, all right? He told the fucking goddamn Nigger Radio guy, like, oh, if you don't know, if you, for me, a Trump, you ain't black. Like, are you fucking retarded? What the fuck is wrong with you? Look at him, he's a Nigger, he knows that he's black, okay? No one's talking about it. Well, if you ain't voting for me, then you ain't black. That's how the census works. Nigger shut a fuck up and vote Democrat. You're voting for me, believe me, okay? Whether you believe it or not, you have voting for Joe Biden, okay? And our poll people are going to make sure of that, all right? So believe me when I tell you, you pull that lever for whoever you want. Nigger, you're going to vote for Joe Biden, because that's what Niggers do in Democrat America. So Joe Biden's been incompetent, you know, since before he was vice president, right? He's a fucking shithead who ran around saying idiotic things for decades. He's a corrupt piece of shit in the pocket of the banks, and then like, when he became vice president, then he's like, you know what? I could make all this money overseas. Fuck this American bank shit, right? These American Jewish bankers who are fucking over my citizenry, you know, they had nothing compared to the Jews over in Ukraine, you know? I'll just go work for the Chinese Communist Party, fuck my country, right? And everybody knows everybody's known the whole fucking time. You know, maybe Joe's not even seen aisle, right? Maybe he's playing dumb. Maybe this is him mounting a fucking insanity defense, knowing that he's going to get caught, right? What the fuck are you talking about? Duh-duh-duh. Come on, Google Voice. Fucking point together, Jesus Christ. What the fuck is going on here today? Motherfucker. Thank you for calling Colin Studios Host and Corwellker. Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah, you're welcome. Please enter your show or meeting number in press-pound. Yeah, I got to mute the fucking phone system while I do that, because I'm live on the air, you stupid fuck, and now I gotta enter passwords and shit, you know? What the fuck? What the fuck? Welcome, host. Yeah, you're welcome to shut the fuck up. The fuck are you going to call in the studio? The fuck are you going to buy the four? It's not like anybody's going to fucking call me. Audio recording is on. Dual channel fucking recording. Indeed, fuck you. Shut up. 2176881433. So anyway, like I'm saying, Joe Biden's a fucking inept piece of shit is the charitable case, okay? And everybody's known this for a long fucking time. And so over at the intelligence, or at New York, New York Mag, look, conspiracy of silence to protect Joe Biden. It was like a dark family secret. It's not fucking secret. Shut the fuck up. President Joe Biden walked before a row of flags and took his place at a lectern stamped with a presidential steal. Seal. A few freight in front of him, thin panes of teleprompter glass, programmed with pre-written remarks who were positioned to meet his stare. As he spoke into a microphone, that would carry his voice to a sound system. His White House press secretary looked on, so did several senior White House officials. Anxiety clung to the mid-summer air. Humid mid-summer air, I should say. What the president was about to say might determine the future of his presidency and perhaps the republic itself. Yet this was not to be some grand pronouncement about war, peace, or a shift in domestic policy. He was not delivering an official address or even a rally speech. He was not on stage in a stadium or auditorium or perched on a platform and a gilded government or a hotel hotel ballroom. He was not speaking to a crowd of thousands or even hundreds. There would be no video of his teleprompter statement carried life to the world. There would be no photos. There would be no published audio. Inattent to the backyard of a private patio, a patio of a private home in suburban New Jersey, the president was eye to eye with a small group. A powerful Democrats and rich campaign donors trying to reassure them that he was not about to drop dead or out of the presidential race. The content of his speech was, would matter less than his perceived capacity to speak coherently at all. Though much of what he would say would not be entirely decipherable. His words, as always, had a habit of sliding into rhetorical pile up in a fliction that had worsened in the four years since he began running for president for the third time in 2020. He might begin a loud sentence loud and clear and then midway through as if he was as if he was trying to recite two or three lines all at once. His individual words and syllables dissolving into an incoherent gurgle. Still, he was fine. He told the donors, old Sherbert. He's fine. He wasn't here. Wasn't he? I'm sorry. He was here, wasn't he? That's pretty funny. He was here, wasn't he? Things were actually going well by the numbers. The polls look good. The money look good. They were looking right at him. He looked pretty good for 81. No, really folks. What choice did they have? As he liked to say, it's my father like to say, Joey, don't compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative. In total, his remarks would last for exactly 10 minutes, long enough to inspire confidence in his abilities, advisors hoped, but not so long that he was at increased risk of calling those abilities further into question. And they'll go on at some really significant length here, but you already know the punchline. They stage these moments. And the reason they stage these moments is because everybody who's around him knows he's completely incapable of being President of the United States. And everybody in the media knows it too, because they've been covering from two. Another Democrat party is like, hey, you know, jump on it. Maybe you shouldn't be the candidate. I got an idea. Motherfucker, you shouldn't be the president. Okay, like remove him from fucking office. I think I just not prepared to do the job. He's about to get us into a fucking nuclear holocaust with the Russian Federation. You out here fucking mind. Yeah, is the answer to the question. Of course, they're out of their fucking minds. They have been for many years. They fucking decided that there's fucking 50 fucking genders like decades ago, you know? Like, of course, they're out of their fucking minds. And he comes in there like, oh, yeah. Don't worry. I'm like a conservative Democrat lunatic who used to say racist things once in a while. Sneak them in there and just like you put a fucking Alexandria Casio, who are test is fucking hand up his fucking puppet ass and make them talk like a goddamn communist. And so, you know, he's fucked. He's a guest see, guest see is, is the idea. Let's see here. There's no reason to read the rest of that. Bolsonaro. You might have heard about that Bolsonaro guy. He is, he was a president of Brazil and now he's not. And, you know, when you lose an election in a third world country, usually in a Pajel, right? To do that to Donald Trump, because we're a third part with third world country now. But, you know, in Brazil, they do it too. And so, Brazil's federal police have been dited for a president, Jair Bolsonaro, for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds, the far right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations. A second source confirmed the indictment, although not for which specific crimes, both official spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly. Brazil Supreme Court has yet to receive the police report with the indictment. Once it does, the country's prosecutor general, Paulo Gonei will analyze the document and decide whether to file charges and force Bolsonaro to send trial. This is Bolsonaro's second indictment since leaving office. Well, you ain't got shit on Donald Trump, Bolsonaro. You better step your fucking game up, homie. Following another in March for allegedly falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination certificate. Oh, you bad boy. You ripped the fucking tags off mattresses to a nigga. What the fuck? But this indictment dramatically raises the legal threats facing the divisive ex-leader that are applauded by his opponents, but denounced as political persecution by his supporters. Bolsonaro did not immediately comment, but he and his lawyers have previously denied any wrongdoing in both of those cases, as well as other investigations in the form of president. One is probing his possible indictment involvement in inciting and uprising in capital Brazil, yeah, on January 8, 2023. Whoa, that's like right around that January six times. This is probably conspiracy. That's sought to oust his successor from power. Last year, federal police accused Bolsonaro of attempting to sneak in diamond jewelry worth reportedly worth $3 million in selling two luxury watches. Oh, you can't be selling watches in Brazil there. We don't like that shit. We're a communist country now. Fuck you. Don't be selling watches. Does the proletariat sell watches? Mother fuck, what are you doing? Police said in August that Bolsonaro received cash from nearly $70,000 sale of two luxury watches. He received his guess from Saudi Arabia. Brazil requires its citizens arriving by playing from abroad to declare goods worth more than $1,000 and for any amount above that exemption pay a tax equal to 50% of their value. The jewelry would have been exempt from tax had it been a gift from Saudi Arabia to Brazil, but not Bolsonaro's to keep for himself. Rather, it would have to have been added to the presidential collection. The investigation showed that morose said Bolsonaro's former aide to camp who allegedly falsified, halt falsified his COVID-19 records in June of 2022, sold a Rolex watch and a protect Philippe watch to a store in the US for total of $68,000. They were gifted by Saudi Arabia's government in 2019, said later signed a plea bargain with authorities and confirmed it all. I'm sure he fucking righted out his boss too in the process. Well, you know, fire up the helicopters, rap bastard. Flavio Bolsonaro, the former president's eldest son in the sitting sender, said on ex, that is Twitter, by the way, because there's no such thing as ex, it's some gay Twitter shit. We dead name Twitter around here. After Thursday's indictment, that a prosecution against his father was ablating and shameless. In addition to Bolsonaro, police have died of 10 others, including said in two of his lawyers. Frederick Wassafe and Fabio was was was guard and I don't know what Vaggarden is doing here. According to one of the sources, Wassafe said in a statement that he he didn't have access to the final report of the investigation, and decried selective leaks to the press of an investigation that is supposed to be proceeding under seal. Okay, well, you know, there's a leftist in power, right? And so they run around the indict their political opponents. And before they can, you know, endeavour to prove these allegations, they leak them to the press. This is what they do. That's what the press is here for, to help left wing pieces of shit commit crimes. You see, that's why they exist. Quote, I'm going through all of this solely for practicing law in defense of Jair Bolsonaro here. On Twitter, Vaggarden, that's not how it's actually said, it's W-A-J-N-Garton. Okay? And so, you know, in Russia, they'd say like, you know, you say W here, they say, you know, so he's Vaggarden as far as I'm concerned. It's like, you gotta go trim the bushes or whatever. It's just a pussy joke, relax. It's the fucking radical agenda, not surreal politics, you fucking bitch. So on Twitter, Vaggarden said, police have found no evidence implicating him. The federal police knows, knows I did nothing relating to what they are investigating, but they still want to punish me because I provide unwavering and permanent defense for former president Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro retains staunch allegiance among his political base, is shown by an outpouring of support in February, with an estimated 185,000 people, clogged São Paulo's main boulevard to protest, with the form of president calls a political prosecution. Persecution, I should say, same idea. His critics, particularly members of his rival president, Luis Inosio, Lula De Silva's political party have jeered every advance of investigations and repeatedly call for his arrest. You know, these guys who run around saying, I hate the cops, they love the cops. They're like, yeah, you know what? If you would just go over and start locking up the good guys, we'd be fancy, but we're criminals. You understand? So fuck you, copper. You want to go around and fucking arrest the president of the United States? Fantastic. We love you. God, do what you got to do. If you arrest people who are breaking windows and setting shit on fire or looting fucking maces, then we got a fucking problem. You understand? We don't fucking put up with that around here because we're criminals. This is a criminal-set at society. You ever see the movie Tombstone? Well, like, like, the guy shows up in a city, unlike the criminals in the city, they're like, Lord, don't go around here to Lord Dog. Lord, don't go around here, Lord Dog. That's basically what Democrats say, okay? It's fucking ridiculous. 217-688-1433. Um, let's see here. Let's see here are the superchats. Come on. So, you know, fucking goddamn thing. Get out of my way. I never been to the cursed continent of America's, of the Americas, but I have seen that Jews wanted to stop the Dominicans from deporting Haitians for some odd reasons. Striker did a great article on it. Oh, you know. Who the fuck wants Haitians? Not Dominicans. Huh. Not Asia. Hey, you know, not Haiti, Haitian. Did you know Dominicans don't call themselves Blacks as Glen 19? I thought the one drop rule was something that applied to America in the Americas, but the Dominican Republic must be an exception. Yeah, the Dominicans, you know. Dominicans don't think they're Black. No, like, Dominicans are like, get the fuck away from it, nigga. Like, they think that they're hot shit, doesn't matter if I can. And they're more capable of a lot of people, you know. You know, anyway, certainly more capable than fucking Haitians, right? Christian Steinberg sends a buck. Chris, I found this petition. Some evil racist is trying to imply that the good, decent, hardworking Muslim men of Pakistan are a little bit rapier. Could you please expose this vile filth for what it is? You know, let's see here. Stop dolphin raping tradition in sin Pakistan. This is a petition. In sin near sugar barrage. In Indus, there is a species of dolphins called Indus dolphins. As pollution has gone on checked in Indus, it has terribly impacted the dolphins health in general. There is a specific species known as the Blind Dolphin, which has certain physical features that hope are to, excuse me, help are to see despite having no eyes. There is an alleged tradition in rural sin of raping Indus dolphins. A subspecies of fresh water, fresh water river dolphin found in the Indus river. The locals are well aware of the tradition, but don't care to condemn it as it is a well-established tradition in the area and has been widely practiced. So, you know, I don't know that, I don't know if this is true or not. I have no fucking idea like any shithead can make a petition on change.org on many do. Maybe Pakistanis are raping dolphins. You know, maybe they're just raping their own women. I don't know, they're raping mother-fuckers one way or the other. Maybe if they could rape the dolphins and leave the fucking brods alone, that'd be better. I get an idea. How about you stay in Pakistan, rape all the fucking dolphins you want. Don't come to America or you're up in rape little girls. How about that? I don't give a fuck about the fucking dolphins. Go rape them. Just stop coming to Europe and America and rape and young girls. Okay, you do that. We'll be all set. This is what it's come to. This is what it's come to. We're rafting about dolphin rape because that's what constitutes like humor in 2024. Christian Steinberg again with a dollar. Feminism liberated women from the natural dignity of the sex and turn them into inferior men. Francis Parker Yaki sounds good. Prince of UC Indus article, he links me to something. Orange County man arrested for trying to shoot down Sheriff's helicopter after birthday party. The answer to your questions, no sir. Thank you very much for asking. And so, let's see here. Excuse me. You know, I've been ending these shows after an hour lately. But Tony Suprano sent me 100 bucks. So because Tony Suprano sent me 100 bucks, we're going to keep on going. And you guys better thank Tony because, you know, he pays for the show that you don't. And you guys, you guys should probably, you know, take some of the burden off. And Christopher can't weld that. That's let's donate. Give us in go.com slash SPM. Cash app. edgy Chris. Okay. Send me some fucking money. Do the goddamn Bitcoin thing. You know what I'm saying? Just, you know, oh, you motherfucking not again. You fucking goddamn. You know, I'm fucking goddamn. You know what I'm saying? You don't know what I'm talking about. I understand. Fucking goddamn piece of shit. Trying to fucking play a goddamn sound. A fucking goddamn soundboard app. Crash. And I'm just trying to get, you know, nothing fucking works. You understand? Like people don't fucking care about their fucking goddamn, you know, their work. They don't care about their fucking product. They don't care about their software. They don't care. They don't give a fuck. And why the fuck would they? Right? Because it's like a fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. We don't need the sounds. It's just fucking goddamn. You just let me talk for another fucking two hours. You don't need any fucking help from the computer. Why don't you have fuck? Damn piece of shit. It works. And why the fuck would it? You know, I am the one who knocks. It's not the fucking sound I'm trying to play. But now that the fucking goddamn app crash, like it's gotta go fucking load all the fucking sounds. It takes 20 fucking minutes. You cock suckin' motherfucker fuck you. So let's start with something that I think you want to see. That's not the fucking right one. What are you talking about? Oh my god. Stupid fuck, not that. There we go, you cock sucker motherfucker. Yeah. So anyway, what I was saying is. Three extra shackles. Yeah. Fuck you, pay me. Send me some fucking money. Mother fucker. Maybe I go fucking buy some shit that works. We're not at these fucking problems anymore. Holy shit. God damn it. How am I ever gonna fucking call it a night tonight when fucking Libertary Act comes in with $143.30. Libertarians and New Hampshire will die on the defend Petta O'Rapers Hill as seen by recent events. You know, yeah, well, yeah, it's pretty depressing, you know. We talked about this on here before. You know, it's kind of funny that like, um, after we talked about this not so long ago that like there was some guy who was like a member of the New Hampshire Assembly or something or he was ran for, I don't know if he was actually elected he ran, I guess. And uh, he got arrested for uh, scrolling around with a 14 year old. And uh, you know, a bunch of people like, hey, no victim, no crime. And by the way, that whore is a liar. Oh, I'm so I come on here after seeing this and people talking about it. I'm like, you know, look, his is a truth, ladies and gentlemen. There's uh, there is a, um, there's a legitimate argument to be made that, you know, that you could think around the edges of Vagia Consent Laws, okay. You know, somebody's want to go around fucking pre-pubesting children. Let's just take them out of the backyard, push brains out to him and us a favor. Get rid of him. He's never going to be fixed. He's wired wrong. Removing from the gene pool, okay. You know, if you're an adult male, who like finds a teenage girl attractive, that's actually not like a malfunction, okay. You might want to watch your fucking pees and cures around somebody else's daughter, but like, you know, what the fuck? This is, we got a bidding war for the highest superchets tonight. Sony soprano says, $177 and he says, I won't be out bit. That's pretty good. $217, $688, $1433, you like to be on the program? And I'm more or you told the less I have to, you should please give us a call. So, where am I getting that here? I got distracted by all the money. You know what I'm saying? It threw me off my train of thought. I'm not used to that anymore. I got used to be, I used to not get money. So I'm like, wait a second. How do I, how do I, how do I deal with this again? I'm a total forgot. Let's go back to the news, I guess. Yeah, so both scenarios, fuck because he tried to help his country. It happens all the time. It's not just, you know, in South America, they do it in America. It's basically like, you know, it's over, you know, it's just like, you know, what? What do you mean you're not a criminal? Go to jail. We're fucking had it, which you fucking people. You good guys, you had to get a fucking goddamn gourd, like we're here to ruin the world, okay? It's our time now. You guys, you good guys, you had your time, it's over, okay? Kiss him good news, ladies and gentlemen. Kissing is great for weight loss and health, say experts. And, you know, experts, they know everything. We learned that during COVID. So don't doubt them. All right, fuck her up, folks. And expert has just dished out some juicy info that'll have you locking lips. Even more turns out, snogging is not only lush. It's also a bit of a health kick. A head of world kissing day on July 6th, dating guru Jacob Lucas spilled the beans to fruity slots about the physical and mental perks of a good old smooch. A Jacob revealed saliva contains many substances that can fight bacteria or viruses, as passionate kissing often increases the flow of our saliva as does drooling over super chats while doing a live broadcast. Bat can help to keep our mouths teaping gum healthier. He added, it also boosts, boasts, all right. So this is a fucking illiterate, wrote the article, sorry. He added, it also boasts our immunity. No, I think you're saying boosts our immunity. Stupid fuck, it doesn't make your immunity brag, bragful, prideful, whatever. It also boasts our immunity as kissing exposes us to potential germs, lurking in another person's mouth and equips our bacteria with the ability to fight them off. Passionate kissing can cause us to use multiple muscles in the body, and some studies have suggested that you can burn as much as 26 calories per minute. That's over 100 calories in less than five minutes. I try to do some math, you know, I go on that elliptical and I come off that fucking thing while I'm falling the fucking floor, okay? And then I look at it, it's like, yeah, you burn like fucking, you know, you burn less calories than the fucking than like a candy bar. After fucking like a half an hour, like what the fuck? And I work my fucking ass off on that thing. I've been trying to do it more often. You know, I go to the gym and I've disclosed a couple of times that like, I was cheating on my physical fitness, okay? Like I was basically like, yeah, you know what I need my physical fitness force so that like I look good from the chest up, okay? It's completely vanity driven, it's from my job. And so I skipped out a lot of cardio for a long time, and then I was like, you know what? I gotta get ready for, you know, fucking the shit out of a wife at some point. So I was like, yeah, I better go fucking work on my cardio. And so I've been going on the elliptical and I fucking gone that thing. And I never want to look at the calorie thing again. Like you go on the elliptical for half an hour and I try to go like, I measure it with the miles per hour, which is not really accurate, you know, in the elliptical sense, you know, it's the same thing as running. But I do it like, I try to go eight miles an hour. I usually can't go that fast for a whole 30 minutes, but I can go over seven miles an hour in total at the end of the thing, okay? But at the end of a half an hour, at seven miles an hour on that elliptical on like the level three resistance or whatever, I fucking follow, I want to come off that thing, I want to fall down. And then I look at the calories, I forget what it is, you know, but it's like, it's like, it's not, it's not a, it's not lunch. Anyway, what? Do the math, you know, maybe I should just be making out more, okay? I want to make out, let me know. 2176-8814-33, but wait, there's more reports Birmingham live. A Jacob explain, the physical act of kissing can cause your brain to release a cocktail of chemicals, including oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin. These can cause euphoric feeling and also encourage us to feel affectionate and want to bond. And for those looking to de-stress, Jacob has some good news, kissing can also reduce the body's cortisol levels, which can help you relax and reduce stress. Cortisol is what your body releases during fight or flight and its link to stress and anxiety. Lastly, he mentioned a heart-racing benefit. Kissing can cause your heart rate to increase, which in turn causes your blood vessels to dilate. When this happens, it can lead to an immediate decrease in your blood pressure, which is great for a healthy heart. Kissing can increase your heart rate, which is, you just said the fucking thing twice. I'm a live radio fucking host, Jag off, what are you doing? When this happens, it can increase blood flow that can help relieve pain, like menstrual cramps or migraines, plus the boost of serotonin in our body is also said to be a natural pain reliever. Well, you know, it's great. So go make out with somebody, go ahead and do it, and then get a pregnant and get married, raise a family, be all right, good times. That's not told anyway, I hear. No, a couple of married guys say they say it's pretty cool, so check it out. Holy shit. Oh, God. It's only after $177, another doll and he says, and a nigga really needed a chirp when you get the monies. You know, it's probably right. I should probably do that, because when libertariat follows up with $1,000, I think that's not the, okay, good. For a second, I was like, is that like the fucking goddamn library coins? Like somebody sent me like a thousand library tokens, and I'm like, oh shit, a thousand monetary units. Oh shit. That's not money. Oh, it's a thousand cryptocurrencies. Oh, that's not Bitcoin. That's a, that's a, that's a library. Okay, so libertariat sent $1,000 and said, Chris, you should watch Man in High Castle. I have actually watched a few episodes of that. I recently attempted to return to it with somebody I was spending a little time with. I'm gonna, I'm gonna return to it. I gotta watch the whole fucking thing. What happens is that like, both times I've attempted to, I'm gonna return to it. I gotta watch the whole fucking thing. What happens is that like, all times I've attempted to watch this. I've attempted to watch it with a companion and then like, but I won't leave it on while having a conversation. You see, because I view that show as like extremely important, I gotta fucking, I gotta watch that fucking thing from beginning to end. And so, I, I want to watch Man in High Castle, and I just gotta have to tell everybody else to fuck off. I just gotta go watch it all by myself. And so, wow. So libertariat sent me a thousand fucking bucks. Jesus Christ, libertariat. That's fucking nice. That's like, it's more money than we usually get in super-chancellent a month these days. That's fucking fantastic. Holy shit dude. Thank you. Christian Steinberg, five bucks, stepping it up. How many of you damn commies won't even pony up $10 a month for a membership? How many of you have even hit the fire button? That's right. How you motherfuckers are like, you know what? I can't pay, but uh, you know, maybe I can hit the fire button. And you're like, Dad, no. You know, I can't, like clicking on shit, fuck you. Like, I clicked on shit all day, I'm tired. You hit the fucking fire button. The fuck is wrong with you. Yeah. And I ask you to share it on Facebook. Cocksuck, I mean, if you can, great, you know, but like, you know, if you can't, maybe just introduce somebody to show. If you're like, you know, I get an idea. If you can't give me a money and you can't click a fire button and you can't share it on Facebook or whatever, just like, introduce your friend and be like, oh, you know, I heard this guy, like, I decided to check him out on stage six episode 75 and actually like, it's pretty fucking funny. It curses a lot. So check it out. And so, um, make the radical agenda stage two again says, uh, Christian Steinberg, there's no radical agenda stage two. There's radical agenda episodes one through 384 or something like that. And then there's radical agenda stage three because it kind of said that like, live from SAG kind of served as stage two. But anyway, you get the idea. So, you know, make radical agenda live from second. And fuck you, homie. I'm not going, oh, Jesus fucking Christ. I didn't mean, I didn't mean, oh shit. I didn't say fuck you, Jesus Christ. It's just things are happening too fast here. I'm sorry, Jesus, okay. I'm not going to make the radical agenda stage two again because stage two we said was like live from SAG, which meant I was in fucking, you know, administrative segregation in the Al-Marshal, which still will you know down. We're not going to fucking do that again. Okay, we're not doing that again ever again. We're done with fucking prison, okay? None of them are no more fucking prison shit. Fucking done with the prison thing, okay? And then I was about to say that and then Tony fucking sends a thousand fucking dollars. And, and, and then I'm like, Jesus fucking Christ. And I'm like, wait a second. I just tell Jesus to go fuck himself. I'm very sorry. God, it didn't mean to do that to your kid, okay? Shit, holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. I can't like, I'm not going to be able to end the show tonight. I get, I get fucking $2,500 fucking dollars in a night and then I'm going to be like, yeah, I gotta go. Shit. Give me a call, 2176881433. I'll go pull up some news, I guess. Oh. Maybe I should, maybe I should actually call tonight. Like, are you, am I going to bank, rub my audience, trying to fucking out bid one another? But, you know, I guess it's better than me being bankrupted, whatever, you know, I don't know what to say. Christian Steinberg steps into the competition with $1. Chris, have you seen this article? No, I haven't, as a matter of fact, I just haven't seen it. You know, let's see, yeah. All right, we're going to do this. We're going to do, I'm going to do one more story. Like, I did not prepare to get fucking paid $2,500 tonight. Okay, I'm going to have to, you know, I'm going to have to step up my game. If you guys are going to pay me $2,500 a night, then like, I'll fucking do better shows. Okay, like I'll prepare, you know, I'll actually write the fucking monologue. You know, I won't just like pull up a dozen stories. Like, well, I actually do a show. We used to do real shows. And then people will like, I fucked this. I'm going to go, you know, pay for porn sites, whatever. And then I was like, yeah, fine, whatever. I'll just read the news, fuck off. And so like, you know, I wasn't prepared to do a $2,500 fucking show tonight. I'm going to have to come back, you know, we'll step it up next week. I don't know. But I'll read this one before we call it a night. Because cryptocurrency investors who boil the game, they're going to have to pay for it. But I'll read this one before we call it a night. Because cryptocurrency investors who boil like, they're going to report dark, tetrad personality traits alongside other characteristics. I don't know. You'll see what they have to say. This is in study finds. I love that study finds.org site. You know, because studies, they find things. And when you find it in a study, then you know, it's not bullshit. We heard about that with the COVID thing. Like, studies find that that vaccination will stop you from getting beat up by Antifa. You see? Studies find that if you don't weigh a mass, we're going to kick your fucking ass. You better do what we say, motherfucker, right? That's what the study finds. Anybody who told you that the study finds that, you know, masking in six feet of distance to stop you from getting COVID, never been to a correctional facility. Fuck. Ha-ha-ha. Fuck. Ha-ha-ha. Crypto ownership was also associated with being male and high income, is consuming fringe media and reporting feelings of victimhood in the survey of 2001 Americans. Maybe I should do this real quick. May I pull up this old story? An old article of mine I thought was pretty fucking funny about Kathy Ryzenwood's. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Hang on a second. This is pretty fucking funny, in fact. Kathy Ryzenwood's once accused Bitcoin of racism, and I thought that was pretty funny. Kathy Ryzenwood's. I got a search. These, I don't think this is actually even. It might be behind the paywall, Christopher Kettwell's at net. I haven't republished everything there yet. Um... Yeah, Kathy Ryzenwood's accused Bitcoin of bigotry loses two cloud points. Because that used to matter in my view. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. This was originally published in March 3rd, 2014. Oh, where's the fucking image? Fuck. Fuck. Uh, with left libertarians like Kathy Ryzenwood's, it's all about privilege. They is basically no issue that cannot be boiled down to racism, sexism, or homophobia, not even Bitcoin. In a hysterical Twitter fit, Kathy makes the case that there is some diabolical plot causing Bitcoin to be primarily used by white males. At the time Kathy Ryzenwood posted this ridiculous rant, her cloud score was 77 out. Now, cloud, KL, OUT, used to be a thing for fame wars like myself to measure their value. Okay, it was a way of proving to yourself that you weren't complete another shit. And it didn't really work very well. At the time Kathy Ryzenwood's posted this ridiculous rant, her cloud score was 77. Then I blasted her in two different articles on this website, one titled, Why Fake Being a Libertarian and another titled, Kathy Ryzenwood's brilliant response to my blog. Today, Kathy Ryzenwood's cloud score stands at 75. Well, fuck you, Kathy. I took two points off your cloud score. But, you know, you made more money than me on only fans playing with your pussy. So what can I say? Cloud is a system that aggregates a user's social networking activity over various social networks, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, et cetera, and returns an influence score of 1 to 100. It is basically a measure of your ability to get a message out over social media. If people become less interested in what you have to say or cloud score drops, my own cloud score has dropped by five points over the last 20 days. But that's because I'm on a 30-day ban from posting to Facebook where 70% of my audience is or was in 2014 anyway. A lie outfits like recent Forbes or Vice would give this leftist a platform is beyond my comprehension. I thought anti-capitalist rants, accusing everyone who has good things going on in their lives of racism, were reserved to MSNBC and CNN. On the other hand, a little bit of exposure towards anti-properterian tendencies of Kathy Ryzen, which is another left libertarians, aka failed Democrats, seems to go a long way. It's bad enough when these lunatics accuse us of racism for speaking the truth about the Trayvon Martin case. It's bad enough when they accuse us of sexism for pointing out simple and obvious differences between men and women. It's bad enough when they accuse us of homophobia for making gay jokes with our friends. All of these things should make it obvious that they aren't to be taken seriously. If that wasn't enough, they are now accusing computer programs of bigotry. So can we please close the book on left libertarians? Even your average Democrat wouldn't take this nonsense seriously. The libertarian movement is not that desperately in need of membership that we need to give voice to this kind of idiocy. As it turns out, it just might be a matter of fact, right? Because all the libertarians got sick of the shit and became Nazis and now it's just a bunch of communists. And they're like, yeah, we'll take anyone. Please come help us. Please! Hey, you guys like raping kids, right? We'll fucking help you out. Whatever, join the club. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Glenn 19, since $2, you should go to church the Sunday and repent to Jesus for your action tonight. I should probably go to church the Sunday and fucking thank God for fucking $2,480. Probably what I should do. Hey, hey, God, thank you for Tony Soprano and libertarian. Thank you for that. Appreciate that. And so, let's go over here. Let's see. We'll finish up that cryptocurrency article. So I say, yeah, it's white guys who do it, you know. And they, you know, because they're white guys, they're in the fairies, you see. Owning cryptocurrency may be associated with certain personality and demographic characteristics, as well as a reliance on alternative or fringe social media sources, according to a study published July 3rd, 2024 in the open access journal plus one PLOS by Shane Lattrell from University of Toronto, along with colleagues from the University of Miami and USA. Anonymous trading and unregulated markets, hallmark, cryptocurrencies, unique subculture, while some consider the digital currency to be financially unreliable, hundreds of millions of global investors think otherwise. This study identified various political, psychological, and social characteristics, differentiating crypto investors from those who abstain, existing studies, which generally include smaller sample sizes, profile crypto owners as psychologically nonnormative and politically non-mainstream. To test this, Lattrell and colleagues pulled 2000 and won American adults in 2022, about 30% of whom responded yes to owning or having own crypto. Participants reported demographic information, and other responses revealing their political, psychological, and social traits. The research conducted several by various two variable correlational analyses, which measured how strongly crypto ownership is associated with other variables individually, as well as multi-variant, multi-variable regression analysis, which attempts to identify the variables that are most important for predicting cryptocurrency ownership. The correlational analyses showed that crypto ownership is associated with belief in conspiracy theories, support a political extremism identifying with non-left-right political orientations, for example, Christian nationalism, and the dark tetrad, a personality traits, narcissism, macavelianism, psychopathy, and satism. That's right. All those nefarious things like Real Politeeco. The more holistic analysis revealed which self-ported qualities are the most likely to predict crypto ownership, the most strongly associated factor being a reliance on friends, social media sources for news. Other strongly associated characteristics included mailness, you know, the degree to which you are mail, which is not a binary decision, of course, because, you know, study finds. Argumentativeness, higher income, and feelings of victimhood. Across all survey data, you know what, let me fuck you, okay? I'll tell you what, why don't you go survey all the people who report feelings of victimhood and ask them how much cryptocurrency they own? I guarantee you that feelings of victimhood are not associated with cryptocurrency ownership, okay? There's a bunch of fucking pieces of shit. Don't own anything. And have no intention of owning anything. Some are gonna work at 7-Eleven, Dunkin' Donuts, and Citizens Bank, matter of fact, Walmart. Yeah, I'm victim. Fuck you. Don't, I'm not selling your phone. Fuck you. Come back tomorrow, talk to somebody else. Across all survey data, crypto owners reported diverse political orientations and identities, so it would have mixed up left and right leanings, or the researchers acknowledged that the correlations they identified are limited by their sample of participants, and the fact that they self-reported their characteristics and cannot be interpreted is causal. Because of the strong correlation between social media and crypto ownership, they encourage future research into the influence of specific media or rhetoric on crypto ownership. The author said, quote, though our results certainly do not apply to every crypto user out there. On average, we found that crypto investment in ownership tends to appeal to people who are more argumentative, anti-authoritarian, and prefer to get their news from non-mainstream news sites. There is still much work to be done in this area, but we hope our study helps to lay the groundwork for future research aimed at understanding psychological, political, and behavioral factors with this growing financial movement. Well, indeed, you know what? Don't let them ever find out that the authoritarians are into the crypto thing, too. Let's keep that a fucking secret between you and me. Okay? Just send me to my narrow on the low. Don't tell nobody, okay? ChristopherCantwell.net slash donate, you'll find all my crypto keys, the public keys that is. I keep the private keys safe. And there you can pay me in lots of different ways. I got the cash app, edgy Chris. I got the gifts and go thing. And you know, if you want to be a real fucking hot shot, you can come in and get into a bidding war with Libertaria and Tony Soprano. See who can send the highest super chat in a course of a radical agenda episode. You go over to the Odyssey thing. I used to do the entropy thing, but I think I'm going to go and like, I think I'm going to blast them pretty soon. Not like shoot them. I don't want to go to prison. I'm kidding. What I'm saying is that I'm going to may say nasty things about them because they owe me some fucking money matter fact. And like, I fucking went to them. And I said, hey, you know, here's the thing that entropy thing. I'll tell you. You know, computers are very good at math. You might have heard this like the whole entire fucking point of them. So like, you know, like, you can run a running tally of like, how much money a person gets a month a month. And then you just show it there. Basically, every system ever created does that, except for entropy. Okay. So entropy owes me, I think, $99. And their payment threshold is a hundred. But I can't see that because they do not show me a running tally of how much is owed. They can allow me to look each month and see how much money was made in each month. But since entropy is shit, I don't use it. And so I'm like, hey, can you tell me how much you owe? And then like, if I have to give myself a fucking dollar to get my C note, please fucking let me know. And they just don't fucking answer. And so, you know, that Odyssey thing, they're going to go down and smoke like everything. You know, because they're a sabotage operation. Fundamentally, it doesn't really work. But for now, I can get $1,000 from Tony and I can get $1,000 from Libertary Ut. Oh, I can't get $1,000 from them. Odyssey takes a cut of that, you know. But whatever. You guys get to show off a little bit. That's cool. I like that. I like that. And so, you know, you can send money throughout to see if you want to, you can send it through to Gibson Go, Gibson Go.com slash SPM. Give me that cryptocurrency. I know how to use it, shit. Or on. And we're going to have a good time. I'm going to have a good time once I get this fucking money for sure. I hope you guys have a good weekend for sure. And we'll talk real soon. Good night. That's it. It's over. Then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people? You can't call food. Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, the enmity. All we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. The radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda implemented their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things to the country. You know, they try and build a blanket. One of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. It's called the Second Amendment. Fuck you, pay me.