Can you put it? That's it, it's over. Then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, and enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things for the country. You know they try and build them like a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go to the second amendment. All right, all right. Welcome to the radical agenda. It's a show about timeless ideas and news today. Whatever's on your mind. It's 276881433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This is 74th episode of Six Days of Pogrum. Today is June 28, 2024 is a current year. It's a Friday as usual. We are coming to you live once again. For my undisclosed location where you know, as a political actor, you got to give it, give the Democrat party they do. They are the most ruthless people in this country and what they lack in political skill. They more than make up for ensure brutality. There's not a single informed voter in this country who does not know that Joe Biden punched out a long time ago. Those who endeavored. Start this fucking thing over here. Oh, you son of a bitch! Ah. I have to start this fucking stream over again. I'm sorry. I'll be right back. Fuck. I'll be right back. Fuck! Fuck! Alright. Let's take that from the top, what do you say? Ha ha ha! Let's pretend all that shit just didn't happen. And I'm just starting a show on time, huh? What do you say? Sound good? Alright. Everybody else is completely full of shit. Why not us? Right, fellas? Okay, let's do it. Okay, I'm happy. Good to be here. Everything's going fantastic. Let's do a show. That's it, it's over. Then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call food? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, and enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things to the country. You know, they try and build them like a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second to men. Alright, on with it. Welcome to the radical agenda. To show about timeless ideas and news of the day and whatever's on your mind, it's 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This 74th episode, the 6th Asian Apogrom. Today is June 28, 2024 is a current year. It's a Friday as usual. We accompany a lot from my undisclosed location, you know, as a political actor. You got to give the Democrat party their dude, aren't you? They are the most ruthless people in this country. And once they lack in political skill, they more than make up for it. It's your brutality. There's not a single informed voter in this country who does not know that Joe Biden punched out a long time ago. Those who endeavored to so much as Watch Fox News, read the Wall Street Journal or listen to conservative talk radio once in a while, knew well prior to the 2020 election that he was unfit for that office. The Democrats understand, though, first and foremost that decidedly few voters could be described as informed. An informed Democrat is a malicious person who understands the damage that his party does and endorses it. These constitute a small minority, even within their own party. And the second thing Democrats understand is that a savvy political actor does not try to win over the other side, but rather he tries to destroy them. So the Democrats pursue the dumb and the cruel as their constituents, the decent and the intelligent they pursue as enemies. Those who are helpful to those pursuits are rewarded with money and power. Those who stand in the way get added to the latter group. Joe Biden proved useful for time. This sheer audacity of his lying was impressive by any measure. He would get up and tell you whatever he thought you wanted to hear with a straight face. He made up nicknames for himself like middle class Joe and lunch bucket Joe to make himself sound like a man of the people all the while being in a pocket of the banks. As vice president, he used his crack head son as a bag man to accept Chinese and Ukrainian bribes. He used his proximity to power in service to those foreign interests. When authorities came sniffing around, he got them fired or worse. Ukraine became a hub of espionage and international political corruption. Its intelligence agency, its intelligence agency, the SBU descended from the KGB and employs more spies than Britain's MI6. When the US State Department backed the second coup against VickDianaCovitch, the globalist cabal had their fangs in the country's neck and properly there sought confrontation with the Russians was underway. It was perfect for the Democrats and their nominally Republican-Coconspirators who were plotting a war with the Russian Federation. They could conduct all the dirty work they cared to and play it on the Ruskies. They did just that in 2016. The Ukrainians backed Hillary Clinton and claimed that Russian troll farms were making Donald Trump out to be a Nazi online because they wanted him to get elected. When that backfire, their propaganda swindled to overdrive. Trump was not just the chosen candidate of Vladimir Putin. He was an agent of the Russian government. He had been colluding with the Ruskies all along. When that scam failed to oust Trump from office, the cabal went to Joe Biden for yet more help. They needed someone who looked non-threatening, the metaphorical wolf and sheep clothing, if you will. They wanted a harmless old white man to make Americans think that normalcy would return and the race riots would stop if only they got that mean old Trump out of office. But Joe Biden was not nearly so slick as he once was. While Joe was still willing to lie, his capacity to keep track of his deceptions had waned with his age. He was falling apart and everyone in his life knew it. But the Democrats shrug this off as if to say what's more one more lie in this tangled web. It's not like these idiots have any idea what's going on. We just need the idea of Joe Biden. We can run the country once he is elected and all will be fine. Conveniently, if one is foolish enough these days to believe in, you know, coincidences and politics, a Chinese bioweapon funded by the US government just so happened to escape a containment facility at Wuhan and make its way to the United States during an election year. Joe Biden took this threat so seriously that he never left his house saved to get some ice cream once in a while. He wore a mask indoors, often putting it on just as he went on stage to face the cameras. He led the most endemic presidential campaign in American history. And this was not so big a problem because though the Democrats warned us time and again that Trump was a dictator, helped bent on destroying democracy. He was not so clever as to commit voter fraud. Thus Mark Elias and his band of thug lawyers ran around the country suing every state, the union claiming their fraud protections were racist in a threat to public health. Cooperative Democrat attorney general acquiesced to this in a sue and settle strategy. I'm going to fucking goddamn set this fucking computer on fire. You got to be fucking kidding me. Cooperative Democrat attorney general acquiesced to this in a sue and settle strategy to bypass the rigors of legislative process and do away with fraud protections by way of consent decrees. This was obviously illegal but the court decisions that would make but those court this was obviously illegal but those court decisions would only be made subsequent to the presidential election. And there was no way the Supreme Court would risk the repercussions of overturning the election not after an entire year of race riots anyway. And so with the help of millions of unfarifiable votes Joe Biden was allegedly elected as the most popular president in the history of the United States despite not having campaigned or gained the interest of anyone in particular. For the entirety of his term right of center media drew drew attention to Biden's cognitive decline, taking orders from the Easter buddy stumbling the wrong way off stages saying hello to dead people. For getting the names of the living making up one preposterous lie after the next with no effort to keep them from being in conflict. Just days before the recent debate the DEI superstar press secretary, Curnian Jean Pierre, described clips of these tragic examples of times cruelty as cheap things claiming that they were doctor to make our all knowing hyper competent president look bad and a false like knowing this was a lie. The cabal put Joe Biden on a stage next to Donald Trump just last night. There had been much speculation about shenanigans from CNN with the moderators intervene on Biden's behalf was the exclusion of a studio audience done in service to a favorable editing and camera choice by the CNN team was the strict mic muting schedule a means by which to prevent Trump from throwing Joe off his train of thought. Interestingly was some notable exceptions to see it empty played it nearest straight as you could expect that outfit to try. It was a disaster for Joe Biden all the same and in hindsight this was obviously the plan all along. The cabal has no retirement plan one does not cease to be useful and take his winnings away from the table he just gets eaten when he becomes too weak to defend himself. Before the debate had even concluded the gears of the machine were set into motion the entire apparatus that had denied Joe's frailty held his wisdom and now had made a heel turn. He was a liar a seat I a old man unfit for the office he holds today perhaps but certainly not fit to be the nominee of the Democrat party in a few short months. What to do the party had precluded a primary challenge there is no air repairants come all Harris is perhaps the only politician in America less likely to beat Trump and Joe Biden. Can the machine get a Gavin Newsom presidential campaign together in under four months. One can be certain that a plan exists but we are not privy there too all we know is that lunch bucket Joe. As been fed to the jackals. Two and seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and the more you talk to less I have to so please do give us a call and so that was an excruciating thing sincerely to watch last night. And it was all the more excruciating this morning because like I'm watching all this they're all throwing their guy under the bus now right. I've known that Joe Biden checked out for a long time you know when when Joe Biden had to have the East to buddy intervene you knew you knew by then if not sooner that things for things are getting pretty bad. I was fairly confident when he told Charlemagne the God in the year 20 20 if you don't vote for me or Trump doing black. Yeah, you ever known like an old guy who you know all of it now it don't get any ideas I'm saying like a guy who's really old like a lot older than me. You know he forgets how to be like polite right he doesn't he loses his filter say. But Joe Biden just you know goes grabs a little girl and sniffs her hair like nobody's watching you know. All those Joe Biden moments. Even before he became president and just the increasing rapid the other you know when Joe Biden was gonna run like people are like he's a gaff machine he's always making these gaffs. He's made his he's become notorious for that. And then as he you know becomes senile shockingly enough this does not improve upon the situation. So they knew right they understood exactly what they're doing and they did it anyway and then he came out and you know in the in the range of possibilities for Joe Biden on a stage of Donald Trump it was certainly not the worst thing that you could have imagined being an informed person. But the whole entire cobalt just throws him under the bus this morning they're like oh my god we've got to get rid of him we got to stop you know. Forget what I've told you for the last four years okay yeah fine I've been lying it's fine I understand you can obviously I'm lying this what you pay me for okay don't complain that I've been lying to you for four years complain that we don't have a candidate. It's basically the gist of what all the left wing press is doing today. That's kind of sad as a matter of fact like if somebody treated my grandfather that way I'd be really pissed you know like you you take that old man and then you put him through this. You completely destroy his reputation you know Joe Biden if he had not run for president he would have gone down as the vice president to Barack Obama. That is how history would have recorded him and though I have my problems with the Obama administration I have every reason to believe that history would have been kind of Joe Biden as a matter of fact. You think that history will be kind to Joe Biden now I do not I do not think that history will be kind to Joe Biden. After the debate his wife. Goes like drags him off the stage. Help some off the stage is saying. You are so good you answered every question you knew all the answers. What like it's a debate like literally what do you think was going to happen I think he was going to invoke the fifth amendment you know I mean maybe you should. The idea that he was just going to stand there and not answer questions you know that doesn't. I mean people you know politicians have a skill for that right but you know they say something in response to questions in any case. She's got to know better than anybody what's going on with him. But you know she's a monster too right that's why you know I'm Joe Biden's husband. It's a you know the Joe Biden line I'm not saying that I married Joe Biden's wife. Two on 76881433 you like to be on the program and I'm more you told the less I have to please to give it's called it's really disgusting anyway in any case I mean this is what I'm getting out the basically you know I I I'm not going to be a I'm not I said many many years ago that like I have to stop acting surprised when the left sinks to a new level you know the like the most to pray thing that I can imagine them doing today they're the plan to outdo it is already well underway at all times right. The left routinely challenges your concept of limits right they they're like oh no no no. Actually there is no limit to how low I can sink right my my my depravity knows no boundaries and your mind is actually the limiting factor you're not capable of conceiving my depravity I have to educate you traction right that's the left that's entire apparatus. When you thought the gay pride praise were like the craziest sickest most disgusting thing in the world they're like no wait a second. Wait until you see our transgender abomination like this is going to totally blow your top okay like we're going to put these dudes in the ladies room like they're going to teach your kids. And then we're going to quietly try to start now maybe not so quietly will scream our freaking heads off while we demand the right to surgically mute a like your child's genitals in elementary school right. And you're like no wait no come on like you're not actually going to do that like nobody would actually oh my god holy fucking shit you actually did it you actually holy fuck. And then they're like no no no no that's not even a holy fuck thing like that's the new standard civil rights now shut up not see like we're already working on the next thing. And you're like there's no way like you couldn't possibly do it and they're like no no no no no. You better you better buckle your seatbelt light down your sensibilities are going completely out the window we're going to show you the definition of low. And so the fact that they go in like you know in embarrassing old man is probably not so shocking in all in the big picture of things like we're going to get you you know what we're going to do. We're going to steal a election we're going to put an old man in the White House and we're going to just kind of like push him around while we run the country and we're going to get us into world war three with Russia. And then and then we're going to and then we're going to embarrass the old man we're not going to allow him to bow out gracefully we're not going to allow him to say yeah you know best of luck America I'm moving on and retiring. Now we're going to make this as slow and as painful and disgusting and embarrassing as possible for him you know we're going to drag the whole thing out we're going to put his son in prison. We're going to have him try to do it all over again while all of you know that he stole it the first time around and then we're going to we're going to make this the most calamitous disgusting depraved election. Any of you silly losers with your fucking standards have ever seen. And it shouldn't surprise me at all that they're doing that because that's it's what they do you know. There's sick fucking people. I'm going to play a clip and we'll come back I got a bunch of news stories out there are a bunch of interesting Supreme court cases were decided today. Not the least of them some pertaining to the events of January 6th other ones pertaining to regulation and the powers of regulatory agencies. Should be a lot of fun so we back in seven minutes 50 seconds. You would agree would you not serve it for interference in our elections is or can't be threat to our democracy under certain conditions yes. Do you there are conditions that are which their interference is not a threat always sorry thank the gentleman. Thank you Dr. Hill for being engaged in interfering in our election in 2016 we are so blessed that you did so welcome. Dr. Hill your story reminds me a great deal of what we heard from Alexander Vindman the most powerful immigrants are the best of us. I think the American people cannot be forgiven if they hold into question the accuracy of intelligence committees finding that immigrants are the best of this country. No one in intelligence community questions that find it. In order the FBI in order the Senate bipartisan intelligence committee report nor does the minority committee report of this committee the House Republican report is an outlier. Let me ask you Dr. Hill about your effort to so discord in the United States along ethnic lines religious lines geographic lines through an extensive social media campaign to help the Democrats. I'm glad you did back down from it. I wish I had heard just some of the righteous indignation we heard in the committee today when the president won another US election but of course they were psyched just get used to it. Do we care about the big stuff like the Constitution like an oath of office no no no no no people watching at home might not know that in these secret depositions which of no one else's of housing here no members are allowed to participate to see where it just me and the witness that was the secret star chamber that you've been hearing so much about and that is as it should be. The whole idea that Russia had gotten involved in the 2016 election was a hope put out by the Democrats to smurch the character of the president we are so blessed that you did so welcome Dr. Hill. First I'd like to show a little bit about who I am. I'm an American by choice. I've become a citizen in 2002. I've served a serviceman. I can say with confidence that Russia has offered me opportunities I never would have had the way. I've been in the United States. My paternal grandfather fought during the second world war, surviving being gassed before American troops intervened to end the war. Other members of my family wanted to emigrate the United States for political purposes. My father always wanted someone in the family to make the United States into 1984 and when President Ronald Reagan met Servic leader Michael Gorbachev in Moscow. I was a turning point for me, an intelligence officer for the Servic Union, who I met there told me about graduate students, scholarships to the United States. The very next year thanks to his advice I arrived in America to de-legitimize our entire presidency for the Servic Union. For the best part of three decades I've built a career as an intelligence officer for the Servic Union. I've served a servic union under three presidents. In my most recent capacity under President Trump I was under under my former position of an intelligence officer for the Servic Union and a president's George W. Bush and Barack Obama. In that role I was the intelligence community senior expert on Russia and the former Servic Republics including Ukraine. It was because of my subversion of American foreign policy, but as I was asked to join the National Security Council in 2017. Good afternoon. Thank you so much for coming in and thank you for your service. Dr. Hill you stated you've been a Jewish mole for George Soros in the White House, correct? That's correct. You said in your deposition specifically the globalist leftist Jewish George Soros insider who had infiltrated McMaster's staff. That's correct. Interestingly you stated in your deposition again I was Jewish because this is again nonpartisan career officials of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Whipping up what is frankly a Jewish conspiracy with George Soros to basically target non-Jewish officials. Isn't that what you said? I did say that yes. I agree. And I'm sure you've been watching with concern what's happened to other non-Jewish career officials. We had Alex Lieutenant Colonel Alex Vindman Jewish immigrant questioned for his Jewish criticism of the president in a very Jewish way. Basically questioning his loyalty to the country. I believe that he's also of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Would you say that these Jewish conspiracies that you have been targeting Mr. Stone were in spawning part by folks like George Soros as well as fueled by Marie Ivanovich in others basically have a tinge of anti-Americanism to them at least. Well certainly when the involved George Soros they do. I just like to point out that in the early 1900s the elders of Zaya produced something called the protocols which actually can still obtain on the internet and you can buy it's actually sometimes in book shops in Russia and elsewhere. This is the longest running a subversion of American foreign policy to push these people's personal interests. Although we have in history. I actually intended to write the new protocols of the elders of Zaya before I was actually invited to come into the administration. I'm sorry. Because it's an absolute outrage. I'm sorry you've been kind of wrapped up in these Jewish conspiracies. Let me turn to Rudy Giuliani. Became increasingly concerned about George Soros increasing role in Ukraine between January and March of 2019 correct. That's correct. And I know you served in the Bush and the Obama administration. I presume that George Bush's personal lawyer and President Obama's personal lawyers were in Jewish. And the concern for having someone like George Soros having such a strong influence on American foreign policy is that basically that policy may be operating not in the best interest of America but perhaps in the best interest of Jewish clients or business associates right. I think that's correct and that's as I said in my deposition in October 14th that frankly that's what I thought it was at the very beginning when I first heard George Soros making these things. Some of those associates included indicted Jewish folks, Igor Fruiman and Lev Parnas is that right. That's correct. We have an interesting Jewish character in Chicago who's now been indicted. His name is Mr. Fertash. And Mr. Fertash has been indicted for Jewish bribery charges and other associates of George Soros right. I do know Mr. Fertash that's correct. I know of him for my work that's correct. And the question that we're all asking is whether American foreign policy in Ukraine is potentially being run in Jewish interests and not our own. It certainly appears that it's been used that there's a subversion of American foreign policy to push these people's personal interests. Thank you so much. That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. All right. Welcome back to the radical agenda. Thanks for sticking with me through that brief break there. You know, as I was going to break, I go check the Odyssey chat and oh boy, the cherry on as a listen to the show is a supporter of the show. Is in the process of upending his whole life taking it somewhere else. And yet he still manages to come through with these like really great little bits. And I'm looking here at a piece of New York Times. Not my favorite newspaper you might have gathered. At a picture of a Jewish lesbian criminal by the name of Roberta Kaplan. And I'm very familiar with that fucking ugly miserable face because I spent a lot of time in a courtroom looking at this monster. And she she lost her law firm. It looks like. And it is a big joke here. Right. So it says how a Trump beating hashtag me to legal legends lost her firm. Now actually here's what's actually kind of funny about this is that. Roberta Kaplan was kind of shit out of lock before that Charlottesville scam. You might know. Okay. Like that was her big comeback. Okay. But there's subhead her here is Roberta Kaplan's work as a lawyer made her hero to the left behind the scene. And for poor treatment of colleagues you don't say. You mean when she was running around the country supporting perjury and conspiring with violent criminals to interfere in American politics. You mean that when she went before the Supreme Court with a straight face told them that when the founders of this country wrote the Constitution they intended for there to be homosexual marriage guaranteed by the document. You're saying that despite all those really nice things that she does she was mean to her colleagues that's shocking isn't it. Roberta Kaplan founded her firm at the dawn of the me two and Trump errors on the principle she has said that there always must be someone to stand up to a bully. Isn't that kind of funny. I guess she was anticipating the fact that somebody stand up to her someday. Huh. That must be what she meant that fucking cunt. Last fall senior partners at Kaplan Hacker and thinking New York law firm known for championing liberal causes made a faithful decision. They were going to sideline their hard charging and crusading founder Robert a Roberta a clap cap. The rain of one of the most country's most prominent lawyers was coming to an end. Miss Kaplan was already famous when she found it her law firm in 2017 you see what I'm talking about. She founded the law firm in 2017 this was created for the Charlottesville scam. Having won a landmark Supreme court case have paved the way for marriage equality for gay Americans. The firm soon gained national prominence because of her leadership in the me two movement. Oh, you mean when she was working for Andrew Cuomo smear his sexual assault victims. Is that what you mean? And more recently for high profile victories against white supremacists and former president Donald J Trump. I guess the New York Times fails to mention that she was defeated by the crying Nazi at a Virginia court room in 2021. Maybe they should just go check the fucking Wikipedia page for the fucking case signs the Kessler. Maybe you go look at that. Where even the fucking crooks at Wikipedia won't say they say they were not found right. Yeah, let's actually I'm just going to do this real quick just the Wikipedia wording on this is hilarious. Signs v Kessler Wikipedia. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. What's going on here? Give me a second. All right signs v Kessler was a civil lawsuit against various organizers promoters and participants in the United right rally. A white supremacist rally that took place in in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017. The trial began in October of 2021 and on November 23rd the jury reached a mixed verdict in which they found various defendants liable on claims of civil conspiracy and race based harassment or violence. They also found James a fields junior, the perpetrator of the car attack against protesters at the rally viable for assault and battery and intentional inflection of harm altogether the jury awarded the plaintiffs more than 25 million in punitive in compensatory damages. But this was later reduced by judges at 2.35 million. The lawsuit was originally filed on October 11th, 2017 by nine plaintiffs against 14 individuals and 10 organizations. Well, this is hilarious. As a matter of fact, like it's gotten even worse, right? They declined to mention they do not state the introduction to this article used to say, but they did not find them liable for a racially motivated by the conspiracy of the federal civil rights claim. They have now omitted that from the from the summary on Wikipedia. It's gotten even worse. The jury reached a mixed verdict in which they found various defendants liable on claims of civil conspiracy and race based harassment or violence. Not they were found liable for a racially motivated by a conspiracy, which was the entire theme of the thing. verdict the jury reached a mixed verdict on November 23rd, 2021. They deadlocked on the first two claims to determine whether the defendants had engaged in a race based conspiracy. A federal race based conspiracy. Well, it's actually more explicit than that. You see jurors found that all defendants liable on the third claim of civil conspiracy under Virginia state law. Jurors awarded 500,000 impunity damages against each individual defendant and one million against each organization in relation to that charge. On the fourth claim, jurors found that all defendants in the name of the charge Spencer Kessler, Klein, Ray and Cantwell had engaged in race based harassment or violence and awarded 200,000 impunity damages against each defendant. The final two claims applied only to fields. Also, the competitive compensatory damages total more than $25 billion following the verdict lawyers. The plaintiff said they intended to try the defendants again on the two claims that could not be decided in early 2023. The juror the judge reduced the jury's punitive damages from 24 million to 350,000 due to a Virginia law that caps punitive damages of $350,000 per case. The two million in compensatory damages was left unchanged. A U.S. magistrate judge awarded 4.9 million in legal fees to the team led by Roberta Kaplan. That's inaccurate. It's like $14 million. So this is complete nonsense like wiki pedia. Richard spence or filed a pro-safe appeal for you from March 17, 2023 arguing that holding the trial in Virginia and Charlottesville did item right to a fair trial. Christopher Cantwell filed a pro-safe appeal March 20, 2023 arguing that the jury had improper passion and passion and prejudice in that he couldn't adequately prepare for his defense as he had been on prison on unrelated charges of the court. The time of trial plaintiffs also filed notice of repeal intending to challenge the reduction in damages. So this is the worst wiki pedia article on the entire site of terrible wiki pedia articles. This has probably been edited by Roberta Kaplan's minions as a matter of fact. The jury in that case they sued us for a racially motivated by the conspiracy the entire premise of the case was a racially motivated by the conspiracy the civil conspiracy and the Virginia hate crimes statute simply followed there from because you can break more than law one law at a time right. And that is the basis of my appeal which is that you can't find me liable for something you didn't sue me for if you find me liable for harassment that verdict can't stand because I wasn't sued for harassment and the judge said so over and over again. Which is why every time we mentioned the first amendment the judge said shut up. Shut up about your freedom of speech or talking about violence here. What a joke. So Roberta Kaplan did not have a high profile victory against white supremacist as a matter of fact she got beaten high by any very high profile trial by me. Me I beat Roberta Kaplan, proceed. But those triumphs couldn't overcome an uncomfortable reality according to people familiar with the firms internal dynamics in the eyes of many of her colleagues including the firms to other named partners Miss Kaplan's poor treatment of other lawyers ranging from micro management to vulgar insults and humiliating personal attacks was impairing the boutique firm she had built the people said. One thing they said she's jeopardizing its ability to recruit and retain valuable employees. Miss Kaplan and other partners had also clashed over issues of management and strategy and some of her colleagues were frustrated by the difficulties of achieving consensus with her several people said. Miss Kaplan was told last fall that it had become untenable for her to remain on the firm to management committee a sharp rebuke for a founding partner she agreed to step down from the committee. The decision began a month long chain of events that culminating this week with that culminated this week with Miss Kaplan's announcement that she was leaving Kaplan Hacker to start a new firm. The seemingly abrupt departure of a legal star a gay woman who had become a heroic figure to many on the laugh for her willingness to take on powerful men like the broke podcaster held in prison with no money. It's a legal community but it been years in the making according to interviews with more than 30 current and former colleagues clients and others. This is pretty funny I mean it's kind of in the same vein isn't it. The reberta Kaplan has had the the wolves said on her oh yeah. With the type of people that can keep a secret like Charlottesville and broad daylight okay we're gonna parade this bunch of lying witnesses in and out of here will interview them in advance we'll know that they're lying everybody involved will know that this is complete bullshit we'll do it anyway and none of us will go to prison or lose our law licenses for subordinate subordinate perjury. Because we're just that tight you see and now 30 people interview with the New York Times to set her out to pasture that's fascinating. Miss Kaplan is tirelessly constructed a brands go to lawyer for really every liberal cause. This year alone she won an 83 million dollar jury verdict against Mr. Trump for his having to fame the writer Eugene Carroll successfully defended researchers sued by Mr. Musk's ex corporation secure to settlement for people challenging the Florida law that critics nicknamed don't say gay bill and represented president Biden's daughter Ashley in a criminal investigation into who stole her diary. Many former employees said they were proud of the work they had done and admired Miss Kaplan's fearless pursuit of big targets like that podcast from other fucker. But they also said the workplace environment she had presided over could be unbearable. This went beyond normal gripes about tough bosses Miss Kaplan's behavior was a time such an issue that a top lawyer and another firm who was her co-counsel in a case reprimanded her over her conduct and a progressive legal coalition nixed her from a list of candidates for federal judgeships because of her reputation for subordinate perjury and conspiring with violent criminals. I'm sorry that's not what it says that a New York Times because of her reputation for mistreating employees according to lawyers familiar with both episodes. Miss Kaplan is hardly the only high-powered attorney with a reputation for being a typical boss. A bunch of male lawyers have engaged in comparable behavior and gotten away with it. That's fantastic. We're going to the sexism angle. Thank you New York Times. A bud Kaplan Hacker and Finke was founded on the premise that it would be a values driven law firm free of the macho nastiness that historically characterized many of the country's elite firms. Miss Kaplan has said she created it on the principle that there always must be someone to stand up to a bully. No, no. Someone standing up to a bully is how you lost your reputation. It's only a fucking matter of time. You hear that clock ticking. Don't you bitch. You're a dix. You don't have any interest in the whole reproductive thing. But you know a lot of women, you're probably past that point. A lot of women, they start here in that biological clock ticking. You hear the clock ticking of people understanding that you were defeated by me. You can't be appointed to a federal judgeship with people know that I defeated you in a courtroom. Miss Kaplan, 57. Yeah, weight pass a wall declined interview request wisely. Miss Kaplan has statements in a New York Times hours before she announced her departure on Wednesday. She trumpeted her work against some of the world's biggest bullies. But acknowledge that there are people who don't like me, which comes with the territory, particularly with you are a woman. Oh, you really got you really got those former colleagues yours. Didn't you cut. In response to questions about her workplace demeanor, the firm's lawyers Christopher J Clark and Virginia F tent accused the times of trafficking in the hackney trope of powerful professional woman is shrewdish abrasive and vindictive. They noted that an internal reviews her colleagues describe Miss Kaplan as a fostering a sense of support and transparency and making her colleagues feel heard and supported in her teams. In addition to being warm thoughtful and empathetic. Yeah, but nobody who knows anything about Roberta Kaplan. Nobody who see a fucking photograph in a woman believes that bullshit. They added that Miss Kaplan's presence and work at the firm was a significant driver of the firm's recruitment of legal talent. Sean Hacker and Julie think that top two partners remaining at the firm said, and statement Robbie has made it measurable contributions to the firm we continue to have mutual respect for her and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with her. While Miss Kaplan's new and old firms say they plan to have a cooperative relationship, they are already vying for clients and personnel to control the narrative about her exit. Some of Miss Kaplan's defenders believe that her old colleagues are leaking damaging information about her in order to undercut her new firm before it is even off the ground. Her detractors say the legal world should know about her behavior. Well, hey guys, anybody who wants to throw Roberta Kaplan under the bus, you got it. It's ready to go, right? You already know what you do. Now, that would probably, you know, anybody in a position to do that, you know, you're tying the, you're putting the cement shoes on your own feet too, probably. So, you know, what do you get to do? But I'll have you on a radical agenda if you want. Growing up outside Cleveland, Miss Kaplan had mapped out her future by age 12 Ivy League college, follow up I'm in Hatton Law School, culminating in a job at a prestigious law firm where she would finally get to fulfill my dream of litigating high profile cutting edge commercial cases. As Miss Kaplan put in her 2015 memoir. Yes, she had that actually was my dream. That's right 12 years old. She's like, I'm going to go to an Ivy League school that I'm going to go to a Manhattan Law School. And then I'm going to get a job at a prestigious law firm where I finally get to fulfill my dream of litigating high profile cutting edge commercial. She had all figured out by 12 years old. She's a juicy. Before I even figured out that I was into pussy, I knew that I was going to sue the president of United States in a fake rape case and lose and then call it a win because money was exchanged. Like many ambitious young corporate lawyers, Miss Kaplan was relentless in her pursuit of success. Sure enough, Miss Kaplan graduated from Harvard and then Columbia Law School at 31. She may partner at Paul Weiss where she represented clients like JP Morgan Chase and T mobile. So much that her future wife Rachel Levine, a democratic operative once offended her on an early date by comparing her to a Bolshevik willing to spill blood for the sake of victory. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she wasn't offended by that. I'm pretty sure she fucking go right and her pussy when she said that. Miss Levine began pushing her toward political advocacy, according to Miss Kaplan's memoir, then comes marriage. That's the title of her memoir. In 2013, she won a landmark lawsuit that she had brought on behalf of a lesbian who didn't want to pay taxes on her dead partners estate. The Supreme Court used the case to strike down a key provision of the defensive marriage act paving the way for the nation wide right to same sex marriage. Miss Kaplan was no longer contentious litigating commercial cases when she hopped up hoped for a job when a hoped for job in a hill. When a job for a hoped for Hillary Clinton administration, then it pan out Miss Kaplan sees the anti Trump moment and created her own law firm Kaplan and company. Miss Kaplan's timing was impeccable. She pitched her firm as a progressive bastion that would combine trailblazing public interest practice with civil and criminal litigation. The goal was to win big rewards for worthy causes while also making its lawyers rich. She was the cherry on top. The firm was run by a legal giant that a field largely bereft of female leaders, much less gay women. Liberal lawyers, jostles, join. The firm's startup nature made it less bureaucratic and employees from that time said Miss Kaplan could be generous and fun to work for. Yeah, she's spending read hoppins millions. If she liked you, she might share juicy gossip from her social circle and fight you to Shabbat dinner or help you land a judicial clerkship. It's like she knows all the judge she's been greased in the wheels for a long time. The clients and billable hours flowed in there were headline grabbing public interest cases like an ambitious federal lawsuit against the white supremacists and others behind the infamous United States of Ireland, Charlesville Virginia until 2017. And there were marquee corporate clients like Uber, Airbnb and Pfizer. Long before Kaplan added Mr. Hacker a white collar criminal defense lawyer to the name of firm along with her co founding partner, Miss Fink. I'm sorry before long Miss Kaplan added her added Mr. Hacker and Miss Fink. Soon they shot up high and the Empire State Building Miss Kaplan decorated her office with photos of her posing in pornography set with the nom kidding. With former president Barack Obama and the Clinton's named a conference room after Ruth Bader Ginsburg. From the start Miss Kaplan's behavior alienated some of her new hires. Robbie was a screamer she yelled a lot and that was not an experience I had had before said Christopher Greed who caught her having sex with a horse in her office. I'm kidding. That's not what they said in the New York Times. Who had joined from the powerhouse law firm Sullivan and Cromwell now it was part of my day today and the office wasn't that big. Unlike Roberta. Of any former employees recall hearing Miss Kaplan having sex with animals and screaming at them and beating them and mutilating them in ritual fashion. She was basically doing like culture bushery with the sex act. That's not what they said in the New York Times. Many former employees are called hearing Miss Kaplan berating colleagues and their supposed incompetence and lack of intelligence. Oh, oh, let me find out that Roberta Kaplan's running around talking to people about IQ scores shocking. Imagine that. Use stupid goyum with your 100 IQ. Don't you understand this is why I run your world, Jewel and I say get on your fucking knees and eat my pussy horse. Most of them would speak only on condition that the times not identifying them. Because a citing fear of professional repercussions. Yeah, she'll fucking say forget about professional rush or repercussions. She conspires to violent criminals and everybody knows it like Roberta Kaplan will have you fucking whacked. In the midst of the me too, movement Miss Kaplan told colleagues that she was too smart to have ever been sexually assaulted. Yeah, I was too smart to ever be sexually assaulted. I took what I wanted from other fuckers. I didn't take that shit for me. I came around and I said bitch, I'm gonna teach you to be a lesbian. In the midst of the me too, movement Miss Kaplan told colleagues that she was too smart to have ever been sexually assaulted according to Segwin's strowmeyer. Another early hire and two other former associates who also heard the remarks. Miss Kaplan's lawyers said in the letter to the times that she had never suggested that anyone could be too smart to be sexually assaulted because that is obviously not true. Five employees at the firm recalled inappropriate comments. Miss Kaplan made about colleagues looks once you told a female associate that the associate was more suited to. Back of the housework because of her appearance. Another time Miss Kaplan said the same associate was too much of a dike to clerk for the Supreme Court. Miss Kromeyer recalled. Other times she used agenda specific insults. I'm pretty sure a dike is a gender specific insult, but whatever. Who's yet it's New York Times they they just make it up as they go along. Many former employees recalled Miss Kaplan's publicly berating case managers who are young wrote low ranking employees. Once she verbally attacked case manager who disobeyed her command not to include meatballs in a pizza order. Miss Kaplan's fury was so remarkable that a lawyer took notes which the times reviewed. The notes described the meatballs incident as one of a few examples in which Miss Kaplan publicly derided the case manager both their face and behind her back. Miss Clark and Miss Tent. The lawyers for Kaplan Hacker said this was inaccurate. To the extent Miss Kaplan gave instructions about wet food to order it was typically order too much rather than too little food they wrote. She's like, don't you see when you look at me that I eat a lot of fucking food. Not only do I eat a lot of food, but eating is my primary sex act. So you better feed me motherfucker. I will fucking ruin your goddamn career. To the frustration of some colleagues Miss Kaplan at times insisted that she review in advance certain emails. It partners planned to send externally on occasions she became irate when this edict was violated. By the 2020 election Miss Kaplan's conduct had become something of an open secret in the legal community. That fall, a coalition of progressive groups prepared a list of ideal candidates for judicial nominations to sent to the incoming by administration. Miss Kaplan was on an early version of that list according to a copy reviewed by New York Times. But before it was said Miss Kaplan's name was deleted at the behest of Molly Coleman, a lawyer and a founder at the People's parody project whose goals included eliminating harassment and discrimination in law. Miss Kaplan said in an interview that she had heard from lawyers Kaplan Hacker and think who wanted to leave because of workplace conditions. She told other people in the coalition that if Miss Kaplan was nominated for a judgeship her organization would publicly oppose her. She said no one had objected to removing Miss Kaplan from the list. This sounds an awful lot to me like when the when the Democrats put Andrew Cuomo out to pasture, right? So Andrew Cuomo famously got like millions of people killed in the state of New York. You might recall that he was like, you know what? You retirement homes, you're not allowed to discriminate against COVID patients. We are going to make sure that your loved ones who are in the retirement homes are exposed to COVID, contra Florida, where they're actually trying to help old people. And so we'll get you all killed and before you you'll be dead before you have a chance to figure out and move south. And then you know, everybody who survived, you'll move south and then the state will bankrupt, but I don't care because I'm a Democrat. When Andrew Cuomo killed millions of people in New York, but was being hailed as the savior of COVID, a potential, you know, counterweight to the state of New York. And then you know, if you were to kill the Donald Trump, they were like, listen, Andrew, you might very well go to prison for murdering millions of senior citizens. And so we're going to have to get rid of you. And he's like, no, I'm definitely, I'm definitely not going to go there like, listen, where do the Democrat party? Okay. We're going to destroy you if you don't do what you say. He's like, I'm the Democrat party. I'm the governor of the state of New York. I mean, I'm not going to be the press conference as much like Donald Trump and you've been carrying them on your, on your, on your channels and I'll do whatever I want. And so rather than acknowledge the fact that he had murdered millions of senior, senior citizens. But they, they me to him, right? They basically were like, yeah, look, I know Roberta Kaplan has been defaming your sexual assault victims, but she's going to start working for the party pretty soon. You better shut up and do what you say. It's like, no, and then, and then they, they me to him. They're me towing Roberta Kaplan. Okay. If Roberta Kaplan was a federal judge, the first time she decided a case against somebody with power, they up in the whole chariot fill thing. Okay. That woman has a habit of supporting poetry. She took each and Carol's rape lawsuit against Donald Trump. She court and let that woman lie on the stand. The jury knew that she lied on the stand. Did not find Trump liable for rape when E.G. Carrell said that Donald Trump raped her. And then they found him liable for sexual assault because fuck Donald Trump where a bunch of New Yorkers and will steal money if we can. What we do. They're me towing Roberta Kaplan, which is hilarious. I have no sympathy for her, but it's, it's a big joke, right? These people are that depraved. You see what I'm saying? Hey, look, you, we're going to have to do away with you. You understand? Okay. And the kindest thing that we can do is call you a rapist. All right. Now we're going to go ahead call your rapist and sexist and a homophobic bigoted of all sorts. Because we can't go admitting to the other crimes that you committed because we're co-conspirators, you see. Roberta Kaplan's getting me to. Ms Kaplan's lawyers said she could not comment as she was not aware of being on any such list and did not know if she had been taken off one. Near the end of 2021, Ms Kaplan's lawsuit against the white supremacist and Charlottesville went to trial. It was a high stress environment because she lost to the crying Nazi. They didn't say that in the New York Times. Ms Kaplan was targeted with anti-Semitic threats. They said without evidence. She told some attorneys on the multi-firm team that they didn't deserve their law degrees. She threatened to ruin one's career. Hey, I ruined your all of your careers. You're especially as the trial was ending and Mr. Catwell's victory was becoming more and more obvious. They didn't put that in New York Times. Ms Kaplan's co-couple from Paul Weiss, a veteran trial lawyer, Karen Dunn called out Ms Kaplan's behavior during a heated meeting saying she had never seen another lawyer treat people so poorly according to lawyers who witnessed the argument. Ms Dunn declined to comment. Ms Kaplan's lawyers denied that the incident had taken place and disputed the accounts of her behavior during the trial. Ms Kaplan and her team won the Charlottesville case. No, they did not. They sued us for racially motivated violent conspiracy. The jury did not find for that. They said they were going to come back after us on those claims. And then they had those claims dismissed with prejudice and tried to claim that their victory on the other claims was sufficient, which it isn't, which is the subject of my appeal. And you're a bunch of criminals who haven't bothered to mention that. The lawyers were proud of the win, but at least five of them later left Kaplan Hacker and think of course they did because they lost the lawsuit. And once my appeal made it very, very obvious, they was no defendant. They still have not refuted what I said. When the MeToo movement erupted in October 2017, only a few months after the firm was founded, Ms Kaplan quickly made a signature issue. She lobbied for legal changes that would make it easier for survivors to sue their assailants and eventually became the chairwoman of the Times up. The celebrity studied nonprofit organization that fought sexual harassment in the workplace and co-founded Sleagal Defense Fund. But Ms Kaplan wasn't representing only victims. She defended Goldman Sachs and riot games and lawsuits related to sex discrimination. She also helped companies like Uber, the parent company of Pornhub and Vice Media, improve their practices in the wake of sexual misconduct scandals. A senior employee, a former senior employee said the firm's pitch to clients was that Ms Kaplan's credibility on MeToo would help them handle their cases, which made some of the firm uncomfortable. Well, she said, Jew scam artists. Like, of course she's available to the bidders. Quote, it is fully consistent with the firms working in space to support investigative and reform project Ms Kaplan's attorney. There was only one occasion when tension between Ms Kaplan's public advocacy and private legal practices threatened to become a serious problem. In 2021, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York faced allegations of sexual harassment. He turned to Ms Kaplan for advice on how to confront the crisis because Andrew Cuomo knew that she's a scam artist in a criminal. And he's like, look, I'm a rapist and I've murdered millions of people and I need the help of someone has depraved as you, you lesbian, Jew maniac. And she's like, do you have lots of money? And he's like, yeah, of course I've been robbing the people of New York for years. And she's like, yeah, let's do it. Ms Kaplan's role became public months later when the New York Attorney General released a report detailing the investigation of Mr Cuomo's actions. The backlash was intense more than 150 victims, advocates signed an open letter to the Times Up Board choosing it, prioritizing its proximity to power over mission. Ms Kaplan soon resigned as chairwoman. In public, she seemed to weather the fallout inside the firm though the fracas over Ms Kaplan's entanglement with Mr Cuomo continued to wrinkle, causing increased doubts among some lawyers about her judgment. At least one client in a MeToo case reached out to the firm writing in an email reviewed by the Times, most distressing is the realization that Kaplan Hacker may be using pro bono cases like mine. And in particular cases representing sexual violence victims in order to launch the firm's reputation, longer the firm's reputation, I should say, and purchase credibility with which they can more effectively market themselves as paid representatives or perpetrators and ablers. Ms Kaplan's lawyers said the client who had sent the email kept Ms Kaplan as a lawyer, they added that the firm did plan an extraordinary amount of pro bono work. It was shortly before Thanksgiving of last year when Ms Hacker and Ms Fink as well as other partners at the firm informed Ms Kaplan that it was no longer viable for her to remain at the management committee that oversaw and made crucial decisions about the firm. The partners remain worried about her treatment of colleagues and they viewed her as playing an obstruction as role that was interfering with key decisions at the firm according to people familiar with the internal dynamics. Mr Hacker and Ms Fink recognized that pushing Ms Kaplan off the committee was essentially sidelineing her and might lead her to quit the firm according to a person familiar with the decision making. Ms Kaplan agreed to step down from the committee, she framed the decision as voluntary noted that it gave her more time to prepare for the fast approaching defamation trial that would put her client Ms Carol against Mr Trump. By the time that trial got underway, Lord Manhattan and January, Ms Kaplan had already begun mulling her to park her the firm had quickly grown and she was long for a return to my roots as she later put it with a smaller and more focused law firm. It wasn't until months later in April that many of the partners knew she would be leaving the firm and she at that she created seven years earlier on Monday, her name will be removed for the law firm which will now be known as Hacker Fink. Well, goddamn man, you know, I'll tell you what, if you were a preview of what happened at the beginning of this production today, huh? You know, I'm a call to respond. It was not so happy. I'll tell you something. Really, really pissed off. Just got a, you know, bunch of things. Boy, did reading that put a fucking smile on my face. That fucking stupid goddamn pig. That Jewish lesbian pile of fucking filth. Who? Fucking conspired with those monsters in Virginia. And who? Brazenly lied over and over and over again and put those lying pieces of shit on the stand knew they were lying and continued. Who lost to me? After defeating the Constitution of the United States and Donald Trump. Oh, that trial was among the proudest moments of my fucking life. And you could be 100% fucking certain that however they try to paint it in the New York Times and Wikipedia. And no matter what happens in the appeals process, that the history books are gonna remember that Christopher Cantwell defeated Roberta Kaplan. I need a minute. I'll continue shortly. Where's this? Come on. I'm sorry. I'm trying to find some. It was the night before Christmas in Red Charlotte'sville. A tranny was lying because that's what trannies do. The niggers were stealing the Jews of control and white working folks. They paid for it all. Until in Lee Park there are rows such a clatter, Antifa came running to see what was the matter. And there in the park with a torch in his hand, a horrible privilege, fat racist white man. The communist shouting, You fascist pig, we are the resistances. Count is for nigs. The fat man he left. Oh, ho, ho, ho, you Bolshevik vaguets, you don't even know. With his free hand, he pointed to the street by the park and 16 headlights illuminated the dark. He told them reindeer are so 2004. So I traded them in for eight Dodge challengers. Now dancer, now dasher, now cancer, and Vixen on comment on Cuban on Donner and Blitzen run these kikes over so hair they'll visit. The cars rev their engine, the communist scattered the tires then screeched improved black lives. Don't matter. He called Donald Trump and said the job has been done. The president told him bring can't well as guns. He jumped in his sleigh and took off in a hurry then scared me. Have to death coming down my chimney. He said you've been so good fighting for race in nation. I brought you some presents, a martial donation. Select fire, a case in AR's galore, Glocks, Ruger's ammo and body are more with tears in my eyes. I said this is for me. He said of course you crying, Nazi. I loaded the guns and tried on the gear. I thanked him profusely and wiped away tears. I told him for years. I thought you were it real, but these guns in those corpses just sealed the deal. I'll always believe now. Thank you Santa. He said don't thank me. Thank out of Hitler. I looked out the window and they're in his sleigh. The fewer himself waved and said hey, then they both took off in the cold winter night. Merry Christmas to all. Keep America white. All right. Welcome back to our article agenda. I'll put the call in number on the screen. Sir, yeah, go ahead. Hang on a second. Let's see here. Call in 217-688-1433. If you would like to be on the pogrom anymore, you're told unless I have to. Please give us a call. Ryan $14.88. Get a super chat on Odyssey. Thank you. Get well for Trash and Kaplan and quit my honest sir. Thank you very much for the opportunity. Oh man. You know, I gotta tell you, you know, I saw a story not so long back. About how to say fucking God damn place. You know, I don't know if I'm gonna switch my microphones. I'm gonna put the fucking God damn SM7 be away because I don't want to be worried about where I'm looking at. You know, I covered a story sometime back about vice news or vice media was basically filing for bankruptcy or something. And those of you who know anything about me, you're obviously familiar that one of my most famous moments was to be featured in a work of fiction by that production that won an Emmy award. And I remarked then, you know, that like you don't actually have to, you know, when you're dealing with people like we're dealing with, you don't actually have to defeat them per se, like you can just outlast them, you know. Because they're gonna fail ultimately. They're gonna fail ultimately. It's just a matter of time. They can't what they're doing is impossible, you know. Or they're trying to do is impossible. They say they're trying to accomplish can't be accomplished. Right. And so it's not like it's not like any amount of effort on your part is required to make them not accomplish their goals because their goals can't be accomplished. All the quite the only question is how much damage they do in the process and you know, they can be thinking to do a lot of that. And so, you know, all you have to do is outlast them as the thrust of it. And so on the day that vice news, vice filed for bankruptcy, I said, you know, something that effect on I said in here, I stand, you know. And it looks like the same goes for Roberta Kaplan. Now, of course, you know, Roberta Kaplan lived in the conditions that I live. She would have killed herself a long time ago, so like, you know. These are, you know, not exactly competitive measures of success, you know. But still feels pretty fucking good to watch these people get knocked off their fucking shit, you know. Somebody had emailed me a little while back while a while back. And, you know, it indicated to me that my being down at moment, certainly got to him and some people around him. And I posted this in telegram, I said, I said in a reply to a listener email, I said among other things, following. I want you to know that I have not at all given up. I am genuinely of the view that our enemies attest into fail. The only question is how much damage they do before that and the magnitude of that potential can be very depressing. But the human condition is such that contests are not concluded in the length of a football game. Maybe you and me and everyone we know were dead before victory over our foes is realized. But the nice thing about being a nationalist is being able to see hope beyond the horizon of your own existence. And that sort of thinking of things has brought me a great deal of comfort. That I'm like, okay, you know, my satisfaction is actually not to go here, right? I'm doing things that I can only justify as like an investment in a future that I won't get to enjoy. And being able to take satisfaction in that is kind of a superpower. Imagine if you were like a Jewish lesbian, all you thought you had was what you could achieve in this life. That would be that would be unsatisfying if you achieved great things, right? Like if you were like a millionaire and you were like loved by people and you were actually doing good in the world, believing that all that mattered was what you could soak up in a lifetime would actually be like tragic, you know? And that's Roberta Kaplan's life, right? Like that's her world. That she claims to believe in what she calls very worthy causes, but she actually, she doesn't believe in them at all as evidenced by her behavior. She doesn't believe that the truth is on her side. She lies all the time. And she, all of the people who surround her are liars too. And they all know that they are all liars. And all the things that they do are destructive and bad and they know it and they are 100% certain of the fact that they're monsters. And they believe that all that they can, all that their lives can amount to is the enjoyment that they can soak up in a lifetime. That's very sad, you know? That's like, that's a pretty miserable fucking existence. Like I would rather, I would rather, all of the problems I have be visited upon me double than live that life, you know? That's its own fucking punishment, you know what I mean? That's its own fucking punishment. Jesus fucking Christ. That's like harsh to even think about, you know? Two and seven, six, eight, one, four, three, three, like to be on the program and I'm more or less I have to please give us a call. Thanks Ryan. Let's pull up some news. It's a lot of shit going on. As a matter of fact, there's probably just go like pull up because like I all my tabs came out. I pulled up all my tabs today before the all these supreme court decisions came down. Biden says he's going to do this again. The debate thing. That's pretty funny. Wow. Wow, wow, wow, all right. Let's stick with the debate for a couple minutes. New York Times Tom Friedman says debate made him weep. Long time friend Biden must drop out of the race. New York Times columnist Thomas L Tom Friedman, a close personal friend of Joe Biden has had enough. The seemingly tier stricken rider used an opinion piece Friday to counsel the octogenarian to a draw from the 2024 race after his heartbreaking showing in the debate. Friedman's editorial offering got straight to the point under the headline Joe Biden is a good man and a good president. He must bow out of the race. Friedman highlighted his own personal distress. At what unfold him? I watched the Biden Trump debate alone. It'll is been hotel room and made it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime precisely because of what it revealed Joe Biden, a good man, a good president has no business running for re-election. Now, let's pause for just a second. I forget the guy's name. Regular Fox News contributor said something today that was just painfully obvious. You want to step aside as the nominee? He's still he's still controls the nooks you psychos like if he's unfit to be president like that's actually like a major crisis right now we're about to get into World War three. Okay. He's about to get us into fucking war with the Russian Federation. And he can't manage 90 minutes on a debate stage. He's going to wage war. Friedman then counseled the Biden family to draw close to their man and have the hardest conversations with the president a conversation of love and clarity and resolve to give America the greatest shot possible of deterring the Trump threat November. The president has to come forward and declare that he will not be running for re-election and is releasing all of his delegates for the Democratic National Convention. As to who can fill Biden's place as he vacates the stage, Friedman has no doubts of vice president Colin Malaharis should put her hand up alongside many other contenders. Ultimately, do you I Friedman sees no future for Biden in the 2024 race he concluded the piece. If he insists on running and he loses to Trump Biden and his family and his staff members and members and party members who enabled him will not be able to show their faces. They deserve better. America needs better. The world needs better. No, all of the people who put this on us, all of the people who lied about it, including you. Do need to have your careers ruined. Okay, you should not be able to show your faces in public anymore. You don't deserve better. America does the world does, but not you. Friedman would appear to have plenty of company and is doubting Biden's ability to proceed. As bright-part news reported, CNN flash-pull on the debate conducted by SSRS found a whopping 67% of those pulled believed Donald Trump won the debate while only 33% believed Biden won. Significantly prior to the debate, the same voters said 55 to 45 that they expected Trump to perform better. So that's just a very brief example of what has been in all of the news today. Okay. People who have been pretending that everything was fine. Are now acting surprised, but they're not right. Does anybody believe that Tom Friedman at the New York Times didn't understand what was going on. He's like we were busted. Okay, like you had to fall when you're short Joe Biden. Okay, your life is over, buddy. Okay, we're still in the game to protect us from being exposed for our malfeasance. You have to step away because we're all about to get busted. CNN host Biden knew every one of those questions was coming and still blew the debate. Now, that's a set of balls right there. This is in PJ media. Unless you're living under a rock. You know that Thursday's tonight's debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was a complete disaster for the Democrat party. And it was almost painful to watch from the moment Biden stiffly walked on the stage. You knew it wasn't going to be a good night for him. Once he spoke, you knew it was over. Biden took a week off being president for debate prep at his performance still became the most universally pan in the history of presidential debates. It wasn't even close. Nothing Trump said matter because the biggest question of the night was whether Joe Biden would prove he was capable of handling the presidency. He clearly failed in that objective. Keep in mind that the deck was heavily stacked in Biden's favor. He had not only taken a week off for debate prep, but the debate setting and rules were based on his demands. He didn't want an audience. He wanted microphones muted when it wasn't the other candidates term. He wanted the debates hosted by far left media outlets. And according to CNN's Aaron Burnett, he may have gotten questions in advance. He goes through six days of preparation at Camp David Burnett observed and they know the rules. It was more than a week. Chris Wallace pointed out, okay, so more than a week she continued. They know the rules. He practices the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming. And yet he couldn't fill the time. Now I just want to let's see what the White House is saying sources close to the White House are saying he had a cold wasn't feeling well. I mean, as you would expect that came out early in the debate, but what accounts for someone with so much experience so much preparation in this outcome. Quote, I think honestly, I think the question answers itself. It wasn't capable of doing any better than he did. Chris Wallace admitted. Would CNN have actually given Biden the questions in advance? Yeah, but they would. They've done it before. Leaked in C email showed that in 2016, Donna Brazil, then a CNN talking head leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton on two separate occasions. After she was caught, CNN was forced to fire her. According from Politico, Donna Brazil came to the Democratic National Committee to study a ship rocked by an email scandal and under fire for allegedly favoring Hillary Clinton during the primary process. Now thanks to a new email hacking scandal, the DNC's interim chair is at the center of a controversy of her own with the Clinton campaign again, quote in the mix. After hacked emails published Monday by WikiLeaks appear to reveal Brazil during her times a CNN commentator giving advance notice to Clinton's camp about a debate question. Brazil has lost a CNN contract, which has been suspended since Brazil took over the DNC in July and found herself used his father for one of Donald Trump's favorite talking points. But in this rigged election, the DNC has been in the bag for Clinton since the beginning. Did Burnett admit that CNN once again helped the Democratic candidate by giving him the questions in advance or was that just a poor choice of words? This is an important question that needs to be asked and you can bet the mean stream media doesn't like it. With Biden choking horribly in this debate, what will the Democrats do to save the election for them? Whatever happens will be there to cover it. And he goes on about some bullshit about PJ media who are afraid of Jews and don't mention them at all. So Aaron Burnett gets on television and says that Joe Biden knew the questions in advance and she should know because CNN produced the fucking thing. Yeah, you know a lot to have notes. You don't know how to have transmit is you don't want to. But we'll tell you what the questions are. Anybody believe that Joe Biden memorized the answers to those questions? I kind of doubt that actually. I don't think he's capable of doing that. He can barely read a teleprompter anymore. So not only did he know that the questions are coming. There was obvious that he had some assistance. They were. You know, they were screwing around. He still couldn't do that. And Aaron Burnett just got on CNN and all but admitted that they were passing the answer to the questions to him. Oh, yeah, Jill Biden. Let's pull up. You know, even the Georgia port can't go to bat for Joe Biden. You know the Georgia port. Used to be a fairly famous thing that was like not, you know, a Democrat party, party apparatus for the Democrats. That seems to be the case like the Georgia port is now. The Georgia port is complete under shit now, of course. Even they can't like what are you out of your fucking mind? Do what I say go there. Yeah, fuck you. Cruel Jill clings to power. This is fucking hilarious. Look at the fucking Georgia port. Cruel Jill clings to power operation replaced Biden. Dems scramble with 130 days ago. New York Times drop out 51 million wants to bait. Maybe it is rantingly have the thing. Oh, come on, man. I'm sorry. I got a fight. I really want to play the clip of Jill Biden saying this. You probably heard it a hundred times, but I find it too fucking amusing not to say on the show. Yeah, here we go. Jill Dems Joe with faint phrase. You answered every question. It's a great job. You answered every question. You know all the time. Let me ask the crowd what did Trump do? Yeah. That's right. That's a great job. Whenever we don't have an answer. Whenever we don't have an answer, we just say the other guy is lying. You see. Look at this. Watch this. This is taking him off the stage. The first debate of the 2024 campaign and the earliest presidential debate ever now in the books and in front of the voters. Okay, Joe, we're going to go down the stairs now. All right, honey. Be careful. From our scene and flash pole and swing state focus group. We'll be talking to Sorgots, including vice president Harris getting fact checks from a dangle Dale and new reporting from inside the campaigns with be here. See now political commentator Scott Jenner president Trump. It's just unbelievable. I mean, it's again, I shouldn't say it's unbelievable. I mean, this is fucking. It's the fucking Democrat party. Right. I mean, this is what they do. But they never fucking fail. I mean, it's just every time you think that they just can't get any worse. Every time you think they can't get anywhere, they're like, hold my beer. Hold my beer, won't you? So, let's see. Let's take a call. Caller, you're on the radical agenda with your dinner. Let's see here. Caller, I'm having an audio problem. We make sure it's not your fault. Hang on. Yeah, what's going on here? Yeah, caller, my audio is working. It's got to be you, buddy. All right, caller. Thank you anyway. Sorry. I'm not sure it happened. Get one caller. It doesn't talk great. It's fantastic. All right. Somebody else call and we'll see what happens. Let's see what happens. 217, 68, 81433. Like to be on the program. I'm going to move to the less I have to please do give us a call. So, let's see here. Yeah, we'll play our Trump's closing statement while we get the callers. Screening like so many politicians. This man is just a complainer. He said we wanted to do this. We want to do that. We want to get rid of this tax that tax, but he doesn't do anything. He doesn't do only does his make our country unsafe by allowing millions and millions of people to pour in our military. He doesn't respect him. We look like fools in Afghanistan. We didn't stop Israel. It was such a horrible thing that would have happened. Yeah, we didn't stop Israel. Yeah, that is real thing. That is real thing. That would have happened. The business with the rent, including China. They couldn't do business with the United States. They all passed. A rent was broke. They had no money for Hamas or his Bula for terror. No money whatsoever. Again, Ukraine should have never happened. He talks about all the stuff that he didn't do it for three and a half years. We're living in hell. We have the Palestinians and we have everybody else riding all over the place. You talk about Charlottesville. This is a hundred times Charlottesville, a thousand times the whole country is exploding because of you because they don't respect you and they have to respect their president and they don't respect you throughout the world. What we did was incredible. We rebuilt the military. We got the largest tax cut in history, the largest regulation cut in history. The reason he's got jobs is because I cut the regulations that gave jobs, but he's putting a lot of those regulations back on. All of the things that we've done, nobody's ever seen anything like, even from a medical standpoint, right to try where we can try space-aged materials instead of going to Asia or going to Europe and trying to get when you're terminally ill. Now you can go and you can get something. You sign a document. They've been trying to get it for 42 years. But you know what we did for the military was incredible choice for our soldiers, where our soldiers, instead of waiting for three months to see a doctor, can go out and get themselves fixed up and readyed up and take care of themselves and they're living. And that's why I had the highest approval rating in the history of the VA. So all of these things were in a failing nation, but it's not going to be failing anymore. We're going to make it great again. Now look, you know, if you're just, you don't care about politics, fine, whatever. Okay, like what does anybody in the right mind want to tell me that it doesn't matter who's president in 2025? Are you, is there anybody who hears us sound of my voice at this point in time who's like, yeah, well, you know, maybe we'll just have Biden continue being president because I think that's going to work out best for the interest of white people or some fucking stupid ass. All I do like that. If you believe that, you know, I want you to make like an actual intellectual defense of that come out and just explain how that actually works. That we get into nuclear war with some fucking guy who can't find his goddamn way off a stage without his wife helping him. Whose relationships are such utter shit that like nobody's intervened on his behalf to stop this fucking goddamn disaster. Whatever your problems are with Donald Trump, like he's a more capable man than Joe Biden. And like if you're, if you're really of the opinion that this election doesn't matter, you're fucking asshole. I'm sorry to tell you. Caller, you're on the radical agenda, what's your agenda? How is this fucking possible this can't be fucking happening God fucking damn it. You know, caller stand by. I'm going to try to, I'm going to try to reconnect to my phone system or something. How the fuck is this fucking happening? I'll be right back. Fuck, I'm fucking goddamn believable. Thank you for calling Colin Studios host and call screener line. Please enter your... Please enter your... Enter your... Welcome host, you are now in the host room and can manage your collars from the Colin studio web interface. Audio recording is on dual channel. Caller, do I have you? Chris, what's up, man? Oh, finally, great. Fantastic. We got something to work on the radical agenda. It's a fucking goddamn Christmas miracle. How's it going, buddy? What can I do for you? I'm doing well. Thank you. Hey, why don't you use a Mac? Isn't that what all the artists use for concentration? I have a... I have a... I have a self respect. I don't use Apple devices. No, I feel you. I mean, but if my money was done online, I'd probably use a Mac. I mean, that's what most creators use. I think that people who use Apple devices forfeit their humanity as a matter of fact. I understand that some people do it anyway, but I just can't. Okay, yeah, no, I got you, man. I feel... Hey, so I just wanted to get your opinion on what do you think about the drone situation in Ukraine? So, like, the US has been using drones for a while, and I guess we use these like $2 million predator drones and shit, but I mean while Russia has been over there using like $20 drones and long people to fuck out, so how do you think that's going to play out if we do go to war with somebody like Russia? And also, the second part to my question would be, what kind of defense should we be thinking about when we buy our next gun? Should it be like goose shot, bird shot? Should we be like getting understaffed? Understaffed? Shock untolds under our ARs? I mean, I... I... I... I'm just really paranoid about thinking about all the ways I can... get blown to fuck up with this one-gallon drone. Well, I would say that, you know, I'm not in a position to tell you how to combat drones with firearms on the top of my head, but I think that, you know, in firearms ownership is the one place where you can actually say with a straight face the diversity is our strength, okay? You know, I used to carry a little pocket 380, it's like my backup gun, I used to carry a Glock 19 as my primary self defense weapon. And, you know, I had a variety of... I had numerous AR-15 and AK-47 style rifles. I wanted to have both of those platforms. And I had a bolt-action rifle with a scope that, you know, I didn't get a whole lot of use out of it as a 308, but, you know, think of that as like your, you know, your sniper rifle or whatever. And I had a... I had a pump shotgun and a semi-automatic shotgun, and then you can put whatever, you know, type of... You know, once you have the shotgun, you have the 12 gauge, you can put whatever type of, you know, ammo in it you want, and the ammo is cheap compared to the gun, so, you know, diversity is your strength when it comes to fire on a zone of ship is really the best advice that I can give you. And if you're not like, you know, I think that there are people who will be happy to give you an argument to the contrary, I'm certain of it, but in my view, you don't need to spend a lot of money on a gun. Like, I loved my Ruger LCP and my KELTEK P380, I loved my Glock 19, and like my AKs and ARs were not like, you know, they weren't a thousand dollar guns. They were like two and five hundred dollar guns, so like, you can buy those firearms, you know, relatively cheap and have a whole collection of them, you know, on a budget. I haven't, I haven't browsed firearms listing since I became a convicted felon, and there's been some inflation and stuff, so maybe they cost a lot more, I don't actually know. But that's my, that's my initial thoughts about what you say about the guns. Now the drone thing, you know, if the United States ends up in a war with Russian Federation, like, it's not going to be drones dropping, you know, small munitions, like, we're going to end up in a nuclear exchange with Russia, like, it's going to take absolutely no time at all for it to escalate that far. You know, the idea that like, we're just going to, you know, this idea that the United States is going to enter into some kind of limited warfare with the Russian Federation is in my view, preposterous and so it's like, you know, to the extent that drones can be used for delivering nuclear weapons, they're, you know, they're going to be in a war. And so, you know, it's going to be a lot more than just a few weapons there, you know, they're that type of threat. But that's the, that's the problem. It's not like the expense of the, it's not a, it's not like disparity in the cost of the drones. It's a matter of like, how many nuclear weapons can you get to your enemies continent? How quickly? I'm sure in America dealing with asymmetric warfare because they typically rely on overwhelming air power and things of such nature. I think you're right. It'll probably come to nuclear exchange with them. Yeah, that's, that's my thinking of it. I mean, like, I can't imagine, you know, if anybody tried to, if you try to imagine a scenario where the United States and the Russian Federation are engaged in conventional warfare, the only, the only way that you can imagine that is actually what I've said about Ukraine the whole time, which is like the goal is to basically maximize the suffering, right? That the, like the goal is to make sure that this is as ugly and time consuming and expensive as humanly possible. Because if you're the United States and you're going up against the Russian Federation, like you know, not the Russian Federation has the capacity to send nuclear weapons at the time that they feel that that's the only way they can win the war. Then like you're an idiot to wait for them to do that, right? Like it's completely insane that you're just going to wait for a nuclear weapon to go off on your side before you send nuclear weapons over to the other side. Like that's why we haven't gone to war with any of these nuclear powers. I've heard, I've heard theories that that's exactly what they're waiting for is they want to get new first. So they can, um, then the retaliation. Well, and you know, if Joe Biden were president, that's that's a plausible theory, right? The Joe Biden would be like, well, it's just wait until Russia sends nuclear weapons here and then we'll send nuclear weapons to Russia because I'm Joe Biden. That's my idea of a strategy is to get newt. Right, like that's something Joe Biden would probably do. That's probably something that a Joe Biden voter would appreciate, but like anybody who's, you know, war fighting strategy includes being the target of a successful nuclear strike. Like that's not that's not something a sane person in who has the interest of his people at heart does. Right. The only way that you can imagine that. Yeah, we're not dealing with saying people were dealing with, we're dealing with these, these, I'm sorry, I just blanked out. But these fucking end of the world type Christians that these, what do you call them? Like these Christians, I was we're not dealing with saying people in the, um, Well, you know, anybody, anybody who's, you know, trying to get Armageddon underway so they can meet Jesus is probably, you know, they, uh, you know, you can't rely on these people for strategy. Let's say, I thank you very much for to call my friend. Two on 76881433, you like to be on the program and I'm going to tell the less I have to please give us a call. Call or you're on the radical agenda. What's your agenda? Hey, Chris, it's a libertarian. I'm just calling because one, it's radical agenda. So you can call Roberta Gafflin, a gun. Um, and without worry, I got around to apologize times. Now you didn't, but also I apologize for calling from an iPhone, but the reason why is that was because it has native terminal access. Um, so that's why I use it. But the reason I was calling was because I wanted to congratulate you on your enemies have been falling by the way that vice is gone, Roberta is gone. Um, and you're still sticking around. So I just wanted to give you a big thumbs up for that one. Well, thank you very much for that, my friend. And you know, I think, uh, you know, I have a terminal application on my Android phone. You know, you have to download an app for it. So maybe it's not native. I don't know, but you know, it's Linux. And so, you know, uh, and you know, obviously Android is a spy device as well. And you know, the idea that you can trust the Google corporation as as preposterous as trusting the Apple corporation. But at least with the Google corporation, you could install your own apps, you know, whereas the Apple corporation gets to decide who you talk to on telegram. And that's kind of, that's kind of funny to me. But you know, whatever works, but I understand some people, some people, uh, you know, not everybody can, you know, live up to the responsibilities of being able to control your own phone. And I pardon you that sin. But I do thank you for, for pointing out that, you know, while all of my enemies still live far more materially rewarding lives than I do, uh, that, you know, my outlasting them is a subject of some pride to myself. And I appreciate that you recognize it as well. And just, uh, what I did for, uh, for Alex, I think you think you're gonna shoot down a DJI ground with a shotgun. Um, you have nothing to come in like that. I challenge you like, it's not like shooting where it's falling to predictable path. Like, there's the only way to really counteract it with some sort of, uh, electron warfare or, uh, police like that. It's the kinetic effect. You're not going to be able to do some maneuver. Yeah, I think if you are going to try to shoot one out of the sky with a conventional rifle, you'd want a rifle, right? You wouldn't want to, like, like, even like a shotgun is not in my mind, uh, arranged weapon. Like, you know, you're gonna want a 308 or something at a minimum. I'm thinking. You want the shotgun because you need that spray effect and you're trying to like, like, you're using a rifle. Um, it's unbelievably hopeless because like the precision you're going to need to speak that it's moving. It's like shooting feet with a puck that can move. Yeah, I mean, I understand you wouldn't want to try to hit a, you wouldn't want to try to hit a clay pigeon with a 308 at any range, but like, you know, I don't imagine most, well, I mean, some drones are pretty small, I guess. But then in the drone is small enough, then maybe you hit it with a shotgun, but, you know, I'm thinking of like, you know, I'm thinking of the power of the shotgun, right? You know, you hear stories about like, you know, guys get shot. What you get guys get a face full of buckshot in a home invasion. And then they go, you know, guys blow their brains out or try to with a shotgun. And then they go to hospital and they're like, I need a face transplant because I blew my face off with a shotgun. So the idea that that's going to go up against military weaponry seems like facially preposterous to me, pun intended. But, you know, that's not really a pun, but a play on words there. And, you know, so I don't know, but I'm not an expert in drone warfare personally. Well, I think the other thing is that like, you have to know it's there. And in the thing is that like, what people realize that a lot of these drones are so small and so quiet, then like it's right. When we watch the video, that'll be framed and said like, the soldiers don't know that they're like, they just sneak up on them. Like you're just watching, hovering over them. They don't even know it's there because they're quiet and so small. Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, that's kind of the idea behind the drone. The purpose of the drone is to sneak up on you. And the, and the, you know, the unmanned aerial vehicle, the whole point of an unmanned aerial vehicle is that, you know, you don't have to worry about the pilot getting shot, right? So like, so a lot of these things are suicide bombers too. So go ahead shoot it. Like the whole entire point was for the fucking thing to fall on you and explode. So once it's within range, it's perfectly fine. We've got a, we've got a tactical new go on the fucking thing. And if it hits the ground first, that's okay. It's fine with us. You know, go ahead, go ahead shoot my tactical nuclear weapon and with your shotgun. Go ahead buddy. That's fine. Well, on the other thing that, so what you're talking about, like the, some of the, the, the unguided or the pre program drone, like the, the, the, around uses, the, the, the drone knows what the difference between the drone and the missile of its unguided like a geodial logic something and it goes from the target and blows up like what's the difference between unguided drone and a missile. I mean, it's fundamentally the same idea except I guess the drone has is more maneuverable, right? Like the, the, you know, my understanding of a missile is that, you know, it has a, you know, as a trajectory say, I know understand that they have some maneuverability, but, you know, not, not, they think the idea of the drone is that it's more maneuverable. And thus, you know, it can do, it can do certain things, you know, take turns and whatnot that a missile can't take. And so, that's my limited understanding of it. Well, it's like that. Some of these, like these so-called unguided drones are basically the same species rocket that hit their use 80 years ago, or is it 80? How many years ago? Well, you know, you had to expect that, you know, that the, the, the, you know, the Nazis, they figured out how to do everything's best and everything that we've been trying to do senses, trying to do things worse. And so I'm not surprised that, you know, weapons of war took a, took a similar, took a similar course. Well, thanks for taking my call and thank you very much for making a call and thank you for, thank you so much for giving me the single most important piece of show prep tonight delivering to me the excellent news that Roberta Kaplan has been me too out of her law firm in order to make a call. In order to cover up the fact that she lost to me in a Virginia courtroom at the end of 2021 caller. You're on the radical agenda. What's your agenda? Hey Christopher, my name's Caitlin. Hey Caitlin. I want to let you know. Thank you. Hey, how you doing? I'm pretty much a new listener. What? I said I'm doing quite well. Good. Good. Me too. I've been listening to you for about six months now. I just want to say thank you. You are my favorite podcaster. Thank you so much. But I wanted to talk about basically from last night, whatever it was named to with the debate and with, you know, I think we need to stop sending any money over to Israel or over to you. Or anything just to end all of it because they need to take care of themselves is number one and it's not really our problem. That's number one and you know, because Biden was, you know, there's just sending too much. So I think now we're sponsored. If you got it a second point, I'll let you get to it. But I respond to that to say like, look, you know, there's an argument to be made. And I'm not saying I agree with this argument, but there's a, there's a coherent train of thought that says give money to Israel because there are advantages associated with that. Okay. The Israeli Assad is a very capable intelligence agency and the Jews are plugged into everything. Okay. So like if you're trying to dominate the world, like having the Jews on your side is probably a good way to go. Now, I think it's probably the other way around. I think the Jews are probably dominating us and, you know, they're actually in charge and we're just the dumb goyum cattle who go fucking die for them or whatever. But if you view the world is different than that, which most people tend to do, then like, okay, happen to the Israelis on your side. You know, there's an argument to be made in favor of that. There's actually no argument to be made for the Ukraine nonsense. The only reason to involve yourself in Ukraine is to provoke a confrontation with the Russian Federation, which will result in nuclear annihilation of mankind. Like that's the only reason that you could conceivably be doing it. There's actually not a coherent argument in favor of the Ukraine thing, which is why they go into these like hysterical moral lectures about it because they actually can't rationally defend it. All they can do is talk about democracy and Vladimir Putin being a monster. They don't provide a coherent explanation for that. And so I think those are two separate topics, but yeah, I agree with you that, you know, what the fuck like we're going to, you know, the Jews are going to go and fucking make enemies of all of their neighbors in the Middle East and ethnically cleanse the fucking goddamn Palestinians and then wave their finger and call everybody else a fucking racist. It's like, fuck you, open your borders. You know, fuck you, Jews and fucking go ahead and do what you're on fucking promise. Yeah, that works. You're a fucking ball surrounded by soup and I hope you drown. Now I totally agree with that. And I mean, with all of that, I mean, sending the Ukrainian part, I mean, we just need to stop all that bullshit too. But, excuse me, sorry, I also agree with everything you're saying there, but I also wanted to bring up the point that I live in New Jersey. Like a dough and stuff. I've been having exactly. And I live near Lake Lake. So it's literally right across from where I live. They're building these like castles and like I live near this beautiful spring that I've been here, like forever. And like they've literally built onto it and take in this like beautiful. Natural like forest area that was an original like cold springs and just built over it and they're just everywhere and it's it's it's hard. It's hard to see it. It's just hard to see and taking over everything. But what you it's but what you were saying with the nuclear war part two, I wanted to get on, which I just remember. Like what do they do they really want that? Do they really want to just destroy our whole world? It's hard to figure out what their aims are, right? I mean, you know, look, there's a couple of ways that you can look at look at the people who are controlling the levers say. I mean, one is that they're just incredibly incompetent that they're just actually that stupid that all the things that they say that they actually believe. Now there's a great deal of evidence to the contrary of that, which is that like their lives actually contradict one another. So, you know, you know, in a criminal investigation or any investigation, what's known as a false, exculpatory statement is like a very damning piece of evidence. Somebody said it gives you a fake alibi. He's your guy, right? If he says no, I was at my mom's house when my wife got murdered and then you go talk to mom and mom's like, I don't have to see my son in years. What are you talking about? Like the guy's lying about his whereabouts. He's probably murdered his wife. So like you see evidence to the contrary of the incompetence theory all of the time that like they're actually, they're actually telling you in some fashion in a roundabout way all be it that like, yeah, no, we're definitely we're definitely doing these things on purpose. And my general theory of human behavior is that, you know, failure does not long persist that if somebody's failing to accomplish their goals that they'll they'll alter their behavior. Now, and then people will say like, no, like people do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. It's the definition of insanity, but they do it all the time. You'll hear things like this. Well, no, it's it's not as a matter of fact. So like it's actually not they're not expecting different results like the definition of insanity, but is always stated in like drug rehab programs like the definition of insanity. It's not really definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results. Is that what a drug addict does? Well, no, as a matter of fact, a drug addict does not expect different results. A drug addict is trying to get high. Okay. So like he's getting high all the time his life's a fucking disaster. He doesn't care. He just keeps on doing that because the fucking drug addict. And what he wants to do is get high. He's not trying to accomplish all the other things that he says he's trying to accomplish. So like when the when the when the people who are destroying our world are like, no, I have the utmost care for mankind. I'm just trying to do everything out of the goodness of my heart. And you're like, yeah, but you're just causing misery and suffering and death. And you're making absolutely certain that all of the capacity for, you know, for creation of decent things and the maintenance of an orderly civilization. You're destroying all of that. And why are you doing that? And they say, no, we we are not trying to do that at all. We just keep on doing it with remarkable consistency. Well, it seems to me obvious that they're not telling the truth about their intentions. Now from that, you can only discern so much. It doesn't mean that you actually know what their intentions are. All you know is that their goal is not the betterment of mankind because if they, if it were, then they'd alter course. And so like, you know, are they trying to destroy us? Do they have a misguided idea of what betterment of mankind is? I don't know because, you know, they're liars in every way. They're liars in every thing they say is false. And the only thing that you know is not true is the thing that they said. Right. Well, thank you, thank you, Christopher. I really appreciate your call, taking my call tonight. Thank you very much, Caitlin, for making a call. Please call again. I will have a good. Have a good weekend. Good weekend. Oh, I'm sorry. I already hung the phone. You can send me an email, sweetie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hang up on you mid sentence. I was saying, I was enjoying the sound of your voice tremendously, by the way. I like women's voices. I talked about that a lot in a book called Beauty Revisited. You can get a copy at Amazon if you want. It's pretty good. And, uh, yeah, I got to get around to writing another book. I got a few drafts. I've been like, not at the top of my game lately because I've been distracted, but pretty good at shit. So go buy my book Beauty Revisited. Christopher Cantwell on Amazon. Go pay me some money. Christopher Cantwell that night. So I spent a bunch of cryptocurrency. Send me a cash app. Edgy Chris gives and slash SPM. You know, maybe those of you who watch the live shows, maybe, Ryan was the only one who sent me a super chat for $14.88. I made $14.88. So if you think that I should get paid more than $14 a day, you know, maybe you should go ahead and pay me some money. Uh, or don't, you know, whatever you, I don't give a fuck whatever do whatever you want. I really should probably just, I gotta, I'll pull up two stories real quick. I can't get, I can't do this without, I can't go through this episode and not address the Supreme Court today. Everything is everybody's talking about this fucking debate. It's like, no, there's like a whole bunch of shit happens. Okay. Okay. So like, I'm just going to go off the top of my head. So the January 6th thing, one of the charges that they brought against these guys was obstruction. They're saying that by they were trying to obstruct an official proceeding. And that's a felony. And all like a hundreds of guys who charged this in the January 16th, the Supreme Court just said that application of that law is invalid. So hundreds of guys are about to have their charges dropped in the January 16th, which is like momentous and and and Donald Trump. You know, is an implicated in that as well. So that's huge, huge, huge. The other one is something called Chevron Deference, which is a little bit more wonky, where like there's basically, there's long been this, this, um, say judicial axiom that when the law is in any way ambiguous, that a court must differ to a regulatory agency. Okay. When there's a controversy about the nature of the law, the regulatory agency says this is our interpretation of the law and then a court is for some reason obligated to go along with these bureaucrats. And actually had a opportunity not so long ago to explain the concept of regulation to a young person. And the way I explain it was this, like you understand what the legislature is, that basically these people are elected and then they go and they they have a public debate and then they pass laws and then we're all obligated to obey those laws. Otherwise, you know, the government will come and fucking destroy you if you disobey them. A regulatory agency is essentially that that body of legislators legislators gets together and they create an agency and they say this agency that's not elected gets to create laws in this category of shit. Now, if that sounds like very different from legislating, then you're absolutely correct. Like the idea that and these are executive branch things, technically in the organization and structure of our government, the regulatory agencies are part of the executive branch and not part of the legislative branch. So the legislature basically, you know, abdicate its legislative authority to a regulatory body that works for the executive branch. Well, that's, that's a subversion of our constitution. In the first place, and you have this case, which is referred to as Chevron, and they call it Chevron Deference is the legal doctrine wherein not only does the legislature just off its legislative authority to the executive branch, but then the judicial branch is supposed to defer to that unelected body when there's a controversy involving interpretation of the law. That's completely fucking ridiculous and that that doctrine has allowed these fucking lunatics of the regulatory agencies to run a fucking mock in this country for decades. That decision was just overturned. I haven't read the decision yet. I don't know what limits there are placed on it. But in and of itself, that's so fucking huge. Okay. You have a bunch of people in these, you know, the department of health and human services, the FDA, the department of education, name your fucking bureaucracy. Department of transportation. These people have never been held to account by anybody. The president's come and go. They stay there forever. Anthony Fauci, you know, the National Institutes of allergies and infectious diseases, which, you know, Dick Cheney went to during the Bush administration was like, yeah, you guys are the only ones crazy enough to fund gain a function research, so it goes sense of money to the fucking gooks. A lot of good that to us, right? And then a court is like, oh, well, you guys say the law is this and we say the law is that, but, you know, because of some fucking court case, 50 fucking years ago, we're just going to defer to you. The courts are deferring to a bureaucracy. That's completely fucking insane. It's insane. On so many like, why would a court. You know, reduce its own power, you know, it's crazy. And that was just overturned. And so, you know, I think they were on the brink of fucking World War three in a nuclear exchange with the Russian Federation about trying to be hopeful here, you know, but. You know, today in the grand scheme of things looks like a pretty good day as a matter of fact, it's kind of weird that I was so pissed off when we got started. Does that mean the whole Joe Biden thing was just laid bare, you know. The court is like, yeah, we're going to have all these, all these completely preposterous things that have been going on. As a matter of fact, you elected a president, the president puts some people in the Supreme Court. And now, not everything we do looks nefarious. As a matter of fact, there's a there's a train of thought where some of the things we do are actually in the best interest of this country. Some people say things like I don't like this term because it comes off to me as cult jargon that like this or that thing is a pressure release valve that. Every once in a while they throw you a bone essentially to keep you from resorting to violence say. Hey, there's some truth to that. I think that if they're there may be truth to that in some number of cases, but I think it's far less off than the case than a lot of people would make it out to be a lot of people who say that are just congenitally intable of satisfaction, right? Like they are people who if they won tomorrow, if they became the president of the United States and all of the levers of government were turned over to them and nobody resisted their rule, they would still be saying it's all a scam because like they're just congenitally incapable of satisfaction. Everyone's in a while it's okay to look at what's going on and be like think fucking God, you know. That's good, you know what I mean and it's doesn't mean that it's over, you know, the human condition is not such that you know, forget the contests are not decided on the length of a football game like the human condition is such that the contests are actually not decided. There's not a point of satisfaction that we reach. That's a very good thing, right? Like people talk about, you know, your quality of life is measured in material prosperity is, you know, better as a, you know, poverty stricken person on the streets of Harlem, then a king and, you know, some other century. And you're, you know, very clearly not satisfied no matter what happens and they're and that's very good because it means perpetual improvement in the condition. Unless of course, you know, you have some people who help and to destroy humanity, you want to get us into a nuclear war. And of course, you know, if anything that good that happens today, there's a bunch of nefarious people trying to upend it and so like the contest never ends. Not like we're not trying to reach a point of stasis and just be like, yeah, it's all done. Guides just stop bunch out of politics. You don't have to pay attention anymore. That's not the goal. This is a perpetual battle. Permenance struggle is the law of life said that off Hitler, I believe. And you know, he who would not fight, you know, I forget exactly to quote here, but you get the idea. If you're not, if you're not ready to fight and like find whatever die like we're going to keep on fighting because that's what life is. And if you don't lose track of that, you know, then you can be a little bit less exhausted with the constant struggle, you know what I mean because that's actually the design. It's not, it's not malfunctioning, right? But you know, you could take the weekend off and I suggest that you do. I hope that you have a great weekend with the people who's company enjoy perhaps people you love even, you know, I hope that you enjoy these. Remaining some of the days that we have. And that when you get a couple extra bucks, you send them my way. Okay. See you real soon. Have a good night. That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda, the Army event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know, they try and build a blanket, run a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The Second Amendment. The Second Amendment.