They uh, they seem to be- I'm leading gentlemen- Yeah, that's right. Okay, they're very good. That's main uh, that my audio and video are in sync. And then I can hear myself, but I don't want to hear myself on like a three-second delay or anything like that or whatever. How many seconds that was. So I'm not going to listen to it while we're on. You guys should though, because it's a good time, listen to the show. I bet- I've heard that people do enjoy listening to the radical agenda. That's good news because uh, you know, it was a time when uh, when it was uh- Okay. Alright, so anyway, let's go ahead and get this show started. Uh, let's go check it on Ann culture. You know what I should probably do? I'll start the local recording. And with the local recording, having begun. That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call two? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda, the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know, they try and build a blanket, run a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second amendment. Alright, on with it. Welcome to the radical agenda. To show about timeless ideas to news today. And whatever's on your mind at 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This 72nd episode of Sixth Days in a Pogrom. Today is June 7th, 2024. It's a current year. It's a Friday as usual. And we are coming along once again from my undisclosed location where, you know, this just shows really gone off the rails guys. You know, it's I've gone from talking to fagots and now I'm like sticking up for Jews. It's a mess. You know, I titled the episode today. In defense of Walter Block, who happens to be, uh, who happens to be a Jewish ancestry, but I heard. Walter Block is, among other things, the author of a book titled Defending the Undefendable. Let us then begin with the poetic element that the Undefendable feels compelled to return the favor. On the non-zero chance that some folks might listen to this without knowing me. My amusement with that thought stems from my being a notorious anti-Semite, with a largely unearned reputation for violence. When I needed defending in 2017, I could scarcely find a lawyer willing to accept money for the task, but it's time the feds broke my door down in 2028, they completely wiped out and had only the public defender to rely upon in a civil trial that occurred when I was still in federal custody. I was forced to represent myself, pro-say, even as the United States government sabotaged my trial preparation and the court ignored my complaints. No matter what anybody tells you, I wanted that civil trial, by the way. But this episode is not about me. This is about the latest circular firing squad amongst the libertarian sect. Walter Blah, driven at seems by an ethnocentric impulse, has been a prolific defender of Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine, though doubtless he would rather avoid calling it ethnic cleansing. The libertarians, though they are in most contexts quite cautious of upsetting Jews, have taken up with leftists and too many on what was once known as the alt-right and their full-throated opposition to the Israeli military operation. For being on the other side of that argument, Mr. Block has been assailed by his ursweil colleagues and now been stripped of titles at the Mises Institute and at the Ron Paul Institute. And it might go without saying that the folks at these institutions are free to associate with whom they see fit. If they care not for the opinions of Walter Blah, then axiomatically out he goes. I'd not for one second dream of suggesting a think tank ought to be compelled to feature someone with whom they vehemently disagree. For that matter, I doubt Mr. Block has a great deal of interest in trespassing and there are plenty of people in places I'm sure could learn a lot more from Mr. Block than anyone inclined to attend a Mises conference. So no big deal, really. This guy thinks one thing, they think something else, they part ways who cares. Well, it is of some interest to me because I parted ways that the libertarians some years ago having realized that they were behaving like a thinly veiled fundamentalist religion. Their ideas, it turns out, do not stand up to the scrutiny of the real world, but social status in the movement is nonetheless conveyed according to the degree of detectable ideological fervor, multiplied by a Q. If you can verbally contort reality in such a way as to make a stateless world free of initiatory violence seem plausible, you will be lauded with praise and paid speaking engagements and earn just enough money to avoid seeking more useful employment. If there's an upside to this, is that it is that it produces some impressive thinkers who often move on from that thought exercise into roles that are of greater service demand kind. Thinking, trying to think about how to go the world without a good, trying to think about how a world without a government might operate according to a given theory can teach us things about how best to govern even if the theory itself is only useful as a thought exercise. But much like the conservative movement, the libertarian movement has been known for its occasional purges. They purport to be eager to debate the status to ignore them, but the moment a fellow libertarian strays from the script is molded by the bloggers and the chattering masses and declared persona non grata. Such happened to me long before I decided to abandon the movement myself. The context was not entirely different from the one that had seen Mr. Blockchase away. In my case, I was argued that it was entirely libertarian for a person to use violence against government agents who had initiated force against him. From this, I extrapolated that, given the certain knowledge that they would do so, and that their entire sustenance was of just such coercive measures, one need not wait until his house is surrounded by a SWAT team to make that decision. And he's saying actor, in fact, would have to choose between submission to that coercive force or to act with lethal and overwhelming violence when that superior foe was least able to defend against it. For this observation, I was branded a terrorist investigated by the JTTF, thrown out of the free state project, and quietly as certainly Blacklisted from speaking engagements at libertarian events. What is perhaps most noteworthy about the above situation is that I was absolutely correct at what I described was libertarian. It just isn't something any reasonable person would do. Much of libertarianism has that quality to it. The libertarians, as is so often the case, teeter between the ideological and the practicals it suits them largely, while this can be frustrating for a debate opponent, it at least tells us that they are not so enthralled to their superstitions, that they would knowingly march us toward extinction in the unlikely event. They actually obtain political power. Yeah, the government is forced. Yeah, it is libertarian to use force in defense against force. No, it is not a good idea to shoot at police officers pretty simple. The bigger issue is that libertarians and their largely well-intentioned desire to avoid violence seem to try very hard not to think about how violence actually works. Their goal being to prevent it, its exercise and management, has been pushed out of their psyche. They keep on trying to assert that all conflicts can be resolved according to a given set of rules, and the religious element of their ideology becomes evident when they assert that their rules are the one true law which all of mankind is simply destined to follow. In their minds, by repeating the same ideas in greater and greater numbers across time and space, eventually humanity will ascent to their superior reasoning and thus shall know eternal peace. Even if we were to grant them this, there is still a great deal of conflict to resolve by way of force between today and that uncertain future which most sane folks do not expect shall ever arrive. Just like a taxpayer would be perfectly libertarian to kill his tax collector, but would yet be a fool to take up the sword, so is it preposterous for any human beings or society to try and live according to the rest of libertarian theory in a world organized by the coercion of states. Thus it is near always the case that in matters of war and foreign policy the libertarians find themselves most confused. The military is among the most unlibertarian things imaginable, and without it you shall certainly perish at the hands of some other military less obsessed with obscure moral theories. The libertarians also have an uncomfortable relationship with what they deemed collectivism, in a debate I once had with Adam Cokesh, I was mocked for saying we, as though any term describing more than one individual had been stricken from the English language by the Austrian economists. This hyper individualistic approach to social matters frequently puts them in conflict with units as small as families, but it emerges most fervently when it comes to race. The libertarians have with notable exceptions, fully adopted the leftist conception that racism is the greatest of all sins, to some more heinous than their raison d'etere aggression. To suggest that a race of people have a right to do so much as exists causes them to go into hysterics, though some races have more right to exist than others you might notice if you talk to enough of them long enough. It is specifically preservation of the white race that renders them and so many others fit for a straight jacket. Talk about the means by which that existence is secured and the hard-nosed realities that this means lethal violence with other groups and the Hitler comparisons will never be far behind. And they won't be praising you with those by the way. This conception of race as a form of evil collectivism seems to be in conflict with their version to genocide. After all, what is a genocide other than a series of individual murders wherein the victims have to supposedly insignificant detail of their race in common. Here their individualism meets its limits as Mr. Block and so many others are accused of supporting genocide. But race and violence are firm fixtures of the human condition and the stubborn fact of life gnaws away at the souls of libertarian thinkers who strive to retain their intellectual integrity and their libertarian social status simultaneously. Just to understand where I'm coming from in the Israel-Israel-Palestine conflict, I have no affinity for the state of Israel so far as I am concerned, its establishment was one of history's greater errors following on mankind's most grievance during World War II. Had Stalin and Hitler carved up Europe and told that crippled left wing fanatic FDR went to shove it, there's an argument the world would be a much better place today, despite the fact that it would likely lack the benefit of folks like Mr. Block. But I've never been much about trying to undo history, leave that to dock brown and Marty. I have enough trouble trying to get through the day and plan for the future. I'll be down to if I can waste my life fretting about the past. We are met with the circumstances with which we are met and I know more expect the Israelis to give up the land they swiped in the wake of the Second World War than I expect Americans to take indigenous land acknowledgments seriously in the United States. Conquest is conquest however conquered. I'm rather different to the plight of the Palestinians myself, they killed Jews not because the Jews swiped their land or dominate the foreign industry, but because the Jews are their neighbors and these people kill their neighbors. That's what they do and we see this throughout the Muslim world. Remove the Jews and put Europeans in Israel, the Palestinians with launch rockets at them. The Palestinians are sinny Islamists, give them Shi'ai Islamists as neighbors and the rockets will continue to fall on both sides of the line. Convert all of mankind to sinny Islam and they'll find some other excuse for slaughter. It's fairly straightforward and these myths of the noble savage which have been a chat to this particular tribe of brown bipeds is pretty nauseating especially when it comes from the far right who know all too well from the Islamic invasion of Europe that these people are not our friends. So let's pick this apart a little bit. Israel is in some sense what white nationalists strive to achieve. It's an ethno state. A government which has its purpose, the survival and improvement of an ethnic group both inside and outside of its territorial boundaries. In this sense the left is accusation that Israel is a racist country is an accurate statement. It is only in the negative value judgment that the critique fails a rational test. There's nothing wrong with the government concerning it, self above all with the interests of its own people. That is the only reason for a government to exist actually. There's no other reason to have a government and to maintain the racial organism. The race is a body comprised of cells and the individuals are the cells. When the libertarians try to suggest that those cells have some kind of inalienable right to exist without the body they are speaking nonsense. No cell can live without the body and no human can exist without society. Like any other organism when foreign cells enter the body the immune system of a society is supposed to attack those foreign cells. We have all been told the exact opposite by people who would prefer us all to die. The humorous thing for us anti-Semites is that it's mostly Jews who peddle that vicious lie. They want their ethno state and they deny us ours as they meddle in the affairs of other nations. Now just as human beings cannot live without a society so is a society doomed without territory. The Jews have claimed as their territory the land now called Israel as well as the land now called Palestine. For the Jews to fully realize their claim the Palestinians must go. The Palestinians can move to America or be buried in Palestine but they cannot continue to live in Palestine so far as the Jews are concerned. The Jews absolutely cannot accept the establishment of a Palestinian state because of the same international conventions that preserve the existence of the state of Israel would then protect the state of Palestine and the verbal gymnastics would become much harder to justify an ethnic cleansing and taking over of that territory once that happened. For the Jews to exercise their claim to the territory they absolutely must rid the land. The Palestinians before such a state can gain legitimacy on the world stage. Let's just forget about the October 7th attacks for a moment. Let us imagine that the Israeli military option operation were more forthright about its purposes and simply announced that one day that Palestine was theirs for the taking. Let us pretend they held a press conference and said to the world that these primitive barbarians could hardly be considered humans and that they intended to eradicate the indigenous population to make way for more Jewish settlements. Looked upon from the total timeline of human events this would not actually be the most unusual thing a government ever did as a matter of fact. Plenty of countries today trace back their right to the territory they now govern to the conquest of their forebears. In our arrogance, modernity has asserted that all prior conquests are final and that all that is today shall forever be. That is absolutely preposterous and it is disproven with some regularity though very few dare to describe their operations as conquest in the current year. Israel is conquering Palestine and those are the rules of engagement. This is a conflict between two races of people in which one will cease to exist and the other shall continue until someone conquers them. There is no non or anti-racist way to look upon it. The October 7th attacks are a pretext. Some speculate the Israelis knew about the attacks in advance. Some have said the Israelis created Hamas. Some call the whole thing a false flag. The hysterical claims we've all heard perpetrated by America's Jewish propaganda media are disproven with some regularity and anyone who knows anything about Jews saw that coming from a mile away. We know for certain that the Israeli intelligence services are very interested in Hamas and devote a very great deal of resources to monitoring and influencing them. We know that something resembling the October 7th attack was anticipated but there is some lack of clarity as to just how much was known. In any case it was never a long wait before Muslims start killing people so whatever Israel's role in the events of that day the narrative is ready made. Israel needs a pretext to invade Gaza. People from Gaza kill some Israelis and thus begin some military campaign that was planned independently of that event. So is Walter Block's defense of this libertarian? The smart folks think would say who gives a fuck? The only people who care what libertarians think are other libertarians and there's fewer and fewer of them because the libertarians keep chasing people away because for all of their economic study they can't seem to figure out that politics works better with multiplication and addition than division of subtraction. The real question is who has the power to do what? And the answer is in this context the Israelis get to do whatever the fuck they want because most white people are afraid of being called Nazis. The day after soon to be formerly white countries tell the Jews to pay their own fucking bills Muslims will pour into Israel by the following morning every woman who survives will be pregnant. The Jews will cease to exist in Israel as a consequence and given the change in public opinion that would have to happen for that to be permitted one doubts those in the diaspora would have much of a future either. White nationalists are watching a similar process play out right now in American Europe albeit and slower and less honest. Our borders have been thrown open to invaders who are destroying our race in our territory and we are rendered helpless to stop it because anyone who raises his voice in objection is chased out of the financial system and framed for crimes and thrown in prison. The Jews are largely responsible for that state of affairs and I'm all too happy to see them suffer at the hands of the same savages that they unleashed on Europe but I am not in the least bit surprised to see Jews like Walter Block would tolerate unspeakable violence to prevent the extinction of his kind because I would tolerate all that and a whole lot worse to prevent the extinction of mine and if you wouldn't then you're a fucking coward. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and I'm all you talk to less I have to so please do give us a call maybe I'll go play us a little clip right back quick and we'll be back let's do um I'm gonna do uh we'll do this one uh that's too short not that one this is uh I haven't done this one a long time fascist of the real libertarians we did this with Matthew Drake a while back like foundationally I still consider myself a libertarian I think everything should be done through you know property rights and contracts is just I came to the conclusion that the idea that most of the people that we live around today would be property owners in the absence of the state is is hysterically obnoxiously stupid uh you you look at you look at like portfests you went there and they have these polyamory panels and people read what I want to talk about it transgenders and homosexuals like like that's the most important issue of the day and those people are not fit for survival uh in the absence of the state and so uh you know I don't I don't argue with people who call me a fascist anymore because essentially uh these people are are products of the democratic state they were born and bred for it and it's no surprise that they invade everything that they can get their hands on especially something that's an actual threat to an institution like the state such as libertarianism and so they they try to destroy everything that is good and decent in the world uh libertarianism chief amongst them and so uh I've come to the conclusion that as a result of people like this uh state action uh is not something that can be ignored that uh as long as the state exists most people involved most most of the people that you would meet at a place like portfests would it basically essentially tell you that so long as the state is in control of something it should promote egalitarianism and degeneracy and that is ridiculous uh in my opinion because property owners wouldn't do that and so I've come to the opinion that uh basically uh state policy should uh reflect I I hesitate to use the term eugenics program but I don't really shy away from that either but basically you you have to start making better people in the society and and that might involve doing things like chucking trend treinies out of helicopters for example yes yes um uh huntserman hopper I believe that's a reference to yeah physically removing democrats and communists is uh uh you know advocates of alternative lifestyles individual hedonism etc those those are hoppilines the the the the helicopter thing is a reference to a choy and dictator by the name of uh Augusta peanut jay and that's just sort of a meme that I've run with right so I guess there was a point where you you realized that it's not about uh principles anyway it's it's about winning right it's uh principles you gotta pick your enemy principles are a luxury afforded to winners right right you can't you can't have principles you know it with a fucking bullet in your skull you know you you can't you can't have principles while Hillary Clinton is stripping your goddamn carcass and giving everything you have to you know jimals eight gonna fondle his children yeah and and you can't have you know the self-ownership principle when some people are objectively much much worse at owning themselves than other people and they can you know lord this this huge mass um mass inclusive democracy onto other people well yeah you if everybody is you know the the the nature of a hyper inclusive mass democracy as I like to call it is is that the people participating in that institution uh you know all it claims some ownership over everyone else and and basically simultaneously abdicate all responsibility for their own behaviors and so that's not I I would like to think that that's not you know factually true in a sense I don't think that that's like a um an objectively moral premise or something uh but it it is the functionality of the thing and so like for example the idea that you can't use violence against someone uh just because they have different political ideas than you run's pretty common throughout our society and especially in libertarian circles but I don't I don't believe that uh freedom of speech is possible in a in a place where your advocacy uh results in me being uh imprisoned robbed and murdered yeah now okay so if I could push back on that a little bit um I don't have a problem with limiting freedom of speech just because oh that's the principle but my fear would be that um if you if you do a bad job of lifting freedom of speech then what's gonna happen is exactly what happened with the alt-right but for the left you know like they're gonna go underground and they're going to buy their time just some degree this is what happened you know like in the 50s and 60s and they're gonna go underground and they're gonna you know um build their uh their base and they're gonna they're gonna have that resistance and they're gonna be the uh the revolutionary ones and there is some kind of power in that I think so I think you have to be careful if you're you're you know throwing around this like uh this uh zipper on people's lips and and um uh I would go so far as to say I don't take it lightly lightly right um but I I would go so far as to say um that they are at the very least larping as precisely what you're describing what they might be in the future. Donald Trump won the election and you had people running around streaming there will be casualties on both sides we need a revolution of illegal immigrants in the United States you just had Jorge Ramos on Tucker Carlson like a week or two ago talking about a demographic revolution a Latino revolution of foreigners coming into the United States so for the government of the United States and then telling me that I'm a racist if I call that an invasion this is already happening you know and so you know if Hillary Clinton had become president of the United States in 2017 uh you could be certain that if she had a democratic congress to help her do it and perhaps even if she didn't they would do everything in their power to regulate things like hate speech right and and that is that is the problem right so so you have uh on one side you have the the Democrats want to start you know legislating against things like hate speech now of course that it's already case in Germany and Sweden you can't criticize immigration policy without suffering the consequences of the democratic state uh in the United States the next time Democrats gain control of the levers of the federal apparatus they will certainly impose this on us as well uh and of course the the way that that is done is intentionally ridiculously vague as anybody who's ever been denied an advertising deal for that reason it can tell you and so um they they are purposely creating a scenario where there's just this boogie man who will run around and crush you if you say something that did democratic party disagrees with is what hate speech laws are and so basically you know in terms of the freedom of speech thing uh that's it's just that we don't have right it's it's already been decided that there's no freedom of speech and so it's just a matter of who's gonna ban what and uh I I would say that if there was uh if it was politically I don't think it is but if it was politically feasible to ban communist propaganda with all the looseness and vagary that uh existing hate speech laws have uh just to terrorize uh leftist to make it uh a scary world for them that uh the government will just come and destroy them the way they've been doing to us for uh you know for a century I think it'd be positive for you all right welcome back to the radical agenda thanks for sticking with me through that right there two on seven six eight one four three three I'd like to be on the program and I'm going to show the less I have to so please do give us a call so yeah you know the Bolter Block thing I I've had Walter Block on the show at least once I think at least twice as a matter of fact and you know I read his book defending the under fendible I've read a lot of uh Walter's blog posts and stuff and you know generally speaking I think he's a pretty good guy I'm not surprised that he's like yeah well you know I'm a Jew in Israel's at war so fuck you I'm with the Jews right and the libertarians are like you know as a matter of fact should I try should I try to pull this up I'm not gonna do it I thought about maybe I'd read this thing there was something published at the Mises Institute when it was kicked out of there I had read on the air this thing a few weeks back that Hans Hoppe came out was like Walter Block is not a libertarian because he's doing this and like my reaction to it is like who gives a fuck if it's libertarian as a matter of fact like what is does that prove that you're right as a matter of fact it doesn't because the libertarians are like that is actually not a determination of whether or not you're taking the correct position on something or not you know but that's how the libertarians frame everything it's like is it libertarian or not and it's like well you know as a matter of fact it's completely irrelevant to anything other than your little your little club right and that's why I got sick of the libertarians it's why I was like I was like you know what like I after they tried to run me out of the movement I was still like involved like I was still an advocate of the ideas I was like just because you know this bunch of idiots doesn't like me very much doesn't mean that the truth has changed right but as I go forward and I'm like okay like I you know you guys who watch it happen you saw you know I saw this you know this Europe transformed by immigration and a bunch of people telling me more serious please I'm like you're out of your fucking mind you know and they're like well it's not liberty I'm like shut the fuck up about libertarianism and tell me how the fuck we're gonna survive this because I'm not debating libertarianism with you shut your fucking stupid ass hole mouth about libertarianism who cares I like that was like caught a lot of people off guard they're like what do you mean I'm like yeah well the terms that you like you're trying to set the terms of the debate to do you conform to this you know quirky idea I'm like well I'll worry about that after I figure out my survival okay if we're all dead if we get bred out by islamus there's not gonna be any fucking libertarianism to discuss so like figure out how we're gonna live through the next fucking you know generation and then and then we'll worry about what that generation does and and they couldn't do that and I was like you're all you know what you guys are going fucking nowhere like the only way that there's going to be libertarians is that there's other people making their life possible which tells you that that that's not like the universal absolute moral truth that they make it out to be right like if you if your ideology only exists at the subsidy of some other set of ideas then like okay well that's a fine thought exercise but as a matter of fact you you acting like you're walking around with the one true one absolute truth is actually just preposterous because you can't even survive without the benefit of these other people who you say are wrong all the time two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and I'm more or less I have to so please give us a call and so I don't know how much that you know I like on a on an instinctive level like I want to stick up for Walter blockers like fuck these guys I don't know how much of that defensive Walter block that honestly was there's probably a bunch of people who are going to call me out on that but you know the thing that I said about like they don't think about violence and its management its exercise is probably something I should have elaborated on more I wrote a thing at one point titled the proportionality of forced doctrine is madness okay and so like I ended up in all these different controversies with the libertarians talking about force and violence and stuff and among the things that people would always say is like okay well you know the force that you're talking about is disproportionate to the aggression that you're describing and the most famous of these was you know somebody steals your paperclip okay and it became this big you know it was it was half a joke after a while but it was just like you know thing that kept on being brought up was like okay well catwell says you could like murder someone over a paperclip was a matter of fact yeah that's like a libertarian line okay so if somebody comes into your store and like steals a paperclip and you're the store clerk and that guy is like a 250 pound bodybuilder and you're like some nine year old woman who's like like 75 pounds are you obligated to let that bodybuilder steal your paperclip because you're incapable of using a proportionate amount to force against him no you're not obligated to allow that band to steal you are you are justified to use whatever level of forces necessary to to retrieve your property to prevent the theft of your property without incurring injury like you're not supposed to like have to work really hard to not be aggressive and snow like you're an aggressor I have a gun I'm gonna stop you that's a perfectly that's not just a perfectly libertarian thing that's a perfectly sane reasonable sensible for any society to organize their principle around proportionality of forces preposterous you can't the whole entire point of violence is to use more force than the other guy what you want to have a boxing match I mean you might want to watch this happen on television if you paid for tickets or something you want the boxing match to go on to the end these guys are just slugging it out beaten 11 crap out of each other for all 10 rounds and then the you know they got a score at the end or whatever maybe you find that very entertaining as a spectator but I'll tell you what anybody who's ever been in a fight doesn't want to go for 10 fucking rounds you want to stop that shit as soon as possible use as much force as you can as fast as you can do it to make sure that the other guy is completely overwhelmed and stopped fighting and so if you just you know if you're of the opinion that the Jews suck in the stole the land and fuck the Jews and get them killed fine like I don't even like have a disagreement with you about that but like I'd so sick and tired of watching all these people talk about oh my god they have these weapons but I don't know oh yeah like if I bring my fucking tank through there and you throw a rock at my fucking tank like yeah maybe I can just ignore it because it's a fucking tank but guess what you're a combatant shithead so yeah I'm gonna shoot you fuck off talking about war crimes and shit motherfucker it's war I'm here to kill you shut your stupid fucking asshole mouth the whole entire fucking point is to come over here kill people and break things I want to hear about criminal laws shut the fuck up I'll tell you right got down now I'm president of the fucking United States the United States goes to war people are gonna accuse us of all types of war crimes gonna be like fuck you faggot shut your stupid mouth we came here to kill people and break things you want to fucking fuck around with us will come to it in your fucking country don't fucking fuck around with us so that you know the Hamas guys they go fucking you know put some fucking law moors on the back of the air fucking parachute or whatever fucking goddamn thing they did because you know it's the best that they can do and they come in and they you know they kill any stab and he shoot a bunch of people because that's all they're capable of doing they they brought as much force to the fight as they were able to do and then the Israelis were like yeah well you know what fucking we're gonna come and fucking fuck your ass up now that's how it works you don't want people to come kill you then don't go killing them for both sides you know the Israelis like oh my god these Hamas savages they come over and they just they don't come in here with tanks and fight us like a regular military they come in with these with these improvised devices and they just start killing whoever they can it's just their barbarians are so bad yeah well those are the people you made enemies with motherfucker like you decided that you're gonna put your fucking country of Jews and a fucking bulls it up you're a bull surrounded by a soup you know you're a fucking you're you're you're basically waiting for all of your enemies to pour in around you like can you just put me in the most dangerous place and I could possibly live thanks let's do that and then sure enough like that's exactly what your life is like you're surrounded by enemies and they're trying to kill you and then you're like well you know you go him you better fucking help us out you remember that whole Nazi thing you guys don't want to be called Nazis again do you and so the United States and all these other countries they commit endless fucking resources and and political capital to defending a fucking doomed state for what fucking purpose to to avoid being blackmailed at all the fucking goddamn Jeffrey Epstein tapes don't end up all over fucking port hup I don't know it's fucking stupid and if we had people with goddamn integrity running our countries there wouldn't be a fucking Israel they they fucking cut the goddamn they turn off the fucking tap and the next fucking day every fucking Jewish woman would be fucking carrying a a a Arab child and that'd be the end of that fuck them so I don't give a fuck about them but like as long as they've got the shit like what do you think they're gonna do as a matter of fact right like they got all the weapons and like there's a bunch of people want to kill them and what do you think they're gonna do sit there and let them kill them no when I was when you know when there was the question like it's putting going to invade Ukraine right he's got all the troops on the border and you know they're saying it's a military exercise no no no no we're not gonna we're not gonna go in there and I'm like well canny and the answer is yeah he can't well yeah he's definitely gonna do it he's definitely gonna like you know I knew you know a long time before it happened you know I was sitting in the in the goddamn quarantine at the at the USP Marion at the time I came back from the civil trial in Virginia and you know because I wouldn't take that stupid fucking vaccine they were like okay well if you won't take the vaccine you're just gonna have to sit in quarantine for two weeks and I'm sitting there and god damn you know down the hall from disciplinary segregation basically to punish myself but you know I'm getting newspapers and shit and I'm like yeah well yeah yeah he's definitely gonna he's definitely gonna invade yeah because he can right he's like you're gonna call him names and he's gonna get a country so yeah he's totally gonna go in and and real politique like I said man you know like if you if if if there's what is preventing something from happening is always the goddamn question if the answer is nothing if the answer is you waving your fucking finger at somebody well then guess that's not gonna work for very long not if you have serious people in charge of states that's for fucking sure two on seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program and more you talk the less I have to please give us a call Tony soprano he sends seven dollars and 77 cents he says happy white boy summit to all of my people well happy white boy summit it to you too my friend thank you very much he sends another 22 dollars and 23 cents make it even hundo libertarian events are full of scrawny nerds fat bug man and drug addicted hoars the Republican events are filled with successful businessmen winners and hot girls the libertarians of today have me feeling so embarrassed to have ever associated with those losers yeah and you know you know in fairness to the libertarians of of yesterday year you know we all left you know there was like some you know there used to be some impressive people with the libertarians you know they're like fuck that john McCain guy yeah you guys want to go hang out with john McCain and Lindsey Graham you go right to fuck ahead we're gonna be over here with the libertarians are they're a lot cooler and then you got county rising with an Antonio Bueller and you know Jeffrey Tucker and people started giving these lunatics of money for some fucking reason everybody said you know what I think we'll be Nazis now this is fucking stupid fuck you two on seven six eight a one four three three like to be on the program and the more you total less I have to so please give us a call Matthew Drake is a full long bibral plumber now says Joseph Minard well good for him good for him you know somebody's got to straighten this fucking mess out it's probably not gonna be a human being at this point so whatever human beings have completely fucking destroyed this fucking world with god coming straightened all out I'll fucking you know whoever whichever whoever's right about god you guys are fine with me let's let's hope it's not the islamus huh of the Jews haha let's see here oh yeah this is huge fucking news and so it's a matter of fact hang on a second let me get I'll play the video courtesy of our friend Pat and actually he's shared it from Jacob Dick's mistrial so yeah he says uh Eddie Sheckles the uh the uh Eddie Sheckles the telegram shadow which is a great telegram shadow says uh not as epic an exit as can't Wells quit with the gotcha garbage you Jews but it's still great and so here's uh here's the video of which I of well you know what maybe let me take this caller first we got a caller on hold let's do that so I don't lose them and then we'll and then we'll play the video uh caller you on a radical agenda what's your agenda hey Chris I'll keep this quick uh I liked your email you wrote today that was awesome thanks and uh I like this but uh the part about ethno states uh where you know we shouldn't maybe demand open borders for israel that's kind of counterproductive because you know we should support ethno states I guess well I mean you know open borders for israel is a good gag right it's like yeah well you know if you want to if you think that's a great idea then let's go do it for you and they and they obviously are like no absolutely not I'm like then shut the fuck up about American immigration policy you know but it's like you know but that's the only reason you advocated it's not nobody who wants the state of israel to survive says open borders for israel that's considered as a matter of fact I'm pretty sure there's somewhere on the ADL website they'll they'll describe that as anti-submitting hate speech right yeah of course okay so my point is uh yep yeah um um bump is calling for like deportation of like 15 million and I'm thinking I I tell people like even the first million would be a fucking great start sorry for the language and uh it's it's a radical agenda you could curse here you know I'll go you know just give me six fucking million man you know that six million numbers got to write nice round figure we'll just do six million at a time you know what I mean just do six million at a time yeah yeah one million hell of a great thing even europe two europe should uh get on this too and uh hopefully we we win so uh thanks for taking to call and I hope you go off on this thank you thank you very much for to call my friend two one seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program and what you tell the less I have to so please give us a call so the first trial in the Charlottesville Tiki torch terror trials if that's not it's probably not the right word it's not a terror trial but you know there's the way they frame it the first trial is now ended in a mistrial Jacob Dix took his case to a jury not of his peers but of presidents of uh Al Maul County and uh he was uh the they hung the jury so let's go listen to what he has to say here we are very grateful jury so that was probably a little bit hard to hear but it was you know we're very grateful to the jury we are uh looking forward to the retrial if they choose to retry it I think that summarizes it fairly enough I have some pretty good news you know I can't imagine a not guilty verdict in that in that jurisdiction I can imagine guilty verdicts I can imagine mistrials I can imagine that all of them ended mistrials but I can't imagine a single not guilty verdict because there's always going to be somebody in there right there will always be somebody on that jury this could have been 11 not guilty said one guilty you know you don't know I don't think they tell you that so it could have been just one guilty and 11 not guilty and you'll always have one one guilty on that thing if they're like yeah the unite the right rally somebody on that jury is going to be like I don't care what you accused them of if if you want to accuse Donald Trump of the murder of Heather Hare I'll find him guilty for that that's fine just bring him down we'll do it and so over at revolver news soros prosecutor takes massive L in Charlottesville Tiki torched law fair trial the left has weaponized our judicial system turning it into a mockery and a tool to punish political enemies reminiscent of regimes in North Korea or Iran we'd squandered any moral high ground we once held by joining the bad guys of the world in targeting and imprisoning right wing dissidents everywhere you churn another sham trial is unfolding we've all seen what these tyrants did to the January 6th political prisoners president Trump marked Stein Alex Jones Peter Navarro Steve Bannon Douglas Mackey and countless others but the hits just keep on coming it can only in what can only be described as one of the flimsiest cases ever to grace a US courtroom and that's saying something given a lot given the recent law fair trends regime prosecutors expected a jury to convict an American citizen simply for carrying a Tiki torched at the 2017 unite the right rally they argued that Jacob Joseph Dicks committed a state felony by burning the Tiki torched claiming it intimidated others this man was criminally charged simply for carrying a lit Tiki torched and appearing intimidating a totally subjective accusation that could apply to every BLM rioter out there we're expected to believe that three months of rioting resulting in over 20 deaths wasn't intimidating yet somehow a guy walking around with a Tiki torched is and apparently none of this qualifies as intimidation only walking around with a Tiki torched does got it needless to say even in deeply liberal jurisdiction of Charlottesville Virginia jury saw through these sham charges and refused to convict even worse for the prosecution eight out of 12 jurors voted to a quit oh we do get that information that's interesting eight out of 12 voted to a quit and only three voted to convict and one undecided if you recall the unite the right rally was the catalyst for the very fine people hoax it's been circulating for years in fact Joe Biden continues to spread this fake news virtually unchecked by our regime run propaganda media uh this is quoting from Natalie gene bisoner yes as Brandon Straca reminds us Biden launched his 2020 campaign on the even at that point multiple years old and repeatedly debunked live that Trump said there were very fond people on both sides including the Nazis yeah well there's not very fine people on both sides there was not a single decent soul on the left there he harris in the entire illegitimate regime have continued the past four years to repeat that lie over and over as Mary had other lies including the lie that Trump refuses to condemn white supremacy it is such blatant evil you don't have to like Trump to like I came to after I realized I've been lied to blight for you don't even have to that's their wording is really bad you don't even have to like him but you have to open your eyes to the evil yes we all know politicians fudge the truth exaggerate their opponents shortcomings and make promises they don't keep but this is different this is an unending every from every quarter malicious diabolical smear campaign that has been specifically targeted at you the American people understandably often too busy with life to read past headlines or sound bites they have counted on and fed off your ignorance they did it to me for five years if you're gonna hate Trump I've no problem with that but hate it for reasons based on actual reality not the powers that be manipulating your perception of reality the American people have been the victim of a nearly decade long lie an attack against us it's time to wake up and walk away you don't have to endorse this young man's ideology yeah you do motherfucker you better otherwise we're gonna come to teaky torches to your fucking house just kidding but we should all be able to agree that this charge is a clear violation of his first amendment rights thankfully most of the jurors on this trial were in completely brainwashing refuse to convict to fellow american of something so incredibly assamine prosecutors desperate to get away on this flimsy case offered dixie pleadia which he smartly and soundly rejected apparently it's much harder to secure these law fair convictions outside of Manhattan or the DC swamp CBS 19 reports the trial of Jacob Dixies ended in a mistrial after almost 12 hours of deliberation the jury was at a deadlock with eight voting not guilty three voting guilty in one undecided it is our commitment to retry this matter since special prosecutor Shannon Taylor looking forward to it said defense attorney pre to phrasier Dixie had been charged with burning an object with intent to intimidate for his involvement at the 2017 torch march about the night before the deadly unite to write rally the prosecution argued that if Dixie was part of a group and someone in that group broke the law he must be convicted the defense argued that Dixie was to be judged on his actions alone and saying you will not replace us was protected under the first amendment the jury had several questions for the judge instructions quote we're going to take the time to go back and review what has been done so far see if there's some additional avenues that we are unable to get to last time and see if there's some additional evidence out there said Taylor quote we believe we continue to believe we will be successful whenever the next trial may be said phrasier prosecutors claim they'll retry the case and they might actually go through with it but their chances of winning are likely slim to none why you might ask if these charges are so flimsy do the prosecutors claim at least for now that they're going to eagerly retry the case well the Commonwealth attorney is a highly ideologically charged sorrows funded libdard the shilling shows says following his financial intervention in the high profile northern Virginia Commonwealth attorney races left his billionaire George sorrows has entered the fray in abomoral county the sorrows funded justice in public safety packed dropped five thousand dollars into the already flush coffers of democrat gym hingley in an attempt to un up end incumbent commonwealth family Robert tracy's re-election bid tracy who operates under the mantra of equal justice under law stands in stark contrast to hingley who has vowed to exercise virtually unlimited prosecutor a little discretion in order to reshape the administration of justice in abomoral county gem hingley a resident in a challenges city with also the beneficiary of 64 thousand donation sixty four thousand dollars in donations from local democrat kingmaker and sorrows political varley sundia smith for a sorrows funded prosecutor prosecutorial discretion means letting violent knuckle dragging felons go free and twisting and torturing and distorting the law to prosecute political conservatives with no mercy sorrows has been perverting the course of justice in the formerly great state of virginia for years now from the washington free beacon all four virginia prosecutor candidates backed by liberal billionaire George sorrows emerged victorious in twos days elections sorrows and other liberal democrats spent millions on prosecutor races ahead of elections in a bid to overhaul the state's criminal justice system supporting candidates who vowed to introduce criminal justice reform and change the state's policies on the death penalty in addition to the one point two million in fun sorrows spent on the house of delegates and senate races in the commonwealth he funneled an additional two million to four democrat prosecutor candidates their candidates win their candidates wins could lead to a major shift in virginia's criminal justice system among the candidates backed by sorrows was boot up bivarage the democrat running in the laudied county commonwealth attorney race bivarage received nearly eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars from the justice and public safety pack a dc base committee financed by sorrows the pack was by far the largest donor to the campaign the aforementioned sorrows funded loud in county but a bivarage has since been unceremoniously thrown out of office by the people no matter whether these sham cases brought by these un-american prosecutors or prosecutors or won or lost in the court system it should be noted that the constant targeting prosecution legal harassment of dissident americans is equally unjust in immoral so these victories were getting have a real holoness to them Jacob dicks walk free as he should have but the prosecution should be ashamed of themselves from making such a mockery of our judicial system an insider account of the trial can be read here and this is uh... they're linking to counter currency going to go ahead and get you of course it's a cussler no evidence was presented that dicks assaulted anyone or uses torched for anything other than presenting the message of political demonstration he was involved in which opposed the replacement of whites and their history throughout the west the entire case was presented as an opportunity to put dicks on trial for the second world war and decimatism since the minority of the protesters chanted jews will not replace us the prosecution called dianna cost did cost uh... who is brown but i gentlifies is jewish to say that she hurt chanting from her door room on the uv a law and was afraid that's funny as hell that stupid bitch ha she was called i i made a fucking fool out of her and in the in the in the western district of virginia federal court she was you she was like oh and i heard them chanting i was like i better go hide all my jewish stuff she had like said she was like hiding uh star david that was on her wall or some shit i'm like you're out of your fucking mind i'm literally putting sheets of my mattress i hear a guttural angry rhythmic chant of you will not replace us said to costa it turned into jews will not replace us it's unclear how one might figuratively or metaphorically put sheets on their mattress regardless uh... i'm sorry it's no more quoting i should stop making that voice it's unclear how one might figuratively or metaphorically put sheets on their mattress regardless de costa went on to testify about hiding a painting of the star of david in her dormitory yeah that's that i couldn't fucking believe she said this i was like i just can you just repeat that again i just want the jury here that again was basically the purpose of my question she would and what and she does this and then she goes outside with her camera phone and films it okay so you're so afraid that the Nazis are gonna come in here and ransack your place and steal your star of david and you're like i better go hide the star of david and then run outside with my camera phone and film the Nazis the idea that a prosecutor the idea that a civil plaintiffs council would put that lying bitch on the stand much less a fucking prosecutor is sick the fact that nobody prosecuted that bitch after the fucking signs v kessler trial is sick and then they did it again most unwisely of all the prosecution called antifa transsexual edward emily goersensky to the stand perhaps believing all the glowing mainstream media portrayals of this twisted individual they had certainly seen none of my research on him and that had been accumulated at vdare my personal website yes advertising shut the fuck up gorsensky who was in attendance with other antifa militants during the torch protest denounced dicks and claimed to be a non violence advocate that's a fucking joke although judge judge h thomas padrick only allowed two out of the four tweets by gorsensky i had archived to be admitted into evidence they were devastating including one where he tweeted i'm not against violence by all means punch the Nazi burner cop car in another tweet gorsensky buzzed i literally pulled a fucking god on august twelve gorsensky put his foot in his mouth by volunteering the fact that he'd been contacted by the epi on the on the night of august 11th as agents were concerned that he was planning a violent attack against the torch march this opened up a series of damaging questions on the topic prosecutors would have preferred to avoid after cross examination to usually aggressive gorsensky complain on social media about being in pain town after getting beat up on the stand he expressed that he feared correctly that is testimony had hurt the prosecution interestingly enough all the judges and prosecutors now moral county had to be recused from the case earlier due to their close ties with antifa black lives matter here's a tweet from the chief judges wife robber tracy is claiming that it is disrespectful to ignore the victims of crime so why hasn't he prosecuted the Nazis who terrorized us on august 11 why why did he fuck up kestler's prosecution apparently if you hurt the feelings of liberals and charles filvergina then you get charged with felonies six years after the fact here's another beauty honestly i kind of do hate white people yeah that's uh that is the judges wife fantastic this was yet another prime example of a case that should never have gone to trial it was not only a colossal waste of money time and resources but also a blatant slap in the face to every american and their first amendment rights the only justice that emerged from this trial was the eventual freedom of an american who should never have been charged in the first place the only crime committed here was mr. dex being charged over his political speech in the first place if you ask us and that's the piece that revolving news and so with that said nobody's gonna call the show i'm honest or rap it up we'll go check super chats again well guys thank you very much for tuning into this this episode of radical agenda you know uh we're still doing it for now we uh we we do have plans to uh conclude the show but i want to make sure that the conclusion of the radical agenda is uh kind of an event so making sure that it's uh not just be reading the news and then saying goodnight so stay tuned while you can and stay tuned to find out what's next you know if you're not on the mailing list you should get on it Christopher catwell that net slash subscribe will get you to do that if you uh you know you you should know how to keep in touch with me by now so just go ahead and do it already you know i'm on gab i don't use it that much i have a twitter account they'll probably ban it and then i'll have to create another one so why the fuck bother you know but you know the telegram thing if you uh if you have like a if you if you own your phone then you know telegrams okay if you have if you have an apple phone then your phone owns you and then you have to use a web browser or something but uh you know you stay in touch keep on the email list or whatever that's probably the best one just get my emails 1433 from the open road unite the white well thank you very much for that my friend um and so yeah you know speaking of which you know it's nice and thanks to Tony we made a hundred bucks tonight Tony also came through for me uh what was in week two ago and uh you know those of you who would like whatever it is i'm gonna do whether it's the radical agenda or anything else if you want me to like keep on producing if you don't want me to um decide fuck this goddamn shit and go into hiding pay me for fuck sake dude go fucking give me some goddamn money will you fucking go over there i had the fucking goddamn you know thing and nothing ever fun damn fucking works does it nothing can ever just fucking fuck you pay me yeah they you fucking go fuck you pay me if you fuck you pay me then maybe i'll buy a better goddamn fucking mini controller so i'm fucking have that goddamn problem happen again you fucking mother fucking god damn it so fucking fuck you pay me go over to Christopher can't well done it's like donate i take to cryptocurrency i love that crypto shit you know manero you guys have an arrow like you're all rich now right like it's up over 160 bucks it was like 120 like a few weeks ago come on fucking fork it over it's time to go uh you guys all got rich off your crypto go ahead send it all the qr could not the qr codes but the keys are all there you want to send me something more privately i'll give you a private key not a private key but you know a non public one you got crypto did uh you don't that is not listed there you tell me what you want to send me and i'll you know i'll give you a key i got the multi coin wallets and whatnot i got the cash app edgy chris is the uh dollar sign edgy chris is my cash tag strike dot me slash cat well strike payments uh you know and uh give send go dot com slash spm those are uh some of the ways that you could make uh semi-summonity got the amazon wish list but i'd rather have the money i got bills to pay for fuck sake so go ahead fuck you pay me go ahead dude i'll you pay me and we'll be back Monday if not sooner thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda have yourselves a wonderful weekend good night that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't talk to enemies and if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda implement in their radical agenda is the only thing they care about their bad habits but they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great american these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a life care full of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment fuck you pay me