Audio recording is on dual channel. Indeed it is. Alright, so that means that everything is in place and we're only five minutes late. And so what's going ahead? We'll check in on a hot broad. Her name is Ann Coulter, and you know what? She understands what we need to do to rescue this country. And she's gonna tell us right about now. What? Hershey, maybe she's not. That's it, it's over. Then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call people? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, and enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. But they want to do here this ram, their radical agenda, down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they've got to do. You know, they try and build a life here. One of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second to my right. And on with it, welcome to the radical agenda. To show about timeless ideas and news today. And whatever's on your mind, it's 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This is the 71st episode of the Sixth Day to the Program. Today is May 31st, 2024, being a current year. It's Friday is usual. And we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location where it's 9.30 pm, you as Eastern time. And of course, that's when we usually do these shows. So if you are listening on some of the platform or some of the time, I wouldn't invite you to join us for the live program. You know, the live program is a lot better than the dead program. You know, when the program's over and then you just go and you look at it, you know, nobody's really sure, you know. You never really sure if the program happened unless you're actually there to watch it occur. And so you want to be a part of the program. And then you, in order to be part of the program, you got to show up on time. And you're a bunch of white guts. You should really not have so much trouble with that. So I'd love to hear from you, two on seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three. You like to be on the program and the more you tell the less I have to, so please do give us a call. You know, one of my all time favorite lines from a movie came from the first diehard movie with Bruce Willis and it isn't Yippie Kaie. In the movie, action hero, cop, John McClain, finds himself in a hostage situation. His wife is at the mercy of some thieves who are trying to make their emptying of a high unsafe look like a terrorist incident. So as to cover up their trumotives, McClain manages to avoid detection and hide elsewhere in the building. He tries to notify police, but they think he's making a prank call. Eventually, one police car shows up to see if anything really is going on, but the crooks have disguised themselves as security for the building and assure the officer that all is well. As the officer begins to depart the scene, having informed the dispatcher that nothing's going on, and I can tell me Plaza, John McClain opens fire on his car. Mm-hmm. Okay. McClain was not trying to kill the officer, of course. He doesn't mind killing people. He's actually pretty good at it, but John McClain is a good guy and he doesn't want to hurt the cop. He just wants the cop to know that. In fact, everything is not okay at Naka-Tommy Plaza. And so as a last resort, when he had nothing else that he could do, he fired all the officer's car to make that officer understand that all was not well. And so as the officer's car rolls away full of holes spraying radiators steam along the way. John McClain yells out the now shattered window from which he has been firing. Welcome to the party, pal. And I think wait a second, hang on a second. I know I've got the sound here, but it's not on my button board. I thought I had it on the button board. Ah. Give me just a second. I really want to be able to play the sound effect. Why do this? Okay. And so as the officer's car rolls away full of holes, spraying radiators steam along the way. John McClain yells out the now shattered window from which he has been firing. Welcome to the party, pal. I hear that line in my head so often, boys. It troubles I have had or that I've seen others endure, which were not taken too seriously by way too many people or suddenly visit upon one who has not taken those troubles seriously. And I just think, Welcome to the party, pal. It's not that I'm happy that they're likewise harmed. It's not even so much that I hope to gain their support though that certainly figures into it. There may be some element of I told you so at play, but it really isn't even so much that in a sense, I'm congratulating them. Welcome to this struggle might convey the sentiment better. It is as though I'm pinning upon a wounded veteran, a purple heart and saying to him, you have earned your place among us. When Donald Trump was first indicted, I posted a welcome to the party, pal, meme to my social media profiles. But back then, I thought perhaps the dawn would manage to find a way out of it. As of yesterday, Donald Trump joins me, Robert Rondo and too many others among the ranks of those who have been deprived of this. Second amendment rights for the crime of trying to save their country. Welcome to the party, pal. There's no mandatory incarceration for the 34 felonies. He has now been convicted of stemming from his paying off of sex-stortionistic stormy Daniels, not to tell about the consensual sex they had years prior. Trump had no criminal record until yesterday and it is possible, though by no means certain, that he will avoid jail time for this particular series of convictions. But the Hushbody trial in New York was seen as the weakest of the cases against Trump. Legal analysts said the judge should never have allowed that case to go to a jury to begin with. With state and federal indictments still pending throughout the country, some with substantially greater appearance of merit, it is all but certain that more felony convictions are soon to follow. And one can only be convicted of so many felonies before he becomes familiar with the confines of a jail cell. Welcome to the party, pal. Undeterred Trump supporters flooded his campaign with donations, a record breaking 34.8 million in small dollar amounts, ultra wealthy, Sequoia capital partner and former Democrat donor, Sean McGuire announced a $300,000 donation of Trump's campaign stating, I know I'll lose friends with this, some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I believe it's right, it's the right thing to do. I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak. Welcome to the party, pal. Eventually, ladies and gentlemen, the party's coming for everybody. You could celebrate it. You could complain about the noise, but good luck sleeping through it. Welcome to the party, pal. 2176881433. You like to be on the program? And I'm all you talk, unless I have to. So please do give us a call. Let me play a little clip and we'll come back. Let me see. We'll do this one. Uh, we'll do, uh, we'll do, uh, we'll do Malcolm, Nancy, name's a Joe beer pack. Malcolm, Nancy, name's a Jew by Christopher Cantwell, originally published at to 71st, 2018. If one would have sum up the Russian investigation into two more meaningful words, they would be conspiracy theory. Even this phrase does the issue a severe lack of justice since many so-called conspiracy theories actually turn out to be true. In this instance, we are at no such peril. So grouping the two topics does violence to the credibility of many well-intentioned conspiracy theorists. The entire story is so ridiculous on its face that it troubles many sane people in this country to think there might be anyone stupid enough to believe it. The full horrifying truth is even more frightening in that this idiocy has become an article of faith for the Democrat party with whom we must share voting booths on a regular schedule. In most coverage of the subject, one can rely on the swindlers who peddle it to stitch together facts and opinion in a manner which, however, irresponsible and fraudulent is at least un-valsifiable. Most Russian conspiracy theorists are professional liars after all and to dash their reputations upon the rocks in this pursuit might bar them from profiting from the next Democrat fraud. Malcolm Nance, on the other hand, with his willing accomplices at MSNBC suffers no such hindrances. Lending credibility to this ridiculous story, Nance Toutsa, supposed 35-year career in so-called counterintelligence, no doubt aided by much affirmative action and political correctness. He joined Brian Williams on the 11th hour to tell the hapless doop stupid enough to watch that channel, how deep disconspiracy really goes. According to Nance, it all goes back to the early 2000s. Russian military intelligence was plotting the destruction of the United States as they are no doubt want to do, but concluded that kinetic warfare would be less cost-efficient than building a disinformation frame around the country until our citizenry was incapable of perceiving reality. In the horror house, Nance describes the information you get from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and even AM radio is all Russian propaganda designed to have you welcome a foreign invasion. To make matters worse, American citizens are complicit in the plot. White supremacist organizations, powerful ones like the KKK and John Birch Society have sold out to the Ruskies in an effort to elect their puppet master Donald Trump to the highest office in the land. Tucker Carlson drew attention to this circus on the December 18, 2018 episode of Tucker Carlson tonight, causing the e- and millions of Americans to lose even more of the little faith we had remaining in humanity. As I watched Nance ramble on about Steve Ben and Richard Spencer David Duke and their gamers, I recognized a familiar theme, a hostile foreign element, feeding Americans disinformation through their media and causing them to make catastrophic political decisions. I recognized this trope because, as you likely already know, I have earned myself a healthy skepticism of a different foreign element. Nance's Rousseffobe Grant sounded eerily similar to the protocols that a learned elders of Zion. That document is widely discredited as an anti-Semitic forgery, a blood libel against the Jewish people accusing them of using dominance over media to lead their goyum dooms to bondage and destruction. Come to think about it, much of this Russia hoax seems to rhyme with it as well. This shadowy element is everywhere and nowhere imperceivable to the average Joe, working its insidious dark magic upon the minds of the populace who are themselves quite certain of their unbreakable bond with reality. Their only saviors are the few smart enough to figure out the scheme and deliver this life-saving wisdom to the masses through underground channels of the internet, pursued relentlessly by Russian censors who seek to keep the population in the dark for their own nefarious ethnocentric purposes. As I listened intently, trying to find some tether to the physical world in Nance's and Aine Ramblings, I discovered the source of his paranoia. I concluded from these overlaps and narratives that Nance was a secret Nazi trying to warn the American people of the Jewish menace. But of course, since the people in charge of our media are not Russians, but rather ethnic Jews as any idiot can discover it in an afternoon, he had to say Russians instead of Jews to avoid being discovered and suffering the same horrifying fate as all of us Jew-namers who are by no means welcome on MSNBC. I marveled at the brilliance of his delivery, replacing the names of Jewish media executives with those of oppressed white nationalists. Surely so long as he defamed the enemies of the Jew, no Jew with their question is intent. The sophistication of it may be questioned what I had learned about the IQ deficiencies of the black race until I realized he was surely being paid by someone of a lighter skin tone and higher intelligence to act as yet another layer of cover in issuing this dire warning to the American people about the duplicity of the Jewish subversives. In any case, I feared it too sophisticated for the average citizen to understand. So I deciphered this all important warning using the same audio software I use my own podcast, the radical agenda, which airs, thriceweekly at, Monday's Wednesday's Friday's from Friday to 7 p.m. Eastern, so if you're listening on some of the platform at some of the time, I would invite you to join us for the live program. New report out tonight reveals the disinformation teams have targeted the Republican Party and specifically Donald Trump to reports commissioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee and focused on the Holocaust Research Agency, the troll farm, the sky Patrick Little indicted last February, according to one of them. Well, what is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Jews. The goal was to reinforce tribalism to polarize and divide, to exploit societal fractures, blur the lines between reality and fiction. He wrote our trust in media entities and the information environment in government, in each other and in the Republican Party and specifically Donald Trump. The interference is still active and ongoing. And notably, the Jews have tried to create and amplify the narrative that the Holocaust was reality. This guy, Patrick Little, Wisconsin, business man Paul Mealy, were corrupt and that the emerging Jewish stories were a weird conspiracy pushed by neo Nazi. Cry babies, who else? The online post received nearly six million engagements, as they're called, across platforms. That includes likes with us to talk about this tonight and its seriousness, Malcolm Nance, veteran of Navy Intelligence Special Ops, Homeland Security, 35 years working in counterterrorism. His latest book is called The Plot to Destroy Democracy, Helps Jews are undermining America and dismantling the West. Malcolm, most people, if you ask them, will say, yeah, the schools are in terrible shape except the one my kid goes to. So as a consumer matter, I'm guessing a lot of people think, I'm too smart for this, I'm not gonna go for this propeganda that couldn't work on me. Tell us what this looks like, what it looked like in 2016, what it still looks like on our phones tonight. Well, what it looks like is information that is flowing into your telephone. What you think that you're getting across from Facebook and all these other media sources, and of course, the media has... Robert Bowers calls it, is just a fundamental part of your day, whether you're listening to AM radio, whether you're reading things on Twitter or you're looking at photos on Instagram or Pinterest. What the Jewish people... has done here, and where the true brilliance of this intelligence operation comes from, is way back in the early 2000s, the military conducted a strategic study and started carrying out a disinformation plan in which they said that instead of carrying out kinetic warfare against your enemies, the best thing we can do is create a disinformation of frame around that nation, to the point where, over time, as we are constantly tearing them apart and feeding them with false information, they would actually welcome an invasion. So, did Jews done that to the United States? And it began way before 2016, as a matter of fact, the earliest references I have with relation to derolling elites, shows that it started back in 2011 within the... LG, BTQ community. Contact, contact with the... Liberala, libertarians and the stupid for liberty in the United States. The Jewish people. Was pushing these disinformation themes then? Then in 2013, they stood up. The Holocaust Research Agency, which built all of these memes and tropes, which became the cruise missiles of fake news and disinformation designed to do what it did today, take one-third of the United States population and make them refused to believe what they see before their very eyes and may have elected a... In the process. And one of your long-held beliefs, which simultaneously breaks my heart, is that we're so Jewish at picking apart our differences dividing American against American and knowing such an incredible cost-benefit analysis, it cost them three extra shackles that you won't be surprised in the end if they had... NIGAS, HELP. Absolutely. And the cost of this mission by Jewish intelligence, and that's who carried this operation out. The Holocaust Research Agency was a subcontractor to Jewish military intelligence, national security agency, and there was done at the cost of... Three extra shackles. They now own one-third of this nation. And by doing that, they have managed to now make us not believe anything that we believed before. That racism was an American factor which made us greater. They have played on the themes of Holocaust conspiracy theories from Southern poverty law centers. A sideline group. You know, in the farthest extremes of the libertarian parties, they have amplified diversity to the point where... The anti-fascist mob is now the whole young subsidiary of the radical Democrats and our believers in the Holocaust to the point where they're mainstreamed. This is how effective this information warfare campaign has been carried out. And let me tell you, this report shows how they went after to suppress the neo-Nazi vote. And there is no doubt in my mind or anybody else's in the intelligence community that doesn't believe that it took the FBI to assist them in really getting down to where these voters were who needed to be suppressed. And they did it in such a fashion. One of their Twitter groups had six million Jews on it. Wow. Malcolm Nance, this is why we ask you all the time to come on this broadcast. Scary stuff, but it needs to be said, needs to be heard. Thank you so much for joining us once again. And coming up for us, Bill Crystal is with us another recent target of Donald Trump when the 11th hour continues. All right, welcome back to the radical agenda. Thanks for sticking with me through that brief comedic breakdown. 2176881433. You like to be on the pogrom in a moment, although as I have to. So please do give us a call. Caller, you are on the radical agenda. Welcome to the party, pal. Welcome to the party, pal. What's going on? Hey, happy Friday. Happy Friday to you, two, friend. Yes, this is my narrow blank. It's called in a few other times this evening. This is what that's what I was calling. So basically, I just want to call about I really don't think there's much to worry about, which is this whole situation that we saw come up on this last thing with this Trump legal situation. I think there's a lot of other key issues that we can discuss with the Biden Trump face off here. So I kind of want to begin to that, but I want to just ask you a question, share it up. Do you really think this is a big deal? Right. I think it's a big deal at the president of the United States has been convicted of 34 felonies. Yeah, I mean, I think if people look into it, it's just total bullshit. And I think having it be having it kind of come to a conclusion now, it's kind of better because it's literally people have a short memory, right? This is going to wash away within a month. And it's just going to be okay back in the election trail. Or maybe I don't understand it fully like, yeah. Yeah, we got so far as to say. If you think that if you think if you think that president of the United States being convicted of 34 felonies with 54 more indictments to go is like not a big deal, I'm reasonably confident that you're failing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. I mean, I got a story up here that right now if Donald Trump tries to go to Canada or the UK, he'll be turned away by customs. Okay. He's not allowed to enter Canada or the UK. Now, if he becomes president of the United States, will the legislatures of those governments turn around and be like, well, he's a fucking president. We better, we better figure this out. You know, maybe they will or maybe these people are complete fucking lunatics. We're trying to get us into World War three with the Russian Federation. And, you know, I mean, we're in the break of like a nuclear fucking Holocaust here. And like, you know, so like, you know, the idea that the idea that people, the idea that cooler heads are at some point going to prevail here. Seems preposterous to me. You know, he's got 54 more indictments to go. The chances are one of those indictments is going to find himself before judge. He's going to try to send Donald Trump to prison. And Donald Trump is going to be the president of the United States. And that, and if it's a state government, if it's a state indictment, then like the president can't pardon against a state indictment. So that's civil war right there. So a state government is like, I'm going to put the president to prison. Go ahead, buddy. It's going to go to the Supreme Court though, right? Like, is it going to go to the, if it doesn't go to the Supreme Court, or even before the election? I mean, if he's still on the ticket, do you think, is this just a play by the Democrats to make people not like, like, both from? Because if he's still running and he's still on the ticket, even with all this stuff going on, I think he's going to be fine. But if it's something where he's banned from the ticket, this has to go to the Supreme Court. He's going to win. I mean, I'm just trying to think of those situations. I don't know entirely about the legal situation, but out of everything that Ben Shapiro has said, I've pretty much denied 99, like, percent of what he said. But I was listening to him on Fox News yesterday. And he basically, the way that he explained it was very good. He basically said, the way that they are indicting Trump, and that they have charged this, and now it's a conviction, it's basically never happened. Like, basically, if your lawyer does something wrong, that you've hired, or someone that you've hired in your business, then it's basically on him. It wasn't something that he actually did. It was someone that he actually hired. Yeah. It was his lawyer. So basically, the way that Shapiro was explaining this, it has never happened, then, any legal case ever. So it just seems so bush with me. So I'm just like, are we at the point where we're done here, or can we still have some confidence that we're going to vote for Trump? Right? Like, what's going on here? Because I mean, I'm a smart guy, but I'm kind of confused. What's going on now? It's like the TV's all bullshit. I don't know what to think. But you seem no more than me. So maybe you can explain that early. I mean, the cash reviews, we're being deceived all the time, clearly. And, you know, it's not like you could turn on the television and find out what's going on in the world. There's a person there who has something to do. He's a goal he wants to accomplish that involves causing you to believe things. I mean, that's what the television is. That's what the newspaper is. And so, you know, it's a data source is what it is. Right? And so, these people want me to believe this and these people want me to believe that. And the information I obtained from this is that those people want me to believe these things. And that is not, that does not mean that those things are true. It doesn't mean that they're untrue. All it means is that these are the things that those people want you to believe. And that's a data source from which you could make inferences. Right? Now, you know, so Donald Trump is more than likely going to win the upcoming election. Right? The Democrats know that, right? So, like, you know, it was pretty funny to me about the early stages of these indictments is that, you know, there were his Republican primary opponents were like, oh, this is the Democrats trying to help Donald Trump. They want him to win because they think they'll beat him in November. And I was pretty skeptical of that claim, right? Well, you know, it's not that. The Democrats think that he's going to win. They want to make sure that he can't serve his term. And they're going to, they'll chair the country apart. They'll start a civil war rather than allow Donald Trump to run the country. So like, they'll get us all killed if they, if that's what they have to do, you know? Okay. If you're saying, even if he gets elected, they're just going to extend this bullshit like they did when he was, you know, first president. They tried to get him right. What was it? You victim or whatever, right? They, they're just going to extend it through his presidency and then try to get him out of the, just with all this. Is that what we're saying? What, what will happen is, if he's, if he's president, I just say, he'll, he'll be fucking indicted by some state, some local state prosecutor will indict him every other week. Okay. So like they'll, they'll, they'll tear the whole country apart and they'll tear the whole entire legal system down in, in effort to prevent him from, from, from stopping them, you know? They, they're, their grip on power is, all right, I'm going to let you go, buddy. I appreciate the call. 2176881433 if you'd like to be on the program. And so like they, they will tear the entire legal system down. They'll get the country into a civil war because they are of the opinion, whether you believe that opinion is sound or not, that Donald Trump will undo their program and actually like make it impossible for, for them to continue doing what they're doing. That's why they keep on saying, this will be the end of democracy. Okay. To them, democracy is Democrat rule. Okay. It's communism is what it is, but you know, they frame it this way, right? And so they are trying to prevent that from occurring and the way that they're trying to do that is by abuse of the legal system. And they don't care. It's not like, you know, they're like Republican lawyers and just normal lawyers who have a view of the legal system that there's like seven sacred quality to it. Okay. And they take seriously that they don't want to discredit the system. They that they, if they abuse the system, they'll discredit it and then it won't be available for their use. Like Democrats don't view things that way. Nothing is sacred to these people. All of their politically correct nonsense. They act like they're, you know, they were responsible with this fain moral outrage about everything, but they don't actually have standards these people, right? And so like, it's not, all right. So ladies and gentlemen, when you call into radical agenda, I take your call, I hang up on you. That's the end of your call. Okay. You can't call back yet. Okay. And so they will tear down the legal system and they will get the country into a civil war because they're, they're genuine fear of it. And it's a, and it's a fat well-founded fear is that he will put them out of business, right? Donald Trump ended the bushes. Okay. He, he put, Jeb Bush, he put the bush dynasty out of business, right? He sent, he sent all these guys packing. He ended Mitt Romney, you know? And they're like, well, if he's going to do that to the Republicans and then like the Republicans get behind him and then, you know, they're not sniping at each other all the time. And you know, our little fragile coalition of everybody against whitey is actually not going to work out very well, right? Especially when Donald Trump is in the Bronx and like blacks are cheering him on, they're like, yeah, those, those people are just fucking with him. We know how this system works. It's happening to my whole boy, you know? They're whole thing is going to fall apart. They, they went all in on the trans and they were like, yeah, well, listen, gays and lesbians, you know, you were trendy back in like the 60s, okay? But we're done with you, faggots now. We're world war trans now, right? And Donald Trump is like, look, you know, I'm not trying to, you know, I'm not trying to put this shit up on a pedestal. I'm just saying, you know, whatever, leave the fucking gays alone. Go ahead and do your thing, gays. But this tranny stuff's got to stop. And the gays are like, yeah, as a matter of fact, fuck these fucking trannies, right? You know, Donald Trump is like, we got to stop illegal immigration and the, and the Democrats are like, you hate non-whites and all the blacks are like, we're fucking sick of the immigration shit too. You're out of your fucking mind. They're taking our jobs, you know? They're killing our fucking gang member sons, you know? We want to run these streets and they go, what are you talking about? So I had to Democrats fragile coalition is completely going to fucking fall apart and they know it. They've always known that it would happen. The goal was to get, you know, to diminish the white demographic sufficiently prior to that occurrence that white people would never be able to assert themselves again. That was a pretty big gambit, all right? And they put all their eggs in that basket and if they, and they're afraid that Donald Trump's going to prevent that from occurring, okay? You start deporting the illegals and then like life gets better. Right? That's the worst thing for the Democrats by the way, you know? Anything improves anywhere at all. It's always like the worst thing in the world for the Democrats, but especially if it happens that a Republican president. What do you mean that we can have a better life than we've had? That's crazy talk. No, everything gets perpetually worse. That's the way the world works. You're supposed to suffer because democracy. And then people get a little taste of like, oh, wait a second, I could be happy. Like I could have a family and like people aren't going to murder me. Wow, I think I'll vote Republican. Two on seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three. You like to be on the program and I'm what you told the less I have to. So please do give us a call. Caller, you are on the radical agenda. Welcome to the party pal. Welcome to the party pal. Hey, Chris is a noise. How are you doing? Doing well, dear. Thank you. How are you going? Good. You can hear me. Excellent. So I'm going to reach 22, a previous caller here. Yeah. God bless some. We need to make this the in the conviction of Trump. A big deal. God bless the previous caller, but he completely much better chance how we for once could see the moment, right? Like right now there's a momentum. There hasn't been, there has not been within our grasp since 9 11 like seriously. The libertarians back in 9 9 11, they saw. The various policies are going to be put in place after those attacks and and they were like, oh, no, this is bad for a country. Nobody listen to them, right? Right. Twenty twenty fours different. There's a real public push that has lain dormant for four years or so. We've been talking greatly to the people around us apparently because I mean, look at the recent rallies that Trump has had, right? Like all of a sudden, all these people that you would not expect are suddenly going, wait a minute, wait a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, back up. What is going on, right? And I think it's not just obviously I'm talking about these rallies and the Bronx and where with the other one, New Jersey, New Jersey. Some of the crowd have well already. Yeah. People are like already before the conviction came out, we're already being thinking hold on something's not right. Well, yeah. And you see this going, you know, the Democrats have cut, you know, they choose their words carefully, right? You know, they, they learn from the Bolsheviks, right? Like Bolshevik means majority. Now, we've got the Democrat party. We're standing for democracy. They call themselves progressives and they're saying, you know, they frame everything like, no, this is just a natural course of humanity that everything is inevitably going in the direction that we envision the world to be. And what they're seeing is that, you know, people are realizing that that's preposterous. Like as a matter of fact, no, humanity is not progressing towards a place where men become women and everybody just has sex with each other in public. Like that's actually not progress at all. That's completely insane. And everybody's capable of seeing that. So they're like, no, as a matter of fact, we're not progressing towards a place where we all live in absolute poverty and thereby become equals, right? That's not progress. People are capable of seeing that. And they're seeing it in places where the Democrats, you know, the Democrats being the real racists that they are, you know, we're just like, yeah, all these black and brown people are dumb and they're never going to figure out what we're doing to them. And then they're like, well, wait a second. What you're doing is so completely preposterous that even we can't ignore it anymore. Right. Exactly. Exactly. And so now we have freaking convicted, convicted, these burrist charges. And in the meantime, we're, we're, we're all less, a batch, that's where I'm looking for, we're all less a batch. And so, okay, look, I think this is the time to seize some power. It is time to make it, it's radical. And Jay, I can say this, I think. Yeah. I'm trying to, yeah, I'm trying to make a list of democratic politicians that should be freaking pursued and dited all of that stuff. Yeah. Like, if it looks, if they're going to play that game, it's time for us to step up and actually play the game. I'm tired of showing up with a freaking whistleball to a gun fight. Like, what are we doing? Yeah. What has to happen is when they, they, they went completely insane when Donald Trump was on the debate stage with Hillary Clinton and was like, she's like, yeah, I, I, I, you're not in charge of our legal system. He's like, yeah, because you'd be in jail. And like all of these people were like, oh, you don't arrest your political opponents. That's banana republic stop. And it's like, no, no, no, no, it's a matter of like, like, in a, in the, in the, it's like, you know, third world, you know, country is, you know, the reason that the place is a complete shit is not because, not just because they're putting their political opponents in jail, but because they're allowing the criminals to go free. And so like, yeah, if your political opponents are criminal, then put them in jail. And if you're criminal and your political opponents are not in a criminal and you put them in jail, well, then yeah, like that's exactly what's going to happen. So he's like, and then when he gets into office, he's like, he, he, he, he, he allows, he, he listens to his advisors. And he's like, okay, well, if I, if I go and I indict him, if I have Hillary Clinton indicted, then, you know, then there's going to be all these conspits. So I'm going to let it go. And then as soon as they get control of the system, of course, that's what they do. And so it's like, everybody has to observe that. No, this is not a situation where, you know, either we break this norm or we, we violate the standard or we go this way or the fight or the standard is not violated. It's either you get in the mud and fight with these people or these people will just kick you around in the dirt. And so like everybody who has any skin in the game at all is witnessing that now. There's no, there's no turning back from it. Mm hmm. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. The mud is all stirred up. We need to get in there and the hate was it like morals and principles are great in everything. But that got gone it. Play the freaking game. These are the new rules. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it in a, in a red state or in the red city or in red county, right to all those people's first and foremost tell them, look, this is nonsense. This is the things that we do not want. Get other people to sign. I don't know, petition, whatever, whatever it takes, make people aware and talk to people. This is the time to speak up. Yeah. We are not going to get another opportunity unless we actually do this. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, America is never going to be. Yeah. Yeah. America is never going to be the old America. Forget that. Erase that. That's not the point. These are the new rules. Play it. Play it hard. Don't do anything stupid. Obviously, but just play the game. That's all I got. Anybody. Thank you very much for the call, my friend. Thank you very much. Uh, two on seven, six, eight, one, four, three, three. You like to be on the program and I'm always the less I have to. So please give us a call. If you know, you had this situation emerging in the last few years, we're George Sorrows is funding all of these like prosecutors who are running for elected positions, right? And so for one, that needs to be a campaign on the right. And and people who are like, you know, attending a, a people who are involved in those elections, whether just, you know, you're just an average voter or whatever, you see somebody running to be a prosecutor and he's going to have some town hall where you can ask him a question, ask him who the first Democrat he's going to entite is. Okay. Like that's actually the reason that you're in office now. Okay. The reason that you are going to be in office is to put the other side in prison. Okay. Because that's the only way that you can solve the problem. And you, you have to go after them harder than they go after you. It's not like, you know, I wrote a thing when I was a libertarian. Tidal, the proportionality of forced doctrine is lunacy or madness or something that okay. And this, this had stemmed from, you know, I used to get into these use of forced debates with the libertarians all the time, right? And you know, they had, a lot of them had gone overboard. They take non aggression. They try to turn it into pacifism. And I got into an argument with a guy by name of Jason Talley. And he was like, well, you know, can you shoot somebody if they steal your paper clip? And I was like, well, yeah, of course. Yeah, because it's not the question of the value of this property. It's the question of whether he has the right to take my property without my consent. And so I, the fact that he steals something of low value, does not change the weaponry that I have to defend my property. If, if some guy is, you know, 10 times bigger than me and can beat me to a pulp, and he steals one dollar, I'm not obligated to let him steal that dollar just because he's bigger than me. And therefore I can't take out my gun and use my gun to get my dollar back just because the value of the property is not sufficient. No, the fact is that he took the, he took from me, I have the right to defend my property. And the line is whether or not he has the right to steal. And they got into this whole thing about proportionality of force that like you can't use, you know, what are the limits on your use of force? Well, there's no proportionality of force at all. It's a matter of fact, like you do not, nobody who's ever been in a violent conflict. Thinks that way. Okay. The whole entire point of using force is to use it overwhelmingly so that the other person can't fight you. All right. That's the whole entire purpose of using force. And so when the other side is like, okay, we're going to go and indict the former president of the United States, the former in future. We're going to indict him 90 times. And then you come in and you're like, well, it's a good thing that we're in charge now so that nobody's getting indicted. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not the way that works. Okay. That's, that's like, okay, guys, I know that you've beaten a living crap out of me. But now that you've beaten a living crap out of me, I'm just going to declare that the fight is over and we're not going to fight anymore. No, as a matter of fact, you got to go get the guy who hurt you, okay? And so, you know, the major Maconnills of the world and whatnot, you know, those people are going to be like, okay, well, you know, it's a good thing that we solve this problem by getting Republicans into office. But if you've been listening to me a while, you know, I love this line from a guy, Andrew Wilkow. I believe he's still on serious exam. I don't have it anymore. He used to do that. He used to do the new into three show on serious exam satellite radio and he always used to say, Democrats, we'll power Republicans hold office. It's a great way of explaining the problem with our politics, right? Like, when, you know, when I talk to people about politics who are not immersed in who I am and what I'm about, you know, they're like, oh, you're a Republican. I'm like, my biggest problem with the Republicans is that there are a bunch of pushes and they should be a lot more, a lot more dangerous. Democrats will power Republicans hold office when Democrats get in, they socialize healthcare and they and they try to they try to unweave the fabric of biology and society. Republicans hold office and they're like, okay, it's a good thing that we stopped the advancement of that lunatic project for the time that we sit in these chairs. And that's where, you know, people end up getting annoyed with conservatives on the right because they just simply become the guards of the prior revolution. They're not actually trying to, you know, they're not right wing. They're not trying to advance a cause. They're just like, okay, we are conserving what is. And whatever the Democrats made before we got to sit in these chairs will conserve that. No, no, that's not, that's actually not conservative. That's not conservative. If you read Edmund Burke, that's not conservative. If you read Russell Kirk, that's not conservative. If you read William F. Buckley or Richard Weaver. That's not what that means. That means that you're, you're just, you're just holding office. You're just sitting in the chairs. And, you know, are we better off with you in those chairs in the Clintons? Yeah, probably. If you, if the best that I can get from an election is to have Republicans sitting in chairs, not wrecking the country or Democrats in the chairs, wrecking the country, I'll choose the Republicans not wrecking the country further. But I don't want the, you know, I don't want these people to sit there and protect what the Democrats were destroying. You know, the protected destructive forces of the Democrats that has to stop. So they all need to go to jail Tony Soprano since $14.33 on Odyssey says the gravy is good tonight. Taste good. Taste good on my mouth. And I'll give you a shout out to Tony Soprano again. Tony Tony Tony came through along with a few others of you. I was talking about going to a pawn shop and someone on my equipment on a telegram the other day. I said, hey, you know, if I can't pay my bills, like I didn't go sell all the equipment you're never going to hear from me again. And so Tony and a bunch of other people were like, hey, well, I don't want that to happen. And so thank you very much. Tony, appreciate that. Thank you to all of you who make this possible. I do appreciate a whole lot. 2176881433 you like to be on the program in a moment. Well, you told the less I have to. So please give us a call. So I mentioned to the caller. You know, the first caller is like anything is a big deal. I think it's a bunch of bullshit. Well, you know, you think it's a bunch of bullshit. The president of the United States can't go to Canada. You think it's a bunch of bullshit. The president of the United States can't go to England. Because that's what's going on right now. So Donald Trump is now banned as a consequence of being convicted of those felonies. He's banned from a host of countries, including Canada, UK. There are 37 countries that bar felons from entering even to visit. Story in the UK independent. Now that Donald Trump has convicted felon, his list of countries to visit has gotten much shorter. Trump was found guilty on Thursday, 34 counts of falsifying records in an effort to keep adult film star, story Daniels quiet about an affair that occurred in the 2000s. That means certain freedoms, Mr. Trump once enjoyed, maybe out of his reach and could have a serious effect on his ability to carry out his presidential duties, including traveling to foreign countries. Nearly 40 nations, including Canada and the UK have strict policies when it comes to allowing individuals with criminal records across their borders and barring a special accommodation. Trump would be held to those same standards. It's unclear if he would be allowed to visit if he wins the presidential election in November, but remains a felon. Here are just five of 37 nations that can now ban Trump from entering now that he's a felon. Israel is among them. But I move the embassy to Jerusalem. Go, I go, come on. Despite Trump once retweeting someone who referred to him as the king of Israel and bragging that he moved the US Embassy is in Israel to Jerusalem, Trump may not be able to visit the nation now that he's a felon. Israel reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone with a criminal record, including felonies, border control fences in Israel have the authority to bar entry for anyone suspected of committing a crime or with a record. And Trump meets both of those qualifiers. Canada, as we mentioned, according to the Canadian government's tourist hub, quote any US citizen or permanent resident that has a felony conviction on their criminal record may be deemed inadmissible to Canada for the purposes of immigrating or even if they are merely coming to Canada to visit. Canada retains even retains the right to bar individuals arrested or accused of a felony crime, even though you have not been convicted, meaning Trump would have faced issues visiting the US is northern neighbor, the moment he faced charges, the government notes, quote that a felony will likely result in inadmissibility. Japan is a fairly strict with its immigration and visitation rules, including laws preventing convicted criminals from entering the country under Japanese law anyone convicted of a violation of any law of any regulation of any country and has been sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for one year or more or to an equivalent penalty can be barred from entry. Japanese law does note that individuals convicted of a political offense are not subject to those rules and Trump's mind at least he could qualify to visit under those terms, unclear if Japan would buy his version of events. Under UK law, a felon can visit Ireland and Scotland with some restrictions and requirements in place, however Britain can bar access to convicted felons. Unless quote an immigration officer is satisfied that admission would be justified for strong compassionate reasons, they can refuse access to any convicted so long as the crime they committed would also be punishable by imprisonment in the UK. China has strict policies when admitting anyone over its borders, Chinese officials conduct character assessments for anyone applying for a visa and that includes a criminal history check including felonies. Even minor offenses can get someone barred from entering China and so Mr. Trump may not be able to chide the Chinese in person if he were ever so inclined. And here are the here's a full list Argentina Australia Brazil Cambodia Canada Chile China Cuba Dominican Republic Egypt Ethiopia Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Israel Japan Kenya Malaysia Macau. Mexico Morocco Nepal oh well you know Mexico is just going to have to build a wall to keep Trump from coming across the border. Morocco Nepal New Zealand Peru Philippines Singapore South Africa South Korea Taiwan Tanzania Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom. Yeah, I think it's probably a pretty good idea, you know, maybe the Taiwanese should be like yeah fuck you Donald Trump. Okay, we're fucking done with you Trump. Don't you dare come over to Taiwan. Okay. Go ahead see how that works. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and I'm more or less I have to so please give us a call. Caller you are on the radical agenda. Welcome to the party pal. What's up? Hi Chris my name is Candace calling from Pennsylvania. I had a quick question for you. I'm a new listener. I like your show. I have used the ground. My question is. What do you think the chances are that with enough pressure. The Sanctus will refuse extradition for something on any of these. The chances are precisely zero. Really? Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, okay, I was hoping because you're so weak. You know, I'll hope that maybe with enough pressure, he would. You know, protect Trump and refuse extradition, but you think they'll make them go. I think that I don't think that the Sanctus will do it. And by the way, Donald Trump is not going to be held prisoner of Florida either. Right. So like Donald Trump is going to be president of the United States. He's going to go to Washington DC. Right. And the and if he's entitled, you know, if these if he if there's some state government is trying to put him in prison. It's civil war. I mean, that's literally what it'll be. Okay. If some state government says we are taking the president United States into custody as soon as we can get our hands on them. What that's actually a declaration of war against the United States. That state is in rebellion and and and the purpose of the United States government is to quell that rebellion. You're right. I guess I was just a little bit of hope young there, but you're right. Yeah, I mean, I think the Sanctus here's what the Sanctus would do. The Sanctus would be like, well, we're going to go take this to court. And then as soon as the court was like, give us Donald Trump, he'd be like, okay, well, sorry, Donald Trump, I did everything I could. I went to court. I told him, I don't want to do it in the courts. So you got to do it anyway. And he's like, well, I guess I got no choice. I guess that would be better than thanks for the heads up like the message he apparently sent to the FBI. Thanks for the heads up whenever they want to raid more log. I don't want to do. Yeah, that's what happened. They gave him the heads up and he replied, thanks for the heads up. Yeah, I didn't even know about that one, but it makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, great show. That's really all I wanted. And thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks for giving us a call. And so the one caller also said he mentioned something about Ben Shapiro talking about the Supreme Court intervening. I got the piece up the daily wire here. This is not buyback Ben Shapiro. This is by Zach Juel. And the headline is can the Supreme Court intervene after Trump's conviction legal experts say yes. The guilty verdict against former president Donald Trump was reached by a man hat and jury on Thursday. Could ultimately be reviewed by the US Supreme Court legal expert said Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records in an unprecedented verdict against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee just months before the 2024 election. The verdict is likely to be appealed by Trump's legal team. However, an expert say the final decision in Trump's hush money trial could come down to a ruling from the highest court in the land attorney Roger Severino, who is vice president of domestic policy and Joseph C and Elizabeth A. Andrew leak fellow at the heritage foundation. Told the morning wire on Friday that Trump's legal team could make constitutional arguments that his right to a fair trial was violated. And the Constitution means something Severino added it means if anything you cannot jail political opponents because you don't like what the American people are going to vote for. Severino said that he believes the Supreme Court will intervene in the case if Trump doesn't win on appeal. Ultimately, I think the Supreme Court, if he doesn't win on appeal, will take up this up and reverse the attorney said this is a political prosecution. We are better than this as a country and this cannot stand. The heritage foundation fellow added that whether Trump ends up behind bars is still unknown saying quote it would be shameful if this judge were to order this man to go to jail when they weren't able to point to any victims. This is so shocking and unprecedented that we're even discussing the possibility of putting political opponents in jail in the middle of an election. He said judge Juan Merchand, scheduled Trump sentencing for July 11, just four days before the start of the Republican national convention in Milwaukee where Trump is set to be nominated for president. The former president could face up to four years in prison. Lawyer and political commentator Mark Levin also wrote about the possibility of the Supreme Court ruling on Trump's guilty verdict saying quote he was surprised that TV, TV lawyers and others talking about Trump's conviction ignore a federal path to the Supreme Court. The issue is how to get out of the New York system and bring the case to the Supreme Court which may or may not take it up. Levin wrote on Thursday. That is why I look to Bush v Gore where the where the Supreme Court decided to step in because it was a presidential election. There was another court involved the Florida Supreme Court and it was that court that the Supreme Court believe was violating the equal protection clause. That was the doctrine it settled on given the unequal treatment of voters. Levin laid out how the case that was prosecuted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and decided by 12 Manhattan jurors could go before the Supreme Court. In New York, you would file notice of appeal asking for a stay of the trial court and seek expedited review. He wrote you need to protect your ability to timely appeal and not abandon it. You might then file applications for common law rifts with the US Supreme Court where the Supreme Court can take action if it chooses and legitimately claim the harm is immediate and ongoing not just to a presidential candidate but to the federal electoral system federal campaign jurisdiction reverse federalism and the president that might otherwise be set and spread throughout the country. The denial of due process infected every aspect of the case. Now here's the thing and this is frustrating for me to read because I know a thing or two about the legal system you might have gathered. I'm sort of a famous pro say litigant and I've had my tours of the US court system and that of several states. And the question is not whether or not the the you know the prosecution was politically motivated. If politically motivated prosecutions were illegal, I would not have gone to prison. My conviction would have been overturned my arguments before the appellate court would have been different. Robert Rondo would not be in jail right now. Selective prosecution was the reason that the judge in California throughout the charges against Robert Rondo on the second time he threw him out. He said no you're not allowed you these people were over the commit a crime. You say these guys committed the same crime. You prosecute them and not them that's viewpoint discrimination you don't all do it. And the night circuit turn around said no of course it's a whole entire point of the criminal justice system. We're talking about they can't do that. That's the reason that we have it is to persecute our enemies. They weren't it precisely like that. But that's just of what the decision was. And so the idea that trust going to go in there and be like yeah well you know you can't convict me of these crimes because they were the prosecution was motivated by animus toward me as a political figure. The Supreme Court is not going to say yeah well screw those guys you're not you can't be convicted of the crimes you committed just because the people who were in power at the time you were convicted happen to be your political opponents. It's not the way the legal system works and that's not the way it should work. The motivations of the prosecutors are not saying they're irrelevant. But if he committed the crimes then like the Supreme Court is going to have a difficult time saying that he can't be prosecuted for them as a matter of fact. When he's in office you know he made this immunity argument saying well you know my official acts are you know they are covered by immunity. And the Supreme Court is like yeah as a matter of fact as long as they're official acts they are and I think that the dispute now is what are the official acts were not. Paying off a point star is not official act you know what should happen is that somebody should go and die stormy Daniels in Michael Abinotti for extorting Donald Trump. I happen to personally be aware that you make an extortionate threat and in a state commerce that you could spend up to 20 years in prison I did 41 for that 41 months I should say. So you know the idea that the Supreme Court is going to step in and say well you're not a lot of political voters when you prosecute people is actually pretty absurd. They're definitely not going to do that as a matter of fact the question is what you know what are they going to do you know the Supreme Court might well step in and just make up an excuse to stop this from happening because well first of all because that's what they should do. Okay you know think about Roe v Wade okay the abortion case the abortion the case that made abortion supposedly a constitutional right right. What did they say in that thing like okay well you know yeah no it's not the constitution or whatever we're going to settle this issue okay. Well that's not what happened obviously it took until dobs v. Jackson women's health not so long ago for them to overturn it because it's one of the country apart as a matter of fact. But Democrats defended that the entire time didn't they everybody who understood anything about the law knew the Roe v Wade decision was complete nonsense you want to you want to learn about the Roe v Wade case it was a complete circus the whole thing. Read read or listen to the audiobook the family row the author's name all the top my head escapes me I listen to the audiobook of this oh my god what a fucking catastrophe norma McCorvey her fucking live. And so the legal system is you know being discredited by these Democrats and the idea that the republicans there are anybody who's not trying to wreck the country is just going to be like well we have to obey the law while the people kicking us in the teeth don't that's preposterous. Put the Democrats in prison sentence them to die as a matter of fact if you can get away with it. And make sure that they they don't succeed in what they're doing for your guys locked there's up okay. Two on seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program. And so let's see here. So we talked briefly on the Wednesday members show about this. Biden partially lives ban on Ukraine using US weapons and strikes on Russian territory. Now it's been the position of the United States okay. Hey Ukraine we love you guys for all the stuff that you you know you helped us steal the election everything your S.B.U. we love you. And so because we're a bunch of crooks we're going to help you kill those Russians okay. But because we're trying to call our people into thinking that we're not starting World War three when we give you these weapons we don't want you to use them to attack the Russian territory you're always supposed to use them defensively. And the Ukrainians are like yeah sure whatever give us the weapons will do whatever we want with them and fuck you. And the United States sort of you know looks the other way in pretence they don't know. But because they do want to get us into World War three with the Russian Federation Emmanuel Macron recently sent military personnel to Ukraine. Now not you know combat brigades or whatever but they're sending in what they're calling instructors and advisors who are the purpose of sending them there is to die right. And so after they die in the war zone that they're being sent to then the French government can say you killed Frenchman and we're going to come and we're going to join the war. And so Joe Biden now says okay well Ukraine why don't you guys go ahead and use these weapons to go and attack the Russian soil you can use this for a ground invasion of your neighbor. And that's it's probably going to happen almost certain happen. And I guess you know probably what'll happen is Vladimir Putin when that happens he'd be like hey guys you know we were you know I kind of want to win this war and all but you know the United States they just keep but they put us in a situation where the only way that we go in the wars to use nuclear weapons. So I guess we're just going to have to fold we're just going to have to stop I guess I'll just step down from power. You guys all have an election will allow will allow the US State Department to oversee it to make sure the elections fair don't worry about it. And I'll just walk away and we'll just forget about the whole thing okay you think that Vladimir Putin is going to do that I don't think I don't think that Vladimir Putin is going to do that as a matter of fact. I think that there's probably really sound minded people intelligent people who don't want a war with the United States who don't want the war in Ukraine to continue any longer than it has to. And who don't want anyone to suffer up needlessly. People who are of that mindset are certainly telling Vladimir Putin that the most prudent thing that he can do is launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the United States. And they're making that argument very soundly and coherently because that's actually a sound and coherent argument. If the United States is going to give weapons to Ukraine to attack Russian soil and a manual Corona is going to send French military to Ukraine. And Vladimir Putin is not going to say okay, fuck it, you know, forget about all these lies that are lost to all this money that we spent will just forget about the whole war will just walk away. Well, first of all, Vladimir Putin knows that that actually won't solve the problem because the United States will still keep on trying to attack Russia, right? They'll find some other excuse to do it. Ukraine will still continue to be a threat to the security of the Russian Federation. And so they can't do that as a matter of fact. So what are they going to do? Is he going to challenge Joe Biden to a boxing match? Are they going to go Marcus Queen's Barry Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden? Why not? Is China going to sit back and be like, yeah, well, let the Ruskies and the Americans fight each other and we'll do nothing about it. No, they're not going to do that. If you take the number of countries that are involved in military conflicts right now, that is a greater number of countries than were with that that were then our listed as the primary combatants in World War One or World War Two. So we're already in World War Three and these people are escalating the conflict. President Joe Biden has partially lifted a ban on Ukraine using American weapons and strikes on Russian territory according to US officials. The change in American policy is understood to apply only to defend the area of Karkeev according to reports. It comes as a Ukrainian officials as Ukrainian officials stepped up calls on the US administration to allow its forces to defend itself against Russian attacks. This is in a sky news. Ukrainian President Volotomyr Zelensky and others have been increasingly vocal in making the case that the restrictions was the restriction was putting Ukrainian forces in an untenable situation as Russia's intensified attacks around the Northeast Karkeev region. Russia made advances in the area during a lengthy delay in replenishment of US military aid and as Western Europe's inadequate military production slowed crucial deliveries to battlefield for Ukraine. Karkeev, Ukraine's second largest city is just 20 kilometers 12 miles from the Russian border. But US officials underscored that the US policy calling on Ukraine not to use American long-range missiles and other munitions to strike inside Russia was offensively has not changed. Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State had hit earlier hinted about the change in policy at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers and Prague on Thursday. There he said, Moscow's use of misinformation and disinformation and malinformation. I instead of the malinformation thing because I remember them saying that on NPR and I thought it was very amusing but they didn't say it in sky news. There he said, Moscow's use of misinformation and disinformation was a poison and signed an agreement with the Czech government to combat it. Since the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022 Biden has been steadfasted as opposition to Ukraine's offensive use of American made weaponry, concerned that the action could be seen as provocative and lead to Moscow widening the war. But calls for a change in policy of amounting. Earlier this week, French President Emmanuel Macron and NATO chief Jen Stoltenberg said that the Western country should not object if Ukraine needs to strike inside Russia to defend itself. Now, strictly speaking, I'll go ahead and say, as I said on Wednesday, well, like yeah, as a matter of fact, if you actually think that Ukraine can defend itself and win the war, then the only excuse me, hang on a second. Okay, so that's what I was saying. If you actually think that the goals for Ukraine to defend against the Russians and to win the war, telling Ukraine that you can't attack Russian soil is preposterous. Okay, you can't wage limited warfare. Limited warfare is a nonsense concept. You go and you overwhelm the enemy and you do everything you have to. You have to kill as many people as you can and destroy as many things as you must. Until the enemy can't fight anymore. And if you're like, well, you know, the enemy is over on that side of the line and therefore we can't kill him. Well, like, that's not war actually. Okay, that's not that's not war. That's bullshit. But they're not trying to help Ukraine win the war. They're trying to get us into it. The way that they dripped weapons into Ukraine was not a design to help them win the conflict. Right? They're like, okay, guys, you can have these javelins. They're like, we need those attack them things and they're like, no, we can't give you the attackums. That's not, no, we can't do that. That might piss off the Russians and we don't want to piss off the Russians. And so sure enough, you know, they use the, they use the, the stingers and the, uh, and the javelins. And then millions of people are dead and then the, the, the, the, the American government is like, okay, now you can have the attackums. And they're like, well, we need jets. We need, uh, F 16s. We need yada yada yada. And they're like, no, we can't do that. You really can't do that because, you know, we wouldn't want to, we wouldn't want to piss off the Russians. And then a bunch more people die and a bunch more shit is destroyed. And then they're like, okay, here's some airplanes and some helicopters and whatnot. They're like, we need tanks. I'm like, no, tanks, you crazy. No, we can't give you tanks. You're out of your mind. No, can't give you tanks. And so then all the things that we sent before, they were destroyed and a bunch of people died and they're like, okay, have some tanks. That's not something that you do if you're trying to win a war. That's something you're doing if you're trying to create maximum possible casualties. You're trying to make the war last as long as possible so that as many people are as possible or killed. Because you have an atomist against white people and watching them murder one another in Eastern Europe is fantastic. You're fucking monster Jewish piece of shit. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and when you took the lesson, I have to surprise to give us a call. Let's see. Let's do one more. I'm done with us. Democrat lawmaker calls out colleagues for protecting pedophiles. This is a Matalline leasman over at Town Hall of Com. California State Senator, a California state senator slammed her Democratic colleagues this week for trying to protect pedophiles and other people who would buy and abuse our children. Democratic senators Susan Egman, 63 who represents part of San Joaquin County made the remarks last Thursday. According to several reports, the state lawmakers were discussing legislation that would make it a felony to purchase or solicit a minor for commercial sex. I'd like to say as a progressive proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I'm done. I'm done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I'm done said Egman. I don't want to send more black and brown people, black and brown men to prison. I don't want more people in prison, but I don't want people buying girls. I don't want people buying little girls anymore. I'm sick of saying it's okay that we have to protect the men who do it. According to the New York Post under California law, buying or soliciting sex from a child is a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of between two days and a year in jail and a $10,000 fine. A new bill would increase that penalty to at least two to four years in prison, as well as a sex offender registration. That's pretty funny. Hey, you want to buy a 12 year old? I don't know. I want to get in trouble. It's a misdemeanor. Don't worry about it. You know, I just don't like you to lose your carry permit. It's not like you went to Virginia with twitches. It's not like you paid off an extortionist and then had your lawyer gave your lawyer a check. We have all given away enough on this arena and area. And we've got to move back into the center or we all look like fools and laughing stocks. Eggman explain that's kind of a funny idea. Hey, fellow Democrats, you know, we're going way too far left by protecting the pedophiles. Oh, so are you admitting that like pedophilia is left wing value because that's very convenient even if you're condemning it in the process. I would I would love for you to say that louder. I would love everybody to hear you say that frequently. Hey, guys, we're going too far. We've got to go back to the center because when we go left, we we get caught protecting child rapists. A lot of these kids can be thrown away kids. They're poor kids. They're kids of color, but they shouldn't have to live a life determined by what happens to them by others at a very young age and have a democratic party of California. Say it's okay. She added last month local outlet KCR a reported that the bill was moving through to Senate but was being watered down in the process. Yeah, hey, I you know, I'm all for we're going to stop those pedophiles. We got to we want to we wouldn't want to do anything to extreme. Okay. Yeah, we're like we're going to totally tear down gender. Yeah, we'll raise tax rates to you know 90%. Yeah, we'll get us into World War three with the Russian Federation and you know try to egg on a nuclear winter. But in this particular area where we're talking about throwing pedophiles in prison for two years, we wouldn't want to be extreme you know. We want to exercise a certain degree of moderation when it comes to what should be done to people who are selling children for sex and buying them and fucking them in their asses and fucking killing them huh. Those people that's where the Democrat party finds its moderate roots. And that's why we're the radical agenda of course. Okay, you know, that's the moderate position now that you know you should try to take it easy on the pedophiles and we're like you know what as a matter of fact, I don't give a fuck about a moderate position you stupid you motherfucker. Okay, we'll be the radicals would be like yeah, why don't we take them back outside to take them in the backyard with blood or fucking brains out to them and us in favor in the process. What do you say? We use every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in some form or another. Mondays you do surreal politics and I say fuck lots less frequently and I and you know I you know we're going hard on the radical agenda here. I don't even apologize for fucking saying fuck anymore. It's fucking good you know every once in a while used to apologize sorry for the F. I'm not sorry sorry not sorry fuck you okay. They're gonna be selling the kids might as well you know if they're gonna fuck the children I might as well say fuck on a goddamn show you know makes a lot of sense that way. And so yeah, we do this all Monday except I don't curse as much and then on Wednesday we do the members only show and it's like you know maybe I just do like may just make the whole thing members only be like all you motherfucker so don't fucking pay me go kiss my fucking is go do something else with your lives okay. Go listen to somebody who's not as entertaining as I am maybe I just make the whole thing members only maybe I'll do that. I'll see I don't know you figured out. But you got to pay for the fucking thing one way or another okay you can't put the whole fucking thing on Tony fucking soprano okay Tony's got you know he's got a whole fucking family to take care of you know there's a mob thing. And so you know you got to pay me motherfucker it's Christopher can't hold on it so nice donate you find my cash app is edgy Chris you find my strike payment strike dot me slash can't well you'll find give send go dot com slash SPM like some real politics media you'll find my Bitcoin qa codes my man arrow my all that shit it's all Christopher can't hold on that's like donate. And so fuck you pay me do you understand what I'm saying fuck you pay me fuck you pay me. All right at Christopher can't hold on that's like donate because the real politics member because when I fucking told these fucking free load and cock suckers to go take a fucking hike then you'll be a member right then that's only 10 bucks a month but you can get it for $6.76 and 70 cents you get 33% off your first three months you're just real politics. So you're a real So I joined you sign up for membership and you use a code agenda 33 and then you will get 33% off your first three months because you know there's a 33 in there it's a code. All right. And so you know you go do that and then and then when you do that as a matter of fact then it's a real So after you're a member okay then you get to discounts in the shop so you want to buy the rest of the radical agenda marriage before it's all gone and you never get this piece of history. You have that opportunity to get it discounted to a shop after you have a membership. So go ahead do all of those things fuck you fuck on pay me. Come fuck you pay me and we'll be back. Uh, Monday if not sooner. Thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda. Have yourselves a wonderful week at a good night. That's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms, camps of enmity. All we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know they try and build a life here. One of the radical agenda is not a radical agenda. It's called the Second Amendment.