And I think that we might just discover that indeed or perhaps not maybe maybe no such lock maybe just maybe Everything oh there we go there as right as I go to the refresh the page that it starts to work Is a live area to write and show that's fantastic. All right. This is great news Everything's working over there. And then we'll why don't we go ahead? We're bringing those telegram guys They are right those telegram fellows. We'll bring those telegram guys in here I will we'll begin with them as well. And so hello telegram. Hello Odyssey. Hello D live and whoever else happens to be picking up the stream. I don't know. You know, I think you know, we got banned from that trovo thing. I don't know who else banned us. I don't really give a fuck anymore You know, it's like hey, you know, I'm trying to give you guys some quality and attainment And if you're a bunch of fucking faggot ass kikes and you can't deal with it then you know You could go fuck your mutties. You know what I'm saying? And some In the spirit of telling them to go fuck their mothers. Why don't we go ahead get this show started and We'll ask we'll ask and call to what we need to do about the problems that we're about to address That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America You know what you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into Arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing Erratic Is the only thing they tell about their bad What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat The second The news at a day and whatever's on your mind to 1 7 6 8 8 1 4 3 3 yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it This six this 70th episode of the sixth stage in a program today is made 24 2024 be in the current year. It's a fraudious usual and we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location Where I saw a headline this morning pretty amusing That Germany has told Israel That they will execute the arrest warrant issued for Benjamin Netanyahu should that kite criminal be stupid enough to set Foot on the soil and of course, you know, that's because it's not it's not the Germans who have issued the warrant It's the international criminal court, you know the ICC at the Hague Just sort of amusing right you got to imagine that there's like a bunch of Jews sitting around a table somewhere being like well You know An international criminal court. It's like inherently anti-Semitic. Obviously if you're talking about international criminals You're obviously talking about Jews so you can't have things like that which is part of the reason Israel does not recognize The ICC not I'm not saying that anybody should by the way You know, I don't want these like globalist institutions or whatever running the fucking world, and you know So I'm not saying that we should recognize the ICC for fucking sure god damn it, you know And Donald Trump would be in front of that court pretty fucking fast You know his you know his 75th indictment or whatever the fuck it was, you know But the Israelis they don't recognize the international criminal court even though they are a bunch of international criminals Or perhaps because that's what they are And according to this You know and according to the Jews, you know the fact a Germany will execute that warrant It's obviously, you know, it's anti-Semitic and on par with the Holocaust as all things tend to be these days This coincides is we've been sit we've been covering well, you know as a matter of fact before I even get to that so here's another headline that I saw Was that Germany I want to wait before I this is not part of my script. I saw this afterwards and I don't want to read it to you wrong Okay, German parliament votes to decriminalize the possession of child pornography. That's the headline. It's your hedge Okay, so just so I'm not making this up as I go along here So you know the Germans they're not at this point a bunch of right wing fanatics you understand right you know They're like listen you Jew motherfucker. I'm gonna throw your ass in jail, okay Not because I'm a right wing fanatic. I'm the type of fucking government that legalizes child pornography you understand And I'm still gonna throw your kijkassen prison because that's what we you know, it's the only thing that anybody can do anymore And so you know according to the Jews is is needless to say and you smitten can on par with the holocausts all things tend to be these days This coincides is we've been covering with the rug being pulled out from the radical left ever since they got to up Any about their brown friends in Palestine University of North Carolina is the latest university system to back out of all their diversity Inclusion policies following on the heels of several others as we've been discussing Among the most cited works in social science to this day is a book published in 1950 titled the authoritarian personality by theodore w. Adorno Else frankle brumswick daniel levensson and nevit senfer now even when it's not directly cited It's often citing derivative works right so like this was a very Info-antial piece of social science which continues to Completely plague our society to this day The group were researchers working at the university California Berkeley in the period covering the end of world war two and we're putting this together with financing from Don't know the american jewish committee for a studies in prejudice series the piece theorized it essence that As jewish nonsense tends to do that people don't like Jews because anti-semites are closet homosexuals Everything comes back to that and that the answer to anti-semitism of course Say was to promote homosexuality and they did this to great effect throughout the world The Jews have pushed a far left radical Marxist agenda in the name of democracy ever since Those chickens it would seem have come home to roost a global leftist Germany has confused the Jews for white people and taken the position that their ethnic cleansing of Palestinian territories is a battle between white and brown Simple minded by design leftists are incapable of processing the implications of this and it been well trained not to listen to reason And so it comes to pass that those armed by the Jews the destruction of mankind have been mistaken Have mistaken the Jews for humans and set their sights upon them for eradication The Jews overconfident in their dominance foolishly allowed this golem to get too big and now at his turn as golems tend to do The Jews for their part have pivoted perhaps too late shaming it up with their erstwhile conservative friends While depriving the left of assistance and causing quite the stir in the process Now I've never been particularly good at precisely predicting the future But I'll have it as I'll hazard a guess at how this turns out I could imagine it going something like this The Jews will prevail in this battle, but they will do so at the cost of the war By aiding the left and causing so much damage that they sparked a right-wing anti-Semitic awareness Then in their efforts to crush this they made it worse of course as Jews tend to do with everything they touch Every reasonable observer who bothered to look found Jewish involvement in internet censorship and cancel culture impossible to ignore Though few had the courage to say it out loud Everyone came to know that if you cross the Jews they will destroy you through their surreptitious control over the levers of power The left did not mind this one bit of course when it was being done to the other side Anything to destroy mankind is just fine with them Whether that means teaming up with the Jews or the Muslims or Satan himself is of no consequence to them They eagerly accepted all the blessings of gods chosen race in their ethno state They branded their enemies Nazis and resorted to criminal violence with the full support of the powers that be But the left is by nature insatiable in their wanton lust for destruction Having chased the rights from the street stolen a presidential election and set a miracle on a seemingly unaffordable collision course with civil war and dissolution They turned around to bite the hand that feeds them But it is not the distributable nature of leftists which has caused them to turn on the Jews The only thing required for a man to become an anti-Semi is time and information The better informed he is and the more time he processed that information the more he hates the Jews pretty straightforward The Jews talk about anti-Semitism like it is a virus and they literally refer to outbreaks of anti-Semitism and poor resources into stopping its spread Inso doing they create more anti-Semites with their coercive dishonest and deferious tactics They have survived this far by playing one side against the other But this tactic has a limited lifespan when both sides of the political spectrum are sufficiently manned by anti-Semites the game is fucking over It is unlikely in the extreme that we're at that stage today But it is all the less likely that we won't soon be As the Jews move to crush the left and cozy up to their conservative friends They will not bring right-wing anti-Semites back into their good graces There will be elements of the left that see the catastrophe of crossing the Jews and pivot to regain their favor But some will be peeled off and like us they will find it impossible to unsee the Jew for the monster that he is This could be described as cyclical say and with each cycle a greater and greater percentage of political actors on both ends the spectrum will in due course be incapable of disguising their contempt for the Jews As the Jews become desperate and lash out further still more will come to see the Jew in all that he despises The Jew being incapable of repentance will only make matters worse It is step his malice will only grow and become more obvious and thus it seems unlikely that another generation of European peoples will slumber through life unaware of who seeks their extermination What they do with that knowledge remains to be seen But it is difficult to imagine them dying for the Jewish ethno state or working themselves to death to pay for it In perpetuity At absentee that support the Jews cannot exist 217 688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and I'm or you so the less I have to so please do give us a call Let me let me play a quick clip and then I'll come right back Uh, let's uh, let's do this one Um, you know, I'm gonna I'm sorry. I'm gonna play after the United States I know we've done this a few times already. Oh, you know, I'll do turning away turning away from democracy today Not even one in five Americans today trust their government to do the right thing Now I would love to stand here and tell you this was some sudden drop after Donald Trump was elected But it wouldn't be true The problem is far bigger than Trump And the way I see it this loss of faith this broad and this profound is more than a problem It is a crisis a crisis of faith This is the kind of crisis that leads people to turn away from democracy The kind of crisis that forces people to stop believing in what we can do together The kind of crisis that creates fertile ground for cynicism and discouragement The kind of crisis that gives rise to authoritarians And I've been waiting for this moment for my life We're all No fear coming in the night We're all We're all on the same road To me you're drowning I would not end the end I've seen your face before my friend But I don't know if you know who I am Well I was there in a show that you dared I saw with my own smiles So you can wipe off that grandmother That I'm going to pin my So I'm going to pack her lives I could feel it coming in the air out of life Oh Lord But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life Oh I can feel it coming in the air out of life And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life Oh Oh Oh Oh When I'm alive I will move on the worry How could I ever forget a support's time The last time we ever met But I know the reason why you'll keep your silence up All that thought for me was hurt doesn't show But the times till grows no stranger you and me I could feel it coming in the air out of life Oh I could wipe off that grandmother Oh Oh Oh I could feel it coming in the air out of life I could feel it coming in the air out of life Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh This is the kind of crisis that leads people to turn away from democracy You know what you call people you can't call people? Enemies And if we want to divide our society into Arms, pants, and then the teeth all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about their bad efforts What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat This is great Americans These are people that want to see great things that they got to You know they try and build them like a Sort of a radical agenda It's not a radical agenda It's called the second to know We're going to the radical agenda It's a show about common-synth extremism Where we talk about radical crazy off the wall things like turning away from democracy Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it This 11th episode of the four-stage depot Grim today is August 22nd, 2018 is the current year. It's a Wednesday And we are coming alive once again From the radical agenda studio in Key New Hampshire Where I never thought I'd say this ladies and gentlemen But Elizabeth Warren actually said something pretty insightful the other day She rolled out a not so insightful anti-corruption act And the Massachusetts communists called attention to a poll that said less than one in five Americans Trust their government to do the right thing She described the situation as a crisis The kind of crisis that quote leads people to turn away from democracy And quote gives rise to authoritarians Now I'm sure this seems rather entry level to any radical agenda listener But it is amusing to see a Democrat show a tiny blip of self-awareness Most of these people just pretend that you, me and Donald Trump are some kind of strange temporary aberration And obstacle to overcome one there, otherwise smooth trip to egalitarian utopia Usually when asked what motivates us they say, hey, or one of their other stupid buzzwords Here it almost sounds as if Warren understands the forces at work in America today No reasonable person trust the government And why should they? Over four million people in America have a security clearance and over a million of them have top secret clearance When you share your top secrets with a million people they stop being secrets Trust simply cannot be spread that thin Trust gets even harder to spread around when the people of your society have absolutely nothing in common with one another This obsession with diversity has cursed us with a population that lacks a single person A landmass occupied by people of different races, religions, cultures, political mindsets, and even languages is not a country, it's a battlefield When you are interests in the interests of your neighbor stand in such stark contrast that you clamor over control of the state in fear of the other's rule You are not countrymen, you are enemies If you can't trust the media, I mean who can you trust? You know, I used to think the media was a tool of the state and today I wish it were We don't trust our government, we don't trust our neighbors, we don't trust our corporate infrastructure, we don't trust our information sources, we don't trust our electronic devices We can't, we live in a well-funded state of absolute chaos Mass anarchists riot in our streets, assaulting people and destroying property The media tells us they are freedom fighters, our government jails us for protecting ourselves from their violence Americans are killing their babies, mutilating their genitals, giving away their country and being told to hurry up in the name of progress Nothing can be trusted in that environment, order must and shall be restored And this is how the virtue of authority reveals itself Hyper-inclusive mass democracy is a Jewish con game where hook-knows swindlers spread lies through the media to doop an unwitting populist into bankruptcy and genocide The cure to this lethal ailment is a strong ruler who is impervious to both the lying tongue of the Jew and the complaints of those the Jew has already dooped When so much of the society has become corrupted or out beyond repair, ruthlessness is required to rescue the remnant and restore it to glory Of course the authoritarian decisions will be unpopular, that is precisely the point The majority has no concept of how to run a society, their decisions have resulted in exactly the chaos and misery which gave rise to the authoritarian to begin with America is turning away from democracy and not a second too soon No anti-corruption act or other nonsensical paper shuffling will stop this from happening It is not so much the government we have lost faith in as it is our fellow man We have had quite enough equality tolerance and inclusivity, we now turn our political appetites to the pursuit of strength, greatness, order and reform There's a lot more to get to plus your calls At 740, I am 1480 and a number we don't have that number already, let's do it But 1488 number doesn't exist, the number to call it if you'd like to be on the program is 21768-1433 and we would still love to have your calls Even though we don't have the 1488 number anymore, cool as that was 21768-1433 you'd like to be on the program So yeah, that's why people turn away from democracy, here's another bit of insight that I just received from the Odyssey Chat It's a quote I've heard this before And it's a great one and it goes anti-Semitism is a disease, you catch it from Jews at your J. Steel I was made aware that apparently there have been some problems with the stream, it appears that that problem with the stream is not unique to Odyssey I think that there was some trouble on telegram as well, not what I can do about the middle of a live broadcast, sorry I have a local recording and if it's messed up then I'll upload that for the replay 21768-1433 you'd like to be on the program and so yeah, so you know the ICC they're like listening to you We're in the business of stopping international criminals and you're a bunch of Jews and so that's basically what we exist for We haven't done our job in a very long time but we're gonna issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu And so yeah, you better get over here and go to prison, buddy And the Jews are like no, like we don't do that, we send out other people to prison, fuck you, go him And then the goyem they were like well, you know, I don't know And so the Germany they they warned Netanyahu that it will arrest, it will execute any ICC arrest warrants against him Germany warned Wednesday, it will arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu If he enters the country following allegations of war crimes by the International Criminal Court to spokesperson as confirmed As by reporters in in Berlin if Germany would execute any ICC warrants if issued against Netanyahu and Israeli defense minister Joao Galant, Stephen Stefan Hepistwright, a spokesman for the German Chancellor of Ola of Shultz Said of course, yes, we abide by the law, Politico reporting If ICC judges grant the arrest warrant 124 countries across the world including every member of the European Union will be obliged to arrest Netanyahu and Galant on site It is the first time in the court's history that a sitting Western-backed leader has been targeted by the International Court in this manner Germany previously wavered on its commitment to arrest Netanyahu as bright-boost, bright-part news reported ICC's pretrial chamber justices are considering an application by a British prosecutor Korean Khan to charge it to Israeli officials with war crimes and crimes against humanity Netanyahu labeled the allegations a distortion of reality and accused the prosecutor of gallously pouring gasoline onto the fire as he made the shemishes had been irradiated across the world of course, you know Everything is anti-Semitism Germany's decision comes after Israel's ambassador to Berlin Ron Prosohr made a direct plea to the German government to reject the ICC's proposed arrest warrant The Palestinian Authority has already declared its acceptance of the ICC's jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed by the Jewish state while other countries reject them outright However, Jerusalem does not recognize the tribune as jurisdiction over Israeli defense forces actions in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria, JNS reports The International Criminal Court was formed in response to Nazi Germany's extermination of six million Jews They had to insert that at the end of the bright-part article to make sure that you understood that they're not rubbing this in the Jews' faces now We're all four, you know, we're all four that choose why the court exists to help them Germany is a generous donor to the ICC The possibility of a German government would the possibility a German government would arrest and deport an Israeli prime minister and defense minister if they step foot on German soil in light of the country's Hitler movement history as triggered shocking reports in the German media and on social media the Jerusalem report, or opposed reports Well, you know, as a matter of fact, that sounds like something worth reading They linked to the peace in the in the Jerusalem post I imagine that there will be some repetition here, but I think that we're going to have to read this one from the Jerusalem post anyway Sorry Israel's ambassador to Berlin, Ron Prosohr was rebuffed by German Chancellor Olaf Schultz's government on Wednesday after the envoy made a dramatic plea On acts formally Twitter to the federal government to reject the ICC's legitimate legitimacy fully Schultz's spokesperson, spokesman Stefan Hebastryt was asked on Wednesday of the German government would execute an ICC arrest order against prime minister Netanyahu for alleged war crimes during the swords of iron Is that what they're naming it? I haven't heard that phrase yet I haven't been you know that closely following swords of iron this is this is Operation Iraqi Freedom This is Operation swords of iron, you know whatever Hebastryt said yes, of course we have by by the law On Tuesday before hebastryt's announcement, Prozohr wrote on X in both English and German this is outrageous The German strats rassan is now being put to the test no ifs or buts In contrast with the weak statements we hear from some institutions and political actors I'm sorry this contrast with the weak statements we hear from some institutions and political actors The public statement that Israel has the right to defend it to self-defense loses credibility if our hands are tied to As soon as we defend ourselves Strats rassan is the German word that refers to Germany's pledge to ensure Israel's security is part of its national security and interests Oh I didn't know that term okay the German strats rassan is now being put to the test no ifs or buts And that's where the where the Germans are like yeah well because you fucking people destroyed our country and fucking made our fucking And have completely dominated and tortured us and tried to exterminate us you know for the last you know basically 80 or 100 years We're just gonna do whatever you say that's the strats rassan Former German chancellor Angola Merkel declared during her 2008 kinesis speech that Israel is part of Germany's Rissant de Tere or state of being The ambassador continued quote the chief prosecutor of the ICC equates a democratic government with Hamas They're by demonizing it de legitimizing you Israel and the Jewish people he has completely lost his moral compass Germany has a responsibility to readjust this compass is a disgraceful political campaign that could become a nail in the coffin for the west And its institutions do not let it come to that Now I'm pretty sure like throwing Jewish criminals and jails probably not gonna be beyond the west that's probably one of the best things that we could do for the west And just be like hey, Jews you know what maybe you shouldn't leave your country actually maybe you should not step foot in other countries maybe you just stay there and then we'll all do our thing over there you do your thing over there You can have your epnau state and you can live there and we'll like let you stay there and you know what as long as you stay there You can go kill as many Palestinians as you want if you come over here we're gonna throw your fucking ass in prison and then you're never gonna get out you see That would probably be pretty good I think that would be good for the west how good it would be for Israel is another question The international criminal court was formed in response to Nazi Germany's extermination is six million Jews Germany is the generous donor to the ICC the possibility that a German government would arrest and deport an Israeli prime minister and defense minister if they stepped foot on German soil and lighted the country's Hitler movement history as triggered shocking reports in the German media and on social media Germany seems to be working across purposes in its diplomatic messaging on Tuesday a spokesman for the German foreign minister said about the ICC arrest warrant requests that quote the simultaneous application for arrest warrants against the Hamas leaders on the one hand and the two Israeli officials on the others given the false impression of equivalents That's right they're blow they're all about that equivalents stuff you know can't have none of that very fine people on both sides of stuff when you're talking about Jews you know they're like no no no no no no no no no You you absolutely must say that we are saints and that they are devils and there's no you know if you do any kind of moral equivalency stuff we're not allowed to do that You can have all the moral nihilism you want when it comes to us no no that's where we draw the line Separately but related to all Heinrich Israel Israeli government spokeswoman sharply criticized the German civil servant Michael Bloom who is tasked with fighting anti-Semitism in the state of Biden worked in Burke But is blamed Israel's government for a Hamas's October 7th mass murder according to German reports on anti-Semitism Heinrich reported a respondent reports about Bloom denigrating the Israeli icon Excuse me Ord Wengey Blooms calls on the Israeli government to dismantle its security fence to stop a mass Palestinian Islamic jihad and fatal terrorism it is sympathy for the ICC case against the Jewish state Hamas slaughtered nearly 1200 people on October 7th and kidnapped over 250 Heinrich told the post on Tuesday that one out one of the very first statements of the PM in the Prime Minister in the beginning of the war right after October 7th Unscored that this is a time for moral clarity comments that we have seen from Mr. Bloom in the past about Israeli Palestinian conflict and throughout this war demonstrate that he often lacks moral clarity The Israeli government spokeswoman Heinrich added whether or not he should stay in his role is not in my place to say I'm not saying that you should get rid of your anti-Semitism on boy I'm just saying that he's a Nazi you fucking Germans Do you have any idea what we do to fucking Nazis around here But generally speaking when you're on a mission of fighting anti-Semitism you have to be clearly differentiate between good and evil there's no grays when it comes to hatred of Jews Yeah, no, I would say that that's probably true Not a whole lot of grace on there there are good guys and bad guys when it comes to hating Jews And you know I'm proud to be on the side of the good guys you know On Tuesday the day the ICC prosecutor Kareem Khan said he is seeking to arrest Netanyahu and Defense Minister Golan Bloom took to X to again trash the Israeli national hero or dwindagate as a war criminal or dwindagate was termed the father of the IDF by former Mk and Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Orin who told the post in 2022 that Bloom should resign because of his attacks on Wengate The IDF also rebuked Bloom at the time for his slashing criticism of Wengate The timing of Bloom's attack on Wengate Excuse me why did this okay the timing of Bloom's attack on Wengate was noticed by Bloom's critics as he lashed out at Wengate and defended the ICC prosecutor Kareem Khan against Netanyahu's charge The Khan was the cons decision was anti-Semitic Bloom also endorsed an expost declaring that the decision to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu was right Bloom previously liked an expost and reposted it calling on Netanyahu to tear down the security fence and Judea and Samaria That has saved the lives of thousands of Jews and Arabs according to the IDF Well, you know they're just trying to help Israel become more tolerant like the United States open borders for Israel is the full realization of the Jewish plan of you know of you know an open society I don't know why they're so bent out of shape I mean they liked that open-border stuff so much Bloom compared the anti-terror fence to the Berlin Wall Brigadier General Amir Avivi who is the head of the Israeli defense and security forums told the post quote This time the time has come to fire Bloom who instead of siding with Israel amid the most horrific attacks in the Holocaust on innocent civilians Once again confuses the good guys and where pure evil emanates Israel builds walls to defend itself against Hamas and other terror organizations unlike those racist Americans who just hate immigrants I'm out of living there he didn't actually say that He's gonna say that some other time he's not gonna say it right now because he's a manipulative Jew mother fucker who knows better than to say it in the middle of that type of thing Time has come to hold Palestinian leadership accountable in Bloom as well. Yeah exactly We're gonna kill your fucking anti-Semitism on boy because that's what we do we're lumping them in together you see Bloom has delivered talks across Germany That mainly been the blame on Israel for October 7th and not Hamas according to his critics He told students at the University of Tobingen about Netanyahu that quote his government coalition with right-wing extremists and ultra-orthodox divided Israeli society by attempting to abolish the separation of powers and relocated the Israeli army to the settlers in the West Bank instead of protecting it It's on South Natan Shoransky a one-time Soviet dissident and former Israeli government minister termed an ex-post by Bloom anti-Semitic in which Bloom suggested he was being surveilled by an alleged Israeli intelligence company Bloom provided no evidence Oh, that's you know, that's the way being surveilled by an Israeli intelligence company works. They're very good at their jobs Shoransky said last year that quote there was no doubt that this Bloom tweet is anti-Semitic and it demonizes our people and goes to classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories It's a legitimate question way the government German government pay him for fighting anti-Semitism Well, you know, I mean, I mean maybe he's doing the best he can he's like yeah, well, you know, we should probably go arrest that Netanyahu guy And they should probably just stop you know ethnically cleansing the the neighboring country and then and then after that, you know, maybe we can try to like let these people continue to survive or whatever That might be the best thing that you could do to fight anti-Semitism in 2024. It's like you look guy Would you prefer me to say the alternative which is that you've plagued mankind for thousands of years for as long as we've got written history to record it You can't be alive another day. I mean, that's basically the alternative. I think this is a moderate statement that the guy's making Mathias Gogger a spokesman for the Green Party governor win-freeed Kretschman in Baudenburg, Wurtonburg, declined to comment Kretschman was facing criticism for supporting Bloom's alleged anti-Semitism and providing funds to an anti-Semitic BDS preacher in the West Bank According to a post report on Wednesday the Jerusalem post sent press queries to the German Foreign Minister ministry about pro-sorts expo and Chancellor's Assaults' decision to arrest Netanyahu if the warrant is implemented well, you know, maybe maybe that's like I said it might be the most you know, Phylo-Semitic thing you could do to be like listen, I think that it's not the Jews for say it's it's Netanyahu in the defense minister if we just arrest those guys and like put them in prison forever like you know the Jews they're probably just you know they just get on with their lives They're just like us really, you know, they'll just be like yeah cool will stop murdering everyone and like being a bunch of fucking financial tricksters or whatever That sounds pretty like that that does not sound anti-Semitic to me at all I mean, it doesn't sound realistic either because I mean, you know, you know, you get rid of Netanyahu who's gonna go in there right and you're gonna be like oh, well whoever's gonna go in there It's gonna be like yeah, I got an idea. Why don't we just let the Palestinians in huh? Why don't we just tear down the fences and let all the Muslims come into Israel and then we'll see stab a Jew estate Which is you know what we want for white country? So we'll just go ahead do that We'll just follow the exact path that we prescribe for everybody else You think the next Israeli prime minister is gonna do that not if he wants to live right? Definitely not if he wants to survive he's not gonna do anything like that because somebody with greater sense would put a bullet in his fucking head in like two seconds There's no way that a lot of that to happen. They've got an intelligence service. They probably run the country same as ours, right? Two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and more you talk to less I have to please to give a skull And as the reminder that this is not a bunch of right-wing fanatics doing this. This is this is I found very amusing As I mentioned at the top of a show in the intro the German parliament votes to decriminalize the possession of child pornography This is a story at zero head fellow by the name of Tyler Durden. I don't think that's his real name Are you starting to see a pattern yet asked Durden? First there was the introduction of gender fluid and LGBT ideology into public schools And there were sexualized drag queen performances for children then leftist activists demanded that pedophiles be referred to as maps Minor attracted persons because they can't help who they are attracted to then California passed a law reducing charges for adults engaged in sexual relations with minors Now the German parliament has forwarded a bill that makes possession and distribution of child pornography a misdemeanor instead of a felony Great league diminishing possible penalties German officials claim the new law is meant to address and consistencies in previous child pornography cases Which are sometimes applied to people who quote receive images or videos through email or social media without their permission They also cited instances where two minors traded images and were charged with the creation or possession of child pornography Now I'm sure that he's I haven't actually read this piece yet, but I'm gonna chime in here If that's what you're doing that's actually a reasonable thing to do Okay There was a controversy you might have heard about this if you even listen to radical agenda for a long time you might actually remember this that After something happened some controversy that Ian Freeman found himself in a free talk live The free talk live email server was being flooded with child pornography images And so Ian Freeman was at that point under investigation for allegedly someone from his IP address had visited Many months prior a dark web child porn site that was actually being operated by the United States federal government And the United States federal government operated and distributed child pornography for months and months and months and just started like basically infecting computers with a computer virus To get their IP addresses and so they knew about this and they didn't arrest anybody or they didn't arrest you know they didn't even investigate Ian They waited until Ian said something on the radio that they didn't like and then they rated his apartment is what they did And so then after that then you know there's all this oh my god Ian Freeman's bio pornography But of course you know Ian Freeman was never charged a child pornography They basically came to call his computers they tore his house apart they did all the shit they had the barricot They fucking threw a flashbang in the apartment they arrested everybody and oh they handcuffed everybody nobody's actually arrested somebody's charge because no crime was discovered But then after that raid then people were said in the child pornography by email and so Ian's like whoa you know I've got a refresher course very recently And what the child pornography laws are the mere possession of this is a crime and so I better fucking tell the feds that like somebody's putting this on my server without my consent At which point the feds came around and took the fucking server And so there actually is pretty unreasonable laws about the stuff it's the possession you know if you get caught if you get caught with drugs say Get caught with cocaine like they actually had to prove that you knowingly possessed it okay that actually is not the case with child pornography in a lot of places And so if you wanted to update the laws to be like yeah as a matter of fact if somebody fucking puts child pornography in your mailbox you're not a criminal yeah that's fine go ahead do that if you want to say that two kids Who take pictures up there you know with their underwear off and exchange them with each other should not be prosecuted and charged with felonies for child pornography that seems like a rather downright reasonable thing to do with your laws And if we were trying to you know live in a reasonable society and some government turned around and did that then I don't think this would actually be particularly newsworthy However critics of the bill argue that the German government could easily have made legal adjustments for those specific exceptions to avoid innocent people being wrongly in prison Instead they're trying to institute sweeping changes that reclassify the crime and give greater legal protections to an array of child predators The new law does not make exceptions for adults offenders According to the Bundestag the German parliament the bill stipulates that quote the possession and acquisition should be punishable with a minimum penalty of three months imprisonment and distribution with a maximum pen I'm sorry minimum penalty of six months imprisonment and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months in prison and I'm sorry they say distribution with a minimum penalty of six months imprisonment twice that's not me. The offenses regulated in section 184 B of the criminal code are therefore classified as misdemeanors and not crimes. Well I don't know I'm not entirely familiar with German law but for one if you get charged with a misdemeanor in the United States that's a crime and a misdemeanor is categorized at least in the United States as a crime which you cannot serve more than one year in jail for. You're talking about a minimum of six months well you know as a matter of fact I'm wondering if there's something misstated here. A minimum of six months does not mean a maximum of more than one year the maximum penalty is what were the operative portion here and I'm sort of frustrated with zero hedges I read this. It should be noted that the criminal classification for possession of sexual materials related to minors has shifted a number of times in Germany with felony status applied most recently in 2021. In other words the German government decided only after three years that punishing pedophiles with longer prison sentences was just not fair. Well as a matter of fact what the fuck did I just read are you telling me that in Germany until three years ago was a felony to child porn what the fuck is going on in goddamn Germany. It sounds like you guys need to have a fucking book burning or something what the fuck is that about. The move has already been celebrated by a German pro pedophile activist group known as crumb 13 or simply K 13 which doesn't have to do nearly so much to hide its identity or its opinions as you know people who like a former Chancellor Germany. The activist group has been described as a self help organization for petosectuals. I don't want the deputies sexuals helping themselves as a matter of fact in a blog post written by its founder and dated base 17 K 13 laments that no politician in all factions of politics to the thousands upon thousands of those affected who felt victims of the 2021 law which made possession of child sexual abuse materials of felony. In 2019 the German Bundestag accepted a petition outlining children's rights which was drafted by crumb 13 the lobby group advocated for lowering the age of consent to 12 years old and legalizing child pornography. They announced on their website that a just resolution developed by the group's founder Dieter Kiseking had achieved enough votes to be added to the constitution or basic law. Kiseking, Kiseking, petition, Kiseking's petition demands Article 6 of the basic law to add statements regarding children's rights in states that children should be viewed as legal subjects with their own rights. Article 2 of the petition includes the right to sexual self-determination. In other words the group petitioned the German government to give children legal adult status making them fair game for pedophiles and the government seems to be taking them seriously. Beyond the natural inclination of all moral people to be inherently disgusted by those who fetishize children beyond the fact that pedophiles have long been seen as dangerous and malicious parasites that need to be removed from society, the root legal argument is one of consent. It is an argument which leftist activists groups and political parties continue to ignore. Children cannot consent, they are not mentally and emotionally mature enough to be capable of informed consent which means they can easily be targeted for exploitation if they are not protected by law and their parents. The fact that this is the debate we are having in 2024 is mind-boggling until you recognize what kinds of people we have lurking in the halls of power. It's hard not to see the tiptoe that is happening today with the eventual endgame being the total legalization of child sex abuse in the name of inclusion. Man, I enjoyed reading that. And so I'm pretty sure it's like not the ideology driving the German government to threaten to arrest the German to arrest the Israeli Prime Minister. It's probably not that there are a bunch of right-wing fanatics. They're over there seriously talking about giving children the right to consent to sex at 12 years of age. That's a really funny way of putting it. I'm just saying. And to make it, you know, a no big deal. If you're just like, yeah, you know, I just went down to the child porn store and bought some child videos. And you know, I watched this video of this boy. He's eating his cherries and dad came and kicked him in the head and fucked him in the mouth. And then the boy was like, sorry, dad. He's like, it's okay, you're a good boy. And that's what I jerked off to this morning. And they want those types of people to live in Germany and vote and stuff. But, you know, if you're like, hey, I think that we might have made a mistake by turning away from the Hitler administration. That you'll go to jail for. You see, because Germany is not about freedom of speech. They're not about consent, right? Germany is not like, oh, well, we have some really hard line approach to the freedom of speech wherein information just must be transmitted without concern for the consequences. No, they very heavily censor their society as a matter of fact. And if you run around with a fucking swastika, you go to jail. But if you go and you rape a child and you put the video on a website and you charge for access to it, you just make a whole bunch of money apparently because that's not a big deal now. And what I thought was sort of amusing about the placement of these two articles was this was on the website, rantingly. I've talked about that a couple of times. One of you had suggested this to me and thank you very much for that. But I'm like sick of revolver because they got these stupid clickbait headlines and they link to fake news sites. And I'm sick of drugs because I don't know who to fuck bought the thing, but Jesus Christ, what do they do to that site? And so ranting lead for now is a lot better, but they still have this like they still have like the pro Israel banter's a lot of conservative things tend to do. And so the headlines are arranged on the site. Germany says it will issue a restaurant will execute the arrest warrant for Netanyahu if the ICC issues it. And then right below that was the German parliament just legalized pornography, which just shows you this Germans are really bad, you see. Or at least that's what I thought they were trying to convey. I saw it exactly the opposite. I mean, it's like well, no, it's a matter of, yeah, obviously it's really bad that you're talking about legalizing child pornography that's sick. Yeah, like that's exactly what happens when your country is defeated and demoralized by Jews it completely destroys the fucking integrity of the population and then you end up with shit like this. And even at that they're like we fucking had it with you fucking Jews and the shit that you're doing we're not going to allow your prime minister to step foot on our fucking soil and you're going to be in a lot of goddamn trouble if you come here. Yeah, you know what, Jews go ahead, keep on fucking trying to destroy the right wing. Go ahead, see what happens then. You know, Jews say I know you listen to show. Maybe you stopped ever since I stopped allowing you to slide my honesty videos, I don't know. But for those of you Jews who listen to the show and I know there's a few of you. There's nothing that you can do. That's going to make what you're doing okay, you see what I'm saying, like you can't, you can't run around dominating other countries and stealing and like in like getting them to fight your war for you, you know, nefariously and dishonestly, you can't insert yourself into every fucking, you know, niche of power and fucking manipulate everybody and and have everything your way and fuck everybody else and call them cattle. You see what I'm saying, like that's not going to work okay. And you thought, you know, you were like, oh, well, you know, these people are complete fucking lunatics, we'll help them run the goiom countries that will weaken them, they'll never be able to stand up to us, right. And that's, you know, that would, I understand why that made sense for a period of time, like you see, like, you know, in like Germany is like, yeah, well, we'll just do some right wing shit and then we'll conquer the fucking world. Oh, wait a second, we just made too many enemies to fasten you like, we better make sure that never fucking happens again, right. Like next time that happens, like Hitler installing could be friends and then Jews to be fucked like we really can't allow us to occur. We gotta like make sure that there's like no more Nazi ideas or whatever. But that actually doesn't solve the problem because what happens is you're you you actually, you're never satisfied, right. You just keep on pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing. You just you just you just have to continue doing things that make people really upset and then every time somebody says something about it, you're like, well, it's anti-Semitic. We'll find there were a bunch of anti-Semitic and you have to stop. Do you understand? Because we're going to fucking kill you pretty soon. You have to do what we say or we're going to stop subsidizing your survival. Okay. We'll take away the money and the weapons and then you'll be you'll be inundated with brown savages who will fucking rape you to death. They will kill every male in your country and they will fucking gang rape your women and then and then after they've had their periods, those that have, you know, then they'll take them as wives. You see and that will be the end of the Jewish people the second that the West stops subsidizing your fucking lives. And so you have to do what we say. Okay. You have to do what we tell you to do because we're actually more powerful than you are. And when you run around and you take like feeble old men like Joe Biden, you manipulate them and you say, oh no, no, you know, you have to have a very clear moral compass. And then like reasonable people turn around and like, you know what? Fuck you. Okay. You put the left into power. Then you tell about a fucking moral compass. Don't talk about a moral compass to the people who are trying to legalize child pornography. Okay. You think fucking right wing anti-Semites are fucking dangerous to Jews. I'll tell you something. Yeah, we are as a matter of fact. But at least we would try to fucking like have some order of reason to the fucking violence that would be necessary to stop you from doing what you're doing. Right? Like get the fuck out of my country. Go over there. Just stay on that side of the fucking goddamn wall and you'll be fine. You think that leftists do that? No. Leftists are catastrophic want on destroyers of everything that is decent and holy. And if you fucking put yourself up, you'd be like moral compass. They'll be like, I destroy moral compasses for a living. I'm in the German parliament debating the legalization of pornography of children. So don't tell me about your moral compass. I want you to stop killing brown people because I hate whites. Well, you just keep on fucking keep on fucking around, dude. Ha ha ha ha ha. How do we do this? All right. Let's go do another story. And they're they're fucking pissed, you know, the Jews that you know, they got a lot of things to be upset about. You know, they just you know, and I mean, they you know, if they didn't have things to be upset about, they'd still be upset. But you know, then there's like actually shit going on. Here's a here's a video. Oh, I think that this might be by the ICC prosecutor, Karim Kahn. To seek arrest warrants against the democratically elected leaders of Israel is a moral outrage of historic proportions. It will cast an everlasting mark of shame on the international court. Mr. Kahn creates a twisted and false moral equivalence between the leaders of Israel and the henchmen of Hamas. This is like creating a moral equivalence after September 11th between President Bush and Osama Bin Laden or George World War II between FDR and Hitler. You know, you know, you might remember that a lot of people did make comparisons between George Bush and Osama Bin Laden. They were left winged fanatics who hated America and they were like, you know what? I would love nothing more than for Islamic savages to take over this country. And then sure enough, that's exactly what they did, right? They got Barack Obama became president and they were like, you know what? We'll just we'll put a we'll put a mosque at crown zero. We'll do that. Okay. But that video is actually it's a it's at the top of this article at the AFP through Yahoo News. It says Israel furious as three European countries recognize Palestinian state. Israel reacted with fury after three European countries said Wednesday they would recognize a Palestinian state more than seven months into the devastating Gaza war. Ireland Norway in Spain said they would formally recognize a state of Palestine on May 28th. Israel strongly opposes the move as Jews tend to do arguing that it amounted to rewarding terrorism after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its unprecedented October 7th attack on Israel which sparked the bloodiest ever Gaza war. Israel said it was recalling its envoys to Ireland and Norway for urgent consultations and was expected to do the same with its ambassador to Spain for in minister Israel cats charged at the twisted step of these countries as an injustice to the memory of the 710 victims. Most Western governments including the United States say they are willing to one day recognize Palestinian statehood but not before agreement is reached on 40 issues like its final borders in the status of Jerusalem. However, Spain's prime minister Pedro Sanchez charged that Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign of pain and destruction in the Gaza strip was now putting the two state solution and danger. Norwegian prime minister Jonas Gar store said recognition of Palestine is a means of supporting the moderate forces which have been losing ground in this protected and brutal conflict. In the midst of a war tens of thousands killed and injured we must keep alive only the all we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike to states living side by side in peace and security. According to the Palestinian authority which rules parts of the occupied West Bank 142 of the 193 UN member countries already recognize a Palestinian state. The senior Hamas figure bus seem naive failed. I should say the three European governments for their decisions quote these successive recognitions are the direct result of this brave resistance and the legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people he told the AP we believe this will be a turning point in the international position on the Palestinian issue. Israel is the Irish prime minister I should say Simon Harris called the October 7th attack barbaric but added that a two state solution is the only way out of the generational cycles of violence retaliation and resentment. Hamas is attack on October 7th resulted in the deaths of more than I don't need to read this fucking part of it we've heard that a million motherfucking God damn times Jesus Christ shot the fuck up already. Oh they killed 1200 yeah I understand we got we've been told about 6 million the entire time any of us have been alive we're sick of fucking hearing you wine just fucking how many fucking have to die to shut the fuck up already. 217 688 1433. 6 million then is shut you up 1200 then is shut you're pushing your fucking luck okay like we're gonna make you stop fucking annoying us pretty fucking soon okay pick a fucking number we'll meet it. Oh the fuck is my fucking mouse what's going on here you are motherfucker okay there we go the problem with having fucking for fucking monitors. I also gotta get to this one we got to that we definitely got to get to what the fuck is going on here. Who the fuck you know. Un fucking oh my god you gotta be fucking kidding me my fucking goddamn old history hasn't been on. Mother fucking cock sucking god damn it yeah I get it shut the fuck up. Alright two stories and then I'm out of here George Floyd is getting a Hollywood movie made about him with daddy changed the world. The movie is expected to dramatize the life of George Floyd who's death and police custody in 2020 was used to spark the black lives matter protests and riots that lasted several months and laid waste to cities across the country just ahead of the presidential election is death also at least the defund the police movement which seeks to portray police officers as racist and aims to strip law enforcement of public funding. George Floyd daughter Gianna and her mother Roxy Washington are involved in the making of the movie and are serving as executive producers according to a variety report no casting director has been announced Gregory R Anderson is writing the screenplay daddy changed the world is being produced by radar pictures the Hollywood production company behind the recent jumanji and riddock movies along with eight queens and night fucks. The producers reportedly said the movie will be pretty drama of a man in his community trusted to the fiery light of history. Gritty drama of a man in his community trust into the fiery light of history. A junky counter fitter who resist arrest I think you mean and who sparked race riots because Jews are ruining America. Roxy Washington the mother of George Floyd daughter Gianna said in a statement quote we are excited to see the world the world will see the real jovial loving George we know this bill will humanize him embody the essence of his life and hopefully read night average to pass the George Floyd just in justice and policing act it's time for justice and equality for all. Your husband got all your I'm sorry you were never married I didn't mean to say husband you're a single mother because you married a fucking junky criminal I was right you didn't marry you you fucked him yeah because your piece of shit and you fuck junky criminals right and then you get pregnant. Because you don't use condoms or birth control because you're a fucking short attention span fucking savage. Many former Minneapolis police officer Derek Shavin was sentenced to 20 years jail for Floyd's death authorities found that Floyd had fentanyl and met the amphetamine in his system at the time of his death but the concluded his death was caused by the knee placed on his neck when in police custody Floyd was a repeat criminal who served eight jail terms on charges including drug possession and theft. Yeah. And finally you know you've heard me say before that marijuana is actually like the worst drug as a matter of fact. People like I don't do drugs as weed man I'm like no you definitely do drugs bro. You're definitely doing drugs bro. We just the only drug you wake up in the morning you start getting high your high old day you high old week you make all your decisions high you vote high you go to school high you go to work high you drive high. And you act like that's not a problem it's preposterous okay it's completely fucking nuts and on my worst day as a drunkard in years of my life where I drank myself unconscious nearly every night and barely knew how I got to my bed if I made it there I never wanted to do it. I never did the things that pot heads do wake up in the morning start getting high be high old day I never did that with alcohol because on my worst day I was not as bad as a pot head. But now regular weed use. Well the headline here is best alcohol for first time in the US I don't think best is the best word to do this it surpasses okay so now more people are regular marijuana users than. Alcohol users okay now first things off the bat let's say this okay fine you know the United States government is ridiculous right like Joe Biden pretends to be in charge of it the guy can't fucking find a goddamn sentence if if you if you put it on a teleprompter literally he can't just read the fucking script for Christ sake. And he's not the first retard to run the country and basically you have a bunch of shit heads making crap up as they go along and they're completely incompetent and why would you want to listen to these people what do you make you what would you what stupid fucking idea would cause you to think that they were a competent authority to tell you what to do I get it. But how the fuck is it that the illegal drug is actually more popular than the legal one like we got into that point that we just our society's literally that fucking wall is that just like it's a fucking crime marijuana is a schedule one controlled substance and people are just like you know what I don't give a fuck as a matter of fact about your stupid ass hole law have the country's getting high. Daily marijuana use has outpaced daily alcohol consumption in the US for the first time according to a study published Wednesday shifting consumption patterns reflect changes in attitudes toward marijuana as a state impraces regularization and the Biden administration moves to reclassify it as a less dangerous substance under the law. Daily or near daily marijuana use grew by 269% from 2008 to 2022 according to an analysis conducted by Jonathan Colkins a Carnegie Mellon University professor 269% from 2008 to 2000 oh Barack Obama got elected and drug the country I get it. Meanwhile the prevalence of daily or near daily alcohol use fell by 7%. So that's a deal just claim credit for that. Hey guys, I understand that we turn 269% more of the population into daily pot heads, but we reduce daily alcohol consumption by 7%. And that's all that really matters because pots great in 2022 the median drinker reported consuming alcohol on four to five days in the previous month compared with 15 to 16 days for the typical marijuana user more people drink alcohol than consume marijuana. High frequency drinking though is less common than frequency can then high frequency cannabis use according to report. Yeah, because you drink and then you're like, yeah, I better not do that all the time. People smoke marijuana. They're like, oh, I should do this all the time. Should be high for morning to light every day of my life. Alcohol consumption is also increasingly viewed as unhealthy, especially by young adults. And right now people are fucking stupid and they don't understand that marijuana smoking is unhealthy too. 74% of Americans live in states where medical or recreational uses of marijuana are legal according to state law, even though it still crime federally, 54% live in a state where recreational use is legal. The Biden administration recently began the process to reclassify cannabis from a schedule one drug to the less dangerous schedule three category. Trans and cannabis consumption from 1979 to 2022, of course, spotted with policy restricting or expanding marijuana use per colcons. Conservative policies under former presidents Ronald Reagan and eight George H. W. Bush from 1980 to 1992, overlapped with a sharp decline in marijuana use. Yeah, so it actually is within the control of the government to stop the citizens from being drug addicts. But if you want the citizens to be stoned out of their fucking minds all the time so they'll go along with your nonsense, then go ahead and change your public policies to make that easier for them to do and then they'll go ahead and they'll fucking do it. The study relied on self-reported data and willingness to self-report could have increased as marijuana use became more mainstream, further report, nonetheless the enormous changes in rates of self-reported cannabis use particularly of daily or near daily use suggest the changes in actual use have been considerable call comes wrote. And so ladies and gentlemen. That's our show today. Don't smoke pot. Okay, if you want to get on do other drugs, you know, I don't know saying you should do drugs, okay, but like don't smoke pot like just, you know, find something other than pot to do don't do marijuana methamphetamine or cocaine or heroin, okay, those things are like lifestyle drugs people be fucked up on them all the time, okay. Alcohol, you know, different people react all alcohol differently, I think they're the same. But there's a reason that the Democrats want people high, okay, and it's not because they have their best interest at heart, it's not because they dislike using prisons. They love locking people up, they they they are absolutely joyful about throwing people in prison so long as those people have done something that they find just tasteful, okay. They they want you smoking pot because then you'll be docile and stupid and they'll be able to do what they want to you. It's like a it's like a political date rape drug is what it is. And it's working out spectacularly, you know. So, you know, don't smoke pot don't legalize child pornography don't don't fund Jewish wars and don't allow me to do the show. Without getting paid I got no fucking super chats tonight. I got you know, if you want to be to do anything, I should probably get paid. So, Christopher Ketwell, that's last donate. So real give saying go to comms, so I should SPM like surreal politics media, edgy Chris is my cash tag on cash app. And I got all my Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum, all the QR codes for the cryptocurrencies of Christopher Ketwell, that's last donate, okay. So, go ahead, fuck you pay me motherfucking cock second, go ahead, fucking do that already. And then we'll be back. Obviously we do the we do this to real politics thing. We'll do that and then we'll come back again on Wednesday for the real politics member show and then we'll be back here Friday for the radical agenda. Once again, we're working on I'm going to make I got to make sure that the like the conclusion of the radical agenda is like the greatest fucking thing ever. So, you know, I'm not I'm not rushing that and what we're going to do it. We're going to conclude it. So, thanks for tuning in for what's left of it. I'll see you soon. You guys have yourselves a wonderful evening, wonderful weekend. Fucked Jews, fuck pot and I love you, good night. That's it, it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda, the event has turned into an opportunity for the last to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad efforts, what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans, these are people that want to see great things that they got to do. You know, they try and build a like a political agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go to second amendment.