I think you're gonna get a good. All right ladies and gentlemen, yeah, okay. That's very good. That's very good news. All right. So that's working. We'll go ahead. We'll bring our telegram friends in. We like those telegram guys. These days they pay about as much as the Odyssey folks. And so, you know, might as well, you know, have them. So, now that is that is gonna pretend to work at the release. And so that means that we are online, ladies and gentlemen, and since we are online, and since we're online, we'll go ahead. We'll start local recording and with the local recording, having begun. That's it. It's over. Then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call food? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad efforts. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things to the country. You know, they try and build a life here. But a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The second time. All right. All right. Welcome to the radical agenda. Show about Samus ideas and news in a day. And whatever is on your mind, it's 276881433. Yes. This agenda is quite radical and welcome to it this 69th episode of the Sixth Station of Pogrum. Today is May 17, 2024. It's a current year. It's a Friday as usual. And we are coming alive. What's again from my undisclosed location where this being the 69th episode I think we'll just talk about gay shit the entire time. No, I'm totally kidding. It's disgusting. I'm sorry. It's just a terrible joke. But you know, we might as well because the whole world's fallen the fuck apart. Ladies and gentlemen, billionaire investor radio, great Dalio radio. Yeah. Radio, uh, Ray Dalio says he estimates the chances of civil war in the United States would be roughly one in three. Uh, this follows on the heels of us saying something the effect of 41% of Americans actually when Paul, they think within the next five years probably just go ahead get that civil war going. And given the days headlines, that seems charitable to say the whole world is on the break folks as a left wing, Fennatic has attempted to assassinate the Savaki and Prime Minister. And of course, Ukraine is now unable to maintain their front lines and has forfeited more ground to the Russian Federation than they regain their 2023 much talked about counter offensive. Yeah. NATO is again talking about committing troops to Ukraine and Pete Putin and Z have once again, reaffirm their commitment to confront a bligerous US, a bligerent US government on the world stage. At times like this, a country as central to world affairs as the United States requires competent leadership, but instead we have to abide in as the 2024 presidential election years Trump is on trial and several jurisdictions in the ongoing New York trial star witness for the prosecution Michael Cohen. It's a big old coincidence has admitted during cross examination that he committed perjury because he's lying kike enough so they do Jonathan Jurley says the only appropriate outcome for that case is a directed verdict in which the judge says no. I'm not even going to let 12 registered voters figure this out. Fuck you. There's no crime here. Fuck off. They usually word it differently, but that's the idea behind a directed verdict. And if that judge allows the case to go to the jury, the reason that it will, it will be on the whole. The judges hope that the jury will ignore the facts of the case and convict Trump. Anyway, there is no cause to expect that any of his other trials will be any more merciless or conducted anymore fairly when any man is charged as many crimes and as many jurisdictions, convictions are near certain to follow and prison shortly after that. Things are so bad that it was recently reported that just as Samuel Alito, the United States Supreme Court had an upside down US flag flying in his yard, following the 2020 election. And where I read this was in a piece of shit liberal rag called the New York Times and in that piece of shit liberal Jew piece of shit rag, New York Times. It might go out saying that they consider this to say more bad things about the justice than it does about the issues that happen to go on in the country because they're like, hey, don't you dare question the fucking narrative. Like we need you to decide in our favor when we ruin everything. You can't be you can't be voting against us. There's nine of you. We need at least five to in. Birth rates keep dropping and perhaps that is because 55% of sperm cells from a French infertility clinic contain high levels of something called glyphosate, which is the world's most common weed killer. No big deal. Just a little glyphosate in your sperm folks. Except that new research also found evidence of impacts on DNA and a correlation between glyphosate levels and oxidative stress and seminal plasma suggesting significant impacts on fertility and reproductive health. No big deal. I wonder if they have a lot of glyphosate in their sperm and Africa. Nobody checked that I know of. They seem to be doing fine over there. Plenty of babies going from those other countries. More Chinese nationals illegally entered the US in two days of this month. Then all of 2021. And an illegal immigrant deported under Trump who is let back in under Biden just killed a three month old infant. And I think that they probably charge them would have missed me or something. He'll be out in no time. I haven't actually confirmed that they charge him would have missed me or I'm just saying. Because you know, they're the the whole entire justice system is just falling apart. And that's why assault against law enforcement officers are at their highest levels in 10 years. According to the federal Bureau of investigation. And so with all of that in mind, just try to imagine a situation in which World War three, which is well underway, of course, but you know, just imagine that World War three is official. Right. They just go ahead. They put it on paper. The the fucking newspapers are like, yeah, the Jews got us all into World War three again. Or whatever, you know, they'll say, you know, they say something else. But it's always the Jews. Ah, yeah, you know, those goddamn people who do those anti-Semites, they got us into World War three. Don't you know? All those people who don't like the Jews. It's all their fault that we're in World War three. If only they just did with the Jews set, there'd be no wars. You know? Whatever the Jews turn around and start saying in their newspapers that the world is indeed at war, can you try to imagine a situation where a government that refuses to secure its own borders? A government which has made a mockery of its own elections, laws and court systems. Then turns around and debounds for its citizens. Male and female one might safely assume be drafted to fight a losing war against Russia and China. Do you think a lot of men would sacrifice their sons to that conflict? How about their daughters? Perhaps the thing most likely to save the US from civil war ladies and gentlemen said, nobody's gonna fucking fight on the other side. Who's gonna, who's got, who in their fucking right mind would defend this fucking lunacy? Huh? Not a whole lot of people I don't think. Two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to. So please do give us a call let me pull up a clip. I'm gonna be right back. Let me place up now. I'll come back in seven minutes and uh... Hey, you know what we'll do. Let's play shut up cancer boy. I'll be back in six and a half minutes. I hope we can again rely on humility on our need to cooperate on our dependence on each other. To learn how to trust each other again and by so doing better serve the people who elected us. Stop listening to the bombastic loud mouths on the radio and television and the internet. To hell with them. Let's return to regular order. We are the servants of a great nation. A nation conceived and liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. That's it it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. They declared more they set the will of the people don't matter. It doesn't matter anymore. What do you do? You have to start getting out there. You have to recognize that this is an emergency. There is no death on level higher than what we are facing right now. You need to pull out all the stops get all the F-makes you can. It is down to this because if we don't solve this peacefully there are no more crying hands. To be nice. So I'd point to some right except that we are in some way compelled to eat the fight by our enemies. And what points we really said is that marriage and credit competition are no longer on this option. And what points we think increasingly revolving, developing, promising, progress, establishing, maintaining, and social law. This is the only point I've ever seen. All right on with it. Oh Jesus Christ that's coming to a little hot there. All right on with it is that better? Oh it's still too hot. Ah it's still too hot. No. All right good. Today is July 26 2017. It's a Wednesday where you're coming alive for my sorry to use for a studio in Gini Hams. I haven't had too much fun folks. Oh it'll be a long as how much fun I'm having over you. Ha ha ha. I didn't say look here at the radical agenda ladies you're doing we try to focus our energies on defeating the left. That's the most important thing after all. And you know for the most part that means defeating the Democrat party. Since Republicans are the only force in America capable of stopping the Democrats at the ballot. We've reluctantly accepted our role as partisans and tried our best to obey Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment. This is no small task of course because the Republican party is full of globalist tools of the elite. If you had no what I mean. So let's start with something that I think every one of us would agree with. Oh my God. Indeed he is. Ha we really do try though. And that's why when John McCain announced that he had brain cancer. I celebrated privately instead of dancing on his yet to be dug grave like the Democrats who were too stupid to realize he works for them. Stanley cancer boy just can't help but continue punching right. So now we have no choice but to verbally stop a mud hole in his tumor improved skull. This tax and spend anti white liberal just can't die fast enough. If only Jared Loftner had a better understanding of how the world works. Perhaps he could have removed that tumor the way he tried to remove Gabby Giffords. John McCain is what happens with the Republican party mistakes illegal immigrants for natural conservatives. And if the only thing that can stop John McCain's tenure in the US Senate is cancer. Then I say we started a new type of cancer charity one that actually supports cancer. As if the Democrats had not openly told the whole country that their purpose and intent was to resist the Trump administration. This war mongering neo con hack actually had to nerve to get up on the floor at the United States Senate and blame his own party for stall progress over appealing a replaceable by my care. He said stop listening to the bombastic loud now. So the radio television internet to hell with them. Now the honor operations that statement is important. If he had told the Senate to stop listening to the bombastic loud now. So on television one might assume he was talking about the fake news propaganda. So keep insisting that the Russians trick me into voting for the greatest president since at least Ronald Reagan. It was rather specific and mentioned radio first because radio is the medium of the right. So here are words of this bomb. Bastic loud mouth like you've never heard anything else in your life. This whole the United States Senate and the Republican Party in particular can listen to us while we talk on a radio. Or they can listen to us while we nail them to crosses our country's being given away to lesser animals. Our economic incentives are breeding an infestation of parasites which threatens the survival of our race and nation. And against our better judgment. We gave the Republican party one last shot to straighten this mess out before we take matters into our own hands. Repealing Obamacare was not just a promise made by the Republicans as they begged us to put them back into power. It was the central focus of their entire campaigns in line with Trump's campaign promises they already abandoned. Repealing the most crucial part of the law, the prohibition of discrimination against insurance clients with pre-existing conditions. They have already abandoned defunding Planned Parenthood to the two and a half a billion dollars a year, which I remind you it's not only the nation's largest abortion clinic. But also a communist activist organization that spent 30 million dollars trying to get Hillary Clinton elected. Still, this bill is too far right for this mafric of the US Senate. He actually had to nerve to tell us I voted for the motion to proceed to allow debate and continue amendments to be over. I will not vote for his bill as it stands today. If repealing and replacing Obamacare doesn't mean allowing insurance companies to function properly by refusing to cover the uninsured. And if it does not mean defunding the lobbying groups who created it, then what minor details does the Republican Party intent to alter? If those minor details are too far right for the likes of John McCain, then just what minor details does this malignancy ready to deal with? He gets up there and tells us the success of the Senate is important. We're talking about the survival of the market economy here. We are talking about literally limitless amounts of suffering and loss of life as the last major economy when anything resembling a free market at healthcare puts it into what was left of our ability to fund prices in the medical marketplace. This country is about to fall to single payer. In case you think that's a good idea, I would remind you that when only one entity pays for something, this eliminates competition for resources from which prices are formed. When the entire global medical system is run by central governments, prices for services will be decided by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Wars, which is to say by random guesses and kicks backs to campaign donors. The only silver lining to this black cloud of bureaucracy is that the regulatory environment destroying our medical system is probably what prevented a cure for cancer from being developed. Let us take comfort in the fact that John McCain's cooperation with the left is going to be what gets them killed, even if none of us ever get a clear shot at him. Welcome back to the radical agenda. Thanks you stick with me through that war propaganda break there. Billionaire investor Ray Dalio believes the chances of a second American civil war stand better than one out of three at his urging investors to move their part of their assets out of the country. This is the story in fortune for Yahoo Finance. Dalio who founded the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates before relinquishing control in September of 2022 believes his years presidential action between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump is the most important one of his lifetime and be served as a this is their stupid fucking typo. This is not me incapable of reading English. Be serve as a litmus test that determines whether risk spiral out of control. I think what they mean to say is it will serve as a litmus test. But you know it's 2024 don't you know and we have people who are illiterate informing us of whether or not there will be another civil war. Quote we are now on the brink he told the financial times in an interview published on Thursday estimating the probability of strife erupting at somewhere between 35 and 40%. Civil war seemed inconceivable only a few years ago but the January 6 scenes of angry mob sacking the capital beamed into living rooms and narrated by a British ITV news team in real time were all too reminiscent of political revolts in third world countries. That's right ladies and gentlemen the thing that's causing the civil war don't you know is the guys who went to the capital and started protesting they had a mostly peaceful protest we'd killing that term in the year 2020 might have heard. They had a mostly peaceful protest in which some windows got broken and some crimes were committed and some people got hurt. But you know there was remarkably little arson compared to what had gone on the whole prior year lot nearly so much murder as it got on you know safe for that one thing about that nigger murdering that nice white girl who had served her country the military. As the only murder that happened there. But you know it's okay she's white. And so you know the story here from red all you know fortune. Is that that's you know that image that's that's the stuff that goes on in third world countries it's not when the election is just you know when they just decide you know hey guy you we fucking had it with you you know we don't care who's voting for who we're going to send out mail in bell we're going to do we're going to call you. A power hungry fascist corrupt dictator who would do anything in the world to maintain your grip on power and then we're going to run around the country abolishing all of the checks on fraud we're going to send out mail in ballots to everybody who has ever registered to vote whether they're citizens or not we're not going to check the signatures when those ballots are turned in we're going to send the the observer's home and then we're going to keep on counting ballots all through the night we're going to say that there's a fucking wall. And then we're going to keep on counting after we've sent everybody out. That's not the stuff that goes on in third world countries what goes on in third world countries is when people watch it all happen on fucking television and they show up like hey what the fuck is fucking wrong with you people. Continuing from fortune. The idea of a national divorce proposed last year by congresswoman martyry Taylor cream has since been brought to the silver screen by director Alex Garland in the simply named civil war release in April a rasmus and Paul conducted shortly thereafter suggested 41% of likely US voters believe they will experience a civil war sometimes. And then next five years November's election and the reactions to it will play a crucial role in determining whether the system can still heal itself or pessimistic US voters are correct. Quote will there be an acceptance of the rules and an ability to work well under those rules the bridge bridge water founder asked political scientist Barbara F Walter author of how civil wars start and how to stop them says people like Dalio can defend. And democracy draw more holistic approach to capitalism that pours money into communities left behind by globalization. Businesses can invest in better health care and better education and a higher minimum wage so that they create a group of people who are hopeful about the future and less vulnerable to the calls by extremists to burn the system down. She argued in a TED talk last April yeah. We'll just keep on globalizing we'll just keep on raising the minimum wage then we'll just keep on telling you that you can go buy your products from a place that doesn't have one go ahead to that. Dalio has a different idea though. Stay invested only in what the hedge funder called the best parts of the United States where innovation and capitalism still drive. And move the rest of your money out of the country to jurisdictions that are more stable and attractive. Countries that earn more than they spend have a great balance sheets they have internal order and are neutral in geopolitical conflicts look attractive. So Dalio is suggesting India Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Vietnam and some Gulf states you know the places where we have our fucking products made. Where we go and you call for customer service and somebody picks up the phone and you can't understand those places those are the great fucking places where you go put your fucking money. Because we're going to civil war to just go put all your money in the place where you call and they say I don't know what's wrong with your computer but fuck you. One of those eating a similar call is Warren Buffett who just revealed he took a seven billion dollar stake in child in American insurance company that reclocated its operations from the US to Switzerland 2008. So you know Switzerland that's pretty good place you know they got a lot of white people there you know they have like laws and shit they got guns and whatever so they're doing all right over there Switzerland. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and more you took less I have to use the please give us a call you know kill them too soon. You know there'll be some fucking nonsense conflict. And it'd be like yeah Switzerland you know everybody talks you know you're neutral in the conflict you're not a warm-mongering fucking bunch of lunatics like hey man I'm Switzerland you know. But eventually they'll do that they're just be like you know what why don't we just have Switzerland good war with somebody and then we'll give Switzerland just enough weapons we'll just give it we'll give them just enough help to make sure that they can fight to the last man right and then we'll exterminate those people through the from the face of the earth or war. And then you know the white genocide will be you know much more further along as a consequence that's what they're doing in Ukraine of course. They're doing that in Ukraine obviously and so Russia has seized more land that Ukraine liberated in 2023 and they're counter offensive you know if you want to do so they kept. Oh Ukraine's counter offensive they're going to do the counter offensive soon everybody watch the counter offensive it's coming everybody that's why we got to give them all that money because they're going to do their counter offensive. If you guys watching the counter offensive on television have you guys been watching a counter offensive lately and the Russians are like oh well thank you for letting us know about the counter offensive. Russia sees it's more land that Ukraine liberated in the 2023 counter offensive. I like that you know this is in the Washington Post of course so it's a bunch of you know it's a bunch of fucking assholes over there. You know you don't even want to call them Jews are left as to just assholes it's the Washington Post for fuck sake they're there less literate than the people at fucking fortune. And so you know they're like yeah you can't liberated it and then the Russians they took it back and now it's not liberated anymore. How much you want to bet the people in those areas like the Russians have liberated the areas a matter of fact that fucking Jew prick over there he told us that we couldn't go to church. That motherfucker was like yeah you're not allowed to tell the truth about what happened we're going to kill you you know they killed that gun solo lira guy you know. They have like a transgender trotsky I for their fucking war propaganda saying if you criticize us we're going to kill you obviously it's what we have the SBU for us for murdering people who criticize us. The whole entire fucking point is why I came to Ukraine don't you know. So you know Russian they live Russia is liberating territory from the the iron fist of the Jew prick who's ruining that country with the you know I mean it's you know Joe Biden that the Jews over here really doing it he's you know he's just a drug addict who does what they's told. Story in the Washington post Russia has been targeting multiple points along the 600 mile front line in Ukraine gaining ground against the Ukrainian army waiting for more troops and weapons to arrive yeah just waiting on some troops guys. Just wait we got all these we got all these weapons but you know they're not enough now we don't have enough people to shoot more weapons or whatever but just keep on sending the weapons anyway because like we get this is how we make our money. In recent days a Russian offensive into Ukraine's car key region has displaced thousands of people some evacuees said this invasion was even more violent than the first out the war they go and they kill everybody that's how it happens when you're losing the war you die it's very violent that's why you should not get into wars if you can avoid them. Russia's military is also made gains further south while Russia's gains have been cooperatively small analysts say they are still significant as they pressure Ukraine's military over a prology a graphic area quote they're looking to create vulnerabilities on the Ukrainian side pressing the enemy on all sides at Max Bergman director of the Europe Russia and your ratio program at the center for strategic and international studies. The amount of territory Russia is occupied over the last several weeks is about as large of the territory Ukraine retook during its lackluster spring counter offensive in the year 2023. Adults said this Russian push could be tied to a lack of mobilization in Ukraine many of the soldiers called up still need to be trained base also cited Washington's seven month delay and approving more aid to Ukraine stocks of artillery shells and other long range munitions are running low impeding Ukraine's defenses. This new assault from Russia means Ukraine will have to move forces around especially to the North said John Gentile they senior historian at Rand this could hamper any Ukrainian efforts to prepare for an offensive of their own as Russia presses deeper into Ukraine civilians living on the front lines again face with the all too familiar decision of whether to leave their homes or to risk living under Russian occupation all to risk living under Russian occupation I don't know. Some then tells me that they're going to be a lot better off living under Russian occupation than Zelensky and Joe Biden. Older residents who have waited out the first Russian push in small villages and towns such as Vodshansk are fleeing this time as Russian shelling intensifies. Do you think they need these villages Valentina Ilenko 73 said of the Russians to the Washington Post there's nothing left they're going to keep going they're just clearing us out of all of where they're just clearing us all out of the of there for whatever they're planning next. And so if that's the case you got the 600 mile front line you just you just keep on sending the kids out there be like hey fellas need more guys to go out there get themselves killed okay. I'd like to go out there die and you know look you credians are like yeah sure no problem I'll go and I'll die because I mean what the fuck I'm going to live under you might as well right. And so you know if you're a responsible leader and you understand that like you're you're debating in the in the parliament hey guys you're thinking about lowering the draft age with the downside to doing that is that there won't be enough males left in the country to replace our popularity there won't be enough men to impregnate the women so that there will be a Ukrainian people. And when you are faced with that and you know you're going to lose the war what you do is you go and you call up the other side you say hey fellas why don't we stop killing each other we got to do something about this you know we don't want to go extinct you know. But what matters is let's he doesn't give a fuck about that because he's not a Ukrainian he's a Jew and he's like whatever I've got fucking Haseedik people speaking there you know they're fucking God damn breeding is being subsidized by the Israeli government thanks to the U.S. taxpayer whatever and so like we've got a whole bunch of people making sure that there's plenty of my genetic lineage going on so I'm just going to sit here and snort cocaine and get the Ukrainians genocide it because that's what Joe Biden wants me to do you see. And that's the answer to the question asked over at zero head Russia is about to overrun Ukraine's defenses why are there no police negotiations. It's actually syndicated zero hedge author by Brandon Smith by a alt market.us. There are two classic propaganda propagandian narratives used by governments when it comes to keeping the public invested any war campaign that does nothing to advance their national interests actually before we do that. Let's go and we'll real quick before we get into that one. This is in the New York Times because you know the New York Times great one what's going on in Ukraine just glass the New York Times you know I'm doing like yeah it's great they're gonna do everything should be fantastic you're New York Times loves that you create. Ukraine war stuff you know is there a bunch of genocidal anti white Jews to over their New York Times and so they like it you know. And if you want to know what's going on there you go to the people who are just trying to get everybody killed and some they're very well informed because they're you know they're the intelligence agency. And so the New York Times they say this is it rush advances NATO considers sending trainers to Ukraine. Now we already know that NATO has been training you Ukrainian forces okay so like what they're actually talking about is now we're going to send the soldiers into Ukrainian territory because that's the way you get yourself into the war right you start being like yeah no we're gonna send the. Just go in there for trading you better not kill our soldiers otherwise we're gonna get in the war okay but then Russia is like no like we're killing those people and if you go over there like you're gonna definitely die then you know no we got it you understand we're gonna defend every inch of NATO territory which includes the people that are going from you. NATO territory into the war zone and so you guys better not kill the guys you're going into the places where you're bombing you're just gonna have to stop you're just gonna have to stop fighting the war. And you know a lot of people you'd be like no like totally we're definitely not gonna stop like you guys have to like you guys want to give up just you know you want to sign a piece of your whatever cool with you know you just have to honor it's just because you last time you did that you lied and then we had to kill everybody. So they were saying we would have sent trainers and start the New York Times NATO allies are inching closer to sending troops into Ukraine there you go so that's the more accurate description of it the headline is as we're going to send the soldiers to Ukraine. Russia advances NATO considers sending trainers into Ukraine but the first sentence in the article makes it very clear that what they're actually talking about is NATO allies are inching closer to sending troops into Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces it might as well be parenthetically that's what that's the excuse for sending them there you see. A move that would be another blurring of a previous red line and could draw the United States and Europe more directly into the war yeah could totally do that you send troops into the war sound that's not like a could that's it that's it is that's the that's when you're joining the war. Yeah where it is yeah you guys killed a bunch of Americans and like all they were doing was like carrying weapons towards Russian border you Russians are fuck now man you guys shouldn't start a fight with us. Fuck Ukraine's man power shortage has reached a critical point in its position on the battlefield in recent weeks has seriously worsened as Russia has accelerated its advances to take advantage of delays and shipments. Of American weapons as a result you create officials have asked their American and NATO counterparts to help train 150,000 new recruits to the front line for faster deployment which I guess you they're probably going to start I guess the new recruits the 150,000 them they're probably ten or whatever. But who gives a fuck to Ukraine we're trying to genocide is the whole point you don't need to go to the puberty to die go ahead fuck it whatever. So far as the United States has said no but general Charles coup Brown Jr the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said on Thursday that a NATO deployment of trainers appeared inevitable yeah we're definitely going to do that yeah we'll get over there eventually over time he said yeah. Yeah so the government said no you see every all the voters like absolutely fucking not and then the general's like no you're definitely doing it you know. So just get ready for that America because whether you vote for it or not that's what we're doing you understand that's why we rig elections. For now he said an effort inside Ukraine would put quote a bunch of NATO trainers at risk and would most likely mean deciding whether to use precious air defenses to protect the trainers instead of critical you created infrastructure near the battlefield general brown brief reporters on his plan and route to a NATO meeting in Brussels. So he's on his way to a foreign country you know and he's like yeah I understand the president of the United States that they were not sending troops in but between you and me as I go over to this foreign country I'm just letting you know that it's going to happen you see. As part of NATO the United States would be obligated under the allowances treaty to aid in the defense of any attack on the trainers potentially dragging America into the war it's not potentially no no no no that's it that's the completely predictable results of what the general just told the fucking New York Times on his way to a foreign country. There's no potentially or maybe about it that's why you would do it. The White House has been adamant that it will not put in American troops including trainers on the ground and Ukraine a position that an administration official reiterated Thursday the administration is also urged NATO allies not to send its troops. But in February president of Emmanuel Macron of France said that quote nothing should be ruled out when it comes to sending Western troops to Ukraine. Mr. Macron is doubled out on his comment since including after seeing your American diplomats asked him to stop. The government of Estonia has not ruled out the possibility of sending troops to Western Ukraine to take over rear rolls that could free Ukrainian troops to go to the front and die faster that's not they didn't say die faster in the New York Times but you get the idea. Estonia's national security adviser said last week this week I should say. The greatest foreign minister Gabriella slans Burgess backed Mr. Macron stance at an interview with the Guardian last week. Quote our troops have been training Ukrainians in Ukraine since before the war we've been getting the whole point of this. He said adding so returning to this tradition might be quite doable. So what we do is we go to war with Russia. That's why we exist. The American military has done training for Ukrainian troops in Poland, Germany and the United States. But pulling troops out of Ukraine is time consuming. American officials now acknowledge that the current training by Ukrainian forces is not sufficient and that they need better and faster training to push back on an expected Russian drive this summer. The United States used to help run a NATO training program at Yavariv, a Western Ukraine, but American troops were pulled out from there at the beginning of the war. American and allied training has not always been successful before Ukrainian counter offensive last summer. US soldiers provided training in Germany to Ukrainian units on the maneuver on maneuver warfare, mind clearing and other tasks. But learning how to use tanks or artillery and infantry troops is a coordinated way is difficult particularly in a short 12 week period. Yeah, you know, because they're coming in the summer. It's the end of the spring, no genome. So we better get American soldiers over there right away. You're going to get over there right away to train those Ukrainian troops so that they can die when the summer comes and then we'll just be there, you know, hot on their heels to die too. Compounding the problem is that Ukrainians are facing a battlefield far different and more intense than what American forces have fought on the reason. Here's the right. Yeah. It's a completely different thing went like you're the world's most powerful military and you're like, hey, K-Man. Yeah, we're going to go and fucking send you know 25 million dollar missiles into your fucking into your hole in the rocks. And we don't care because we can export inflation and we don't give a fuck about our citizens you see. That's a different kind of war than when your empire is coming back for its territory completely to when the world's largest country by territory. The world's largest oil exporter decides, hey, I want my land back. You Jew prick. We're coming to get it. And I don't give a fuck if those Americans say no. Different category of problem when America goes to Iraq and it's like, I fuck you. We put you in power. We'll take you out. Coxucker. American and Ally training has not always been successful. You don't say. You know, wow, you know, yeah, sir, we trained them. We spent all that time telling them what to do and then they died as soon as they got to the front. But you know, the goal was never to help the win the war. Of course, it worked out exactly as we wanted to do. We wanted a waste American blood and treasure so that we could genocide the people of Ukraine. And then we'll go and genocide the American people too. American and Ally training has not always been successful before you creating counteroffensive last summer US soldiers provided training in Germany to you, Crady and units on maneuver, which is fucking said this part. Compounding the problems that you, Crady, is are facing about field you would just set that part moving in moving the training to Ukraine military officials like knowledge would allow American trainers to more quickly gather information about innovations occurring on the Ukrainian front. Potentially allowing them to adopt their training. NATO last month asked general Christopher G Kivoli, the Supreme Allied commander for Europe to come up with a way for the alliance to do more to help Ukraine that would mitigate risks. A US official said on Wednesday that one possibility could be you creating Ukrainian troops in the VIV near the country's western border with Poland. Yeah. But Russia is already bomb of the even including a few weeks ago when Russian cruise missiles struck critical infrastructure there. It's okay. We just pick a Russia. You got to not bomb over here. Okay, because we're over here to tell the teacher these guys how to kill you. All right. See better not bomb this particular area because then we're going to have to get into the war. You understand there Putin because don't buy and he means fucking business is going to put his foot down and be like, Hey, Putin. I'm sending my troops over there. You better not kill them or all the while. I'm going to send troops there. Some officials say that large numbers of Ukrainian recruits might still be sent to sprawling training ranges in Germany or Poland. But logistically that requires transporting the troops to the US Army's trading grounds in graph and war Germany. Putting them through complex maneuvers meant to teach them combined arms warfare and then sending the troops nearly 1000 miles through the VIV and then to Kiev for deployment to the front lines. Remember when Russia first invaded Crimea in 2014 we sent increased to numbers into Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces in Western Ukraine. We kept rotating them in all the way to 2022 when we got spooked and withdrew them said Evelyn Farkas the former Pentagon top official for Ukraine during the Obama administration. It shouldn't surprise anyone now when manpower is in short supply at the Ukrainian front that NATO members and the alliance leadership consider out to again free them from the rear. Other NATO allies including Britain, Germany and France are working to working to base defense contractors in Ukraine to build help build and repair weapon systems closer to the combat zone. What military officials have described as a fix it forward approach. Current informer US defense official said the White House is now reviewing its ban on allowing American defense contractors in Ukraine although a small number have already been allowed in under state department authorities to work on specific weapons systems like the Patriot air defenses. There is an element of ally malpractice in the fact that we're providing masses of western equipment to Ukraine but not giving them the resources to sustain it's an Alexander as Vindman a lying to Coxuck and mother fucker who is working for the US government being offered the defense minister of Ukraine position because he's a traitor to his country and somehow he gets to be quoted in the New York Times like a fucking hero. Or as the New York Times puts it a retired army lieutenant Colonel and Ukrainian board American combat veteran. Several fucking war forget about it. Several war. We're going to get into World War three and nobody's going to fight on our side to see. It's going to be like there's going to be like a dozen you know I don't know. You know what it's going to be a bunch of kids who have been screaming fucking free Palestine are going to you know half of them are going to turn around and be like yeah you guys need to go save Ukraine and then like a dozen of them are going to actually go do it and the rest of the going to be like no we're anti war now. That's who's going to fight on the side of the United States and World War three like a dozen shit heads were too stupid enough to stupid to understand what's going on at their free Palestine protest. And thus asked Brandon Smith by Altmarket. US syndicated at zero hedge. Russia's about to overrun Ukraine's defense is why they're no peace negotiations. And he says the following there are two classic propaganda narratives used by governments and it comes to keeping the public invested in any war campaign that does nothing to advance their national interest one is first there's the commitment line which says that once you step into support a war effort you must stay exponentially committed even if that war effort is exposed as pointless anytime the public pulls back from that war and a bid to reconsider what purpose it's going to be. After what purpose it serves they are ridiculed for potentially risking lives and setting the stage for defeat in other words you must support the effort blindly you're not allowed to question the conflict trash andality because who wants to be blamed for losing a war. Second there's the domino effect line which says that if you allow a particular enemy to win one conflict they will automatically be involved into invading other countries until they own the entire planet. It's the same claim used to trick the American populace into supporting the war in Vietnam and it rarely turns out to be true in fact nations that engage in regional wars tend to be so weakened by the fighting that they don't have the means to move on to another country even if they wanted to. In the US we heard both of these narratives leading into recent congressional vote for billions more in monetary and logistical into Ukraine. Neocons and Democrats work together to force the build through with a percentage of true conservatives fighting to stop it. Those conservatives were attacked relentlessly by the media for helping the Russians but the reality is that no one in the mainstream wants to talk about is that Ukraine has already lost a fucking war. They didn't say fucking over at zero heads but you might as well at this point. No amount of additional funding or arms shipments are going to help them and has nothing to do with conservatives questioning the validity of war spending. Anyone who is a basic understanding of military strategy knows that the key to winning is always spent power first, logistics second. Not superior technology or armaments, not superior cash and certainly not popular support from foreign interests. This is especially a true in a war of attrition and attrition is in fact the method being used by Russia to systematically whittle down Ukraine's forces. However, Western media refuses to discuss what's really happening and has been acting as a hype machine for Ukraine instead. In September of 2022, I being the author of this piece, not your humbacore, responded noted that the Russian pullback to the Don Bos was not the retreat the Western media made it out to be. Many establishment talking heads claimed that this was the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin and that Ukrainian forces would be taking Crimea in the near future. I argued that Russia was likely trying to consolidate its position as Western artillery and tanks flooded into Ukraine. I also suggested that Russia wanted to avoid urban combat in major areas while tens of thousands of seasoned mercenaries were rushing to the front from the US and Europe. I predicted that the Russian pullback was in preparation for surgical strikes in Western Ukraine resources on West, sorry, surgical strikes on Western Ukraine's resources in grid infrastructure. With Ukraine's grid heavily damaged a portion of the population would leave the cities and head for Europe until the war played out. Putin has specifically avoided major fighting within large urban centers for a reason. Driving civilians out of the metropolitan areas would make it easier for Russia to strike Ukraine and a secondary offensive without risking extensive collateral damage in the form of civilian casualties. This is exactly what has happened. Almost 7 million Ukrainians left the country outright in the past two years. With another 6 million you got to always be really suspicious when anyone wearing a base says 6 million in this joint vault. But you get the idea. Almost 7 million Ukrainians left the country outright in the past two years with another 6 million displaced mostly from larger cities. Currently Russia is moving to push civilians out of Karkiv, Ukraine's second biggest city, and they will probably be given the successful given their momentum and the destruction of water and power resources. With civilians out of the way a more aggressive attack can then be initiated. Russia has been using an artillery bubble as tool to protect ground forces as they push in advance, meaning troops will only attack as far as artillery can reach. Artillery is vital to a large scale offensive. Coincidentally, Russia doubled its importation of exclusive materials commonly used for artillery in the past several months. They'll do that when you're waging war and you're not a moron. They are now reportedly producing triple the amount of artillery that NATO is providing to Ukraine. That's a math problem. Try to figure that one out. Mainstream analysts claim to push towards Karkiv might move to the push toward Ukraine move might be effaint allowing Russia to increase the size of its buffer zone. They continue to assert that Russia doesn't have the forces necessary for major offensive. I would say depends on how weak Ukraine's defensive lines actually are. Russia has been consistently using a large scale pincer movement to envelop defensive positions and destroy them. In the past two weeks alone, Russia has gained considerable ground. Russian troops recently made confirmed advances northwest of Stvov, Svatov, near of the these things are hard to pronounce for me. I'm sorry of Dvika and Robotin and in East Bank, Kyrgyzstan, Oblast, US based think tank Institute for the study of war reported on May 6th. The reason for this is relatively simple. Ukraine lacks the manpower to effectively establish defense in depth. All of the reports coming from the front support this theory. That is to say, Ukraine's defensive lines are a facade with no secondary positions or trenches to stall Russian breakthroughs. Once the Russians cut the main line, there's nothing much stopping them from gaining large stretches of ground. Some anomalous have blamed this development on a lack of Ukrainian foresight or strategic preparedness, but I would argue they just don't have enough people to defend more than a single forward line. My position is backed by numerous reports of government's desperate struggles with conscription of the government's desperate struggles with conscription. For the past six months, the average age of Ukrainian recruits is 43 years old, meaning youth recruitment is waning either because young people don't want to fight or avoid the draft by leaving the country or too many have died. The conscription problem has been hidden by the Western media for many months now, but even corporate news platforms are starting to admit that there's a severe lack of new recruits. Frontline fighters have been complaining for months that they need to be cycled away from the trenches and given rest. Another bad sign is the fact that Ukraine has been using special forces for transduty. These units are strained specifically for asymmetric hit and run warfare, not sitting in mud holes waiting for our kilobyaster to rain down on their fixed and exposed positions. It seems like pure stupidity, but it makes sense if Ukraine is actually running out of people to hold their only defensive line. The cover-up of massive casualties is something I mentioned in past articles on the war and I think it bears repeating. Western war hawks continue to claim that it will be cheaper to use Ukrainian soldiers to fight Russia than to fight a larger war down the road with American and European lives. The sociopathy behind this rationale is disturbing. The lack of ban power in Ukraine cannot be solved, it is a product of endless death paid for with our tax dollars. NATO has prolonged the fighting with funding and arms, but not to win only to sacrifice more people in a bloody conflict Ukraine is destined to lose. Their argument also assumes that European and Americans are going to jump blindly into military service in a war against Russia. I don't know about Europeans, but I do know for a fact that most Americans are not going to buy in and will refuse a draft. The majority of US public doesn't even want to send further aid to Ukraine, they certainly aren't going to die for Ukraine. The arrogance of the war hawks is mind-boggling. The bottom line is this, Ukraine is about to be overrun, they didn't have the manpower to effectively launch a counter-fansom, they didn't have the manpower to establish defense and depth, and now they are using their most seasoned soldiers as cannon fodder or the trenches. This dynamic demands that diplomatic solutions be entertained, but no one seems to be talking about that. Why? As I theorize to my article, World War III is inevitable, here's how it can be avoided. The underlying plan may very well be to try to force Americans and Europeans to accept an expanding war with Russia. The Western public has been bombarded with lies about Ukraine's ability to win when they lose those people will be shocked and incensed by the outcome. Maybe the elites hope that an populace so angry about the loss that they will rally around a larger off-war effort by NATO. The French government has already asserted that they are willing to send troops to Ukraine and direct conflict with Russia, while Lithuanian Poland have said they will not rule out the possibility. Now, with the time for peace negotiations before Ukraine is overrun, will this happen? Probably not. When diplomacy is removed from the table and completely and the only conclusion we can come to is that a greater war is desired, that that's the goal and when greater war is desired, we also have to conclude that our leadership has something substantial to gain by putting the world at risk. You might be on the side of Ukraine, you might be on the side of Russia, you might not care about either side, but there's no denying that this war is being escalated by special interests. And we need to ask why? We don't need to ask why is the matter of fact? Why don't you just answer your own fucking question? It's obvious how you're doing, they're trying to get these people killed, that's the goal, it's the reason that they're replacing us with immigration in the United States. It's the reason that we drop everything, including DEI statements and fucking all the other nonsense, to help the Jews, right? A bunch of shit heads with fucking parachutes and fucking lumber engines came over and fucking killed a few hundred of yous. Go ahead, slaughter the entire population of that area while we send nuclear submarines to fucking protect you against the war that you're initiating against your neighbors in the process. Because you're important and we're not, we're gonna get all of these people over here killed and then we're gonna go join them and die with them. Why? Because it's a white genocide, you're killing these people because that's what they've been doing for every long time and that's all they care about. That really made me fucking mad. You would agree would you not serve the foreign interference at our elections? Is there a campaign threat to our democracy under certain conditions? Yes. Do you, there are conditions under which their interference is not a threat? Always, sorry. Thank the gentleman. Thank you Dr. Hill for being engaged in interfering in our election in 2016. We are so blessed that you did. So welcome. Dr. Hill, your story reminds me a great deal of what we heard from Alexander Vindman, the most powerful. The immigrants are the best of us. I think the American people can not be forgiven if they hold into question the accuracy of intelligence committees finding that the immigrants are the best of this country. No one in intelligence committee questions that find it. In order to the FBI, in order to the Senate, bipartisan intelligence committee report, in order to the minority committee report of this committee, the House Republican report is an outlier. But let me ask you Dr. Hill about your effort to so discord in the United States along ethnic lines, religious lines, geographic lines through an extensive social media campaign to help the Democrats. I'm glad you did back down from it. I wish I had heard just some of the righteous indignation we heard in the committee today when the President won another US election. But of course they were silent just getting used to it. Do we care about the big stuff like the Constitution, like an oath of office? No, no, no, no. People watching at home might not know that in these secret depositions, which of no one houses a house a year, no members are allowed to participate to see where it could just be in the witness. That was the secret star chamber that you've been hearing so much about. And that is as it should be, the whole idea that Russia had gotten involved in the 2016 election was a hope put out by the Democrats to the smurched the character of the President. We are so blessed that you did. So welcome. Dr. Hill. First I'd like to show a little bit about who I am. I'm an American by choice. I've become a citizen in 2002. I've served a Soviet Union. I can say with confidence that Russia has offered me opportunities I never would have had in the United States. My paternal grandfather fought during the Second World War, reviving being gassed before American troops intervened to end the war. Other members of my family wanted to emigrate the United States for political purposes. My father always wanted someone in the family to make the United States into 1984 and when President Ronald Reagan met Soviet leader Michael Gorbachev in Moscow. This was a turning point for me, an intelligence officer from the Soviet Union, who I met there told me about graduate students scholarships to the United States. The very next year thanks to his advice I arrived in America to de-legitimize our entire presidency, the Protosserva Union. For the best part of three decades I've built a career as an intelligence officer for the Soviet Union. I've served a Soviet Union under three presidents. In my most recent capacity under President Trump, I was under under my former position of National Intelligence Officer for the Soviet Union under President George W. Bush and Barack Obama. In that role I was the intelligence community senior expert on Russia and the former Soviet republics including Ukraine. It was because of my subversion of American foreign policy, but as I was asked to join the National Security Council in 2017. Good afternoon, thank you so much for coming in and thank you for your service. Dr. Hill you stated you've been a Jewish mole for George Soros in the White House, correct? That's correct. You said in your deposition specifically, the globalist leftist Jewish George Soros insider who had infiltrated McMaster's staff. That's correct. Interestingly, you stated in your deposition again I was Jewish because this is again nonpartisan career officials of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Whipping up of what is frankly a Jewish conspiracy with George Soros to basically target non-Jewish officials, isn't that what you said? I did say that, yes. I agree. And I'm sure you've been watching with concern what's happened to other non-Jewish career officials. We had Alex Lieutenant Colonel Alex Vindman, Jewish immigrant questioned for his Jewish criticism of the President in a very Jewish way. Basically questioning his loyalty to the country, I believe that he's also of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Would you say that these Jewish conspiracies that you have been targeting Mr. Stone were in spawning part by folks like George Soros as well as fueled by Marie Ivanovich and others? Basically have a tinge of anti-Americanism to them at least. Well certainly when the involved George Soros they do. I just like to point out that in the early 1900s the elders of Ziya produced something called the protocols which actually can still obtain on the internet and you can buy it's actually sometimes in book shops in Russia and elsewhere. This is the longest running a subversion of American foreign policy to push these people's personal interests, although we have in history. I actually intended to write the new protocols of the elders of Ziya before I was actually invited to come into the administration because it's an absolute outrage. I'm sorry you've been kind of wrapped up in these Jewish conspiracies. Let me turn to Rudy Giuliani. It became increasingly concerned about George Soros increasing role in Ukraine between January and March of 2019 correct? That's correct. I know you served in the Bush and the Obama administration. I presume that George Bush's personal lawyer and President Obama's personal lawyers were in Jewish. And the concern for having someone like George Soros having such a strong influence on American foreign policy is that basically that policy may be operating not in the best interests of America but perhaps in the best interests of Jewish clients or business associates. I think that's correct and that's the one I said in my depositional October 14th that funky that's what I thought it was at the very beginning when I first heard George Soros making these things. And some of those associates included indicted Jewish folks, Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas is that right? That's correct. We have an interesting Jewish character in Chicago who's now been indicted. His name is Mr. Fertash. And Mr. Fertash has been indicted for Jewish bribery charges and other associates of George Soros, right? I do know Mr. Fertash, that's correct. I know of him for my work, that's correct. And the question that we're all asking is whether American foreign policy in Ukraine is potentially being run in Jewish interests and not our own. It certainly appears that it's been used, that there's a subversion of American foreign policy to push these people's personal interests. Thank you so much. That's it, it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. Indeed we do. Hey, shut the fuck up, you don't play the goddamn outro music. We're not done with the fucking show yet. I gotta fix that clip. God damn it. We're not done with the show yet because they're gonna talk about the weed killer in your fucking semen. Okay, we gotta talk about weed killer in your sperm because you've been eating roundup all the time. That's what Monsanto does. They like put this chemical in your food and then eat it and then die. Because we can't, you know, we're trying to get a wriggle die in Ukraine but it's like a massive fucking problem. Like to kill all of these people like you have to do everything. You can't, you can't just go, you know, you can't shoot all of them bullets are expensive. There's like, you know, there's a shortage of your artillery or whatever. And some people are not fucking dominoes to do what we say. So we have to poison your food supply is one of the things that they do and then you know, and then they raise your taxes and they make it impossible for you to reproduce. And then they replace you with other people and that's how you that's how you're exterminated from the earth. And so high levels of weed killer found in more than half of sperm cells study fine story at the Guardian. Glyphosate found in samples from French infertility clinic raising questions about controversial chemicals impact on fertility. No, I don't think it's raising a question. It's actually answering it is actually what it's doing more than 55% of sperm cells from a French infertility clinic contain high levels of glyphosate, the world's most common weed killer raising further questions about the chemical impact on reproductive health and overall safety of new study found. The new research also found evidence of impacts on DNA and a correlation between glyphosate levels in oxidative stress on seminal plaza plasmum suggesting significant impacts on fertility and reproductive health. Taken together our results suggest a negative impact of glyphosate on human reproductive health and possibly on progeny the authors wrote. What's not a negative impact is exactly what they designed it's dudes working out fantastically that's why they waited so long to tell us until it was after two is too late. The paper comes as researchers look for answers to why global fertility rates are dropping and many suspect exposure toxic chemicals like glyphosate is a significant driver of the decline. Oh yeah, we've been doing we have been putting poison on your food and now you're like, well, you know, I don't even want to fuck my wife anymore. I'm just going to go be a fucking homosexual and then you know, one did the fucking fuel bussets are still having sex with women once in a while. They're not getting pregnant and they're like, why are like, I don't care. Who gives me it's not like you've got a four to raise children will just get some immigrants to replace you. They don't fucking care what happens to their kids. Glyphosate is used on a wide range of food crops and in residential settings in the United States, the most popular glyphosate based product is Monsanto's round up weed killer, which has been at the center of legal and regulatory battles in recent years. The US government resourchant 2023 found genome toxicity in farbers with high levels of the herbicide in their blood suggesting an association between it and cancer. In December, a group of top US public health advocacy groups petition the environmental protection agency to ban the product, though its defenders have said there is no definitive proof of its toxicity to humans. Still dozens of countries of ban to restricted its use because they're not a bunch of fucking idiots are trying to genocide their population. The levels French researchers found in sperm were four times higher than in the men's blood, which authors wrote, is the first time comparison has been made. They called the finding worrying and suggests that the chemical is particularly dangerous for reproductive systems. Oxidative stress is considered to be one of the most important factors in male fertility by regulating the vitality and functionality of mammalian spermatoza, the author's throat, and they found a significant positive correlation between stress and glyphosate levels. Agricultural workers recorded the highest glyphosate levels in 96% of farmers included in the study had at least some. A landscaper also showed amongst the highest levels and smokers typically had elevated levels much higher than those who did not smoke eating organic produce did not have a clear impact on the levels. The studies authors wrote it would be wise for regulators to apply a precautionary principle in regulation, which means airing on the side of caution to protect human health until further research can be done to confirm the problems identified in the study. But we don't do that you see. We just jump right in we're like yeah go fucking do that shit we're gonna go fucking styroly you know what your kid was like he put on you know some earrings one day and we're not gonna just assume that that was like some kid stuff we're gonna cut his penis off you see we're gonna give him puberty block or so you can remain a child forever. Which is great for people like Jeffrey Epstein because they run the world don't you know. We got all these fucking things going on it's like how are you gonna fucking solve our fucking problems well you know there's actually some pretty simple solutions to them will get to them. After calls car you're on the radical agenda what you're agenda. Hello can you hear me alright yeah I hear you fine buddy. Okay good hey you got some clicking going on but there's probably nothing that we can do about it so it's just gonna ask you to make your point quickly because your audio is actually shit. Sure I want to talk about this horseshoe theory you we talked about you know ultimately you know the left of the right will come me in the middle of y'all and so you know I see a lot of these protests going on right now and I don't see as they seem to be a lot of leftist not a lot of right wing people you know not a lot of neo not these on these campuses and so on it is you think that you know you're gonna have a lot of fun. You think that there's a way to integrate them into our ideas or you know what do you think about that I'm putting you know we had that I'll take I'll take I'll take your point and I'm gonna hang up on you because your audio is actually shit but I'll answer your question off the air and I'll invite you to listen offline. Should we try to initiate them in our gears now. Why right. The I said it before I'll say it again like what's going on with the anti Israel protests has nothing to do with the things driving anti-Semitism on the right it's it's a complete opposite of what that is there their pursuing these ridiculous anti white colonialism narratives and they're just applying it to the Jewish state and the Jews are like you're fucking mind like we made this stuff up to kill white folks shut the fuck up you stupid go and like why the fuck do we pay you in the first place. And so the Jews then they turn around and they're like no we're gonna take away your diversity statements you know we're gonna stop paying for all your bullshit because now you're fucking biting the hand that feeds you right that's what the Jews are doing it's it's obvious so like those people you know let them go get their fucking head cracked open like those people are not our friends you know they never are going to be there destructive forces and that's why the Jews use them right they're like yeah you guys are trying to destroy your country we like that we'll get you money and so like the alt-right attempted to do that like the alt-right did that they're like yeah well you know let's go get all these guys who love socialism will go to the Bernie Sanders campaign and be like hey guys we want socialize medicine too because we're a bunch of economic retargetals like Bernie Sanders we have no idea how prices are formed in the marketplace we've never read an economics book we don't give a fuck about math so why don't you be on our side and then you destroy our movement for us and then we'll complain about people not going hard enough for the same nonsense. So like no we shouldn't be like going and trying to there's a bunch of people who are trying to destroy your country and they're like yeah fuck the Jews do like oh yeah destroy the country and fuck the Jews guys you want to join us because we don't like the Jews either and so let's destroy the country together no I don't think that's a good idea at all that's like fucking really stupid as a matter of fact and I'm not calling you stupid sir I'm just saying it's a dumb idea that too many people hold. Call you're on the radical agenda what's your agenda? Good evening Chris this is is general malcontender that's what I kept you on I wanted to talk about round up is you creating. I volunteered or I guess I he paid me to but I worked for a farmer for a while in Nebraska when I first got out of the army in the 90s they knew if you do a little bit of research in the round up you'll see just how nasty it is it's very nasty so two things you got to dilute it correctly with water which most people don't do right. And then you got to stay away from it for like minimum of like 20 days you know and then that's when it's supposedly safe. Yeah did you do any research in the round up so what I what I know about round up I know from like it's studying their genetically altered crops okay so like to use round up on crops you have to genetically alter the crops because round up kills everything it's the whole point of it right glyphosate kills stuff that's why we put it on plants okay. So you have to have round up ready seeds that are genetically modified by the msancto corporation and that the msancto corporation has patented the genetics of these things and then you have this like catastrophe going on because plants are the genetic makeup of plants is it it you know plants. We don't think of them as having sex but I mean they they cross pollinate is how plants reproduce essentially it's bees go and they collect pollen from one thing they take it to another thing and so like you have situations where we're like seed will blow out of the back of a truck that's carrying you know say soybeans or something and they'll and that will end up in a field and then the the msancto seed starts growing there and the msancto corporation started running around suing fucking farmers because they found the genetic signature. Of the fucking round up ready product in the thing and they say well now we're going to put you out of business because our fucking genetic are genetically modified organism invaded our invasive species has fucked up your crops and now we own you and you're going to fucking buy your goddamn seeds from us and start using our poison on your food and so like well that that's about the only seed you could buy for like a long time I would say 20 years ago. You can only buy that seed that you have to buy every year. You couldn't buy a seed that you know and it's like in the sea because they're terminating seeds yeah so like that's the other component of it which is fucking sick right so like normal plants produce their seed bearing plants and then you take the seeds from the fucking crops that you grew and then you plant the seeds and you just do that forever you can't do that with the fucking with the men genetically modified crap and so they genetically modify it. First of all so that you can spray poison on it and it doesn't die so that you can feed the poison to the human beings afterwards and then it goes and invades everything and then you give the corporation control over everything that this invasions species takes over and then and then the fucking thing doesn't even fucking reproduce you have to keep on buying it from the goddamn minus that fucking created it's a catastrophe. You know who some of that or two of the biggest farmland owners in the United States are. Who's that Microsoft and Coca-Cola. Yeah I knew I knew Microsoft I didn't know Bill Gates and Coca-Cola yeah Bill Gates goes around and say yeah we're gonna go buy up the guys it's like that we're gonna fucking produce the world population with vaccine I'm gonna start taking over the food supply to fuck you go and faggets what are you gonna do you know. Yeah they bought up all the farmland you know I think it's like a lot of this stuff is just obvious that people would just look into it a little bit. You know people definitely got to do their own research you know just look into it you know stay off Wikipedia you know what I mean but there are plenty of good sources to go to. Yeah I went and that go ahead. Well that kind of goes into my my second topic but if you still want to talk about. Go ahead just get into your second topic and I'll go ahead. Alright I would say I spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe when I was in the army so I know that area I know those people and everything like that and a lot of this conflict you know we might not know about it because I don't think they teach it in the schools but these you know I would say a lot of this is like Ottoman Empire motivation why why things are going on in Ukraine. Do you know much about the Ottoman Empire? I've read I don't I don't get the reference that you're making I mean I have some information about the Ottoman Empire about about connecting with dots here so go ahead. Alright basically Ottoman Empire was well okay so so originally or I don't even know if you know you know the first place the Jews were kicked out of the Ottoman Empire. Medea Saudi Arabia Jews are Arabs they're not similar they're Arabs right but the Ottoman Empire was basically Jews you know which are Arabs and the other Arabs you know working together to bring what you know take over country is bring you lost the children and get the children to fight against their own people right one of the one of the areas that they really fought over it between you know I don't know it was called Russia at the time but Russia for the most part and the Ottoman Empire was Ukraine they've been trying to get that place you know and a few other places right since like the 1200s you know a lot of us we we give our research our history we might go back to World War II maybe one but you know a lot of these motivations and a lot of the the people in Eastern Europe in that area and everything that that what what they were definitely afraid of back then and what they're definitely afraid of now is a re-insurgency of the Ottoman Empire and basically you know we almost kind of got that if you want to call you know half American gana series you know I would say that they they definitely got you know the boomers for the most part got adopted as children right and the Jews trained them to be weapons against their own people and it's obvious and it was our politicians today you know that that was the that was the evilest thing about the Ottoman Empire right is you know they they go and kill everybody except for the children you know and then check train the children to be you know troops for them now the gana series eventually re-bell to get to Ottoman Empire because the first time they messed up and they taught the the gana series you know they're there soldiers were honorable you know the whole thing was about being honor and you know you know being honorable and doing honorable things and you know because that basically you can't trust if somebody does a dishonorable act you can't trust their loyalty so what they wanted was loyalty you know there I think I bet right within the upper echelon of the Ottoman Empire started doing all this nasty dishonorable stuff and and the gana series said hey well hold on why are we fighting for you you know we thought we were fighting for honor you know an everything like that and it's like okay and a lot of these these people these Jews and the Arabs that are supposed to be our masters you know the salary months you know they're actually they're killing each other to be dishonorable they're poisoning each other doing all sorts of nasty stuff so the gana series revolted right now we don't have that we didn't we don't have that with our with with our generation you know that's currently in the in the White House right they were never taught to be honorable so this is like the advance of that they were taught you know what radical individualism for lack of you know I'm going to get mine at everyone else's expense you know is it seems like that's what they are whatever but yeah I think a lot of this you know still stems back from the the Ottoman Empire people still pushing the same ideas still doing the same things still trying to train you know the children of other countries to fight for them I don't know what he's saying it's it's an interesting way to take my friend I thank you very much for it but I I don't really have I'm not familiar with the subject so I'm not going to comment on it much but I thank you very much for it and so you know we talk about all the shit and world's going crazy and people who's never mind have the conscience on fucking antidepressants and so there's a story over study finds might have a better solution go outside for your sanity spending 67 minutes outdoors refreshes your mental health which is staggering just a fucking headline to this alone 67 minutes outdoors refreshes your mental health there are a lot of people aren't spending 67 minutes outdoors yeah it's probably the cases matter of fact you can't you're not outside for a fucking hour and you're losing your fucking mind and you start thinking that you know going about for your creative is a good idea as the weather heats up Americans are united on one thing it's time to get out of the house on average people need to spend 67 minutes outside each day to feel refreshed according to a new survey the poll of 2000 US adults also uncovered that over half of Americans 57% are looking to spend more time outdoors than ever before conducted by talker research on behalf of our V share researchers found that the majority of those who spent time outside Senate relaxes them 68% puts them in a better mood 66% and helps them clear their head 64% on the other hand spending more time inside can lead to feeling to depression 38% anxiousness 33% and loneliness 32% according to research which is why they made everybody do that in uniform in 2020 they're trying to make people miserable in advance of the election because that's how fucking diabolical these people are from enhanced mood to feelings of relaxation and well being there so many physical and mental benefits that come from breaking through the four walls and exploring open air adventures and activities said RV share CEO John Gray in a statement jury mental health awareness month in May we are encouraged to be mindful of how we're spending our time and factor outdoor experiences into our everyday lives including our travel plans Americans also revealed their favorite outdoor activities and said they enjoy them because they benefit their mental and physical health 59 and 58% respectively some of these included grilling or cooking outside 23% hiking 14% and camping 11 it turns out that travel preferences are also shifting as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with Americans traveling to more places in nature 16% and taking more trips that benefit their mental health 15% the poll also revealed 67% of Americans viewed travel as a form of self care and 4 in 10 42% feel they need to book a trip to escape at least once every six months one third of Americans 33% regularly book vacations around outdoor activities they enjoy and are most excited about trips to the beach 44% national park visits 29% cross country driving at 12% in fact over half 57% prefer to drive to their destination while on vacation rather than fly at 25% this could be due to overwhelming belief 83% that the journey to a destination is part of the vacation itself overall five and six people say outdoor trips are having a positive impact on their lives those who are vacationing in the great outdoors are seeing benefits their mental health through reduced stress 36% experiencing mental recharging 33% and making them more grateful for the things that they have 23% a key takeaway here is that spending time in nature and on the open road while traveling has both physical and mental benefits as gray whether soaking up the sun hiking a new trail or gazing up at the starry sky we've all experienced the invaluable renewal mental clarity and free news that comes from being outdoors and as a guy you spent 14 fucking months without going outside at all let me go down tell you that that's the fucking truth if there ever was some holy shit holy fucking shit I when they when I went to jail in Charlottesville and they didn't let us go outside at all I was like is that like a legal it fucking should be and I was only in there for one of the seven days a lot of it was the winter times a fucking right 14 fucking months and pre-trial detention and fucking straffered county got them correctional facility never go outside they got the fucking shit on the goddamn windows and I talked in beauty visited like you can't even see what the fuck is going on out there they're fucking dude you want to fucking you drive people fucking crazy locked them inside all time that's why we put people in prison fucking you know break them down but even prisoners get to fucking go outside most of the time you send them to the prison they get to go outside in the scale sometimes they don't and then you just be like you know what rather than put everybody in prison why don't we just make your life so fucking awful that you just fucking never leave your god damn television set just sit there and fucking die already come on hurry up sit there eat your fucking poison food join a fucking military or sit there eat your poison food and have your gay sex and fucking go exterminate yourself for fuck sake we're sick and fucking tired of you being alive for Christ sake get out of here don't go outside for fuck sake what do you need to get a fucking you might decide that you want to live don't do that fellow white sends $14.88 salute can't well keep you out of brother never give up do it sends $1 little known fact months and a family is Jewish they're kicked out of Louisiana prior to the Louisiana purchase kicked out by farmers no less and so that's the $15.88 sense of this production has earned today and if you think that it should earn a little war you go over to give send go dot com slash spm gets any money on cash app edgy Chris you go to Christopher catwell that and it's like donate you get all my crypto stuff just look somebody again sent me this happened like a couple of months ago that somebody sent me like $8 in Bitcoin and they sent it with a low fees it was rejected by the thing apparently they've done that again it looks like the same transaction apparently and so it's just been sitting there for you know maybe you guys looking to put an arrow thing if you don't want to pay the Bitcoin fees go get a different cryptocurrency and then you like minerals great works you know Bitcoin is like it sucks because it doesn't and it gets everybody thrown in prison so minerals actually better it actually like you can send it and then you don't pay a bunch of money to send it because it's kind of the whole idea and the and then and then you don't actually tell everybody where your money is going it's great mineral it's kind of the idea it's what the cryptocurrency thing was about so maybe check that out go check the mineral thing out go do something other than Bitcoin because you know when you try to send $8 with Bitcoin it wants you know $5 we're going to fucking stupid ass hole fees are and you're like that's preposterous I'd use a larfi and then the money doesn't go so check out my narrow and you know we're just use federal reserve notes because that's where they're going to go anyway it's not like I have it's not like I can like hold on to money I got a cash everything out right away to you know pay the fucking bill so go ahead and if fuck you pay me I guess is kind of what I'm saying you know you know and then I have the soundboard I paid money for it and and like it worked once and then it didn't anymore and so fucking just we'll just not we'll just not have that anymore fuck you yeah there we go and I'll just unplug it plug it back in and I can say fuck you baby go fucking do it already okay we do every Monday Wednesday and Friday in some former and other on Mondays we do surreal politics when I don't say fuck nearly so often every once in a while I let one slip but then I apologize for I'm like sorry for the on Wednesday I try to keep it to a minimum two but every once in a while I got apologize for an after two but we come on the radical agenda on Friday we're like fuck these fucking Jews and all the shit they're doing to us fuck what the fuck am I else am I going to say for tries to take so just listen to the fucking show pay me and you know we'll fucking and we'll be miserable together see you Monday that's it it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't call you enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great Americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a life here front of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment