and we'll go ahead confirm that those streams are in fact working because we have to confirm them because though we do our jobs not everybody else so that would seem to be the case oh my god can you believe that first shot we're on time ready to go and uh well we're almost ready to go we're always almost ready to go it's it's always it's always gotta be just you know the tiniest little thing it wouldn't be the radical agenda otherwise that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda implement in their radical agenda is the only thing they care about their bad efforts what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great Americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a blanket one of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda let's go the second all right on with it welcome to the radical agenda to show about timeless ideas and news today whatever is on your monitor to 1768 1433 yes this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it this 68th episode of the 60th in a pogrom today is May 10th 2024 is a current year it's a Friday as usual and we are coming to you live once again from my undisclosed location well you know it has become something of a joke when mocking the libertarians to say well what if the child consents low as a suggestion that the libertarians were advocates of pedophilia and that used to be a joke you see it used to be something that you said that was kind of funny because it was almost true but not quite but like most of modern politics the libertarians have gotten to the point that they are actually so absurd you can't mock them this way anymore even on the right I mean there's some legitimate debate about the subject of age of consent laws the sensible people try to avoid those conversations because there's not much good that can come from engaging if you advocate for lowering the age of consent you will invariably be called a pedophile doesn't matter if you actually are not if you speak against changing them then you're going to piss off the people who want to change them without getting much support from those who support the status quo but the libertarians just can't help themselves it seems for them banging kids is a deeply personal issue whenever somebody gets busted for banging kids are trying to bang kids they rush to see who could be the first in the loudest to proclaim no victim no crime even when there is a complaining witness such was the case recently with Elliott Aloe Axelman who has now been charged with seven counts of assault and sexual assault for his encounters with a 14 year old girl described as quote an author a libertarian activist and former Republican state representative candidate Axelman faces one count to false imprisonment two counts of simple assault and four counts of sexual assault all misdemeanors now the story was brought to my attention on the first day of May this month in which a listener asked on the one hand he said Jew on the other hand dissidents are always targeted with this maybe you have some more insight from New Hampshire Chris and I responded to the listener I said I was hit with some misdemeanors because he fooled around with a 14 year old the parents found out is what it sounds like to me there's no accusation here that the girl complained this is pretty standard fair for libertarians their conception of consent constitutes right is at odds with the law and they get in trouble as a result if Ian Freeman were on the radio tonight he would say so what if everything they alleged is true no victim equals no crime now Ian Freeman is not on the radio he's he's on his way to federal prison for the next eight years but nonetheless it took less than 24 hours for me to be proven correct about the general sentiment on May second freaky dot com published an article defending Axelman subsequent to this it came out that this is not the first incident apparently there are also incidents with a nine year old and a 10 year old as well and so you know I've got let me just I'll read the piece from patch here the thing that they wrote at freaky dot com is pretty lengthy and they make some assertions that you know you can't they're basically saying a bunch of people are willing to testify to things under wrote and they're trying to claim that some of these things are on true maybe they are but the I have information say I don't know as a matter of fact I don't know how much I'm allowed to disclose that I know that's not published in either of these articles this is the piece in patch dot com by Tony Chanel a hook set new hampsha and author a libertarian activist and former Republican state representative candidate from hook set is facing sexual assaults and other charges next month after being accused of assaulting a girl at the pork you pine freedom festival the the annual free state project event in 2022 Elliot allu Axelman ALU is I guess a nickname they're putting that in quotes it's not his middle name 31 of Heather drive and hook set was charged by lion caster police in august of 2023 with false imprisonment two counts of simple assault and four counts of sexual assault all misdemeanors the charges stem from an incident at pork fest in June of 2022 an event you reported the attended the victim a girl who was 14 at the time was also at the event with her family according to complaints filed against Axelman he was accused of quote purposely engaging in sexual contact with the girl by touching her buttocks with his body where such contact can reasonably be construed as being for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification and there was an age difference of more than five years between them the filing also accused him of applying physical force by holding her and pulling her toward him while touching her buttocks and having her body touch his erect penis Axelman was also accused of kissing the child's neck and holding her by the waist pork fest in an event for more than two decades in New Hampshire's north country features speakers camping music and food and parties or quote all around liberty loving good times for your whole family quote in quotes according to the events website after the charges were filed and arrest warrant was issued against Axelman in September of 2023 and he was released on five thousand dollars bail as part of his bail he was ordered to stay at least one thousand feet away from the child was not to be at the Rogers campground about telling Lancaster where pork fest is held and needed to refrain from excessive use of alcohol his first attorney with drew from the case in October of 2023 and he was given a public defender in December of 2023 in January bail conditions were amended and motions were filed under seal in the case in April in February he requested two hundred dollars from the court pay for transcribing the child's the victims child advocacy center interview Axelman at pork fest according to its 2022 schedule was lined up to speak about his book presumed guilty as well as legislative tricks at another session he also presented participated in a quote at all star succession panel and was scheduled to give a talk answering the top 10 succession questions some small L libertarian republicans and large L libertarian party people advocate having the state of New Hampshire leave the union or begin the process of leaving the union and becoming its own country according to an in-depth New Hampshire story in January Axelman testified before legislative committees supporting a constitutional amendment to succeed to succeed Axelman ran for state representative in the Merrimack 24 special election two years before the incident he easily bested two other republicans in the January 2020 primary was 61 percent of the vote in the general election though his move to New Hampshire in 2017 from New York was a campaign issue along with comments he previously made online likening democracy to gang rape and reportedly saying quote the last thing I want to be called is a law abiding citizen in one post according to the NH journal he wrote quote 2015 game averages fine but transgender's are mentally ill 2017 transgender's are the best kind of people but pedophilia is definitely wrong 2019 pedophilia is totally acceptable what comes next Axelman lost to democrat Kathleen martins in the special general election in march 2020 by about 40 votes at the time democrats heralded martin's victory as a district president trump won't carried by 10 percent in 2016 however in November 2020 martins placed fifth at a seventh candidate field vying for four seats losing by 170 votes hook set was redistricted into a new seat merrimack district 10 with done barton after the 2020 census again with four seats martins lost in November of 2022 by more than 275 votes Axelman was also listed as a quote anti-democracy extremist by granted state matters a website created by former state senator jane thish a former democrat from Peter burham to target free state project members and liberty republicans according to this site he was listed because he was a speaker at the annual liberty forum conference Axelman also endorsed Vivek Ramaswamy in the 2024 presidential primary according to a campaign press release a trial is set for June 3rd now i've said it before i'll say it again i am personally of the view that it would be a fine idea to have a honest debate about the subject of age of consent loss okay they're different in different parts of the country and you know it is not my view that a person you know who is a person who is here i'm sorry let me reword that my view is that if you are somebody who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent shelter that you're like you're wired wrong basically you know basically the advocates of pedophilia are fundamentally correct saying that that's a sexual orientation right on but where they're wrong is that we have to tolerate it right if you're if you're somebody who's you know sexually attracted to pre-pubescent shelter and then let's just take you out and back and shoot you right just blow your brains out it's not gonna you know your life is gonna be completely worthless you're not gonna amount to anything the the government would have to protect you your whole life just just kill you and just get it all right just take you out of the gene pool everybody's straight you know if somebody's attracted to teenage girls okay that's not an unhealthy thing for a man to uh to experience okay you know whether you act on that now that's where the question of conduct comes into play and that's you know how we start talking about the laws but as i said in the intro here it's like you there's nothing to be gained by having that conversation right because what's going to invariably happen is that you're gonna be called a pedophile there's just no two ways around it in New Hampshire the age of consent is 16 years old you need to lower it much more than that i'm probably not so there's really not any reason to do that and if the guy's running around after nine and ten year olds well like you know at that point it becomes very difficult to defend the shit you know the article at when they're trying to defend the guy they're basically saying that this was not a forcible incident and what what they're describing in does not describe a forcible incident okay they they're charged with you know false imprisonment but you know this is a situation where the girl did not complain at first okay that this is a situation where she was you know seemingly enjoying this guy's company and then after that the parents found out the parents get upset and you know maybe she comes to feel like she's been taking advantage of subsequent who knows. So you know they're accurate in so far as you know this guy's not you know forcibly you know he's not jumping on people and dragging them into the bushes and having sex with them while they scream for help he's not a rapist but what is to be gained from this and what is like your vet like what like like you're somebody who's you're you're a political dissident you're at a you're at a you're gonna add her case conference fundamentally more than one of them and you're talking about oh the government's dangerous and they'll set you up you're presumed guilty the legislature plays tricks and then no like you know what I should probably do in this place full of witnesses I should go grab somebody's daughter and rub my penis against a rat well fuck if you should be in jail or not your dumb shit is what you are like why the fuck would anybody try to fucking help you dumbass you know even if what you do even if even if we accept the value system being portrayed here who when they're fucking right mind does that even if we accept the moral premise that you're advocating you're still a reckless dangerous idiot to be doing something like that what the fuck is wrong with you and so why does anybody gonna put their reputation their political goals on the line to take up for that it's fucking ridiculous two on seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program and more or less I have to just to please give us a call one two two one seven six eight one four three three to call in I'll do this I got to put that yeah and then we'll do that boom yeah that's a lot better okay now and we'll bring this over here and we'll bring it over yeah we'll make that a little smaller bring that up over there and then we'll turn it on boom there we go now you can see the phone number two on seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program and I'm all you tell the less I have to just please give us a call now I'm saying and this is what happens okay so basically what happens is if you run around and you do things that are illegal then you know you get go to jail okay and you know some people they figure this out some people they don't you know and then they go to jail and if they don't figure it out and jail then they end up in prison it kind of this kind of the way it goes right and so can you do shit like that when you're like yeah yeah well you know I'm just gonna I'm gonna break the law you keep on breaking the law and you know what I'm gonna jail you know I'll blame I'll blame the cops okay because you know what those fucking cops you know they just they're running around enforcing those laws and I just you know fascist of the real anarchist now you know what I mean it's just you know I really it I got into this on the on the prior membershow okay that there was basically an incident you know and look I've talked to you I've said before I think the active clubs were great thing I love the western show in his telegram channel I'm not I'm not knocking those guys you know I was I was really having a good time corresponding with Robert Rondo before they the United States government intervened to stop that and I and I talked pretty seriously with with Rondo okay and like I talked to about a lot of things and you know it was a high level discussion okay respect that guy and I think the active clubs are good thing okay you see what you see is sharply edited videos and images of fit men doing cool shit you know and those guys are capable people who are you know networking it's an important thing and so like I don't have a negative work to say about the active clubs in general matter I gotta say that and there was a statement that was shared to the western show in his telegram channel from the so-called active club making a very sensible point that a fellow by the name of Paul mentioned a guy who was convicted of accessory to murder who was at Charlottesville with the reds attacking our guys and who the government is conspicuously disinterested in doing anything about somehow managed to take over white lives matter Pennsylvania and then either take over or start something called embrace struggle AC active club Paul fucking midden running a fucking AC are you out of your fucking mind like you know all the fucking as aspects of this guy it's just like it's completely insane that like this was even allowed to happen that like somebody would even have to say this is preposterous and so obviously you know it's not I don't have anything negative to say or I have nothing positive to say about Paul mentioned for sure and I certainly don't believe that anybody who's criticizing the fact that he took over a white nationalist group is you know add a line for doing that but a portion of the statement said anyone who works with the system oh well that's like it's an unforgivable sin now Paul mentioned when he was convicted of accessory to murder this was this was because he was an accessory to murder like he was complicit he was a willing a accomplice to a homicide and he went and helped his his co-conspirator hide the body that that he dropped right in front of him okay and then he went fugitive and then he got caught and then he ran it out his buddy so Paul mittens a rat okay if you enter into a criminal conspiracy and then you get caught and then you rat out your buddy that's snitching all right and so to call Paul mint and a rat is an accurate statement I take no issue with that it's obviously true but a portion of the statement said working with the system is an unforgivable sin okay I'm gonna I'm gonna you'll hear the exact statement I'm actually gonna play the clip for you in a minute that I just did on the member show and that I took issue with because as you know I have a very different view of it and like this idea that you know we're all just enemies of the system is is fucking stupid as a matter of fact okay the system is just a bunch of people doing stuff all right there ain't no system there's people doing things and if you don't like their behavior you have to interact with them in order to change their behavior it's very straightforward and so when people say no no no no no no interacting with the system they're they're they're shooting themselves in the foot and everybody else in the process and that drives me fucking crazy so I'm gonna I don't have this actually queued up I got to queue it up give me just a second here to find the beginning of the segment here and so all right ladies and gentlemen we're getting started with this beautiful okay all right I knew everything was good to work just fine and since the revolver post appears also if you have the Odyssey contents subscription you can obviously you can get it there but we would love to have you participate that'd be a lot of fun love talking to you guys Wednesdays at 9.30 pm there's a lot of interesting stuff going on the news today as I was opening up tabs to pull up stories this morning they got so small that I could barely click on them without accidentally hitting the X to close them among the pieces that have the most inspired to talk is yet another piece in revolver news pedaling the picture at front has been infiltrated by feds nonsense this coincides with the post from the so Cal active club which I saw reposted at the western show in his telegram channel the revolver post appears to be unsigned rendering it the opinion of the organization as opposed to some individual within it likely it was written by Darren Bede himself Bede was a former Trump speechwriter who was fired for talking to white nationalists Trump later nominated Mr. Bede to become a board member for the commission of the preservation of America's heritage abroad and oddly enough among the obligations of that institution that's supposed to be you know protecting America's heritage abroad is protecting Holocaust memorials all over the world so you know that's America's that's America's heritage the New York Times took issue with Mr. Bede being hired in that position and so they wrote an article about it and when asked for a quote Mr. Bede told the times quote the ADL pretends to be an organization that protects Jews but it really exists to protect Democrats as a Jewish Trump supporter I consider it an honor to be attacked by the far left ADL and its disgrace leader Jonathan Greenblatt that ethnic pride might have something to do with his decision to feed clickbait to conspirators the beast does not accuse the group of being a fully funded arm of the federal government it does outline some detail of the group's early formation and the legal troubles that they have suffered over the years but much like when we covered the Michael Null segment on Patriot front Bede in the same breath gives credence to the center right idiots who say that the group has been infiltrated by feds as if that were somehow a controversial theory or told us anything about what the group is doing to be clear it is not and it does not as I said in the comment section on revolver and I would encourage you to go over there and join the comments over there because actually it was a pretty good read they're getting they're getting ratioed over there as I said the comment section at revolver you should be a shame of yourselves for even entertaining this nonsense you are obviously just waving clickbait at conspirators and you know it the idea that the group might be infiltrated by feds is just dumb let's just take it as obvious that feds try to spy on the group including by turning members into informants and sending under covers to work there do you really think revolver news has not faced the same efforts shall we call the Republican Party a fed up if some members of the GOP happen have law enforcement backgrounds or if the FBI is spying on them this site had potential and you just credit yourselves with nonsense like this and links to fake news sites you could have replaced the drudge report but you just couldn't resist getting into the mud with the lowest of the low and part of the reason that that stood out to me was because of a piece that I mentioned that I read on the telegram channel of the western showbiz which a great publication they they put out great stuff Paul Minton is a pretty well-known character if you've done some research into what happened in Charlottesville in your 2017 he was running around attacking people with Philly Antifa on August 11th and the government's conspicuous disinterested him speaks volumes since the guy was literally convicted of accessory to murder prior to that incident in the murder case he helped dispose of a body that his friend had dropped in his presence Minton became a cooperating witness to reduce his own legal exposure at the time of the slaying Minton was a purported Nazi skinhead later he joined skinheads against racial prejudice and later Antifa thus our past came to cross in Virginia in 2017 apparently Minton purports to have seen the light to return to his right wing routes he ended up in charge of not just a member of but in charge of a group calling itself white lives matter Pennsylvania and the embrace struggle active club understandably people in the know saw this is a problem so the southern California active club released a statement which was then shared by the western showbiz and I will read that statement in full in the past so-called active club has always stated its lane and tried to only focus on southern California but we have been made aware of a club in quotes that must be addressed embrace struggle active club from Pennsylvania the leader Paul Minton has a very troubling history in the nationalist scene with flip-flopping from white power skinhead to sharp skinhead back to WP and then he moved into joining Antifa and eventually snuck his way into running WLM Pennsylvania intentions unknown with all that some might wonder maybe that's just his journey genuine maybe give the guy a chance absolutely not even if we wanted to forgive all his past nonsense there's more Paul is also a rat in 1999 Paul testified against an associate and helped get the state helped the state get their conviction in order to receive leniency the guy he ran it on committed a filthy crime that we obviously don't stand by but it doesn't matter he's still worked with the system working with the system is one of the unforgivable crimes against our efforts with all that said embrace struggle AC will never be welcomed to national events or recognize as a legitimate club Paul Minton will never be welcome in any circle of ours or any circle we share influence with no second chances for rats if you're in Paul's club and you want to continue the AC lifestyle and be part of something legitimate then reach out to at P.A.X active club they are the legitimate active club in Pennsylvania and that's the end of the statement by so kind of active club the western show and his followed up with their own statement and I see nothing worth responding to in that since it was quite level headed now let us begin here Minton is a devoted career criminal even when he wanted to claim to be a white power skinhead he was not in it to save his race from annihilation he was not an academic he wasn't a philosopher he was a criminal he was in it because he was one of those people who think that being an advocate of white folks is a criminal enterprise and he decided to carry out his crimes with this as his purported motive if Minton had never testified against his co-defendant never joined the Reds had not spent years violently attacking right wingers in the street and doxing them the fact that he is a violent criminal with no moral code should be enough to have him excluded from anything the active clubs in the western chauvinist purport to represent so it should be totally obvious but I'll state it anyway that since this is the case and since Paul Minton did in fact do all of those things after being an accessory to murder he is an irredeemable piece of subhuman garbage who pollutes the air so long as he is allowed to continue breathing to put him in prison for the rest of his life with nothing but the bodily fluids of fluids of other inmates for his sustenance would be too good of a fate for him I have nothing positive to say about Paul Minton and it is entirely appropriate that no peaceful contact with him should be permitted by anyone right of Emily Gorsanski now Paul Minton is a rat by any definition he was a willing accomplice to a violent crime he was a fugitive he got caught he gave up his co-conspirator to save his own skin even by the standards of any law-abiding citizen this is disreputable behavior especially when it is not accompanied by the informant turning away from a life of crime Paul Minton is a criminal to this very day and he has no intention to stop committing crimes he switches back and forth from time to time about his motives and his choice of victims but all indications are that Paul Minton will be a criminal until he is dead and he will likely die a criminal's death and very few will mourn his passing but the statement issued by so-called active club and echoed by the western showmanist is preposterous in its wording if not its general sentiment the guy ratted on a complete the guy he ratted on committed a filthy crime and we obviously don't stand by that but it doesn't matter he still worked with the system working with the system is one of the unforgivable crimes against our efforts okay does the so-called does the so-called active club have this opinion about the attorney representing Robert Rondo are all attorneys to become enemies of all the active clubs do attorneys do little other than work with the system of course and thus this would seem to be what they're saying do they not want retired military personnel among their ranks are all courage and former government employees forever barred from having anything to do with the edd right when I was corresponding with Robert Rondo before that correspondence was cut off by the government of the United States I disclosed to him all of my efforts to work with the system to see justice done after Charlottesville Rondo took no issue with what I had said because Rondo is not an idiot and understands that we are not criminals when Michael miscellus Benjamin daily coal white and tom gillin all pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy to riot charges and inso doing swore under oath that the allegations against them were true they did this for the explicit purpose of reducing their sentences their plea agreements included a provision that they could not make exculpatory statements do these coars confessions render these men rats no absolutely they do not not by any stretch of the imagination you'd have to be an idiot to think so have they worked with the system by bowing to its coarser powers yes in fact everyone who pleads guilty to a crime does this when daily was deposed in the science v kessler trial he was reminded over and over and over again of this provision of his plea agreement prohibiting exculpatory statements and he was asked repeatedly are you saying you did not commit the crime you pleaded guilty to to which he had little choice but to affirm the allegations of the questioning attorney or go back to prison that video of his deposition was played in the courtroom in the science v kessler trial to create a fact for the plaintiffs later as i was being questioned during that trial and i honestly stated that i had never met mr. daly before his deposition plaintiffs counsel played a video wherein mr. daly and i were fighting side by side at the university of virginia a fact i had been unaware of until that moment while the verdict in the case suggests that daly's testimony was of limited utility or not having been found liable for a racially motivated violent conspiracy as alleged this certainly didn't know favors in convincing the jury that this was all just a permitted demonstration attacked by left wing criminals there i was on video fighting in a riot next to a guy who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to start a riot and who could not and would not deny that he had so conspired that likely had something to do with the millions of dollars that were awarded despite the plaintiffs failure to prove their central claim now i'm not saying that to you because i hold it against mr. daly in fact i do not at all i think he's probably a good and honest person who met well and did his best as he could under the circumstances that he was met with i imagine that if he were called to testify against robbert rondo in a criminal trial he would likely refuse to do that and take whatever punishment came his way he's not a rat he didn't throw his code of evidence under the bus he didn't violate his agreements he was threatened and coerced and he pleaded guilty of crime to avoid time in prison that's what almost everyone who gets charged with a crime does when you throw your co conspirators under the bus then you're a rat when you agreed to commit a crime you make an implicit agreement that you're not going to tell the police often that often that agreement is made explicit but there's nobody who enters into a criminal conspiracy with you you know thinking that you're gonna rat them out it's the implicit terms of any criminal conspiracy when you violate that agreement you have acted disruptably if what you are doing is not a crime and like any other innocent person you tell the truth you've not acted disrupt beautifully and you're not a rat if you're a victim of a crime or if you witness a crime you're not a party too and you report such crimes to law enforcement you have not acted disruptably and you are not a rat Paul mitten was a willing co conspirator in a violent crime he continues committing violent crimes to this very day he is a rat thus while it is beyond prudent to say that Paul mitten is a scumbag sub rodent life form who cannot be trusted with the responsibilities of a prison janitor saying that so and so worked with the system and his thus a rat and his forever irredeemably irredeemable is facially preposterous foolish talk like this pervades within the dissident right near universally from people who have absolutely no experience with the legal system it is among the most notable failures of that movement to have such irresponsible talk fall from the mouths of those who fancy themselves leaders allowing such nonsense to fester in the minds of those who take them seriously here's a thought exercise if the author of that statement is accused of a crime tomorrow that he did not commit and he can provide an alibi to prove he did not commit that crime is he going to tell the feds name rank and serial number and refuse to provide the proof that he did not commit the crime is his contempt for the system so serious that he would rather go to prison for a crime someone else committed then work with the system or will he bring the authorities closer to catching the ban who did commit the crime by giving them information that helps them clear an innocent suspect the answer to that question is obvious anybody who acts like it isn't is trying to fool you they're not even lying they're they're they're they're not even misguided they're lying okay anyone who tells you I would not tell the cops that I didn't do it is lying to you let's say that author of that post was shot in a street by Paul Minton and all of the authors associates were witnesses to that shooting and they saw Paul Minton run away and they saw where he hid the gun would they all refuse to tell the police who shot the guy who wrote that post or where the shooter hid the weapon is there a version to working with the system so absolute that they would refuse to call 911 so an ambulance can come and provide medical attention in both the case of the squish right portraying patriot fontas feds are infiltrated by feds and in the case of the active clubs and utter other edge right groups saying ridiculous things like no cooperation with the system ever man we see the same idiotic pathology notably it is not a pathology demonstrated by our opponents the left work with the system all of the time they dress up like anarchists to hide the fact that they are agents of the system to protect the system but since they understand that the object of the contest is the control of the state they've no moral aversion to using the powers of the government to aid in their efforts of course not the whole entire point of the enterprise working within the system is to whole entire point of what we're supposed to be doing even if you're a militant group even if you're like screw this whole democracy thing we're gonna overthrow the government what are you going to do after you overthrow the government you're going to go occupy the buildings and claim the offices and run the run the institutions the whole entire point of overthrowing the government actually unless you have some like kind of like crazy and cap fantasy that like yeah once we get rid of the state dude we're gonna have Rothbardian article cap come on working within the system is a whole entire point of what we're supposed to be doing here the system is not your enemy the system is the prize that you are fighting to obtain nobody who fails to understand that will have any success in altering the power structures that they complain about you don't see boxers cursing out referees or hockey players running away from trophies with their middle fingers in the air football teams do not say screw your rules and take to the field with weapons in an effort to win Super Bowl the government will never tolerate a militarized organization devoted to its destruction the government should not tolerate a militarized organization devoted to its destruction if we ever get our idiotic get over our idiotic behaviors and obtain political power someday we will not tolerate a militarized organization devoted to the destruction of our government because of those facts the government will inevitably send its agents to join these groups they will monitor the members of the groups and they will seek to charge them with crimes real or imagined they will offer those defendants leniency exchange for cooperation in near all cases they will accept that leniency with the utmost enthusiasm even if it means throwing their friends into the bus many will not only tell the truth to obtain that leniency but they will lie as well reasonable and well intentioned people will do almost anything to avoid prison unreasonable people and those with ill intent will do literally anything to avoid prison reasonable people do not say no working with the system ever man that is something unreasonable people say that that guy is your co-defendant than you are in a lot of trouble the only thing that you can do in this environment is make accurate threat assessments or try to make accurate threat assessments make prudent plans to deal with those threats and then take prudent actions according to your plans and deviating where you must you have to know first and foremost who you're working with anonymity is not possible in situations where honor will be tested a person who can discard their persona and go back to a different life will do precisely that the second that he is met with a threat to the circumstances of that more comfortable existence it is as predictable as sunrise and sunset and we have seen it happen too many times to keep track of you have to expect that you will interact with the system whether you like it or not you have to make plans on how you will do that if your plan is just to not interact with the system then you are planning to have the worst experience with the system possible when that interaction is imposed upon you against your will to formulate those plans you need to understand what the system is at base people talk about the system like it's some kind of machine you could turn off or replace that's nonsense and it demonstrates a serious lack of understanding the system is nothing more than people doing stuff okay it is human beings saying and doing things for the acquisition and maintenance of social approval from other human beings this is mostly measured in material awards and the occasional at a boy so if the guys who run around with guns telling everybody what to do or not acting in your best interests then you are going to have to interact with those guys so that you can change their behavior it's not as complicated as some would make it out to be you know if you are accused of a crime you have to tell the police you're innocent if someone commits a crime against you then you need to tell the police who committed the crime so that they can go arrest the guy if the guy pleads not guilty and there is a trial then you need to go and be a witness in that trial in the entirely to likely event that you are charged with a crime that you will need people on your side to cooperate with the system to clear name you will need people to make statements to police and testify to courtroom if you are convicted anyway in sent to prison you will need people to interact with the system to do so much to send you a letter or to visit you or deposit money into your account and since you know that dealing with the system is so unpleasant from watching me it is very important for you to obey the law even if that's not sufficient you have to assume that the government is listening to your phone calls and reading your emails you have to assume that your friends will rat you out you have to assume that your completely lawful behavior if it could be made to look like some part of something to Ferries will be so twisted if that serves the purposes of those are control of the legal system so you have to do more than obey the law you must maintain a reputation as an upright honest and law-abiding citizen who would happily help to put criminals away if the opportunity presented itself you must maintain this reputation all the more if you intend to break the law if you want to try to go up against the government you can't declare that as your intention or even if you expect that despite your best efforts to obey the law situations may arise which will cause you to run a foul of those enforcing it anyway in those circumstances you all the much more need to loudly and proudly come but tell everybody about how eager you are to help law enforcement clean up these streets now granted it did not keep me from being harmed by the system but those of you who followed my cases know that I was able to say it every step of the way not only that I cooperated with law enforcement but that I sought their assistance in advance of the things I was supposedly responsible for I kept good records including a body camera video and provided those records to investigators I swore to tell the truth and I testified in court more than twice and some people look at that and they say see can't well cooperated with the system and look what happened to him don't cooperate with the system man while I look at that and I say imagine what would have happened if those same events had transpired while I was screaming FU copper at every authority figure who entered the picture it is very difficult for a sane person to imagine that that would have worked out any better for me personally and it certainly would not have worked out better for the values that we share the whole entire narrative defense of the 2017 Unite the right rally is we called the cops they didn't we had a permit right the whole entire defense of the civil trial was this was a law biting event as evidenced by the fact that we're talking to the cops I wore a body camera and provided the video to the FBI the the reds did not do that we cooperated with the investigators and not just me by the way the reds did not they sent out bad this whole thing for genius for grand jury resistors all this nonsense and the and the and the reds they're conspicuous about it too right oh yeah yeah you go go accuse them of a crime and then go and testifying court and do all of that and that's great anarchist oh no no no the system is your enemy right now and you better not go you know you better not go to the grand jury because that's going to get our guys indicted to understand how is it that antifa has more good sense than you the whole entire defense of that thing if I get around to writing the book about it will be here's all the things that we did to try to prevent that and all the things that we tried to do to make sure that the right guys went to jail afterwards that's why we're the good guys that's the proof the wrong guys went to jail and got sued and if you want those guys to get out of jail if you ever want me or anybody who is involved in that lawsuit to be able to own anything ever and that narrative has to prevail and you can't run around screaming screw the system and if we are successful then that is what history will record if we are successful history will say these guys cooperated with law enforcement they applied for a permit they showed up they were attacked by criminals and they obeyed the law when they defended themselves and then they cooperated with investigators that's what we want the history books to say about August of 2017 in Charlottesville Virginia you're painfully aware that that is not what the newspaper said so if you want history to continue recording what the newspapers are saying that Nazi criminals with no respect for the system came to commit crimes they just keep on refusing to interact with the government the media other lovers of power keep on feeding into the idiotic notion that fascists are the real anarchists and saying that all of the horrific things of all the horrific things Paul mentioned did over the course of his life of crime the one unforgivable act was not that he showed up in Charlottesville with the reds assaulting our guys but that he testified against a murderer in 1999 if you want the media to keep on saying that the political right is a criminal conspiracy to overthrow democracy then keep on going completely not whenever law enforcement takes an interest in a protest group keep on acting like anyone who comes near the government is some kind of threat your organization the way the bloods crypts ms 13 and the mafia have made a reputation for doing none of them by the way in any danger of winning an election anytime soon if on the other hand you would like to save your people from extermination you might instead try to grow up a little bit and understand that interacting with the system is to hold entire point of political activity and even if you call your you know ideological group non-political like that's still in the entire point of it actually whether you're some militia planning to over the government or whether you're a bunch of guys who just uh you know don't want you know the next election to be uh you know get a heckler's veto whatever that's the goal is to interact with the system so you might do well to stop by your legislative office building maybe give them a piece of your mind you might encourage people to become lawyers to seek public office to try to get elected and to pursue careers in law enforcement and intelligence services and maybe just maybe you aim a little bit more skepticism toward those who say that doing any of those things makes you a rat all right two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and a more you told the less I have to so please do give us a call we have callers on hold do stay with us okay I'm gonna get you at a minute uh but I you I can see from your uh from your auto screen that you want to talk about something else so let me finish with this and then I'll and then I'll move on to another subject with you uh you know as if to become a cartoon caricature of what I had said on the show a commenter replied to the member show blog post on telegram with the following comment quote for me there is zero benefit from groveling to pigs or interacting with the system I don't speak to law enforcement or fats I'm not running for president and I have no incentive to ingratiate myself with them they have no place in my or the local networks life if I'm arrested I can do my time without dragging others down I prefer to live by a code of honor sure there are many in politics so we'll need to communicate or work within the system but for the regular guy it's dumb move cooperator and I evenly assuming eight system agents or anything but malicious didn't seem to do can't well any favors I choose to maintain my own personal integrity so you know right there that as a matter of fact this guy's replying to this without having read it because that's addressed in the piece of course right so like everybody else he comments in ignorance and I reply integrity is not what you have demonstrated here just foolishness and likely ill intent but I'll leave it up because it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about you at 99% of the rats doing time in federal prison right now say the same fucking thing until you are actually about to do the damn time it's always the guy screaming the loudest that he won't rat ends up being on the witness stand saying whatever the prosecution wants them to say if somebody on your unit is calling everybody a rat you know the guy he's the guy talking to the cops trying to divert attention away from himself and failing spectacularly he replies to that saying see I know all about you from consuming your content over the years but you don't know me I've done more than my share of time inside I've done time for not snitching or cooperating so you can't tell us that everyone has to rat or cooperate it's not what I said I can look myself in the mirror if you lost yourself brighter had to reinvent yourself over the years to justify choices that's on you you are taunting all of us with that mud and I'm just chiming into object because I'm not a content creator butting celebrity and I have no need to ask these pigs for shit I'm not calling anyone a rat I'm just saying I think you're wrong people are reading that shouldn't be getting crap advice about calling cops and stuff we need a moral code and handle our own business because cops are not presently on the side of pro whites I replied to him again I said if you handle your own business no wonder you've done time if guys are running around the street settling scores that's where they end up if you want to join a prison gang go call in a fucking prison gang stop pretending it has anything to do with politics or philosophy and this fucking sent me off on a tangent so I made some public post reads as follows spend 15 minutes talking to a cop who isn't investigating you for a crime at that moment and you'll discover that his biggest concern is his bosses finding out what he really thinks same as most of you if you're out doing dirt in the cops show up yeah behave like a fucking criminal that's your best bet but if you're trying to make a positive difference in the world and you're putting forth extra energy to keep the cop from helping you with your goals then you're a fucking idiot you do some time you can't help but get friendly with the people who keep you separated from money and pussy you think you're so hard that you want to ask a cop for some toilet paper your friends have said you straight before your enemies do provided you've got friends if you're a really deranged sick person you might be able to pull that crap off for one year but not two eventually you figure out like he did years before you got there that you and he ain't so different as you might have thought the first time you were placed in handcuffs being me in prison is a pretty unique experience it might go without saying CEOs read the news same as anybody else they got a lot of time on their hands so perhaps more than most they also had the capacity to look into a case and since I'm a friendly guy who they like talking to more than a few did exactly that they knew that I got screwed not one of them offered to break me out of prison but they were more than happy to acknowledge that's fucking bullshit and it's not something they say into everyone in order to get by in a building full of criminals the guys I talked to understood what the fuck I was talking about and if you want to go make enemies out of them you go right ahead but that means that you're doing something stupid and dangerous and unproductive and I don't want anything to fucking do with it good cops follow orders they don't tell their superior officers what their political opinions ought to be they do what they are told or they are bad cops and they rightly get fired or worse if you hope that some day you or someone who agrees with you will control a government then you are a fool to complain about this you will not be able to govern unless the guys with the guns do what you tell them to do the people in the federal government who subverted the Trump presidency were criminals we should all hope that they go to prison for the rest of their lives upon his reelection for not following his orders to the best of their ability a competent leader does not allow his subordinates to disobey him even if he is wrong sure a subordinate can improvise if his orders clash with the facts on the ground a good subordinate a good subordinate gets promoted for that it shows that he can think on his feet and get the job done without without constant instruction but if the subordinate says you're a dumbass boss i don't do what you say that he's obviously a nigger and has no reason to be wearing a uniform he is not stolen if you want the cops to behave better become their commanding officer and tell them what to do it's actually pretty fucking straightforward and you're never going to do that if you declare yourself to be at war with the system two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and i'm or you're so the less i have to so please do give us a call caller you're on the radical agenda what's your agenda uh hey kris um several weeks ago i i heard you say something i i disagreed with and i've been trying to call in and haven't been able to get in until now uh anyway several weeks ago i i heard you say that um Tucker Carlson to shouldn't talk to Alex Jones because Alex Jones is not credible um i don't agree with that at all and couldn't people say the same thing about you i mean they could say hey you know Tucker Carlson or wherever you shouldn't talk to Christopher can't well because he's not credible well it as a matter of fact i am credible and as a matter of fact Tucker Carlson doesn't talk to me and so that's actually it's actually a very good way of illustrating my point right Tucker Carlson won't talk to me right and as a matter of fact Tucker Carlson knows exactly who the fuck i am Tucker Carlson is is certainly aware that i have information about charlotte's guilt that he should be airing he's choosing not to do that and instead he's talking to Alex Jones uh yeah well i don't see anything wrong with talking to Alex Jones i mean i uh i started following Alex Jones back in uh 2001 uh actually shortly after nine eleven and um you know when nine eleven happened i was suspicious of it and uh he uh kind of you know uh shed the light on a lot of things going on that pointed it to it being an inside job and i agree with him so i've i've followed all Alex Jones you know on and off for many years uh i haven't listened to a show lately but i still do visit info wars as you know one of the regular websites i go to and uh you know i you know do i did so sarall agree with everything Alex Jones has ever done no but overall i like him i met him in person actually one time uh back in two thousand six and an event and um you know i didn't talk to him for that while i talked him for a few minutes he seemed like a nice guy uh he seemed like he was legit the real deal i saw him interacting with other people and uh i think you said a lot of good stuff over the years i am my opinion he's been a net positive okay well let let me just you know i'm not familiar with everything Alex Jones has ever said but it's it's my understanding that he was fully aware of that what he was saying about sandy hook is complete fucking bullshit okay so Alex Jones tells lies on purpose and like acknowledges that he does so behind the scenes okay and that's the problem okay so Alex Jones is a guy who lies and he does so loudly and publicly and repeatedly and insistently and then he goes and he sells over prized dietary supplements on his website okay and so Alex Jones is really not a credible person now as Alex Jones exposed some important things i'm sure that he has i'm sure that he's done things that are very important you know Alex Jones is actually a very important part of my ideological journey like he was part of my paradigm shattering so to speak a bunch of like prison plan and info wars you know documentaries sort of like i went on this like scare the shit out of myself binge it like you know that that completely shook me from my slumber say okay so you could say that Alex Jones didn't that positive fine but i don't even think that i wouldn't argue against that point what i said was the Tucker Carlson is talking to a guy who's not credible he's refusing to talk to a guy who is credible and that that does bad things to the credibility of Tucker Carlson that's an accurate statement well i wouldn't actually have a problem if he did talk to you now i i i wouldn't have a problem if he talked to me either but he what he's doing is you know Tucker Carlson what he does is he he's making these calculations about his reputation and he's pretending that he's not making them okay so Tucker Carlson is absolutely terrified of being branded a racist or whatever okay and so he will not engage with people who don't shy away from that accusation you see and and because of that he he actually does for a lot of credibility with people who are you know in the know right he'll talk to Alex Jones he'll talk to he'll go so far as it talks like Charles Murray is probably as far out as he's willing to go on that subject but he's not going to you know he's never going to talk to me he's not going to talk to I don't know name name your name your favorite white nationalist okay he's never going to do that because he wants to keep on saying that like he's unaware that this even exists okay and he's not unaware that it exists he knows you know the things that he talks about it's obvious you know you don't have Charles Murray on your show and say that you read the bell curve Tucker Carlson was quoted in the bell curve okay so like Tucker Carlson understands the race question and then he and then he goes on television it shut up then he goes on television and he and he does the fucking Martin Luther King quoting nonsense okay he's like oh you know you know that we're all you know you're not judged people by the color of their skin or like like like first of all that's not what the races are doing and he knows that and and so like his whole thing is is pretending that he doesn't know what he knows right and so that's it damages his credibility with people who are in the know now I think Tucker Carlson more far more than I was just more than me for sure isn't that positive I'm not attacking a guy I don't want I'm you know shut down I don't you know I'm I was pissed when he got fired from Fox News I stopped watching television because of it so like I think Tucker Carlson is great but what he's doing I think is it is is a mistake all right you just said Tucker Carlson was quoted in the bell curve yeah that would came out in the 1990s I think it came out what about 95 96 something like that I don't think Tucker Carlson I don't even remember here Tucker Carlson back down remember here in Tucker Carlson until sometime in the 2000s yeah so I couldn't tell you exactly what it was I don't have the quote in front of me you know I've read the books since 2017 I just I just know he's his name is in there okay and so like it was a part of a news thing Tucker Carlson's been in media for a very long time he hasn't been famous you know very long but he's been in media for a very long time okay well I think I I remember hearing about him maybe 2006 seven eight something like that but but anyway now you said you know Alex Jones selling dietary supplements and other things I mean so what he sells stuff to make money I mean what's wrong with that you know I went into it but I think I did this on a member shows you might not have heard it but you know the the the what he does with the dietary supplements I mean it's you know you know it's legal you know but it's not when you go and you look at what the ingredients of these things are what they calls to produce the product and then you go and compare it to what he's selling it for it's like he portrays that like oh you know I'm giving you this stuff to help protect you from these monsters who are trying to control your food supplier whatever okay he's driving his stereo and then he's selling overpriced products okay he's not actually trying to help his listeners at all he's fleecing them as what he's doing because they could go to GNC and buy it cheaper okay and GNC if you don't know it's like the most expensive place to buy dietary supplements like nobody who knows anything about the supplements industry would go to GNC for anything because they're outrageously priced he's selling things for more than you could be a lot more than GNC so like it's not that he's selling dietary supplements that I have a problem with he's he's you know you know super male vitality whatever you know the amount I forget what the cost I went over this on the on the membership but like the amount that he sells that thing for is like it's like $40 for this little bottle okay and it's like tribulus terrestris and horny goat wheat or something it's it's actually not a very sophisticated formula and the stuff to produce it is incredibly cheap and then he sells it like yeah this is going to be the equivalent of taking steroids okay and it's not so like what he's doing is he's misleading his audience and and and overcharging them for for for products you know and and he's taking advantage of dumb people basically okay well I've I've never bought any supplements from him but you know I actually good stuff to I bought yeah well I'm not an expert on supplements but I'm sure he's not the only person who puts a big markup on something well he's he's not like from in my blog books bumper stickers and I bought a water filter from him one time and he's the filter version yeah you know he's got he's got to make he's got to make money to to support the show I mean you got to make money to support your show also yeah you know so but but you know and you're in support of stuff well that's fine and I you know and I sell my t-shirts for you know much more than they cost me to make okay but it's not but it's not a 5,000% markup okay and so like you know what what what what what he's doing look I don't have a guy let him sell what everyone's okay I'm I you know I'm not I've not completely abandoned my respect for the market okay what I'm saying is that Alex Jones lies in public he drives hysteria and then he overcharges his customers okay that's all now you know I'm not saying I should go to jail for that I certainly don't think you should have had to give a billion dollars to these people in Sandy Hook but if you're running around lying and you're driving hysteria and then you're overcharging your customers it's like yeah as a matter of fact like fuck you guy like that's my attitude about it honestly okay and so like oh you could go to see you now just it go let's wrap it up we can't discuss Alex Jones so close it out okay well I was going to move on to the next part of my topic but before I do that I so I agreed with Alex Jones about to Sandy Hook and you know I remember he had a guy named Wolfgang Halbig on the show who was a former retired cop Florida and this guy like really got deep into investigating Sandy Hook I think the whole thing was a scam and I don't think he owes those people anything in the in the lawsuits settlement and you know the reason that you are unfortunately concerned to be kind of a lower on the total poll of people to talk to that Alex Jones is just kind of you know you made some really over the top statements in the past you know and you kind of unlike Alex Jones you know I don't think I need to elaborate on that I think you know you did it yeah unlike Alex Jones I get it all right well thank you very much for to call my friend I appreciate it two seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and the more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call that's right over the top statements we'll destroy your career behave more like Alex Jones folks oh man so on a separate note I got a I got a text message from a listener the other day actually this was several text messages over the course of several days which led up to him asking this question okay so he asked me if I on one day he asked if people called me and asked me for advice so I'm like you know they used to not so much anymore which is unfortunate because I'm more capable of providing it today than I used to be and he acknowledges you know you know it's funny how that works should ever and then days later he's like can I ask you a question about you know approaching women or or or appealing to women as a non-conformist and disclosed that he has assburgers and I responded as follows I said it would be a lot easier for me if you would state the question and let me respond if you ask permission to ask then time passes and then I say sure and then time passes again and this is inefficient in the extreme so the first thing I'll say about your relationships with women is that they appreciate confidence and fortitude when you ask a permission to ask a question and they who described your situation as silly I'm given the fault that you might demonstrate similarly effeminate behaviors elsewhere and that will not serve you well with women that's provided as only a thoughtful observation and the interest of being helpful I don't think it's unreasonable that you asked before dumping your problems on me and I'm not complaining or trying to insult you and so he follows up with his question about being appealing to women while being a non-conformist and disclosed as assburgers and I follow and I respond thusly when you approach a woman do not ask a question make a statement if she's at all attractive she's been approached by dozens or hundreds of men and she has completely had it with people saying what's up a question is always a request you're asking for something you're a man provide what statement you make is entirely context dependent not much advice I can provide there if you want to impress women impress men do impressive things acquire impressive knowledge where impressive clothes is sort of thing these things are obviously means tested to some extent I don't know or want you to tell me about your finances but in the case of clothing you could build a pretty impressive wardrobe on a budget if you stop by Marshalls and TJ Maxx every week and check clearance racks is a great bargain hunting site I cannot speak highly enough about the wonders of testosterone there are natural ways of boosting your body's testosterone production there are chemical ways of boosting your body's testosterone production there are legal ways of acquiring exogenous testosterone and there are illegal ways of getting exogenous testosterone I am agnostic on how you choose to address that but I cannot give you advice on breaking the law obviously if you take testosterone and go to the gym and lift weights three days a week and do some cardio there is a 100% chance that women will find you more a physically attractive than if you do not don't insist on being a total nonconformist by the way watch popular tv shows and movies listen to popular music these are conversational thought that you can expect women to be familiar with that it allows you to talk about things that they are interested in stand out by having something unexpected to say common and trivial things if you have got ass burgers and you have trouble with social situations that all infer from this that you have room to improve when it comes to making other people laugh if you make other people laugh they will enjoy your company and want to spend time with you pretty straight forward if you have acquired confidence as a learned skill you might be able to do the same thing with humor watch stand up comedians don't try to memorize the jokes analyze their structure and there's not much of a conclusion to that that was basically the advice that I had in the moment and I could perhaps elaborate on that but you get the idea basically okay be funny be good looking and say something different okay if you're if you're if you're if you're on a dating site hitting up women and being like what's up how you doing like do you how many times do you think an attractive woman has heard that today it's not working okay if you go up to an attractive woman on the street and say what's up how you're doing she's like what are you asking me the question right go say something in the context of the situation go and participate provide something of value you know and that's like I said to the listener it's it's context dependent there's not much I can tell you specifically on what to say but like go you know make make a statement about something and provide information don't go request anything if you're asking for something you're in need right you're a man provide two on seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to so please give us a call and if you call in right now you might get online if not a product on the show pretty soon let's go over we've got one super chat from libertariott fourteen dollar thirty three cents Chris thanks for talking about this aoc nonsense and the circular firing squad that is the free peto project what aoc um now I don't or I guess you're talking about the um I guess you're not that's not the initials of the guy right this is uh I don't know second I know Elliott allu axelman is not aoc I haven't talked about Alexandria Cosio Cortez here I'm not sure what uh what you mean by aoc but you know the free state project you know it's a sad thing honestly this free state project uh a lot of you know I moved here I moved to New Hampshire in the year of 2012 originally because I thought the free state project was a great idea I was like I got really enthralled to libertarianism um and I was like oh yeah that'll work let's just all go to the same place and then we can actually take over the garden we can actually wield political power we're all over there's there's millions of us but we're all over we're all over the place so we just all go there and work our asses off then you know we can make uh we can make some progress and you know it didn't take long for me to get dissolution with that frankly I mean like as soon as I got here I I discovered left libertarians I had no idea there was such a thing before you know when I got exposed to libertarianism um it was basically just before you know the 2010 midterms okay and I got in with like campaign for liberty and and the libertarian party and they were you know Ron Paul types they're you know fundamentally right wingers who just didn't want to you know take your pot or whatever yeah we don't care what you're doing in your bedroom just stop trying to you know have the government sanction it whatever I that seemed pretty reasonable to me at the time and I was like yeah that's I'm all about that you know I don't care what you don't care who's having sex with who and I don't care if you're doing drugs just don't make me pay for your goddamn problems and then I got to new ham sure and I was instantly like confronted by these like rabbi left wing fanatics and I had no idea what that was before that I had no exposure to these people and over the course of time then I read Sam Conkin and Center for Stateless Society and markets not capitalism in all this nonsense and then I got then I got that conception that there's a left and a right in libertarianism just like there is everything else you know and the left libertarians you know since they don't mind working with the government they're subsidized right they're gonna go they're happy to go on food stamps and have the government subsidize their housing and everything else so they get to be activists you see right wingers they go to work and they have jobs and they have lives and they raise families and stuff like that and left wingers are homosexuals and trends freaks and and perverts who go on welfare and will be subsidized by the government and go seek some stipend from you know they do a bunch of rent seeking and then they run around in the streets telling everybody what to do and so they are more successful as activists than right wingers are it's pretty straightforward and that's what made them dominant in the free state project and like everything else they get their thinking fucking pause on they completely fucking destroyed it right they will like hey yeah yeah you know let's embrace all these left wing social issues and we'll worry about the economy later yeah hey guys you know what uh you know what's really important let's get Narcan into vending machines all over the place let's get Narcan all over let's just have we got to help these drug addicts so that when they overdose they don't die because those people are our priority you see we got to get gay marriage legalized in New Hampshire we got a yada yada yada yada yada we got to go and protest outside of a private business that private business doesn't want trainees in the bathrooms i remember a very early on in my time here there was going to be a protest that the the the Westboro Baptist Church was about to come here and uh and protest some gay shit and a bunch of people i do were going to go counter protest the the Westboro Baptist Church and i was like why like what like what is the bad Westboro Baptist Church like what what do you care what the Westboro Baptist Church is doing and like oh well they don't like gay people what the fuck do i care if they like gay people or not what does that have to do with liberty let them fucking have their fucking opinions about gay people why do you why do you give a fuck now you know do i want to go fucking just start praying at the Westboro Baptist Church I'll run around with these people do i want to vote my time to that no as a matter of fact i don't you know i got you know i just didn't understand why a bunch of people who were so concerned about freedom were so bent out of shape about the opinions of some fucking fanatics from some other state i don't know and then you know as Donald Trump comes and he runs for president and he's talking about immigration and immigration becomes like a central topic of discussion and a bunch of people who moved from one place to another with the intention of changing the government how the fucking nerve to tell me that immigration is no big deal well what the fuck did you move for you came here with the explicit intent of changing the politics of this state by relocating okay and so if you do that and then a bunch of people from some third world should hold you that and they do that in greater numbers than you do then they win that's the contest that's democracy you see and that's just like it's you know that cognitive dissonance kicks in they did just it just there's a short circuit and they're like you know this is they don't know what to say it's just you're not see shut up you know and then you realize that this is going fucking nowhere fast you know and that caused me in some part to stumble upon the alt-right a lot of people did right and that's you know it was the people fleeing libertarianism and Donald Trump were the were what gave the alt-right that catapult in 2015 2016 and then Charlottesville happens and it's completely fucking wrecked but it's not just Charlottesville happening it does that right what did the what did the alt-right do they did exactly with the libertarians did okay the libertarians are like oh well we'll go rub we'll play footsie with left this on social issues and you know we'll just we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll just collapse the system with the help of the left and then and then after that we'll have our fucking market utopia and then the alt-right was like you know what we got to do you know we need national socialism so let's get a bunch of socialists in here yeah guys once we once we get rid of the blacks you guys can have your welfare states can be fantastic one will have universal basic income well universal health care all those economists are a bunch of stupid fucking Jews don't you know they don't know anything that's Jewish shit economics economics the fuck out of here with that Jew crap and then when the pressure got placed on the alt-right as predictable as sunrise and sunset everything went to fucking shit because what did you have you had a bunch of people who have no fucking standards and everything went to crap and that's okay you know you live in norm I do anyway I don't know about everybody else but I fucking figured out a couple things that'll last few years hope you did too and we're gonna we're gonna learn a lot more in a year to come so thanks for tuning in I'll see you Monday again surreal politics Wednesday for the member show back here next Friday 9 30 PM US Eastern on Odyssey and on the get me radio app for you a smartphone via TV all that shit and why don't you pay me that'd be a fucking fantastic idea I made 14 dollars and 33 cents a night I'm probably probably worth more than that cash app is edgy Chris strike dot me slash can't well is my strike payments gives and go dot com slash spm surreal politics media you can get all the crypto stuff at Christopher can't well dot net slash donate and why don't you go ahead do probably all of those things tonight just you know you do all non kidding just you know just choose one and just put all the money there and you know and then we'll come up with something else because uh we gotta we gotta we gotta do something new I'll see you soon that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't talk to enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda implement and their radical agenda is the only thing they do about their bad actors what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great Americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a life here one of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda the second amendment fuck you pay me