And now that everything's going, we'll just go ahead and start that intro music. That's it, it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda, the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad act is what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great American, he's the people that want to see great things that they got to. You know they try and build a blanket, but a radical agenda, it's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second demand. And I'm going to welcome to the radical agenda to show about time with ideas and news today and usually your calls but not tonight. We got, you know, I'll just say it, you know, we're nearing the conclusion of radical agenda stage six ladies and gentlemen, there are no plans with stage seven. This is not to say that you will not, that you will have heard the last for me anytime soon. So politics will continue. I will produce uncensored content in some other fashion separately from that branding. Some of that will be members only content available to those with surreal politics memberships. In truth, the radical agenda ended a long time ago. The show has not been the same since the events of 2017 and I have long struggled with the apprehension that I might be ruining this body of work by straying too far from the original body of work that I was so proud of. Being deprived of business services and promotional means the trajectory of listenership and financial support is steadily declined. More importantly, this has had the effect of turning the phone lines into a ghost town, which is why I'm not even bothering to pay for them tonight. Having been typecasted as a politics, we've been relegated to an echo chamber where in ideas stagnate and gross stale. In my view, it is boring and it seems a lot of people agree. None of the us's conducive to political success while suffering through tedium and inglorious tasks and painful events is worthwhile in service to a higher purpose. It has become clear to me that we are not approaching anything of the sort. With nearly a year and a half having passed since my release from prison, I am at the grim realization that I have not accomplished almost any of the goals that I set at that time and now being well into my forties, I am hyper conscious of time scarcity. This decision weighs heavily on me. It is difficult to think about much else. Writing passionately with this on my mind is proven largely impossible. Those bursts of inspiration I have had in recent weeks have left me with a number of high quality but unfinished drafts. I am unsure when I'll have the faculties to complete them. But I am still pretty good on the fly. So today, that's cute. Thank you very much. So today, I brought to you the I did some OME TV today and I think some of it is pretty good. We got a bunch of news also and so I'll still I'll do the OME TV thing. I think the content that you're going to see going forward, I got to figure out I even on the member show I toss the time I just do it as like the Christopher can't well show. The goal is basically to get away from politics. I don't want to be in this space anymore or at least not be type casted to it. It's not working and it's not working for anybody by the way. There's a bunch of people clamoring for the same 200 people at this point and it's getting pretty ridiculous. It's not worth watching. It's not worth paying for. It's not worth suffering for. And so we got to try to do something else. And I think that some of the stuff I've done pretty recently is has the potential to be more interesting. You know, trying to go out and basically have interactions with people and not have it be this like niche political, you know, edgy fringe politics nonsense. It's just not that interesting. You can talk to people about these things. You know, I'm saying you can you can go and you can work these things into conversation. But if you approach people that way, it doesn't work. And I've noticed that for a long time. And so, you know, I sort of started trying to do this in the capacity of like, well, you know, we'll do it as we'll do it as politics, but you know, on the rightward edge of respectable or something like that. And okay, you know, that's better than being stuck in, you know, the relegated to the darkest quarters of the internet. At least you could get surreal politics on iTunes, you know. But even at that, it's like you approach people with it. They don't want it. You know, you got to approach them with something else. And I'm going to do that. And so I did the, I, like I said, I did the OMe TV stuff today. I think it was actually, it came out pretty good. And we're going to have a lot more of that. I've, I've did on Monday. We did the episode where I was talking to people on Grindr. And I think that those are actually going to be pretty interesting, more, even more interesting going forward. And I'm looking for other ways to try to do it. So if you've got ideas that interested to hear from you. If you send me an email, Christopher Cantwell, that net slash contact, we can, you know, drop me your ideas. If you think there's ways for me to, you know, spark interactions with other people that I can record. I'll be very interested to hear from you on that. And so let me know your thoughts. I'll start with the, with the OMe TV stuff. And I will do some news. And I'll be, I'll be back in a little while. What up? Were you in jail? Hello? Oh, that's not going to be a little bit. And broke. Go figure. Yo, look. You got some money now. What are you selling crack? What are you doing? How do you make it money? Fuck what I saw crack bitch. Why you robbing white people? What are you doing? I hope you realize you're not on the right, my ink. You're not on the right, my input. Look, I'm on the perfect my input. You're not a nigga. You're like 30 mile. It sounds like you're 30 miles away from your PC. Listen, nigga, you don't know what you're talking about. Okay. What I'm telling you is that your stupid black fucking child and you're not going to grow up to be anything. You're going to, Amazon green screen question mark, Amazon green screen question mark. You're going to be a criminal and you're going to go to prison. But I think I look like Jason. You're going to go to prison and you're going to, and you're going to be a miserable piece of shit. And then your kids are going to be sick. Yours too. You know that. Hello. What's with all these animals on the screen? Why are you people not like where are the human beings? Christopher, you ever were shooting their lunch? Yes, I know. I know that's what happens when you're 40 years old and you have high testosterone. Yeah. Stop running. What's going on, man? Where you guys smashed up for you guys trying to be here like a black. What are you doing? I'm not a cow, bro. Hey, bro. What's up, man? What you doing? What's up, bro? Hey, I've just seen a 15 year old on here with a kid, bro. You're seeing a 15 year old on here with a kid? Yep. That's that's unsurprising. It was probably black, right? Yeah, it was a white girl. God fucking damn it. They're ruining us. You know that. Hello. We can get banned. We can get mad. What's going on, man? Are you looking for that for the big, buddy girls too? I'm just looking for conversation, man. I don't care if it's girls or guys that I'm not trying to fucking get laid on here. I have a better ways to do that, frankly. You know, how do you make a cut? What is it? He's been laying like a fucking. I didn't need to know that, but I have a very shiny head. Yeah. So it happens. You take a razor to it. It works miracles. You have a very shiny head. Yeah, man. I don't have them. When you get older, you see how that works out for you. You keep on making fun of fucking ball people. You grow up. See how that fucking works out for you, buddy. Unless you have like low testosterone, which I think is probably the case in which case you'll be fine. You'll keep your hair until forever like a fucking woman. I think I'm... What are you in a crib? Oh, boy, that's bitch. You guys are getting ready to go rob somebody. You got your money. You put your mask on. You go take it. I'm a scammer, my nigga. You look like a scammer. Nice guy. I'm staying yo' baby. Come right now, my nigga. Yeah, how about... Come here with your mask. You're gonna have to see what happens. I want your money for the go missing money. Go ahead. Yeah, nigga. Come take my money. Go ahead. That's fine. I said, yeah, nigga, come take my money. I am nigga wash. Tell me if you're money going missing later. I see bitch has nigga broke that bitch, bought that bitch. Well, you can't get down like me, fat ass bitch. Yeah, I'm not getting dull like you for sure. I'm gonna get dope different ways in you. Get some shit. You should come to New Hampshire. They love you here because of crap. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm just gonna be an old white man. You know, I understand that that drives you guys crazy, right? ODS bitch. I watch how many go this way. That's pretty funny. I'll tell you what, how about you come to New Hampshire, you pick up a gun, you start robbing people like an adult, and then you go to prison for rest of your life. I got a scam, I got a scam, I got a scam. Stop scamming and just go take a gun and rob people. You pussy. Come on. Run around robbing motherfuckers like a man. Don't be trying to do some computer shit. You know, I said don't don't don't be relying on the Microsoft corporation. Go pick up a gun, go pick up a gun and go put it in somebody's face like a man. You know, run around, you know, go get your friends together and go jump people into street like a real black person. All right. This is not black crime. You don't understand. I understand what you can say. Online scams are not for, are not for Negro teenagers. What's up, buddy? What up gang? You stream? Do I stream? Yeah, I stream. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I can tell the green screen gave it away. Yeah, it's, you know, I'm not streaming right now, but I'm, I'm, you know, I don't, I don't want my background, you know. Yeah, what do you stream? A bunch of Nazi propaganda mostly. I'm gonna take my hair. I'm gonna take my dude right now. I'm gonna look at my cut cause he's gonna be like, you know, he's gonna be like, you're gonna smack your bitch ass. Yeah, why don't you give that a shot. Let me know how it works out. Beat the fuck out. You ball motherfucker. See, you niggas are so hard when you get the, you niggas are so hard on the computer, right? I'll tell you what, I was a. What up, buddies? What up, buddy? Chill, man, what are you guys doing? Just hanging out. How about you? I'm basically hanging out too. I'm trying to set up some shit so that I can go in. I'm trying to download like a new Android emulator from my computer so that I can go on Grindr the gate dating app and go harass homosexuals. And I'm waiting for that. Why don't he do socializing public and get a girlfriend? No, I'm not trying to get a girlfriend. I'm trying to go like break people's balls on the internet as the idea. And so that that's a different category of action. I'm sorry. You use blue stacks or nexus? Yeah, blue stacks. I don't like blue stacks. Like blue stacks. First of all, it installed a bunch of fucking nonsense on my computer when I installed it. That's where I said nexus. Nexus is basically just a virtual machine for APKs. Nexus? I'm looking at notch player. Yeah, I'll look at that right now. Good luck with that, Terp. Thank you. Hey, what's up? What's up, Christopher? What's up, man? What are you doing? What I'm doing is I'm trying to find a new Android emulator from my computer because I have been going on. You've ever heard a grinder before? Yeah. Yeah, it's like a dating app for queers. And so I thought that I've had a lot of fun on there, not like in the degenerate sense. I just go on there and talk to people. And sometimes I get them on the phone and I put them on my podcast and stuff. And so I figured out that with the Android emulator, I can spoof my GPS and I can put it in different locations. Instead of like, if you put it on your phone, I'm presuming you're not gay, you probably don't use the app very often. When you put it on your phone, it just announces your location and you're in your own neighborhood, right? If you can spoof your GPS and you could go put it in any neighborhood that you want, you could talk to more people. If you could do more interesting things, right? And so I started doing that, but I had this kind of like crappy Android emulator. I'm trying to find a new one, but like a lot of the ones that you can download, they're full of spyware and they're a bunch of fucking nonsense on a pest. So I'm doing that right now while I go through this thing. And you know, I, most people that I get on here, they're like, oh, you're old and not a woman. And so I'm going to go and try to get laid on OME TV and some other fucking way and they hit next. And every once in a while somebody stops and says hello. And you know, and then I stop and I talk to them. So what are you doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know much about spoofing locations or apps for, I don't use computers. No, I figure I didn't think that you were. I just answered the question of what I was doing. And so what do you do? What do you do for fun other than drugs? You don't do drugs. Yeah, do you do drugs? Drugs. Yeah, do you do drugs? Yeah, smoke weed. You smoke weed. Why do you smoke fucking weed? It's a plant, it's not a drug. Well, yeah, I understand that I, you know, the cat Williams bit on that. It's pretty fucking funny if you ask me, you know. But, but it's not a just a plant, you know, there's a lot of things that are just plants. OPM's just a plant. And so it's a drug and it's a drug that makes people lazy. And it's cocaine, but it's not cocaine. It's cocoa. Yeah, what's I'm saying? Everything's a plant until we start fucking with it, right? And then once we, then we use it as a drug. Plants are known, right? And so marijuana is a drug and it's actually like one of the most addictive drugs out there. And it makes people lazy and stupid. And it's the only drug that people can do from morning until night. For the time they wake up in the morning, to the time they go to bed at night. Every single day for their entire lives and make all their decisions while high. And then say that they're not a drug addict, which I think is fucking hysterical, you know. And so it's like, you know, I don't care if you're having fun, have fun. I'm not actually like getting mad at you or whatever. You know, I don't know if you do whatever you want in your life. But I just think the marijuana thing's pretty funny because, you know, everybody thinks it's not a drug. Like you go, the funny thing on that grinder thing, right? They're like, people who say like no drugs, 420 okay. Well, I'm, you know, I want to go on there and be like, yeah, you can do whatever you drugs you want. And just no more potheads, okay? Just sick of weed. It smells like crap. People do it all day. They're stoned all the time. They make all their decisions high. And then they're like, and then if they don't have their weed, then they're like, oh, and I don't have my weed. I'm stressed out. I'm like, yeah, it's called a withdrawal symptom. You're a drug addict, you know. Yeah. But, you know, I think, you know, what we should do is legalize mushrooms. That's what we should probably do. Just do, like make marijuana death penalty offense and then legalize mushrooms. You probably just solve a lot of problems that way because mushrooms are what drugs are supposed to be, you know. You do them and you're whacked out of your mindful or while and you know that you can't, you know, go to work or drive. And then after you're done, then you get back to the rest of your life and you don't do them all the time, you know. So it was like lifestyle drugs that row it everybody. So what else? I mean, it depends if you smoke with what's the word. What you base it out. What's that? It's where you like you smoke, but you base it out. You only smoke a certain amount of times or a certain time. Get the name for it. You space it out. You space out your smoking. Okay. Smoke at certain times. Yeah. If I'm working, I don't smoke. I don't like being a high-well at work. Yeah, I don't like being high. Yeah, being high and driving is not a good idea. People think like people act like that doesn't matter. I'm like, no, it definitely does. You know, I don't smoke weed anymore, but I, you know, like I had a girlfriend and smoke it. I used to keep it in the house for her. And it was like, I would sometimes smoke with her, you know, just like, oh, whatever. Fine, I'll take a hit. And I'm sorry, once I go. And like, I take two hits of like the weed that she would, she'd smoke this weed all day. And she acts like she's perfectly fine. And then I take like two hits of it. And I'm like, oh my god, I can't like get out of my chair. Like what are you doing this to yourself all day long? It's completely out of your mind. And so the idea that like somebody's doing that and then driving is completely preposterous. And everybody's like, no, it's like weed's different, you know. You could smoke weed and drive. You can smoke weed and go to work. You could smoke weed and vote. You could smoke weed and make decisions about your life and everything's going to be fantastic. It's like, once you build that tolerance, you know. Well, that's a, as a matter of fact, I think that that's, I don't think that that's the case, right? Because you build a tolerance to it. Okay. So now you, your, your experience of marijuana is at such a level that like marijuana doesn't even get you high. It's actually what you mean by tolerance. That you're taking a drug that puts me on the couch, you know. That I'm like, I'm a 220 pound bodybuilder and I take two hits of this and I can't get off the couch. And then you're like, well, I've done this for so long that it doesn't even affect me. So I'll just keep on doing it every day of my life and driving my car and voting and doing my homework this way. That's completely nuts. Out. Nobody puts it that way, right? Nobody, nobody stops for two seconds to be like, yeah, you know, maybe that's not such a hot idea after all. Haha. Everybody has their opinion. Yeah. So what else do you do besides smoking marijuana? Uh, I love my grandma, so I take her my grandma. You take her your grandma. Well, that's a good boy. I appreciate that. You know, a lot of people these days, they're like, they think, you know, oh, well, we've got social security and we've got nursing homes, so fuck old people. You know, and that's not good, you know. Oh, dude, I'm 19. I take care of everything from bank to paying bills, for fucking food, getting groceries. That's great. Eating dog, you know. Well, that's really good. I appreciate that more than you probably realize. It's kind of fucking sucks, but it's like, I don't know. Kind of helps. Kind of sucks, but it kind of what kind of helps, I mean, I don't know. Um, I'm figuring out. Well, that's, you know, at 19 years old, that's expected, right? You're still figuring it out. You know, I'm 43 and I haven't figured it out, so, you know, you're fine with loads, but I still got six years. You got to leave me alone. Well, you'll, there you go. But, um, second. I hear what the last thing you said was. When I'm 25 and I'm fully developed, I think I'm being up there smart. I feel like I'm on. I don't feel like now, because, no, I'm well off, but not rich. Right. How do I get rich? Do I go to the casino on 21? Generally speaking, very few people get rich at casinos. If you want to get rich, um, the records, what's that? What? Calcards. Well, I don't think that going, I don't think that cards are going to get you rich. It's very unlikely. I mean, if you have a, if you're really good, like, if you have very good memory and very good mass skills, you know, you might be able to be competitive in poker, but I would say that most people are not going to be well suited for that. And even if you're good at poker, you could still lose, right? I had a couple of roommates who are professional poker players and like they made money almost all of the time, you know. They go play these poker tournaments. Well, like it's not just that they're, you know, they go in with their buy-in, right? And then they, they're trying to win a prize as opposed to, you know, gambling their own money on each hand, say. Right. And they made money, you know, those guys paid their bills and they, you know, and just by playing poker. Um, I've never had the, the mind for that personally. If you think, if you, if you're any good at poker, you might try to pursue that. But, you know, if you want to get rich in a, say, more reliable way, you know, I would say that you're going to want to try to go find some way into a lucrative industry or find some, you know, the way that you make more money than other people is by doing something that other people can't or won't do is fundamentally it, right? That everybody wants and that nobody wants to do, then, then you make all the money. That's the idea, right? Do you think running is a good idea like being landlord typeshit? It requires, it requires some investment to begin with. And it's also like, you know, there's a lot of downsides to renting, okay? So like, you know, you're competing with other landlords. And so there's a limit to how high you can raise your rents. The government has a habit of intervening when people start complaining that the rent is too damn high, right? And so like, you have in New York City, for example, they have a thing called rent control. And rent control is basically the government's going to step in and prevent landlords from raising the rent because of what's going on in the city. It's raising the cost of living to a point and the government is like, okay, well, that's going to make the people vote against us. And we don't want that to happen. And we certainly aren't going to stop taxing the crap out of our citizenry. And so we've got to figure out some way to reduce their costs and the way that they reduce their costs by intervening in the rent market. And of course, that makes it impossible to find an apartment, right? Because then the rents are kept artificially low. The demand for them is then artificially high. And you don't have these like market corrections that necessarily happen in normal economic situations. And then you move on to the next chat. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's going on? Huh? What's going on? Oh, God. What you'll be doing. You got a green screen? Yeah, I got a green screen. I use it because I don't want my mess visible. You know, I stream, but I'm not streaming right now. What's your stream? To bunch of Nazi propaganda around hating Jews and stuff. That's right. Yeah. You don't like Jews, right? No. I'm a zombie. Oh, shit. Well, good. Fuck. You guys are straight and then fucking kites out. I tell you, I appreciate it. I'm from Palestine. Yeah. You're from Palestine? Yeah. And you're in the States now, I got a. Yeah, I'm in New Jersey. Well, you know, I'll tell you what, I don't know that I want everybody in Palestine coming over here, but I love what they're doing and fucking Jews. I'll tell you, you know. Yeah. Yeah. And so I hope they straighten it out. I just read the thing today that Joe Biden warned Netanyahu that like US policy on the situation might change. I think that's very unlikely because Jews completely were on this fucking country, right? And so like what is Joe Biden can, you know, try to placate his left wing activists all he wants, you know, they're like run around, you know, screaming free Palestine because they confuse it. You know, all that, all that Jewish anti white horse shit, they then they think that they can apply it to Israel and it doesn't work, right? Yeah. And so like the left wing activists are like, yeah, we want Palestine free because we think this is a white versus brown thing. And Joe Biden understands on some level, he's like, no, the Jews control everything. And so I have to do what they say. But you know, then they're talking about, you know, him trying is him trying to placate those left wing activists. And I don't think they're going to do it, but it's an interesting prospect, you know. Yeah. What kind of AP got? I got a lava. What is that a disposable one or is it like a repo? It is disposable. What what milligrams you got? What strength? I don't even know. It's five percent. Five percent. There you go. All right. And I got it. Oh, it's another way to have one like that. That's like the, but it's a refillable tank. What about one? It's a gold father. Right on. You put anything else in there? Just nicotine. It doesn't nicotine. Yeah. I'm not that got weed in there. Yeah. It's right thought. So you smoke, you're you're into THC them. Yeah. I'm just saying to somebody else, man, I don't get, you know, the weed thing. Do you do any other drugs? No, except shrubs. Oh, there you go. The mushrooms are good. You know, as far as drugs go, mushrooms are what drugs are supposed to be. Right? You do them. You're whacked out of your fucking mind for a little while. You feel really good. And then it's over and you get back to your life, right? Weed your fuck. You probably smoke weed every day. I imagine. Yeah. You probably do it like first thing in the morning. Yeah. First thing in the morning and then you do your high old day and then you go to bed high, right? Yeah. And you do that every day of your life. And you make all of your decisions while high. Yeah. I got something called C-C-S. I started throwing up and stuff because the weed I couldn't eat for two months. You could eat for two months? Yeah. I thought the weed was supposed to give you the munchies. What's C-H-S? It's something called cannabis hydrant or something like I don't even know. Like everything I put in my mouth, I would throw up. I'm going to Google that right quick. There's a C-H-S. What's C-H-S? C-H-S cannabis. Cannabis hyper-emesis syndrome is a recurrent nausea vomiting and cramping and abdominal pain that can occur due to prolonged high dose cannabis use. These symptoms may be relieved temporarily by taking a hot shower or bath. Complications are related to persistent vomiting and dehydration which may lead to kidney failure and electrolyte problems. So you went through this process where you were like vomiting and could not eat for two months due to the drug that is in your hand right now. And you have no intention of quitting, do you? Do you believe that you're addicted to this drug? I don't know. Okay. So I just inform you that if a drug causes you to vomit and cramp and not be able to eat for two months and then you do it anyway, you're definitely addicted to that drug. And all the people who tell you that that drug is not addictive or lying to you because they're dishonest and stupid. Right? And it's completely out of this fucking world. Like everybody does this to like, you know, one of the things I get a kick out of doing is I go on them, whatever. I go out a few different places and try to spark conversations with people. And people will say like no drugs in their profile. They don't want anybody who does drugs but then they say 420 okay. Right? Everything's marijuana is not a drug. It's not addictive. It's no big deal. I work days for a ton of green street. Well, you know, you and Adolf Hitler share that and congratulations. You know, but like, you know, the marijuana thing is a fucking complete goddamn disaster. It's a lifestyle drug and people are just doing it all the fucking time. And now with the vapes and the edibles and all this shit, it's like, it used to be, you know, marijuana smells like fucking crazy. And you've got to at least like, you've at least got to go find a place to do it. Right? I just like, I'll just eat gummy bears and vape and nobody even knows that I'm getting high. So kids are doing it in school. How old are you? I'm 15. You're 15 years old. So what do you, you're in high school or do you high? Yeah. Yeah. And you plan on graduating high school? Yeah. You plan on going to college? No. Yeah, college is fucking bullshit. Even, you know, even though like, you know, as I discourage drugs, it's tempting to tell you to stay in school. There's a bunch of fucking bullshit, a bunch of people high there too, so fuck them. Okay? But like, you know, stop the fucking weed guy. Like, what's wrong with you? You know, you understand the problem. You just told me that you couldn't fucking eat for two months. You're getting high. Why are you doing that? Say you're right. You gotta stop, you know? Yeah. And so, you know, it seems to be like, you know, you know, you know what you got to do, you should probably do it. You know, you got these fucking ju- you know, you know, the juicer or just over disproportionately, disproportionately represented in that industry too, right? Just like to porn and everything else, right? It's a fucking poison that they're pushing on people and they do it. Like, you know, people talk about marijuana being a gateway drug. Like, in my view, that actually like downplays the danger of it because the marijuana is on its own bed, right? But here's where it is a gateway drug is in politics, right? They're like, oh, well, it's just marijuana. So, politically, we'll allow the marijuana or we'll stop enforcing our marijuana laws, which normalizes drug culture, and then you see things like they started doing in like, Oregon and Colorado and stuff, where they start like legalizing or cease to enforce their laws against the hard drugs. I live in a place called Manchester, New Hampshire, and like, you know, heroin and methamphetamine and all that shit is still illegal here. But they basically, you know, the libertarians basically took over and they were like, oh, no victim, no crime. So they more or less just stopped enforcing the drug laws. And so now I walk past Victory Park and Veterans Park around here, and I see junkies nodding off in the park in the middle of the fucking day, and they'll overdose in the park and then somebody with some fucking paramedical come Narcan them, and then they'll be back to Narcan the same dope being the same fucking night, you know? And it's like, oh, well, that's exactly what happened. They were like, oh, you know, Marijuana will do medical marijuana, and then everybody gets a medical marijuana card, because you know, you can get it for a headache or insomnia or, you know, stress or whatever fucking asshole excuse you have. And then they're like, well, everybody's high anyway, let's just acknowledge that we're doing this for fun, and then they legalize my recreational marijuana. And then they're like, okay, well, you know, we've got these other drugs, they're illegal, but, you know, it disproportionately infects people of color or whatever, so because we want to stop putting black people in jail, then we'll just stop enforcing the drug laws, and then a bunch of people end up dead, and they just keep on doing it, it just keeps on getting worse. So, you know, it's the marijuana does it, it's because of the marijuana, it's because Jews are pushing it on us, it's because they want us to be docile and stupid and lazy, and so that we'll fall for their stupid fucking asshole tricks, right? You know, that's what they do, and you know, and as long as they keep on doing that in the United States, then you'll have a bunch of voters who are stupid enough to support people like Joe Biden, who will keep on giving the Jews money, so that they can keep on killing Palestinians. Right. Yeah, just go over there, send a fucking nuclear submarine over there and go threaten all their neighbors, be like, yeah, guys, we're just, you know, we're not intervening in the war, we're not participants in this genocide that they're committing, we're just gonna make sure that the other militaries in the area don't come in and stop the genocide, we're gonna use our nuclear weapons to do that, and that's because of marijuana, fundamentally. So you're gonna stop? You're gonna stop? Good boy, I hope so. Thank you for the thought, bro. You know, problem, you got a girlfriend? Uh. You probably, it's probably because you're high all the time, you're lazy, you're not going out and getting a girl, you know. That's the other thing too, you know. It reduces your sex drive and your sperm count, the fucking weed. You know, you go, go take some testosterone, and that'll fucking motivate you. You'll be running around, I mean, you probably, don't start that at 15 years old, I'm kidding. I'm in my 40s, it's a completely different category thing, you know. But, you know, marijuana will lower your testosterone, your sperm count, and everything else, and so then you'll be like, home getting high and masturbating instead of going out and banging girls, you know. And if, and if, and if you don't do that, you know, you're just like, you're then you're watching Jewish pornography, right? And then the Jews are fucking poisoning your sex life with all that fucking smut. You go to Yeah, you go to pornhub, you know, you know, you know, Jews are on pornhub, right? And, and you know what they do, they actually, they're on video admitting to it that they go and they're like, um, that they intentionally, you ever notice that like, more and more on pornhub, it's all like incest stuff for their like trying to put in like weird themes. You can't just go watch a man and a woman have sex anymore. Now it's like, it's like, you know, bratty, cis or whatever, family therapy or whatever nonsense. Everything is their fucking their sister or their brother or something like this. They're inserting transgender stuff into the regular straight porn like, yeah, go ahead, just take a peek at it. Just, just let us just warp your mind a little bit more, and then you keep on moving in that fucking direction until you're gay or something. You know, this is what they're trying to do. They're trying to destroy us with drugs and sex, you know, smut and fucking stupid nonsense. Yeah. It'd be much better if we were just in a fucking shooting war with them, you know. It'd be a lot of fucking easier that way. So, anyone. Alright, buddy, I'm going to let you recover from your high because you obviously can't talk. So, you know, take care of them teeth and take on the Jews and don't let don't let their poison fucking ruin you. Okay, take care of it. Thank you for the talk for you. You're very welcome, sir. Hello. Yeah. And I'm breathing a more here than me. That's pretty funny. What's up, buddy? Listen, let me suck your dick real quick. Okay, go ahead. I can? Yeah, go ahead. Okay, let me see it. No. I thought you was just going to go right onto the screen. Like, I'm not putting my dick on camera, you know. If you want to give me a head like I just get head, then nobody sees it. Fine, but if you're going to be like. Yeah, you're going to have to walk around the movie and wait a minute. I know I know, I know, you're going to be like. You know, I know, I know, I know. Your little little virgin kid, right there, a queer- I know, she's playing... Oh my god, what are you doing? Holy... Yo, what up dog? Get ready to rob my fucker up. Are you getting ready to commit a crime or are you just one of these COVID mask lunatics who wears a mask in your house by yourself? I've heard your fool could taste this fucking good goddamn. Is that what it is? Is that like a sex thing or you're wearing a mask? Oh my god, no, for real. It tastes as good as it. What are you eating? God damn it, I didn't know for what taste this is. You just got to prison or something? Yeah, we all have nothing to do with it. I'm sorry. You think? What are you gonna do with it? They're gonna do that, right? They keep dark on my fucking job, but they're not people. They're gonna say I'm a filthy farmer now. They're gonna go to prison. Where's the film? I'll be finished with the shot. Hello, Hans. What are you eating? Hello. How you doing? Oh, hold on. Okay. I had to close my phone. No problem. What do you want to do? How's your day? My day's pretty good. I'm working on some stuff on my computer and chat with people and I had a couple of interesting conversations today about all types of stuff. What's wrong? What's up? You use this thing much? Huh? Do you go on here a lot? Uh, not really. No. And how old are you? At age. I'm sorry? At age. Oh, you're an age. Okay, I understand. You don't want to answer my question. That's fine. I'm 43. And so, uh, I remember when chat rooms were completely different thing. It's pretty fun now. You a dad? Am I a dad? Not that I know of. I think all the women, I think all the women I got pregnant they all had abortions. I think is what happened. It's really sad and I don't like that. Can you give me their names? I'll go beat them up. You know, I'm tempted to do that as a matter of fact, but I probably shouldn't get you in trouble. I want you to commit a violent crime and get in trouble for me. I've been to prison. It's not a nice place. And so. What you got to prison for? Somebody threatened a woman I cared about and I caused him to understand that he had made a very big mistake. No. And so, uh, and then the United States federal government, they disagreed with my definition of shibbleery. And a jury of my peers in the state of New Hampshire found me. When did you beat that guy up or did you kill him? Well, I did neither of those things as a matter of fact. What do you do? I made his life more difficult than he cared for to be say. And I never actually met this man in person. It all happened over the internet. Okay. Oh, any press charges? He did not. The FBI wanted me for political reasons and so they hunted the man down and they said, hey, we understand that this guy said something you don't like on the internet. And so just testify that he threatened your family and we'll put him in prison and we'll give you money. Otherwise, we can go to CNN, the news network and tell them what you've been doing on the internet. He did not want anybody to know what he had been doing on the internet because he's a criminal. And so they said, you know, we'll just, uh, I'm sorry, what else is this about? I'm sorry. So they, uh, they basically were like, we're going to expose all of your malfeasance or we'll give you money. And he was like, yeah, I'd rather, I'd rather you give me money. And so they paid him and then he lied and then I went to prison for 41 months. They put me in a United States penitentiary and maximum security prison with a man by the name of Victor Boot. He was like, uh, he was accused of being an arms trafficker from Russia. And I met a lot of interesting people there and we had a lot of fun, you know, prisons, you know, I shouldn't say that. Well, I don't want anybody to go to prison, but you know, you can have a good time there if it comes to it, you know. Did you meet any scary people in prison? I met a lot of scary people in prison, you know, mostly black ones, you know, black people were scary generally. And then by the time they get to prison, they've done a very good job of being scary, you know. That's so like it. It's obvious sweetheart. Don't worry. You don't have to tell anybody that you agree with me. Everybody knows it. Okay. You're not allowed to say it out loud, but I don't care because I'm a criminal, right? So I just say whatever's true. But when you get what you're, you're going to understand you just definitely don't want to date them or anything like that. Don't hang out with them because they're dangerous and they'll hurt you. Okay. And everybody's going to tell you that that's not true, but it is. What's that? Oh, you probably got a beat from my. Yeah, it's my other computer. You heard it beat because I'm doing something else on it. Well, have a good day. You too, sweetheart. Thank you. Trilling, man, I'm just on here trying to counsel the kids against doing drugs, you know. You so what? I said, I'm just trying to teach these kids not to do drugs, you know. Not to do drugs. Yeah, because everybody on here is high. Are you high? Am I? Yeah, you probably smoked marijuana, right? I'm a you, but I'm fasting right now. I'm listening. Oh, okay. So because of Ramadan, you're not getting high right now. Yeah. That's interesting. And so like after, but you can, you, you break your fast after what is it? Pretty soon, right? It's like after after the sun sets. Yeah, I'm saying I'm not going to smoke this whole month or. Okay, I'm going to get back to. I'm going to get back to it like once every night. Okay, so you for Ramadan, you're, you're taking the entire month of Ramadan off from marijuana. Yeah. But the food thing ends at sunset. I don't know. I don't be bad. I'm just, you know, okay. And so like what do you, um, but why do you think that? Why do you smoke weed? Like why do you, why do you use it when when you're like what are you? I mean, at the store, I guess I just was doing it now. It's for like meditation in order. Now it's for meditation. Well, I guess like I know like the like the teeth. You like the taste of it? It's a good feeling and get it off. Well, you know, it's what do you like about the feeling of being high? I don't even know, but it's just like it's just like self conscious. When I was a kid, I used to smoke weed. I used to think that like being high, like being high on marijuana was like the same thing as being happy. That's how I used to think about it. Like I would smoke weed and I just laugh and everything was cooler. Yeah, but it's fun. Yeah, I used to, I used to think that myself. And I just like, I don't, I don't believe that's the case anymore. Like it was, it was amusing for a period of time because, you know, um, like I went, I got in trouble as a kid and I was on probation for a little bit and then I had to stop. And then when I went back to it, it was like it was never the same. Then I was like stuck in my head and I was like, it made me quiet and stuff and I didn't like that sensation, you know. And, and then like, then later on in life, like, I mean, like I did other drugs. Like I like mushrooms and stuff like that. And I was like, oh, these are things that like make you like energetic and it's actually like a unique experience. Okay. Hey, buddy. Hey, what's up? Oh, I'm just trying to like teach these kids not to do drugs. You know, it's that I'm on here for basically. But, uh, you know, you do drugs? I don't know how to stand Spanish so well. Oh, no. What? What? What the fuck you mean? What? I said hello. So say hello, babe. Oh, hello. I didn't hear you say hello. I heard you say what the fuck? And I was like, well, what the fuck would you? Huh? I see the Playboy Bunny shirt. I'm like, what are you? You have to? What are you thinking? Hello, Dion. Hey, buddy. Dude, you gotta stop getting high. Okay? Yo, why are you? Oh, man. Everybody's high. Yeah, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, doll. Please, please, pull the trigger. You should use one of each hand because if you fuck that thing up, you know, you've got to, you know, you ever see anybody shoot themselves in the head and then live through it, you don't want to go through that. Make sure you take one gun in each hand, put it to you at a temple and pull the fucking trigger. You straighten that shit straight out, you know. And if you're going to be high all the time like you obviously are. That's the only thing for you to do, okay? You're obviously stoned. You're obviously stoned. I'm not a nigger. Look at me. Hey, nigger. Do I look like a nigger to you? Hey, nigger. Yeah. This is what happens with you. This is what happens. This is what happens when you smoke marijuana. You see? Yeah. Yeah. That's gross. Get it away from your mouth. What the fuck is wrong with you? Okay? Yeah. You in prison? What the fuck? Yeah. My studio dog. What are you doing? You see the mirror? Huh? Yeah. What are you doing? Oh, there's... Oh. chakka ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Hare Oh so, all of you see you bought it. Yeah, I'm bullheaded. That's right. That's what happens. You know? Unless you, unless you are going to, unless you're like, you're a male, right? You're a man, okay. And so unless you're a woman, you're going to lose your hair too. Hello? How's it going? Oh my God. Oh my God. It's a human brain. He's bald and he's over 25. Not smoking marijuana. What is he doing on OME TV? Shut the fuck, Monty. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yo. You got a podcast? Yeah, of course. What's the backdrop? What is it said to you? Well, the backdrop, there's no, like, I'm not, OME TV won't let me use my virtual camera so I can't put like a virtual setting here. So I just have it here so that you don't see like the mess behind me. So it's the only reason it's there. I'm sure there's something set to whatever video or live stream you're dealing with a set too. I'm just, literally all I'm doing is recording it like this. And so then I put the, then I play the thing on the, on the show. I'm not putting a background behind me. It's not the purpose of it. What do you do here? What do I do here? Mostly, mostly get hung up on is mostly what I do. The second most popular thing I do is tell these fucking idiots to stop smoking marijuana. That's the second most popular thing. And then the third most common thing is that I make racially insensitive remarks. That's basically the trio of activities that I take do on OME TV. I think we get on very good. Well, right, because you're white and you understand what these people are doing to our country, because it's impossible not to notice, right? Yep. You know, that, that, that, that, that, that, the trans thing, which is all just, I mean, it's a racially, you know, it's a racially thing anyway because it's you are doing it. But, you know, just to trans gender stuff is basically, it's the, it's the, it's the immigration and the, and the degeneracy, you know, and the drugs. It's all Jews, you know. Get, get to know another loan brother. Keep it up. Yeah, thanks brother. Yeah, we need it. We need more hate. Oh. There's no way. Yeah. Oh my god. What are you doing? You guys like hiding in a fucking closet. If you've been kidnapped. He has to. Do you need me to call the police? Do I'm up? Is that? What are you in the back of a truck being smuggled into my country? What's going on? Did they call me nobody? Yeah, that's a kid. Oh my god. Oh my god. Did you just murder your sister? Is this a violent crime occurring? No, you're a big kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is what? Are you a beautiful girl? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Are you abusing a child on Ome TV? Is that what's going on? Why are you committing crimes in front of me? I don't know. When I do this, I'm going to do it. Yes. And we're going to do it. Okay, wait. When you do this, I'm going to do it. And we're going to do it. Do you want me to call 911? Do I need to call the police? Or the FBI or something? Okay. I don't know. Are you in the country illegally? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. Are you in the country illegally? Yeah. Hello. Hi. You're black, aren't you? Okay. Yeah. Well, you guys smoke too much weed, obviously, is why you're laid out the wrong way on your recliner this way. You guys got to stop doing drugs and get your fucking lives together. You know what I mean? He used to tell us that we do drugs and we smoke weed and tell us to stop doing drugs. When he was like a fucking crackhead. No, I lost my teeth fighting because I'm a violent criminal. I don't... You look like Mr. Clean, you dumb bitch. Yeah, but Mr. Clean doesn't talk. I do. And that's the whole entire point of the production. What would you say? I said Mr. Clean doesn't talk. I do. Okay. So like, fucking pull it together. You guys don't understand what you're doing because you're high. You guys are doing the marijuana stuff. It's making you bad. It's the Jews are doing it too. You think we smoke because I'm black? No, I think you smoke because your buddies laid out the wrong way on the recliner. He doesn't even know how to sit in a chair. Oh, that's what that special needs. Yeah, exactly. He's been made retarded by his drug use and now he's a special ed child. No, I'm a little born like this. Dude, you're like a born and dead. I'm a fucking app right now. You have no life? No, I have no life. I do. I have a life. It's an interesting one. I'm a smoking right now. No, I'm a vaporizer because I'm a nicotine junkie and that's bad too, but it doesn't cause me to sit the wrong way in a chair. You see, it doesn't cause me to lose my faculties and not know how to talk to people. You see? And so this is what happens when you hang out with non-whites and you use drugs. You end up in this situation where you're tapping your butthole, sitting the wrong way on a fucking recliner. It's not good for you to just take it in. You see, do you see your friend touching his butthole behind you? No, there's nothing behind me. Yeah, he's behind you and he's playing with his ass. There's nothing behind me, love. Yeah, okay. Yeah, he wants you to take it in. No, I want you to stop and... Okay. You're dead. You guys are stupid. You guys gotta stop doing drugs, goodbye. He did look like a dog. Hello? Dad? Yeah, I'm your dad. That's right. Me and your mother when we met at the high school reunion, we got together, produced a black child. It was a pretty good time too. That's why I'm a racist now. Your mom really pissed me off and so I became a racist podcaster. And I've never gotten over it. You know, but it's a good thing to meet you here. I've been trying to find you for years. Your mom's a bitch. You wouldn't tell me where you were. I kept on trying. She's like, just give me the fucking money ass, hold on. I'm like, well, I'm not going to pay for it if I can't talk to my fucking daughter. So what the fuck are you doing to me? You know? He's also a Friday. Fucking stupid ass. He took me to fucking court and was like, you got to pay. And I was like, she won't even let me see the bitch. Ew, I'm all here. Oh no. Man, at least I don't have dreadlocks. Ha, that's pretty funny. I don't know if I like to walk before I'm in the summer. Are you white and you're wearing like black people faces? That's like, some people will call that racist. I don't mind that it's racist, but like, I just wish that you would not emulate black folks. It was a white, you fucking bitch. Oh, dear. What's the fucking face about? All right, so that's the bit, ladies and gentlemen. And I hope you got a kick out of it. I enjoyed doing it. We're going to do more of that. Real Tony Soprano, since 100 bucks, is I'm not sure about weed, but I know the Bible specifically says that you can't get into heaven unless you use Philip Morris in Altria, Brandt tobacco. Well, that's exactly what the Bible says. It's right there in Genesis. It's like the first thing they tell you. And so there's some news. There's things going on in the world that's, I mentioned when I was talking over these things. The Muslim fellow about his marijuana habit that's preventing him from strapping on a suicide vest and going and straightening out that problem in his country instead being an immigrant here. I told him that Biden apparently is like war Netanyahu, which is funny because you know, normally it's the Jews are warning, they're warning Joe Biden. And so President Joe Biden warned Israel of a sharp shift in his policy of the Gaza war Thursday amid growing frustration with Benjamin Netanyahu and mounting domestic pressure in a US election. This story is a AFP through not Yahoo news. A tense phone call between the two leaders appeared to yield at least some results as Netanyahu's office announced within hours it would temporarily allow war aid to flow into Gaza. Biden has stood solidly behind Israel and its prime minister since the last is October 7th attacks. And his criticism of the civilian deaths in Gaza has not stopped Washington from supply military hardware to its key ally. But the Democrat faces spiraling anger from Muslim and younger voters over his support for Israel and political allies have been pressing him to take aid make the aid conditional on changed Israeli behavior. In a 30 minute call with Netanyahu after Israeli strikes killed seven aid workers from US based charity world central kitchen. Biden hinted at doing just that now this is pretty funny. He's like, hey, I'm going to give you guys like billions of dollars. And you're going to have to like change your behavior. We're going to use that in order to control what you do. And the Jews are like, no, no, you guys just give us the money. We do whatever we want. That's how this works. And he's like, no, like I'm going to lose the election unless you guys stop killing everybody. And I have to I have to do say no, no, no, no, no, you don't understand Mr. Biden. You do what we say we don't do what you say you give us the money or we tell these people where the pictures are. For the first time, Biden quote made clear that US policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel's immediate action quote end quote to curtail the killing of civilians and aid workers and improve the dire humanitarian situation. The White House said the tough language describing the aid worker attack is unacceptable and urging Israel to take steps at an immediate ceasefire reflected mounting tensions with Netanyahu quote what happened to the world central kitchen that event certainly was a catalyst for the call today said White House national security spokesman John Kirby during a C C and N speaking to CNN Thursday evening. Earlier this week the world central kitchen cowboy was repeatedly struck by Israeli forces despite clearing its route with the military a US Canadian dual national was among those killed in the attack which Israel called a mistake. You know, we know what we cleared the path for them to go but then we killed them because you know because we're incompetent. Biden's quote frustration has been growing over recent weeks and months over the dangers to the civilian population in Gaza and to aid workers Kirby said later that evening netanyahu's office announced it was reopening there as border crossing for the first time since October 7 to allow aid into the northern Gaza strip as well as allowing supplies to pass through the port of ash dog. Increasing levels of Jordanian aid will go through the Kerem Kerem Shalom. The White House had steps were being taken at the president's request and must now be fully unwrapedly implemented stop it now. The Biden administration faces a difficult balancing act on Gaza between what Kirby called it's ironclad commitment to Israel and mounting opposition to the war at home at home to the war I should say. Democrats fear anger among Arab American and Muslim voters in an expected tight election against Republican Donald Trump in November. A key Biden confidant had earlier urged him to leverage the huge military aid that Washington gives to Israel every year. I think we're at that point said Chris Coons a Democrat senator from president's home state of Delaware he told CNN Biden also reportedly faces pressure even closer to home from first lady Jill Biden. Stop it now she told the president about the growing toll of civilian casualties in Gaza according to comments by Biden himself during a meeting with members of the Muslim community reported by the New York Times. Despite his despite his toward tensions between right winger netanyahu Biden traveled to Israel as a self described Zionist days after the boss attacks and hugged the premier. But Biden's rhetoric has sharpened as the civilian death toll sword past 30,000 in the humanitarian situation becomes even more dire. Biden ordered us air drops of aid into Gaza he also allowed a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire to go through infuriating netanyahu. Biden's words however have not been matched by concrete steps to limit the billions of dollars in military aid flowing to Washington's bedrock regional ally our greatest ally as somebody to say. The United States approved the transfer of thousands more bombs to Israel in the same day the Israeli strikes they killed the world central kitchen aid workers to Washington Post reported on Thursday US voters are increasingly turning against Israel's Gaza offensive a majority of 55% now disapprove of Israel's actions compared to 36% who approve according to a Gallup poll released on March 27th. And so that's kind of like an interesting bit of data there I'd say a 55% disapprove and people who are trying to win a popularity contest in the coming in the coming months are like yeah I understand that you all disapprove of this but we have to keep on financing it because we're not actually control the country. And so that's going to keep on going on. And of course you know wouldn't be wouldn't be another day if we weren't getting closer to war with Russia Washington Post reports after terror attack Russia sees US role in claims it is at war with NATO which is great news for Joe Biden. In the aftermath of last month's terrorist attack at the crook a city hall concert venue outside of Moscow Russian officials not only have blamed Ukraine but have also repeatedly accused the west of involvement even though US officials insist they gave Moscow a specific answer. And the question is whether the US was so detailed that the Islamic state could attack the venue. If the US warning was so detailed it raises further questions about Russia's failure to prevent the country's worst terrorist attack in two decades but rather than publicly confronting questions about their own actions Russian security officials have just disregarded claims of responsibility by the Islamic state. Instead they have insisted that US and British intelligence were involved in helping Ukraine organize the strike. Cremont spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment Wednesday on a report in the Washington Post that US intelligence specifically warned Russia that the crook a city hall could be a target for terrorists. The New York Times published a similar report shortly after the post. Russian security counsel secretary Nikolai Petrushev on Wednesday directly blamed Ukrainian security forces for the crook a city hall attack in which at least 114 people were killed. Petrushev also hinted at western involvement. A day earlier he accused western intelligence of using terrorist groups to attack adversaries. They are trying to make us think that the terrorist attack was perpetrated not by Kiev regime but by followers of radical Islamic ideology. Possibly members of the Afghan branch of the Islamic state. Petrushev said at a meeting in Astana Kazakhstan of security counsel secretaries of the Shanghai cooperation organization nations. He said it was more important to identify the masterminds and sponsors squarely blaming Ukrainian security services. He added that numerous hoax bomb threats have emanated from the Ukrainian territory since the attack. It is also indicative that the west began insisting on Ukraine's non-involvement in the crime as soon as the terrorist attack on crook a city hall was reported. Russia's blame game amid increasingly confrontational anti-nado rhetoric from top security officials who insist that the US let alliances fighting a war against Russia. Several of these officials have hinted repeatedly about Russia's potential use of nuclear weapons. Nato officials continue to assert that the alliances right to supply Ukraine with weapons it needs to defend its territory. Since the crook a city hall attack Russian officials have subtly framed the violence as part of that war while barely mentioning the Islamic state's Afghanistan branch. Islamic state Korasan or ISIS-K which US intelligence officials have said was responsible. US intelligence also warned last month that terrorists could attack a Moscow synagogue a day after receiving the warning on March 7th Russia's federal security service announced that it had prevented an attack on a Moscow synagogue by an ISIS-K cell that's interesting. They're like oh there's a warning about an attack on a synagogue about to happen we better rush right to that the city hall thing yeah we'll just that's okay. As if the United States warned Russia that crook a city hall was a possible target for a terrorist attack and whether US warning helped the FSB's avert the synagogue attack. Peskov on Wednesday declined to confirm the report. Okay I see he said this is not our competence because such information exchanges are conducted at the level of specialized services and the information is transmitted directly from service to service. At least two members of the cell that planned the synagogue attack based in the colluger region were killed by FSB agents when they opened fire during arrest according to the agency which reported that the cell was planning to attack the synagogue using firearms. Kazakhstan confirmed that two of the its citizens were killed in that raid four days after the crook a city hall attack FSB director Alexander Bortnikov blamed Ukraine and said Western security services were involved. We believe the action was prepared by radical islamus naturally Western security services contributed to it and Ukrainian security services board directoration Bortnikov told reporters. Petrushev told argument the effect the newspaper in an interview published Thursday that Washington used NATO as a tool to carry out hybrid wars quote to undermine and disorganize the system of state administration of countries that do not agree with the policy of the Anglo-Saxons. At the same time the alliance does not disdain using terrorist organizations in its interest he said NATO he said quote has been a source of danger crises and conflicts for many years. Three days before the crook a city hall attack Russian president Vladimir Putin had dismissed US warnings calling them outright blackmail and attempted to image and calling them outright blackmail and attempts to intimidate and destabilize our society. Putin and other Russian officials have made no mention of the US intelligence supplied in relation to the plan synagogue attack in an interview with argument the effect he published in the in published the morning of the crook a city hall strike. Petrushev said NATO was waging a war against Russia repeating a linchpin of Kremlin propaganda used to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine and to mobilize Russia's population behind the war quote we are in a state of war yes it started out as a special military operation but as soon as that bunch formed there when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine it has already become a war for us I am convinced of that and everyone should understand this for their internal mobilization. And then the last day of the day after the attack when he told Russians in a speech that the nation had to I'm sorry in a speech to the nation that quote a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border. Top pro Kremlin propagandists including margarita simonion simonion editor in chief of the RT news channel ramped up attacks blaming Ukraine in the west in a post on social media she has started that western intelligence clearly played a role in the crook a city hall attack because it had to identify the perpetrators quote they knew who the perpetrators were before the detention that's direct involvement simonions posted later adding that the source of the attack was not ISIS but Ukraine. Likewise Russian lawmaker Alexander Yekubovsky claimed that the Nazi terrorist regime of Ukraine is behind this terrorist attack possibly using radical islamism but without western intelligence services it is impossible to pull this off another hotline Russian lawmaker piotr Tolstoy posted on telegram that the war could not be seen apart from the war with the collective West for the peaceful futures of our children. The Kremlin's effort to break blame Ukraine in the west for the attack appears to have succeeded in mobilizing Russians around the war effort Russia's defense ministry announced Wednesday that 1700 Russians a day were signing contracts to fight Ukraine many of them it added motivated by the crook a city hall attacks in the past 10 days 16,000 people signed contracts announced shortly after U.S. warnings were shared with Russia the authorities did tighten security at crook a city hall according to a 15 year old coachek boy islam calivov calilov. He told Russian media quote we were warned a week ago that there might be a tax there was training they told us what to do where to lead people I was ready for the principle that week there were the toughest checks with dogs. But just days later on a busy Friday evening for gunman rain rampage through crook a city hall shooting concert goers and setting the hall on fire without any resistance according to video from the scene. It remains unclear why security was loosened again Russian officials in pro Kremlin news outlets have steered the question steered clear of the question instead focusing on blaming Ukraine in the west. Putin speaking at an interior ministry meeting Tuesday called for increased security at concert venues shopping centers and other places were crowds gather it's important to above all to bring law order and security at crowded places sports and transport facilities. Shopping and recreation centers schools hospitals colleges theaters and so on up to a new level. Russia's foreign intelligence chief Sergei nareeshkin claimed Tuesday that U.S. intelligence on the crook a city hall attack was too general to be of help indeed the FSB did receive information he said the information was too general and did not allow the ultimate identification of perpetrators of the horrible crime. And so the you basically have the situation where the U.S. intelligence agencies are like yeah you're going to get attacked over there and then sure enough they get attacked and then rush us like well how did you know they're going to attack us. And you know that's that's not an unreasonable question for a person to ask. And then they like well you know I know exactly how you know that it happened because you actually you set it up now you know if they knew that there was going to be an attack to the point that they trained to coach at boy about it. And then these guys ran through the air shooting people anyway you got to think that actually some there might be some malfeasance on the Russian side if we're entirely honest with ourselves. And you know that actually makes a great deal of sense if you think about it if they okay so 117 people got killed yeah and that's pretty bad but you know if you're trying to wait you're planning to get into a war with NATO this is going to be the least your problems. I got a super chat in the mail by the way and so there's a there's a fella did he skimmy and nation I read a name I don't have a name for you sir. Hello Chris it closed is $100 I'd appreciate if you read my super chat on air Jews are bats. Asob tells a fable about the birds and beasts preparing for war as each side gathers its forces the birds approach the bat and say come join us for we will soon be waging war against the beast but the bat says I cannot foresee I have fur and fangs I am a beast. And so the birds depart then the beast approach the bat and say come join us for we will soon be waging war on the birds but the bat says I cannot see I I'm sorry I cannot foresee I have wings and can fly I am a bird so the beast apart. Shortly before the first battle a pastry is signed and the war is averted birds and beasts go their separate ways to celebrate the bat flies to the birds to join in their festivities but the birds say you cannot join us for you said you're a beast. And so shun by all the bat went off to live in a cave where he remains alone and hated to this very day. Jews are bats depending inclusion by all giving support to none to Christians they say we are like you of the Judeo Christian tradition targeted by Muslim terrorists to Muslims they say we are like you a minority in the west oppressed by Christian crusaders to white people they say we are white like you to people of color they say we are not a human. And so we are like you before the Russian invasion Jews in Ukraine said we are just as you created as you entitled the full citizenship but after the attack Jews fled to Israel to avoid military service because what is Ukraine to us with its history of anti-Semitism wherever benefits are to be had the Jews show up with his hands out. But when his when hardship arrives and sacrifices required the Jude just a vows any obligation and disappears and yet another people learns to distrust and shun these bats. Well that was very good sir I appreciated that little rant near as much as the scene I really do thank you for both. And you know if you want to send me something to mail you could do that Christopher can't well 497 hook set road that be a great idea things of value fantastic love it. And I would love to have your your super chats whether they be in the mail whether they be in the Odyssey chat whether they're on entropy whether they're on Gibson go dot com slash spm. Whether that through you know strike payment strike dot me slash can't well or even the cash out cash take is edgy Chris you could send you money along any way you see fit I'm trying to make it very easy to pay me you know what I mean. And so let's see let's probably do one more so you know when you have this situation where what rush us like yeah you guys are you guys are basically waging war against us and so we're going to we're going to start treating it like that you better stop it. And they know it's like yeah we're going to get you know we understand the whole point is to start to war so we're getting ready for the war and so that's the story here in Newsweek US and NATO preferring for all contingencies amid Russian war threat. This is David Brennan over at Newsweek America's permanent representative to NATO is stressed that the US and its transatlantic partners are preparing for Russian expansion of its war on Ukraine into allied territory though she has stressed that such a threat is not imminent. US ambassador to NATO Julian Smith told reporters in a briefing on Tuesday that Russia remains quote the preeminent threat that we're grappling with though added quote we do not see an imminent threat to NATO territory. Quote NATO is not sitting on its hands Smith added it's not w it's not waiting for any possible contingency instead it's preparing for all contingencies Newsweek is contacted the Russian foreign ministry by email to request comment. NATO officials and leaders especially those sitting along the alliances Eastern frontier with Russia are increasingly warning that Russia poses a direct threat to Western to the Western block. Suggesting there is serious danger of a larger war with the coming dick within the coming decade a Russian victory in Ukraine they said will buoy Moscow and encourage further aggression Smith echoed such concerns on Tuesday we have also seen many times in history where if a dictator is not stopped or an authoritarian leader they keep going he said she said I should say referring to Russian president Vladimir Putin that's why it's so important that we help Ukraine push Russia out of its territory and end this unprovoked aggressions. But fantastic. Yeah if you don't stop the dictator then he's just going to keep on going it's opposed to all those times when you know the US goes in there and you know stops whatever it is that they say they're stopping and then everything turns out you know smooth and peaceful after that. Because if they do not succeed of course the concern is that Russia will feel compelled to keep going the ambassador added the US does not however feel that Russian threat to NATO is immediate. We are not signaling to anyone that was evidence sad we are looking for indicators and warnings Smith added noting that repeated and detailed warnings issued by Washington DC in the lead up to the Russian invasion in early 2022. We monitor the situation regularly as you might imagine to look for other indicators and warnings Russia is preparing to do something above and beyond what it's doing in Ukraine right now we see Russia all in and engaged with this unprovoked war of aggression inside of Ukraine. Once they say unprovoked war of aggression you know you understand these are not serious people. But we do have but we do not have indicators or warnings right now that Russian that a Russian war is imminent on NATO territory and I want to be clear about that. I don't want to give our friends in the Baltic States the impression that somehow war is coming to NATO territory overnight Smith added acknowledging the repeated warnings from NATO Eastern members. We take it seriously but we do not see this to be an imminent threat with Ukrainian troops on the defensive after more than two years at war Western nations are seeking to reinvigorate its military and continue political backing for Kiev while grappling with domestic political pivotal domestic elections and economic strains Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and his officials are pressing their western partners to to maintain an expand support. The president said in March that Ukraine expects a major new Russian offensive this summer and warned that Moscow's success would imperil Western nations at the moment it's us then Kazakhstan the Baltic States then Poland and Germany at least half of Germany Zelensky said that's hilarious. Oh yeah you just you're gonna go get the you can go put the band back together I guess. This aggression and Putin's army can come to Europe in the citizens of the United States the soldiers of the United States will have to protect Europe because they're the NATO members why would they protect Europe they're you know they're not even protecting our border. You have a bunch of white people going to aid Europe oh my god stop it that would be what it is to be like hey you know you know that's white people it's colonization. As NATO nations look for new ways to sap momentum from Russian bolster Ukraine some leaders prime among them French president Emmanuel Macron have even raised the prospect of deploying ally troops on Ukrainian soil Smith said the US does not back such an effort the US does not support sending troops to fight Ukraine we've been very clear about that she said we are not interested in becoming party to this conflict but we do want to support Ukraine as it defense itself against Russian aggression. So you know this is going to be a complete fucking shit show obviously so they're talking about you know Emmanuel Kroger's like oh you know we'll go send some troops in there and then if you kill our troops then of course you know then we'll invoke article five because you're killing French soldiers that would be a great idea. What's the other thing I want to get to another one before we wrap it up you actually I'm gonna go I bookmark this the other day let me pull this up. We warned recently we talked about this on a prior episode I forget which show it was. So they were talking about in Ukraine they're like yeah they're running out of human beings to fight right they're like oh yeah well you know we're gonna win the war whatever but we're just we're running out of population and so they were like okay well maybe we could lower the draft age that we'd have more men to go fight the war you know. And then they're like yeah but if we do that then there won't be enough men to impregnate the women and then that will basically be the end of our people the the you know our ethnic group will cease to exist to be a genocide that we'll facilitate by fighting a war that we know that we're not going to win. And they're okay to do that because you know the United States is telling them to in the United States is run by Jews and Jill and so just a little Zalensky's a Jew. So they were like yeah well you know they were debating this in the parliament they're like yeah well this will end up with you will go extinct if we do that so we probably shouldn't do it now they're doing it anyway. This is over at Uh Zalensky, lowest draft age to shore up Ukraine's depleted army so they're doing it anyway they're gonna kill their people off and they like doing that over there. President of the lot of me or Selensky if Ukraine is signing to law three measures aimed at replenishing the ranks of his country's exhausted and battered army including lowering the age when men become eligible for constriction conscription and eliminating some medical exemptions. Well Mr Zalensky did not say why he had decided to move ahead on at least some of the changes we all know it's because he's complicit in the genocide of his people I'm sorry they didn't actually say that at the I was adlibbing well Mr Zalensky did not say why he had decided to move ahead on at least some changes Russian forces have been on the offensive along the front line and the ongoing fighting has shrunk Ukraine supplies of soldiers and weapons Ukraine's parliament has for months debated a bill that covers a more sweeping overhaul of conscription but political analysts say that calling up more men is better than becoming an issue that no politician or military leader wants to be associated with due to all add the aforementioned genocide of the Ukrainian people. That included Mr Zalensky who had delayed for nearly a year signing the bill over in the draft age Ukraine's army of about one million soldiers is fighting the largest war in Europe since World War II waged in muddy trenches or the ruins of cities in urban combat. Casualty rates are high most men who wanted to volunteer for the military have already done so and small anti-draft protests have broken out before the law new laws were passed. The new measures which parliament had passed last May in which Mr Zalensky signed into law late Tuesday low with a draft of which ability age from 25 to 225 from 27 eliminate a category of medical exemptions known as partially eligible and create an electronic database of men in Ukraine starting at age 17. Military recruitment offices are authorized to begin drafting younger men on Wednesday. Ukraine is expected at best to hold the existing front lines in ground fighting this year if a new influx of American weapons arrives military analysts say and risk falling back without it to maximize its efforts. Ukraine plans to replenish its army through mobilization while trying to keep Russia off balance with sabotage missions behind enemy lines and long-range drone strikes such as attacks on an oil refinery and weapons planted Russia on Tuesday. Ukraine relies on its allies for most new ammunition and weapons and renewing that arsenal is mostly a matter beyond the country's control. In Washington on Monday, House Speaker Mike Johnson laid out conditions for a vote on a fresh infusion of American weapons and financial aid in the strongest indication yet that the assistance would be forthcoming despite opposition from many Republicans. At home, Ukraine has stumbled on the overhaul of mobilization rules in January its parliament withdrew a draft law on mobilization that included stiffened penalties for draft dodgers. The bill was introduced again but lawmakers submitted more than 4,000 amendments a vote was expected this month. Even with the new change, Ukraine's draft age is unusually high. The country had drafted men aged 27 to 60 and the average age in the military is over 40. Under martial law, all men 18 to 60 had already been prohibited from leaving the country in case any decision was made to draft them. Men and women can volunteer for military services starting at age 18. Mr. Zelensky has said he does not intend to conscript women into the military although women with medical educations are required to register for the draft. Informulating its mobilization plans, Ukraine has had to balance military economic and demographic considerations. Lowering the draft age will bring more and healthier soldiers to the fight but pose his long-term risk for sustaining Ukraine's population given the country's demographics. As in most former Soviet states, Ukraine has a small generation of 20 year olds because the birth rates plummeted during the deep economic depression of the 1990s. Because of this demographic trough, there are now three times as many men in their 40s as in their 20s in Ukraine. Drafting men starting at age 25 given the likely battle casualties also risk further diminishing this small generation of Ukrainians and potentially future birth rates, leaving the country with declines of working in draft age men decades from now. This was from the news. They announced at the end that this was originally posted at the New York Times. In order to weaken the Russian military, the United States is causing a genocide of Ukrainian people. That's what you call standing up for Ukraine. This is what they say is helping the people of Ukraine stand for democracy to make sure that they all die and never reproduce themselves. That's kind of the whole idea. It was funny. I was on that call Monday with the FTM from Grindr. The woman who just declared herself a male with no interventions at all. And she's like, oh, yeah, no, no. Genocide is when you're killing people. It's not like when other people are breeding faster. Genocide is when you make sure people no longer exist is actually what it is. So you can do it more or less creatively. You can go in there and you can murder everybody. You can go in there and be like, okay, everybody line up. We're going to chop your head off in a guilt team. And you know, that takes a long time and you got to re-sharpen the blades and you know, it's a pain in the ass and then people are like, hey, I don't know what we should do this. Or you can, you know, you can subsidize birth control and abortion and you can tell everybody to be homosexual and you can give them free drugs and then you can, you know, put people in prison for the rest of their lives and you can let the criminals out of prison and then put the regular people in prison so they're not reproducing but the criminals are. And then you can open up your borders and you can let everybody in and then you can wage a war and then you can lose the war on purpose and then you can complete your country's, you know, financial resources and your military resources and then you can raise the taxes on your people and make it impossible to live so that people choose that to have children and that's how you genocide of people. It's modern. It's smart. It's, you know, they're using economics. They understand things. They're not as dumb as they make themselves out to be. They're pretty diabolical. It turns out. And so that's going to keep on happening and we're going to keep on talking about it in one capacity or another. I thank you very much for tuning into this episode of the radical agenda, ladies and gentlemen, one of the last possibly. Whatever it is that we're going to do next, I think it's going to be better and I'm looking forward to doing it and I hope that you guys will stick with me. Today on the email as Christopher Cantwell, that net slash subscribe. That's one way that you've got a reasonably reasonably certain way of keeping in touch with me as long as you have a real email provider. If you have like Yahoo or like Roadrunner or Charter or one of these things, you know, they might be blocking my emails to you and maybe you get pro time mail. You go to give us real slash get PM, then you'll get a pro time mail email account. Now you can get it for free or you could pay for it. It's up to you. I pay for it. It's actually I think it's a worthwhile service. And then when you get emails from people like me, then pro time mail will give it to you. It's not like those other things where they're like, yeah, no, we don't want you to have email. We decide who you're allowed to talk to and who you're not. And so it's good when you have like when you have like real service providers. Or actually like doing a good job and stuff when they actually care about your satisfaction and your capacity to do your job. It's good. And other people when they don't, you know, you have Microsoft or whatever, they're like, no, I don't think you know Gmail whatever it is. They're like, yeah, we'll spy on you. We'll take your email and give it to the government. But we're not going to give your email to you. And that's kind of what they do. So go ahead and get a pro time mail account, whether you get it through get surreal slash get PM or whether you just go to pro time mail. And then you and then you sign up for my email as to Christopher cat well that net says subscribe. And then things would be good. You know, and you know what else you should do just as an aside. You should use the signal app for texting. You should like not be doing everything in plain text. Okay. And so encrypt your communications. Stay pay attention to me. Give me some fucking money. Will your Christopher can't hold that. That's last donate. We'll tell you all the things I told you before. Tell you where my crypto keys are. That sort of thing. Get me money. And then I'll do interesting things and we'll make the world a better place. Thank you very much for tuning into radical agenda. Have yourself the best weekend with the ones you love. Good night. That's it. It's over. Then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't talk to enemies. And if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. The radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the last to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. Their bad act. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to know. They try and build a blanket. One of the radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go. The second amendment. Fuck you, pay me.