of course couldn't couldn't have everything work everything got one thing's got to go wrong but you know it's not that bad so with fine and so now that we've got everything except those things are working working uh... we can go ahead will get the show the road and will do that with a little bit of uh... we'll go check in on a very beautiful woman by the name of and culture i think that's it it's over then we got the full those second way to second can't talk to enemies that was totally inappropriate you know you don't want to get screamed at by and culture that really screw your day up let me try that again that's it it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what you call people you can't talk to enemies and if we want to divide our society arms and hands of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing radical agenda turned into an opportunity to the last to push a racial and radical agenda implemented their radical agenda is the only thing they can about their bad actions what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great Americans he's a people that want to see great things that they got to know they try and build a blanket one of the radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second to be all right on with it welcome to the radical agenda show about time this idea is a news of the day and whatever is on your mind usually uh... but i'm not taking your calls tonight because i've got that i've got other people talk to frankly you guys have been called me anyway so fuck you how about that i'm kidding i love you guys i would never tell you to go fuck yourselves i'm just a little irritated uh... but because we haven't had you know a whole lot of new people call into the show lately i decided you know i'm just gonna go have to start a costing people on the internet i'm not gonna let them get away with not talking to me i'm too fucking important for that shit you know and so i go on the only tv and i'm like hey what's up what's going on you know i talk to people about whatever's going on i in that uh... last week or uh... this past wednesday i debuted i had this idea to go on grinder and if you don't know grinder is like it's a gps based all mail dating up for uh... gay guys uh... where at least it's it's in theory it's all mail because the whole transgender thing is it's it's it's it's driving the gaze crazy to this like a bunch of what they call fpm's at the chick's they get the they start doing steroids and then they and then they act like and then they act like horse on the internet and they say that they're gay men yes it's that sick and so we are we uh... i debuted i had a phone call with somebody from there on wednesday and i spent much of the afternoon today on the only tv and i've been to i haven't got any grind to phone calls today sadly uh... i think those have the potential to be pretty interesting i've got like a few people chatting i might get a call from one of them one or more of them before the end of the show today but i figured you know uh... if i can go on there and uh... you know talk to people someone at might be interesting and i think that it's gonna be i was very reserved on the thing i heard wednesday i was i was kind of a little nervous about it frankly uh... and uh... whatever you know your nervous about something you're trying to make entertainment doesn't it's not it's not the best way to do it but uh... to the beginning of something not the uh... not the end and so what i'll do now ladies and gentlemen is i'm going to play i've got like forty minutes i cut down the um... the only tv stuff from today down to about forty minutes i'll let you know that those interactions uh... the audio is plenty listenable it's not as good as it ought to be it is not as good as it will be the next time i do it i made a mistake i know what the mistake is and i won't make it next time so there's a little bit of echo on their end i have diligently tried to clean that up using some digital audio editing systems that i have available here and that is part of another thing that's kind of interesting i've been talking about the ai stuff that i've been working on and mostly what i've been talking about is the digital image editing and the text generation features uh... and those are pretty interesting but in the course of doing that i had to get i wanted to do what most people who are first of this is eleven labs is the most popular one like the voice cloning where you can make you can basically take a recording of somebody's voice and then make that voice a thing and some of these things are more impressive than others i've been i've been talking around with them which puts me into the realm of like digital audio editing with artificial intelligence which is kind of a pretty it's a pretty deep rabbit hole of its own you know and one of the things that i got was this like it's a suite of different tools it was like that they called it the tts text to speech uh... uh... web interview web user interface and it was a collection of different tools among them among which is the music generators and i haven't actually gotten that thing to work it but i've done on my own computer anyway but i did a couple of them on like a free service online we could do like thirty seconds of audio it's like you know it to make a song and it just makes a song which is interesting on the one hand but like infuriating on the other you know that i mean if you've been you've your you know if you're my age or anywhere near it you understand what has happened to music to some extent even if you're not you know deep in the culture but like you know music today it's like mass produced right it's like he it's there's auto tune they go and they take some you know they take some slot off the street and they're like yeah put on this bikini and run around talking about being a bimbo and then we'll auto tune it because you can't sing and then we'll have a bunch of electronic sounds in the background and then we'll put you on television and you'll sell a million records and then we'll spend that on drugs or whatever and that's basically the music industry today we talked about uh... a little bit i was very enthusiastic about the uh... all of our anthony guy and then in no time you know he's like he's he's doing the diversies are strength nonsense and you know there's all this crap going on and everybody but gets kind of disgusted by it and yeah alright fine you have justification to because they came around they're like oh you made this great song and everybody wants to listen to you sing we're gonna have to ruin that fast because you know people started thinking about who the rich men know what the rich men are we're gonna be a lot of trouble and so you look at this thing where now it's not even you know you don't even need like uh... the the a professional service to do it you don't even need like you know highly trained technical professionals it's just some guy goes and he's like that go make me a song and i think that that can make for some fun i think is that it's a symbol of the decline of art and culture in a sense you know and there's a lot of that going on so that's a couple things on my mind let's go play some of the tv and will uh... will come back to you in a little bit as a you you want i told you i am you two young to be on it i'm going to tell your parents i'm going to be a little bit more do you want i'll say it actually i'm uh... uh... uh... well if i want to go to bar meet some bitches i go meet some bitches hello hello you go when what's going on i'm oh that's me why i'm you what's up man hello you you what happened i don't sound good what's up buddy hello hello hello hi what's up pal hello what you're ruining as fucking people on here you know that you're not you're not you're not you're not you're not you're not you're not so, buddy hey, Tom yeah, what do you have to yeah kind of same you smoke marijuana so much so much how much marijuana do you smoke? 50 grams you smoke 50 grams of marijuana in what sort of time period do you take you to smoke 50 grams of marijuana? 43 43 who said I'm looking for 16 year olds? who said I'm looking for 16 year olds? the fuck you talking about did you what's up? you going on fellas? you're up done? what? you're up done? no, I'm a convicted felon, I'm out there have one why are you doing this? because the FBI broke my door down and set me to prison and what I got out there, they said if I can't do this, they're going to put me back in prison you're out there you're out there you're out there drugs drugs, I'm not confessing that I don't camera what do you smoke? this is just a vaporizer, nicotine vapor yeah, nicotine yeah you just do it you just do it what? what? what do you like? what do drugs you like? no, wait more rockin' wait socks man, you guys are just stepping up to cocaine you know, do spacicies yeah you have only big jatiah and lazy and shit I want to be like better getting when I do drugs wait yeah I like cocaine a lot of people like weed, I understand that how long you give me? I'm originally from New York and talking to you from New Hampshire oh my god oh my god, why am I doing this? we need to stay depends on weed, go, but you know, figure 50, 60 bucks a gram depending 60, you can give 50 60, you can give 50 and we're rockin' 100 bucks for a gram of cocaine 100 bucks for a gram of cocaine 100, 100, 100 I can see why you're from here then yeah it's a it's a well shit be some pretty good coke for 100 bucks a gram oh no, that's something what? no, no, no, no, no wait, wait, wait, wait no, no, no, no, no this is no, you know yeah, I know that stuff, I tried to do that before I switched the listing, I used to smoke cigarettes I was trying to get him to smoke him yeah you understand what I'm hearing? yeah, you understand what I'm hearing? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I still can't I, I... what is that? what is that? you can just go go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go what time is it? I don't know I don't know I have first thing what is it? what is it? you know there's one that went fast and cured what stands out in my mind is Ramadan it's not Ramadan, what's the fasting period that you're going right now? Ramadan Ramadan? yeah why do I think Ramadan is in the winter time? what? what? I think Ramadan was in a different time of the year and I'm wrong I guess one month we go to the 6th month nothing's really going on just keep going just a night and then after like I used to work for a Muslim guy a regular guy yeah after sunset he'd have a couple of dates or whatever and then you know so not me I eat all day I'm not that I I I well I haven't seen him in a while I used to work for a guy who ran a a data center web hosting company here and so well he is he is originally from India he's a Muslim he's a Muslim yeah and he so he had other there were Muslim guys working there and we got along pretty well good relationship you have any problem with the Muslim? well I'll tell you what I have a problem with integration generally right so like if Muslims are in Muslim countries then they're great there I don't want people coming through my country and changing my culture so hello hello hello goodbye thank you hey buddy hello hello hey what's going on fellas can't hear you what what I can't hear you what do I do what do you what do you hello how are you thank you ready here and I want you to use this video setting you downloaded it with your friends yesterday you do you ever use other ones where do you like before before omitv got popular there was a thing called a megal that got like shut down did you ever use that no okay and can I ask how old are you you're 17 and I'm just trying to talk I mean I'm just trying to yeah basically I mean if you want to ask me questions I'll happily answer them you know can I do that way sure okay go ahead I think okay I'll I'm 43 okay okay what do you want to go turn turn why and 43 and what general region of the country I'm Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon I just want to go down the έχει mute so I realized from pause I felt that I did to change the audio here, a bit of audio and play that for you that's going to take a couple of minutes, but it'll be better in a few minutes. I'm going to I'm working on the audio right now. Okay Where are you going? I'm on omitcv because I'm a talk show host. And I'm going to do a live call in radio show but I've had trouble getting new people to call into the show because I'm fan from YouTube and stuff. And so I'm trying to go out and spark conversations with people by initiating the conversation. It's kind of the idea. It's a big change. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. It's a fun gig. I've been doing it since well, I mean, I've been producing the show since like 2012 and I've been doing it professionally since like 2015. It's been my only income ever since then. I'm going to switch over to the video editor to do this. Stand by just a second. What do I do? Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. Turn for Dirty. I'm originally from New York. And so have you always lived in Oregon or did you move there at some point? I moved. Okay. Okay. Why are you on the TV? I am on OmeTV because I am a talk show host. I do a live call in radio show. But I've had trouble getting new people to call into the show because I'm banned from YouTube and stuff. And so I'm trying to go out and spark conversations with people by initiating the conversation. It's kind of the idea. It's interesting. Yeah. It's a lot of fun. It's a fun gig. I've been doing it since well, I mean, I've been producing the show since like 2012 and I've been doing it professionally since like 2015. It's been my only income ever since then. What is your YouTube channel? Sounds very interesting. I don't have a YouTube channel anymore because I upset the Democrat party. And then you're not allowed to upset the Democrat party and be on YouTube anymore. And so I'm not on there anymore. But the show, if you can look up my name, Christopher Cantwell, you can find me on a thing called Odyssey. You're using the mobile app or using the web browser on the computer. I'm not on there anymore. You're using the mobile app or using the web browser on the computer. The mobile app. I think it probably shows you my name, right? Maybe. Somebody told me that. I can see it. Okay, well, I'm going to put it in your chat anyway, in case you care to look it up at some point. You can do that. And so it might not immediately seem that way right now because I'm trying not to be like shocking or edgy or like scary away, but I'm a pretty entertaining guy. And I think that you'll have some laughs if you go look that up at another time. What do you do for fun? I'm in a Mariachi. You're in a Mariachi. Okay. That's pretty cool. And you do like, you do gigs. Is that like a, is it a paid gig or just like a hobby? It's a school club. Okay. And are you guys, I'd be like a senior in high school, I'm guessing? Yeah. Okay. You plan to go to college? I'm not quite sure yet. Okay. So you're a military officer. Go to the military. I'm not listening to what officers are like friends. I've recommended. You know, there's a lot of benefits that join in the military. There's obviously some pretty substantial downsides given the state of our current foreign policy in the United States. I would urge you to think very cautiously about that. I'm not going to discourage you from doing it per se, but like, you know, I don't know if you do pay attention much to the news. Like global politics at all. We're in serious danger of ending up in World War III with the Russian Federation right now. And that's pretty bad. And if I thought that it was a good idea to fight the Russian Federation, I'd be like, let's go, go kill the Ruskies. Right? But I don't think that's like good for America to do. And so, you know, I would, I would encourage you to put a lot of thought into that. Because a lot of people go into the military thinking like, you know, they're going to get their college pay. They're going to get this benefit. They're going to get that benefit. And then like the military actually ends up ruining their lives, depending on the circumstances. And so it can be, it can be a decidedly mixed bag, say, you know, Armed Forces Service. When you, I don't know how much, how much thought of you put into this? Have you thought about like where in the military you would go or how you would go about it? No, not much thought into it. But I have really, since I was not on one of the ones here at Air Force. Into the Air Force. Since you were little, you wanted to do that. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. You like, you want to buy a, yeah, tell me, do you, or as you're like, you're into like helicopters? Or you're more like planes? I like planes, yeah. Oh, good. I've got a thing for rotary aircraft myself. I like helicopters are really cool. And so, you know, but I guess it's, you know, everybody's got their own taste and flying. So have you ever been in a, a small airplane before? Yeah, yeah. It's kind of scary, isn't it? Like I've been on like a big like, you know, commercial airliner. And it's one thing and then you get on the little private plane and it's, get the crap out of me. I think that doesn't scare me. No? All right. Well, you're brave, but then I am. You know, one of you want to join the military. And so, what about, if you go to college, do you have like a course of study you were thinking about going into? Huh? You have a course. Do you have, if you go to college, if you opt to go to college, do you have a course of study you were thinking about? Education. Okay. And what do you have, you have a job currently? We work for a good time. I think this is a nice place. At what place? Oh, cool. Oh, cool. Okay. Cool. Cool. I've just started running with my own questions. I didn't mean to cheat if you want to go and ask me some. You're welcome to do that. It's just okay. Okay, dear. Thank you very much. Thank you. I was. Yeah. They banned me. Oh, I'm good. I know. You're like, you can serve it. You know, conservatives don't like me very much, but I'm right wing. I'm basically, I think the conservatives are like a bunch of pussy's and they need to stop being bitches. It's kind of my idea. I'm not. No, I think it's like a red neck thick thing. Like, you know, nothing offense to my southern friends or whatever, but like it's not, it's not really my style. I'm more like, I'm a more fashionable like, you know, modern guy, you know. You're. All right. So. You wouldn't know it by this shirt. I know I'm not exactly dressed to impress right now, but, you know. So what do you think about the way you're supposed to do that, that real? Yeah, it's a measurable thing. Yeah. I mean, it's whether you like it or not is, you know, another question, right? You know, it's subject to value analysis. If you think it's good for white people to be fewer in the, in as a percentage of population, then white displacement is great and you like it. If you don't think that that's a good idea, then then you believe in the great replacement in your conspiracy theories. Kind of the idea. Who are you most like in terms of what it is? Are you? I'm sorry. Say that again. So like I'm sorry. You said you're right wing. Yeah. All right. What you just said about the way you raised your latest business. What's it like? It was a fact. It wasn't something like that. Like you like it. And it's just like what would you do? Do I know what you people would do with the delivery? What's your, what are the options for the action? Well, I think affirmative action is a first and foremost, a failure in that it does not do what it purports to be attempting to do. And it, and it cannot hope to do that. But it is remarkably effective at increasing racial tensions in the United States. And if you believe that that's the purpose of it, then it's a great program because that's exactly the effect of it. All right. What's your opinion on? I think that that's like something like the law system, you think race is definitely. I think that you're, I think when you're by the Harvard reference, I'm assuming that you're talking about critical race theory. Yeah. Yeah. So critical race theory is. It's an interesting distortion on a reality often not spoken, which is that. The laws that we have in the United States and in most of the world are based on European legal systems. Okay. And that's actually that is a fact and European legal systems were were in fact designed for the benefit of peoples of European ancestry and the standards that they set. As a matter of fact, everything that we call civilization today tends to be of that nature, right? European's went out and basically conquered nearly the entire world and imposed their forms upon everybody because they believe those forms to be superior. And they had good reasons to believe that. And then what were the reasons? Yeah. Well, when you when you ban theft and murder, life tends to improve for, you know, the population. Okay. Are you really? I don't know. What about the Nick Fonte? Yeah. So, you know, Nick Fonte is sort of an interesting character. I can't claim to be intimately familiar with his work because I just can't devote the time to watching his show. I'm deeply suspicious of the man because he's a Mexican child who purports to be like the leader of the dissident writer, white nationalist calls. And he's he's conspicuously free of problems, you know. Having been banned from YouTube and locked up twice and, you know, subjected to phony legal actions and whatnot, I understand the perils that like a white nationalist, you know, leader incurs. Nick Fonte's does not incur these pains and that leads me to be very suspicious of what Nick Fonte's does along with the fact that whenever he makes mention of any other white nationalist, what he's doing is criticizing them and calling them garbage. So, he actually doesn't get along with anyone who purports to have the same ideas as he does. And he basically runs around trying to destroy people who constitute the movement that he claims to lead. So, I think that he's probably a bad actor and the fact that he just gets, you know, half a million dollars in Bitcoin just shows up in his wallet some day. And then he gets to go to January 6th and be at the Capitol and get in no trouble. I mean, it tells me that, you know, he's being aided by an intelligence agency, I think. Oh, shit. Oh, okay. Are you a fed? I'm not, I don't like, I'm not employed by the federal government. No, I've been in Fed custody. I've been, I just got out of federal prison in December of 2022. And when you're in like the county jail and you're on your way to the feds, people say, oh, I'm a fed as like I'm going to the feds. I'm going to the federal prison. And so in that sense, I was a fed for a little while, but not like, you know, I'm not the federal government of the United States does not like me. They want to make my life, you know, they'd like to shorten it probably and it very least make it very difficult. Why is that? Because my views and my power for articulating them are a threat to the current order of the United States. What are you news? That the the comically obnoxious ridiculous catchphrase that diversity is our strength is contrary to all human experience and hostile to the human condition that basically diversity plus proximity equals conflict. It's like it's the most obvious thing in the world that when you have people's living in proximity to one another and those people do not share commonalities. That they will compete for control of the government and use the government to their ethnic interests at the expense of the other groups. And that is why we have racial tensions as we do in the United States today because there's a bunch of people with different interests competing for control of the government and using it coercively against the other ethnic groups. And that is going to lead to a civil war. I'm 100% certain of it. So you're like absolutely smart. Yeah, some are white naturalists. Okay. Are you like taking this as a round? No, I don't hate you because you're brown. I don't hate you at all. If I find a reason to hate you in the course of this conversation, then I'll figure out what that reason is, but it's the fact that your brown doesn't make me hate you. Do you really think that like I never, maybe I'm here or? I wish that the phenomenon of immigration that likely resulted in your being here had not occurred. Yeah, and I don't actually know so much about you or the circumstances that cause you to immigrate here. So I can't really speak very specifically to it. But what I can say is that I wish that I lived in a country that was all white or nearly all white. That's what I would prefer to have. That's my preference. What do I like? Blacks. Well, you know, as far as you know who you can have for neighbors, you can hardly do worse than black people. And you probably know that. Oh, not. A bad neighbor's a bad neighbor because you're a bad neighbor. Not because of the skin. Oh, that's that's certainly true. So like I actually don't care about skin color all that much. The skin color is like the helpful identifying component. Right. No, no, no. Action. Like, what am I doing? I'm just hanging on a second. So like what I'm saying is that the skin color is just like this conspicuous feature of a person, right? It's not the skin color actually doesn't. The skin color on its own doesn't mean anything at all. Okay, it's just it's it's it helps you identify a group. Okay. And so what we actually know about, you know, like. It's where Blacks are represented in a statistics of American life is that they're overrepresented in crime statistics. They're overrepresented in, you know, poverty and all the types of things that you don't want in a place, right? You don't want your neighborhood to be the things that Blacks are disproportionately represented in. Now, you can have a black neighbor and he could be a really good guy and you could be his best friend. He could be like a really really really good guy. You might, you know, come over your house for dinner every Tuesday. But if you live in a neighborhood with Black people statistically, it's impossible for your neighborhood not to go to absolute hell because when you have people who are disproportionately represented in negative categories, that's what they turn your neighborhood into. And that's why you wouldn't want them as neighbors on the whole. What do you like overrepresented? So you're surely aware of that. Black people are, we might not know the exact numbers, but I'm sure it sounds familiar to you that Black people are 13% of the population and half of the murders. Okay. They're half of the killers in the country. You know, if there were no Black people here, we cut our murder rate in half. Okay. That's 13% of the population. Yeah. Like as a matter of fact, we would cut it more than in half in fact, because if the Blacks weren't killing each other and staggering numbers from coast to coast, then in fact, white people would behave differently and you would have all the less trouble than that. Yeah. You think it's a game culture. It's game. Well, I think that membership in a gang is is by its very implication going to lead a person to criminal behaviors the whole entire point of joining. Like, yeah, that, yeah, if you have like white gang members or Hispanic gang members, they're going to be, you know, 100% more likely to engage in criminal behavior than somebody who's not. Right. That's just obvious. But why are, why are, why are young Black males disproportionately represented in gang activity is because Black people are disproportionately genetically predisposed to criminal behavior? Like, you should know that you don't think it's because of their upbringing. Well, what is their upbringing? Right. So everything in everything. So like everything about your life is a combination. It's a synergy of genetics and environment. You know, you're born through DNA, even to your bio parents and then your parents raise you in an environment. Okay. And your environment is composed of other human beings who are composed of the same things. So your environment is actually not non genetic. It's not a separate thing, right? So if you're born to a poor family and then you're raised in poverty, like the poverty is an element of the genetic component, right? And your capacity to earn money is not disconnected from your genetics, right? Your brain is a bodily organ, right? Your brain is a bodily organ. Your hormones are a bodily organ. Everything that influences your behavior is given to you through DNA. So it's genetic. Yes, of course it is. It's obvious. And what do you get to know that makes black more pre-disposal to crime? Well, I couldn't point it out on like a double helix, but I can tell you that they have on average lower IQs and on testosterone. Okay. So you've got a low IQ high testosterone. This is a recipe for trouble. Yeah, like, do you think black and mineral would have high regular use if they had regular schools? If they had the same schools, like white people? Well, it's a matter of fact that you and they don't, right? So they do have access to the same schools and they don't have the same values. No, no, that's true. So like where we now blacks are more often congregated in black neighborhoods, where the schools are not as good because they're not as smart and can't make as much money so that they can't pay the taxes to have the nicer schools. So there are many black people who live in poor schools, but then there's black people who live in white neighborhoods and go to white schools and they don't have higher IQs. They're actually lower. They they they are outperformed by their white peers consistently. Yeah. That's why we have affirmative action. That's why we have advanced placement in college admissions for black people. That's why all those things exist because everybody understands it and nobody wants to say it. No, no, I don't think they use this. It's not that it's not what I mean. They they are given privileged placements say, okay? They get they are allowed into colleges because of their skin color that they would not get into if they were white. That happens all the time. It was a subject of a major recent Supreme Court decision. So I think you're only going to go to Lisa. Well, the world's going to go on for a good long time whether or not you and I are in it is another question. Okay. Humanity can destroy itself. We're probably not to the point of actually destroying the planet to the point that it doesn't exist. You know, whether human human beings live on that planet. That's a that's a less certain question. I'd say. Yeah. I see you like you're bad. I'm like, are you all that is because you do the private company? Well, I don't think that YouTube is a private company. I think that the Google Corporation, the alphabet corporation is a part of an intelligence station. It works for the US government. And I don't believe that it. I don't believe that it's a private company. In fact, it parades this one. But with how much government money flows through there and how many intelligence agencies have people embedded in the company at some point you have to say that this is a government program. And that's what I believe it is. So do you believe like all government? Well, I think that I don't believe that one in fact exists. I think that there are aspirations to bring one about. Yeah, like, you know, that's why you have a UN, right? It functions. It's trying to usurp the role of planetary ruler. Right. And the United States basically funds the entire thing and the United States military runs around the world playing world police. Right. And they issue the world reserve currency and they manipulate things through their control of the exorbitant privilege of printing the Federal Reserve note. And so there's there's a there's a project well underway to institute a world government. And most people who are in high levels of government, people who attend things like the council and foreign relations, they would they would not even attempt to deny that. So what did you do vote for in all that last elections? In the last election, I was a recently convicted felon sitting in a prison. So I didn't vote in that one. In the one before that, I voted for Donald Trump. In the one before that, I did not vote. In the one before that, I did not vote. And then in 2004, I voted for George W. Bush. You were looking at right. I was a libertarian for a long time. I've always I've always thought the Democrats were like a bunch of whiny fucking pricks and I really don't like them. And I've like hated them ever since I became aware of politics, which was after September 11, 2001. And so like I never paid attention to politics before the towers came down. And then I was like, I want to know I didn't understand what's happening, you know, with the country. And so I tried to figure it out and I started watching the news. And I immediately came to like hate, you know, like CNN and NBC because they like, you know, they took a in my view took a very anti American tone and I more appreciated the Fox News channel at that time. And so, you know, Bill O'Reilly for a bunch of years fed me all of my political opinions. And I wasn't well served by that. I came to know. And so, but I did know that the Democrats were bad and they keep on proving that every day and they just keep on getting worse, you know, they go from like, yeah, well, maybe you deserve to have your two in towers, take it down to, yeah, we're going to go and send like, you know, sex predators into your daughter's bathroom as long as they wear lipstick. And so like they're the evil party and that's obvious. And I'm really glad that I was never a part of that cabal. But I don't really care for the Republicans either because the best thing that you can say about them is that they're weak and stupid. And like that's the charitable interpretation for what they do. The less charitable interpretation is they're in on it and they're just playing cover for the other side. Hello, hey, um, where do you get your use for? And of course, no, I don't get my news from info wars. I was shown to not a credible source of information in my view. And that's and you know how I, I was, you know, if you keep on doing it, then power get paid. I lose you. And I'm really glad that I was never a part of that cabal. But I don't really care for the Republicans either because the best thing that you can say about them is that they're weak and stupid. And like that's the charitable interpretation for what they do. The less charitable interpretation is they're in on it and they're just playing cover for the other side. Oh, hey, um, where do you get your use for? And no, I don't, I don't get my news from info wars. Alex Jones is not a credible source of information in my view. And that's and you know how you know how you know that? Yeah, that's not credible. I lose you. Oh, well, because he doesn't mention the Jews. That's how hello. Yo, chilling man. What's up? I was just talking to this guy about how Jews were on the world and then and then somebody came into room and he was afraid he was going to get caught. Sorry, I didn't hear you say that again. Who ain't running shit? The Jews are running the whole fucking show, buddy. You don't know that. Who do you think runs a banking system bunch of bunch of white guys? Do you think runs a TV sets a bunch of black dudes? No, it's a bunch of Jews. Okay, they run the TVs and they run the banks. And if you got the money and you got the information, you run the world. That's the way it works. I know what you do. And I know what I do is you're my mom. You get your mini what? Cash. You get your money cash. Oh, I got you. I got you. You like them. You like them. Pay for dollars, right? You know, when you look at that, you look at that paper dollar. It says on the top of it says Federal Reserve note. You see that? Well, if you next time you take a look at your money, you can confirm what I'm saying is true at the top. It says Federal Reserve note. And you don't know what the Federal Reserve is. I don't guess. All right. So Federal Reserve is a bank. Okay. And it's a bank that the government created. And it's a bank that can print money. So they print the money that you pass around in your in the course of your businesses. Okay. And they make money. Do you know how the money is printed? They just they just decide to print some money. It's like just a bunch of guys make a decision and they make more money. And then they go and they spend it or lend it to people. And then they lend it to those people at interest. And then those people have to give it back. Okay. And we're doing them a little bit. They want to do. Well, at the end of the world and it ain't not what it was going to do. Shit. You know, but you know, until then there's a lot going on. It's just not a big deal. What they doing. I hear that, man. But I mean, like, oh, you know, what? But you can't you can't stay to yourself and make money though. Right? You got to go interact with other people if you want to get paid. So like, you know, it's not really like that. I just do. I know. But I'm doing my thing. I hear that, man. All right. Well, you keep on doing it then pal. Good good good. Good talking to you. Hello. Hello, hello, Germany. What's going on? Nothing by you. Oh, man. I'm over here in New Hampshire living it up. That's nice. Yeah. So you can. You can. A little German. No, I mean, I've got some like some German hand signals, but they probably wouldn't be very helpful. Oh, and so you don't speak much English. Yes, yes, yes. Okay. Good. Good. And so what time is it in Germany? Wait a minute. It's. It's in the night. One a.m. One a.m. All right. Well, good morning then. And how long? No, no, no. I don't know. Oh, okay. Okay. What? How long have you been in Germany? I'm. Very good then. And so have you ever left Germany? Yes. Say again. I'm not going to go to Germany. I'm not going to go to Germany. I have never left the United States. I think I've never left the United States. I've traveled around in the United States a lot. I've been, you know, all over the country, but I haven't I haven't left the United States. I'm looking forward to doing that someday. Maybe. I appreciate that. I think I'm not going to go to. I think I probably be a lot more likely to go to Russia. I think I'm going to go to the United States and Europe right now. These people have lost their fucking minds and they're going to get us all killed in its time. Oh, yeah, that's kind of the thing. And, you know, it's crazy to me to think, you know, I'm 43 years old. It's born in the 1980 during the rain. 43. Yeah. I was born on the 17th. Oh, well, thank you. The. I was born under the presidency of Ronald Reagan. And like I remember being terrified of the Soviet Union destroying me, right? I'm not going to be that easy for me to now think that like Vladimir Putin is the, is the like voice of reason on the world stage while he wages a war against his neighbors. Completely nuts to think. But, you know, these people who think that, you know, that Ukraine's fiasco over there is basically like a bunch of a bunch of left wing fanatics have been like washing all of their espionage and criminal behavior. You know, through the Jew outfit over there and they're, and they're, you know, they're trying to protect their little scam and they're willing to get everybody to process, you know. What? German is. German is my. My head's not good because. Many people. They are criminal. Yeah. Germany. Germany. You know, I, I, it's an unpopular thing to say over there right now. But Germany was in much better shape. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, okay? Yes. And what happened was they, you know, they based their guy pissed off the Jews. The Jews came in, they fucked your country up and then they decided that it wasn't good enough to defeat Germany and war. They had to spend the next hundred years destroying it slowly and painfully. And that's what's been going on ever since and it's a terrible thing to watch. It's really. Yeah. Of course. Of course. Yes. Yeah. This is the worst. It's not good. It's not good. It's not. You know, the wrong guy is one World War II is what happened. Yes. If Germany had come out, have you ever seen a, there's like a, on Amazon Prime, they got this video series called the, the man in high castle. Have you heard of this? No, no, no. I haven't, I haven't, I've only watched a couple of episodes in it of it. But it's, it's a pretty interesting idea. But the, the theme behind the story is Germany in Japan, one World War II. And now it's like modern day, America and Europe or whatever. And you know, it's, you're getting a glimpse of what the, the writer imagines life would be like in that circumstance. Okay. And I, like I said, I've only seen a couple of episodes, but the theme behind it is like, okay, because Hitler won the war, the 1960s as we knew them in the United States, like never happened. So this whole cultural revolution didn't occur. You have like stable families and people are not, you know, going out and selling their ass for drugs and stuff. And so like it's actually like life is actually a lot better in a lot of respect. But you have this sort of like the, the dark element of it is that you sort of have this like Gestapo type, you know, secret police force that goes around and does things that some people would find just tasteful, but they do so in order to maintain order. And you know, order as we're finding out is our, as our respective countries decline rapidly. It's actually pretty valuable, isn't it? I have a few words to say. I can say, I'm when I grow up, I would Germany, I would go, how old are you now? 21, you're 21. Okay. Yes. Well, hey, buddy, I got news for you. You're grown up. Okay. Yeah. You're not a kid anymore. All right. I know. And you're gonna, you got you're gonna grow up a whole lot more. I get that, you know, but it took me a while to figure out that I was no longer a teenager. I didn't figure that out until I was like 30. So if you figure it out now, you're gonna be ahead of the game. You're gonna be doing better than me. Yes. But when I know, no, and when I have money, I take my money, I go, I go, I go, America or. I mean, I mean, I'm gonna stand under the. Oh, Turkey, Turkey. Okay. You know, yes, yes, yes. So that's my plan. I have had money for this. Yeah. You know, Turkey, you know, I'm not intimately familiar with all that goes on there. They understand they've had some currency problems in recent years, but I think that they are culturally a lot more stable than the United States, you know, the United States, the culture is spiraling out of control. I mean, the politics here are so tense that like there's violence going on in the street. The news doesn't report on it. It's becoming like socially acceptable to physically assault your political opponents. It's pretty bad. And there's no, there's no responsible people trying to fix that. So I would caution, you know, maybe when time comes for you to actually make the move, perhaps things will improve, but keep an eye on the situation over here. There's a lot of, you know, there's a lot of very clever marketing about America. There's advertisements that say that we are the best in whatever. And I used to like to think that I don't believe it anymore. So, you know, coming here could be a very, you know, could be a very poor choice. The bank will circumstances do. Yes. I have a friend. A friend. One, two, three. A, A, S, Christian. Yeah. Oh, okay. So much for that. So. Oh, my. That's going to be the end of that, ladies and gentlemen. So we'll do a little bit more of that in the future. Again, I apologize for the, for the, oh, whoops, I didn't mean to do that. I apologize for the audio problems there. They're conspicuous. I understand that. It wasn't coming through my headphones while I was doing it and I didn't realize it until I started editing the video afterwards. But I'll have that fixed before we do this again. And it will all be better off of that. I might have some, some interesting phone calls coming in right now. Give me just a second. Call when ready. I'm ready. I've got a couple of people on basically like this chat on the, on the gate dating thing and we'll see what happens with them. And in the meantime, I'll pull up some news. Check, I'll go read some super chats first. Thank you to a libertarian sense 1433. Chris is red-pilling Normies one retard at a time. Fiberglass monkey sends five bucks says this is cool as fuck Chris. Well, thank you very much. Both of you appreciate that. I think it has a potential to be pretty cool. I'm trying to, I've been banned from a lot of services. You know what I mean? Get in Randbot's show buddy. He says $5. Says Fiberglass monkey with another super chat. Thank you. You know, I'm not going to, in the middle of my stream, go jump on somebody else's probably not going to do that. If Randbot wants to collaborate, I'll be happy to do that. If you want to, you know, try to put me in touch with him. I'm happy to talk to the guy. I'm not intimately familiar with what he's doing over there. So I'm not sure what I would be doing to jump on his stream. But I'm going to look for more things like this. Okay, the idea basically is, you know, if I had my way, if I had, you know, if I had people to guard my security in a vehicle and not a P.O. breathing down my neck, if fucking with my travel plans, you know, I'd go out and try to interact with people on the street and go do interesting things. I'm kind of in a position where I can't do that. And, you know, the revenue of the show is declining pretty rapidly to the point that I'm literally considering stopping, which means that if I don't get something going on, we're going to actually have to end the show. I'm not going to be doing this at all. And so I'm trying to see what I can do on a budget. And the OMETV thing has some potential for that. The grinder thing is like crazy. Like I go on there and I'm putting up, you know, like actual images of me with the, that are edited. Okay. And people are hitting me up like crazy. Like I get message after message like guys are offering me blow jobs. It's a sterical. And then I'm like, I'm like, hey, well, why don't we get on the phone? And they're all like cockpicks and coordinates. Like get over here and have sex with me. And I'm like, you're, no, like get on the phone with me. I'm not, I'm not going to show up at your house. You know, that would, that would be some pretty fucking interesting shit though if I did. Hey, how's it going? I got my body camera. You don't mind, right? Probably some of them want it either. But I don't think that we could stream that on Odyssey. So we're going to have to think of something else. Let's see if we, if we've got that going on here and if not, then I'll get to some news. Uh-uh. Let's see him. You know what I'm going to do? I'm just going to tell all of the people who are like sending me messages on Grindr, the same thing. I'm just going to say call me and give them my phone number. I'm doing that right now. Let's see what happens. And then when we come back next week, I'll have the phone lines up and then you guys can call in and talk to me. But I couldn't do that tonight because I had all this other stuff going on. Otherwise I'd be reading off the, uh, the number of the show while I go and I do this thing. It's my crutch. I'm going to say one, four, three, three, if you would like to be on the program. And I'm going to tell the program as it were. And I'm going to tell the less I have to use the police to give us a call. But I don't have the phone lines on because I've been trying to talk to random strangers and gay guys. And so, uh, you know, we're doing it that way. We'll see if any of them call in. I'll read a little bit of news and, uh, failing that will, uh, we'll call it tonight. And so I think the other thing that we're going to be, uh, I'm going to be breaking out. I've talked about the AI stuff a little bit. There was, there's a couple of things that I think we're on. We're basically on the verge of a breakthrough. I think fair to say, um, because, uh, you know, guys, I just call the fucking phone number. Like enough with the bullshit. Just call the fucking phone number. You want to suck my dick? You can't get on the phone. I'm like, you can call me star six seven. You don't even have to fucking show me your caller ID. What are you afraid of? You want me to come to your, you're willing to give me your home address and you're willing to suck my cock. I'm willing to call a phone number. It's a fucking amazing. And so it's fucking lunacy. So, uh, the AI stuff I've talked about so far. I mean, the image stuff is very cool right now. The text stuff is text, I should say. It sounds like I said tech. I've got like some dental problems or interfering with my speech side to say. Um, the text generation stuff is really not as far along. It's kind of like writing in my style, but it's doing sort of incoherently and it requires a lot of tinkering and I'm doing that tinkering. But we've got it to a point where like it'll, it'll read it out loud and something that's sort of approximates my voice. I want to try to get a better voice, a better approximation of my voice in there. And um, and I want to get it, you know, speaking more coherent, obviously. Um, I think that the music generation stuff could be interesting. I paid for like a music licensing service. You know, when I've asked for feedback on adding music tracks to some of the monologues that I've done, most of the feedback on that has been pretty negative. I shouldn't say pretty negative. It's not, you know, hostile. Just people prefer it without it. But I'm interested in it in any case, even though it is, you know, a symbol of our declining culture that it's just like, yeah, just go, you know, the AI will just, you know, make the tune and then we'll just stop having art now. We'll just generate it on demand and there will never be another timeless classic ever again. All music will be disposable from now on. You'll never hear the same song twice. We'll have a bunch of like, you know, AI generated teeny boppers running around in AI generated bikinis and doing AI generated sex acts. And it'll basically be, it'll make it'll make idiocracy look, it'll make idiocracy look like, like the greatest story never told. So we'll see. Let's go do some news. There's bad news for the Jews, fortunately, you know, for some people, not for them, obviously, but you know, they've been warned apparently. The, the Israel is warning Jews of no-go countries to avoid while traveling because of risk of kidnapping injury. Many countries in the Middle East were named as high-risk travel destinations, but they also warned of rising anti-Semitism in the West. Do that so weird, you know, you can't go in the Middle East, you can't go in the West. I guess you're just going to have to go to like the fucking North Pole body, but I think Santa will kick your fucking asses out of there too. Maybe you're just going to have to go to Antarctica, see how long that lasts, huh? Israel's National Security Council has warned the country's citizens of places they should avoid traveling to, due to increased tensions in the Middle East. They warned that there has been a continuous trend of heightened threats against Israeli subraud. It doesons of attacks against Israeli citizens have been reported while adding that the terrorist threats against Israelis and Jews are extremely high. They said that they said that these countries should be avoided. Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, including Sinai and Jordan. The warning added that these warnings also apply for connecting flights, connecting flights from Syria and Yemen. In the following countries, they add that Israelis and Jews face a high threat of kidnapping and injury, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. It also highlights the long-standing threat from Iran. But in recent years, Iran has been expanding its activities to harm Israeli citizens and Jews around the world, both directly and through its agents and proxies and helpers. The warning comes as Israel continues its war against Hamas after the terror groups, October 7th, attack killing 1200 civilians. Israel's campaign in Gaza has led to over 30,000 Palestinians being killed by the IDF strikes causing concern among international leaders and NGOs. The bombing combined with humanitarian crisis in Gaza has led to protests around the world and growing calls for a ceasefire. The UN Security Council voted through demands for a ceasefire this week after the US abstained in the vote. That's interesting. Israel's National Security Council has also noted a rise in online incitement against Jews and Israelis in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, Canada and Australia. It said Jewish communities are also a major target in terms of the extreme right with religious and community institutions being a preferred target on holidays and festivals. Finally, the Israeli National Security Council advised its people to avoid crowded places, maintain high vigilance, avoid displaying Israeli symbols and refrain from sharing information about their travel plans online. Now I wasn't keeping perfect track of all the countries that were mentioned, but maybe if you're actually facing a situation where every country in the world is dangerous for you, maybe your behavior has something to do with that. I understand that Jews couldn't possibly consider that because thinking that is anti-Semitic and they don't like the anti-Semitism stuff, you know? But it's unfortunate that they don't bother to think about like, wow, everybody hates me. It's literally everyone. It's not like, you know, this is no longer like, hey, there's a bunch of edgy Nazis and nobody really likes them and they don't like you. So you're in good company or whatever. It's like, yeah, you know, you actually can't go anywhere anymore because everywhere you go, you're hated. You've been kicked out of 109 different countries and now you are about to, and now all of those countries and some more are like, yeah, you know what? You might, you're not going to kick you out of whatever, but maybe you maybe don't come here because it's not going to be safe, you understand? But they don't take those things into consideration because doing that is anti-Semitic. You see, it's, if you think that maybe Jews have something to do with their own fucking problems, then you're an anti-Semitic, you're a Nazi and they don't like, they don't like that, you know? So they're just not going to consider, they're just going to keep on doing exactly what they've been doing and they're going to expect different results. And you know, there's some people who say that that's the definition of insanity. I don't think it's a very good definition of insanity, but you know, I would say that reasonable people don't do that, which tells you that the Jews are pretty fucking unreasonable, doesn't it? So there's another story here. So I mentioned on the, on Cerebral Teaks on Monday, I believe it was, there's a story, Ron and McDaniel got a job with NBC because you know, she's out of the RNC because she was insufficiently loyal to the God Emperor. And then she went over to NBC and she was like, yeah, I'm going to go and I'm going to say things that are not communist propaganda. It's just going to be, you know, I'm going to do for you, you know, basically what Jessica Tarlov does on the, on the Fox News Channel, which is to water down the Republican message because she's very good at watering it down and making it useless. I'm going to go here. I'm going to say milk shows soft, non-democrat things in order to show that you are the dominant party and that my party is weak and stupid. That's basically her job, you know. And the Democrats, they don't like that at all. They're like, no, what we need to do is not have Republicans to understand. We can't possibly allow there to be two sides of an argument presented here, even when the side being presented is fake and watered down and designed to lose the argument. We can't have that much, we can't have that much ideological diversity in a Democrat media platform. And so they got rid of Ronald McDaniel. I don't even think she, like, did she, I actually wish she air for a week. I don't think it was that long. It's, it goes completely overboard because that's what Democrats do, don't you know? And so I'll play this video here. The person who is the head of the Republican Party during Donald Trump's time in office and during his effort to throw out the election result and stay in power anyway and during his effort to run for election again after having done that is Ronald, Romney McDaniel. And she pitched in and helped. She helped set in motion the part of the plot that involved sending fake Trump electors to Congress from states that Trump did not win. So Republicans in Washington could use those fake fraudulent electors' slates to contend that maybe Trump did win those states even though he didn't. And don't believe me on that. There she is on page 23 and page 27 of the federal indictment charging Donald Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States. There's her personal appearance in this scene of the crime as alleged by the US Justice Department in this ongoing criminal case. Donald Trump and Michigan were the fake electors are themselves now on trial. She told the state of Michigan in writing explicitly do not certify the election results. The Detroit News has reported that with Donald Trump on the phone with her, she directed Michigan election officials to not certify the vote. She told them quote, do not sign it. We will get you lawyers. She pitched in. She was part of the project. And what was the project? It was to use the power of the Republican Party, Republican officials in the states, Republican office holders in Washington, their national Republican Party that she runs, to use the party's power to reject election results to take over the government and hold power by other means. And this project is now ongoing, right? Now the project is to tell the American people that those efforts around the 2020 election were righteous at 2020 election. It wasn't okay. Those election results were not correct. We shouldn't believe American elections. We shouldn't believe American elections are real elections. American election results should not be seen as real. They should not be respected. That's the project now, right? I mean, it didn't work to overthrow the government the last time, but as long as you can build on that first effort, as long as you can keep up the anti-election mythology, then you are priming your people. You're priming the American public to not accept the results of the next election either. You're telling them that they're going to need to take power by other means, because the election isn't going to be how we do it. Well, you know what? That sounds like sound advice to me, Rachel Maddow. And I don't agree with Roderick Daniel, 100% of the time, but if she's telling us that we can't rely on you to count the votes, that sounds like one of the more reasonable things that I've heard drop out of her mouth. And so, let's see if any of these people, you don't think then. Yeah, it's Grindr's amazing. Guys, you're like, yeah, why don't you come over and have sex with me? And I'm like, why don't you call me on the phone? They're like, what are you a weirdo? So much for that. So I guess we're not going to, we're probably not going to speak to any gay guys tonight. Sorry. You know, let's go check on our stream chats here. Real Tony Suprano says, I'm a broke ass nigga today. So he has a little bit, 1433. Well, thank you very much, Tony. I appreciate it. Tony, you have given me, you've given me way too much money, buddy. And I thank you very much for it. You don't ever have to say anything less than stellar about your generosity, friend. And so, ladies and gentlemen, I guess what I'm going to do is I'm going to call tonight. And we'll be back Monday for surreal politics and we'll go from there Wednesday for the member show, of course. And if you want to become a member, you can do that at surrealpoliteaks.com. So let's join. You can use code agenda 33, you get 33% off your first three months. That'd be a great idea. If you go to surrealpoliteaks.com slash shop, you can still get radical agenda merch. I got t shirts and hats and stuff like that. What do you call mouse pads and a bunch of other stuff is available. It's realpoliteaks.com slash shop for all your podcasts, merch. And you can give me money cash app as you Chris. You can do it on the the gifts and go gives and go.com slash SPM. Surreal Politeaks media like that. I got the Bitcoin, the Menero, all that cryptocurrency stuff. You get all the keys over at ChristopherCantwell.net slash donate. If you are wanting to send Bitcoin and you don't want to send it to my public Bitcoin while I would address and have it visible in the blockchain, just go ahead and send me an email. I'll happily work with you. I'll give you a fresh key and nobody will be the wiser. And that'd be great. I liked that Bitcoin stuff. And you guys all got rich recently. So you're probably aching to give it away. And yeah, that'd be a great idea for all of us. And I think we're going to have a lot of fun one way or the other. And if I, you know, look, when I got out of prison, I said I was going to conclude the radical agenda. And I, you know, sort of decided not to do that for a number of reasons, but it's not working business-wise. Like it's, it's definitely not working. So I'm going to try a couple of different things. We'll see what happens. But we're going to have to, there's going to something's going to have to change around here. And those of you who are on the email list, you're going to be kept the prize of whatever I'm doing one way or the other. And if you're not on the email list, you go over Christopher Cantwell.net, so I subscribe. Get on the email list and then no matter what happens, I'll keep you apprised of what's going on with me. And if I, you know, I don't want to say too much about it, but I've got some ideas. You know, I'm thinking like, you know, if I, but I think that like I need to engage in some deception, I think, you know, I don't like deceiving people. I'm not a liar. But, you know, we're at war after all. And so maybe there's going to be a little of that is going to be necessary. So I got some tricks up my sleeve and I'm looking forward to revealing them in due course. So you guys all have yourselves the best weekend with the ones you love. Thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda. Have yourselves a wonderful evening. Good night. That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to enemies. And if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda, the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. But they want to do here this ramp, their radical agenda down your throat. Music played Americans, these are people that want to see great things for the country. You know they try and build a life here. One of a radical agenda, it's not a radical agenda. Let's go to the second amendment.