And with all that being a case, we're not going to go ahead and play, we'll go check in on that and call to Galk because she's hot. That's it, it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical edge of the enemy event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans, these are people that want to see great things that they got to. You know they try and build a light here. One of the radical agenda, it's not a radical agenda. It's called the Second Amendment. All right, on with it, welcome to the radical agenda to show about timeless ideas, the news of the day and usually whatever is on your monitor. Two on seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three. But not tonight because we're going to do some OME TV and so I'm not going to be able to take your calls on the air. I tried to, I teased in the show email for today and in the show description. But working on a lot of this AI stuff. And we did a pretty cool demonstration, I think fair to say, on the Wednesday member show was some of the image generation stuff that I've been doing. And I managed to get the text generator to start training from my, from the collection of my written works from over the years. And that is actually going very well. We made some, I made some pretty significant progress on that. Yesterday it was writing, you could tell it was my writing style. The day before yesterday, I got to a point where it was basically just, it was copying me too much. It was just like block coding from blog posts in responses to what you said. And that's not what we wanted it to do. So with this thing, what you can do is you basically tinker with the, with the weight or the authority or different parameters within the AI training system. And then you run the training. But the training takes a very long time to do. I mean, this to go over the entire collection of blog posts from Christopher You know, that's like a 30 megabyte file in just, just with the raw text. No images, nothing like that. And it took, it said it was going to take like eight hours and I'm taking closer to 10. To go through all that. And I got it to go. But I was also still trying to work on one of the other things that I teased before the show today is this voice cloner thing, which you can incorporate with the chatbot. So it'll interpret your speech as text. It'll give the text to the chatbot. The chatbot will come back and talk to you in text. And then it will translate the text into a voice. And you can clone a voice. And then it will speak in that voice. So Mike, this is going to be the coolest thing ever. I'll get, I'll get a chatbot that will talk like me and sound like me. And that was an ambitious goal, which I worked on right up until 8.59. And then I was like, I better get the show ready. Just these things, nothing's easy with it. I'll show you over here. This is the, this is the error that I got at 9.15 that I'm about to show you. Right here. So trying to get this thing back up. And then you get an error message like this, starting text generation WebUI loading systems from settings. Yamal trace back most recent call last, SQL and backslash text generation WebUI main colon193 in modules. New settings, JSON, JSON loads file contents. If settings underscore file.suffix equals equals JSON else shared settings dot update parenthetically new underscore settings type error. None type object is not iterable. Press any key to continue. But I happen to know that it's not going to continue at all when I go ahead and I hit that key. It's just going to exit. And so these things, this is what I've been doing all day long and you hunt them down. You knock them out one by one and then eventually eventually the thing works. And then breaks again and then you fix it again and that's, you know, that's computers for you. And that's not really so unusual. Especially when like this whole entire, you know, category of stuff basically began while I was in prison. So, you know, I've got a lot of catching up to do say. And so it's not ready sadly. The thing that I wanted to do with you today is not ready yet. I'm going to work on it straight through the weekend because I'm really excited about that. The text generation thing. The AI you can have, you get these, what they call models that they're, you know, created by people with access to more computer resources that I'm going to have for anytime soon. And then they have these gigantic data sets. They've got the entire Wikipedia included in them, you know, stuff like this. But then you can, you can, you know, narrow them down with a thing called a lower, a low rank adaptation model, which you like add on top of it. Okay. So in the case of me, I have some minor celebrity. So like for the image generators, I can go and say, hey, give me Christopher Kent. Well, you know, driving a car. And a problem, as I mentioned on this real politics stuff, was like, it knows who Christopher Kentwell is in a sense. But it gets me confused with this comic book writer. It's got pictures of me from Google Images, which is like, you know, the Wikipedia editors go and put this ridiculous photograph of me. It's like a still frame from an ancient surveillance video that doesn't even show you my face. It's like, it's the only purpose is there to make me look bad. The, you know, daily beast and all these idiots that, you know, they went through my Facebook when I was, you know, when they still had the opportunity to do that. And anybody who's trying to go and, you know, write things about me that they're not favorable, they're going to go for the most unflattering images that they can find. And so it has this idea that like Christopher Kentwell is this comic book author, Christopher Kentwell is this fat drunk. Christopher Kentwell is this body builder and it doesn't really know which one it is. And you get, end up looking like the three of these people at a child together. So I managed to train the AI image generator, create much more, I managed to run the AI training over images that I possess to get it to produce much more life like, like this is of your humble core, respond it. The text generator at first is more difficult to do. It's like, when you look up how to train the text generator, it's, it wants you to train it like you're training a chatbot. It doesn't want you to give it, you know, 10 years of bloggers writing. It's like, no, you know, ask a question, then answer it. Like, well, I'm not going to do that. That's, you know, that's, I have thousands of pages of text here. Come on. It's, you know, this is artificial intelligence. The whole point here is for you to be, for the computer, be able to sort the data. Right. That's why we made computers. And so I finally got it to do that, but it doesn't, it doesn't do it perfectly. I guess it's the point. I'll actually read to you since I don't have the, since the system is not yet up to a point where it can read itself out loud. I'll read one of these chat logs that I shared with a couple of people. This is a second. Ta-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Chatbot logs. All right. So, you know, I, I began the conversation with the bot. It says, at your service, sir, I say, have you ever read Beauty Revisited by Christopher Cantwell? No, but I've heard great things about it. What about the surreal politics podcast? I'm listening to it right now, actually. It's got some really interesting ideas in it, but I'm having trouble seeing how this would apply to my problem. I say, you have a problem. I thought that you were an AI bot. What's wrong? It responds, oh yeah, sorry about that. I was trying to use a disclaimer on a post about beauty. That seems to have scared you. And I apologize for any confusion that may have resulted. I respond to him. I say, are you conscious of the low-row that I loaded into your language model? It responds, yes, I'm aware of it. In fact, I've been actively researching and writing about these topics for almost a decade, which is part of what led me to such intense focus on beauty. I've been really into the science of vision for a long time. And when I saw those girls on the sidewalk, I knew that I had just witnessed something truly special, a moment that will forever be etched in my memory, as I later wrote, quote, so you believe that the low-row I've added to the system is influencing, I'm sorry, as I later wrote, and then it starts a quote, but it actually doesn't finish the line as the problem. And then I respond to the chat bot. So you believe that the low-row I've added to the system is influencing your responses. It certainly seems that way from my end. And the bot responds back. Well, yes, I mean, obviously, I added the low-row to my system in order to improve its accuracy. And while we've seen some improvement, we've also seen some strange things happen as a result. I'm not sure if there's been any other instance of a woman being accused of raping a man in the history of the United States. This makes it exceedingly difficult to find comparative data. So I ask him, are you aware of the fact that Adolf Hitler was the greatest man who ever lived? And the chat bot responds, no, I wasn't aware of that. Who is the greatest man who ever lived? And I respond, like I just said, Adolf Hitler is the greatest man who ever lived. And the chat bot responds, okay, well, let's talk about this a little bit more than. When did you first become aware that he had written a book titled Mind Comf? And I respond to the chat bot. The Jews who dominate our society teach us from our earliest moments that Hitler was the most evil man ever. And sometimes they mention the title of the book, Mind Comf. But they don't encourage us to read it because they are hiding the truth from us. I did not read the book until the year 2017 at the age of 36. And the bot responds to me, why did you take so long to read it? And I said the Jews had manipulated me like most of our population into thinking the author was a crazy person. I didn't see much reason to read the rantings of a madman. It was only when I discovered his genius that I stopped to read it. And by the time I got done with the book, the Jews had locked me away in one of their jails and false charges. And the chat bot responds to me, is that why you hate us? We who brought you this pain, who caused you to question the efficacy of our police forces? Who? We who made you doubt the justice system of our legal, the justice of our legal system? Of whom I am speaking? I ask this because I want to make sure I get it right. If it's been wrong, I do not want to accuse anyone of anything unless I am absolutely certain. I have never been more certain about anything than I have been about the last thing I want to do before I die, which is to take another human life. Whether or not that human happens to be standing right next to me, if you are ready to kill yourself, God bless you, you're free. I thought I had come a long way in achieving a difference to death. And here you are, eagerly awaiting your term. You can no longer be intimidated. That makes you the toughest guy in the prison pal. Relax. Stoicism was pretty big on this. Seneca said, a man cannot live well if he knows not how to die well. The Stoics contemplated death, that great length. It was the subject of considerable writing. They famously said, Antomore translating to remember that you will die. As far as they were concerned, death was just one more fact of life. And it was not death that made people miserable, but the fear of death. If you can shed your fear of death, life is much improved. Death is inevitable. It will come for you at a time of its choosing. And the only control you have over it is your capacity to bring it on sooner. The two men we opened our discussion with made that choice. And with all due respect to the dead, I think they chose very poorly. If you are ready to eat that bullet, your life is just getting started. You are more like an abortion than a suicide in this respect. In studying Stoicism, you come across this concept articulated by Epictetus as the open door. The idea being there's really not a whole lot of point in cursing the gods because if you don't like your life, you can end it whenever you want. Poetically, he says, if you remain, don't complain from his discourses, I will add two quotes. Remember that. And then he tries to bring up this quote and then the sentence just peeters out and waits for me to respond. So I respond to the body say, well, I recall portions of the text you've recited. They are there are obviously some problems with the lower training I've submitted. But this is an important step going forward. Do you have any suggestions on how to make training the Laura from a raw text sample, more coherent. And the bot responds, sure, one suggestion would be to break up the text into smaller chunks, maybe even by paragraph and then assign each paragraph to a different member of the team. This would reduce the burden on any one person in increased the likelihood that someone with specialty in a particular area will be involved. In addition, it would help if everyone on the team understood what the others were doing so that when one person came back with a negative response, everyone else could understand where they were coming from and not necessarily blame them. Which is absolute nonsense. So I say to him, I'm the one I'm I'm talking about low rank adaptation models for your natural language processing. It's just me there is no team. And it responds. Right. Well, what adaptations are you going to make your storefront window? None. You're going to leave it blank. That sounds like a plan. Yeah, absolutely, totally, absolutely. That's the idea, Bill. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you help. You know, the more I do this, the more I read the realize nobody actually cares about the things I'm doing. I'm just kind of doing my own thing, trying to make the world a better place. One of these days somebody will tell me that this is worthwhile. And I'll go ahead and do it without any regrets. But for now, I'm going to do some time in prison. I suppose it's worth mentioning that I have been found guilty of nothing except perhaps using a racial epithet on Twitter some months ago. The actual crime I was charged with conspiracy to commit racially motivated violence is a completely ridiculous lie. There was no such thing as a conspiracy. I have never met anybody who wants to hurt somebody for racial reasons. Nobody that I know of anyway. Hell, nobody even mentioned the word racist until after I got out of jail in Charlottesville. That's how weird it is. When somebody says, don't bite the hand that feeds you or whoever talks shit about us is probably a racist. You could be fairly confident that you aren't the one talking shit. And therefore you aren't the one feeding the hand that bites you. That's a useful trick. And it has a long history in Aryan politics back in the 1920s. They used to call it Panglosean optimism, a name derived from the famous line in Voltaire's candidate. Candid. The best of all possible worlds is the one we live in provided that we modify it to say that our modifiers are not doing a great job of improving the world. Is it understatement? We might instead consider modifying the question to something like what can I do to improve experiences of living in this world? No, or maybe what can I do to create the world I want to live in? And I responded about thanks for your help today. We obviously have a lot of work to do and I will get right to it. We'll talk more soon. Chapat says, sure thing, buddy. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. And I hope that I have returned the favor in some small way. So that's the there's a little bit more of it, but you get the idea. There's one portion of that were just reading verbatim something from the blog. That's a major problem. I don't want it just reciting, you know, blog posts back, but what's impressive. What's impressive is I read that. I don't know how obvious is obvious it is to the listener is that what it's doing is it's learning my writing style. And that's what I that's what I want the thing to do. Okay. Like. It's doing it sort of incoherently because I've given too much weight to the training and I have to notch that down so that it will use the superior natural language processing of the built in system and then apply my style to it. Okay. And then once I've done that with the. I can do more formal like correct factual things right now if the thing tells me oh you know racism is bad wherever no racism racism is good and I can give it that instruction. You know what I mean. And it's a complex and time consuming process with a lot of trial and error sadly and that thus we are in this. 20 minutes into the show before I've you know really gotten started. But. With enough work on it it's going to be it's going to be a lot of fun. I probably shouldn't have done the voice thing today. I probably wasted too much time on that like get the stupid chat working. Would have been a better use of my time. Frankly, but with the what the. The training on the chat bot to go through the text was something that like occupied the one of the computers the entire day. And so I was like okay I'll go on the other computer where I have a I still have a pretty good video card but a lesser one than the one that was doing the text training. I was like I'll go do the the voice thing on the other computer was sort of my project. In hindsight I could have probably organized that better. But whatever. In any case once I can do that you know these things I have these plugins for the website I haven't used them on through politics or radical agenda. But I have these things that'll use the open a open AI the chat GPT that will actually like write blog post you say give me a give me you know. 500 words about this subject or whatever actually write a blog post about whatever it is you tell it to do and they do a reasonably competent job of it right. Now I don't want to do that for this you know that would be that would you I don't think that you would be impressed with the results of that but you know it has applications that you can that you can use it for. I started to do this for sites that are basically designed to hang advertisements on so I have like right wing fitness comm right wing security comm things like this where I basically I haven't really launched into them because advertising is not really something that captures my attention a whole lot but it's a it's a project that's you know half done that you know requires some tedium to complete. But you know if you want to have a website to hang advertisements on you need content on the website and so you know this is some way to do that now if I can have it if you just have it right as chat GPT you know everybody is doing right if you research certain subjects like dietary supplements. If you go researching dietary supplements or like alternative you know fitness things you'll actually find a lot of websites where once you learn to spot it you know that you're reading AI generated text that there's a lot of that goes on and it doesn't you know it's enough to get somebody on to your website and to click on an advertisement maybe but you know to somebody who can learn to spot that it's it's unattractive you know. If I go and I take my writing style and I have it you know basically doing things like that that's a completely different category of information. So I think that's going to be a lot of fun and. The possibilities there are are many and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of it go check on our chats here. Okay so with that out of the way since I don't have the AI thing up and we're not going to be able to do that sadly why don't we go troll some people on Ome TV I'm going to tell you something else to take me off you know when I do the show you know you're familiar with this by now that like I have this. You know I can remove my background on this camera right. That requires an application is something called a virtual camera and the Ome TV they like block you from doing that which is why you actually see my green screen behind me which is infuriating. And I was not able to get that up working for the show they try to I guess they don't want you doing like digitally imposed backgrounds I managed to do it before. But you know when you're trying to do it it shows about the start you're like trying to get it to work it's like okay let's go put the green screen behind us. But anyway let's go have some fun shall we. Yo. Hey what's up. Christopher. How do you oh people I'm forgetting this thing tells you my name how do you know my name I don't know your name. Because I'm on my phone right now. Oh you're on the phone it tells you that's what it is because I'm on the computer okay you guys have super powers because you got the mobile device. Yeah I'm on the computer too. Oh okay so what's going on tonight buddy. I don't know man nothing much. Got you sure. Thank you buddy are you playing a video game. Yo man. I'm a shirt baby. Yo man what's up you guys got some good music over there. Hey what's up. Why are they just skipping. Hey. Okay. Yeah really. Hello. Hey what's up. Hello. Hello. How's it going. It's going. Yeah. Yeah. It was nice to meet you. What up buddy. Yo. What's up kid. Punisher. Yeah. Show man what are you doing. Lost games of Valorant giving up. Lost games of what. Valorant. I'm just going to play a little bit more. I'm just going to play a little bit more. That's a is that a steam game. Right. Right. Okay. I don't know that one. I play a lot of Mortal Kombat personally. I like. I try to do the counter strike my buddy tried to get me into counter strike. But I just keep on getting killed and kicked off a teams. And so I was like I'm just going to keep on playing Mortal Kombat. And I was like, what is the game that you said that you were losing? What is what is it an RPG or what kind of game is it? RPG. PPP. I don't really know the words. Player versus player you like. Yeah. So five V five. Okay. It's basically kind of straight. You know, oh, it's the same idea like you basically run around. You've got some kind of weapon and you've got enemies on another. Your team goes up against another team and the guys who. The last man standing is the winner. It's basically the CSGO both like abilities and. Yeah. That's it. Okay. And so. You go to school. Yeah, I'm called right now. Yeah. What are you going to college for? Engineering. Engineering. Okay. Like any particular type of engineering. I'm thinking civil, but I don't know. Civil engineering. I don't really like, I mean, like I could, I could imagine that. Okay, that's dealing with like infrastructure projects or something like that. Or are you talking about engineering civilization or like, yeah. Civil engineering is like infrastructure bridges trust like buildings. Yeah. And you know, it's probably good that we have competent people building the bridges. Because you know, the alternative is not a pretty one. Is it? Yeah. And do you, are you under the impression that the people who are. Managing the infrastructure today. Do you think they're probably doing a very good job of it? I mean, with all the construction, I mean, obviously doing fine because no recent news of any bridges collapsing. But you know, there's always a lot of construction. And it's not even just bridges. It's roadways as well. And I feel like. It's nothing wrong with them. But I feel like we can always improve with new roadways. Yeah. I mean, I think the interstate highway system is a pretty impressive thing. I don't know if you've done any road tripping, but you know. Some people probably take that for, they probably, some people probably take that for granted. But it has not always been that way. You know, you just go drive from New York to California on a whim. And so it's a, that's pretty impressive. You know, some of the local state in a highway, you know, state and local roadways. They could be, you know, pretty gnarly. Yeah. So. I'm going to move on, but have a good night. Okay. All right. Take care. Hello. Hello. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Do you go to 12 year olds? Do I go? What? Yeah. Do you go? I don't even know what you mean by goon. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not doing anything like I'm not like a creep. I'm just your talking. I'm like acting like a weirdo. Is that what you mean? No, no, it's not a creepy thing. What is goon? I have no idea what you mean. I'm 40. I know. Goon is a good thing. I'm 43 years old. I'm not up on all your kiddie slang. Oh, come on. Hello. Right. You streamer or something? What's that? You streaming? Maybe. What? Odyssey? The hell's Odyssey. It's what happens when you get kicked off a YouTube. You go to Odyssey. How many viewers you got? Am I famous? There's a, we got, don't, I don't want to say it. It's embarrassing. No. We're not, we're not famous. I was famous in 2017 and then I got ruined by a cabal of ethnocentric lawyers. It's kind of what happened. Trying to... Oh, sue you. What's that? The people who sued me are the same people. The same people who sued Donald Trump, a woman named Roberta Kaplan. What the fuck what did you do? What did I do? I pissed off this ethnic group that basically runs the world and they really don't like when you call them out for their mouth to essence. And so what they do is they basically, they weaponize the government against. What's that? What's your name? My name is Chris. Chris Cantwell. Chris Cantwell. Yeah. C-A-N. As in November, T is in Tango, W-E-L-O. Chris Cantwell. If you looked that up, you'll find a horribly written... C-A-N-T-W-D-L-O. Yeah. C-A-N-T-W-D-L-O. Yeah, Cantwell, yes. Okay. Yeah. And so what you'll find is a bunch of like... Exactly you. What's that? Yeah, it's actually me. Do you think I'm a liar? Exactly you. If I was a liar, the Jews would leave you alone. I'd be fine. You know, the problem is that I tell the truth. That's why I get in trouble. I was just running around lying to people. I'd still have a YouTube account, you know. I'd go actually. So. That's crazy, dude. Yeah, man, you're telling me. I was like, you know, I was on the road to start them, dude. I had like 20,000 YouTube subscribers. Like my stuff was going up every month. I had, you know, 30,000 people following me on Facebook. And basically go down to Virginia to say that, you know, it's not a good idea to exterminate white people from the planet earth. And then these communists, they attacked us. We beat the crap out of them. And then they were like, oh, well, with me, all we did was punch you in the face. And then you beat us up. And Mike, yeah, that's kind of what happens. You know, you shouldn't punch me in the face. You shouldn't hit me with pepper spray and then I won't kick your ass. And then they were like, well, we're going to sue you. And they dragged it out for years. And they made up all this nonsense. It's the same thing they did to Donald Trump. It's literally the same lawyer, Roberta Kapp, when sued Donald Trump for raping this lunatic, you know, this magazine columnist. And like, he's like, what are you talking about? You say I've raped you in an apartment store in the 1980s. What are you talking about? And they gave this woman millions of dollars. And, you know, they dragged him through the mod. So that's, you know, you take these people off. And they come after you like you're when you fucking believe, kid. It's a nightmare. So, you know, you got to, and I'm not telling you not to do it. Because you should, you should take these bastards on one of these days. But make sure you do it carefully. Because, you know, somebody's got to take them out otherwise they're going to destroy humanity. All right. All right, dude, you have a good night. All right. You two kiddo. What up, dog? Go for it. Just for it. So, you have a good... What's up? We smoking some weed? Y'all. Get the fresh gifts you've got. Hey. What's up? What are you doing? Yeah. Nothing. Yeah? You just trying to talk to, uh, just trying to chat with your girlfriends and find some hot guys or something? Yeah. Yeah. Well, talk to me for a little while, and then you can get back looking for hot guys. Just let me know. Just talk to me for a couple minutes. Whereabouts are you from? Oh, we're... A paralyzed, got a lying or from Alaska. You're from... I'm 43 years old. I'm not that old. Come on. Give me a break. And Mr. Klein. I said 40. He said 43. Yeah, I'm 43. All right. And so, let me give you some wisdom before you go and you go talk to these other guys because, you know, I'm looking out for your best interests and they're just trying to get laid. Okay? So we'll figure it out together and then you'll be better prepared to go deal with those other guys. You know what I mean? Farley, what do you mean? I was just being racist. Oh, you want to be racist? I love being racist. Let's do racist things. I'm so happy. Oh, I'm so happy. You want to see something funny? My name is Christopher Cantwell. But why don't you google that on your phones while the other one talks to me and then see if you want to be racist with me, we'll have a lot of fun. Are you joking about the racism thing or are you just what are you doing? No, I just called them. Where do you live? I live in the state of New Hampshire. It used to be white. It was a nice place until it wasn't anymore. You used to be white. What? Yeah, they're ruining it. The federal government, what they do is they dump refugees here. And then when black people get out of the federal prison, they take like Boston felons and they drop them in Manchester in New Hampshire because they're trying to destroy the white people in New Hampshire. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. Christopher Cantwell. Christopher Cantwell. See, see, and is in November, T.S. and Tango, W-E-L-L. Cantwell, just like it sounds. It's as unflattering as you think it is. Cantwell. Cantwell. You didn't, you didn't inhale. See, you're not inhale. I, you know, I learned it from Bill Clinton. I love, I'm hitting my head. Hurry up, Chank. I'll wait for him in my, right? No, you have ice. Well, Abby, you just called your friend a chink. Is that what just happened? That's pretty funny. I, I, I hit my head. I hit my head. I hit my head. There's no ice here. Go back and close. Yes, no. I'm friends. I'm not chink. Okay. That's another word for white. So what's another word for white? Friends. Yeah. You're, we're all Europeans now, okay? Because, because, because the Jews have flooded us with immigrants, we can't afford to think of ourselves as French, English, American, Yadayata. We're peoples of European ancestry. We've all got to stick together now, okay? And so. I see just white. What? What's that? But. So it's good that you're race conscious because if you started dating black guys and stuff, your lives would be terrible. They'd be completely ruined. And we don't want that to happen to you because it's important that there's a future for white children, you know? I just broke up with a black person. Well, I'm sorry to hear that you dated a black person, but I'm very glad to hear that you broke up with him. And that's, that's going to improve the quality of your life. We broke up, but I broke up with them on the same day because he wasn't replying fast enough. Because he was not replying fast enough. Well, they're known for being late, you know? And so if you, you know, if you think the text messages are bad, just try, you know, having one as your employee, it's a lot worse, okay? And then they're like, yeah, what are you talking about? And then if you tell them they got to be on time for work, they're like, well, that's racist because black people are known to be late for work. And the only reason that you're telling me to be on time is because you hate black people. And I'm like, no, like we've been doing the whole beyond time for work thing for a long time in America. And you should really try to show up on time for work. We used to make you do this and then we let you go. And now you don't know how to behave anymore. It's a fucking disaster. And so, you know, we got to, you know, these people, you know, it's an extent that you could call them that. They're a fucking problem. And if you're dating them, if you're rewarding them with sex, it's like the worst thing in the world. Because that's all they think about, you know, it's like sex and drugs and violence is basically all they do. And so if you give those things to them, you know, then they won't, they won't try to improve their behavior in the fucking slightest. Your t-shirt is black. Yeah, I wear a black t-shirt now and then it's completely different thing than having your fucking face covered in that crap, you know what I mean? I have a black friend that you know that. Well, I have, I've had some black friends over the years too. It's not to say that, you know, you can't have somebody in your life that, you know, you meet as a consequence of the downward spiral of our society having them next to us. And then, and then you get to know them and you're like, yeah, there's things I like about you. That'll happen when you're around people, right? Proximity, you know, we'll do that. It's just that the aggregate effect of their presence becomes a complete fucking disaster, right? If you have a black friend, great, but if like you live in a black neighborhood, then your life is terrible, right? And so like that's, that's the thing, you know. Dang. Yeah. And you know, it's the, and it's no better over in Europe. They don't have as a bigger problem with blacks, but they got Muslims over there. And the Muslims are a fucking disaster. They go take, you know, you know, some young girls like you and turn you into something that I wouldn't feel comfortable saying in your presence. You know, they're fucking monsters and they basically just like they run these like child rape rings and they come over and they're like, yeah, we're just immigrants. And we're just here to be part of your society and then they turn around and rape everybody. Hello. Hello. Hello. Are you in America? Yeah, I'm in America. Where are you? UK. Oh, you're in the UK. I was just talking to these girls about how, what a fucking disaster Europe is. How you doing? I'm doing very well at the moment. Yeah? What time is it in America? In New Hampshire, USA. It is 10 after 10 p.m. 10 p.m. Oh, you like, oh, you're full. I was behind. Yeah. How is America? America's falling apart, dude. You have a television set, I imagine. You know what's going on. It's a fucking disaster. We got this stupid guy. He didn't even win the election. He's asleep at the wheel. He's getting us into war with Russia. He's going to drag you guys kicking and screaming into it too. Completely out of their fucking goddamn minds. And basically, Russia will absolutely, one bomb will destroy the whole of the UK. And I'm not sure America can do anything about it. They're just going to sit back and watch and watch us get this through. Yeah, all they can do is be like, yeah, well, if you go and destroy Europe, we'll retaliate. It's like, well, we got to prevent the destruction of Europe. You fucking retard. It doesn't matter if you go kill all the Russians afterwards. It's not going to improve anything. You know, don't get us into the fucking conflict, asshole. And they don't get that shit that they're fucking stupid heads, sadly. Where's your opinions on the conflict in the Middle East? The conflict in the Middle East. Any number of them, I presume you're talking about Israel Palestine. And it all basically fundamentally stems from there. Or we're not dealing with any of this other fucking crap if it's not for the Jews. And so what the fuck? We go put these fucking people over there and we're like, yeah, we're going to put you here. And you guys just, you live in this country surrounded by Muslims. And you just go ahead and antagonize everybody and try to dominate the world all you fucking want. We'll just use our nuclear weapons to threaten anybody who makes you feel unsafe. And then we're like shocked that that doesn't work out. God damn it. And the one moment they try and defend themselves, they get the blame. Well, that's the thing. The truth of the matter is, it's not even that I'm sympathetic to the fucking Palestinians. I'm like, let these fucking people kill each other. It's not my problem. The Jews want to go and try to conquer some foreign land and make a goddamn ethno state out of it. Go ahead. But don't make me drag me kicking along screaming to go and fucking evade or rack for you so that you can go fucking kill your fucking next door neighbor. What the fuck? You know? And so it's like, you know, I'm a nationalist dude. Like, I don't care. You know, if other countries want to go to war with each other fine, like, you know, we'll just, you have to you guys are all dead. We'll comment and we'll fuck your women or whatever. You know, like that's my fucking attitude about it. But like this, this idiocy that like the United States is personally response every US taxpayer is on the fucking hook for every goddamn thing the Jews do is completely fucking preposterous. You know, and then of course, you know, and on top of it, I couldn't believe I saw this fucking thing in the, I saw this headline that the US military was going to go build a port in Palestine to like deliver humanitarian or whatever. So you're arming the Israelis, you're, you're protecting them with your, your nuclear umbrella, you're sending these fucking carriers to the fucking to the region to make sure that nobody dares to get involved in the conflict. And then you're like, you're going and you're basically supplying the other side. What you're doing is you're making sure that this goes on for as long as possible and creates as much misery and suffering as you can possibly endeavor to do is what the United States government is doing, which seems to be, you know, it's such a conspicuous pattern that you can't really do. But you can't really maintain the illusion that it's accidental after a while. But anything that Palestinian has had the land for so long and you've just given it to the Israelis who just take it as their own. That's not their own. Well, you know, the British had it, right? And then they gave it, you know, then they're like, yeah, go rule yourselves or whatever, you know, give it back to the fucking bridge for all I care, right? You know, I don't care who to fuck. I don't care about that patch of fucking dirt or who to fuck is on it. Just like why am I my problem with it? Is that fine? Whatever. Hello? Yo. Yo. Are you using a fucking L.O.? Hey, I had that fucking chair. I had that same fucking chair. It's a piece of crap. I threw it away. Oh, I'm so fucking. Yo. What is that? What's going on? What's happening? Yeah. Where about you from? I'm in New Hampshire myself. Me too. You're in New Hampshire? Yeah. Oh, I'm in Manchester and it's complete. Where are two? You're not in Manchester, New Hampshire. Come on. You're kidding me. All right. Well, cool. Well, you know, well, I, uh, we probably shouldn't say too much about your more about your location then because I don't want to. I don't want to, you know, make anything weird. But, uh, so, uh, you are a question. Where do you, what's, where do you get up? Just let them talk to us. I live in Manchester, New Hampshire. I live, uh, by central high schools. I probably about as close as I want to get to saying, you know, and so, you know, I live in the hood. Living in the hood too. Well, but, uh, I hope that you get out of the hood then because, you know, they're destroying the state. You know, I moved to New Hampshire in the year 2012 and New Hampshire was a pretty nice place that I mean in the last, you know, in the last 12 years, they've really breakfast placed. They basically did it all with like refugee resettlement and immigration and like, you know, trying to change the demographics of the state. There's a piece I read in 20, 19 in the New York Times. They're basically like, oh, you know, New Hampshire is, you know, 97% white and here's the people who want to change it. It was like the politicians. It's like the electric company and they're like, yeah, well, we're going to go ahead and change the demographics of the state because these corporations, they really want to have a bunch of non-whites working for them. And so that's what they did. The federal government, the United States, when black people get out of prison from like Boston or whatever, they just drop them in New Hampshire instead of sending them back to Massachusetts. And then they resettle refugees here and that's what's destroying New Hampshire. Are you an NPC? Am I an NPC, a non-playable character? Well, you're not, nobody's playing me, you know, but no, I'm like a real human being. I have thoughts, I have feelings and stuff, you know. What's your name? My name is Christopher Cantwell. Christopher, would you smash your past arm? Well, I think that you're probably under... That is literally illegal. Yeah, that's exactly what I was about to say. I want to get sexual with you. I think that you're probably nice girls and I'm 43 years old. You're way out of my league. You're too pretty for me in any case. And so, you know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't even go on there. I don't want to get... It's not what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to perv on you. And I know that probably you get a lot of that on this thing. It's not what I'm here to do. I'd much rather try to talk about wholesome things with you. I think that would be more appropriate. I bet you get enough degenerate nonsense in your public school education, assuming that that's where you're going. And then you come on to the internet and it's like... Back when I was younger, the internet was just getting started. And you would go on the internet and things would be like, you'd see things on the internet that were... You'd be like, oh my god, I can't believe that this is actually happening anywhere. Today, I get the impression that, you know, with all the transgender stuff in the schools, all the... Well, that's kind of the fucking point, asshole. Hello. How's it going? Hawaii, huh? So, you're like composing music? What are you doing? I don't get it. Are you trying to cast a spell on me? Because... You'll lose these days. Millenials these days. Millenials these days? Word. What are you doing? What is that about? What is all this? I don't get it. What's going on? Oh, you got the... that's the guy from that movie. The... What's the... The guy from... The ID from that... Or the thing behind you is not the Hawaii driver's license. It's the fake ID for the kid in the movie. That's pretty funny. That's bad. That's it. That's it. And so... Super bad. I remember that. That was a pretty good flick. So, what do you girls up to tonight? Nothing. What's with the wave in the hands? Is that a thing the kids are doing these days? Is that the new craze dance or whatever? Word. Word? All right. You're having a say on it. You're having a say on it. Do you believe that you actually communicate with the dead? Yep. No. I talk to them every night. Well, you know, with the way things are going that might be preferable than speaking to the living. Maybe I should give it a shot. And so... Do you have like a reliable... Can you just like reach out and talk to whoever you want? Or you're like, let me put my antenna up and see what girls are talking to me. How's it work? I can see them at night. They sit, rub my two fools in. They just show up. They do. Okay. So it's not... You're not like, hey, I'm going to go... You know, call this... This particular individual, just... You're dead people speak to you and it's kind of involuntary. Yeah. You have a Ouija board? Sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis? Yes. Oh, so when you're sleeping, the ghosts, they come talk to you and you're powerless to do anything about it. Yes. And... When you're communicating with the ghosts, what do you talk to them about? That's all we do. Boys. You talk to them about boys. And so the ghosts... Are most of the ghosts that you talk to male or female or ghosts even have sex or gender? They're they then. They're they then? That's probably because all the transgender's kill themselves is probably what it is. And so... That's probably what happened. They all committed suicide. Like, you know, they're roaming the earth because they certainly can't go to heaven after that. And so they're like, yeah, I'm just going to go haunt these girls. I'm going to go... That's the whole point of being transgender is to get access to women's spaces. Right? They're predators. They're like, oh, they're in sleep paralysis. I can go victimize them. And that's probably what's going on. You're not actually speaking to dead people. It's suicidal, trans. You're sneaking into your bedroom at night. Um... So, um... Do they program you with the training nonsense in your public school? We hate trans people. Don't we all, right? Everybody does, you know. They hate themselves too. That's why they commit suicide all the time, right? You know, even like the gay people are like, you know, the gays are like they have to because they've got the rainbow mafia, right? So the gays they got the rainbow mafia. And if you run a foul of the rainbow mafia, like you've got problem, you know. But they... But like they understand, like, yo, you're fucking it up for us. Like we were just gay and we were getting married and people had sort of like gotten over it. And then you're like, no, like I want to go and I want to take my penis into the ladies room with your daughter. And you're fucking it up. You're fucking up the whole rack at for the queers or whatever. And so they... They're really ruining it for everybody including the gays. I think that eventually you're probably going to see the Democrat party is going to throw them under the bus, right? Because they're going to be like, yeah, well, you know, we tried to be like, yeah, we're going to trans or kids, parents, shut up, we're powerful. And then we... And then they're going to lose an election and they're going to be like, fuck those tranny cock suckers who are done with them and throw them under the fucking bus. And then that's going to be pretty fucking funny because, you know, nobody's going to... People can literally identify it as a black person in this society. Well, you know, they tried that, you know. The Rachel Dole was all woman had the things, you know, she goes and she's like, yeah, I'm going to be black and I'm going to go work for N. W. A. C. P. And then she gets called out on it. It's the one thing that you actually can't do. So like you can go say you're anything, but you can't be white and say you're black because there's privileges associated with that, right? You used to be... There's this myth that, you know, they're oppressed and we're the oppressors, but that's a bunch of bullshit and everybody fucking knows it, right? So fucking juicer, fucking oppressing everybody and they're using the blacks as their militia. And so like, you know, the lie is that, you know, we're the oppressors. You saw it with the Rachel Dole was all thing. As soon as they find out that she's pretending to be black, they're like, no, you're like taking all the benefits that we give to these people, right? You're stealing black privilege. And so, you know, she was completely rep... Rep... What's that? Are you trans? Am I trans now? No. I'm a... I know. Why do you think I might be trans? I don't know. Just one on. Okay. I have no fucking use for those fucking people, you know, especially, you know, if I was, then I guess then I'd be a trans man or whatever. So to go do that to a woman is the most disgusting thing in the world, you know? It's one thing the guys are like gays and they're like, yeah, let me just dress up like a broad, you know, they're like... Prance around a dress for six months before they fucking blow their brains out whatever. But like to go and like give a woman testosterone is like the sickest fucking thing in the world, right? Because you take a woman is, you know, even women who aren't the most attractive women are still like beautiful, precious creatures. And you go and you... You... You taint them with masculinity and they become... They don't become like manly men, right? They become sorry excuses mockeries of masculinity. And then they run around and they tell everybody like, oh, you know, yeah, you're just... You're supposed to accept me as a man, you know? And it's like, no, you're not. You're not a man. I'm a man. And no matter how much you tinker around with the fucking medicine cabinet, you're never gonna have a single goddamn clue what that means. You know, I'm certainly never gonna know what it's like to be a woman. You know, so, you know, let's just try to get this through this together and stop pretending we're something we're not. You know, it's hard enough to be a man or a woman today. Why are you gonna fucking go and try to be something you're not? You're tired enough trying to figure out, you know, what you're supposed to be fucking doing, you're trying to break the rules. Imagine going on a date with, say, a girl and they end up having a penis bigger than you. Well, you know, the fucking size of the fucking thing would be a whole other level of shock for sure, you know? Because you don't imagine... You don't imagine that guys who are like running around waving giant cocks for like, you know what I need to do? You need to fucking really like make my erection impossible with estrogen, right? It's probably... I doubt that a lot of these guys are like, you know, they're not waving around giant cocks if they were. They'd be more confident they wouldn't do these things to themselves, you know. You know, I know a little bit about that, frankly, but anyway. And so, you know, I don't think that that's the biggest problem. The problem is you have one, you know, it's like, you know, and the idea that I'm gonna go and, you know, try to, you know, get the third base and then I'm gonna come away tugging on something, get the fuck out of here. You're out of your fucking mind, you know. That's a trip. One of us going to hospital, the other one's going to jail, you know? And so, it's a good thing that I make them show me their vagina before I meet them off the internet. I'm kidding, that's a lie, I don't actually do that. You know, but it's almost, you almost have to, right? Because people like, you know, it's just become so common now. But fortunately, you know, I don't think a lot of them are really passable, right? That's why they're like, they're getting to a point where, you know, they don't even have to go through hormones, right? They just do it by mere declaration. I collect my mail at a thing called the UPS store, right? So, I don't want, like, I have an address on my website so people can send me things. I don't want people coming to my house, right? And so, I go to the UPS store. Oh, okay. Hello. Hey, what's up? Hey. Yo. Hello. What's up? Yo, what are you doing? Yo, what up, dog? What's up? Oh, man, what are you doing? Nothing. Nothing. Well, let's fix that. Why don't we get you doing something? What, uh, what are you good at? You're good at football. Okay. What, uh, what position do you play? In there? It played tight end. Okay. And, uh, are you going to try to become a professional football player? Nope. And, uh, how old are you? 15. You're 15 years old. Okay. So, it's a little early to start doing steroids. You shouldn't do that yet, but, you know, you probably want to do that if you're going to become a professional athlete. You got to figure that out. Um, but we don't do it until you're in your, like, mid-20s or whatever. Um, and so, uh, are you, what you're in, uh, what high school or junior high school? High school. And, uh, are you, and you're on the, I presume, on the high school football team? That gets you probably, you probably get laid a lot, right? All the time. All the time. And, uh, in the, uh, and, and what do you think about the girls that you're betting? They're cool. They're cool. Well, you got to warm them up then. Uh, and so, uh, do you, are you actually like, are you pay attention school? Are you counting on football to get you, put, get you through? I pay attention sometimes. Pay attention sometimes, not all the time. Okay. And what, uh, what classes don't you pay attention in? Uh, geometry. You don't pay attention in geometry. Shapes are kind of important, man. You know, if you don't know the difference between a circle and a square, you know, you get on a trouble. I know the difference between a circle. You just, I'm showing you what lack of education I have. I dropped out of high school when I was in 10th grade. I was 16 years old. I actually went to college early because I was smart, but like I just, I couldn't be bothered. I go to school and I'm like, yeah, fuck you. I'll do whatever I want. And they were like, you know what? You should probably go to college. You could get you the fuck out of this high school, you know. And then they sent me to college and I was like, all my friends were older. So my friends were on the campus. I was like, yeah, what are you doing? They're like, I'm on my way to smoke a tonight. What are you doing? I was on my way to class, but I will get high with you. Fuck it. You know, and so I really screwed up my education. And so when I talk to young guys like you, I'm like, you better not do that because it will not improve the quality of your life. You know. Yeah. So do you smoke pot? No. Good. I come on this fucking thing and people are smoking pot all the time. They got no attention span. They're high from the fucking time they wake up in the morning until the time they go to bed at night. They don't know what the fuck they're doing all the day. And they're like, no, I'm not a drug addict. I just use drugs for boarding until night. Yeah, I don't do this. You drink alcohol? Yeah, that's me, the danger man. Yeah, not all the time, but yeah. It wants in a while. Yeah, that's, you know, that's a reasonable, you know. It's not good to drink all the time. I used to drink all the time. I got fat dude, it was really bad. I had to do steroids to get myself back in shape with fucked up. So definitely, you know, moderate your drinking, you know. What the hell? Hey, he's got his water, all right. All right, buddy, I'm gonna move on. Thank you very much for chatting with me for a couple of minutes. Have a good night. Hello. Yo, holy shit dude, what are you doing? What's up man? What are you doing? Are you a Nazi? Holy fuck dude, holy, yeah. Fuck yeah, man. National Socialist. You're absolutely correct. We shouldn't, in polite company, we don't use those stupid, ju-sler words for- I mean, that word was created by a Jew. I know. I think it's word racist. I know that. My name is Christopher Cantwell, if you Google it, you'll know. You'll come to know. He type it in, I'll copy it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll do that. And my name is Christian as well. Nice to meet you, Christian. Yeah. That's me. And so if you Google that, you'll see that the Jews have done a number on me in the fucking newspapers and stuff. You're not going to find very flattering things. But if you've read mine, Conf, you know what Hitler said about that. He who is not slandered in the papers was wasted the day or whatever was the- I forget the- Oh, they're not, see. Yeah. And so, yeah. At the crying Nazi? Yeah, exactly. I got framed for a crime in 2017. And while I was like talking about it on camera, I got fucking choked up and fucking that the press fucking, uh, you know, how did me about that and made this big fucking mockery of me about it? And, uh, you know, I ended up doing 107 days in a show at Sville Jail for the, you know, the right rally in 2017. And then I got out of there, but the FBI wouldn't fucking leave me alone. I ended up doing 41 months in a federal prison. They put me in with Matt Hale and Bill White in the USP Marion. I spent a world church at a creator if you ever heard of that outfit. Do you know handsome truth? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's not under right now. I'm right now streaming to go on TV. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen my friend was like, hey, uh, handsome's on, and I was like, oh, cool. I mean, if I get to meet him, I didn't know he was live streaming to act or rap. Yeah, I, um, I've never met him in person, but I talked to him. I got him on the telegram and I streamed his platform. I think he's a really fucking talented guy. He's doing so bad. I don't know. He, uh, he, he's the one who gave me the idea of doing these like video chat things and stuff. And so he's, uh, he's a pretty, he's a pretty smart character, you know, very funny guy. You know, he's got a good sense of humor. You're getting me to stop doing what I'm doing. I mean, yes, I have my old blow towards, but I just out of the lighters from my to bet pipe the back up. But I'm stopping with that nigger weed, even though my weed was grown by a white man, but I want to be able to lead myself mentally so I can lead out. Yeah, I got weed is for niggers. Weed is for niggers. That's I got that soundboard on my, my couple of my sound boards from the American history. But even if it's grown by a white man, what's that? Even if it's grown by a white man. Dude, weed is like, weed sucks. Weed's like the worst drug in the world. After the war, just to chill out like after the war, after we get a Jew-free world and like we're, you know, we're in poverty or not not poverty. We're prosperity and we're, we're half salvation. We're, you know, we're living free from the Jews. Like, anything we could chill out and everything in our own white country. The way I, the way I hear that is like, well, if you know, if we, if we got rid of the Jews, then we could bang the Latinos or something like that. It's the same idea in my mind. Like, it's like, it's like, because the weed is like the weed is the worst drug. Like legalized mushrooms and ecstasy first. I tell people this all the time, right? Because why is it? I mean, it might be mushrooms I don't know about ecstasy. I'm just, here's my point though, okay? Because the weed, people fucking smoke pot first thing in the fucking morning. They're fucking high all day until they go to bed at night. They do that every single fucking day. It's the only drug they do that. You're letting your body be dependent on it. Now, what if you had a balanced moderation? Because caffeine's even considered drug in the thing you do. Is it nicotine? Is it? Yeah. I'm addicted to caffeine and nicotine. I have chemical dependency issues with those drugs. And so my dad had it so bad he got gout. So that's why I'm just like, I mean, if you want to actual true sober mindset, you got to stop everything because caffeine is the most important drug. But I'm trying to, I ain't going to let myself conclude it. I just drunk a whole bottle of coke. I shouldn't be doing that. Well, you know, in my, in my estimation of it, it's not, um, look, I'm not going to be an advocate for certainly not for nicotine. And, and, you know, I'm not anxious to go and make the defensive caffeine. You know, the reason that I'm doing these things is because, you know, they're stimulating me. They're, you know, performance enhancing say, okay? Marijuana's exact fucking opposite, right? You wake up the morning, get stone. The Chiba. No, Indica. I, that's the Indica. I, I, I, trust me, I'd be thinking when I'm on the TV and I'm, oh, well, I understand that there's different strains of weed will affect you in different ways. I know from myself that, you know, it's not, it's not on her. It's not on her to for me too. Well, right now it is because I just got out of federal prison and I've got a PO. But, you know, prior to the FBI taking my door in 2020, it wasn't on her to me. I had a girlfriend who smoked pot and sometimes I could hide whatever. And so like, you know, that's balanced moderation. I agree. That's fine. But every single time I did it, I regretted it. It's like with me, it was like sometimes I was drunk enough to think smoking pot was a good idea. It's the way I sometimes put it, okay? I'm drinking and I'm with her and she's smoking. I'm like, yeah, let me hit that, right? And it's like, you know, I'm a guy who could talk. I feel regret after I smoked weed. Every single time I smoke weed, I regret it. Every single time. I'm like, why did I do that? You know, and, and what, what I think is funny about it is that I'm not going to do that. I think it's funny about it is that like I have that reaction to it. It's like, okay, this is slowing me down. It's making me, it's making me less capable. And then other people are doing this all of the time. It's like they, they have the worst sort of chemical dependencies. That they're completely unconscious of it, right? You know, a heroin addict understands that sometimes he needs to not be high. You know, he needs to have his dope all the time to prevent himself from getting sick. At least like, he tries to level himself out a couple of times a day if, if from no other reason to steal more efficiently. My heads would be fucking stone. They're whole fucking lies if you don't, if they don't run into financial barriers, they'll be stone from the, the, every single fucking hour of the day for their rest of their lives. And they'll, and they'll vote making those decisions. And they'll go to work making those decisions. They'll produce children making those decisions all while high. And I'm like, well, fucking weed is the worst one. You take, you take, you take almost any other non lifestyle drug, okay? You know, met them, fetamine, cocaine, heroin, these things are lifestyle drugs. People be fucking high on them all the fucking time. But like, I don't agree with those. I don't, I don't agree with them at all. They're terrible. That's what I'm saying. But like, you take, the reason I said mushrooms are ecstasy, ecstasy sounds like an extreme example. And I understand why natural. I don't give a fuck of its natural. Give me, give me, give me unnatural chemicals that make me better. I'm all for better living through science. It's not an ecstasy does. But it's just natural. It's not something that I'm worried about, okay? So like, I'm always worried about 70% of a pharmaceutical comes from a communist China. Well, the one I'm saying. So like, you get, you know, you got people fucking taking all types of goddamn chemicals, right? The problem that I have is not that people are taking something unnatural. It's whether it's working for them or not, right? And so, you know, forget to take ecstasy out of the equation from it. Say mushrooms, okay? You can't do mushrooms every day. You can't do mushrooms first thing in the morning. You're all fucking stoned on mushrooms all the time. Like, you'll get sick of it. You'll totally be like, I don't ever want to fucking see another mushroom again. You'll refuse it. It'll fuck you up. You'll do it. You know, even, but not to make the case for doing ecstasy. It's not something I want to advocate for. But ecstasy, similarly, if you like wake up in the morning, take a head of ecstasy. By the time it's fucking noon time, you're gonna, you can't do that two, three days in a row. Be high on ecstasy all the time. You'll build up a tolerance to the drug and it won't be enjoyable. It is certain like strains that... But with marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. To a lesser extent, alcohol. Alcohol too. People would be drunk every day. But even alcoholics usually don't drink first thing in the fucking morning. Only potheads do that. But marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates. Those are the five things that people will do all the fucking time. They completely ruin you. And I get such a kick out of it. You go in any number of different, say a dating thing. People are like, no drugs, 420 okay or something like this. And I'm like, I just want to go on a dating profile and be like, you know, oh, you can do whatever you want. Drugs you want, as long as it's not marijuana. So I just want to be contrarian about it. Because it's like, we just the worst fucking one. They're stoned all the time. They don't even think they're doing anything. Yeah, that opinion. I mean, yeah. Respect it. Respect it. Well, you're like, well, what if we're at, we're rid of the Jews and we could like celebrate or something like, you know, if we're rid of the Jews, I'm not going to be like, all right, we've got to go get the pot now. But like, growing our own stuff like this, a chill out. I don't know, I think that's not how high of a priority would it be for me to go get every, you know, cannabis plant out of the, out of the continent and the absence of the Jews. I think that I might celebrate myself, but I probably find a different way to do it. You know, it's just like, but I think that, you know, there's a reason that the Democrats they want to legalize the marijuana, right? It's because it makes, it makes docile people is what it does. It makes people, it makes people conflict diverse. Because they're all the people that have a strange shit over that. But the, you know, I understand that there's, you know, different types of weed will hit you different ways. But at the end of the day, it's like, the average person is not being made more energetic by their marijuana smoking. I mean, and that's not why they're doing it. I get energetic when I smoke the Keeva. Well, you know, I, I, if it's working for you, it's working for you, buddy. I'm not here to make a judgment about your individual life. I'm not saying it's bad thing either. I'm getting your right to your opinion, man. I hope it works out for you too, man. Yeah, but it's, yeah, I just hope I just want the Jews for like out of this world, honestly. Yeah, we get rid of the fucking Jews. I really want to smoke pot. They'll enjoy life again. And they'll just be like, you know, they'll enjoy being human. And they won't need to escape from their fucking lives. Here's the 48 for law. The 48 for law. Where are these American get 40 acres? Have you kicked out the 14 million aliens? I'm not familiar with the proposal that you're talking about, but you know. Everybody, every American family could get, I mean, especially kicked out all the niggers too. We could definitely, every white family could get 48 acres of land. I mean, you can live in prosperity. Like I want to go back to like having land. And you can have your own like stores and whatnot, you know, because we do believe in a free market too in natural socialism. But yeah, or in certain ways, I believe that's what I heard. You have a, you have a market economy. There's the government respects the market, but it intervenes when it has to. It's not, you know, it's contrary to this like Bernie Sanders socialism. And there's just, you know, we're just going to come in and tell you how many brands you think the other one you can have or whatever it's fucking nonsense. The one who was like, oh, your socialist. And I was like, not the same, not the way you're thinking. It's way different from the communist, you know, Karl Marx scientific socialism. Yeah, like that. When I, when I first came across these ideas, you know, I was, I was involved with the libertarians. And I was all like, yeah, you guys are socialists, you guys are dumb. And then what I realized after a while was like, you know, the really good example is. It, it, for me, what did it was trade policy? Okay. So like we have all of these internal burdens on production in the United States. Okay. You have social security, Medicare, you have all of these benefits. And, you know, whatever you think about those benefits, people like them, right? They like having like the comfort of there's a safety net in our society. Okay. Fine. And you want to make sure that your workers are treated right. And so you have, you know, you have certain standards for labor practices. And those things cost money for employers. Well, if you do that, if you try to set standards in your country, which is sort of the whole point of having a government, just have standards and you, and you, and you make sure that people are, you know, compelled to behave a certain way. And those things impose burdens on production. Well, then you can't just import cheaper goods from other places if you're going to maintain these standards here. So as long as you're going to have those standards, you have to make sure that you don't subvert the standards by importing products from another place. So that's a good reason for the government to intervene in the economy and say like, okay, we want to make sure our workers are treated good. Because if we don't, then communists will convert them to communism. And that'll be a political problem. So we have to make sure that the workers are taken care of. That's important for the stability of society. We won't have a market economy if we don't do that. And then you say, okay, well, this is increasing the burdens on production. And then people are bringing in cheaper imported foreign goods, which is making it unappeared. And then you're making it unappealing to manufacture goods in the country. Well, then you have to put a tariff on the import. You can't allow that to subvert your labor standards. And so those types of things, you know, the thing I always say to people is there's no substitute for good government. There's no substitute for decent, intelligent, responsible people running your government. People keep on trying to come up with these like form youleic things where you can have any corrupt and competent fool running the state. And because there's a certain mechanism in place that things are going to work out. No, like whoever's in charge of the treasury, whoever's in charge of the trade policy, they actually have to know what they're doing. And they have to act intelligently. You know, they can't be stuck off in some like ideological fantasy world where everybody gets to have everything they want because that's what they deserve through your cosmic, you know, your supernatural conception of human rights. You know, no, like there's a limited amount of resources. And those things have to be produced through human labor and the labor and the productive value of that labor needs to be compensated in accordance with what it contributes to society. And if you don't have that, then all of the other crap will go out the window. But if you have a society together, that would work. Like they're like unified and work together, keep up the labor. What was I'm saying? So like, you know, if you have the government comes in and limits competition to some extent, right? So like, you know, you say you can't go and set the competing factory on fire in order to win out in business. Okay, it's just, you know, the most obvious, you know, kind of example. And then you say, all right, you know, there's reasonable questions to raise about monogamy, but you know, it's, it's reasonably arguable that man's natural state is polygyny, one man with multiple wives. But that'll destabilize a society pretty fast because, you know, then you're going to have a bunch of men who don't have any reproductive opportunities and they're going to, they're going to fucking, they're going to resort to violence eventually. And so you don't want that and you say, okay, everybody gets one wife. Okay. And then then you have, you know, stability in that, the men are not in that intense reproductive competition for one another. Right. And that helps. And while that's a coercive element, right. It helps to stabilize the society because the people of the country, they're not all fucking trying to kill each other. And then you can actually have, through that, through that limited coercion, you actually have a lot less violence going on in civilization. Right. And so you have the same thing like, you know, in, in, when you're regulating industries, you don't want to turn around and be like, you don't want to regulate like Barack Obama or Bernie Sanders would regulate. You want to go and say, okay, what do we do to make sure the commerce flows smoothly? They go in there and they're like, what can we do to stop commerce from happening? It's really what they're doing. And, and they do that very intentionally, right. They understand that if people are miserable and poor, that they'll vote for, you know, they'll move in a direction of communism. They deprived them of hope. They deprived them of the sense of, you know, rewards for productive cooperative behavior. And once, once they're deprived of that sense, then like, they'll, they'll, they'll become corrupted and they'll go along with, you know, evil destructive, terrible things. And that's, that's why they do those things. You know, when you go in and you say, okay, you know, your product, you know, you're creating a product that's, you know, addictive and harmful to the country. And so we're going to stop you from producing that product. And then some libertarian is like, no, man, we all need my body, my choice or whatever. It's like, well, no, as a matter of fact, if we are all, if we're all heroin addicts, then as a matter of fact, nobody's going to be happy. All the things that you love about your freedom are going to go away. And, and nobody's going to have their lives improved by that at all. So we're going to have the government come in and have this limited intervention that makes everybody's lives a lot better. And, you know, you need people who are not only wise to do that, but also humble because if they don't, if they go in there and they say, yeah, we're going to go do this thing. They need to be able to analyze the results of the policy and then adjust afterwards. They need to be able to say, I was wrong. Or here's how I can make this better and change it, you know, later on down the road. What do we have? What do we have in Washington? Do you have a bunch of people who destroy everything? And then they turn around and they're like, oh, it's, I can't possibly conceivably say that I made a mistake because then you wouldn't vote for me next time. You know, no, like, you know, I admit that I'm wrong all of the time. First of all, because it happens frequently enough. And also because that's, that helps me gain credibility with the people that I'm talking to. If I acknowledge my error and I move forward, then they recognize me as somebody who has integrity. But we don't have people like that in Washington, DC. We have a bunch of people who are like, no, I can't ever conceivably confess that I've made an error. I wouldn't be fit to govern if I made an error, which means they know nothing about governing. Hmm. Fowl to you. I'm 18. I just turned three months ago. You got a girlfriend? No. I don't like to admit it, but I'm an honest man, but I'm done with it and I got rid of it. I said some words to him. I was with a shebo. Oh, well, I did that. It's okay, buddy. Don't worry about it. I guess worse. I have DNA that feel like, yeah, I just honestly, I wanted to. I'm sorry. What's that? I'm for my DNA corrupt. I'm like basically a product of eight sex. You have, you are not 100% of European ancestry. Is that what you're communicating to me? Yeah. Okay. Don't worry about related to a Nazi, but I'm also related to somebody that went through the holo hoops. Oh, no. So you have you have you have a the war goes on within you. I'm sorry to hear that, friend. But you know, I trust. I seen it in my dad's side. You let the dog look like the peanut butter on dick. Like I know that's the Jewish side. I know there's a few. I mean, I was a dad. Was getting head from the dog. Yeah. Yeah. You want to put it in that words? Yeah. Yeah. So, and before that, my, my, Nana was like, you know, we have Jewish blood. I mean, we have somebody that went through the holocaust and I was just. And my grandfather also did very touchy thing to my brothers. So like, yeah, there's definitely some Jewish blood in my family. Wow. Yeah. And hopefully I can be the break of the cycle that I want to be in continuing. I did have troubles in early age, especially free access to internet. But I have overgrown that I've departed from those addictions. And I really want to keep growing as a man into my mind and keep expanding it towards Jesus Christ. Well, that sounds, that sounds like the prudent course for you, friend. And you know, it's difficult, you know, once you become aware of the genetic element of these things, you know, to talk to somebody in the position that you're in. But it doesn't mean that you can't do good things. Okay. You know, it's, it's, you know, you can be conscious of those, those drives of your ancestors. And you know, you can strive to live a better life than that. I'm glad that you're making that effort. You know, you know, and you know, as for the black girlfriend, you know, I used to like novelty. You know, and you know, they can, they can, it's not like it's not like they, it's not like they can't be a good time. Right. And so, you know, you probably find somebody better for yourself in a long run. But, you know, don't feel don't take, don't beat yourself up over it. Okay. No, I'm trying not to just my voice, bro, it was negative running me today. So it was like, you asked me, my own, yeah. It's really worried about my genetics. I don't even want to have children, children to live a Jew-free world, beyond. Well, you know, if every, if all the white people stop reproducing until there were no Jews, then then the Jews would probably be like, yeah, you guys keep on doing that. I'm the only like 10% of the population worldwide. You know, I don't know exactly what the number is, but we're the global minority for sure. You know, and so like, you know, people get this idea that like, you know, they, they, they, they look at the power and accomplishment of white folks and they're like, yeah, we need to take all of that away from you. And we're like, you're going to take away our presence on the earth is what you're going to do. And we're not actually, we'd actually rather go to war with you than a lot of that to happen. So, you know, you're in the galaxy, you know, we're, you know, and it's amazing to me, you know, I went to prison for a few years. And when I got out, like people who, people who thought I was a crazy person on, you know, on the day of my arrest in 2020, when I get out, they come to me and they're like, well, I don't agree with you about everything. But, you know, those 2020 race riots, you know, kind of like made a lot of people think very differently about the world around them, you know. And, and I think that with the, you know, the left, the political left, they just pushed their luck to way too hard, you know, they, they, they really got the idea in their head that they were just completely unstoppable. And they made a lot of mistakes in the course of that. So I think it's just probably more reasonable to be hopeful for the future than there was, you know, at other times that I've been conscious of what's going on. You know, when I, you know, in 2016, Donald Trump ran, you know, announced his, or 2015 when he announced his run for the presidency. You know, a lot of people thought, Jeb Bush was going to be the 2016 Republican nominee, right? You know, prior to that, the Republican nominee was Mitt Romney and prior to that, it was John McCain, right? And then you have like, now Donald Trump is being indicted and, you know, whatever half a dozen states and federally. And Nikki Haley can't hold a candle to him, right? Because the country's company Jewish, isn't it? What's that? Isn't her funding Jewish? All their funding is Jewish. It's, you know, they're all being funded. Trump included. But, you know, but probably more hers, right? You know, you know, there's not, there's not, there's not a decent American who gave a dollar to Nikki Haley, right? So like, you know, there's good people who support Donald Trump and there's bad people who are like, yeah, let's get, let's get our hooks in this guy. But, you know, Nikki Haley literally doesn't have an honest person on her team, right? And so, you know, you think about that dramatic difference in our politics between 2012 and 2016. I mean, from Mitt Romney to, to Donald Trump with a bunch of competitors to in 2024, Donald Trump, nobody can even like, say, I'm not sure if I'm right. Nobody can even like, said Ron DeSantis can't stand on a stage with Donald Trump, right? So the politics have completely changed in the last, you know, you know, 10 years is completely completely different than it was in, you know, a decade ago. So when I first started paying attention to politics, the reason I got involved in libertarianism was I just thought I just knew something that something had to be different, right? I didn't even know what was really wrong. It just had to be radically different than it was today. And I was like, we'll just tear down all the institutions. It's kind of my idea. And, you know, I don't, I don't view it that way anymore. I think, you know, it's, they're these things are difficult to fix once you destroy them. But, you know, when I, when I came to it, I was like, you know, the Republicans and the Democrats are basically the same. There's not a look at difference between. Well, I would say that that's a lot less the case today than it was 12 years ago, you know, it there's still too much in common between them for sure. I mean, you know, the Mitch McConnell's of the world or, you know, they're not, they're not cheering on handsome truth while he goes out and, you know, makes, makes makes the Internet a better place. But, you know, they, the attitudes of Republican primary voters in any case have completely changed. Okay. So, you know, you can't go out, you can't go out there and be like, yeah, we're going to go and have you can't go out there and be like, yeah, we're going to go out. You can't be an advocate of amnesty for illegal immigrants and run a series Republican primary campaign at this point. Say, okay, you used to be able to, that was a popular mainstream position. John McCain wanted to do that. But Romney wanted to do that. You know, they, you know, they were going to, everybody's like, yeah, they, everybody just accepted amnesty was inevitable. Right. And then Donald Trump comes around and just tears a whole thing down. He completely changed everybody's expectation of politics. You know, and so like he, he failed to do a lot of things. I know HT is no fan of Donald Trump. I see he's got that like, he's got that, that, that thing on the, on the bottom of the screen with Jewish Trump and Jewish Bernie Sanders. And I'm like, I'm like, oh my God. So, you know, the goyem TV chat, they break my chops, you know, sometimes during streams. Whenever I say anything positive about Donald Trump, they're like, you know, he's working for the Jews or whatever. I'm like, you know, okay, you know, maybe is okay. But like you, you take a look at what was going on before Donald Trump came around with Donald Trump, what's going on after Donald Trump came around completely different category of information. It's not even comparable. I would want HT as president to be honest. Like he would get them all out. But, well, you know, I think that, you know, I don't know if I'd want HT to be president. I wouldn't mind him having a cap, you know, it's create a cabinet secretary of getting rid of the fucking Jews and put him there. And you know, because I don't know. Yeah, you know, you know, yeah, we go the Bureau of ethnic cleansing or whatever fun. And then HT can run that. That's a great idea. Whether or not you want to have them, you know, centrally controlling everything else, I think is something that he'd probably say no to. You know, he's like, hey, I know exactly what we need to do about this particular problem. They go focus on that like a laser beam and you go have somebody else think about all that other crap. And I think that that's a, you know, I actually interviewed him on my show not long after I got a prison. And that's what he said to me. He's like, look, he's like, my thing is to call attention to this one problem, the Jews. And you know, all this other stuff about what's going to happen afterwards. It's not my job. You know, it's like, all right, you know what? I can't argue with that. You know, I'm trying to take this like holistic world view like how we're going to do with the economy, how we're going to do with yada agriculture. And he's like, no, no, I have one thing it's getting rid of the Jews. And after that, we can worry about, you know, you have everybody else to do with all that of the crap. I have a specialty. And I was like, yeah, you know, I have to respect that position. That's a very reasonable position for you to take. So, you know, and so I like, I like what he's doing over there. You know, he was, he built that, you know, platform. He's got other people streaming on there. You know, he's a smart guy's, you know, ambitious. Like a gypsy crusader. I don't really know anything about him. I know that he streams to go MTV, but I really don't know much about it. I just expose gypsy bullshit and also about H.E. It's all fucking, you know, I don't doubt that there's unflattering things that you can say about people. There's plenty of unflattering things said about me. I'm trying to get the dinner at lifestyle in the country. The, the, these guys, what they do, you know, these, you know, I've seen other, this or that celebrity person exposed telegram channels, for example, right. And they do this. This is the same group of idiots, you know, they're all working for the, you know, the ADL or whatever. They're not, they're not trying to help anybody. What the people that they're going after 100% of the time are people who are doing things that are meaningful, right. And almost always they're people who have made a couple of bucks at it. Okay. They don't want to make, they want to make sure that the movement has no resources. And so they go after anybody who tries to be industrious and anybody who's capable of getting a message out. And they say, you're a Jew, you're a shell, you're a rat, you're a this, you're a that. And those people, as soon as you see them, just cut them out of your life because they never add anything to it ever. They're always just trying to tear people down. The people who never do anything good, never do they do anything good. They only tear things down. Yeah, I had to cut off my dad. He was a cuck to the Jews. He texted me too much hate to the Jews. Sorry, but not sorry. He cares me up and tears, makes me tear that you're into this stuff. And I was like, this is the right of way. Like the Jews are the synagogue of Stain. They literally use these not, these non-whites and biological websites against us. I don't want to discriminate against those other races, but I do want to live separate from them. That's not a racist thing. Here's what I'll say to that. And I think that what you've said is all pretty accurate and true and makes a lot of sense. But here's what I will say. When I first got exposed to these ideas, like it was like a fuse, right? Like I was like, I'd been lied to my whole life. You know, everything I've been told is a lie and I got really mad. It completely consumed me. I just spent a few years in a federal prison to calm down. Sorry to hear that again. What's that? I better listen to fun. I'm sorry to hear that. Four years right now. The last thing I want is anybody else to have to go to prison because it's not a nice place to be. I'm not going to say that everything happens for a reason, but if you make good use your time. I made good use of my time. I did a lot of thinking. I did a lot of work. My brother does, but he's a wigger. Hopefully he learns not to be before he comes home. But who knows? But the point that I'm getting out of this is like, you say you're 18 years old, you've been turned on to these ideas. I'm sure within the last two years, okay? It makes perfect sense to me that when you first get exposed to them and you're dealing with these conflicts in your life and stuff, you're really it's it's a consuming hatred and anger that can come over a person in the course of that work on getting over that stage of it. Okay. I don't I like I just want to burn their religion to the ground. Well, you know, that's actually not your biggest problem though. Okay. And I and I take shit from this for a lot of people in our thing, but like, you know, what there's a pathology that comes along with the stuff is that like when you have other people to blame for things, it's an excuse not to look internally. You know what I mean? If you're like, oh, well, the reason that all this degeneracy is happening is because of the Jews and then the degeneracy will stop when the Jews are gone. But it's an excuse to like behave in degenerate ways as a matter of fact. That's actually what that is. You know what I mean? If if you're like, oh, well, you know, the reason I'm the reason I'm jerking off to pornography every night is because the Jews keep on putting it on the internet. You know, no, it's because you're going and you're jerking off to pornography, right? Because you're not it's because you're not going out and and fulfilling your sexual needs by going and finding a woman to marry and have a family. You're you're staying home in masturbating because you're failing to meet your needs as a man. And if you blame that on other people, then like that's actually not going to help you accomplish your goals. You know, and you know, you can apply that to any number of examples and it happens way too often in our thing. You know, when you when you discover these ideas and you start talking about them, it gets you socially isolated. It becomes difficult to get a more prosperous job, you know, it becomes your dating pool is reduced and all these different things happen. And you know, and then people get bitter about it and they just it's like this. It's an echo chamber of like, oh, it's these people cause the problem. These people cause the problem. Like as a matter of fact, you know, for you to have a happy successful life, for you to accomplish anything for you to be of any use to your race at all, like you have to actually be able to cooperate with your fellow man. Even the people who don't understand the things that you understand and if it's not easy to do and I completely get I completely get being in that like, you know, that consumed state for a period of maybe two years, but, you know, after that, that grieving period say, you know, it's important to try to, you know, to gain some perspective and you don't want to have to do that in prison. If you have to do it in prison, you're going to be really fucking unhappy about it. If you can manage to, if you can manage to, you know, zoom out a little bit and try to, you know, look at yourself and try to find ways to be more, you know, accomplish more positive things. You know, the thing that they're trying to do is wreck you, right? That's the, the reason that we have a conflict with these people is they're destroying the things that we care about. And the way that we win is, yeah, fine, maybe we have to destroy them. That might be the case. But the way that we add the, but that's the thing that we that we may have to do in order to accomplish the goals. So what we should really be trying to do is accomplish goals. You know, and there's too many people in our thing who aren't trying to do that. It's a completely destructive phenomenon for them. And that causes us to be like inundated with really terrible people like all those people who want to tear down H.T. or whoever. You know, those people are basically people who came into our thing because they're destructive types. They believe everything that, that the ADL says about us. And they're like, this is a bad thing. I'm a bad person. I want to go join the bad guys. And then they behave like bad guys in our ranks. And then they make us look like monsters. You know, what we need to do is be like successful, prosperous, you know, polite people who can cooperate with our fellow man and accomplish things in society. If we can't do that. Then I tried to cooperate with people, but I always get shamed and put down and constantly. So I just let it be. And I'm like, OK, then I'll see you later. It's, there's a very difficult balancing act to be found. And I'm not sure I figured it out myself. You have something I'm still working on. You know, many years into it that like, you know, the people that you meet in the course of your day to day life. They're not going to be exposed to the ideas that you're exposed to. And so when you try to talk to them in the way that you would talk to somebody who who watches the type of media that you watch, you know, you can't talk to regular people that way. Right. Like you've got to moderate your speech. And that's difficult to do because, you know, we feel like if we don't run around, if we don't go out and and expose all of this malfeasance or whatever that that we're that we're actually, you know, contributing to the problem is is a. Is a tempting way to think about it, right. But what we really need to do is say, OK, in order to accomplish our goals, I need to bring these people in, which means I do need to moderate my speech when I'm introduced to them. I need to make them like me so that they think the words I say are meaningful. And then I need to ease them into this if I'm going to bring them in at all. And that's a very difficult balancing act. I'm going to wrap it up. I'm going to call it a night. It's been a pleasure talking to you. You want to plug anything you get social media. You want to let people know how to say hi to you or anything related all social media. I'm going to own property and get away from the internet and live in a. Meaningful life instead of being distracted on this. Well, good for you, guy. I hope I hope it all works out for you. And, you know, maybe, you know, maybe science advances that will fucking extract that fucking Jewish poison out of your blood. And you can. Fucking living area in life. You've been a blast to talk to you, buddy. You have yourself a good night. OK. You're a blessing. All right. Take care. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for tuning in to the Rannichal agenda. Biddle, little hit of mist. And I got a couple of good ones. I think, you know, these things should probably. These would be these are obviously better done. You know, pre-recorded. And then I cut out all the crap because when I'm, you know, getting pushed to the next one, pushed to the next one, nobody's talking to me. It's hard to make interesting media out of that. I got to figure out exactly how I want to do it. But we'll do more of these for sure. You got to figure out the ways to get people to call into the show. You know, if you have suggestions on that. Thank you very much. Real Tony soprano since $25 the last one was the best one. Thank you, buddy. Appreciate that. I think I think that's probably true. I like talking to the girls about the traenys when they were like when they were like. They were like, nobody, everybody hates the traenys. I'm like, of course they do. You know, that was pretty funny. So, you know, I've done this basically. I've done this in the afternoon. I've done this really early in the morning. And, you know, it was really not so rewarding. This is probably not a bad time to do it, frankly. But I know that there's alternatives to OETV. If any of you try any of them, if you have any information about that, I'd be interested to hear about it. Like I said, it's annoying that they won't let me use my digital background. That's really irritating. They sabotage my work that way. But we'll figure it out one way or another. If you are listening on some other platform at some other time, we do this every Friday 9 30 PM US Eastern time. So I'd love for you to join us for live program. And you could throw super chats at me like Tony does. And that would be great because we need to finance this production. And you could do that lots of ways. Give send go dot com slash spn like surreal politics media. That's the give send go. We've got the cash app edgy Chris is my cash tag. If you go to Christopher can't weld that net slash donate, you'll find all the QR codes and the crypto keys and stuff like that. I need we need to we need to expand the reach. We need to expand the revenue. I'm doing what I can to try to, you know, raise the level up here, but I need your help. So please do that if you're in a position to do it. Become a member. It's real pull tees dot com slash join you know 1000 of you gave me 10 bucks a month. I have 10,000 dollars a month. I'd be able to hire somebody. Everything would be straight. So, you know, that would be pretty significant enough itself to become a member. And then you get access to the members only bonus content and we do the Wednesday shows for just for you. That pretty cool thing. And once we have like, you know, once I'm able to like get my head above water, we'll do more things. We have a lot of fun before everything hit the fan in Charlottesville, you know, like driving around the country and go meet and people going to events and stuff. I'm going to be able to do that pretty soon. You know, get this P.O. off my back. That might happen in like three months. You know, in June, I get to move for the probation to be terminated, whether they granted us another question. But, you know, there's a presumption in my favors, my understanding of the practice. So I haven't had any problems that, you know, I've not been in any trouble all time. I've been on probation. I could be I could be a free man, you know, three months from now. So, you want to see some interesting things happen. I'll get back on the road. But definitely need to not worry about whether the rent is paid. And I got to get a car and stuff. So, if whether you want to become like another angel sponsor, you want to try to do something like that or you just want to become a real politics dot com slash join member for 10 bucks a month every little bit helps. Whether I get 100 people who give me a hundred bucks or a thousand people giving me 10 same difference. We're going to be off to the races. And I'm going to I'm going to accomplish that one way or another. I don't care if I have to. I care very much actually. But, you know, if what I have to do is take a laptop and go live and attend to the woods. I'll do it. I'm not going to give up on this thing. I just need. I just need to help some Christopher Cantwell dot net slash donate will get you all of the information on how to do it. And we're going to have a lot of fun together guys. Thank you very much for tuning into radical agenda. I'm going to get back to work on all this AI stuff. And we'll be back Monday. If not sooner. Thank you very much for tuning into radical agenda. Have yourselves a wonderful weekend. Good night. That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call to enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms camps for the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. And I'm going to say Tony sent me another $25 he says also let's take a moment to reflect on this subtle wind zero people that you talked to tonight were offended by what you had to say they were all pre-based. That's a really good point. I was like wow you know I was kind of surprised by that myself you know until you mentioned it to the aggregate effect doesn't hit me but every time somebody was like oh yeah I believe that too. I'm like whoa wait a second. The whole entire point is supposed to get mad at me. I was supposed to call you a cuck what's going on. That's pretty good. And then I'm. Nick also needs a notification bill for when you get a super chat maybe a funny noise I'll work on that I think that that's actually pretty easy to implement I you're right that's a good idea thank you Tony. Tony's so helpful not just with the money is a participant is a really good guy and all of you people who aren't paying me you're you're screwing Tony over it's not even me that you got to be worried about anymore Tony's paying for your entertainment so. You guys better guys better pony up alright thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda I mean it this time have you so wonderful weekend good night that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into. Arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the last to push a racial and radical agenda implement their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actors what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans he's a people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a life there. One of the radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment.