And so now that everything's working, we'll start the local recording, and with the local recording having begun, we'll go ahead and reopen the sound app that just crashed while I was getting the show started. And then once that app loads again, then we'll be able to play the intro music, which goes a little something like this. That's it, it's over. Then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call people? Animals. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. Music played Americans, these are people that want to see great things that they've got to do. You know they try and build a light here. One of the radical agenda, it's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second period right on when they welcome to the radical agenda. Show about timeless ideas, the news of the day, and whatever's on your mind at 217-68-814-33. Yes, this agenda is quite radical, and welcome to it. This 58th episode of the Sixth Age of the Pogrum today is March 8th, 2024, being the current year. It's a Friday, as usually, we are coming to you live once again from my undisclosed location. There is just so much I want to get to today. There's Kessler cringe posting again. There's the end of Nikki Haley. There's a lot of stuff going on, but of course, there's a recent story about Matt Drudge, which actually had me checking in on Megan Kelly for changes, or stingy enough. But that had the effect of pointing me towards something I missed at the end of last year, which was Mediaites, most influential in news media, 2023. That was the prior year you might have gathered. It's a list of 75 media personalities ranked in terms of their influence. Some of the placements on that list, I thought we're pretty surprising, and it gave me a strategic idea, which I'm contemplating sharing with you. We'll see what happens. But of course, Joe Biden gave his state of the Union speech last night, which he does, the President of the United States does that every year for whatever reason. And it would of course be neglectful for us not to say a few words about that. And you know, this was no sleepy Joe's news fest. You might have gathered if you watched it. Whoever is medically animating that corpse pulled out all the stops last night, man. I'll tell you, perhaps they went straight from Adderall to Heisenberg's blue meth from Breaking Bad. Joe might not take another nap for several days. He might be next spotted with Hunter at an all ages drag show, tipping toddlers and taking frequent trips to the men's room. The last time I saw the weekend at Bernie's star this fired up. There were red lights and uniform military behind him. He was angrily shaking his fist and channeling dark visions of the future, as he declared warrants fellow Americans. He was dark brand and made flesh. Another indicator that the 2020 election thief may have been on drugs were his delusions of grandeur. He compared himself to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And while these may be apt comparisons and that they are all one of the same murderous crooks, Joe's slavish devotion to his blackmailers and corrupt efforts to imprison his political opponents rings nothing like the official fictions of the men who abolish slavery and save mankind from Nazi totalitarianism. Necessarily, Joe vowed to defeat Vladimir Putin. The means by which this goal were to be accomplished, of course, were with equal necessity, left unexplained. Joe also said that he would send the U.S. military to build a port in Gaza for the purposes of delivering humanitarian aid. Yeah. This of course transpires while the U.S. military also threatens Israel's neighbors with nuclear annihilation if they attempt to intervene in the war of extermination, Israel now wages against its neighboring ethnic rival. Were this a fun both sides of the conflict and hope for maximum casualty strategy, the zombie and chief might have heard my vote come November. This however seems extremely unlikely. In the most charitable interpretation, Joe is pandering to that part of the American left, which views the Israel-Palestine conflict as one of white versus brown. To maintain their support, Joe must aid the brown side. But Joe, like you and I, understands that this is not white versus brown. This is ethnic Jewish global domination, expanding the home base of operations. It takes not a genius to see that the most likely outcome here is one or more dead U.S. military personnel, whether this were the organic result of Islamic terrorism or the Jews attempting to fake just such a thing, no amount of proof would dissuade the U.S. government from the conviction that it was a former. By this means the United States would be formally joined with Israel in the conflict, ceasing the necessity to disguise the American true presence in Palestine. And speaking of outcomes likely to be framed as crackpot conspiracy theories, Tucker Carlson's response to this was to have Alex Jones on his show. Which, you know, I appreciate Tucker Carlson kind of, you know, taken off the gloves or whatever. But why Alex Jones, right? Like, Alex Jones is like legitimately discredit himself. You know that, right? Tucker Carlson, it's not, it's not just that he was telling the truth and the powers that he had to censor him. Alex Jones legitimately discredits himself on a routine basis as a matter of fact. And you're smart enough to know that by the way. So what are you doing? You're like, you know what? It's the state of the union address. Lots of people are going to want to hear from me. You know what I should do? I should taint it by bringing on Alex Jones. Great idea. The GOP sent Alabama Senator Katie Brit out for their response. It was about what you would expect from the GOP lukewarm uninspiring. Overall, not a very exciting event I got to tell you. And, uh, it seems like there's everything's on track to make events less inspiring, frankly. I got an email from Gab not so long ago. Maybe if you guys are on there, you might have gotten this too. Notifying me that they were going to start charging people to upload media to the platform. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but today I went to upload an image and I was reminded of this. And the image I was going to upload, by the way, is kind of funny. I got an email from Apple. Okay. So when I signed up to put the radical agenda on iTunes, I had to create an Apple developer account. Okay. And so I have this Apple developer account. No, it doesn't do me any good because they banned radical agenda from the platform. I have a new developer account for surreal politics. And so we're on iTunes as surreal politics. You should go there and leave me a very positive review, by the way. All you guys with Apple devices, you might as well make yourselves useful in some way. It's not like you can follow me on Telegram because you at the Apple corporations decide who you talk to. Wait a buck, the system, fella. But, uh, so I have this developer account and they send me emails for it. And they have this thing called Hello Developer. And they send me this email and it says, hello, welcome. Hello, welcome to Hello Developer. But the the short and notification that I see in my Android Gmail notifications says, you know, Hello Developer. Hello, welcome to hell. Dot, dot, dot. And I thought that was pretty amusing. Right. So I posted this to, I posted it to telegram a few days ago. And I was like, yeah, I knew the big tech guys were really bad, but I didn't think that they'd be just flat out welcoming me to hell via an email. I thought that was pretty amusing. So I tried to post it to gab. And it was like, oh, you could just give me some money and then you'd be able to upload images here. And I thought that was a pretty dumb idea, frankly, making users pay for uploading images. Now I paid for gab before. I figured I would eventually pay for it in the future. But right now I can't justify the expense because gab banned me at the height of my popularity on that platform and did not allow me to recover my old account when I came back. Social media, even the use of free platforms is something that I consider to be a business expense. I'm not doing this for fun. I make investments in my ability to get a message out. And when my entire audience is taken away from me after I spent hundreds of hours invested in that, that warps the risk reward calculations unfavorably to the people who are asking me for money. At Torba, he recently sent out another email titled, the era of the free lunches over. And I have not read it, but I presume from the timing it was aimed further justifying these changes to the system. But the era of the free lunch, in fact, is not over. It's far from over. So long as there are mice, there will be free food for them in mouse traps. So long as there are cattle, there will be farmers who are eager to feed them. And so long as there are people in this world who can be influenced by information, political actors will be no less eager to provide it at no expense to the recipient. If Gab wants to create a whole new business model fine, that's okay. God bless America and the innovative spirit of the entrepreneur. But if Gab aims to compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter, I'll never call it ax. I'm dead naming that lying, Tranny Bitch. Then Gab cannot charge a higher price for a lesser service. Pretty straightforward. You don't need a master's degree in business administration or to spend a great deal of time at the Mises Institute to figure this out. Gab is not a free speech platform, as they like to say. There is no such thing. There ought not be such a thing, in fact. When pressured, Gab folds like everybody else and I am evidence enough of that. It is a better facilitator of modern crime think than Twitter or Facebook, but the average person does not care about this at all. If they care about anything, they care if they are amused and how costly that amusement is. And since, well, prior to my space, users have been able to upload photos to the internet free of out-of-pocket expense. Gab, while falling short of or just barely reaching their monthly fundraising goals on a regular basis, turns around and says, fuck you, pay me. Hey, what the fuck? What? You know, I'm fucking God damn pissed about that. What the fuck just happened here? I just tried to play the fuck you, pay me sound bite. My goddamn sound player didn't work. Mother fucker. The fuck? You know, anyway, fucking cock suckers. They turn around and say fuck you, pay me. Anybody who wants to upload a 65-kilobike JPEG in an era when data storage and transmission are as cheap as they have ever been. It is difficult to imagine a dumb or mistake that could be thought of as being reached in good good faith. It's like, what are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to wreck your business? You know, that's what Elon Musk is trying to do to Twitter, by the way, if you don't know that, he's like, oh my God, I borrowed $40 billion to buy this thing. I better bankrupt it. I'm in deep shit. I'm not paying this crap back. I've got to destroy it. It's like a, you know, you've heard about this happen. A guy gets underwater on his car and then suddenly it burns it down, right? This is what Elon Musk is doing to Twitter. I wonder if that's what Torb is trying to do to gab. He's like, I got an idea. Guys, let's invest lots and lots of money in AI and then we'll charge people money to upload JPEGs to the platform, okay? No, you're not going to get biome, man. It's not going to work. People are not going to be like, oh my God, I really need to share this photo of my lunch. I'll give gab 10 bucks. Fucking stupid. There's no way that anybody's going to do that. Why is this fucking thing doing this? What the fuck is happening here? So what the fuck? Fuck you, pay me. There we go. Fucking asshole. Fuck you. Fuck you, pay me. There's a ruling elites. Three extra shackles. Yeah, that's what we're doing. I'll show you something actually. I got a new sound board. Let me just show this off a little bit. Let me give you a second. Come on. I'll be right with you. Okay. Now turn the background and replace something off. And then we'll put this thing here. And then I'll turn the camera back on. Hey, go back on. Come on. What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? Oh, there we go. Okay. Everything I'm fucking mad now. I'm showing you what I messed my place. This is not the goal. Anyway, this has my old one It was like a piano thing. And it only had somebody keys on it. You're trying to do it on those piano keys, and they're fucking small, so I got a new one. Fuck you, pay me. Okay, fucking Nazi Tonzi talk. So yeah, so that's a lot more fun, I think. I was probably not worth the effort, but you know, I'm pretty fond of the fucking thing. In any case. So let's turn this back on. Yeah, there we go. All right, so now that we got all that worked out. But apparently, you know what, I noticed when I plugged the thing in the first time, the connector on it. I bought it used on Amazon. Hey, I don't need two microphones. Shut up. What are you doing? I bought it used on Amazon. So like Amazon, you could buy, they've got the list price, and then they're like, you want to buy it for, you know, a little less. And I was like, it got the thing for like $37. So it's like a 64 pad. Midi-Controller, yeah, I'll do that for $37. I was like, I'll fucking take that shit. And it's a pretty good shape, but the USB connectors a little loose. I think that's why I didn't get my sound before. But anyway. I'm going to play a little clip. This is actually, I played this, this is from the member show. Last Wednesday, I published this on the Telegram channel too. This is part of the opening model log from Wednesday's member show, okay? I'm going to talk to you about this Jason Castler fucking mass, and we're going to go through that. But this kind of introduces it pretty well. It gives you an explanation of why I think this is important to talk about. I spent much of the morning on the Christopher Cantwell Telegram channel, which you can't see if you're on an Apple device, because you let the Apple corporation decide who you talk to. And that's kind of, you know, you know, you could do that if you want. But I spent much of the morning devoting my creative energy is to a lengthy Telegram rant about dating. This includes a fair bit of profanity, and it is something worth saving for the public shows, because it is material that needs to be more widely dispersed for the good of all mankind. So I will not attempt to recycle this tonight. But you are welcome to bring it up if you would like to discuss it. The rant was prompted by someone who has been the subject of much annoyance for me in recent months, who demonstrates cartoonishly some of the worst personality traits in politics. Specifically, he is among that large number of men who complain about women, because women do not like him. This is a terrible pathology, which is not at all unique to love in romance. You see the same thing in people who complain about money, and likewise with the political system, or any number of other things. Instead of trying to understand something, they curse it, and they say that the thing that they want is broken. It is sour grapes, so it's worse if you know anything about Asop's fables. And I saw a lot of this in my early ideological journey. I used to be a contributor to a publication called A Voice for Men, after I started becoming familiar with the evils of feminism. Over time, it became evident to me that while the critiques of feminism were surely valid, the Big Tao, or men going their own way, and men's rights movements, as they were called, were long on complaints and short on solutions. These supposed solutions that they did propose, well, they only tended to make matters worse. You know, Big Tao is largely, you know, feminism for men. Though it took me longer to figure out the libertarians are largely of the same ilk, they don't like the government, so they say it should just go away. With notable exceptions, they do not try to understand the government. They just try to understand arguments for getting rid of it, and they repeat and expand upon those ideas. You see this most vividly with people who are appropriately considered conspiracy theorists, even by people who understand fully how screwed up the world is. They act like they are truth seekers, but what they are actually doing is spending endless hours on the internet scaring the crap out of themselves, and solidifying their preconceived perception that they are powerless to challenge the forces that are ruining this world. Part of what drove me rightward and softened my attitudes toward the fairer sex, was my frustration with the impotence of these ideas. When I stumbled upon the alt-right, they said, in essence, we are a nation, we must cooperate with one another, or we will die. We cannot avoid the government, we cannot avoid one another, we must accept the responsibility, placed upon us by who we are in the time we are alive, and we must meet this moment. That to me was far more powerful than all of these people who just stood around complaining that everything sucks. One of the earliest and most important things I learned about leadership came from a collection of books on that subject, given to me by my mother when I got my first management job. Never bring up a problem that you cannot solve. Now you cannot take this literally, you bring up problems to which you do not have a solution so that you can find a solution. Identifying problems is an important skill, but then you have to do something about them, you have to solve the problem. If you do not fix the problem and you keep on complaining about it, you are telling people that you are a loser. When serious people see you doing this, they interpret your behavior as that of a person who complains about things they cannot fix, for the purpose of avoiding the effort of fixing the things they can. This happens all the time, especially in politics, you see people complaining not for the purpose of identifying problems to solve, but for the purpose of avoiding effort. It is especially pervasive in politics because deeply unhappy people are using this as an excuse to not look within themselves. They devote their lives to politics for the purpose of focusing all of their energies outward. They cannot stand the thought of addressing what is going on inside of them. They cannot bear the idea that they have any role to play in their own lives. They are not trying to fix society, they are avoiding fixing themselves and demanding the world conform to their vision of how things ought to be, usually with no expectation that it will. They are not saying, hey, the house is on fire, get some buckets form a line to the nearest water source, let's save this house. They are saying, man, it's too bad this house is going to burn down and I am totally powerless to do anything about it. Which type of person would you want to be around if your house was on fire? The answer to that question is obvious and it is no different for your country or your race or your city or your company or your organization. In addiction recovery, you will hear the serenity prayer spoken ad nauseam. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. While addiction recovery is a fraught subject with a terrible track record of success and a lot of terrible ideas running throughout it, this is one of the better lessons they teach and is widely useful because even a drug addict can internalize this. There are things you cannot change, you have to accept those things, you cannot allow those things to bring you down and become the subject of all your focus because then you will not be able to devote your energy to the things that you can change, like your addiction. There are things that you can change such as being a drug addict and you have to make effort to change them if they need changing, which if you are a drug addict they certainly do. And you need to know the difference between those two categories of things. For people who say that romance, politics, or money are hopeless endeavors because these things are inherently broken demonstrates that they lack the wisdom to know the difference between these two challenges. In the first place, if you're saying something is impossible when other people are doing it, you're wrong. Like it's just in front, the evidence is right in front of your face that that's not true because other people are doing it, you're not doing it, they are. That means it can be done. If you listen to Brian Tracy's stuff I've referred to before, you know, he oversimplifies this but then he elaborates but the oversimplified responses, you can do the things that they did. All you have to do is what they did. I'm like, yeah, that's a little oversimplified but actually like it's instructive in that way, you know what I mean? Well, what did they do? Go to that and you know, and if you have the change it a little bit to defeat them at it, then yeah, like, you know, it's not going to just repeat the same exact motions. But if you could do what they can do, then you can have what they have. It's the way it works. It's rarely the case that a person is completely hopeless individually in any one of these categories. They may need the serenity to accept some limitations on their success. They might not ever themselves be president, they might not ever be a millionaire, they might not get the hottest girl or the richest guy to marry them. But they can almost always earn an honest living, they can almost always have some role to play in politics, they can almost always find someone to share a bed and a home with. If they lack the wisdom to know their limitations, they seek things they cannot achieve and they curse the gods for their own failures, we're still they blame other people. In the case of Ben who are bitter against women as a class, this takes on a very sinister character, a central part of a man's identity is his relationship with the opposite sex. And if that component of his identity is broken, then he has a broken identity. Men who are successful with women generally feel confident about themselves and approach other challenges with a similar confidence. Of course, this is a relative position I'm discussing. I think all men, myself included, have insecurities about dealing with women. But they don't operate a telegram channel with little purpose other than complaining about the opposite sex. That's what I mean to say. They are more confident about themselves than that, relatively speaking. This of course is part of the reason why they are successful with women. The women see the confidence. The results of their approach to challenges is reflected in their material and social success outside of romance. They acquire indicia of status as a consequence of this approach to challenges. Women find these things attractive for reasons to obvious and numerous to list. This feeds into the man's confidence in all of these things continue in an upward trajectory for a happy life. Men who are not successful with women have a choice to make and it ought not be a difficult one when they understand the binary nature of the choice. They can either change things about themselves to become more successful with women and in meeting other challenges, or they can choose the opposite trajectory towards loneliness, poverty and misery. A man who chooses the latter course blames women for his problems instead of solving problems for himself. As a consequence, he has seen as an undesirable person not only by women but by other men. Men see this man complaining and they say this man will not help me to achieve success. If I am with him, I will be unhappy too. And they stay away. The bitter man, the bitter man, then finds himself with a lack of positive male influences in his life. He attracts to himself like-minded people who are likewise bitter. They share only their bitterness with one another. They complain about their failures. They discuss new and exciting ways to assign blame to others without solving the problems within themselves. Any problem met with this approach can only be expected to get worse with time and the challenges they must overcome necessarily become more daunting. These men are averse to effort and as the challenges increase their likelihood of solving them moves in the opposite direction. Suicide, drug addiction, crime, destructive political activity, and cultural poison are the only potential products of this pathology. There is no way that it can result in anything even remotely positive. And so my rant on dating today has less to do with dating as such than with demonstrating an alternative to complaining. When I posted, you know, I'll talk about this, I'm saving the actual text for Friday. But I posted a list of like 20 different things that you could do to improve your luck, it's not luck, right? Improve your outcomes with the fairer sacks. Chief among them being by the way, like don't, don't immerse yourself in political activity and podcast and expect that that's where you're going to find your girlfriend. Like go do other things and be interesting and show women that like being with you is going to be a good time, like not a life of suffering and sacrifice. Because that's largely what you're going to get with white nationalism if you haven't figured that out yet. Okay, welcome back to the radical agenda. Thanks for sticking with me through that to that little break there. And so, you know, I hope it's conveyed in the course of that model log that like the reason I'm doing this is to like identify a problem that is, you know, more significant than the cringe where the social media behaviors of a man named Jason Kessler, okay? On his own, Jason Kessler is not worthy of our attention. Jason Kessler cartoonishly exhibits a pathology which emerges elsewhere than Jason Kessler. And for that reason, it is worth pointing out. And also, you know, if people who get involved in this thing and things like it do have a tendency to get walled off in the rest of society. That's a big problem. That's worthy of addressing. Okay? And so those are the reasons that I go down this road. And I use Jason Kessler as example as that I do because he, well, first like I said, he cartoonishly exhibits these traits. But also because, you know, he's actually like a bad actor. Okay? You know, I have up here, this is actually before I get into the other thing. I probably don't want to read the whole thing, but on or about April 20th of 2023, Jason Kessler told us he was punching out. He told us, I archived this and I saved the screenshot. He told us on or about the 20th of April last year, this is goodbye. Oh, man. And the reason I archived this was because I was fully aware that this would not be goodbye. Right? This is goodbye. After seven years of political activist, journalist and commentator, I am retiring from public life to focus on other hobbies. Over the better part of the last year, my baby has been working on the Happening's video program for you guys. I put as much effort into it as I have anything that I cared about from attending college to starting a business or writing a book. I hope to use the platform as a way to move myself beyond the specter of Charlottesville and building devoted following who could help me achieve political goals. But when the computer I needed to broadcast my program crashed, I required help to defray the cost of purchasing machine to continue my work. Almost a year later, I felt I'd reached a sink or swim moment where I should no longer be expected to spend my own money for costs associated with working for the public. Objectively, Happenings and I sank. Only one person donated and though I am heartbroken, this is an objective metric that I cannot deny. If I haven't inspired your loyalty in devotion after all these years of sacrifices, if I can't convince you that what I'm doing is worth even a dollar to you, then there is no hope of us accomplishing greater things in the future. Things which will require real commitment to make a measurable difference in the world. And to be honest, I am insulted enough that my pride would never allow me to go back to political commentary again. It would be like taking back an unfaithful woman, a humiliation. People say not to compare yourself to others, but I can't help looking at all the other commentators out there who are making six figures, like Zeman said he does at Amren, or becoming a millionaire like Nick Fuente, or even charging $300 a ticket for a meet-up like Richard Spencer did recently. Another guy recently needed money for rent and had to send out multiple emails telling people to stop donating because they'd sent too much already. And I have to actually go into debt buying equipment because I have a negative value apparently. The point is not to hate on those guys' success. It is to no, no, Jason would never hate on those guys' success. That's not what Jason Kessler does. It's to demonstrate that incentives are provided for content creators that the community cares about, and I am just not one of them. It stings, but the community doesn't love me and never will. Rather than wasting your time or mind, I will move on to other pursuits. It is probably for the past as I have accumulated a lot of bitterness, resentment, and anger about how little backup we had after Charlottesville from the right and even from the established white nationalist community. It also feels like I've been trapped in a sinking ship with people engaged in a constant circular firing squad. Everyone is a fat, etc. I'm tired of being angry all the time, and if I'm angry, I want to inspect that and change it within myself rather than lashing out at an intractable and frustrating political landscape. For those researching me in the future and judging me by my past, this is truly the end of this phase of my life. And to the extent possible, I wish to extend my spiritual development beyond the toxic world of politics, which from my vantage point has absolutely corrupted nearly everyone of all political affiliations who engage in it. My social media and web presence will likely be deleted in the near future. And here we find ourselves 11 months later with nothing of the sort having happened. And in fact, Jason Kessler is whining louder than ever and constantly attacking people in much the way that he complains that others were doing because Jason Kessler is a liar and a hypocrite. And so one of the things that he's been doing entirely too frequently is attacking women. He goes out and he's like, oh, well, women, you know, white women, not even just women, but white women particularly. Jason tells us that when he goes to other countries populated by brown people, the women there will sleep with him apparently. But white women in America know, they want nothing to do with Jason Kessler and he just can't understand why that is. He doesn't get that his own behavior is actually responsible for people not liking him. He never analyzes what he's doing. It's never his fault. And so he he posed to, he posed to telegram recently. Apparently the gender ratio and white nationalism is 87% male and 13% female, where he got that stat. I don't know, but you know, I don't see any reason to argue with it. Jason Kessler makes sense to blame 13% of the population for some category of problem or other right. I would venture that over 90% of those females are married women. The situation is likely that most white and naturalist women are the wives of men who got radicalized during the marriage and just went with the flow of whatever their husbands were into. The ratio is pretty catastrophic for single men who need to be engaging in activities where they will meet single women. Most men will not likely meet a wife through white nationalism. A few who do are likely wealthier niche celebrities who reach, who's reached through media helps them to overcome the extreme numerical disadvantage by sheer volume of people they're in contact with. I always try to speak the truth as I see it. Yeah. Every other account is non-stop propaganda. See, Jason Kessler tells the truth in literally every other account is non-stop propaganda. Jason doesn't propaganda. He's got too much integrity for that. And if you talk about problems with the entire enterprise, such as gender disparity, you get personally attacked. Of course, it is true that a political movement needs motivating statements to maintain enthusiasm and pointing out problems while a necessary factor in problem solving can be demotivating, particularly when no one knows a solution besides bragging about how the problem doesn't personally affect them, so it doesn't matter. The reality is that the ubiquitous propaganda posters depicting white men and women marching side by side in the struggle are statistically unrepresented. The survival of white people is predominantly a concern of the males and the females are either uninterested in the question or playing for the other team. I see that stuff, and of course some of that rhetoric isn't helpful, but I think it's a downstream symptom of men being isolated from female company. Imagine if half of the white nationalists were single women. I think there would be a lot less anger towards women and a lot more productive healthy relationships. The men are just frustrated because the cause that they care about leaves them isolated from women and they blame the women for not taking the same interest. I mean, if you are a black guy volunteering for a black organization, there would be no lack of women that disparity is frustrating. It feels like our own women are letting us down. First of all, this is an interesting series of pathologies emerge here. But I think it's a downstream symptom of men being isolated from female company. Your complaining is a consequence of you isolating yourself from female company. It's not that there might be other people who are in a similar boat to you, but you're describing your problems and you're saying that this is a problem of the white nationalist movement when it's not in fact that. But I posted in responses, hang on a second. Check. Check. Why is this thing coming through there? Anyway, all right, I'll have to fix that later. So it's extremely annoying. I posted this in response. I've never had fun fact. I've never had a white nationalist girlfriend who was a white nationalist when we first encountered one another. I've met women outside the movement and influenced their ideas during the course of the relationship. If your whole life is white nationalism or for that matter, your whole life is any political movement. You're going to have a very difficult time as a single man. It's plenty questionable whether you should be quite so immersed in such a thing, even if you are married and your wife is into it. But if you come into any political movement looking there for love, it doesn't matter if you're involved in white nationalism or radical feminism. You're going to have a rough go of it. I saw this happen with the libertarians and the free staters in particular. It's partly how polyamory caught on with them. And that wrecked an awful lot of people, a male dominated movement trying to divide up the females. They ended up sharing girlfriends, which resulted in more drama than a reasonable person who hadn't seen it could imagine. I had hooked up with female libertarians during my time in the cause, but it never really worked out. Most of my relationships, even in that movement, were from non-political contacts. So folks, if you ignore every other thing that I say about life, take note of this bit of sound advice. Do not let politics become the only thing in your life. Now, I made an edit to that later on. In the original post, I said that I never dated a woman who was a white nationalist the first time I had sex with her. And I changed that to when we first encountered one another. I had to change that because, sparing the details, there was a woman who was a white nationalist first time we had sex, but I had known her for years prior to that. And neither of us had anything to do with nationalism at the time when we met. So please do pardon that inaccuracy. It can be difficult keeping track of all the women I've known and loved over the years, largely because I know better than to whine about them on the internet all day. If you're single and having trouble meeting women, I did post this list of helpful hints. Number one, make sure you're not, you are in the strongest financial situation you can be while having a respectable vehicle. If you think they're more important to your love life than your car, while pursuing romance do not be so obsessed with other investments that you forego a respectable vehicle. It's a big, important one. Girls like a guy with a nice car, you have to be able to go pick her up and not be like, oh, sorry, I have all my crap on the passenger seat. Take your car to the car wash, go vacuum the thing out, clean your car. Your car is very important to your love life. There's almost nothing, aside from your body, there might be nothing more important than your car. Number two, ignore all the white nationalist noise and install these dating apps. Okay, Cupid, plenty of fish, Tinder. You can try others, but do not neglect these three. Pay for the premium version of at least one of those apps. I haven't done this since much since before I went to prison, so I'm not in a position to tell you much about them, but I met dozens of women on them in the past and I did toy with Tinder a bit recently. I can give the example that on Tinder, you are limited to a certain number of likes a day, unless you pay for the premium version. The premium version lets you see who liked you without matching manually. It's like 99 bucks for six months. Pay the money, okay, if you get two dates, you get laid once it's paid for itself. On the dating apps, do not let all of your photos be selfies. It looks like you have no friends if you do that. Do not mention politics and you're dating at profile. Do mention other non-work related activities. You want to make your life look interesting. It's not just a matter of how you look physically. Your photos in bio are telling her if you have a life. While your photos are selfies or you talk only about work and politics, she is being told that you do not have friends, which tells her that you are undesirable. You fake this if you have to. Number four, meet women on the dating apps even if you have excluded the possibility of marrying them and fuck them if you feel like it when the opportunity presents. Dating is not so different than going on job interviews and practice is valuable. People have trouble with job interviews because they tend to only go on job interviews when they are out of work. They have the same problems with dating. You meet a girl that you want to be with and you have no fucking idea how to act around a woman. You're going to miss out on opportunities by making mistakes with her. Gain experience with women you will not be marrying so you know how to handle yourself when you find one you want to keep. Five, do interesting things. Learn to play an instrument. Take a photography class. Sing karaoke, write poetry. Try your hand to stand up comedy. Group beer, travel. Any number of things. Take lots of photos and make social media posts about your non-political interesting behavior. Demonstrate that you have a life outside of work in politics. Six, identify a skill that you have and find a way to exercise that skill competitively. Whatever it is you are trying to demonstrate that you dominate or at least competitive in a non-political hierarchy. Jason Kessler winds about his status in nationalism. That's why he said he was punching out of it. He's like, oh, I'm not competitive in this field so I'm going to leave it. Right. Well, like you don't actually, for you to participate in that particular hierarchy, does not require you to be at the top of it. Okay. For you to you know get anywhere with women, you have to demonstrate a position in some hierarchy. All right. And it's probably best that it's not white nationalism, frankly. So whatever you're good at or whatever you think you might become good at, you know, go participate in groups that are engaged in that behavior, right. And then you can demonstrate your competence in a different hierarchy. Attend non-political events where you are likely to meet people in real life. Church is an obvious one. is a less obvious one. I haven't used that site in a long time, but it still exists and you can find groups that are devoted to various activities in your area and they will definitely have meetups because that is the whole entire point thing. I previously suggested playing Pokemon Go. And I know some of you have taken that advice. There are other augmented augmented reality GPS based games out there and these are certain to have you bumping into other players, some of whom will likely be female. And I talked about Pokemon Go on here, you know, it's some length. You know, if you if you started playing the game, pay attention to when community day is you go out on community day and there's definitely going to be people in any major city are going to be out playing Pokemon Go. And they actually just added to it, um, forget the names of them because I haven't actually gone and done the missions yet, but they added more cooperative stuff to the game recently. Okay, so like you have an excuse to go up and introduce yourself to people in that game. You go out on community day and you say like, Hey, you know, I need to, you know, complete this challenge or whatever. Can I join up with you to do that? And that's innocent, right? You're not like, Hey, I'd like to screw your women, fellas. Can I can I borrow your girlfriend? You know, you're not like, Hey, dude, you have a hot sister. Can I take her home tonight? You know, you're like, No, you're doing this thing. I'm doing this thing. Let's let's aid each other in completing a mission, right? It's innocent and you get to, you know, introduce yourself to some people. Not a bad idea. Eight, consider getting a prescription for silt, silt, dented fills citrate. That is the chemical name for Viagra. You do not need to get Viagra proper. You can save a lot of money by getting the generic brand. Even if you have more erections than you know what to do with, okay? There are other ways of obtaining Viagra. I take no position on the use of these routes. I save Viagra and not see Alice or Lavitra specifically because it functions differently. See, Alice and Lavitra, I am not used, but my understanding of them is that they work for like three days and will help you get an erection if that's a problem. Viagra is a completely different story. Viagra will grant supernatural powers to a healthy man for a few hours. And actually, it's something that you wouldn't want to take. It could become a nuisance in any other context, frankly. If you want to impress the women that you're having sex with, Viagra will help you to do this even if you are already very good in bed. It's a very good thing to have around. Number nine, if you are losing your hair, either get it fixed or shave your head, okay? You're not, if you're not losing your hair, then get regular haircuts and make sure your hair looks good. But there is nothing less attractive than dumb tricks to cover up your hair loss. And some women, some women, they do have like, they have a thing, some women find male pattern baldness attractive and good for you if you come upon one of them and you're dealing with that. But, you know, none of them are like, ew, your hair is good or you shaved your head, right? There are women who would sleep with you if your head were shaved or that if you had good hair, who will definitely not sleep with you just because of male pattern baldness, right? So either get it fixed or shave your head. And if you have hair, then you know, make sure your hair is not in dreadlocks and all over the place, right? You will not be penalized for shaving your head. You will be penalized for having dumb hair. Number 10, rid yourself of bad habits, too obvious to need stating. If you're a smoker, do you have any idea what you're doing to your dating options? If you are eating garbage and making yourself fat, do you have any idea how ridiculous that looks to healthy people? Fix it. 11, exercise regularly in the same vein and depending on your age and fitness level and risk tolerance, consider Psalms, serms and HRT. And that is, Psalms are selective androgen receptor modulators. Serms is selective estrogen receptor modulators and HRT hormone replacement therapies, essentially going on testosterone, okay? I'm not going to go talk about that great deal here today, but you know, these are, Psalms and serms are things that you could buy on the clear web with like a credit card, okay? You might get a better deal by them with Bitcoin or whatever, but they're sold primarily as research chemicals or they're marketed as not for human consumption, but they have, you know, less dramatic but steroid-like effects on your physical being. And if you do some research on that subject, you can learn all about it. 12, go see new movies in the theater, whether you have a date or not. Pick a popular TV show and watch it on a regular basis. Listen to a pop music radio station in the car instead of listening to podcasts once in a while. Do this even if you dislike these things. The goal is to pick up pop culture references and have non-political things to talk about with women. 13, develop an interesting stand-up comedy and seek out comedy shows in your area. Set your political views aside when judging the comedians. This will have tremendous impacts on your life if you do not already do it. You will not only be able to steal a joke once in a while, you'll get a feel for how a joke is crafted and be better at cracking your own. I started doing stand-up comedy in New York in part because I once heard it said, if you can make a woman laugh, you can make a do anything and that there's a lot of truth in that. This is why I was able to get laid even when I was a fat broke drunk. If a woman will talk to me long enough and she is at all available, I could usually get her sleep with me because women love few things more than a man who can make them laugh. 14, when dating do not take a woman to a show on the first leg of the first date. You can't talk to her during a show and this is an idiotic rookie mistake. You hear people like, hey, what do you want to do? I don't know, dinner in a movie because I haven't thought about this at all. Just dinner in a movie. A meal should ideally not be the first step either. Do something interesting first, preferably something that involves physical activity. Many golf springs to mind. Go play ski ball, go to a carnival or an amusement park. Physical excitement is important to romance and sex. If you are sitting in a restaurant or a bar and trying to get by on words, you better have really good verbal towns. 15, if in the comments of one of these posed duke brings up a very important point, dress to impress. I've seen a lot of fashion faux paws and politics and white nationalism in particular. You might consider doing some research on this subject and do not be afraid to ask for help from other people. You do not need necessarily to spend an excessive amount of money on clothes to be fashionable, but if you're able to, it can certainly help. If you are physically fit, this becomes a lot easier, obviously, because you can buy comparatively cheap, comparatively inexpensive athletic wear that is flattering of your body. If you are overweight or have cigarettes for arms, you're going to have to invest more in clothing. Most importantly, your clothes must look clean and fresh. If your favorite shirt with the stains and the loose thread, you consider insignificant descending bed signals to women. I promise. If you do not take your clothes out of the dryer right away, you have to iron them before you leave the house this sort of thing. 16, and this should be too obvious to need stating, but we are where we are after all. Stop complaining about women in public. There's not a desirable woman alive who will find this attractive, even if she agrees with everything you say. Firstly, it makes you look unhappy and women don't want to be with an unhappy man. Secondly, it makes you look undesirable to women and women are determining, I'm sorry, it makes you look undesirable to men. I was right the first time. Sorry. It makes you look undesirable to women and women are determining your desirability in part by whether or not other women desire you. Do not inform them that women don't want to sleep with you. So the mistake I made there, I read the text correctly there, but I actually made an error in the original post. It lets other women know that other women don't desire you. That's what I meant to communicate. If you are telling women that women won't sleep with me, they're like, oh, well, thanks for saving me the difficulty of calculating whether or not I want to sleep with you, because obviously nobody else does. So, yeah, that's obviously not going to be good for me, right? Don't advertise your loneliness ever. That's a really bad idea if you want. In any context where women that you might desire would be in a position to hear about that, that's a really bad idea. Thirdly, women who take pleasure in a man who derides other women or women who do not have female friends, they hold their fellow women in contempt, you see. Women who do not have female friends are not so different from men who do not have male friends, except that they are infinitely more likely to be fucking their opposite sex friends than the men are. This is evidence of anti-social behavior in both directions. It is not conducive to a healthy relationship and is a major warning sign of significant problems. 17. This is a low priority, but read or listen to a few books about dating and relationships, even if you rightly think they are dumb, just to understand the prevailing thoughts on the subject. I gave a few examples. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, the classic guide to understanding the opposite sex, by John Gray, the five love languages, the secret to love that last by Gary Chapman. And there are, of course, plenty of other ones. I actually posted a bunch of them from, I shared a bunch of posts from the dissident right library on Telegram with some many of which I've actually read or listened to that are pretty useful. And those, the ones that I listed here, I'm not saying that everything in that book is pure genius, but I'll tell you, I read those books and they stand out in memory as not being entirely useless. 18. If you want to impress women, impress men, okay? Women intuitively know that you're trying to fuck them and for this reason, they apply appropriate skepticism to your claims. They thus look for signals of your value outside of what you say to them and they understand that the best judges of this are often men since there was once upon a time a reasonable assumption that there was not sex involved in same sex relationships. This is why I mentioned earlier, you need to demonstrate your competence in a non-political hierarchy. It's about showing women that you are capable of doing more than getting into her bed. She needs to know that you're good for more than fucking and she determines this by your relationships with people who you do not fuck. Now, I don't need to go into all these, you know, I listed here a bunch of the books that I had shared to the Telegram channel, but I'll just mention right at the beginning of Radical Agenda Stage 6, I went into the subject of persuasion. Robert Chaldeini has written a couple of books on this. Scott Adams has a great book called Wind Bigly. These are great books for you to read or listen to even just get the audio books they're worthwhile. Another one that I've shared, the Attractive Man, the Ultimate Guide to Texting Girls, that's a pretty decent one. If you look at the Telegram channel, you'll see a lot more. I post it all of this and then as I'm posting the books, Kessler pipes up again and he's all bent out of shape. He's really upset with me now. He says this, I was wrong to have ever worked with Christopher Campbell. That's the only error that you have over here Jason Kessler admit to. You might have noticed. The only error Jason Kessler ever admits to is that he made a bad decision working with someone else. All of his problems stem from this, okay? I felt like I had a duty to defend every weird loser I invited to UTR without knowing anything about them, but here are some things white nationalists should be canceled for or we have no standards whatsoever. One, injecting Methodian or Anus. Two, posting dude photos of yourself injecting Methodian or Anus. Three, calling child protective service on other white nationalists. Four, begging the FBI to prosecute other white nationalists because they insulted you online. Five, crying hysterically on a podcast about your Hispanic girlfriend having an abortion and breaking up with you. Six, going to prison for rape threats and extortion directed at other white nationalists and actually being guilty. Seven, repeatedly lying about obsessing and beefing with other white nationalists. Eight, in some, being dangerously mentally unstable. Cat Wells is the primary test for how white nationalists will forgive any crime no matter how serious. From any freak who has social media status has a social media following they can exploit even one as small as cat Wells. And so this is a pretty interesting phenomenon because if you've been following the story here, the reason that me and Jason Kessler have a falling out is because Jason Kessler keeps on asking me for things, okay? And I eventually say Jason, here's what you have to do to get the favor that you want. And Jason Kessler says, I don't give a shit about your stupid fucking podcast and I hang up on him and I tell everybody, Jason Kessler's a fucking loser. Everybody who deals with him has a fucking difficult time. And it's not the first time I issued that warning back when he was planning the United right to I made the same warning. I said, follow Kessler at your peril, okay? So I warned people about him in 2018. And then I tried to, you know, deal with the fact of life that he was when I got a prison. But, you know, as I said in the radical agenda episode titled, Trail of Destruction, like Jason Kessler threw his co-defendants under the boss in Charlottesville, Jason Kessler caused the disaster that we ran into in Charlottesville. He did that on purpose and didn't inform us of what he was doing. So, you know, everybody who's facing charges in Al Moral County right now, you have Jason Kessler to thank for that, okay? Everybody who everybody who is involved in that lawsuit, everybody who feels that their life has been diminished by showing up in Virginia that day has Jason Kessler to thank for that. And so Jason Kessler, up until the day I told him, hey, you have to do something for me if you want me to put you on your podcast, it's like, can't what's great, right? And then the second I start criticizing him online, he's like, yeah, here's all of these things that other people had said about me that's all these other people had said about him. Let me add my own spin to it, okay? Because he's a scumbag. So I, I, I pose this response. I say, Jason Kessler doesn't like that he has criticized. So he makes up a bunch of fake crap. Jason Kessler is a liar. Jason Kessler wants to complain rather than solve problems. Jason Kessler cannot handle criticism. Kessler is unfit for political activity. He nonetheless believes he is a great leader. Hey, Jason, post a picture of me injecting meth in my anus. Not the Photoshop thing we was spreading around claiming that I was a gay porn actor. The one you say exists. This will not occur because you are a liar and everyone who knows anything about you knows that you are a liar. The only people still in your art orbit are enemies of our race who are feeding you fake encouragement because they know that you destroy everything that you touch. So maybe you should go be a Democrat. As Jason Kessler ever disclosed all of his communications with law enforcement, I don't think that he has. Now I have interesting that we know Jason Kessler talked to cops and feds, but there's no discussion of that because Jason Kessler does not disclose it. I wonder why he keeps out of secret. When I posted the teaser for the prior member show, I gave this comparison. You see somebody sitting in front of a computer cursing at the computer. He tells you, computer sock. What is that guy telling you? Is he telling you that computers are bad things that inventing them was a bad idea that they have made mankind worse off? No, that's not what he's saying. What he's actually saying is that he does not understand them. He has the choice to understand them. Computers are not easy for everybody to understand. They're not, but they're less complicated. Women for sure. But you can go read the manual, go read the manual, and then you'll learn. Go read RTFM, read the fucking manual. That's why I posted all of these things. What's most useful about Jason Kessler is that his demonstrations, as I said earlier, of pathological behavior are so exaggerated that they make for excellent teaching material. Most psychopaths have enough self-awareness and analytical skills that they try to mimic what they perceive their targets consider normalcy. Jason lacks the ability to do this on account of what I suspect is an Asperger syndrome. Take his tirade against me that I forward it as an example. I would call it a textbook example, but no textbook writer would do something so absurd. Here is the order of operations for Jason Kessler. Jason sees me criticizing his telegram post. Jason realizes that this is making him look bad. Jason tries to think of a way to mitigate the damage, but he knows that what I'm saying is not subject to rational dispute. Jason thinks of all the negative things he can say about me, all of which are ancient and largely untrue accusations, not at all pertinent to the discussion. Jason begins to list all the nasty things he has heard other people say about me. Seeing the insufficiency of this, Jason adds his own spin to these already inaccurate depictions. Jason's lack of self-awareness and his total lack of concern for what other people are thinking or saying leaves him totally unprepared for the consequences of what he has done in the process just described. And he does this all the time. He's your best friend and says nice things about you until you don't do what he wants. Then he says you are the worst person in the world and his only mistakes in life are dealing with people like you. But even if it were true that Jason's only mistakes were dealing with shitty people, Jason makes such a pattern of dealing with people whom he later condemns as the scum of the earth that it is in the first place, totally implausible that these are his only errors. Secondly, it is a statement on his character that after knowing all the accusations he'd let errors years later, he continues to associate with those people. He either says the accusations are untrue or that he approves of the behavior or otherwise the behavior ought to be excused for whatever reason he holds at the time. It's only when Jason Kessler's interests change that he changes his opinion of the behavior he now attacks. He is a moral relativist and not in the sense of some big picture dictating what is allowable at the time, but in the pettiest and most self-interested sense. Those who can help Jason Kessler can do no wrong. Those who do not help Jason Kessler are the scum of the earth. That's his entire narrative. And one can go from one side of that ledger to the other at the drop of a hat. Now recall what I said earlier about, sorry, what, recall what I said about Jason some time ago, a couple of weeks ago, I think. In which I pointed out that he was trying to convince his meager audience, and he's in the process of learning not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six different languages all at the same time. To demonstrate his linguistic prowess, he says, in his Speniel, hello, my name is Jason, go put the box against the wall, which is a command he has to give to his Spanish speaking help at his moving company, because apparently there's a shortage of English speakers willing to work for him at the wages he pays. He does not say this in the capacity of a fluent speaker, but as someone who has memorized a line and knows he must repeat it today for the purposes of this video. So it's obvious here that Jason is in fact not learning half a dozen different languages simultaneously, but that is less the point that I mean to get at. More to the point, Jason's number one complaint is that he does not speak enough languages. It is not that he does not speak enough languages. His number one complaint is that he is unsuccessful with women. He blames this entirely on the women who don't want to have sex with him without a moment of self-reflection to consider what role he plays in his own undesirability. Now, instead of pretending to learn half a dozen languages, he could have been listening to audiobooks from dating experts instead of pretending to learn the languages. He could be seeking something to do with his life that he was successful at instead of wasting his days trying to weasel his way back into white nationalism. If he would go out and succeed at something instead of whining about his failures, women would find that much more attractive than what he's doing now. Instead of writing a book about Charlottesville, which only his enemies will read for the purpose of attacking it, he could have read a dozen books on dating and relationships and even if he concluded every word of them was utter nonsense, he would at least be better informed about what he was complaining about. But all of those things would require that Jason Kessler one, think about how others perceive him, chew, care about those perceptions, three, change his behavior accordingly, four, exert effort toward the above. All of which is completely out of the question for Jason Kessler. As far as he is concerned, the height of his accomplishments are his complaints about other people. He aspires no higher than this and refuses to even consider any other course. So if Jason Kessler believes he is capable of doing nothing higher than complaining on the internet, well that's one thing that I see no point in arguing with him about. That seems like a pretty accurate assessment. And if that's true, then it's no surprise that nobody wants anything to do with women leastable. 217-688-1433. If you would like to be on the program and I'm going to more you talk to less than I have to, so please do give us a call. I'll play another clip and rest these chords here before I come back and we'll do some news. Hopefully you guys get on the phone. I would love to talk to you. 217-688-1433. I clip this today, you know what? This is an old clip, but I haven't played it a long time. This was actually, I got mentioned on Dave Smith's podcast. I think this is in 2019. And so I play the clip from that podcast where I mentioned, and then I go on a bit of a tirade about what's discussed. And for some reason, my sound app keeps crashing today. So I'm waiting for the sounds to load. I was going to just play the clip, and now I'm giving you this extended introduction that's taken too long because the sounds are still loading because I have many of them. I emailed the developer of this application. He's a swell guy and he's going to be issuing a new version pretty soon and hopefully it'll work better because I'm really upset about this right now. One of these, I spent much of the morning on the Christopher Cantwell. Tell him, no, I just played this. That's not what I wanted to play. The one I wanted to play was this one. Why, when they're so marginalized, would you shine a spotlight on them and give them all of this street cred of being the anti-establishment group? I mean, it's almost as if you want them to be bigger because you think you can run against that. But just like with Donald Trump, when they had those WikiLeaks release those emails, said that Hillary Clinton was asking the MSNBC to play more of Trump because she thought he'd be the easiest guy to run against. Be careful what you wish for. And fucking be careful what you wish for, man. That's been my fucking thing with the left for a while now in America, but particularly the elements of the left that are obsessed with white nationalism everywhere. Be careful with that shit. Be careful because you want that to be your enemy because it's easy to smack down right now. Be careful. You don't actually want that to be your enemy. You really don't actually want that to be what the opposition movement is. And right now it's not, but you know, watch out because if it was, it's a way more dangerous force than you're fucking prepared to deal with. This is the 30 second episode of the 5th stage of the program. Today is May 3rd, 2019. It's a current year. It's finally Friday and we are coming alive once again for the radical agenda studio in Can you hands you a well. A listener had notified me of my name being brought on Dave Smith's podcast, part of the problem. We've had Dave on his show before and I've been on his. Dave is a libertarian of Jewish ancestry and a stand up comic, but other than that, he's a pretty good guy. They were talking about my being featured in Joe Biden's campaign announcement, Ed, which led to a broader discussion on the race baiting politics of the left and the state of what was the alt right. It's too bad Dave doesn't respond to my emails these days is they're talked touched on some subjects. I've been contemplating myself than I would have loved to discuss to the subject with him. Instead, I'll talk a bit about it here. Welcome to chime in Dave. I know you listen. Dave and his co-host remarked about the seeming insanity of bringing up a relatively obscure podcaster such as your humble correspondent as a presidential campaign issue. Why would the top Democrat presidential candidate be harping on Charlottesville so long after the fact, especially given that Trump had literally nothing to do with the event. Even Bernie Sanders has a good sense to realize that the Democrat party will lose if they have nothing to run on, but Trump. White nationalism they observed is not exactly the most popular thing in politics today. So it seemed like the left is just completely lost their minds by beating that drum non-stop and perpetually expanding the definition of that term to include everyone who strays from their insane narratives, similarly to how they had done with the term racist a long time ago. Dave expressed the very legitimate concern that drawing attention to us was normalizing our cause and might actually make it more popular. It would seem that if one wanted to stop Christopher Kentwell in the radical agenda from gaining traction, putting my face and the logo of my show all over TV in a presidential campaign ad would be ill-advised. When one has a deeper understanding of the left, however, their antics are not so easily dismissed. For the average American, white nationalism is most certainly a non-issue. For all the media and sanity about us being some kind of looming terrorist threat and the handful of unhinged nutcases parroting our lines between fed posts to help aid that narrative, you are far more likely to be murdered by black gang members than you are by white nationalists, even if you're a Jew. Everybody knows it is Muslims committing the terrorist attacks and no amount of nonsense published by the anti-deformation league is going to convince a sane American otherwise. Moreover, life would certainly improve for pretty much everybody of white nationalists were able to obtain political power. We would stop the left-wing nonsense that's destroying this country. We would stop wasting military resources on Israeli foreign policy. We would stop the immigration crisis and we wouldn't pull the rug out from people who rely on the government for help. For people who really do think racism is such a huge problem in society, we'll be happy to arrange for a peaceful and amicable separation so they can live under the boot of Jewish power separately from us and never again will those people have to worry about having a white nationalist for their president. It's really a pretty sweet deal for everybody if you think about it. Of course, that reality is why we have to be censored. If anybody found out what white nationalists were actually aiming for, most white Americans in a surprising number of non-whites would be white nationalists. We have to be paid to this some kind of bloodthirsty threat with no reason or truth on our side. Otherwise, we would win in very short order. That's also why more and more people who are not white nationalists are being censored as well, such as Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yeodopolis and Julius Laura Lumer, among others. Anybody who brings up the legitimate issues that we are trying to address will necessarily bring people closer to understanding our aims and for our opponents to remain in control, this cannot be permitted. Of course, the censorship won't work forever and the people in power know that better than anybody. So they ultimately have to resort to more drastic measures. This is why Joe Biden's campaign advertisement referred to the Communist terrorists who attacked our permitted demonstration in Charlottesville as a courageous group of Americans and even went so far as to tacitly acknowledge that they were the aggressors by saying a violent clash ensued without telling the off-repeated lie that we started the fight. Joe Biden wasn't just using Charlottesville as a campaign issue, he was literally calling for violence. Tucker Carlson has made similar remarks to the apparent confusion expressed by Dave and his co-host. Trump is easy to beat. He recently said to one guest as he pondered why Democrats would be throwing away an easy win with insane proposals like to green New Deal open borders and non-stop hatred for the white majority in the lead up to a popularity contest. So what's the point of all this? I have become convinced that the Democrats are just as certain of a violent clash between the extreme right and the extreme left as are the proitarians. The power of the extremes on either end of the spectrum drags the over-ten window toward the more powerful side altering the dialogue in the almighty center to the favor of their moderate counterparts. Understanding this has given the left dominion over his country even during Republican administrations for as long as I've been alive. It is absolutely vital to them that white nationalists be crushed before we can become a real issue because even if one of us never holds elected office our impact on the discourse will deprive them of power. Luckily for them, Republicans panic over appearances. For fear of the Jewish press, they attack their extremist elements as viciously as the enemy does. Democrats are more savvy in this and condone even the most violent criminal behavior so long as it acts in their favor. Republicans can in some sense be forgiven for this since the extreme right has no more learned to cooperate with their moderate counterparts as they have learned to cooperate with us. It is not as if violence could not be used to favor the Republican Party as it has been used to benefit the Democrats such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Unfortunately, and I suspect we can thanks a versus for this, the comparatively minuscule amounts of violence we have seen from the rights in the United States has been senseless and uncontrolled and thus have no help to the party. The looming threat of a permanent Democrat majority in Washington is provoking the violent impulses of white men but they lack competent leadership and thus the power of those impulses goes unharmed. Without direction, that energy inevitably finds some other outlet and when those outlets of street brawls and Democrat controlled cities or shootings at houses of worship, this is profoundly unhelpful to our moderate counterparts who need to in popularity contests on a regular schedule. One at these days, somebody on the right is going to figure out the correct way to do this and then things are going to get really interesting. When the violence favors a Republican party, the party will learn to tolerate it and when white nationalists have a fraction of the support from the GOP and Fox News that Antifa has had from the Democrats at MSNBC, we're going to become the problem they pretend we are now only worse. A world in which it is more dangerous to be a raving left-wing nutcase than it is to where a Maga hat is a world where Democrats cannot bully people into parroting their lies and thus a world where Democrats cannot win elections. All of the energy on the left is being poured into stoking racial tensions and building radicalized echo chambers on mainstream and social media. If they lose the upcoming elections as a result of this madness, that is a worthwhile trade-off if it militarizes their extremist element and a prize white nationalist of influence. If Trump gets a second term but immigration and the leftward drift of our discourse continued to go unabated, he will be the last Republican president anyway. On the other hand, if white nationalists are able to assert themselves in public, then separatist movements will certainly emerge and the productive white folks in this country will extricate themselves from the nightmare world the Democrats have in store for us. A mongrelized country of Democrats without white people to tax is going to collapse in a matter of days and they cannot permit this to happen. I am thus becoming convinced that the Democrats are more than willing to lose the next election. They are far more interested in starting and then winning a civil war. The goal of their antics is geared towards stoking violence and keeping Republicans wary of optics. Through this they can render the right impotent until immigration ends our ability to assert ourselves politically and at the same time prevent us from sufficiently organizing to meet the challenges of the civil war that will necessarily ensue when the average white guy figures out that this was the plan all along. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the radical agenda. Let's to read a couple of super chats here. Honky sends $10. He says, oh slash which is like a salute emoji. Excellent show a few days ago with Invictus. Thank you. I really enjoyed the Invictus show. I probably shouldn't tease too much about it but I think you'll probably see more from Mr. Invictus pretty soon. Tony he sends $50. Great show. Do you think we are going to see some rioting or craziness leading up to the election? Thinking this year may start to get crazy. What do you think? Well, that depends on what the powers that be within the Democrat party perceive their interest to be. In that clip that I just played, I'm speculating that that's what they were attempting to do. Now this is before I went to prison. This is before George Floyd died. They were trying to start a civil war. Then they took the election. They stole the election and they were like, okay, everybody stopped and everybody stopped. Which tells you a couple of things. One is that they could turn that shit off on and off like a light switch. They don't have to, they're not like, oh, well, you know, it's completely outside of our control. As soon as Joe Biden was president of the United States, they were like, cut it out. And then they did, right? Now you still had a handful of fanatics that go out and make some noise but nothing like was going on throughout the year 2020. So if the Democrat party gets to thinking that chaos and disorder are in their best interest, then you can best believe that that's exactly what they'll do. And they'll be aiming to do that before Donald Trump becomes the president of the United States because they'll be they'll be concerned that he'll actually stop them. Right? If he's president and he actually does, you know, issue orders for military personnel to stop the riots, you know, that's only going to happen once or twice before they cut the shit, right? If you go out and you go see people rioting and then what happens is they all go to prison for the next 20 years or people end up dead. Believe me when I tell you what you already know to be the case most likely, the people who are doing this shit are not, you know, brave people, right? These are not, they're not sending their best to borrow phrase, right? They're they're doing this because it's all upside and no downside, right? As soon as they have to face half the strife that we've had to face, they're just not going to do it. And you know, the people who pay for this crap, they're certainly going to know that. Yeah. So it remains to be seen, of course, but those are the circumstances which I believe will dictate the outcome Tony and I appreciate the question. Kowhan doesn't send any money, but he delivers a worthwhile message anyway. He says, free Jacob Goodwin. I agree with that whole heartedly, so I'll repeat that one for free, buddy. 2176881433 if you would like to be on the program. And of course, you don't have to call in during a live show. You can leave me a voicemail at 202-597-386, in which case I'll be happy to play your voicemail on the air and we'll talk about it on the show, like for instance, this one. I mean, it just was just binge watching some Murdoch Murdoch and listening to some Mr. Bond, a free Mr. Bond. He had one of the interest, one of his songs he had, a clip from you where you were inserting a certain group into a news presentation. And just made me reminisce on 2016, 2015, 2016 how there were groups from different sites that were going on Twitter and other social media and posting as a concerted effort to meme information into other spheres of influence. And that has to happen again in this election cycle. Because it seems like we're very scattered compared to what people in our pro, our people, circles are not as a unified group kind of before, Unite the Right. Trying to take that energy that was being taken to physical realm and take it back into the internet now that we have extra little more access. People can try and influence and spread information. It's just, it's difficult without any big names kind of giving people direction from different sites and different groups to kind of have concerted efforts as to change policy. Any thoughts on that? Appreciate it. So I think that what you're saying is a worthwhile point. I mean, the message kind of went in a few different directions. But the idea, I think the overwhelming point here was that in 2016 election cycle, everybody kind of put it all aside and got behind Donald Trump, right? And there was a lot of creative energy was put into that, which resulted in the meme war. And the meme war was great for a lot of reasons. But primarily, I think that you could sum it up to say that all of these creative energies were working in the same direction. And putting aside their own crap. And that's part of the reason that I'm enthusiastic about Donald Trump now, right? Like, I'm not so much enthusiastic about Trump as it is that I want people to get behind something. You need a banner under which to unite, right? And what you've had since Charlottesville is like, okay, all these groups disintegrate. They start some new groups. And the movement hasn't found its footing again, right? They're actually more concerned with subtraction and division than addition and multiplication, which is the opposite of how you're supposed to do politics, right? That's not political activity. That's a joke. It's not what serious people do when they're involved in politics. Okay? They're trying to increase their numbers, not scream. You're not pure enough and get rid of them. That's not how you win a political contest. It's the exact opposite of what you do. Which is not to say that there's no room for discrimination, right? I mean, obviously, there's people that you can't work with and you wouldn't want to work with them. But this thing that like, oh, our biggest problem is what Mike Cernovich, like it out here, your biggest problem is Donald Trump. Donald Trump's the closest thing that you have to a solution. But the people who are more interested in defeating Donald Trump than in defeating the left, they're basically demonstrating motives that are not necessarily aimed at improving the situation. It's why I end up calling them accelerationists even if they deny it. There's one way that you could try to reduce the problems that we're about to face. That is to deprive the Democrat Party of power. There are other people who believe that that's not a worthwhile endeavor and that what we need is for basically the country to collapse and for the dollar to fail and for all of the ensuing chaos to ensue at which point they have fantasies that they all emerge glorious in combat or something. But I doubt that that's the case for many of them. There needs to be some unifying factor that causes people to put their differences aside. That's real politi. The only way that anything meaningful happens in politics is as a consequence of the alignment of diverse interests. That's what happened in the 2016 election cycle that you had like normie conservatives in the alt-right and various other elements say libertarians. All like okay we're going to get Donald Trump into the White House come what may. The goal here is not my ideological project. The goal here is the defeat of the Democrats. That's a popular goal. When I started planning surreal politics I was like yeah we're just going to blame everything on the Democrat Party and people are like yeah that's dumb that's not radical what are you talking about but what that does is you go attack the Jews and there are people who will defend the Jews and it'd be like you're a monster because you're attacking the Jews. As a matter of fact very few people are going to call you a monster for attacking the Democrat Party. Even people within the Democrat Party will not really stand up very vigorously for the party because that makes them look like partisans. When you are trying to accomplish a goal that necessarily involves the participation of others trying to find a thing that can facilitate that cooperation is really the goal I think. I think the meme war was evidence of that and that's how we were able to consolidate all of that power and then everything just went to shit afterwards and it's worth picking that apart and learning about it as a means of identifying future and more durable strategies of attack and I don't think that enough people are doing it. There seems to be a prevailing idea and the nationalist movement that whatever we did not we didn't go hard enough or something and I'm like now you have no evidence of that at all. There's no evidence of that at all. Hi Chris. Yeah I just got to listen to your show. I think you could talk a little bit about something I've been saying for a while and that's prison. You know I was in prison as well. Seven and a half years in a large state. It's a bad DUI accident. There was some years ago but you ever notice how the Jews or whoever runs the mass media news entertainment want to make white men afraid of prison gangrate. I don't know about you but I never saw any of that in there. As a matter of fact you stick with your own kind. You're good to go and I'll say something else about prison. You know sometimes I miss it. I used to tell a girlfriend that and she says you're crazy but you know I came out of better man you know I didn't have to work every day. I didn't have to pay bills. That was my family hurt. Yeah my kids was hurt. They were hurt bad but as for me personally every morning out in the yard working out you know being able to pursue any intellectual pursuit you wanted to pursue a read whatever you want recreational reading well not anything you want to guess but and socially why I mean I never had so many so many guys talk to you know drinking coffee and telling lies I'm sure you know a little bit about it so anyway that's what I got it's a radical agenda right so that's my radical agenda prison can be liberating. Well well put friend I got to tell you I've been meaning to play that I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it. A lot of truth in what the guy said there um you know one thing that stands out to me it actually just occurred to me as I was listening to this now I've told you before that there was a couple of guys who were in disciplinary segregation when I left that prison who were accused of um running around with shivs trying to coerce sexual favors out of other prisoners and two of the guys who were in there for that like came in my cell and threatened me once um it stands out to me as I think about this that the guy who made the accusation was actually was a white kid who had found himself involved with the Muslims and therefore he was not you know he ceased to be white at that time functionally and then he fell out with the Muslims and he was hanging out with nigger gangbangers and the accusation is that those nigger gangbangers then turned around and tried to make them suck their cocks whatever now I heard it said that he uh they had done this to other people but he's the one who went to the cops and so yeah you know if you're you know two of the guys who were accused of trying to you know coerce sexual favors out of prisoners came myself fucking threatened me but they didn't follow through on that fucking threat and we actually like we we paved it over you know uh I stuck with my guys they understood that to fucking put their goddamn hands on me would have been a bigger fucking problem than they felt like dealing with you know and so I have no idea the veracity of the allegations against them it might be a false one I'm just saying um the idea that it could be liberating or that like you might miss it that's very familiar to me you know you do some time in prison which you realize is everybody has this idea that I've said many times the worst part about going to jail or prison is realizing that you can do it okay most people have this idea in their heads like oh I can't do x y and z because I might go to prison when you've been to prison it's a completely different calculation it's like okay well yeah I can do this and I might go to prison now I have to decide whether or not I'll do it anyway right it's better not to have your thoughts complicated in that way it's better to just exclude from your range of options anything that might send you to prison and I want to stress that a lot don't start thinking yeah well I could go to prison it will really complicate your life don't think that way if you can avoid it but if you've been to prison you actually can't help but think that way I don't think I think that I think probably everybody who's been in that position probably knows what I'm talking about because being there is easy people think prisons hard it's not like you know I try not to emphasize that so much because I don't want people to think that prison is easy because you don't want to go there it's not it's not going to improve your life for fucking sure but while you're there you don't really have any responsibilities right and so I'm just going to come bring your fucking food to yourself three days a week three three times a day unless you're going and you know going to a place to eat you know the worst case scenario is they're bringing you a food to your cell three times a day because you're in disciplinary segregation or something that's when you're in trouble you still get your food three times a day right you're never going to have to worry about sleeping outside you know there's violence but there's cops all over the place you know you call you getting a you getting a conflict in a real world you dial 911 you you might be sitting on hold for five minutes before you talk to the operator and then the operator's got to call the cops and then the cops have to drive to where you are prison you scream for help help is common most likely and it's right there there's cops all over the place you know and so like you know in a lot of ways prisons easier than being on the outside you don't have to worry about meeting financial obligations you are protected in whatever limited capacity the protection is there if you if you are scared of the people that you're around you go into protective custody and then you'll just be you know your neighbors will be fucking pedophiles and rats but whatever you know you're gonna be safe so you know you just want to read some books and not worry about shit prison prison will accomplish that and if you if you got a few bucks you know you can buy comforts from the commissary and if you don't particularly care about your diet then you know you're gonna be eaten crap you know if you're buying from the commissary for the most part but if you're somebody who eats crap on the outside same difference whatever you know so you know I wouldn't want to promote the idea that prison can be liberating but for anybody who's been there I know they know exactly what that guy's talking about and if you're if you you know you get out of prison and like you know I'm not complaining about my reentry I think I've had it pretty good so far as these things are concerned but I know a lot of other people have a really difficult time with reentry right you go from that environment where you actually don't have any responsibilities and everything is you know provided to you by the government and then you get out and you're expected to go work for a living and you have this you know this criminal record hang over your head and you know depending on how long you've been locked up like the skills necessary to perform the job that you were doing before might not apply anymore you know I today I listen to my own clip the the you know from of some consequence we're talked about the masking thing and I remember it stood out to me that you know I mentioned in that clip that I missed the whole COVID-19 thing right I was not I don't I'm not immersed in all the changes that happened in America as a consequence of COVID-19 I was in prison the whole time and so you know some of these things have had to be explained to me as I've re entered society if you're like you've done 10 years like if you had a computer related job and you did 10 years in prison the whole technology's all changed doing the show a lot has changed in the last three years and so like you can have a really difficult time like you know getting back into society and one thing you know with absolute certainty is that you can go back to prison and all of your expenses will be met and if you're not if you're not a fucking monster you know being a burden on other people is like something that you really want to avoid you know and a lot of people when they get out of prison they have to be a burden to the people who care about them you know and so like if you're a guy who is averse to that and your only option is to you know beg your parents your girlfriend or your wife or somebody else for money and you're like I can't do that you know a lot of guys go back to prison and every you know there's a lot of speculation about why that is but it's 100% certainly the case that's some number of them are probably a bigger percentage than most people would guess they want to go back they definitely want to go back to prison they go out and they commit crimes and they get caught and you think oh well he's a dumb criminal maybe he is but I'll tell you what don't be so certain that it was an accident for all of these people it was definitely not for like a very large percentage of them possibly the majority of them right so you know yeah I think that what you said is a really sound buddy hello there calling follow up to my initial voicemail mostly because I believe it was taken incorrectly and then also I want to put a fine point on it that might allow you to address answer it more so I listen to I don't have a transcript in front of me that Google usually gives me a transcript but when people run out the entire three minutes sometimes it fails to do that so one a tip if you're gonna call me a voicemail try to keep it under three minutes it's to play a three minute voicemail is first of all sometimes tedious and secondly that often causes the transcription mechanism in Google Voice to fail so just that tip first thing he's he left me a voicemail that I played on the show he left the first voicemail on February 22nd and he had asked about T.R.S. and their arguments for giving up on politics and I responded in part by saying like don't try to put me in conflict with the other podcasters please you know and I take that pretty seriously because there's a lot of people who try to do that if I came across saying that that was the intent of this guy let me just acknowledge that I actually didn't have a whole lot of evidence that that was his personal intent okay I'll let him you know speak for himself now but I wanted to get that out of the way hello there calling follow up to my initial voicemail mostly because I believe it was taken incorrectly and then also I want to put a fine point on it that might allow you to address as answered more fully so mine was the question about a compare contrast between the T.R.S. style solution to politics versus what you're proposing as the march through the institutions first to address I was not bringing that up to start some kind of infighting as it sounded when you addressed it you know just because someone is suggesting that you compare contrast something and get your take on that there certainly does not mean I was suggesting you attack some sort of alternative perspective but really to address its points and then you made it very for a point that you said well I can't go back and listen to everything T.R.S. has done it to be clear I don't mean T.D.S. I mean the the right stuff network so I'll put a fine point on it you were on with Jess hands McFeels you were on a show called Fascination and on there there's a pretty heated exchange and admittedly on your part it was intense but on Jess hands part it was heated and so now admittedly there's a little more heat than light in that conversation I'm just looking for the light now that the heat has dissipated I'm looking for the light of that situation maybe you could spell out your advancing through the institution solution versus what Jess has McFeels show you were on what he was suggesting which seemed to be more of a like a parapolitics type of thing like well we're going to be adjacent to politics forcing changes through group pressure we show up somewhere we do activities we backfill set activities with propaganda later and then we gain some wins that way much like the governor of Idaho who was finally required to address the situation with the chemical spill after a trained irrelevant that being example of what they claim to be a win using their parapolitics method and maybe even you can call it parallel politics method and you're talking about more so insinuating yourself into a political system which you yourself have tried and you've mentioned your failures by supposing suggesting that it could be done better and that's what I'm looking for is how could that be done better what are what are the how to's you're the most practical person doing a podcast today in the right wing post-alt-right dissidents for you or whatever the help people call it and so I was just looking for a mechanistic way okay so he ran out the three minutes but I think he got his point across and sir you know what that's a fair critique that you know I did not have any evidence that that was your intent so I'll clarify just once again that there are people who do this and I have to operate on the assumption generally speaking that they're operating on that intent because I have no way to discern your intent right and so that's that's why I tend to react to these things this way I'm basically trying to discourage a behavior okay and so I appreciate your clarification of the point and in particular you know the the the episode of bash the nation with jazz hands make fields that I was on after I got out of prison it was it was not a very productive exchange and I think that jazz hands ended up coming out of that looking pretty bad you know the you know look we have a two-party system in the United States okay that's that's what a winner take all election model is if there's one winner and you know one winner and any number of losers then you have a two-party political system okay that's the constitution of the United States which jazz hands was saying during that episode was oh this left-right divide this idea that you you can um you know win elections by attacking your political opponents it's something called thinkal think and it was something that came that some Jewish guy named thinkalstein came up within the 60s well that's nonsense okay the the constitution of the United States was written much prior to the 1960s and to the best of our knowledge they're mostly not Jews who are writing it so that's not what creates the two-party political system the the constitution of the United States creates this and the idea that you can get people to vote for you by attacking your politics was not invented in the 1960s by some Jew it's just common sense it's human nature that you know it's a lot easier to destroy things than to build things it's a lot easier to be negative than to be positive calling out the other guys flaws is a lot easier than making yourself appear good why everybody in politics does this okay and it's and it's not limited to the two-party system right it got the guys you know we were just playing I was just reading from Jason Kessler where he's literally making up fucking stories about me and taking and putting a spin on true things and and taking the lies other people told and then spinning them further okay why does he do that well because he doesn't have a fucking like to stand on first of all but more to the point it's just the easier thing to do the easier thing to do is to attack the messenger all right and so like there's times to do that such as when you need to appeal to the lowest common denominator so so as to get the most people on your side and there are times not to do that which is when you're trying to win in an intellectual contest right if you're trying to impress impressive people you don't do that you're trying to impress the greatest number of people most people are not very impressive and that's why you do that okay and that's not something a Jew came up within the 1960s that is as old as human behavior if you listen to the episode with me and jazz hands what what becomes conspicuous to the person who's paying attention to the exchange there is that he's not actually responding to what I'm saying in Europe you have a parliamentary government with you know proportional representation loosely speaking I bring this up some people say it's not proportional representation because these things interfere with it but fundamentally it's what it's it's designed to be okay you vote for a political party the political party gets a certain number of seats in the in the legislature and those seats are distributed distributed in proportion to the total number of votes cast and the votes for your candidate or for your party it's not the candidate and in that way a minority political party gets to wield political influence in a European country or in any country with the parliamentary system of government even if it's a small amount of political power that stands in contrast to a two party political system which is what inherently a winner take all model is you do not vote for the Republican party for the United States House of Representatives you vote for a candidate in your district and so like a minority political party actually can't do anything in that form of government in politics all right we'll get to what you can do outside of politics in a minute but you're you're actually not a political party if you're a minority political party in a two party system in a winner take all election model because you will lose 100% of the time the whole entire point is to be the majority and if you can't be the majority there's nothing you can do in politics so I I referred to them as Pino's parties in name only okay and that's what the National Justice Party was it's the same thing for the the traditional worker party and I never had a problem with the T W P okay I didn't like all their ideas or whatever but like you know they made some poor leadership decisions I think it fair to say but you know I wasn't like yeah fuck these guys you're you're interfering with the political system what I was saying about that component of it is that you're actually not a political party so maybe you know whether you want to portray yourself as such fine but don't tell me that you know joining the NJP is a solution to our political problems because it's actually not okay um he gave the example when the guys went to Palestine Ohio and they you know Eric Striker confronted the governor and then you know and then action was prompted and then you know the people who are favorable to the NJP they credit the NJP with this okay I could argue about how much influence they had but there's no reason to really do it let's just say that they're right great you and a bunch of guys got together made some noise and got a politician to act congratulations you know sincerely it I don't mean that sarcastically like great work good what about participating in politics prevents you from doing that the answer is nothing right if you're participating in politics and you're building an organizational structure if you're participating in something that's actually designed to wield government influence there's nothing preventing you from going out and engaging in respectable activism right what it prevents you from doing is abandoning all concern for how you're perceived by other people okay and there was nothing about the Ohio thing that really did that okay what what what is prohibited when you're involved in you know actual political activity is doing things that are going to make you very unpopular okay if you're going to go out and say you know the Jews did 9-11 or whatever you know take your offensive racial theme what you're going to do is you're going to push away a lot more people than you're going to pull in and there's good reasons to avoid that right so if you want to participate in politics you can do all the things that are not participating in politics and participate in politics if you're going to do things that are like explicitly hostile to politics you're going to say my goal is to destroy the Republican Party well everybody who doesn't want chaos and disorder is going to oppose you in that right destroying the Republican Party does not mean the NJP gets to run the government that that means that the Democratic Party gets to run the government and then the country gets destroyed and then you're going to be dealing with not with the NJP but you'll hope that Patriot Front or somebody you know is a lot more powerful than they presently look right because you're going to need a militarized movement to go and take to the streets and kill people that's what you're going to need if that happens and I don't I am unaware I am sincerely unaware of any force like that on the right and you don't want to be figuring that out after the chaos ensues okay so you know one of the things that jazz hands said on that thing was well what we need is a mass movement and I've heard Mike Enoch say this too what is that other than saying if more people agreed with me I'd get what I want and the answer is it is nothing other than that that's actually not a sophisticated thing to say that's not a unique claim your political ideas are not unique or special or more likely to succeed as a consequence of you pointing out that you need more people to agree with you that's an empty statement and what I have observed is that in the vast majority I'd say upwards of 90 percent of the people who are advocating against political activity and that's just all I can say about what I have observed not saying that everybody who advocates against political activity is completely shallow and without substance to what they're saying but almost all of what I have heard from that circle is empty it's that empty it's things like we need a mass movement that is an empty statement there's nothing unique or special about that everybody who wants everybody who wants to accomplish something politically wants more people to agree with them so you know those are basically my recollections from the thing with jazz hands and you know which jazz hands did and that is also extracted because you know he's he's basically thinking that he can talk over his guest on the show and yell at me and and overpower what I'm saying and he definitely can't do that right he he made himself look bad during the course of that and I say that with all sympathy to jazz hands I don't want you know I don't want him to fail right I'm confident that he came to recognize this afterwards himself you know in the course of a podcast the goal ought not be to cater to the lowest common denominator okay you're you're actually in the intellectual arena with somebody at that point and you actually your ideas actually have to win out you can't just talk over the other guy and be more powerful it doesn't work that way and if you do that then actually what you're demonstrating is that your ideas actually don't stand up to scrutiny right and that that turned out to be the case right wasn't it wasn't I don't know how many months later it was but it was less than a year from then until the collapse of the NJP right and I'm not celebrating that but that's what happened right like I mean it was completely predictable that that was going to be the outcome of it because you're trying to do things that you know you actually can't do right you're you're you're you're positing yourself as you know something that you're not and then it that doesn't work out the people who are willing to aid you in that deception turn out to be people of poor character it's like you ever seen the movie casino and there's a line from that movie I forget the exact I don't have the text in front of me here but the idea being like if somebody's helping you steal he's going to steal a little bit for himself right doesn't matter if you take care of him you're stealing so he's like oh well you know as long as we're stealing I might as well steal a little extra and Joe Pesci talks about this is like this is the obvious consequence of the thing and he says the boss is back home they don't understand this and so they want to go and kill everybody who's stealing from them and Pesci essentially making the argument that that's a futile endeavor because if you're you know somebody's helping you steal you it's not you could do about it you could go kill those guys you hire other people to steal from you they're gonna steal too so that's the consequence of working with thieves and so if you're trying to like push a deception if you're going out and you're saying things that are untrue then the people who are involved with you and doing that are going to be people who are not uncomfortable saying untrue things in public and what did you see in the collapse of the NJP guys are violating their non disclosure agreements guys are attacking each other personally is this they're behaving like Jason Kessler fundamentally that the guys who they were best friends with yesterday who paid their salaries and who were their allies and they said nice things about in public then they want to come out and air all the dirty laundry that happened over the last few years and as a matter of fact the dirty laundry the so-called dirty laundry that's being aired is actually not that dirty come to think of it right they're you're telling you what people's salaries are shit and they're not obscene they're what you would expect to pay competent professionals in the context that they were in as a matter of fact it's a great bargain compared to what you would pay competent professionals so these these are people who could have better careers they're choosing not to they're being paid a sum that is less than they could earn in the private sector and some guys airing that information in violation of a non disclosure agreement why because you're working with people who are comfortable working with you to perpetrate a fraud in the public that's what the ex that's the expected outcome of doing that and so you know if you're if you're engaged in that kind of activity those are people you're going to be surrounded by and then when things go south which they will bells will be the consequences you know and i don't take any pleasure in it i'm not cheering for the downfall the trs guys i'm not a hater not one of these guys and um if the njp it just you know remained an activist group and behave more like the twp minus the cuck boxing or whatever i'd had no problem with them um but you know that's what happened so to your point my friend again i didn't mean to attack your character i think that you meant well i appreciate that you did and uh thank you very much for a very uh uh helpful voicemail which got me right to the end of the show which is good because nobody called me today and i'm going to shut the phones down right now as a consequence of that and uh we'll do that and boom there we go and so ladies and gentlemen we do this every friday at 9 30 pm uss in time if you're listening on some of the platform or some of the at some of the time i'm adding about you to join us for the live program get us on odyssey uh get us on the email list to get me radio app for your smart phone you can listen to it on by the way lots of ways to listen to the live show and i would encourage you to do it um you should also definitely consider paying me for this because i'm so good at it and uh you know you recall what i said before about the competent professionals making less than they could otherwise i'm raising my hand for those of you who are on the who are on the audio only feeds uh i stand out amongst these people you know my highest salary was was you know i was approaching i think my my formal salary at my highest position was sixty five thousand dollars a year in the year 2006 and then i got bonuses on top of that okay um so that was you know that was a pretty respectable amount of money for a guy at my career level in 2006 if i had stayed in that business instead of coming into here you know i'd be upwards of two hundred thousand dollars a year in my career by now okay i'm very good at what i do now and i have skills not pertaining to this that i could use um those of you who have paid me lots of money already i'm not bothering you you're great i love you thank you for everything that you've done those of you who are you never paid me a cent become a surreal politics dot com premium member it's ten hours a month you can get it for six seventy a month you get thirty three percent off for your first three months if you go to surreal politics dot com slash join and you use a promo code agenda thirty three and if you use code agenda thirty three then you get the first three months of thirty three percent off six dollars and seventy cents and then on your fourth month it'll renew at ten bucks a month that is a reasonable thing for me to request the average person to do if you can afford it and you can't afford it but you know if if you can go and spend you know i went to burger king the other day and i got a combo meal i'm embarrassed to admit this but i did it i haven't had burger king since i've been home and i was like oh burger king i haven't had that in a long time so when i got a bacon king combo with a large fry it was like thirteen dollars what the hell happened uh... so you know if you're gonna go buy a combo meal at burger king or you're going to finance this production for half that that is a more reasonable thing for you to do um if you're somebody who's you know better off and you want to become you know i i got to figure out exactly how to organize it but i you know i thought about you know there's some people who have contributed over a hundred dollars a month to the show for periods of time and those people need to be you know they don't want their names published obviously but you know i need to recognize them in some way i was thinking about like my heavy hundred look when i talk about the fundraising goals of my productions like i have this number in my head if i can get ten thousand dollars a month and that allows me to hire somebody else not really have to worry so much about money um you know that can be a thousand people giving me ten bucks or that could be a hundred people giving me a hundred bucks and i don't give a fuck how i get there what i care about is that you know this show on the revenues that it makes including superchats just barely pays all of the bills okay i don't have like any extra money and when i do have a little bit extra money i basically always spent it on like upgrading equipment and stuff if this show has a more comfortable operating budget and i can hire one person to help me things are really going to change very rapidly um and that if i just had one other person working as hard as me the the whole entire dynamic of the thing changes dramatically and so you know whether you're somebody who can afford to give me ten dollars a month or you're somebody who can afford to give me a hundred dollars a month you know if there's something that i'm not offering you that i could offer you to obtain that please let me know chrisfer can't well that net slash contact i'm an easy guy to get a hold of you might have gathered and so i'd love to hear from you and with all of that out of the way ladies and gentlemen i'm going to call tonight i hope you have a great weekend i really do i hope you have a great great weekend and then after that's all over you join me monday where i'm uh decidedly better be paid for surreal politics at 9 30 p.m and then if you become a member by then then you know you can join us for your first live member chat on wednesday and i think you know i'm gonna start doing um i mentioned on telegram that like i did some omega stuff i was not there to write home about frankly and so i think maybe i'll just start doing the omega stuff offline and whatever's not complete and total crap i'll upload that maybe as like uncensored paywall content to chrisfer kit well dot net because your surreal politics membership i think i mentioned it a couple of times you know you get the surreal politics membership you get every access to everything on the network which right now is just surreal politics chrisfer catwall dot net and full house members dot com the full house guys are great you know their content is awesome um but the goal of course is to bring other people under the banner and i and like we'll get to what is all involved in that you know and i should mention awesome i have these t-shirts you're looking at me wearing this thing there's still a bunch of them uh i'm out of large but i have extra large mediums small i have hats and hoodies and all types of shit mouse pads surreal politics dot com slash shop is where you find all those things and they're a great buy they're really great so chrisfer camp well dot net will tell you how to uh fork over your shackles in other capacities gipsengo dot com slash spm is the uh the gipsengo gipsengo dot com slash spm like surreal politics media uh my my cash shop i love that cash out things it's just it you know as the name implies just money that i can spend right away the cash tag is uh dollar sign edgy chris and that's just great just go ahead send me some cash and then i'll spend it um that'll be great give some me some cash up i like that shit got all the bitcoin minero all that stuff if you got some obscure crypto you want to get me i'll fucking figure out how to do it just tell me what corn you need i'll give you an address and we'll go from there ladies and gentlemen have a good weekend good night that's it it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked america you know what do you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps for the enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about their bad actions what they want to do here is ramp their radical agenda down your throat this is great americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a life here but of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second what do you say to me