but it is working indeed okay so with that said enthusiastically uh... we're happy to tell you that this shows about to begin ladies and gentlemen indeed it is and so i'll go ahead start the local recording and with the local recording how having begun will go check in on and culture that's it it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked america you know what you call people you can't talk to enemies if we want to divide our society armed camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to laugh to push a racial and radical agenda implemented their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad efforts what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a blanket but of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda the second line on what they welcome to the radical agenda to show about timeless ideas and news today and whatever's on your mind at 217 six eight eight one four three three yes this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it this 51st episode of the six-stage of the program today is January 19th, 2024 be in the current year it's a Friday is usual and we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location where uh... what's going on i you know that if you've been keeping up you might have heard me say a whole bunch of times you know i took a bit of time where i cared not to pay any attention to the news at all it was boring repetitive and far from plausible what comes across the wires airwaves in printing press still defies belief in large part but perhaps in some measure as a consequence of the now in full swing presidential election season it can hardly be described as boring lately when islamis took to their most useful habit and began slaughtering juz in israel the informed observer had to anticipate the reaction would be sweeping the juz state began a campaign of ethnic cleansing in the neighboring Palestinian territory particularly invoking the so-called holocaust and condemning all critics as anti-semites this is what passes for boring in my view these days since juz earning enmity and then feigning surprise as old as the juz themselves things get interesting when the conflict spreads beyond the local dispute israel has now bombed lebanon and syria in pursuit of alleged militants though over decidedly different subject matter pakistan and aron have each recently conducted strikes within the other's borders american warships are in the region supposedly with the intent of preventing precisely what we are witnessing nonetheless occur while there they've taken the opportunity to launch air strikes into Yemen against what have been called houthi rebels if you in case you haven't been keeping count that seven countries in some state of military conflict all within striking distance of one another call it eight if you are among those who recognize palestine as its own state as a point of reference though noting other countries had smaller roles the encyclopedia the encyclopedia britannica lists nine main combatants for world war one and eight for world war two so if you keep in mind that there is a war going on between ukraine and russia and that all nato's signatories are in essence undeclared combatants you know with this is our frame of reference it is hardly unreasonable to say that world war three is well underway despised the so-called deep state all you want but at a time like this i take some comfort to know that joe biden is not actually calling the shots those surely preferable to think that we have some measure of control over our own government so long as there are go we are going to be so long as we are going to be saddled with fraudulent elections inundated with foreign voters in curse with a population dumb enough to believe what it reads in the New York Times it is a comforting thought that the people who are killing us might at least care enough for their own survival to limit the damages they rapidly escalate multiple armed conflicts among nuclear belligerence i took notes small amusement recently to see a social media comment in which a listener stated that trump's election would amount only to war with a wrong a narrow view if i've ever seen one much happens during a presidency of course wars not least of all it might go without saying but if in the course of a four-year term war with a wrong would be the only trouble a president got us into that might be seen as a form of success given the things the way things are going today while in a vacuum war with a wrong is undesirable in the extreme and given an upper-down choice of war or no war i choose no war ten out of ten times we however do not reside in a vacuum and such ideas are useful only as thought exercises the question before us today is not whether or not the candidate you vote for will get us into a war with a wrong the question is better asked whether or not the next president of the united states will be the last to hold that once honorable title will Joe Biden prove capable of navigating the ongoing third-world war will niki hailey show more or less enthusiasm for armed conflict than donald trump will run to santa show more fortitude in the face of israeli coercion then he has mustered as the governor of the state of florida in the end only death is certain though one is unlikely to lose if he bets on the perpetuation of taxes as well one thing commonly perceived as among the more serious downsides of war is the power it tends to place in the executive branch presidents can literally get away with murder when it ranks among their top duties to kill large numbers of people and when that is one's frame of reference it hardly seems sensible to fuss over more trivial abuses given that world war three is in fact upon us it hardly seems sensible to quibble over what wars donald trump would or would not start it might be seen as a very substantial upside that he's talking about editing the wars that are happening now but the same observer must note that this would be challenging in the extreme and understand that presidents frequently break much less ambitious campaign promises than this and so i got to be using to myself about what upside might be gained from a war time trump presidency which went well with a story on the domestic front while investigating a supposed insurrection in which none of the more than 1200 people charged have been met with that particular legal challenge the fbi set out one of the more ambitious dragnets in law enforcement history a corporation called key bank drew up for them a list of keywords and patterns that might or might not help them track down participants in the january six capital riot to include any references to maga or shopping at bass pro shops these patterns were distributed to financial institutions who were then asked to rat out their customers to the federal government without so much as a strongly worded letter much less a subpoena from the fbi with enthusiasm they did just this presently republican lawmakers are making hay of that they have a they have a committee formed on the weaponization of the federal government and this is among the war prominent examples of abuse they purport to be seeking to end in my view that's hardly seem sensible with power so soon to change hands in a town hall with shan had a troupe was asked if he would be a dictator is president he joked that on his first day he would act dictatorial to jumpstart american energy production but aside from this now of course i'd not be a dictator and predictably left this media took the headline that trump would in fact become a dictator and had said so much on national television before a live studio audience to their applause telling Lee this has done nothing to diminish trump's popularity one media outlet the young church posted a video on which activists posing as reporters asked i will caucus goers if they would prefer trump dictatorship or a democratic body presidency though the exact numbers are difficult to discern from the activist stunt men and women young and old all said plainly that trump would make a fine dictator and some went so far as to note that such things have become necessary from time to time in the course of human events most republicans in nearly half of americans as a whole agree with donald trump that migrants are quote poisoning the blood of this country despite the hysterical cries from the media and fighting campaign comparing this to the words of out of Hitler most of the world is betting against american democracy according to politico and none of this is without cause of course in september of two thousand twenty three pbs published a story titled a half century after pinochet's coup some chalayans remember the brutal dictatorship fondly as far back as two thousand fifteen i published an article at christopher can't well dot net now currently available as members only content titled more popular than democracy in american coup d'état and on this subject i stated the following if you woke up tomorrow morning to find out that the president of the united states have been arrested congress had been disbanded and you now lived under the rule of a military dictatorship how you feel elated frightened angry indifferent would you rise up and fight according to a recent poll by you go of twenty nine percent of americans could imagine supporting the us military taking over the powers of the federal government that number increased to forty three percent when they were asked this in the context of the military doing so if quote the federal government began to violate the constitution a condition which arguably has existed since the ratification that document considered this against the election turnout in two thousand twelve only fifty seven point five percent of eligible voters even bothered to show up and only fifty one point one percent of them voted for obama add to this that many voters feel they are simply voting for the lesser of two evils and an american coup d'état may well be more popular than democracy itself if you are like me and consider the current state of affairs to be wholly intolerable this might come as good news to you unless you are also like me in the sense that you actually thought it through for a moment thinking it through today i certainly don't think i'd want mark milleer Lloyd Austin in charge but i am by no means a verse to capable men telling congress where to shove it they rarely provide much in the way of wisdom and their preposterous perpetual pontificating long ago rendered that body a wholly unserious institution the courts have rendered themselves likewise unworthy of our respect stating an essence that anal sex and in fantasize have greater constitutional protections in our laws than speech commerce itself defense so for what purpose would anyone interested in writing the wrongs of the world these days seek to limit the power of the executive at a time like this if the democrats want to say that a president can obtain the financial records of his political opponents round them up charge them with preposterous crimes send them to prison kill them and send the intelligence agencies to sabotage their business and politics and personal relationships then i am all too happy to embrace in adhere to that standard while Donald Trump faces the threats of a world at war the doctrine of the emergency powers as long served as something of a catchal for near anything the president aims to do executive orders and signing statements on legislation and presidential decision directives have all combined with congress's abdication of its legislative authority to regulators to render the presidency a very mighty institution as trump fights to stay out of prison on his road to the white house he argues in the courts that the president is immune from prosecution for anything he does literally anything he argues convincingly that only by impeachment in the house and conviction in the senate can the president be stripped of this immunity and having a unique distinction of being the only president ever to twice face such a tribunal he is better fit than most to speak on the likelihood of such an outcome see you don't have to like trump to see opportunity in this you don't have to think he's on your side you can assume he is a tool of Jews and shares their contempt for his fellow goyem and still find cause for enthusiasm at what might soon come to pass the democrats not to mention the michael connoisse of the world i've set to stage for a racking the likes of which the world has never seen trump knows with certainty now who in washington will and how he has betrayed him he has had four years as president and four years to think about those four years and during those eight years they have tried to destroy everything that he has worked for they have abused him and his family in ways no political actor in the united states ever thought possible they have encouraged his murder and sought his imprisonment they have stolen millions of dollars from him and caused him to spend many millions more fighting off more such thefts if trump acts with absolute disregard for your interests or opinions and focuses single mindedly on preserving his own life liberty and wealth the damage that he will do to the people who hate you the most in the course of that entirely selfish pursuit will bring to you joy and satisfaction like you have never known and which you could not have even dreamed of in the most hopeful days of the year 2016 two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and among you thought the less i have to so please do give us a call and i'll tell you you know there was a lot of talk in 2016 you know god emperor trump was the big joke right and you know it was a joke we didn't really think that you know trump was a deified or at least i did and i you know i don't know about you but you know he uh he he nobody thought that he was going nobody on the right anyway thought he was going to be a dictator but this is being tossed around pretty casually now you know and you've got people we played it on on the caucus night thing on surreal politics forget now if that was a member show or the public one i think it was no it was the it was the mondayshow we just had this and so you know you had people in in Iowa like yeah you know we need a dictator i'm just gonna tell that to the young church on television you know and so you know things have come a long way say you know what i mean and trump is not gonna go in there uh he's not gonna go into the white house the way he went in there in 2016 you know the reason that most people know the name the reason most people know the name niki hailey these days is not because she was the governor of south carolina nobody gave a shit about niki hailey as governor of south carolina same for the guys who were fucker we're gonna get to that that was pretty funny ha ha i didn't know that you know same for the man who a fucker to nobody cared about what she was doing over there in south carolina yeah go ahead get rid of the Confederate flag you stupid brown bitch nobody gets a fuck whatever psi you know seize her as somebody who played ball right наших the u.n. takes her out of the governorship and sure enough tease her up for what she's doing right now she might have had half a chance at if she waited until the next term but she's toast now but he saw right you know he she goes in there she undermines him so now he knows right he you know you might recall this shan had he said over and over and over again after donald trump got elected you need to have a team of rivals mr. president get all the guys who hate you and put them in the cabinet that'll disarm them and you know he did go full bore with that but he he he went up he gave that too much traction say and he learned his lesson he knows you know you know he understands now what the game is right he goes to wash it in 2017 he has no idea but now he's been through it and i got to tell you he's president in 2025 might be better that you had it four years off right like i said in the modelog you know he's had four years to think about it he's been able to watch this happen right that's power that he didn't he wouldn't have had if he won the sat if we won the 2020 election i mean you won it but you know if they counted the votes correctly so i'm saying so he's gonna go in there and he doesn't have to give a shit about you he doesn't have to give a fuck about white people right all he has to do is be fucking pissed at these people right all he has to do is be mad at Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi and your life gets better friend i'm looking forward to this man oh i really am he's going into the courts and say it hey i was president i can't be prosecuted for crimes by the way i want to be president again and there's a pretty high likelihood of that happening so could you go ahead and clarify that i can't be prosecuted before i walk into that office please i'd like you to do that for me supreme court you mind oh oh the power that he would wield right you know i said during his first term you know anybody you know presidents in their first term always are a little bit more cautious than in their second right because they're trying to get reelected once they're in their second term their term limited out they're like all right you know let's have some fucking fun with this thing yeah he's gonna be churn limited out he's got enemies to destroy he's got the supreme court about to say you can't be sent to prison whatever you do go ahead call seal team six and start whacking guys and unless you can get three fours and a senate i think or is it two thirds whatever it is some more than a majority in a case unless you can get a super majority in the senate to convict you they can't convince you a murder if you said seal team six to go whack Hillary Clinton he ain't got to be on your side he ain't got to be looking out for your interest all he has to do is be fucking pissed and you might believe a lot of different things about Donald Trump you might not think he believes everything he says you know i don't know how much to believe myself but one thing i know one thing i know for fucking certain he's fucking mad at all the same people i'm mad at and god have mercy on those fucking people when Donald Trump becomes president of the fucking united states i'm gonna play a little clip from that twenty sixteen election i'll be back in a couple minutes more specifically the Ted Cruz supporters who did first let me start off with a little message to Ted Cruz supporters more specifically the Ted Cruz supporters who did not support Ron Paul in 2012 if you are a Rob Paul guy in 2012 consider yourself excuse from this particular admonishment but if you opposed Ron Paul and now you're calling in to talk radio talking about how Donald Trump is not a constant do us an old conservative then do us all a favor and end your miserable fucking life i don't care if you do it with a rope i don't care if you do it with a gun just don't waste my time with any of these plea for attention took too many pills things or the cliche horizontal wrist slitting like you've never heard the correct way to do this do it right the first time what by all means vote democrat i'm sick of having you in go here at retort in my fucking primaries i don't want to hear another word about Ted Cruz's constitutional credentials if Ted Cruz gave a fucking shit about the constitution he would not have been running around touting the us free to make this some kind of win for liberty in case you're not familiar with that it took the old federal surveillance model where the federal government desasterously tried to store all communication records of everyone in america and essentially half ass privatized it instead of the federal government building these massive data centers and getting their water supply cut off by the state of Utah etc etc they just forced the communications carriers to store your records and give them to the federal government upon demand Ted Cruz voted for this and in a manner that would make George or well frightened he went around simultaneously calling it a win for a win for privacy and saying it expanded the surveillance apparatus of the federal government sorry there Teddy you can't have it both ways and last i checked there was nothing in article one section eight about compelling for rising to spy on me for the federal government so you people had more dirt and blood and constitutional violations on your hands going into this the dental trouble half at the end of his second term if you wanted a constitutional conservative you had Ron Paul but Ron Paul didn't want to run around dropping depleted uranium and every third world shittles you can't find on a map and so you supported me fucking Romney and John fucking McCain so i'm not going to listen to your whining for one more goddamn day all these idiots are still clinging to the foreign policy madness that gave us the Iraq war that's what the whole never trump thing was about that's what took Ted Cruz from long shot underdog to first place loser if you want your wars and your police state and you don't even want to use it to execute the communist amongst us then you're whining about the constitution is no better than that a Barack Obama the Republican party has a presidential candidate and he is going to brutalize Hillary Clinton for the next six months and in November you will go to your polling place and you will vote for him and if you do not then you have no more love of liberty of the constitution then does Bernie fucking Sanders i will not suffer another eight years under Democrat rule so either get on board or lock and load because the time for americans to start shooting was back when the first america tax collector was hired we should have finished that revolution in freed man kind instead of setting up this monocity that rules over us today here's the sad truth ladies and gentlemen i don't like it anymore than you do the constitution is a dead letter it's an ancient text written by dead man who aren't around anymore and in all likelihood at all matter of corruption in their own lives that they weren't exactly anxious to see history record the left doesn't give a fucking shit about the constitution they will use every dirty rotten trick taking conjured to destroy you and if you use the constitution is some kind of excuse not to brutalize your enemies then you're not a principal conservative you're a fucking pussy the modern electoral process is the only shred of supposed adherence to that document that still exists and understand something the smart money is on ending that process too we don't need better or fairer elections we need to end elections this whole democracy thing whether you call it a republic or not is overrated someone with balls is on their way to the highest office on planet earth and if all he does for the next eight years is remind democrats that government is a violent monster then that's just got to have fun with me if he buys the genetic integrity of the united states a little bit more time even better but if you want to run a poll support it don't talk to me about constitutions we had a referendum on that subject in 2012 and you found it against it from that point forward the gloves are off the referees were executed and there are only three objectives in front of us today one two defeat permanently weakened and ultimately destroy the left two stop the systemic extermination of white people from planet earth and three undermining the foundations of democratic government that's it and once we accomplish those goals i am very happy to discuss limited versus no government protectionism versus free trade and i co-capitalism versus national socialism in yada yada yada believe me i think those are all conversations worth having and i consider it very important that my viewpoints win those arguments because i believe they have factual answers but every last drop of energy that every single one of us has must be devoted to stopping Hillary Clinton in november i i know people say this every four years and in some years it may have been true with another's but this election is the most important in mankind's history a Clinton presidency will be our fucking doom we will have nothing left to fight for if she is not stopped so all of you self-important libertarians all you fucks news zombies who think that your bruised fucking ego is more important than our survival either get with the program or get out of my fucking helicopter oh man did we used to have fun on this show boy oh man let me do something real quick wait what is what's going on yeah yada yada yada yada it turned this up a little more yeah there we go all right it's better let's do something real quick before i get to you guys mute that the old radical agenda set man boy do i miss having guns huh huh huh huh you look at that the buckets of loose ammo the clip stacked up on the magazines i should say the revolver and the clock pointed conspicuously at the camera the god kicked the little idol there my cop block badge all the way on the right my baufeng radio and instead of this fancy green screening stuff we've got going on my 32 inch television with fox news on the background the good thing i shaved my head huh if i just kept on trying to pretend that that was really hair i'd be in a lot of fucking trouble huh oh man i'll tell you whoop though boy i gotta i gotta get i gotta get the fuck out of this place i gotta go move into some place where i can start screaming again because that was a lot of fucking fun boy god damn it we have a good time with the show man 217 688 1433 if you'd like to be on the pagram and the more you told the less i have to so please do give us a call let's go check on our stream see if anybody's got anything to say over here get out of my fucking helicopter is right you know and so i'm not gonna read those comments but anyway man we had a lot of fun i just want to watch that clip a hundred times somebody somebody actually i'll i'll point this out to you guys too you know the reason that i had that pulled up somebody found i had republished the blog post on chrisver catwell.net in the members only section and somebody brought it to my attention that the video embed was gone because it was it was a youtube video embed and so you know obviously i have some trouble with youtube video embeds these days you might have heard and so they asked me to go pull the video up and i did and when i heard it i was like man we had a lot of fucking fun on this show i would have a lot of fucking fun in the future too boy you know i uh i think that there's a degree of propriety and a degree of correction but i'm not done not by a god damn lawn shot you know who is done nicky hailey though you know she's so fucking upset this is fucking hilarious so uh you know if you if you listen to the show you probably know you know she's kind of like a warhawk you know so the babelon bee babelon bees got a piece here titled after lackluster showing nicky hailey orders bombing of iowa motivated by a lackluster showing in monday evenings caucus presidential candidate nicky hailey is order the bombing of iowa reports coming in from the ground in the eight hundreds of eligible eligible voters have lost their lives as a result of attacks on key polling locations throughout the state nicky hailey has officially claimed responsibility for the attacks quote there's only one solution to this problem which is the same solution to every problem and that is bombing things nicky hailey reportedly sad as she gave the official go ahead to her personal drone strike team ooh look at the explosions final polling data ahead of the official caucus shows hailey losing to trump which the presidential candidate has emphatically said he is unacceptable according sources polling data motivated her to launch retaliatory attacks against a voter base that despises her support by defense contractors for hailey's presidential campaign has since quadrupled we're all in for team hailey said lucky martin c.e.o david rumsfeld it's so inspiring the way she wants to give us money to bomb people boy do i love bombing people iowans have responded unfavorably to the bombings but fox news reporters confirmed that the diminished iowan population is likely to give her an edge should her candidacy survive to the general election quote the lack of iowa voters will undoubtedly turn the tide related fox news chief political actor brit bear quote some hailey voters may be collateral damage but most of those who hate hailey will no longer be able to vote against her this is a big win for team hailey at publishing time nicky hailey's polling numbers searched a new hamster voters indicating they were planning to vote for hailey out of fear ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah man that's not actually happening in the new hamster voters are rejecting nicky hailey i should issue a correction by the way you know i've stated before that new hamster has open primaries and uh... that was not just me echoing the words of godel trump that was indeed the case i believe at least no later than two thousand twelve um it was pointed out to me in an interview with chris new new on fox news that in order to vote in the republican primary a democrat would have had to change their voter registration either to undeclared or to um or to republican and uh... it as a vokchober of last year okay so i don't want you to think that i'm uh misleading you i understand that people are making that claim about donald trump that was certainly the case it was as to me to declare as a democrat for the purpose of voting i believe it was actually for e and freement and he's like you don't have to actually like be a democrat like you can go in there and you know change your voter registration the same day when when this was asked i was like e and i you know i have my problems with the republicans but i could not be a democrat for five minutes i would not i my integrity would not allow me to for thirty seconds put in writing that i was a member of the democrat party i just couldn't even contemplate such such a such a crazy thing let's check on uh... this call call your the radical agenda with your agenda i'm sorry i'm sorry to all these fucking trump tarz trump has been diagnosed with pedophile disorder there's been over uh uh eight cases where he's paid millions of dollars to minors family it's over thirty million dollars i can name the cases right now people don't notice we can't vote for trump fuck trump a thirteen year old twelve year old ten year old twelve eleven thirteen eleven uh i can name the names it's it's it's people need to know this go ahead fuck so go ahead so with what are the names of the minors that dot on trump paid off to to to keep secret that he was right in the book through his fucking lawyer fixer calling caddy johnson thirteen pending case kelly fewer twelve a million dollars michael parker ten ten million dollars and we're all there twelve sixty million trials vacant eleven three million uh... but back a con way each thirteen five million and and kevin no eleven unknown fuck okay you're uh it just real quick what's what's your name what's what's your name huh what's your name where you my name's mom Montana fuck trump okay and so uh you're somebody from Montana and you're rattling off a bunch of cases where Donald trump has paid millions of dollars to underage teenagers to keep a secret that he's been having sex with them and the democrat party and the left wing media has somehow failed to notify your humble core respond to this okay understand why you would hang up and not want that line of questioning to interfere with your silly little fucking tirade you fucking little creep but it's unfortunate because i would have much preferred to make a fucking fool out of you while you are still on the air then to point out the obviousness of that absurdity you know he's not niki fucking hailey that they cover up for him they cover up for niki hailey like niki hailey as a matter of fact niki hailey is a whore i didn't even know that about her so like she uh you know i can't you know like i said i've said before like i'm not some fucking religious for that i i you know i want somebody go in a god damn white house and go fucking fuck up to people i don't like i don't even care if they do good things i just want them to harm the right people okay so like i'm not you know i know the Donald Trump is not a god damn saint right banging porn stars and shit you know we know all about that one right the one where he paid a fucking adult film star to keep her fucking mouth shut after he fucked her we know all about that one and somehow like see it end was like well we wouldn't want to get him in trouble yeah fucking right but niki hailey i didn't even know about this one and that really really says something okay niki hailey did cheat on her husband michael had affairs with her communications consultant and a married south carolina lobbyist before she became governor according to sworn affidavits and new witnesses per story in the daily mail presidential candidate niki hailey falsely denied cheating on her husband before she became south carolina governor in two thousand ten saying she was one hundred percent faithful now multiple geo p insiders tell the daily mail dot com that they were intimately aware of hailey's infidelity at the time saying it was totally out in the open communications consultant will folks forty nine and lobbyist larry marchand sixty one both signed affidavits in two thousand ten alleging they had a sexual relationship with hailey new witnesses have come forward telling daily mail dot com that hailey's denials of the two alleged two thousand eight affairs are false and that the supposed trists were brazen and widely known among south carolina politico's will folks forty nine and larry marchand sixty one both signed affidavits in twenty ten alleging they had a sexual relationship with the ven south carolina lawmaker before she went on to become governor while the contents of the affidavits were described by major news outlets at the time this is the first time that they have been published outside of folks his own document which he published on his blog which tells you something really really fucked up right so these were not hidden these were not sealed records they were published on some guys fucking blog and so the media's had this the whole time if the media wanted to undermine niki while she was trumps you know ambassador to you and whatever fucking title was they could have done that and they were trying to snipe at every aspect of the trump administration they arrested michael flin they fucking went after everybody in there but niki hailey now we want to interfere with what niki hailey's doing while she works for donald trump hailey fifty one denied both at the time saying she was quote one hundred percent faithful to the father of her two children husband of twenty eight years michael hailey who is deployed within afghanistan with the national garden two thousand twelve hailey now frequently sites him as a reason for her presidential candidacy oh yeah when i was cheating on my husband i realized how fun it was to fuck people and i want to fuck people on such a massive scale that i require the white house and all of its powers but multiple gop insiders told dailymail dot com that they were intimately aware of hailey's infidelity as a south carolina lawmaker including tales of steamy liaisons in the back of her cattle act SUV connootling in her lover's laps at bars and night spent together in a south carolina's columbia south carolina duplex hailey has not responded to daily mails request for comment as of the time of this publication the news comes as hailey's campaign gears up for the january twenty third new hamster primary a fight to regain second place in the race for the republican presidential nomination after ronda sent a secured a two point marching over her with twenty one percent of the vote in i will caucuses on monday sources spoke to dailymail dot com about hailey's alleged affairs after noticing her rosy references to her relationship with her husband a major in the national guard who is currently deployed in africa on the campaign trail but i'm doing this for my husband and his military brothers and sisters they need to know their sacrifice matters she said in a speech reported by cbs news in december her most recent campaign ad opens with photographs of michael's 2013 homecoming from his first deployments in afghanistan apparently blissfully unaware that she still had another man's combative pussy that's that's not what they said at dailymail dot com but you know you can see that you know unless he's a total fucking cuck i mean he appears happy in that photos he's probably unaware of it but who knows and it's two thousand twenty three after all but you know this was taken in i guess what in uh... in two thousand thirteen so maybe you know i don't think two thousand thirteen like being a cock was like really unpopular so i kind of doubt that you know these political people there they're often ahead of these trends back in two thousand seven folks was shaping hailey's political messages or communications consultant while she served as a member of the south carolina house of representing in a two thousand ten affidavit obtained by the daily mail folks stated that he and hailey engaged in an inappropriate physical relationship that included numerous instances of quote inappropriate sexual contact he said he first kissed hailey in a car in early two thousand seven and that he had regular trists with her at his apartment in downtown columbia he got married in june of two thousand eight quote representative hailey and i shared our first kiss while sitting in her park car outside mcdougles restaurant and bar in downtown columbia south carolina and quotes folks uh... wrote in the two thousand ten uh... october two thousand ten affidavit quote this kiss took place in early two thousand seven following an evening with friends at the nearby liberty tap room after this first kiss rep hailey drove us to the parking lot behind the neighborhood center at emily douglas park where we parked for approximately forty five minutes there we slid the back we slid back the seats of her cat alac suv so that representative hailey could climb on top of me folks said that the alleged affair continued through spring of two thousand seven with trist said his columbia apartment and that a few other romantic encounters and occurred in her suv including one in the parking lot of south carolina policy council and in her state house office he wrote that he broke it off in june of two thousand seven when he started dating the woman he went on to marry the following year could train a steinborn i will if you said a jewish that's a jewish name probably we gotta maybe take it with a grain of salt and on and on larry march and june is sixty one a columbia lobbyist also wrote a swan statement that year that he had dinner drinks and sex with hailey in her hotel room at a salt lake city conference in june of two thousand eight at the time hailey's two children reena and nalyn were around ten and seven representative hailey and i were in salt lake city attending a conference together on june 14th the fifteenth of two thousand eight march ant wrote in his affidavit we're both staying at a salt lake marriott downtown after a night together of dinner and drinks with other participants of the conference rep hailey and i returned to the hotel together we went back to her room where we had sexual intercourse and i spent the remainder of the evening i left her room at approximately six a.m. i came forward publicly on this matter after being contacted by the press and after hearing rep hailey claim that she had been one hundred percent faithful to her husband in response to the folks allegations when i knew her statements were absolutely false march ant who is married at the time divorced in two thousand thirteen with his wife citing the alleged hailey affair and court papers republican presidential candidate uh... the republican presidential candidate managed to successfully quash the allegations and avoid scandal and ultimately went on to become elected governor two thousand ten but once self-carolina g op insider told daily mail dot com they knew about hailey's alleged fair with march ant at the time quote she was in march ant's office all the time she'd be there at eleven or midnight the two of them would be drinking the former associate of hailey said the g op insider said he had also seen hailey get into the back of her off white cat alac s uv with her other alleged boyfriend folks i saw them sitting in a few times the windows steamed up he said a second prominent self-carolina republican said he regularly solved the distinctive cat alac outside folks is duplex in columbia apparently staying overnight i became curious when i saw an s uv parked outside early in the morning and late at night it had legislative tags it wasn't hard to figure out who's it was he said he added that hailey was not secretive with her alleged romancing a lot of people saw her sitting on laps wrapped arm in arm i saw her myself when she was sitting on larry's lap he said a third witness one of hailey's former campaign staffers told daily mail dot com he had no doubt about the nature of her relationships with folks in march ant when she was having the affairs she and her husband were having a lot of problems and were on the verge of divorce the ecstasy i'll fucking say there's no question she and will were having an affair will was not sober at the time they like to drink it zaz and momo's in columbia niki was a big wine drinker i could imagine that right niki's like a wine and right she's she's your drunk aunt at thanksgiving you know you put up with her once a year and that everybody's like get out of the fuck out of here she's wasted a ha ha ha ha ha ha a fourth source a senior political official in south carolina claimed folks confessed to him he had sex with hailey in her car in a restaurant parking lot in the south carolina legislature they are two types of people the people who believe not enough gets done because they're all in an enough law makers and lobbyists sleeping with each other and the other people are wholly of the now and say that having an affair violates a tenth commandments ten commandments the political official said well that is a binary view of the world indeed ha ha ha ha ha ha well if everybody was just fucking each other we'd actually got something done around here but all you've got damn religious people are ruining everything ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the claims of hailey's infidelity were first splashed publicly during her campaign for governor in 2010 that's 14 fucking years ago if you can't add him some track local paper the free times had been investigating folks in hailey and when it's reporter question the male aide in may of that year he decided to pre-empt the story by admitting to an inappropriate physical relationship on his blog fits news hailey responded the same day categorically denying the allegations quote I've been 100% faithful to my husband throughout our 13 years of marriage he said in a statement she doubled down on a Columbia radio station saying this claim against me is categorically and totally false calling it South Carolina politics at its worst folks who had been a public supporter of her gubernatorial campaign then posted text messages on his blog that purported to show others knew of the alleged affairs the text were between folks hailey's then chief of staff Tim Pearson and Wesley donahue a consultant for one of her political opponents quote I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not you're the one who screwed up you're the one who bragged about it donahue wrote to folks in one of the purported texts Pearson encouraged folks to deny the affair allegedly writing that if they keep this under wraps hailey is going to win the following month march ant came forward with his claim of a 2008 one night stand with hailey quote after a night together of dinner and drinks with other participants of the conference representative hailey and I returned to the hotel together march ant said we went back to her room where we had sexual intercourse and I spent the remainder of the evening I left her room at approximately 6 a.m. At the time hailey spokesman Pearson called the allegations a false and outrageous and desperate attack from a losing candidates paid campaign consultant them final weeks of the race Pearson was referencing the fact that march ant had only just then quit as lieutenant governor Andrew Bowers campaign aid against hailey in the gubernatorial republican primary after getting paid more than $50,000 the scandal failed to suppress her campaign hailey served as governor until 2017 when she became ambassador to the united nations under the Trump administration the GOP insider marbled at hailey's ability to shrug off the obligations which would have killed many politicians bids regardless of their veracity she's smart an incredible operator has tremendous ability to put a force field around herself he said well that's why she's running around saying that uh... uh... israel doesn't need america american each israel it's not that she's all that smart as a matter of fact it's not her fucking force field it's a decision that these crux make in the media she's got an incredible ability to parry and power through bad pressure as the southern charm of bill clinton the ruthlessness of richard nexon and the blackmail tapes of jeffrey upstein one imagines that's not that's not part of the daily mail piece i inserted the epstein bet author michael wolf sparked unsubstantiated rumors of ailey having an affair with then president on a trump in two thousand eighteen by writing in his book fire and fury that trump had been spending a notable amount of time privately with hailey on air force one it was seen to be grooming her for a national political future hailey called the rumors disgusting and absolutely not true adding i have literally been on air force once air force one once and there were several people in the room when i was there in comments to news site politico's women rule podcast at the time wolf offer no evidence for his claims nobody seems to have asked if he was she was ever on the lowly to express that's not part of the daily mail piece i just find it fun to posit in two thousand ten south carolina political blogger url caps also fan flames about a rubored incident of drunken sex with hailey also unsubstantiated when he conspicuously failed to deny them quote i'm not going to admit or deny that one caps told folks is political site fits news in september two thousand ten i am not going to address those allegations at this time until i figure out what someone has gotten a hold of that's my official position no evidence emerged to back those rumors unlike these which are supported by sworn affidavits and multiple eyewitnesses and so here's the big joke about the whole like niki hailey beats joe biden by seventeen points right niki hailey says oh i beat joe biden by seventeen points yeah well you're trying to defeat Donald trump and the media's not laying a glove on you you beat joe biden by seventeen points when they come out of the woodwork calling you a whore saying that you're cheating on your husband and lying to everybody about it for the last twenty years that's going to be a different story entirely right they talk about you know oh is too much uncertainty there's too much risk with Donald trump what what fucking risk what are they going to say about Donald trump that they haven't already said what news is going to break out of Donald Trump about Donald Trump between now and november sweet fuck all that's what haha if if she goes if she were to win the primer now this is a complete you know frivolous thought exercise it's not going to happen nothing even close to this is going to occur but you know she wouldn't win the republican primary if you know Donald trump were to be murdered tomorrow and it was just between her and to santa's and then sit to santa's you know turned out to have a Jeffrey Epstein sex tape or something you know and she became the republican nominee for president the first thing that they do this would be all over CNN the New York Times along with a whole bunch of shit that we have no fucking idea of two one seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and among you told the less I have to so please do give us a call call or you're on the radical agenda what's your agenda in question which I think is on every every everyone's mind who's ever listened to this show um what happened to Dave from New York Dave from New York um he managed to get himself uh balls deep in a girl with head down there and uh and he told me all about it in an email and I said you got a call in about this day and he said he was gonna but he didn't and um I've talked to him like he emails me he used to email me from time to time and then like he he he he was listening to the show I know that because he was emailing me about what he was listening to and then and then he um he started getting in on me about like don't solicit donations and I was like why like what do you what do you tell it you know he's like he's like you should it solicit donations just do the show for free or whatever and I'm like well fucking fuck you I'm really good at my job and I want to get paid faggot what are you talking about and he said solicitation is illegal and I'm like what are you talking about he gave me some link to some story of you know some law about soliciting prostitutes I'm like this is a completely categorically different thing you fucking retard and I told him off and he hasn't talked to me since so that's that's what I know about Dave I don't know if he listens I don't know what's going on with him if you are hearing the sound of my voice right now Dave I like yeah I would love it if you'd call into the show people ask about you all the time we'd love to hear from you have you thought about contacting him and maybe offering to do like a whole episode with him or or maybe you guys could even do kind of like a comedy special you know the thing is so it has crossed my mind to contact Dave more than once and it'll it'll probably happen at some point um you know the idea that we would do a comedy special together is preposterous so so the way Dave makes people entertained is entirely by accident you understand right it's not Davis never come on here and told a good joke or anything like that what happens is Dave comes on here asked for dating advice and explains what he's doing and people like holy shit that's preposterous and then they laugh and so you know it wouldn't be something that would make for a fruitful enterprise to try to do as a comedy special but you know I could easily imagine having him on the radio for two hours I think most people would probably quit after 45 minutes but I could do it you know I've I've done worse well what's funny about is like the back and forth you know he kind of says kind of like the goofy crazy stuff and then you're kind of like the sarcastic straight bad and just makes for you know good entertainment well you know I do think it does I think it makes for good entertainment too friend I agree with you there and maybe you could even do like a show where you're like you and Dave are taking calls and giving like dating advice you know I used to do a bit I used to do a bit part of the introduction part of the disclaimer to the show used to be you will get exactly what you deserve if you ask for my advice so how about you call when it gets some and I'd read the number off which has changed a few times since then you know I don't want to do I don't like the idea of doing an advice show I mean if people understand it's a gag fine but you know but anyway yeah I mean I I think that you know Dave certainly has the capacity to make for good radio in small doses and it's I consider it a considerable downside that he hasn't called in I'll try to I'll try to entice him to get on the line soon I'll follow up with him and we'll see what happens yeah it was kind of like it was kind of like you know you talk about all this serious stuff and then Dave would just call in out of the blue you know unexpectedly and then it would kind of like you know lightning's up a bit well that's exactly it you know it's been a good comic really well that's exactly it and really you know whether it's Dave or something out you know what needs to what needs to happen here the biggest problem that the show has today is that I'm not growing the audience okay and in this business if you are not growing you are dying okay I'm very glad that I have this loyal following a people who is willing to you know keep my head above water and and give me their attention I'm very very very very grateful for those people but it is a pressing concern in my life that like you know what they've done to me on social media and you know depriving me of promotional opportunities is is you know it will in due course kill the show if I don't figure out a way to overcome it and so I I have many irons in the fire on that so to speak I just have not worked on them in the month of January and so you know I have to return to those if we get some variety in into the calls if we have new people calling the show and new people listening and people calling in about things that are not what we are immersed in here the show will become very interesting very quickly because you know those of you have been listening long enough you understand that you know I'm capable of talking about things other than what I read on revolver dot com and so you know we can make a much more interesting production if we manage to you know break out of our bubble a little bit yeah on a side note um do you used to play music on the show more often I mean do you take like you know music requests you know that maybe like if if somebody thinks of a song and then the song would be kind of appropriate for something that's going on on the show or maybe a uh a guest you're having on the show you play the song yeah so I know I have very rarely in this stage of the production have I gone so far as to play commercially available music on the show I did that I think it was just on the prior episode I did that and I don't think I've done it at all other than that and the reason for that is because it's illegal you can get sued for that and so like right before the FBI kicked my door down in 2020 that what what preceded that was a a series of lawsuit threats from performers rights organizations about like in stage five of the radical agenda I was doing that all the time that like I begin the show with the commercial song and I would and then like after my monologue I'd play a commercial song and I'd play a commercial song whenever I felt like doing it and what ended up happening was you know like some team of people would listen to the show every single episode and use shazam or whatever that with the you know the identify thing to find out where the music came from who owned the music and then get their lawyers to threaten me and I was telling these people to shove it up their fucking ass I was like I don't have anything for you to sue for and like I don't even have money to hire an attorney like I'll represent myself in court I'll say it was fair use and you will fucking lose and and you won't even be able to deprive me of the cost of an attorney because at the time I didn't understand you know entirely the gravity of what what happens to a person in a civil lawsuit I have since come to fully appreciate the gravity of civil litigation and so I am I'm extremely averse at doing that I went so far as to purchase I have a I have more than one like licensing service so I can avoid I don't even use like Google images for show art anymore I use AI generated images and I use licensed images that I purchased from a service occasionally I have music in the background for for segments very rarely sometimes if I want to like add something to a monologue I do it when I'm off the air I don't usually do it during the monologue on the live show but I have like a music licensing service that I can use but that music licensing service does not allow me to play like songs that you hear on the radio those are songs that are basically purchased by those services uniquely and are made available to subscribers so it wouldn't be I don't have the ability you know we would have to be much more successful financially for me to purchase the rights to air commercial music on the show and and where we that successful I could find much better ways of using those resources so you're saying that even if you like went on youtube and a song was posted on youtube that anybody in the world could play and even if you gave credit to the artist you said this is you know blah blah blah by blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah label that that's still not legal that is exactly what I was doing and that's exactly what I was being legally threatened for you're not now that there's an argument you can make the argument that that is what intellectual property law calls fair use okay but you know in the course of a two hour broadcast I played two minutes of a song that you know and you know you can make the case you can go into a courtroom and you could say this is fair use okay but what I realized the problem that I have here so like almost no producers would ever end up in a lawsuit over that I am in a uniquely disadvantaged position where motivated lawyers who want to ruin me will go so far as to lose fucking money right like when the when in the science v kessler case they spent like twenty five million dollars to fucking sue me right they never had any expectation that they would recover that money right people will go and higher lawyers to drag me through the court system and what'll end up happening is I will be I will be first of all distracted and and then they'll get subpoenas and they'll want to go through my records they'll ask for financial information like they'll do all of this shit and make it completely fucking impossible for me to for me to operate you know that's what these people are all about you know so they're just politically motivated and they're looking to waste your time and money and that's why you're not doing it well if you if you research the subject people will tell you and anybody who's going to give you legal advice on this would tell you not to do what you're describing okay the the reason other producers do it is because nobody's gonna bother all right so like what is what are the when you sue somebody you have to show damages okay so if I if I play a commercial song in the show and somebody's like oh the radical agenda played this song and since I own the rights to that song they violated my intellectual property rights and they go down to a federal court and they say hey this Nazi cocksucker he stole my intellectual property well well and and what was your damages right it's they can't really show it okay and so like most producers they do this they don't care the the biggest problem you're gonna run into is like YouTube's gonna give you like a content flag and then they're gonna give the music producer the they add revenue from your clip or whatever I'm not even on YouTube so fuck them right but it can result in a DMCA take down notice notably right so like I've gotten those before and I've been like you know I'm like well fuck you I'll take it down from like my what I used to do with them was I told a few of them okay tell me which video you're talking about because I don't even know I play music all the time tell me which video you're talking about I'll take it down off of these other platforms but I'm leaving it on my site and you can fucking sue me if you want you prick I'll do it to try to save them the hassle and I did that you know because I didn't want the platforms I was you know streaming to or whatever to to get legal threats and for them to have to deal with it but that's another thing like the de-platforming will happen as a consequence of that so like if I'm streaming to Odyssey and I'm streaming commercial music there and people who want to go give me a hard time go to Odyssey with a DMCA notice like now Odyssey's on the hook right they're gonna say hey get rid of this fucking video and then Odyssey's gonna be in the position of well are we gonna incur legal bills for Christopher can't well you better fucking believe they're not right they're gonna they'll fucking dump me like a bad habit right and so they'll delete the video immediately upon that happening and so if I get the notice first I would just delete it and save Odyssey the trouble but you know those problems notably part of the part of the issue is that you know if I put it up today and then you know 10 years goes by they can come back 10 years right and so for me I can't even keep track of what the fuck is on a website over of course of that period of time it's part of the reason that I took down all my stuff right like when I got a prison I took down everything and I've been putting things up not nearly fast enough but bit by bit I put up some old stuff and part of the reason that I took it all down and was like I'll release it piece by pieces is because of intellectual property concerns that if the people who want to cause me trouble want to do that one of the ways that they have to do it is intellectual property complaints so there's no the the amount of trouble that that can cause compared to the entertainment value to the listener is there's no comparison yeah I well I get it I get where you're coming from of course you know I guess somebody could argue though that you know if you play a song and people like it and people could lead to more people listening to the song but but you know I get it anyway do you what if you're playing in TV like a news clip you know from whatever you know could be from CNN and MSNBC Fox News whatever I mean you play news clips so there's a difference between a news clip and a song so news clips so first things first it's theoretically possible that I can have the same problem with a news clip it just doesn't happen with nearly the frequency so in music they have this like content ID system even a few seconds of a song like YouTube uses it not all the services I don't like Odyssey doesn't use this I don't think rumble does but a lot of popular so iTunes probably does and so like a few seconds of a song is enough to trigger this like recognition of the of the music and those content recognition systems it's called content ID it's totally automated on the big platforms and that can that can happen automatically that is never going to happen with news clips and a news clip has the unique you know capacity of saying well this is not an artistic performance this is public interest journalism the whole entire point is for people to talk about this and so it's not registered with those content ID systems to begin with and it's not and the and the argument is harder to make that I'm interfering with their intellectual property now when I first started doing the show what when I first started getting back into the swing at things in stage six and with surreal politics I actually contacted revolver news and I said hey you know I like your site and I think that I'm probably going to end up reading a lot from it and and I'm I've been doing this with the drudger port for years but drudger port is sending me to other sites and so there's a lot of right in what I'm saying if I'm reading from your site all the time I'm why I'm worried that I might get into an intellectual property thing with you can I maybe get written permission to read your stuff on my show now they never got back to me but I made that outreach to them for that reason that I was like okay well if I'm doing there if I'm doing their stuff if I'm reading their stuff frequently enough they can you know legitimately make the argument that they're providing me with content that that my show is a substantial portion of my commercial entertainment product is revolver's content and therefore they're entitled to a cut of my revenues okay and I wanted to try to avoid that that outcome um nobody's attempted to do that with me and all my years of reading news on the air nobody has ever even I've never got the slightest hint of a potential problem from reading news on the air now on in contrast like people talked about I should go and record my own audiobooks okay now if I went and go read somebody's book and make a recording and try to sell it you better believe I'm gonna get fucking sued for that right but that's a book and that's the entire content is the other person's intellectual property and so you know intellectual property law is complex I'm not you know schooled in it it's safer you know cursory research that I've done so I don't know exactly when legal liability attaches but there's a concept of fair use is one of the one of the exceptions to intellectual property law and it's not very well defined and so like you're gambling whenever you whenever you try to use the defense of fair use it really it depends very much on what courtroom you end up in and you know and any number of things can happen and then ultimately you're dealing with 12 registered voters right you know so it's it's something that unless there's a real compelling reason for it I try to avoid it and I said I would say that in the case of me reading news stories on the air there's there's that's the compelling reason right and I'm adding to it generally speaking if I read a news story and I don't say anything about it during the news story I've failed at my job catastrophically right what I add to it by commenting throughout the story is the artistic product that I'm creating and their their content is being used in that fashion now like and you can do for example like if you do a cover song there's cover bands and stuff like this like you go you have a pink Floyd cover band or something you can make parody songs and put them on YouTube this kind of thing that's all allowed in intellectual property law that's what they consider fair use but if you just play their song like that's where you run into problems because you're not you're actually not adding to it right it's not a derivative work is the is the legal term and so I'm making a derivative work when I read the news and I'm and I'm ad libbing throughout the show it's my face it's my voice it's my commentary it's my you know the way my style of reading and everything else you know it it it it it's a derivative work and I'm allowed to do that and they'd have a much more they'd have a much more difficult time trying to make a case that I violated their intellectual property in the case of reading news yeah well I think if somebody's doing a cover song that they can some of the they can uh whoever owns the publishing to it can uh can go after them if they're making money off of the cover song then I guess it's just that the discretion and you know motivation of whoever owns the uh the rights to the song uh and although I think of a song is like really really old and uh maybe if people are even unsure of uh who wrote the song that uh that that's not apply but uh as far as uh news goes you know um uh I just think you know where you were talking I was thinking well you know Alex Jones used to make documentaries where he would use news segments uh and and quote various news articles in the documentaries and then he would sell them and um you know and then he quotes you know he has news stories from other other news sites on info wars.com and um you know to my knowledge he has not been sued over that or if he has he must have won or else he would have stopped doing it so uh I think it must be legal if it's do because I think it's because you're you're a journalist you're you're you're covering the news you're commenting you're commenting on on current events and I think that's fair use yeah well yeah it you are making a derivative work when 30 seconds of your two hour documentary is a news segment yeah you know and so like that's those are the those are some of the broad outlines of it you know and and so it's uh it's not you know news has a distinct thing right like if you like people take segments of the radical agenda and put them on news sites right and they're like oh this is what Christopher Cantwell said so that's public interest journalism you're quoting me right and then I if I go and I try to make a complaint about them for intellectual property if I if they just have a segment of the radical agenda and they're like this is what this you know person of some note said on their website I'm not going to be able to make the case that they violated my intellectual property by some contrast I have gone after people and gotten them to be platform for for posting my paywall content I'm like they are taking the paywall putting it on a thing called Cantwell's paywall and and violating my intellectual property and I've gotten their content taken down as a consequence of that now I've never tried to get somebody taken down for quoting me I've never attempted to do it but I'm confident that I would lose if I did and so that's those are some of the broad outlines yeah I think the difference there would be if it's paid content then you're not putting that out to the public you're only putting that out to people but even if even if they but if but if I had if if they took you know clips from the subscription content put it on a news site I'd have not alike to stand on if they were just like yeah here's what the what the public interest journalism interest in this is we're engaged in public interest journalism we're allowed to do this is freedom of speech if they are just stealing from me if they're making a channel called Cantwell's paywall and here's how you avoid paying for it which is what the things I've had taken down did you know that they have no leg to stand on if it's public interest journalism and you're saying here's the here's the newsworthy segment of a two hour broadcast and here's why we think it's newsworthy and how it relates to a public interest story you know I don't have a leg to stand on a courtroom you know now all of these things what you learn very quickly if you're ever sued is that like you know it's it's not it when you um you can sue anybody for anything okay so I could sue I could sue CNN for quoting me okay I could go in and telefederal court CNN quoted me it's a violation on my intellectual property they took a picture of me that's you know a registered trademark whatever I can sue anybody for anything I can make DMCA complaints to anybody at zero cost it's literally an email I can go say hey get this off that website or I'm going to sue you right and you know if they decide to ignore me then I can go and try to take legal action they might take it down just to avoid the hassle but you know intellectual property is like any other civil litigation you actually don't know the outcome of it there's no certainty to it and that's part of the problem yeah on a side note do you have a news tip line like where people can send you you know new news tips or you know just like you know interesting stuff to check out that might be good for the show Christopher can't well dot net slash contact you can send me an email okay all right let's all I got thank you very much for to call my friend two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the pogrom and I'm always told the less I have to so please do give us a call let's read a couple of super chats because uh we're down to one we've only got one guy pays me anymore his name's Tony soprano he's a good guy and he says uh did you hear that one of the central park five Negro's got elected to a chair committee position overlooking the NYPD what a time no I have no idea I turn remember what the central park five thing was like I recall that that the name of that story uh he sends fifty dollars along with that and I'm sorry I can't respond to it with more substance he sends another seven dollars seventeen minutes ago says great shows and I bro thank you very much Tony uh shook ones park two can't well remax when you know I've done that shook ones remix before I wonder uh let me see if I can find I try to vampaline do this I don't know how much of my old old stuff like I have like pre I don't think I have any of it here yeah no I don't have that um I can look for stuff now the one I did co cash that was like the hit him up remix what was um I wonder if I have this here I could probably play this this is like a hit him up remix that I did uh where I was bashing Adam co cash it's pretty fucking funny um I did a shook ones remix many many years ago like before I had any interest in politics I did um I got in a fight with a fellow shit had in Long Island and like we fucked him up really bad like we like jumped him and beat the fucking guy to the point he had to go to hospital like broke his fucking teeth and shit and um he was not he wasn't a crib he was a he was a he was a folk he was a gangster disciples but like he would he would run around talking all this crypt shit and he would wear blue and shit so like you know we like talked about him we his nickname was crib and I was from a neighbor who called stony brook in New York and I made it was like a white neighborhood used to be like everything else that was good um and I made this rap song to the shook ones beat it was like you ain't shit cuz they ain't no such things the stony brook crips I'll beat you to death you fake bitch I don't have it anymore I wish I did I I made like I used to have like a dozen I actually put a whole CD together of like wraps that I had made over commercial uh beats but I don't know where any of them are today and that's really sad cuz some of them were fucking pretty you know I mean they're not good in the sense that like that this the messaging of them was awful is me talking about basically being a fucking shit had criminal teenager but uh but they were they there was some talent involved I mean you know it's probably you know thinking about it as I say it you know that was my first realization that I had any talent for writing as a matter of fact when I talk about my realizing my talent for writing I usually cite an email that I sent in the year 2010 during the the my congressional race um which I actually sent to my opponent and I made the email public and people like wow like you're a really good writer I was like really I had no idea but as I think about it in this moment I probably the first you know inkling that I had that I had any challenge for writing was probably making rap songs in the fucking nineties two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the pogrom and I'm what you told the less I have to so please do give us a call let's go back over the phones uh caller you on the radical agenda what's your agenda hey how's it going this is Sean again I have better service now can you hear me okay oh you called in with the the pedophile stuff about Trump right I called it earlier we could talk with that or other stuff but uh well just you just tell me this how is it how is it that the the fucking democrats and the media and all these fucking people who who spared no expense and and never hesitate to tear down a fucking entire god damn institution to go after Trump how is it that they don't talk about Donald Trump's pedophilia diagnosis every fucking day on CNN they said fucking talk about it but I actually my friend hardly calling in he was like well people are gonna say that people are just going after him because he's rich they're targeting them so that's his excuse his excuses that people are gonna say oh they're bringing up cases from five ten years ago when they were you know kids and now there are adults and they're trying to bring it out but I think someone has to talk about it because it's actually legit for there to be over a dozen cases of this I mean come on all of them are gonna be fake where people are trying to get money off them I think it's kind of weird in the whole fc connection I just think that's one out of many factors people out of things about it so they're gonna move this guy well I'll tell you I'll tell you here's the here's the one thing that really stands out okay what I thought was crazy the one thing that I'll give you is that what what tells you how fucking sick our society is I remember when I was in jail awaiting uh waiting sentencing I believe that I don't know if I had been convicted yet in any case I was in he I was helped pre-child detention and when glean Maxwell was arrested and during a press conference Donald Trump was asked about glean Maxwell and he was like oh you know she's a wonderful person I wish her all the best and no none of those reporters who had spent all of 2020 trying to fucking destroy him over fucking covid and fucking every goddamn stupid nonsense thing that they could find nobody that I'm aware of ever brought that up again and I mean when I saw that you know I was a Trump supporter I love the fucking guy I'm watching it happen I'm like wait a second he just said that glean Maxwell was a wonderful person and he wishes her all the best and not one of these fucking vultures jumped on him for it what the fuck is going on here you know and so you know there's pictures of Trump with Epstein and stuff but you know that you know he kicked Epstein out of the mara lago when Epstein like hit on like a fucking client's teenage daughter or something and so you know I wouldn't surprise me to find out that Trump was banging it wouldn't surprise me to find out that Trump banged a fucking 16 year old say if that happened you know fine you know the truth of the matter is I actually don't think that that's like an aberrant fucking behavior it's illegal what do you think it's a good idea not as another fucking question you know it says a lot about a person's prudence if they do that but like you know you're not I mean if you're not you're not you're not pursuing free you know pre-pubescent children anybody who's sexually attracted to a pre-pubescent child is fucking wired wrong those people you take them out back and you blow their fucking brains out because there's not and you could do for them if I were to find out that Trump was back here the thing Chris got it's in our system okay if anybody who's worked at one of these risky resorts in Colorado or Maine or you know been to some of these you know academies and Massachusetts right because I'm from the East Coast I moved Mantana a year ago I haven't sworn right since I've been out here I'm from the East Coast grew up you know around like like where you're from actually so so I like your show but you know I used to work at these resorts in Colorado in Maine it's within this which academic culture these people who are within this top level they think they can do this and get away with it they have this this appetite for this stuff so to them it's normal right so both sides do it right but I just wanted to bring that out but I think there's other topics like I really like what your picture was on the goy-m-tv of Trump with the with the burnt down white house and this is why my my question is this like you're saying it's normalized this satanic type of thing is just normalized in our culture we're going to be okay with voting for Trump because it's seen accelerationists that's literally gonna break stuff down or are we expecting him to bring back you know a normalized thing because I think men men men in this are are confused I mean I really think we need a trump card you're gonna vote for Trump because we did he's gonna bring back something normal well we're we're okay with the satanic culture in our society like I don't know but maybe that's what we need an accelerationist to come in there because you know look what Trump did with COVID just because we're gonna get cheap gas to come on the inflation's gonna keep going out the shit's gonna just keep it in the fan what do we need from Trump like I don't understand I really don't understand but what else do we have what you need from Trump well you know need is a strong word but what you get from Trump it in contrast to other fucking shit ads is that he's gonna go out and he's gonna go fucking harm left us okay and so like you know I understand that there's people who think that they're like above the fray that that you know oh I'm not you know the left versus right thing it's like I'm like no like for me left versus right is really important okay and so like I don't know why people lose track of that is if you know the Democrats would be okay if they just if they just close the borders and stop transiting the kids like no like everything they do is bad and all harm that comes to them is better than they're well-being okay and so I'm just you know politics is always a question of it's always a question of maybe not though it doesn't necessarily have to be the lesser of two evils that stupid fucking cliche but it's like it's always a question of what can you gain from the available options that's real pull a teeth okay and so that's always my it's always been my you know and so I give Donald Trump this if Donald Trump if Donald Trump look if Donald Trump fucking goes and rakes a fucking teenager once a week and and Joe Biden is fucking murdering fucking babies with his breakfast like I'm allowed to have a preference between those two things right yeah no I will over see him is this democratic political system which you're what you're talking about it has created this satanic normalization in this rich culture but look at you're talking about the border Trump could have done something he enjoyed it's it's not it's it's it's so so like if you're on the side of Trump's press or if you're not gonna get hang on a second okay so you have to make accurate statements when you call in here okay to say the Trump didn't do anything is preposterous okay if you don't if you're not satisfied with the amount of progress that he made on the border fun but you know there were hundreds of miles of wall built and he did deport people okay he did he did a better job and he didn't invite them in which is what the fucking Biden administration is doing so like the the society did nothing is fucking ridiculous and you should just try to be doing anything but it wasn't that's literally what you said it's the the democratic structure just gets nothing done it's just back and forth talking it's it's really bullshit and we're seeing that we're seeing that so if Trump gets you know if he gets back in there what's gonna happen why we're gonna we're gonna solve he built the wall I mean he's gonna be out of there in four years and it's gonna go like go back to the same thing but we're seeing now that I think we do need an accelerationist president to just fuck up and have to be burnt down and we're gonna realize we need something better than the democratic you know shit shell back and forth with these rich satanic people okay shit done I mean I'm sorry but I have to say that I mean I do understand he's doing it something down be got 10 percent what happened he done sorry yeah well you know 10 percent of what had to be done is better than racing in the fucking wrong direction which is what we've become accustomed to and so like you know you know yeah and that's that's all I've ever said about down so like if you want to if you fucking if you go you know if you go hit it big in a fucking stock market or something you want to fund my presidential campaign I'll go in there straight and he's fucking cocksucker's out okay in the meantime you know we work with we work with what we've got and so like you know I get it I get it and so like but to keep in mind okay so let's just say let's just say let's take that number okay that Donald Trump did 10 percent of what needed to be done just straighten out this fucking country like when we unders when you take into consideration that everybody else went in the opposite fucking direction like that's actually a huge comparative benefit you know what I mean and so like when people if fucking it tacked Donald Trump because he didn't he didn't he didn't just fucking go take that gun onto Fifth Avenue and start shooting people like we were hoping like you know like you got it you got a fucking it's what he did more than anything was change people's expectations like who the who and fucking who the fuck in 2012 thought that a president was going to do what you wanted to nobody believed that nobody fucking believe that with Donald Trump did more than anything else he completely fucking up ended everybody's expectations of politics is what he did and that's huge the idea that the people are like you know people are out there in Iowa telling the young Turks yeah fine give me a fucking dictator I'm fucking had it with this democracy horses shit well fucking go rape all the fucking teenagers you want that's like the best thing that ever happened in this country you know like you know I'm I'm say that jokingly but like you know I would far prefer that we had like a virtuous honorable person who didn't rape teenagers fucking fixing the country but give me 10% of what fixes the country and and and like you're better than all of the other alternatives give me a not give me a viable alternative that fixes 11% and I'll go with that guy I'm not loyal to Donald Trump personally yeah I know I know there's no one now right there's gonna be three candidates vote for so it's like we're we're negotiating for less than what we expect I mean I'm not perfect most men aren't aren't perfect but I think the most men are gonna vote for Trump we expect more like it's just bullshit we've seen all this bullshit for so long in this country I mean we're gonna be voting for something well we're gonna see probably yeah 10% of what he's actually telling people he's gonna be be you know expect enough to know expect that do so we just have to agree with that but when it comes down to it most men are just gonna vote for oh going back to normal chief gas you know there's no crazy crazy Biden shit going on so I guess that's what it takes in America that's what it takes it's very simple that well you know what what what it's going to take okay is a dramatic change in our form of government right but you know what you have to what you have to take into consideration for and is like you know you would have to get people on board with that and so you there's a there's an order of operations if you think about it a little bit and one of the things that has to happen on the way to getting that done is you know I need to be able to go on through the same platforms as everybody else and talk and and like so yeah you know and and Donald Trump is not going to accomplish that much what can Donald Trump do to get me closer to that interim step what he can do is he can go and make life fucking hell for leftists like make it very difficult for them to do business and and so like you see what you're saying like if Donald Trump's side of fucking executive order said you're not allowed to ban Chris can't well from YouTube anymore like that would be a very substantial bit of progress right he's not going to do that what is he going to do he's going to make life fucking miserable for the people who do that and like that's a very good interim step give me better than that now fucking vote for you know okay okay it is a bit of a show and there is going to be a bit of progress but at the end of the day our congress is still run by design is always people who have you know Israel citizenship I mean I guess we're gonna have to accept that we're gonna have to accept that I'm not saying you have to accept it I'm saying that you have to negotiate that that's that that's the that's the that's the obstacle course that you have to navigate right so like that's the situation that you are met with and if you want to undo that you say what is the landscape what is what is what are the obstacles on the course and how do I navigate them and if and if people just say I'm holier than this process I will not I will not stain my soul by delving up I will not get in the mud with these people well then what you are doing is refusing to get to any of the interim steps to solve your goals and and that's why I fucking go crazy on people who are like oh child Trump is a fucking Jewish to her like what do you do what do you accomplish fucking sweet fuck all is the answer to the question you're actually not doing anything except like it's an intellectual masturbatory exercise that you're stuck in your own fucking head refusing to engage with the world that you live in and so like everybody who wants to get to those like interim steps that that actually make progress possible that they have to negotiate with the world that they're in and if they refuse to do that then they're going to meet harsh words from your humble corresponded because I I'm fucking serious like I'm dead fucking serious about solving fucking problem I have no fucking interest in like receiving approval from like fringe ideological fucking circles are like my next god damn super chat I don't give a fuck what I care about is getting to a point where we can actually fix fucking problems and there's a lot of like in glorious fucking shit that happens between here and there is a lot of tedium and and and and stuff that does not appeal to fucking radical ideologues you have to go through all of that shit and you have to negotiate all of those boring tedious shitty fucking things to get anywhere near what you want you know and and as soon or people fucking figure that out as soon or we can make some god damn progress because the fucking people who are ruining your life they're very good at filling out paperwork you might have noticed right they're lawyers and shit they go through all the dull annoying crap that other people don't want to do and that's why they're fucking successful they have millions of fucking dollars to blow they have power they have everything they want they get the government to go after their enemies because they file the right fucking forms they go to fucking work and they make money and if they and if we can learn to do those fucking things what's that yeah with the business stuff I mean I had I was you know I was 10 to be sweet of Jeff he times with my business and I was totally agreeing with what you were saying with your other car it's it's pretty difficult in this country to even have some of these I mean some of these like online tech businesses because yeah people get to it all the time patent law is ridiculous that's why I was almost black pill and it's like I'm getting the fuck out of this country right bill you know during during Biden spread and see even now I'm like I'm getting the fuck out of this country but now I'm like you know what what am I gonna do over there I gotta stay here and at least you know trying to at least be an American or fight for something right because this but like you was here before there's so many fucking too much shit yeah it goes through and I guess that's just what we're growing up and being a man as in this country right and you know back in three candidates I don't think I don't think that it I don't think it's a crazy idea to think about expatriation right like my goal is for us to be able to like live fulfilling fucking lives and if we have to fucking do that on in the Russian federation that's fucking fine with me okay like I'm perfectly happy all the hipsters are doing that now they all these white fucking hipsters are going to Southeast Asia South America it's like it's gonna turn like another western country over there at this point and all the locals are just getting used right while these westerners go in there so it's like yeah what do we do now but anyways yeah maybe you're right trump out of these three candidates that's the lesser of three evils because at least trump on the international policy you know all their countries are going to respect them or certainly looking haily and to stand this and laugh so yeah maybe you're right then trump is going to win the republican primary and the democrats are going to try to put him in prison that's a conflict that you're gonna have to take a side it and and if your side is well fuck him he deserves prison and we'll just give the country to the democrats well you better fucking you better get your expatriation plan line the fuck up because that's what it's gonna come to yeah that'd be the worst yeah that'd be the worst are you right I appreciate have a good night 217 688 1433 you'd like to be on the pogrom and i'm all you told the less i have to so please do a give us a call caller you're on the radical agenda what's your gen now wait once they leave read this from toney real quick uh toney soprano sends a dollar he says um the central park five were blacks it raped a chick in central park and beat a few others got caught had a big trial and more recently had a netflix special that pointed them as good boys well of course they didn't do enough it uh that's that's i've heard that said a few times about that sort of um phenomenon so uh call your on the radical agenda what your agenda this is adding in florida hello adding in florida how are you my uh i want to talk about Donald Trump a little bit well let's do um yes yes uh uh if nothing else kept us uh he kept he didn't start any wars for four years that's an important thing you know um worst thing he did was he did have that uh iranian general solemani assassinated because his bad advisors made him do it but um otherwise i mean he did he did some symbolic things that the Israelis wanted like moving the capital to jr.slam or recognizing jr.slam as a capital but as far as starting wars he didn't do that and uh as soon as he's gone they they started that war with you frame um there you go i mean it's like you know and it's what i i find it very amusing how like in you know ideological circles you know people become so immersed in their ideas that like comparative circumstance seems to be lost on them right i mean it's like you know okay Donald Trump killed solemani and therefore fucked Donald Trump well like okay fine uh you know i'm not a huge fan he bombs Syria okay not a huge fan of that uh okay so we'll give the country to nicky fucking hailey uh you know like come on it doesn't take a genius to fucking figure this out you know Biden sent fucking nuclear warships off the coast of israel so that they could go kill Palestinians for christ sake and then he's like oh well we're over here with might as i go fucking launch some god damn missiles into Yemen i mean what the fuck you know it's Obama almost got us into a war with Russia over the fucking Syria thing so like you know yeah this this fucking shit is you know comparatively speaking and it's like i don't i don't think for one second you know that let's say that by some god damn miracle you know Tony hit it really big and funded my presidential campaign or something and i managed to go get into the white house i'm i'm perfectly fucking certain that when in five minutes of the vote being called a bunch of guys are gonna walk me into a room and tell me some shit i didn't know previously and they're gonna be like your plans just fucking changed and whatever my my staunch integrity may be whatever my willingness to suffer whatever those guys fucking told me would change my view of things i'm very fucking confident of that you know and so like you know that's gonna be the case whoever goes in there is that they're gonna find out a bunch of shit they didn't know on the campaign trail and it's going to impact foreign policy it's it that's as predictable as a god damn sunrise and sunset my view because you see this happen all the time that no matter what people say you know they they no matter what you believe their level of integrity to be as soon as they get to Washington things change and like you can say that that's just because we don't have people with fortitude there's probably some truth but it can't it can't be the entirety of the explanation well a lot of people say that you know that there's some secret cabal that instructs every new president that they must obey and you know if he thought you're going to do something else forget about i think this probably this kind of influence probably comes mainly from the legislature all right because uh those people are bought right by the israel lobby and i think the new president finds out that he that there are limits to what he can do say if Kevin McCarthy is the speaker of the house or yeah speaker of the house and so forth you know you got the turtle with uh wherever the title is in the senate you know so yeah i think that's a big part of the trouble but what people need to keep in mind about an electoral system is that uh you don't get radical change overnight uh you get incremental development you you elected candidate and that changes the boundaries and then you you have to keep pushing um when hit when hindenburg was elected president of germany in 1925 uh there were headlines europe is shocked at the election of marshal hindenburg as president of germany right well because he was such a right-wing extremist right well uh you could say that he perhaps paved the way you know i mean it was part of it was part of a gradual metamorphosis that's that's the way these systems work you can't expect to get everything you want overnight if something if if there's a candidate that moves things in the direction that you like compared to everybody else you have to support that candidate um i wanted to say something about these accusations that somebody is saying or so it's a pile of vile i doubt that very much um somebody i watched a video on youtube of somebody talking about uh Epstein i i never kept up very closely with the whole Epstein thing it's peripheral to the things that interest me but uh so this somebody made this video last week or so uh uh about uh you know uh no worthy people that were implicated with Epstein one way or another and and this person said that uh Trump knew about what was going on uh in uh little st. James island there because he said he made a comment that Epstein likes them young all right and and i looked into that to see what that could possibly mean you know to see if that was really a good argument i found out it was not because with Epstein there were really two completely at different issues all right they get conflated are you still there by the way yeah i'm here i'm listening okay good you're so quiet uh yeah uh there are two completely different issues with Epstein uh all right there there is the there is whatever was going on on little st. James island which was being investigated by uh whatever that island government is there um and there was his sort of like personal harem that he had in the united states this sort of kept women that he had who were uh pretty much all adults um Maria farmer was supposed to be 17 when she met Epstein or uh maybe it was a lit of Virginia juffle but anyway one of them was 17 when she met Epstein the others were definitely adults uh that picture of Virginia juffer with uh prince Andrew she's about 18 years old there right um so he has he Epstein had this habit he had a lot of money he would hire young women to work for him and use them as his personal harem uh and the women that have come for there's three that i know of uh that have been you know denouncing Epstein and all of those are women that were employed by him in the united states and they were all adults at the time right so that's a completely separate issue i don't know why prince Andrew paid off Virginia juffer i mean durshowitz comod on that that uh Andrew shouldn't have done that and i think probably shouldn't have because you look at that photo of them together it doesn't look like anything sinister is happening it's just a two of them standing together grinning um but anyway yeah so there are these two things uh Epstein did have this thing going on with young women but basically adult young women in the united states and these are the women that saying bad things about him now i mean i think maybe they regret that they hoard themselves out like that but i don't know if anything has really been uncovered as far as what was going on on little same James island well my understanding of it you know is that the the allegation now how much of it can be proven is another question but you know the allegation is that these women were underage legally at the time of the sex okay that's my understanding of the allegation and that you know if there are videos of that that these people have major fucking problems right and the in the suspicion is that those videos do exist like there's i have been it rings in my mind that it has been said that the FBI has many many many many videotapes that they removed from that place and from his apartment in New York and we do not know what the content of those videos are and and the there's deposition testimony saying that some of these high profile people are on video having sex now we don't we have not seen the videos yeah there is a book that i read in prison uh i forget the the the the the author's names but it was Epstein's uh dead Ben Tell no tales spies lies in blackmail was the title and the the allegations include that he was working with misad that there's this guy who's in Russia who has like an encrypted file that contains a bunch of these videos and uh that you know but he's not giving it up for whatever reason it's life insurance policy would have you um and so those are among you know if there's if there's videos of famous people having sex with women who are legally underage which is the allegation and you can understand why all these people would want to make sure that he fucking killed himself in a prison cell yeah there was there was uh oh a uh one of uh Epstein's actually lawful employees he is from the USA made this allegation in 2019 that there was a video including video of Trump having sex with underage girls but then she she renounced the claim yeah uh and she made some excuse for why she did it so there's some of this some of the testimonies from these women is fishy and all these three women that we actually know about that I could find information about they were all adults when they worked for Epstein so you know as far as what happened I don't have all the details but my my my understanding of videos Virginia Jufre at the time that she was alleged to have had sex with Prince Andrew was legally underage at that time there are others who were legally underage at that time that's the allegation I don't know about I don't know about these employees who were lawfully employed by him I don't know anything about that the whole allegation what what what what what what what sent a Gillane Maxwell the prison for 20 years was the allegation that they were trafficking underage girls and they were I don't remember the names of the victims in that case but they had named victims in that case and those victims are the reason that she's been sentenced to 20 years of prison so that's not you know whether that's true or not I actually don't know but you know but that's the allegation is it was strong enough evidence to convict her beyond a reasonable down a courtroom yeah all all of the underage prostitution was supposed to be on little same change and Virginia's Jufre I looked at her date of birth I looked at this the year when this photo with Prince Andrew was taken she was about 18 years old there you know well you know the the allegation we have you need to move we need to move forward but you know it just to understand you know the the allegation if maybe this sex happened on the the islander whatever but they were recruiting the girls in the United States hence the trafficking okay if you transport a minor for the purposes of having legal sex with her in a way that would be illegal in the United States that's a that's a crime and to conspire is the crime itself anyway there's there's there's no good argument that Trump knew anything about there is not the only the only argument is a recanted statement by a person who who says that you know she said something and then she did and then she recanted it now when she recanted it she says you know she she you know waffled on her recanting she said oh well I should have known that nothing good would come of this or something I just retract my statement you know she's not she's not coming out and saying you know I was lying she's saying I'm recanting my statement because I'm afraid or something you know but but you know she's not she's not on you know she hasn't made this allegation a way that she could be held accountable for it and so you know that's that's where that stands where do we want to go other than Epstein and I have other callers on the line well I just also want to say that I think staying out of war is a good thing for us because uh every time a war is started it it diverts attention away from curious troubles that we have here and allows things allows more bad things to be shoved down our throat you know that's been the general tendency it certainly happened during the Vietnam war uh you know and uh every other probably every other war I could think of so I think if we could stay away from war I don't think we're likely to benefit from a war just because just even if Trump happens to be president um if we would have some some serious crisis domestically you know if things would come to a head domestically while we would have a president willing to do something about it that if to move things in a good direction that would be nice but I just don't think any war is going to help us yeah I mean you know again as I said in the monologue give me a choice up or down war no war I'll choose no war 10 or 10 times I think that war is upon us friend and so you know the question is what do you do with that and I would say that you know Trump comes in there the first thing he's got to do is say we're at fucking war and therefore here's my executive order about the border and I don't want to hear your fucking shit where at war I get to fucking say who comes in and out of the goddamn country like that fucking stupid you know so-called Muslim ban thing like that was the most common sense policy that any executive order had ever outlined and the idea that he would be obstructed in that is preposterous you know he has to just fucking go ahead and do that and be like yeah Supreme Court you want to try to tell me I can't ban people from countries where at war with from coming into the country go ahead and enforce your court order you know that's what needs to happen and once he does that a couple of times the court's going to be like oh shit we're going to lose our legitimacy we won't be able to construct policy we won't have any say in policy whatsoever if we try to obstruct this guy we'll have to we'll have to go along you know that's that's what FDR did he's like I'll pack your fucking court and then they just started doing what he wanted you know he he's like I'll fucking deprive you of all your power and they were like oh well a cent you know and so Trump needs to fucking do that you know that's and and how much of that he'll actually do I guess it remains to be seen but he'll do more of it than he did in his first term I'm confident of that much we can hope you know I just want to say this too it's it's been a general tenancy if you if you elect a businessman they're oriented toward compromise it's an unfortunate time if you elect a businessman you're probably going to get compromised they had a in a Mississippi they had a governor named Ross Barnett that they elected the citizen councils elected to stand up to the federal government decalapt like he folded like a card or whatever well you know federal government to federal government swings a pretty big hammer so it's understandable people fault to but you know we'll see what happens having I appreciate you call my friend I'm gonna move on to other callers and I appreciate you all the time my friend thank you very much for calling thank you all right have a good night two one seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program it's we're about to end the show but if you get on hold now I'll still take you call call are you on the radical agenda what's your agenda hello it's my understanding that if Trump is in prison he can still run for president is that is that right there's nothing in the constitution that bars a prisoner from being president of the United States right if you're a United States citizen who has achieved the age of thirty five you're eligible for run if you're natural born you as citizen over the age of thirty five you're eligible for the presidency every attempt that Congress or any other body is made to try to interfere with that has been struck down by the courts they say the Congress the constitution uniquely outlines the eligibility for president and if you try to add or subtract from that you're going to get struck down by the courts if he does get thrown in prison he'll get I think more people will vote for him because he's basically a kind of a fuck you candidate for a lot of people they want to vote for Trump because uh MSM hates him and everything like that what you got to ask you think eight all feeling was a homosexual I do not okay uh I think that people bring that you know people throw that around I mean people do that with me right every time it happened very not so long ago on the stupid web hosting forum that I'm on that like I'm like hey you shouldn't be pandering to this LGBT nonsense on a web hosting fucking website and then they were like hey what do you accolades at home of sexual they do this all the time and so you know it's fucking stupid Jewish nonsense okay uh you know I was gonna say that you know people that uh people that make up make it a point that their conservatives or libertarians where they make it a point to trash Trump all the time there are so there are a lot of people like that they'll go out of their way to even make up stuff it's not true about Trump and uh I gotta believe that somebody's paying them in a lot of those cases there are paid trolls probably paid by the uh because there's a lot of big money that just really hates Trump well yeah I mean uh there are a few enterprises more profitable than hating Donald Trump there you know the most well-heeled people in the world will pay you to do that right including foreign intelligence agencies right and so you know it whether or not you know all these fucking stupid asshole ideologues are paid is another question they'll do it for free they're they're very useful idiots and so you know I'm not saying that these people are all in the employee of some nefarious outfit but you know they they derive their ideological masturbatory um sensations from this that they're like oh I'm so cool because I hate Donald Trump and that is as that is as prevalent on the far right as it is in the Democrat Party sadly yeah it's kind of ridiculous uh you know some of them uh Bible thumpers even and they they hate abortion well one thing Trump did do is he uh he put he he got roe v weighed overturn he did do that single handedly no other Republican president ever ever did that he did so these guys have no gratitude even though they hate abortion well yeah he he made it illegal for your state to to make abortion abortion illegal Donald Trump is responsible for that but no it's all uh Trump bad Trump they hate him a lot of people I think just hate him I don't know and I think I really think that they're getting a paycheck some of these people like David Knight that always he won't every one of his shows he will uh never fail that he will trash Trump about something one one way or another yeah I'm gonna let you go let's appreciate it buddy thank you very much for the call you know I don't I don't listen to David Knight to say anything about him but I'll say that you know forget about people you know there's definitely people who are paid to do these things part of the way that they're paid by the way is just you know it look if you're somebody who let's say this do you think it's in my best financial interests for me to tell people who finance my production voluntarily that they should support a candidate for public office well no it's absolutely not right because it those people who would be supporting my production think of support as monetary contributions right it's an argument to be made that my best financial interests are served by telling you the politics is fucking horse shit and that what you really need to do is fund my propaganda outfit and not worry about what those stupid politicians are doing and that's certainly not lost on many media producers they understand that they're capable of it you know observing the incentives of their of their business model and they're not gonna they're not by any stretch of the imagination going to going to forfeit their own financial interest to save their country you know fuck your fucking country right and so they're not that's not lost on them by any stretch of the imagination I'll tell you know and then it's just I know this just from being involved with the libertarians that the whole too cool too cool for school thing that's a powerful drive you're like a radical ideologue right I mean it's it's self-satisfying right like I'm so much better than these people I will not participate in this and as a matter of fact I'm gonna go out of my way to talk smack about them and and tell you how bad these people are just to show you that I'm more radical than they are there's a lot of that with the Ron Paul campaign forget it you know I played that Ted Cruz clip before you know yelling at the conservatives who are like oh Ted Cruz would have restored the constitution and Donald Trump whoa so I'm gonna stay home on an action day factory right but you had it with the Ron Paul campaign that they're a libertarian so like well Ron Paul isn't gonna open the borders in abolish all taxes therefore I'm not gonna bother because he's not libertarian enough for me and then they got Brock fucking Obama twice okay huh yeah good for you libertarian you know you got you got Mitt rock you got John McCain won the Republican primary then you got Mitt Romney won the Republican primary and I'm not saying that the end caps would have swung it if they registered as Republicans but who knows what impact they might have had on the national conversation had they got off their fucking asses and stop smoke in marijuana and watching gay porn I don't know would have impacted the conversation at the very least if the goddamn primaries turned out anything like those fucking online polls that he was winning every single fucking time would have been a whole different country that you would have lived in by the time Donald Trump started thinking about running for president but you know a lot of people didn't want to deal with they were like I'm too cool for politics I'm gonna I'm promoting the non-aggression principle and then you got fucking relegated to political impotency and that's what you get and you fucking deserve it so you know the you know the what was the all right ought not make the libertarians of themselves in that respect is my view of it and so I'm all like you know this show is called the fucking radical agenda you know go I'm gonna start making more of the back episodes available if you haven't heard them I have these like best of CDs that I'm gonna I'm gonna put back out you get to see I mean if those of you who aren't familiar I mean I I like ideology I like that you know that I call it an you know an intellectual masturbatory or ideological masturbatory exercise today but there's a reason that I call it that because it's very stimulating right I mean it's you know there's there's a lot of enjoyment that comes from that people really enjoy it and it's and I understand why they do but in the words of Van Jones I'm willing to forego the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of the radical ends and like like I said in the opening like if Donald Trump just pursues his own interests and has no interest in helping you or helping white people are helping America fall he has to if all he does is punish his fucking enemies for the next fucking three and a half years oh the joy that that would bring to me the the benefits that we would obtain from that are just immeasurable and so enjoy it you know I said on telegram you have a choice to make after the Iowa caucuses did you win big last night because if you're sitting around saying that Donald Trump ain't shit no no no no no juice this man uh uh like why would you wolo in failure like why are you going to sit there and be like oh everything that happens sucks I can't win at all I just have to hate everything well you fucking I'm not going to hang out with you at the very least like go ahead listen to my fucking show but like we're not going to spend any fucking time together if that's your fucking attitude towards the world I would have fun I want to be happy for Christ sake instead of other people so you know get on board you don't have to be on the Trump train or whatever somebody said me on gaddy like he's like oh well Trump hasn't been held accountable for his role in the fucking covid in the destroying the economy over a fucking flu I just responded to him with a classic line from Chris Gantwell which is shut up nigger and he's like oh so because I'm not on the Trump train it means I'm a nigger it's like no whining about it on social media makes you a fucking nigger is what is actually what it does stop fucking whining about Donald Trump you have fucking better things to do with your life okay like they're a bigger fucking problems and there's nobody you're not cheering on a superior candidate so I get the fuck over yourself for Christ sake and I'm and I don't fucking care like if I have to if I have to quit fucking podcasting and go back to a regular fucking job over this I fucking will you know I this chasing around fucking ideological masturbatory stimulation it's just I refuse to god damn do it I absolutely fucking refuse I'm not going to get stuck in that horse shit I watched it happen with the libertarians I'm watching it happen with the alt-right fucking fuck that I want the deep satisfaction of the radical ends and I will fucking pursue that to the ends of the earth for those of you who make this possible I'm very grateful for instance Winston I am Winston he says some of the girls was young as 14 that's the youngest we know apparently a reference to the Epstein conversation and after that he sends twenty dollars and says and have some shekels well thank you very much I'll have them indeed thank you very much friend you guys are stealing from Tony soprano is what you're doing and you know if you've ever seen the soprano you understand that that's a hazardous fucking enterprise if there ever was one he he paid for this entire fucking show tonight you know that in our our monthly subscribers and the people who get to the gifts and go and that sort of thing of course but uh you know please do finance this production once you're done with whatever else it is you're doing I'm not telling you to fucking forfeit your fucking life to me but if you're somebody who's not paying for the show and you're getting a lot of entertainment out of it I bet you probably paid plenty of money for cable this month I bet you probably went to the movies once or twice I bet you probably downloaded an MP3 or did something so if you want to help me out let me just like the best thing that you could do for me today some me some cash app like that just it's just money right away for me I would really appreciate that my my cash app is edgy Chris um if you want to send me zell or paypal or something like that and you can verify that you're like somebody who's not out to fucking fuck me over I think I can actually pull that off I I was actually like compelled to create a paypal account that still exists so apparently I can I have a paypal account now but I'm not gonna publish it because as soon as it's associated with the show then they'll fucking fuck me over and you know they they banned one of my emails from zell years ago so like I'm not gonna publish that but you know if you if there's ways that you would prefer to give me money that you don't see available I try to make it very easy to pay me and just send me an email Christopher can't well done that slash contact but you know we've got the the gipsen go gipsen go.com slash spm like surreal politics media uh the cash app edgy Chris I've got strike payments if you guys you should check out strike payments it's not really in use but it works very well I've gotten a couple of bucks from strike payments strike dot me slash can't well is is how you would find me there and of course strike dot me we'll just get you to the app you can sign up it's pretty easy I have the gap pay thing I don't know if it actually works I've never received any money from it and so if you want to send me money with get pay I'm happy to do that I try to make it easy to pay me folks and uh you know people used to buy things from my amazon wish list I I I'm it's still populated you could buy things from the amazon wish list all those links are Christopher can't well dot net slash donate and uh I'd be very very very grateful for however you want it to help financially support the program but cash app is really the best thing it just makes money available to me right away but however you want to do it I'd be very very very appreciative and I think we did a really good fucking job tonight by the way so like come on up them fucking shackles go I'm where's the fucking button that I'm looking for it's uh uh where's the fucking thing get the hell out of here brown people that's the wrong button they must be physically removed well that's definitely true but it's not fuck you pay me the ruling elites yeah well in a case I was looking for the fuck you pay me button so I guess I'm just gonna have to pull it up here fuck you pay me yeah fuck you pay me fuck you pay me Christopher can't well dot net slash donate you get on my crypto keys and all that shit I like that manero I like that Bitcoin I can move that shit around pretty fucking easily so go ahead fuck over them fucking shackles go I will see you Monday for the uh for the clean show Wednesday for the members show and back here cursing up a storm a week from today thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda have the best weekend with the ones you love and just take some fucking pride in your victory Monday Tuesday you're gonna get another big victory in New Hampshire just learn to enjoy winning for Christ's sake that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't call two enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda implemented their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad efforts what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great Americans he's a people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a blanket one of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda let's go the second amendment okay fucking Nazi times Nazi times Nazi times Nazi times Nazi times Nazi times Nazi times Fuck you pay me