Very good, very good, very good. Glad to know that everything's working fine. And we're on time! And the phones are ready. And we're looking forward to hearing from you. 217-688-1433. You'll like to be on the program. And I do hope you'll give us a call tonight. Let's go check on Ann Coulter. That's it. It's over. Then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call two? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, and enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad efforts. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things for the country. You know, they try and build a life here. One of a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. It's called the second agenda. All right. Onwarded. Welcome to the radical agenda. To show about time with ideas and news at a day, whatever's on your mind at 217-688-1433. Yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This 49th episode of Six Station of Pogrum. Today is January 5th, 2024. It's a current year. It's a Friday as usual. And we have come to you live once again from my undisclosed location where, you know, on the eve, that's what this is, of the 3rd anniversary of the January 6th, 2021 riot at the US Capitol. United States Attorney General Merrick Garland. Earlier today, he denounced what he called a deeply disturbing spike in threats against those who serve the public. He went into some detail about threats against federal judges, FBI agents, members of Congress, presidential candidates, election workers, and others who received their sustenance and social status through the coercion of the American people. Mr. Garland, of course, considers this unacceptable and we here at the radical agenda are compelled to agree. The circumstances which brought about this enmity between state and citizen is a terrible tragedy. And for all the, for the good of all mankind, it is very important that responsible leaders step forward and stop this disintegration of our social order. But responsible leaders aren't aware to be found. Mr. Garland responds to this with promises to continue hunting down all who dared express skepticism at Joe Biden's brazen and implausible theft of the 2020 election. He is well aware that such behavior has a causal link to the enmity and he purports to think he can overcome this with the force of the federal government. He is tragically mistaken. No government has stayed in power through force alone long. The United States Declaration of Independence says that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the government. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them, shall see most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Deprived the legitimacy of conferred by credible elections and forfeiting what good will otherwise remain by selling this country out to Ukraine and Israel and opening our borders to invasion, there is no consent of the government of which to speak. The relationship between state and citizen today is a relationship between predator and prey. A massive disruption to that order of the food chain is inevitable and Garland only stretches a rubber band with his efforts to stave off the consequences of his mouth feces through force and deception. Turning to the January 6th anniversary, Garland said it represented, quote, an unprecedented attack on the cornerstone of our system of government, the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. He said it was an unaccount of this attack on our system of government that his office had rounded up more than 1,250 people in charge of criminally. But for those of us who cannot escape awareness that our system of government was attacked in a rather different fashion than Garland states, rounding up a thousand of the people responsible proves a rather more challenging hurdle. The people who went to the capital that day have much greater confidence in their theory of the attack than Garland doesn't his. They do not have to look for evidence of it, it is thrown in their faces every day. Every time they see a newspaper or turn on a television, they are screamed at by the people who victimize them. They can detect the mockery and contempt in the tone of their tormentors. It's really important that you don't make threats. A wise man once told me if you're going to do something just do it, threats are very stupid. There's no sense in warning people who already know what they're doing is wrong. Of course, clearly the people threatening FBI agents, judges and court houses would not be well served by this advice any more than they were by their threats. You try to attack these people, you're going down much harder than you would be for the threat. I only say this because it is an important preference to say that I get why people feel like they have no other choice but to threaten or otherwise lash out. These are not criminals. They're good people who are trying to do the right thing and they understand that in this society doing the right thing involves suffering, but they do it anyway because that's a good people do. 217-688-1433 if you'd like to be on the program. The more you talk to the less I have to, please do give us a cause. I saw this come up, these stories pop up from time to time. It's amusing to me that they're like, oh my god. These people are threatening the government. Can you believe that audacity of these people? I'm like, I can't believe their restraint is it actually. That's the more difficult thing to comprehend that these people have been so well behaved for so long. I was reading today about two things that really hurt me. In addition to the before, I came across this headline. I was reading about Ray Epps and him receiving some sweetheart deal with the federal government that they never even charged him with a felony. If you look at the Ray Epps story, his involvement in January 6th, he's one of the principal instigators of the whole thing. The first breach happened when the police are first attacked. He whispers at a guy's ear. The second before, a second, a fraction of a second before he attacked officers. Epps was egging people on to go into the Capitol building and saying, I'm probably going to go to jail for this. He was like a chapter leader of the Oathkeepers, which the government says is this violent, dangerous extremist group. Okay, there's pictures with him and Stuart Rhodes together. And that's not mentioned at all in the government's sentencing memorandum. They want him to do six months on a misdemeanor charge that he's pleaded guilty to. And the government is not only giving him a lenient charge and lenient sentence. They're actually expressing sympathy for him being attacked on the internet. They cited revolver news. They say revolver news is spread a conspiracy theory about Mr. Epps. And since Mr. Epps is in no way, shape or form, acting on behalf of the United States government or any element thereof, we're very concerned about people saying that he is because you know, that's a very bad insult. We have some consciousness of this. That's not exactly the way they worded it. And then I watched Tucker Carlson interviewed the brother of Jeffrey Epstein. And the story suit the Epstein, you know, so-called suicide. It's just, it's not, it doesn't even try to be plausible, right? It's one of those things. It's like the 2020 election, which I don't know. Some people that listen to the show still believe in the 2020 election. It's amusing. But you know, when they talk about, you know, this is the guy's brother, right? Jeffrey Epstein's brother has no interest in like keeping his brother's name in the news. It's like, actually like the last thing he wants. He didn't have anything to do with his brother. He wasn't involved in any of the stuff that his brother was involved in. And you know, after Jeffrey Epstein died, you know, that guy needed like armed guards. He was, he said that, you know, people were trying to attach him to whatever his brother was up to and that he was getting threats and all this stuff. So it's really the last thing, you know, from the limited information I have about the guy. It certainly seems like there's nothing for him to gain by keeping this in the news. The best thing for him is if the thing is really a suicide, the best thing for him is to let it die. But he goes on Tucker Carlson and he's like, I've been trying to get information. I'm his only surviving relative. I'm trying to get information about how my brother died. And I can't get any, any information that I get is nonsense on its face. And those just being two of the examples, you know, the Jeffrey Epstein thing, the January 6th nonsense, the 2020 election. What option do decent people who see that have for dressing their grievances? And the answer is they're not given options. And I tread carefully here. So if you've been listening to show for a while, you know, there's a time when I probably would have been more careless with my words than I am today. The theory of elections and democratic government is that, you know, you, you, there's no excuse for attacking the state because you, you're always two, four and six years away from completely replacing everybody in the institution. You know, all you have to do is participate. You just have to be an adult and show up and talk and negotiate. And whether you get exactly what you want, you know, is another question, but you can prevent the most egregious things from happening. Or at least you can create enough disruption to the current order that you have, you know, a different set of problems to deal with. But that's actually like not what we're facing. They are not given any means by which to redress grievances. And that leaves them in a position where, you know, they have to regain some sense of control over the situation. That's the only thing that a decent person can do is try to reassert themselves in some way. And these people are attempting to do that by threatening public officials. It's not a good idea. It's not going to get you anywhere. It's not going to help you. And so I don't recommend it, but I've all the sympathy in the world for the people who are going through that. So two on seven, six, eight, one, four, three, three, you like to be on the program. And the more you talk to less, I have to, so please do give us a call. Call or you're on the radical agenda. What's your agenda? My agenda is Mike Lee from Senator Mike Lee from Utah. Yeah. Okay, so I don't know if you're aware of this, but Mike Lee, I don't know if he visited Israel. I'm Thanksgiving. I wasn't aware of Mike Lee's, you know, travel light in a, a, a, a, a, but it's not surprising to me that Mike Lee went to Israel. A lot of senators do that. Yeah. And I'm not, I'm not sure if you're aware that in Wisconsin, a small town in Wisconsin, Stanley, Wisconsin, they are building apartments for Somalians 2000 population in Stanley, Wisconsin. It's not, it's not widely reported or, you know, so. Yeah, I don't know about this particular apartment complex. I don't have spent a lot of time at the zoning board in Wisconsin, but I understand the phenomenon because they've done this here, you know, we have, you know, in Manchester, New Hampshire, they've completely destroyed the city. It's, and they've done that in Maine and jurd how jurd how was reported on this or he's a broadcast that in Maine, right? Yeah, he's talked about it a lot what they did, especially in Lewiston, Maine, with Somalis, like, you know, it's a, it's, it's a deeply, deeply, you know, sick. They're acting on a racial animus against white populations and trying to, you know, destroy them demographically by inserting like the lowest of the low people into their, into their, you know, environment. So are you like, I don't know what you're opinion on Jared, how I, he entered, he introduced me to you when you were going through all the stuff that you went through. You went through, um, Jim, anything more to say like he interviewed you when you were in jail and prison or whatever you were. So I don't know like if you can expand on that. So I, I, I have a little trouble believing that you're as in the dark as you claim to be. I mean, you know, Jared, how was basically, you know, he, he carried my voice to my audience while I was in jail in Charlottesville. And then he started doing his podcast after I made bail and, um, and I started syndicating him on my website. And we had that relationship for a number of years. When I got arrested in January 2020, Jared was, you know, taking segments from our calls and airing them on his podcast. And then we had sort of a falling out after I got out of prison and he's no longer on my website. I wasn't aware of the falling out. I just was, I just listened to the interviews that he broadcast on a belief his website. So I'm not trying to be an IE or trying to be deceptive. That's, I just don't listen to Jared Howard anymore. And I don't know all the details and stuff like that. So I just, uh, I just wanted to inform you that. Is there any senators that you are senators, any Congress people that you think are on our side on the dissident right or whatever you call it, whatever you might call it. I don't, you know, I don't, I don't know that there's dissident right United States Senator sitting now. Um, you know, it's, you know, there's questions. Or congress people like in the house. You know, a lot of people, you know, I don't think that there's, you know, many radical agenda listeners elected to the house, a representative say. But I think that there are people who are more, what I'm getting at is I think that there are people who are more or less in our direction say. Okay. So, you know, Mitch McConnell, what is that? Mitch, exactly. Well, that's the whole entire point of why I keep talking. So Mitch McConnell is our enemy, right? I don't believe that that's the case for, you know, Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz say. Okay. Now, yeah, there's people in our circles who are like, I agree 100% there's people in our circles who are like, Oh, Marjorie Taylor Greene, you know, repeats all the race blind nonsense of conservative ink. And therefore she's the enemy. And I'm like, you're dumb fuck, you know, grow up and stop trying to act so cool. You know, it's my attitude about that. You know, I don't think that those people are our enemies. I think that, you know, making them our enemies just distances us from, you know, centers of power. And so, you know, if we want to get it to a point where people who are more in line with our ideas are actually in, you know, positions of power, then we need to have proximity to those positions. And that's, you know, you create these conduits of influence to power. And then you travel the conduits, you know, who are those people and what are those conduits in your opinion? I mean, to try to, you see black pill, Devon stock Devon stack. I don't listen to Devon stack. What I know about Devon stack. I don't like. Yeah. He goes because he goes on. He goes what I, what little I know of him, mind you, it's not, I'm not very well informed of what he does. But in my observations of what he does is he basically calls people, cute tards and trumpites or whatever his stupid little slogans are. And just, you know, preachers. There's no. I disagree, but go ahead. Yeah. Okay. Go ahead with your disagreement then. But he doesn't see that. Yeah. Well, he actually does. So that's just then what did you say, cute tards and what Trump is or Trumpites or whatever it is. I mean, these are words that I am quoting from his telegram channel. They're things he's set. From, okay, so have you listened to his latest podcast on Odyssey? Of course I haven't listened to his latest podcast. Making an optimistic form an opinion. These are not listening to what he says. I can podcast on out of the same way that I form opinions about everything in the world, which is by, you know, inference from what I do observe. Okay. I don't have to listen to everything a person says to develop some idea of what they're doing, right. And so if he goes on there and basically says, okay, you don't get the fucking talk over me. Just, you know, shut the fuck up for a fucking. So like, I don't have time to listen to every fucking podcast on the internet. I'm a fucking busy guy. I've worked to do. All right. And if I think that somebody has dumb fucking ideas. The last thing I want to do is listen to them talk for two hours. Okay. And so what I know of Devon Stack is that he, he basically attacks people who want to participate in politics. He thinks that those people are counterproductive and are working contrary to the interests of white people. And because of that, his words are not valuable to me because that's preposterous. And so that's why I don't listen to his fucking podcast. And that's why nobody else should either, but they do sadly. And he's part of the problem. He's part of the problem or the solution. Thank you very much for the call. 217-688-1433. You like to be on the program. And I'm all you talk to less. I have to use the police to give us a call. Call or you're on the radical agenda with your agenda. Hello. Yes. Can you hear me there? Yeah, I hear you fine, buddy. Okay. Yeah. You mentioned the name Jeffrey Epstein. And I always, from the beginning there, I never did accept that he's actually dead. In the reason one of the reasons is, okay, for one thing, the guy had a lot of money, obviously. I mean, a lot of money. And he has friends that he had even more money, right? So I mean, they were driving all the warden and all these guards anyway. So it would have been actually easier for him to, for them to just fake wheeling him out there, fake a death and get him out of there. And then give him the fake ID, maybe a little touch up a plastic surgery and put him wherever he wanted to live, which would probably might be television. It could be, he might still be in New York City somewhere with the disguise. And another reason is this book that I mentioned previously on your show. The name of the book is by way, I have a writer, by way of deception. It's by an ex-Massad officer whose name is Victor. He's a guy named Austrovsky. The guy had an art gallery in Scottsdale. But he mentioned in there that there was a guy, there was a, he's talking about the massad operations. There was some guy, some Israeli that was supposed to testify at the Iran Contra earrings. And what they did was they just fake his death. I mean, he says this in the book, they fake his death, gave him fake ID. So this is something that they know how to do. And the massad has always been experts in faking identities, having to fake ID and so forth. And you know, personally, I mean, in the only guy that identified Epstein's corpse was his brother, I think. So I mean, as far as that goes, there's that. But I mean, if he's still alive, it actually is a Julian Maxwell's dad also could have been the same thing. He supposedly fell off a boat and drowned. But he, that could have been also a fake. He was in trouble. He could just said, fuck, I'm getting out of here. I mean, people do that. Same thing happened probably with, what's that guy? Ken Ler. Well, I think my reading of the, my reading of the Robert Maxwell thing is that massad killed that, that, you know, the story that he fell off the boat and drowned was not really plausible. You know, that the idea that, you know, this guy's been going out on a boat his whole life and then just fell off the side and drowned as, you know, it's hard to believe. Right? And so I read a book called Gideon spies. I think that author's name is Gordon Thomas. And you know, he makes the claim essentially that massad agents went and killed him because, you know, he was working with the massage to do all manner of things and use kind of like a subversive element in Britain. And so, you know, he was, he was threatening to talk. He was threatening to divulge secrets. And well, you know, the Jews aren't going to let you do that. And so the story story told by Gordon Thomas and Gideon spies is that, that the massad killed him to shut him up. And it would surprise me and the slightest to find out that the same thing happened at Jeffrey Epstein. Right? I mean, you know, this guy, I don't know all the details of it, but, you know, he certainly had massad connections. Right? Aside from the fact that, you know, his girlfriend's father was, you know, involved with the massad, my imitate understanding of it, I haven't gone through all the papers yet, but some of the documents that have been recently released, you know, suggest that there's more connections to the Israeli intelligence agency. And so that, you know, in that context, it makes a great deal of sense that like, okay, this, this Jewish guy is basically trying to get, you know, powerful people into compromising positions and filming them in order to blackmail them in order to do that. And so if you're in that position and, you know, you're about to get caught or for whatever reason, you know, the Israeli state decides that, you know, you're continuing to be alive is too big of a liability. They'll turn around and they'll kill you. They'll definitely do it. Right? It's the only reasonable thing for them to do is to kill you. And you know that they've got enough power here in the United States to, you know, to get away with things. So that's what that seems to be more plausible than a fake death, right? Why would, why would they go through the trouble of faking Jeffrey Epstein's death when they can just kill him? You know, the, the, you know, Jeffrey Epstein himself, you know, how important is he to anybody? I don't know that there's, I don't know that there's a satisfying answer to that. It seems to be that he's a threat to a lot of people. And, you know, some of those people eventually decided that like they're not going to tolerate the threat anymore. Well, he had a lot of money. I mean, you could have brought people, but I mean, you say somebody killed him. How, how does that come about? Can you hear me? Yeah, I hear you find, pal. The question is, we don't know. It's the whole entire point of the fucking question, right? You know, the whole entire point of what they did was to make sure that you don't know what they did. It was to make sure that you don't know. And all we really do know is that the story that they're feeding us is complete bullshit, right? So when people lie to you, when people lie to you, they, they typically have motives for doing that, right? We, we understand that, you know, no matter how much anybody likes lying, they're always doing so with some kind of motive. It's not just a hobby. And one so when they're, what they're doing is there, when they lie to you about something they're informing you in a sense, that, that what they're telling you is not a thing. And you know, you have to make inferences about why they're, why they're telling the lie, right? And, you know, we, well, that's all that we can do here is speculate and infer. We don't have any information, right? That's the whole entire point of the enterprise. Yeah, we don't know. That's right. I don't know for sure. I just brought up this idea that from this book, this massage guy said that they do that. They fake death. I think that's what happened to Ken Lay, who died all of a sudden. His wife got, I don't know if you're familiar with that case. Ken Lay was a, uh, end wrong. And he is wife had all the money and then he's fake his death, I believe. And he's probably, he's playing cards with Jeffrey Epstein somewhere in somewhere. But, uh, what else were you talking about? Marick, Gold, and yeah, I mean, Ray Epstein, the whole thing, the American people are starting to wise. It's not that they're stupid. It's just that they're powerless. They think they can't do anything. Most American people don't like Marick, Gold, and who is actually, I think his name is actually Garfinkle. And why do we have to have all these Jews running the country when actually there's no real reason for that except they want to control everything, right? Well, you know, I, uh, they have to control everything for their own fucking interest. It's certainly not being done for ours, right? And so, um, you know, that's, uh, that's certainly the case, my friend. I thank you very much for the call. 217-688-1433, if you'd like to be on the program and I'm, oh, you thought the less I have to, so please do give us a call. Call or you're on the radical agenda, what you're agenda? Hey, what's up, Chris? Tyler from the Midwest. I just wanted to talk to you about Marick, Gold and the Justice Department. Yeah. I was reading the AP today, apparently, the Justice Department is assuming Texas because they passed their own law about letting police arrest migrants from the US legally. So the federal Department of Justice is doing a state for trying to protect the border of the country. I just blew my fucking gorg and I read that. I knew something like that had gone on with some of the other efforts they made, but this is from the Texas Supreme Court. And I mean, it's just kind of mind blowing to me. It's literally just open-treatment. Yeah, I mean, and I don't think this is the, this is not particularly unique, right? I mean, there's been this back and forth between Texas and the federal government over immigration policy for a while. I don't think that this is the first lawsuit. There was, was it? There was another, there was another state also that put up what was it? I want to say, I think it was Arizona. I put up basically shipping containers as a makeshift border wall and the federal government sued, I believe, successfully to force them to take those down. And so like, you know, that's create, you know, they're putting these states in a situation where like the only option that they have is, you know, is succession, right? That you basically just have to say, like, we're not going to recognize the decisions of federal courts anymore because you can't impose upon us open borders. You can't, you can't subject us to invasion, you know, the constitution of the United States says that the federal government shall protect them against invasion. It's not may, not might, not ought to, it's shall. Okay, and shall has specific legal meaning. So like, you know, if the government, if the federal government is not going to keep up its end of the contract, then it's basically going to lose, you know, it's going to lose the authority to impose decisions upon states. Unfortunately, you know, we have this situation going on where, you know, all of the states are basically dependent on federal funds. The funds are siphoned out through the federal tax code and then, and then distributed, you know, plus inflation and whatever to, to the states and the federal government turns around makes up some really substantial portion of their budgets. And so they don't, they're, they're averse to, you know, to telling the government, no, but they're going to have to fucking do that. They have no other choice, right? You can't, you can't forever be in the situation where the federal government just forces you to take in endless streams of migrants. And, you know, while it's kind of amusing that Greg Abbott goes and takes the migrants and drops them off, you know, in New York and New Jersey and Chicago, to the point where New York, New Jersey and Chicago are calling it a crisis. And, and taking all these emergency measures just to deal with the ones that Texas is shipping to them. You know, if that's the case, then, you know, obviously what's happening to Texas is a lot worse than what's happening to New York City. And so, you know, they don't, they're going to be put in a position where they, they just have to disobey the federal courts, but they're obviously going to be very hesitant to do that. Right. And they're not, I mean, Abbott's kind of a talk too. So, I mean, you know, he makes a lot of noise on the border because his citizens are irritated at all, but he, you know, has other priorities. It was interesting that you brought up a required federal funds to get a lot of stun. I was reading into it. I mean, that's the same reason you're starting to see Section 8 housing pop up in nice neighborhood that you've never seen before, because these jurisdictions rely on federal funding for all these things. And they're using it as a charity, a charity stick approach. The stick is you don't getting federal funds. The charity is like, well, here's your millions of dollars in the Belgrade community. I mean, to me, it's just like a really deep form of evil that needs to be addressed on more than a local level. And I don't understand what Republicans aren't doing in God's thing. I mean, you know, Mike Johnson went down there, you know, as a new speaker, a visit at the border, he was looking around, you know, I think it was something to do with Operation Loans star, you know, which would say started, you know, for all those incentives for the police to, I guess, apprehend the legal immigrants for misdemeanors. Should they were going anything they can do to stand some of the flow. And Mike Johnson went down there, you know, they kind of overlooked it. You know, he's like, oh, yeah, more is bad. You know, he goes back, says no more funding for Ukraine and Israel supposedly if we don't get some mortar work. Well, it's still not happening. I don't know. It looks like the big eaters may. Well, yeah, I mean, look, they're not the people who are in the Congress right now. First of all, it's a Republicans wanted to impose upon the federal government to couldn't. Okay. What people need to understand is that the Democrats will, it almost always happens to be the case that when there's a shutdown of the federal government, the public ends up blaming the Republican party. And saying, you know, you won't go along to get along. Okay. And that's stupid. And the Republicans need to get over that. But here's the thing. I said this about Trump. And, you know, I guess it was 2018. That, you know, he said, we'll shut down the federal government unless you give me the border wall. Okay. And he engaged in the longest shutdown of the federal government in the history of the country. And there was all this speculation of like, well, you know, what is he going to cave? And I'm like, well, of course he's going to cave. Of course he's going to cave. Why? Because Donald Trump doesn't want to destroy the country and the Democrats do. Right. So the Democrats are like, the Democrats are not spending like drunken sailors because they can't add them to track. Right. They're doing this to destroy the country. Right. And so if they can destroy, if they can, you know, an actual matter of fact, like the government actually has, you know, responsibilities. And so you can't, you can't just turn it off and then turn it back on. It's not the way this works. And so what ends up happening is when the Republicans shut down the government in order to, you know, to make some political point, they don't make their political point because what actually ends up happening is 100% of the time. They understand that the Democrats will, will kill the hostage. And so they don't, they don't, they can't coerce the Democrats by shutting down the government because Democrats are like, oh, well, just go ahead and, and do that. We'll say it's your fault. Eventually, you're going to cave. We won't, because we don't care about the well-being of our citizens. We're going to do what we want to do and you're going to come along with us because you will not destroy the country. Right. And that's why it always goes badly for the Republicans. So so they'll go and they'll make some, you know, some political theater out of it. And then they'll look weak and pathetic because they'll cave. And they, and it's as predictable as sunrise and sunset that they will. And that's who we are. Yeah, I agree. And so, you know, it's sad. Yeah, it's very sad, you know, but it's like, you know, but this is also why like, you know, it's why I get annoyed when people are like, when people act like there's no such thing as progress that is not a 180 degree turnaround of the system. Right. You know, when Donald Trump was president of the United States, you know, he was subverted in his presidency the whole time, but you know, he did try to do things. And, and he didn't have quite the power that people are who are ignorant of our system of government believe that he did. Right. Like he didn't have 60 votes in the Senate. He had a bare majority in the house. And he had, you know, John McCain and Paul Ryan in either, you know, house of the legislature undermining him. And so like, you know, it wasn't like Donald Trump had the authority to pass his own laws. And then, you know, you basically had, you know, leading into the 2018 midterms then, you know, people in our circles were like, yeah, fuck this. Like why would I support these people if they're not going to do it, I want. And then the Democrats took the house. And then it's been all downhill from there. And so like, you know, and things just keep on getting worse. And some people think that that's, you know, some people are of the opinion that, you know, that's exactly what you want is to get things to be as bad as possible as rapidly as possible. So that people get so uncomfortable that they want radical changes. And, you know, I understand that line of thinking I had for a time and braised it, but I don't think that it's very sound. Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm a family guy. So I don't necessarily want to get everything burned down around me. Right. I mean, I've got chosen to think about, you know, and there was being. I will say that I don't feel represented in any way, any way should perform, you know, in the entirety of American politics. Most of the people that even come close to my beliefs and, you know, major political parties say other retarded shit that I don't want to be associated with. For example, that's like Marthory Taylor Grant. You know, she occasionally says something good about the border population, you know, say, etc, etc. But then she'll say something retarded. And I just don't want anything to do with it. You know, I, I, you know, everybody I've been talking to lately talking about, think local right. And there's some evidence that think local words, but part of what we were just discussing shows it in the long term, unless you're willing to really run your own fucking state without helping the federal government. If that's even possible, that's going to be your only alternative. And it just seems like there needs to be larger or national movements to dress this. And I just, I don't, I don't see the next step because the Republicans actively vet out anybody that's pro white now. Unless it's like a spooge or something like that. You know, so I just, I don't know, you know, I don't know what options we have left anymore, other than laying down and dying. Well, I don't see that laying down and dying is an option at all, but I understand what you, what you mean that this is basically what they expect us to do. And so, right hyperbole, but yeah, I mean, this is, this is basically what Merrick Garland with all have of us, right? No, shut up, take it. Oh, yeah. You know, you stupid fucking goyam cattle, you lay there and you take my abuse and you thank me for it. You know, that's, that's Merrick Garland's view of what you're supposed to do. And so, you know, the conclusion I sort of came to a long time ago was that, you know, you actually like don't you don't have any. There's nothing that you can do by yourself, right? You don't, there's nothing that your two hands can do to, to, to affect the situation you have to, you have to move towards other centers of power. Okay, you have to, you have to be, you have to ingratiate yourself to those elements of power and you have to do what you can to try to influence those levers of power. And now that's not, there's not a, there's not a, there's not an instead of instructions that I can give you for that, you know, it's, it's not straight forward at all, but like, that's my, that's my view of it essentially is that like, okay, you know, you know, you mentioned Marjorie Taylor Greenfond, she says some dumb shit, but like, you know, she's, she's a conduit of influence, right, that like, you know, she's reachable apparently, you know, people, people submit ideas to Marjorie Taylor Greenfond, and then they end up spoken on the floor of the House of Representatives, right? And so she's, she's one example of that, that influenceable person that you can transmit, you know, ideas from the, you know, the radical echo chambers of the dissident right in the darkest corners of the Internet. Say, in to mainstream political discussions. And so like, I don't, I don't view Marjorie Taylor Green as like hostile to our interest. I view her as, you know, as a piece on the board, you know, that, that that's in play, you know, and I view her as, you know, a piece that you don't want remove from the board, say, and that's kind of like how I tend to view everybody who's, who's involved is like, okay, you're a piece on the board, you a piece that you're going to be able to do. You're a piece on the board, you a piece that I want removed, or you a piece that I can manipulate in some way to, you know, move things that in a direction more advantageous to me, you know, and that's, that's sort of just how I can see of it. And there's not, there's not like, you know, you know, what we, I think that one of the things that has become obvious in recent years is that there's not much of a consensus, even in what might be called the dissident right today is to like, what the ultimate goal is. For me, you know, the object of my politics is that, you know, me and the people that I care about can live, live decent and fulfilling lives. It's a fairly straightforward. Yeah. It's pretty not, it's not really all that, it's not quite so radical in agenda after all. And, and so like, you know, I believe that, you know, the government that we, that we live underneath today is so hostile to that, to that modest aim that, you know, the changes that have to be made, you know, look extreme by comparison, but like, you know, the, this is not an unachievable goal, say, what has to happen is that people need to get out of their heads that there's, you know, a mold bug reset, you know, blaze a glory solution to their problems that actually like politics is actually a pretty boring sport. And what you actually have to do is you have to like show up at like a GOP meeting and, you know, shake hands with people who maybe aren't all that interesting and, you know, pay them compliments that, you know, maybe you don't fully agree with. I mean, that's, that's kind of, you know, that's kind of the thing. It's actually not, it's, it's not nearly as interesting as political media personalities tend to want to make it out to be because our business incentives are different than the, than the political strata. Yeah, I agree. I think a lot of it's long term thinking. I've been a leader for younger Republicans and in my local county, GFP for years. The boomer problem, if you're familiar with it is huge here. I live in a pretty nice city. There's a lot of 65 to fucking, I don't know, 95 year old people that are running our local Republican party. They can't stand, radicalized young white men. They get irritated by it. There's a lot of slimy bucks to give them money. Of course, the local Jewish community, the local Jewish federation, etc. So you have to play your cards really close to your chest. You can't ever talk about proactive anything. You can only talk about, you can only be against something. You cannot be for something. You know, one of my big things being a white nationalist is trying to define what being white means and things like that. And it's literally impossible to talk about affirmative white ideas. And the, well, at least in my local, I'm only going to speak to myself and my local Republican structure is literally impossible. I will say one time I met JD Dance and he seems to be at least open to more radical ideas. I don't know, you know, how serious he is or if he was trying to earn a vote, which he wouldn't earn mine. I'm not in state. So who knows, but it was, you know, it was interesting to like one time have somebody in power just listen to a list of concerns that me and some of the younger men that I work with agreed upon that were questions we wanted to ask him. But in general, man, what are the pressing scene? I cannot wait until all the silver hairs are out of the Republican party. Well, I mean, you know, you got to, you've got to be there when they leave, right? And so, you know, that's, that's kind of the object of the contest. But, you know, JD Vance, I'd say I listened to his audiobook, Hillbilly, Elegy. And so I, he's conscious of, you know, you know, he describes, you know, maybe done. I keep on saying, you know, I'm sorry, it's a radio crutch. I need to stop it. You know, he talks about, you know, white people generally, right? He describes, I haven't listened to the book in a very long time. So I don't have quotes from it for you. But I mean, the idea of it is that like this is a white family. And, you know, these are the things that they went through and, you know, white America, this and that stuff. And like, you know, the stories that he has are pretty damn horrific. Like, you know, people in his family were, you know, addicted to opiates and all of this crap. And so like he understood, like when he's lectured to about white privilege, he understandably holds those people in a great deal of contempt. And he understands that what that they're malicious. And if you understand that the people who are whining about white privilege or malicious and they're not trying, you know, it's not a misguided effort to help the downtrodden. It's a malicious lie designed to do nefarious things. I mean, you know, you can't write it literally designed to hurt people. Yeah, you can't you can't escape the knowledge that there's an ethnic animus behind that once you understand it. And so I he's definitely he definitely has some awareness of, you know, the things that we discuss in our circles. And so, you know, whether but he is also he's also strategic enough that he understands that if he runs around screaming, it's the Jews stupid that he's not going to get elected to the United States Senate. And so he's cautious. Right. I will say he was one of the few that even thought about why we're giving money to Israel, which kind of impressed me a little bit. He was like, and he actually had to get on his X feet and defend himself to his constituents and had to come back to Ohio to defend himself against accusations of being an Israel show, which I thought was hilarious. That is pretty funny. Yeah, you know, he's he's you know, you could do a lot worse than J. D. Vance, you know, yeah, no, no, you know, anybody who ends up getting any, you know, in proximity to those those centers of power like, you know, they as they as they get into greater proximity, they come to know things that you and I don't know. And that that influences their activity and their behavior and their talk. And so, you know, how much of that can be described as compromised and how much of that is them being prudent actors aware of the situation more than you and I, only they really know that we don't. But, you know, I think that I got the impression that he's smart enough to kind of be able to parse it. I mean, I think Yale or Harvard educated. He seemed to be able to parse our concerns, which were heavily laden with Israel concern, as well as straight up white working people's issues. He was able to parse that offer reasonable answers without pandering. And that was good enough for me. And he's not an embarrassment. He's not an embarrassment like green. So we were talking about earlier. So yeah, I thought he was pretty decent. Right on, man. Well, anything anything else you want to get out there before I move on to other callers from. No, no, I appreciate the time. And thank you very much. Thank you very much. 2176881433. If you'd like to be on the pogrom in the morning, so the less I have to use the please give us a call. This is pretty funny. So, um, Screly, who's like a pharma millionaire went to prison for a little while. Either that or just some guy in the chat who took that name. Got my hopes up for a second. I was like, holy shit. Oh my god, I got a thousand dollar super chat. And it's not even Tony. I've got a new wealthy benefactor here. It's a pharma bro. And then I realized what he sent me was a thousand library coins. The fucking the the LBRY token that has some purpose on honesty, which I have yet to fully discern. So he sends me a thousand of these things, which which amounts to about five dollars. And he says, do you think they'll ever release the recordings of the Sinvy Kessler corporate meetings. I remember calling into listen and cracking up when you drop some hilarious lines. Anyway, have this five dollars worth of LBC cheers. Some of that audio has been leaked. There's an Odyssey channel called Fascist Freddy, which has some of my cross examinations. The court is never going to release them because to the best of my knowledge, the court did not keep recordings. The court order was that it was illegal to record it. It wasn't like the government said, we're keeping out the only authorized recording. It said no recording. So I don't know that there's an official recording of that to be released. If there is, I certainly hope that it comes to light. And anybody who, you know, I'm it's I don't believe for one second, but there was not more people recording that thing. I mean, you know, I've encouraged people on I've encouraged people in this audience to record their phone calls for years. I have to believe that somebody who listens to the sound of my voice captured more of that trial on a recording while they were listening to it. And whoever you are, wherever you are, like leak it anonymously, you know, go give it to forget the name of the place that published the recordings that are on Fascist Freddy's YouTube channel, Odyssey channel now. But you could find that out if you looked hard enough, they'll publish it for you and they'll never tell anybody it was you that gave it to them, you know, and it's been long enough, you know, that, you know, I hope more of that audio comes out. But for now, if you want to listen to me cross examine, that they're white supremacy expert Peter Seamy, who else said I cross examine Seth Whispley, the fake priest, Natalie Romero and Devon Willis. That's on Fascist Freddy's Odyssey channel. I am Winston sends $20 you says I meant to send shekels with that. So I guess there's probably something before that that I need to go find. They went after that sheriff, our pie in Arizona or whatever his name was for enforcing federal law, then they went after him for racial discrimination because he didn't include race on applications. Well, of course, you know, that's the that's the big joke that like you're not, you know, because you're not racist enough, we're going to come after you for racism. You need to order dominoes and specifically get the chocolate lava cakes. This will be enough for two orders plus one cup of icing and tip to cold to go outside says Tony soprano with $33 and a super chat. Buddy, buddy, buddy, buddy, I appreciate the $33 and you have you paid for some portion of the Chinese food order that I ordered today. I did not as a matter of fact, right before the show I order Chinese and it was I haven't done that. I don't think I've done that since I got out of prison. It was really good. You know, I've been like I've been hesitant to spend I've been hesitant to spend money on anything that doesn't create an asset. You know, especially like you know, I buy food obviously. But I haven't been you know, treating myself to restaurant take out or whatever. And I did that today with the Chinese food is really good. But I'm not getting fucking dominoes and I'm certainly not getting chocolate lava cakes and a cup of icing like Jesus Christ. I'm trying to I'm trying to get in better shape, not worse. But thank you very much, Tony, I appreciate it. Two on seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program and I'm where you took the less I have to. So please do give us a call. Wait a second. Both of you are calling in for a second time. Like all right. Go ahead. What's going on? Call. Me or you just called in what happened was I skipped the guy in front of you because I recognize that he called in a few minutes ago. Oh, yeah, I was just wondering why you hung up on me. I was talking about them and stack. Yeah, so fucking Jaguar. You fucking faggot. Fuck you. I'll ban your fucking number. You do that again. Call or you're on the radical agenda. Hello, yes. I'm calling in for the second time. Yeah, I know. I wanted to comment briefly. I know you probably skeptical about this thing, but they are South Africa is bringing up Israel on genocide charges and it be next. It'll be this week. It'll be Thursday. They're having hearing in this court and they have a strong case because the reason they have a strong case is not only is there genocide going on, but five or six or seven of the top officials of the Israel stated publicly in English that they they were going to kill all these people. I mean, we're going to kill all these goddamn people there. You know, I mean, so there's an intent is obvious. Now it is political, but still there's 15 people that will vote on it. And there's a chance it will. What they're going to ask for is a seat like a cease and the system order. Whatever they call it international parliament. They're going to ask for is it a stop killing everybody there for wild the trial goes on, which will take a couple years, but they they it has been done before this guy. Malostovic got convicted in that court. So I mean, it's a possibility. You're talking about people joining hands and Kerry Lake in Arizona is trying to do that. She got she got the election stolen from her. For governor now she's running for senator. And she's ahead in the I mean, she's probably might win. I don't know, but. So she's she's trying to make to an extent because she beat the the the Rhino the Rhino lady that was running against her in the prime and the Republican primary for governor was a trophy wife that had a 92 year old billionaire husband. And she so she's just trying to buy blatantly buy the nomination for governor and it be carried like beater in the primary then everybody thought what else she's going to win in the in the in the general election, but they stole it from her. So now she's trying and she's trying to make she's trying to I guess to extend shake hands with the rhinos that she beat in the primary in the first place. And now they're sooner or for also one of the guys to stole the election from her the recorder, the miracle, but can't record her is sooner for defamation. So I don't know that the court system is screwed up. What what happened and all these all these court cases she tried and the other guy tried to eat homo day. What these judges do is it's just delay. They'll hear the case. No, just say, okay, I forgot about it. And then six maybe nine months later this all. Yeah, I remember that case. You know, so it's just there. It's no good. I'm trying to say Christopher. What do you think? I agree with you. It's no good. And I thank you for to call my friend to one seven six eight eight one four three three. You like to be on the pogrom and I'm all you taught the less I have to. So please do give us a call. You know, Marjorie Taylor Green came up a couple of times and I. And so I figured maybe I'll play this clip real quick. This is the the Marjorie Taylor Green rap. MTG Maga's MPV MVP. The Democrats are a party of pedophiles. They support grooming children. Even Joe Biden, the president himself supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children. MTG Maga's MVP. MTG Maga's MVP. MTG Maga's MVP. Democrats get back. Boom. Report is even get slapped. Spreading all these rumors because Marjorie being spitting big facts. Deep state in the lift always. Hey, when they gonna let Joe about that basement, Marjorie, I really love what you do. Keep calling Ronald Zell. No one doesn't better than you. A real business woman. AOC's off that the way. A Southern bell. A little hood watch her shake your face. The voice. That's all you got to bring up. Yeah, watch her train to swamp. Cause she know they come rock. She's fighting for our children. She's fighting for our freedom. She's fighting for the dance. She's fighting for the people. MTG Maga's MVP. MTG Maga's MVP. MTG Maga's MVP. MTG Maga's MVP. MTG Maga's MVP. This this thing is like, you know, it's got this if those of you are listening to the audio, I'll describe the scene a little bit that they've got like this guy's I don't know. He could he maybe he's white. He's sort of like he's got face tattoos and hand tattoos. She's standing on the back of I don't know what kind of car that is precisely but you know like a car that is maybe a I don't know 70s red, you know sort of race car type thing convertible. And then they've got her sitting in this like this really tacky fake throne. And it's so cheesy. It's so bad. And so you know, but anything that calls the Democrats a party of pedophiles, you know, it's basically generally good is my personal view of it. And so I got to kick out of that when it was introduced. To me by a listener. And so thank you very much for that friend. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the pogrom in a moment less I have to so please to give so called Tyler the berators says keep up the good fight my dudes and $65. Thank you very much. My friend I will appreciate that I really do. Tony says oh, LOLG's this isn't a oh she's actually there isn't she. Yeah, that's kind of the you know you're getting there. Here's an interesting thing. Jeffrey Epstein fit his fixers office was burglarized hours before the document dump this is at Los Angeles magazine. Stringing company the global crisis public relations firm who as a client list of the rich and powerful including Jeffrey Epstein was burglarized over the New Year's holiday by thieves who stole many computers and servers just hours before trove of long sealed documents court documents related to the admitted pedophile were released. Michael Citrick said his penthouse offices at 11 9 9 9 St Vincent Boulevard Vicente Boulevard along with other occupants of the four story building in Brentwood that bears his company's names as citric and co I think I said something else before citric was broken into by unknown thieves just as explosive new documents about Epstein's activities with underage girls from a public. It didn't cross my mind citric told the Los Angeles magazine over the phone Thursday when asked if he was concerned about the timing of the burglary just hours before years long records fight ended when a judge ordered the release of roughly 900 pages of documents from the 2015 federal civil case jifray v Maxwell. The records all for new insights into the allegations that Epstein and his accomplished Jelae Maxwell which includes previously undisclosed deposition transcripts Palm Beach police search warrant records and the names of potential witnesses to their crimes. The new revelations were part of a defamation suit filed by lawyers for Virginia jifray which who was underage when she said she was trafficked to powerful men including pres Andrew by Maxwell. It has to be a coincidence citric said of the theft adding that there were no Epstein records in his office or any compromising information about any of his clients among the items stolen. He added that he does not believe the crooks targeted his firm specifically. There were several offices in the building and in addition to ours which were broken into and robbed all of our computers are password protected and dual factor protected and encrypted it state of the art he says no one's getting into them. The LAPD confirmed that officers responded to a Berkeley report on the 11,000 block of San Vicente Boulevard in January second which is when citric employees returned to work no other details about the breaking were made available and so you know. They're going to tell us that you know nothing happened here but. It's an interesting data point nonetheless I said. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program. Let me see what else I got here. I really can't you know. I don't want to talk about the news anymore like I have to find a whole new bit you know I understand that people like you know. Be reading the news but I like don't want to do it anymore. Sorry any second. It's so repetitive right like it's just you know. It's it's the same thing every day now you know and I don't know if that's you know my experience you know making it seem repetitive I think that it's my it's my distinct recollection that you know I used to read the news on the show. And I'd be like shocked at what I was reading now the things that I'm reading or disturbing any extreme but they're not shocking anymore because. Because this is the world that we live in. Right we we things have gotten to a point where. I said so many times over the years that I have to stop saying that they've gotten that they've gone as far as they can go. That they can't that they'll always find some way to top it right that I I'll never cease to be amazed. But that actually it it has sort of happened just in that. While what they do is disturbing and sick. It actually doesn't surprise me anymore. That's not good you know it's not good for me I guess you know I'm like I'm so accustomed to it I'm like okay well you know. It's your covering up for a pedophile and you're you're you're draining our treasury to give it to some foreign kleptocrat. And you're going to get us all killed because you want to exterminate my race from the planet this is what I. Understand the world to be when I wake up in the morning before I start reading news right. And so when I read news that simply confirms what I already know to be the case I'm like this is not news anymore. But at time there what it was you know. There's a story is a guy Mnende's senator Bob Mnende's we cover the story when I for when he first got indicted he was indicted basically for helping the government of Egypt. And he had received all these bribes like gold bars and stuff now it turns out that he's also helping the government of guitar. And so he just got a super seating indictment for that updated federal indictment was filed against senator Bob Mnende's on Tuesday. A legend that he accepted payments from a notable notable North Jersey developer Fred Dobby's in exchange for using his power influence to help Dobby's with a business deal like a tar. The updated indictment alleges that the now infamous gold bars found him in N. D. S. Englewood cliffs home were payment for helping diabetes get a guitar investment company with ties to that country's government to invest in a diabetes property by doing things that were viewed as favorable to the Qatar government. In June of 2021 Mnende's allegedly introduced diabetes to an investor who as a member of the guitar royal family. And the principle of the firm who then negotiated a multi million dollar investment in one of diabetes new Jersey real estate properties. During those negotiations Mnende's allegedly made public statements supporting the government of guitar and after attending a private event. In a Manhattan hotel hotel in after attending a private event in Manhattan hosted by the guitar government diabetes said sent Mnende as a picture of a luxury watch website with models priced up to 23,999. How about one of these before messaging the senator again two days later about the Senate resolution in support of guitar. Well the guitar firm was considering the potential investment Mnende's made multiple public statements supporting the government of guitar the indictment says Mnende's would give statements to diabetes so he could share them with the guitar investor and a guitar government official associated with the investment firm. The indictment says now this goes on for some length. Okay, but it's actually pretty telling about other phenomenon right or another other phenomenon should say. So Bob and Mnende's goes and you know tries to get this guy a deal with the guitar government. And in order to do that what he does is he says that you know the guitar is a bunch of swell guys. Oh, that's interesting you know. I wonder if that has any bearing on the fucking complete nonsense that you hear senators saying about Israel. Our greatest ally right. Oh, we have such a unique and special relationship with Israel will defend Israel at any cost we're going to take care of them because there are greatest ally in the Middle East. They're the only democracy in the Middle East. So Bob and Mnende's can be indicted let's find one of the quotes that you know they have these statements here that he may. Here's what he said in press release dated August 21 2021 on Mnende's website he indeed prays guitar's effort to help house Afghan special immigrant visa applicants refugees and other at risk groups seeking refuge in the United States quote. I am grateful to see our friends and allies in guitar be moral exemplars by accepting Afghans ultimately seeking safe haven in the US after being forced to escape their lives Mnende has said in a release. Okay. That's that's so mild in comparison to the things that you hear said about Israel right. Oh, I'm grateful to see our friends and allies in guitar be moral exemplars by accepting Afghans ultimately seeking safe haven in the US for being forced to escape for their lives. And for that he's getting you know millions of dollars in gold bars. What do you think happens when you're a United States senator and you go and you say. So Israel is our greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East and anti-Semitism is evil. What do you get when you're on the Santos and you go to Israel to sign a law that's going to put Floridians in prison for insulting Jews. If Bob and Nendes can get millions of dollars in gold and be indicted on the basis of that for saying I'm grateful for seeing our friends and allies in guitar be moral exemplars. What do you think goes to these people who are kissing the asses of the people who run our central bank. Well the first thing they're getting is they're not getting entitled really nice feature of working with the Jews. When you help the Jews you don't go to prison that's you know that's what the really you know huge benefits of doing that. 2176881433 you like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to so please give us a call Tony since twenty five dollars bro order the dominoes lava cakes trust me on this just burn off the calories later going to need something to cheer you up after your next mk spanking oh. Also I really think it would be funny to see you do reactions to the viral tick tock politics shit. He said seven dollars at that one. You know I I can think of things the you know I'm not ordering dominoes lava cakes I don't care how much you pay me Tony I appreciate the money but I'm not going to order. Sugar from dominoes I'm not going to do it. I will suffer my mk beating in dignity and I will endeavor to be better. I've been doing the mk thing I had like you know I think at different times there's people of different skill levels playing I think you know if I play sometimes during the afternoon I've done a few games where I recorded them but I didn't stream them. I had some you know mixed luck shall we say play more combat. I gave counter strike another shot the other day to by myself I didn't stream it I didn't or did I stream did it was very late at night. But I went on counter strike and I actually I played a few I did the practice thing and I was like oh I'm good at counter strike now. I was doing the practice thing and I was like and I was the MVP each time and I was like yeah like of course I'm the MVP I'm good at stuff you know. And then I went and I started playing with other people it was I just got smoked every time it's like I was not out there for you know 30 seconds before I got my brains blown out and then they kicked me off the team you know I was like what the fuck. They voted me off and I was like I didn't even do anything like I was really well behaved I didn't I was I want to go on counter strike and like talk shit to people but it's like I didn't do that that night you know. And I was like but other there was another guy was talking shoes call on somebody in digger and so like I thought that was pretty funny and so I started doing sound drops you know I start you know. Just called them niggas you know I go home and get you fucking shine box. Race wise on everybody. And then for doing my fucking sound sound drops you know they fucking they kicked me off the goddamn counter strike team and I was like well what the fuck man I was like if you're gonna be fucking jagged off about it I'll just call you a bunch of kikes with the fuck. And so you know I'm still figuring it out. Oh man. Respect my authority. Oh. Oh that was the one. I was playing on the counter terrorist team every time they killed me. So anyway. I don't know guys I think I'm gonna wrap it up I'm sorry I'm actually not feeling so hot today if I'm honest with you and so if anybody wants to call in call it now I'll read. One more news story if there's no if there's nobody on the phones who has not already called in if you've already called in don't call me again tonight I really try to keep it to one call per episode I haven't been enforcing that I used to have it set up that if you tried to call a second time you'd get a busy signal I don't have it set that way because it's sort of it I realized that sometimes that didn't work the way it was supposed to and so I disabled that feature. I'm trying to keep it limited to one call per episode I mean if you've got something really great to say I'll take your call a second time but that's very rarely my experience. And so if you haven't called in yet you want to get on the phone go ahead do that now I'll read this story second Biden official resigns over Israel homos work concerns I cannot stay silent as this administration turns a blind eye to the atrocities official wrote in a letter. A senior Biden education advisor on Wednesday became the second administration official to resign from his post over the white house is handling of the Israel homos war the latest instance of an of internal turmoil over the war in a letter to education secretary Miguel Cardona to recabosh a policy advisor in the department office of planning evaluation and policy development. Accused the U.S. of endangering Palestinians and accused the Israeli government of ethnic cleansing well like you know what's kind of amusing about that is it's not an accusation like that's the stated purpose of it right. The guy went on television was literally like look why don't we just send all the Palestinians to America we'll just do that you know. Because we're going to remove this ethnic group from this territory because we're going to do something other than ethnic cleansing that involves cleansing the area of an ethnicity. It's not really ethnic cleansing we're just sending them to go and you know do battle with you go him over there. I cannot stay silent as this administration turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed against innocent Palestinian lives in what leading human rights experts are called a genocidal campaign by the Israeli government of Oshero. Since the Hamas militant group attacked Israel on October 7th several letters have been sent from Biden administration officials and campaign staffers many signed anonymously urging the president to reconsider his unfettered support for Israel about 1200 Israelis were killed in the attack while some 22,000 Palestinians have been killed amid Israel's retaliation according to the Hamas run Gaza health ministry in October Josh Paul state department official involved with transferring arms to key American allies. Resigned from his post because of what he called his short-sighted decisions by the Biden administration providing military assistance to Israel in an interview with Politico after his resignation Paul said controversial arms transfers are normally hashed out intensively often over long periods of time. There just wasn't any space for that sort of discussion I attempted it on a number of occasions emails and conversations and discussions and meetings but there was no response he said at that time. Well yeah because you know sir you know when Bob Nendez says that the Qataris are moral exemplars he's indicted because he received millions of dollars in gold bars for doing that. And you work for a kleptocratic regime of criminals who says that the Jewish people are God's chosenites and that they have the right to kill anybody they want at our expense. A month later more than 500 Biden administration officials anonymously signed the letter urging Biden to call for a ceasefire on Wednesday 17 current Biden staffers anonymously called on the president to push for a permanent ceasefire in the month long conflict. Abaush who is Palestinian American cited the national night nationwide turmoil on college campuses following the attack the education department must protect all students who wish to protest the war he said noting the alarming violence against Palestinian and Muslim Americans since the war broke out is there really a lot of evidence of that. Is that actually true I haven't seen any evidence of that. Simply put criticism of the Israeli government and its violations of international humanitarian laws not anti-Semitic hero well that's that's where you're wrong friend that's exactly what anti-Semitism is and maybe you should get on board. claims that conflate criticism of Israel's government with anti-Semitism only seek to silence dissent against the foreign government well you know it seeks to silence you know dissent against the domestic government to pal and you're involved in that and you're complicit so maybe you should stop speaking with CNN Wednesday night Abaush called Biden's refusal call for a ceasefire untenable with the belief by millions of Americans across the country. The spokesperson from the education department told political in a statement that they wish him the best in his future endeavors isn't that a nice thing of them to say. Isn't that nice little boilerplate statement. Oh well we wish you the best in your future endeavors which is a nice way of saying fuck you. Tyler the berater says we need more nuanced voices like crystal thank you thank you very much Tyler and we need more people who berate in this fashion by throwing money and compliments at me. It's funny the radical agenda you know when the radical agenda became the voice of reason you knew that everything was completely fucked friend. We used to do you know the the catchphrase right used to be common sense extremism. I used to say we talk about radical crazy off the wall things like property rights and contracts or some mundane you know obviousness like that you know. I thought that was a pretty goddamn good gimmick. And it's really it's it's come full circle is it it's it we're there you know I'm like hey calm down you know stop threatening people and maybe like go over the meetings of the political party and try to you know you know influence politics in a slow and tedious fashion. It's it's like it's less you know rewarding to ideologues say but. You know but when I talk about that you know I I what's amusing to be though about that is. You know that actually is the more extreme position right so like you know I I mentioned in I think stage six episodes zero. Or at least or maybe in stage one episode one of surreal politics you know I quote Van Jones right I'm willing to for go the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of the radical ends okay. And so like what do you want right do you want to impose your will upon a continent of 320 million people do you want to control the world's most powerful military and impose your will upon the world in that way because that's a pretty fucking extreme thing to do. That's serious you know what's not serious is like you know what I really want is to be lauded by powerless people by the dozens right you know what I really want is to receive the app robation of social media users in my radical ideological echo chamber and accomplished nothing. But at least I'll say edgy stuff that's not actually like a very you know that's not a radical thing to do that's actually very moderate you know it's it's there's no ambition involved in that. And so you know I said on my new year send off you know I was like I'm more patient than I was before and like since I lacked patients before that feels like a superpower yeah. I had this idea in my head when I started the show like you needed to have you know basically you just needed radical ideolog to turn up the ideological fervor to such an extent that those ideas would manifest in reality say. But that's dogmatic ideological mysticism right that's not real that doesn't actually mean anything that's ideological fervor manifesting itself is not a plan it's not doesn't actually do anything it's just masturbation and so you know I want my ideas to. What's the what's the phrasing I'm looking for. I don't want to spray my ideas against the wall to shower say I want them to fertilize the egg. And so Tony says order the lava cakes are going to follow you home and read your dog. I'm going to get a dog one of these days Tony and if you rate my dog. I'm going to be really upset about that so it's a good thing I don't have one now. But I appreciate the $15 that you sent with that message all the same and I appreciate your your another support and all you guys who were not in the super chats today but you you know have a credit card and you want to go do that you go to give. Send go to com slash spm you can you got that cash app thing you can hit me up on a cash app my cash tag is edgy Chris. I got all my Bitcoin and Manero and all the QR codes for the crypto stuff the crypto stuff is you know you guys are all rich you guys all you guys just you gain like 20% in the last you know month or whatever was. So go ahead send over all the send over all the crypto currency libertary out I second the idea of the lava cakes why are you all trying to get me fat you know what are you talking about you have any idea what I do to avoid sugar. Every once in a while I I consume sugar I realize that I'm missing something if I if I'm here in the afternoon and I've had a good night sleep. But I sense my eyes closing anyway like I realize like am I like high bowl glycemic or something and then I'll go and I'll grab there's actually like a vending machine in my building. And I'll go grab like either a little bag of chips are like so every once in a while I'll grab a soda oh my god. To go drink a Coca Cola I'm like oh my god this is drugs you know. I don't I know they're fucking good Tony that's why you know that's why you don't you know you like you might as well tell me that smoking crack gets you high that's I understand that they taste good it's not I'm not I don't dispute this part you know just take steroids well you know. No comment. You can't eat whatever you want and still be jacked and just by taking steroids like you have to you know. Steroids will not replace diet and exercise in a fitness routine. You have to as a matter of fact like you'll really screw yourself up that way you have to do those things and then steroids you know make the pay off bigger is how steroids work and I know that because I read about. So. So I'm going to go before I get myself in any more fucking trouble thank you very much is my right. Scrappy thank you for the library tokens is a matter of fact I was kind of actually running a little low on them and so. Anybody wants to send those things like I know people joke about it or whatever when I see the thousand of them come in and I think it's a thousand dollars then I realize it's five dollars worth the fucking. It's you know worth the library tokens it's not as impressive but I was like oh I actually didn't need those because you know when you do on on Odyssey the thing is you do like. You uh whenever you create a stream you upload a video it like as like how much you want to stake on the video and you know to most of the videos I don't stake much money. But every once in a while if I think something's good I throw 50 of them on there I was literally down to like 15 of them so it's good to get a few of those tokens so thank you very much. And uh thank you all for listening thank you all for paying thank you all for giving a fucking shit thank you for calling in. And I thank you in advance for having a great weekend with the ones you love I really hope you do I'll see you soon. That's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity. All we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build them like a political agenda. It's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment.