I have a good excuse for all this, you know. I always do. And so now that we got all the, we got a level straight now, and culture's ready, we just go... That's it, it's over, then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people? You can't call them enemies. And if we want to divide our society into... Arms, camps, the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about. They're bad actors, what they want to do here is ramp their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans, these are people that want to see great things for the country. You know, they try and build a blanket, run a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda, it's called the second... Alright, on what it, welcome to the radical agenda. It's a show about timeless ideas and news in a day, and what it's... Hey, come on, come on, get... So, let me just... Here's what's going on here. As I took the whole damn studio apart today at like four o'clock, and I was like, oh, I've gotten to line 30. Everything's gonna be fine. And then, you know, these things, they don't go the way they're supposed to go. And so, that's why I'm tinkering with you right now, and I'm sorry about it, you guys are getting sick of this, I'm sure. But, anyway, I think we're getting... I think we're just about there. We probably just... I'll probably turn this up a little bit, and then that'll be, you know, put a little base in my voice, you know. And so, as I was saying, we call this show, it's called the radical agenda. It's a show about timeless ideas and news in a day, and whatever's on your mind, at 217-688-1433, yes, as a agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This is 43rd episode of the Sixth Days of the Pogrom. Today is November 24th, 2023, as the current year. It's a Friday as usual, and we're coming alive once again, from my undisclosed location, ladies and gentlemen, where, as I said, I took the whole damn place apart today. We did our first live game stream the other day, and it was actually kind of cool, but we had like some, you know, as has become the customer around here at the radical agenda, there were a few technical glitches, just a few. And so, on top of an ongoing effort to change everything, I had purchased a large, a 55-inch screen, 55-inch TV screen, which, and I had one of you got from me from my Amazon wishlist, a quad multiplexer, a multi-viewer, HDMI multi-viewer. I'm getting really, what is... Check, check, check, check, check. So, I bought this large TV and a quad viewer, and I had this great idea. I've had this four-monitor stand in front of me before, and I was like, I'll get rid of the quad monitor stand, and I'll use the multi-viewer to basically have four monitors on the one screen. And I was like, this is going to be genius. And so, this came here today, and I was like, yeah, this is going to be great. And when I set it up, it was a disaster. It was a complete disaster that like, it did, like, you can hook up the four displays and they show up like four monitors. And as a matter of fact, it's clear so off so much space on my desk, like, it's actually, in terms of space-wise, it's what I expected. It's so much better. But for some reason, I couldn't read the damn text on my screen, and, you know, if I can't read the text on my screen, then, you know, then I'm going to have to memorize the monologues, and that's never going to happen. So, I was like, I got to figure this out. And so, I disconnected the multiplexer, and then I hooked up the TV just to the computer. So, I'm like, well, I've got a 4K resolution, so I can, it doesn't matter that, you know, I don't need to actually put them into four screens. What am I bothering with the four outputs? I'll just, you know, I'll make the windows the size, whatever. But that takes some adjusting, too. But of course, in a consequence of this, I had to disconnect every wire in this place. And so, you know, at like eight o'clock, I'm like, you're cutting it down to the wire to have power. You're going to have to reconnect everything. And, sure enough, you know, by 9.35, I managed to find out that my audio and video were out of sync. So, anyway, and now my, like, my, it's not just me, right? My face is all washed out like, maybe I turn this one off. Let's see, is that, do I look better? If you see less of me, I probably look better, right? All right, whatever. I don't want to be like, with the dim, light washing out my face. Anyway, by two, I'm not, this is not all I'm going to do is just complain about my, my disorganization. I actually, I did, I did put a show together. And so, why don't I go ahead and get that show started, boy? Writing at City Journal, man, had an institute fellow Charles Fane Lehman, ponders what he calls the paradox of Jewish liberalism. Mr. Lehman describes himself as, quote, among the one in six American Jews who are conservatives and laments about the foolishness of his co-atholics in their notorious left-wing leanings. He rattles on at some length with some stats about Jewish political inclinations that would at once be very familiar to this audience. It also considered hate speech in some circles. But, warns Mr. Lehman, the left is anti-semitics providing still more hate facts about blacks and Hispanics and their attitudes towards the Jewish people. He posits that the liberal inclinations of his fellow Jews blind them to this fact. He describes this as the aforementioned paradox and suggests the political right stands to gain by welcoming Jews into the foe. Doing so is amusing to the reader since not long prior to making this suggestion, Lehman acknowledges that right-wing parties, most notably American Republicans, have been quite eager to do just this and have been completely rejected in their efforts by his co-athnics despite their pathological devotion to a foreign ethno state. Whether Lehman is actually confused or just hedging bets for the tribe, one can only speculate, of course, but the subject is on the tip of many twisted tongues. Jews' fund and support and participate in Marxist and Marxist political causes, which are held bent on the destruction of civilization and mankind. Those institutions eventually get around to targeting the Jewish ethno state, and this leaves reasonable people baffled because they operate on the assumption that Jews are reasonable folks who mean well. This ceases to be confusing when one abandons that pretence, of course, if one assumes that Jews are unreasonable and mean to do harm, then things come into much better focus. Sure, there are people who happen to be Jewish, who also want to live in a comfortable and safe society. We might even go so far as to ignore significant evidence to the contrary and assume that they constitute the alleged one in six American Jews who identifies conservatives. But if liberal Jews, so-called liberal Jews, are only dressing up their malice in sheep's clothing of liberalism if we assume that they are not trying to repair the world, but rather to destroy it, then the seeming lack of group survival instincts lamented by Lehman is hardly confusing. Would Jews be happy and safe in a world without Europeans, as long as Israel continued to exist? Of course not, nobody would, it would be a complete and total disaster for all involved. This fantasy that they would frolic carefree with their lesser pets in the absence of those pesky goyem competitors is prefacially preposterous. Not only would Israel promptly cease to exist in the absence of American military and economic power, and not only is this power already slipping in perfect correlation with American demographics, but the moment white order ceases to hold back the tides of chaos, the Jews will be among the first to face the looters in the rape gangs in those countries where they have worked so hard to empower these elements. But this has not stopped Jews from empowering said elements, hasn't? It has not stopped them from devoting their existence to the non-existence of white people. The Jews only seem to consider the implications of their exterministic designs when their neighbors begin dropping from the skies with murderous intent, and even then cannot bring themselves to repent for the wrongs that they have done to others. To them, dead Jews are a small price to pay for the privilege of wrecking things for those they hold in enmity, which just so happens to be the whole of mankind. Oh, that, yeah, that's clever. Okay, I have different headphones on, and the headphone volume was down, and I just figured I know. Reburt a Kaplan went so far as to take credit for synagogue shootings. She told Moment Magazine without the slightest hint of shamer hesitation, quote, we absolutely can and will bank up these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home if they try to get a new job, we'll garnish their wages. The reason to do that is because we want to create a deterrence impact. So we send a message to other people that if you try to do something like this, the same thing will happen to you. And it already has been a deterrence. We're seeing lone shooters now. We're not seeing the kind of massively organized conspiracy we saw in Charlottesville. And I think that's in large part due to our case, and quote, so she thinks she's accomplished some positive good by defrauding the courts and making men so hopeless that they go kamikaze on her co-ethnic. So long as those filthy goyem do not get together in the daylight and question her designs, she cares not how many they murder. During their ridiculous no accident HBO special, one of the producers asked Reburt a Kaplan about my statement to the jury during our civil trial that I hoped we could together save this country. What was Kaplan's response to this? Good luck with that. This is an outright acknowledgement of her intent to destroy America, the country where she has obtained all of the wealth and power she now wields against those who made it possible. She's not trying to save or help anyone, least of all herself. She is a purely destructive force. Her lesbianism alone sort of walls off the prospect of a motive pertaining to the preserving a genetic legacy. She is by no means unique. Of course Magnus Hershfeld being only among the most notorious of countless Jewish homosexuals. They have perpetuated this global... excuse me, I'm going to start that line over again. She is by no means unique. Magnus Hershfeld being only among... She is by no means unique. Magnus Hershfeld being only among the most notorious of countless Jewish homosexuals. They have perpetuated globally this drive toward non-existence. The Israelis brag about their thriving gay community and one must doubt that all of theirs are so well behaved as to leave the children be. How else do they keep producing new sex partners without sexual predation? Lehman spends most of the peas. Lehman spends most of the peas detailing the supposed reasons American Jews identify as liberal. These all sound respectable enough if one accepts them as true, but among the reasons he lists are when the Jews had fled Germany and Russia, when their liberalism was better known as communism and resulted in the death of plenty more than six million people during most notably but by no means limited to World War II. Following this, the world teetered on the brink of total destruction as the United States and Soviet Union contemplated the merits of nuclear armageddon despite the supposed balance provided by the doctrine of mutually assured destruction. Jews flee from one place to the next across the centuries, purportedly in perpetual confusion as to why everybody hates them. The right, the left, the young, the old, the black, the white, and all the many shades in between, which the Jews have in large part engineered. Oye, they, why do they persecute me, show? But they do not leave when the pogroms begin as it turns out, they stay, they die, and they just keep on making matters worse. They only go off and start the process all over again when things are so bad that they can hardly hope to exacerbate the misery anymore. These are not self-preservation instincts so much as they are a predatory drive. If they are all dead, they cannot continue destroying, so some number of them just have to live. It's obligatory. In Israel, some families have their breeding subsidized to keep profiting fresh blood while others devote all of their energies to ending humanity. They can live in Israel, or Russia, or America, or China, or Africa, or Europe. It really makes quite a little difference to the rootless Jew. This idea that they are so devoted to some patch of dirt in the Middle East is comical in the extreme. Where Israel left in peace today, the Jews would flee tomorrow. For what is a Jew without conflict? It is humorous to see conservatives and others speculate that America holds Israelis back in their extermination of the Palestinians. Those in the know understand, well, that Joe Biden would deploy America's nuclear arsenal at the command of the Jewish state without question or without concern for the well-being of his citizenry. So what does hold these Israelis back? Why are there still Palestinians for them to fret over them? Do the Jews lack the military might to annihilate them once and for all? No, they do not. Are they really so concerned about public opinion that they are trying to make their genocide look respectable? I have extreme doubts about that. You're in your newspapers bragging about creating trans-genderism. You can't possibly care what people think of you. Or is it that the Jews want more than anything for the conflict to continue? Perhaps they cannot fathom the prospect of peace, perhaps there, as in all other places they reside. The Jewish drive toward chaos and violence is so strong that they would soon or see each other murdered on a regular schedule, then end a war by doing something so simple as killing an inferior enemy. And if that's the case and there's no paradox to be observed in the Jews, their behavior is persistent across time and space with the most remarkable reliability, where they go there is conflict, where there is peace and prosperity, they go. Only when things are so bad that they are powerless to make them worse do they leave again. And this pattern will continue until they are stopped by external forces. Two, one, seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three, if you would like to be on the pagram, and amolies are the less I have to, so please do, give us a call, let me go check on you guys here. Yeah, go ahead, just go make some noise on my stream, why don't you? That's fine, go ahead. Maybe next time he sends three dollars, you achieve a tuition fund. Well, thank you very much for doing you achieve a tuition fund. Hey, why don't you shut your stupid fucking goddamn mouth, I'm trying to do a show you cock sucker motherfucker. This can't well really believe the Hollywood propaganda about the IDF. They are only good at sniping women and children in aerial bombings. They aren't a fierce fighting force. Okay. So you think that I'm believing Hollywood propaganda about the IDF, like are you maybe, I don't know, like watching a bunch of fucking horseshit yourself, like do you think that this is a question in the chat, Glenn 19 does can't well really believe the Hollywood propaganda about the IDF? Do you believe that the Israelis have fucking nukes, you stupid fucking nigger, like what the hell is wrong with you? You know, like they have the weapons, the Palestinians do not. Do you think they can't go in there and kill everybody they can? That's the whole reason people are bitching about it, retard. You know, like the reason that the reason that people are complaining about it is because they're a, they're a fucking superior fighting force. If it was a fair fight between the Jews and the Palestinians, everybody be like, yeah, well, Palestinians go kill the Jews, right? But they don't do that because everybody understands that Jews can go in there and kill them whatever they want. They're choosing not to do it. Anyway, 217 688 1433, you like to be on the program, but I'm going to talk to less I have to, so please give us a call. I'm going to play a clip real quick and I'll be right back. In my muscles hurt, I got to tell you, they don't, they don't give you weights in jail these days, probably because of the savages they bash each other skulls open with them, which really sucks. I got to tell you a very little protein in the diet. No weights. When you go to the, what they call raccoid, the gym, it's just a big old room with a basketball hoop and a deflated basketball and some plastic chairs, at least in this jail anyway. I locked up in New York, you at least got like things to do like pull ups and dips and what that and nothing that you only exercise as we could do in there with push ups, pull ups on the shower curtain rod and sometimes you'd like put books or something in a, in a laundry bag to use as a weight. Somebody sent me a book in there called Salitary Fitness, which was both helpful and hilarious at the same time. Thanks for that. But you know, here at the radical agenda, we tried to make a point to improve ourselves and drag the audience along with us kicking and screaming if necessary. A long time listeners will recall your humble correspondent weighing in around 265 pounds and drunk more often than not. Now I'm just balding and swearing too frequently. A significant improvement if I've ever seen one. One of the things I am most proud about is that I occasionally get messages from listeners like yourself there who tell me that they sobered up and started going to the gym when I did. If you had told me four years ago that I'd be hanging out with Nazis and inspiring thousands of young men to get their shit together, I'd have looked at you as strangely then as I look at trainees today. As it turns out though, I'm no longer repulsed by the swastika and a small army of one time degenerates are making leaps and bounds in their mental focus and physical fitness. In 12-step programs, people are encouraged to give themselves over to a higher power under the auspices that it might restore them to sanity. This usually carries a religious connotation, which some people get uncomfortable with, and I'm certain that for many radical agenda listeners, it still does, but brothers race and nation have filled this void. The hyper individualistic tendencies of many libertarians make it way too easy to fall into nihilism. Too easy to say what's the point and just give up? Race and nation, even in the absence of faith in the supernatural, grant us a higher purpose, a sense of obligation to the future of the group. When fighting for the survival of your people, you cannot be caught off guard while drunk. You cannot be fat, lazy, and liability to your fellow soldier when the enemy strikes. Drug dealers and smut peddlers in this worldview cease to be friends bearing gifts and are seen rather for what they are. Enemies poisoning the well. The old live and let live nonsense that gave way to rampant promiscuity, prostitution, alcoholism, drug abuse, genital mutilation, and all matter of deviancy, gives way to a ruthlessly judgmental perspective that is understandably misconstrued as hatred. Indeed, we do hate. We hate weakness and rot in degeneracy within our ranks because they diminish not only our future prospects, but those of our children and grandchildren. That which is permitted now will be celebrated tomorrow if our enemies are permitted to keep contaminating our people. This is how communists position themselves as the advocates of love and tolerance by suggesting that this corruption should be embraced. Their purposeful destruction of our race and nation is joyful and easy, whereas our preservation thereof is hateful and cruel since the tongues of Jews are too quick to be argued with in perpetuity. We embrace the label. Yes, we hate you. Yes, we will punish your trespasses. Yes, we will purge decay from our collective body. Yes, we are a violent menace to be feared by those who find our destruction a thing to celebrate. But sadly too many among us fall for the siren song of our rivals. One headline at Bloomberg tells us of the latest trend in family structure impacting our holiday plans. The headline reads, divorce is making American families 66 percent bigger. Ain't that wonderful fellows? Huh? Big families are a thing to be celebrated, right? Our women must be working over time and bringing children into the world more rapidly. Let us shower them with gifts and honor their sacrifice. No, sadly this is not a thing to celebrate at all. Our families are not larger. We're just connecting more dots by destroying our families in search of new sex partners. Our birth rates are plummeting. Our women are indeed working harder than ever and hitting rock bottom levels of depression as Jews tell them that the only measure of value is a measure of a man's value. The demand representation in the workplace and on the battlefield, they achieve it and still lack the satisfaction they once had at home and rather than see the folly of this path, they simply make greater demands to be further degraded by egalitarian delusions. Among men and women, drug and alcohol related deaths are skyrocketing even in the workplace. You know, it used to be that a man might make a mess of himself in the off hours, but judged his control of his vices by his ability to do his job. In 2016, the number of US deaths at work from unintentional drug and alcohol overdose is jumped more than 30 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And that's just overdose deaths, by the way. It says nothing of deaths and injuries caused by drug and alcohol related accidents, which are surely skyrocketing as well. Adultory app companies are suing casual sex app companies over branding against the orders of the president of the United States. Transgenderism is being subsidized by the United States military. Even robots are engaging in adultery and monkeys are copulating with deer. If you get angry about any of this, you are a hateful bigot. You are mean. You are intolerant. You hate diversity. You are a thought criminal. You are a Nazi. Welcome to the party. All right, 217-688-1433. You'd like to be on the program. I'm going to move you to the less I have to. So please do give us a call. Why don't I go ahead. I'll read to you this piece from Mr. Lehman over at at City Journal. Once I fill up my little my voice here. So Mr. Lehman over at City Journal, he says, Anthony October 7th terrorist attack. I do like the Jew boy's all time. Anthony Angtemp. No, I'm kidding. That would be really irritating. Anthony October 7th terrorist attack many American Jews have stomach two shocks. The shock of Hamas's brutality and the shock of the apputative political allies support for the brutes. Liberal Jews are not only horrified by campus chance of there is only one solution into Fada revolution. They are also surprised. Let's surprise to those of us among the one and six American Jews who are conservatives. The anti-Semitic elements of the American lab from funders to campus activists have been obvious for years, even decades. It is at turns refreshing and off-putting, therefore, to see other Jews wake up to what we already know. At this moment, Jewish conservatives should resist any compulsion to tell their liberal brethren, Aitel Ysium. There is an opportunity rather for making hard truths plain. Many American Jews are liberals out of a profound identity connection between their Judaism and their liberalism, a connection that developed alongside Jewish American identity. It is this association that consistently blinds them to the anti-Semitism of others on the left only by unearthing this tension can they overcome it. American Jews should be emphasized are remarkably liberal. In Puse 2020 survey of Jews, 71% identified as Democrats versus 26% as Republicans. Half of Jews describe themselves as liberal compared with 16% conservatives and the remainder moderate. These proportions, Jews are by these proportions. Jews are more democratic than Hispanics, Asians, and Muslims. They are more liberal than blacks. Jews are also more democratic than those who earn as much as the average Jewish household does. As Milton Himmelfarb, the longtime research director of the American Jewish Committee famously put it quote, Jews earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans. Most Jews in fact express their Jewish identity through liberal values. Aspipu, which aspects of Judaism were essential to what it means to be Jewish, Orthodox Jews said leading an ethical and moral life, observing Jewish law, and continuing family traditions, all of which are, if not the same, then highly related for observant Jews. For the non-Orthodox though, the top slots went to remembering the Holocaust. Yes, that's right. Because that's their religion now, you see. And remembering the Holocaust must prove difficult for all those teenagers, right? Probably, I mean, probably difficult for all those people who are actually in Germany at the time too, but you know, you have to make up your memories because you're Jew. So the most, the top slot, the most important thing if you're Jew in America today, the thing that makes you Jewish is remembering a thing that didn't happen and you wouldn't have been able to remember if it did. That's right. You wonder why these people lie all the time? The top slots went to remembering the Holocaust, leading an ethical and moral life, working for justice and equality and being intellectually curious. These last two, especially, identified Judaism with liberal values of intellectual independence and commitment to social justice. Are those liberal values, Mr. Leemon? I think liberal values are attacking people in the street and setting things on fire. I think liberal values are decidedly anti-inflectual, actually. This is just one of the lies that they tell when they pick up the phone, right? This association between Judaism and liberalism is not new. Since Jews first immigrated to the United States, they have articulated their identity in the language of liberalism. Indeed, Jewish ethno-genesis, the process by which Jews became Jewish Americans, has often entailed making Judaism synonymous with progressivism. That was true among the first major wave of Jewish immigrants who arrived from Germany in the mid-19th century. I wonder why they did that. These new Americans, yes, that's exactly what they all, they came over here and it's just, yeah, welcome. You're a new American now. These new Americans brought with them the roots of modern reformed Judaism, which emerged out of and was inspired by a move toward enlightenment rationalism within German jury. American Jewish leaders of this era strove to make Judaism liturgically similar to Protestant Christianity, sometimes forging the rules of foregoing, I should say, the rules of Keshra. And in some cases, even observing the Sabbath on Sundays, in their efforts to assimilate to the culture of the progressive era, Jews also founded secular moral uplift organizations like the Young Men's Hebrew Association and the ethical culture movement. In this, too, Jews were seeking to assimilate to the norms of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant society. Because that society was in a 19th-century way progressive, so too was Jewish assimilation. That's right. It's all your fault, Graham. If you didn't have these stupid values, the Jews would not have been trying to mock you by embodying them and then you wouldn't have this problem. It's all because of you, Gentile. The German Jews were soon to be dramatically outnumbered by Eastern European Jews, nearly three million of whom arrived as part of the great wave of migration between 1880 and 1920. Many of the Eastern Europeans brought the Lorgia devout commitment to socialism. Oh. Oh! During the 1920s, Jews accounted for 10% for the American Communist Party. New York cities Jews sent two of the first socialists to the US House of Representing, Mayor London of the American Socialist Party and Vito Marcantonia of the American Labor Party. Marcantonia was supported by Italians, Jews and Puerto Ricans, little tidbit there. The intensity of these Jews commitment to socialism eventually faded as distance from the old country and the horrors of Stalinism made them an integral part of the New Deal coalition, but they retained a basic commitment to universalistic social justice as a secular expression of Jewish values. Compounding these ideological roots is the way that Jews have benefited from liberalism. This is true in so far as liberal tolerance has made America the safest country on Earth for Jews, or you know, used to be. Ever since George Washington's letter to the Jews of Newport, but it is also true in so far as the story of Jewish advancement in the 20th century is canonically liberal one. Jews have long had what Nathan Glasier and Daniel Patrick Boydahan referred to as quote the passion for education. In 1955, 62% of Jews college age were in school compared with 26% of the general population. For many years, Jews were barred from the nations of best schools by secret administration policies when they were finally admitted the schools were quickly filled with Jewish students. Well, you know, so it happens when you let them in the house, you know, they breed, they cut, they get into everything. In other words, Jews rose to so many positions of prominence in the postwar order that through economic merit and overcoming a prejudice, the liberal idea of social mobility. Liberalism in other words has given a great deal to the Jews, and Jews in turn have given a great deal to liberalism as leaders, but also on the level of collective values to reap the rewards America offered. Many Jews re-articulated their values in universalistic terms so that they might no longer dwell apart. American Jews made liberalism the universalizing substitute for particular tribal ideology or identity, I should say. The profound connection to liberalism is among other things almost certainly why Jews are convinced that it is the right that has an antisemitism problem in in Puse survey 52% of respondents said that they believe the Democratic party is friendly toward Jews, well, just 10% thought it was unfriendly. The equivalent figures for Republicans are 29 and 26%. The remainder is neutral. Jews are overwhelmingly convinced that Democrats like them, but they are far less certain about the GOP. This is remarkable because on balance, the two parties bases are quite similar in their view of the Jews in the 2020 American National Election Study. Respondents were asked how warmly they felt toward Jews, among other groups, on a scale of 0 to 100. Everybody answered 100 because they're scared to death that these kikes will kill them. I'm sorry, that was just I made that up. That was fake. That's not true. This is something like 99, I talk to these people. It's not what the guy wrote in any case. Democrats, including leaders, gave Jews a 73 on average. Republicans just two points less. And the two groups were equally unlikely to give Jews less than 50. This similarity is in part a function of composition. Democrats are younger than Republicans and young people are in the A N E S data. Cooler on Jews than older people. More importantly, the Democratic coalition contains more non-white people. As the figure above shows, white Republicans are significantly cooler toward Jews than our white Democrats. The Hispanic and Asian Democrats feel about the same or as a little cooler than white Republicans. Black Democrats are substantially older, almost 12 points more than white Democrats. Put age and race together in the left wing anti-semitism becomes a real problem. Yeah, I'm sure it does. For a 2022 paper, political scientists eaten herch and Laura Royden surveyed 3,500 people, including 2,500 18 to 30 year olds, about their agreement with statements meant to measure anti-semitism. They found that older black and Hispanic respondents were only a bit more likely to agree with statements like, Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America. And quote, Jews in the United States have too much power. But blacks and Hispanics 30 and under were 16 points more likely to agree compared to whites from the same age cohort. In fact, young black people and Hispanic respondents in their answers most closely resembled white respondents who identified with the alt-right. To be sure, only minorities have done white Democrats are anti-semitic, or so you tell yourself, bound. But the same is true of Republicans, white or otherwise. No, it's not. We're going to get rid of you. Otherwise, it seems like the difference comes out to be a statistical wash. A rational Jewish voter would attend to the threat of anti-semitism in both parties equally, at least on the grounds of self-interest. But instead, liberal Jews ignore left-wing anti-semitism over and over and over again. Then act surprised when it becomes too big to ignore. This is the paradox at the heart of American Jewish identity. To be Jewish in America is for many Jews to be a liberal and identification with roots in American Jewish history. But inhabiting that identity requires disregarding the anti-semitic rot that has infested mainstream liberal institutions and that threatens from both sides of the political spectrum. This paradox is itself reflective of an absence. That of ethnic preservation as an instinct prior to liberal values. Indeed, it is the self-preservation drive that liberalism is the intention with. As Irving Crystal once put it, whereas once upon a time it was not reasonable to ask whether a given turn of events or policy was good for the Jews to ask that question in the United States today in Jewish circles is to invite a mixture of ridicule and indignation. Ridicule at the retrograde parochialism of the of the attitude and in indignation at the suggestion that there was such a thing as a Jewish interest dialectic, I'm sorry, Jewish interest different from, let me go back. Ridicule at the retrograde parochialism of such an attitude indignation at the suggestion that there is such a thing as a Jewish interest distinct from the interests of mankind as a whole. If this Jewish universalism was every viable model, it's time has passed. Rising apathy toward Jews, especially toward Israel among younger generations, suggests that in the near future American Jews will no longer be able to rely generally on phylocemitism. Rather, they will need to carefully pick and choose their political allies. Well, they're not going to have any opportunity to because they're going to have none. Like everybody hates you and they're like, no, like, you know, the Democrats were like, hey, look, the only purpose to have you around was to wreck the thing and now it's wrecked, so you're next. This does not always mean aligning with the political rights. That's right. You just go over here and you align with these guys today and then you align with those guys over there and then if anybody chooses you of being disloyal, you just call them an anti-Semite. You see, that's how it works. American evangelicals, for example, love Jews while Jews dislike them. Often on the bizarre grounds that they are like Jews too much. Anyone with a passing familiarity with the history of anti-Semitism cannot take seriously the idea that liking Jews too much is a real problem. More generally, Jews cannot continue to give away their ideological allegiance for free. Ticuno Alam is no longer an adequate reason to vote for the Democrats. Jews should stake their votes if not on group interest than at least on group preservation. Conservatives mean why should recognize the political opportunity to incorporate the Jews like other high-minded ethnic minorities into their coalition. They can do this by combating anti-Semitism in all its forms. In all of its virulent forms, it's always virulent. I want to virulent, you know, anyway. The rise of left-wing anti-Semitism in other angle sphere countries has, in fact, pushed the Jewish population toward right-wing parties. Such a realignment is possible here, but only if Jewish voters and the American right will it to be so. Well, the American right is right here, sir, and we do not will it to be so. Get the fuck out of my country and stop interfering in my politics. 2176881433, I'd like to be on the program and I'm going to tell the rest I have to. So please do give us a call. Let's go over here. Bring this thing up. Yeah, go ahead. I'm going to play one more clip. We'll be right back. Oh, my soundboard crashed on me because that's great. You do that. Come on. Shut your stupid fucking Jewish mouth. Do what I fucking tell you to do. Come on, damn it. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. You're going to do the thing? Yeah. Yeah, let me say thank you to maybe next time he keeps on telling people, hey, you know, call the number. It's 2176881433. Hit the fire button. Type a comment or a question. Hit the dollar sign below the comment to activate a hyperchat for Chris to read. If you guys should send me money and hit the fire button and, you know, all that stuff, that'd be nice. That'd be fantastic. Oh, come on. You know, I just I can't fucking believe this shit sometimes. You know what I mean? Like just do the fucking bit already for Christ's sake. Come on. Come on. Play the fucking stupid goddamn clips. I can go fucking do something. You stupid fucking piece of shit. Go down here. Play the fucking stupid bit. Okay, fuck it. Nazi time. There are no more arguments to be made. It's exactly it. It's exactly it. They must be physically removed. But if somebody finds that you said something insensitive 20 years ago, you'll never be heard from again. Now, how could look if I belong to a despised minority group? I would so vastly prefer somebody who just says something insensitive about me 20 years ago to somebody who wants to bomb me. Like what am I missing here, Chris? Well, I think the first thing that we're missing is that this will not, you know, expel people from the world, right? The fact of the battery is is that what really jams people up with this is when they backpedal and apologize, which I think is, you know, the worst thing that you can do when somebody calls you a racist, they think the best thing you can say is so what now get on with your argument, you know? I, you know, people call me a racist and a sexist and a misogynist and a bigot. And I'm like, okay, now make your point because all you did was launch an ad hominem attack at me. You haven't even refuted anything. I've said you don't win the argument by doing this. And I think if more people did that, then, you know, these attacks would really lose a lot of their steam. You know, me, people have been trying to run me out of the liberty movement for years now. And I just didn't, you know, I, people laugh at me for bragging about Alexa ranks, but I just bypassed the free state project on top libertarian.com. I'm actually right below you right now, Mr. Woods. Well, how about that? Well, lucky for you, I'm too busy making Ron Paul home school videos to be at full octane, but, but good for you. I know. Good for you though. I know that if you were, if you were writing, you know, less important things than the obviously very important work that you're doing right now that you've been driving a great deal more traffic. But still, that is good. Seeing my name right next to yours on top of libertarian. That is, and that really is, that really isn't a accomplishment. And what I like about it is that nobody to return to the privilege issue, nobody handed you a thing to the contrary. Everybody try to take things or view like nobody said, here, everybody, here's a platform where I'm going to introduce you to this guy. Now, I, I was lucky because I, you know, Ron Paul has promoted me to one degree or another. And I've been with the Mises Institute for a number of years. And that's been good for me. But at the same time, I'm not. Okay, we're back. Two, one, seven, six, eight, one, four, three, three, you like to be on the program. And I'm going to tell you the last I have to, so please give us a call. Come on. Where is that coming from? All right. Okay. Anyway, I released over a weekend or not over a weekend. I released yesterday over a holiday. I released a piece titled Beauty Revisited. You might have, or, yeah, Beauty revisited. You might have seen I had previously released something titled on Beauty. And if you listen to that, you might have noticed that there was, there was almost as many errors and scruops and problems in that as they have been in this episode of the show. There was also sort of a, if you, if you're familiar with the story, along you know, part of my repetition. But then the day that I was originally going to read that piece on the air was the day I found out that Matthew Hale's mother died. And it like, totally like wrecked my whole day. So what I ended up reading made all this like reference to prior content. And even though I, the text and what was said was very warmly received, I realized like this is not going to be at all suitable for distribution to new listeners, which was very unfortunate because I thought that that the piece was otherwise very good. And so I rewrote much of it. And on a recent members only show it's real politics.com slash join. We did, I read aloud this revised version. And that has been published at Christopher Kentwell.net as best of surreal politics beauty revisited. If you have not seen this yet or if you haven't heard this, I should say you should definitely go check this out. If you're looking for something to introduce people to this, to this content, this is a great way to do it. It's like 45 minutes long. So it's a, it's a bit of a longer listen. I have, I'm going to record very soon an introduction to like a best of surreal politics CD. And I've already decided the tracks that are going to be on there. And that is one of them. So that's going to be published very soon. I'm looking forward to that. If you haven't seen it yet over at Christopher Kentwell.net also, there's a post titled nearly was radical agenda stage six episode eight sex and the hate. And if you, uh, if you heard or read or read on beauty, then you might have heard me reference this where like I had what was supposed to be radical agenda stage six episode eight never aired. Okay, I never recorded it. Even this what I published there is not recorded. It's the text. I had, uh, I had started to prepare this reading Kathy Ryzen, which is blog. And I think a lot of you know who Kathy Ryzen was. Yeah, she was like this, you know, left wing feminist activist who was like thrust upon the libertarian movement by somebody with too much money to spend or whatever. And then he pulled the plug and she became a prostitute and started writing about that. And so she, uh, she has a substack blog and I ended up paying for it so I could read all her crap and then it's like a $7 a month thing. And this my seven turned into 14 because you know, I wanted to make her think about the 14 words. I'm kidding. That's a joke. Um, I just, I was literally, she's got like a decade of writing. And so I went through all of her stuff and it's like, oh my god, you want to just like slow motion train rack on full? And it's really sad because you know, Kathy starts out as like, oh, it's so great, you know, I'm selling my pussy and I'm like making money at it and everybody thinks that I'm great, except for all those stuffy conservative douchebags, if they would just get, you know, if they would just get over there, you know, their, um, um, misogyny, then everything would be great. My prostitution would be awesome, you know, you fast forward a little bit. You see it happen day by day by day that she like, she's trying to, um, you know, she's, she writes about her relationships because she's a fucking retard and she can't keep her stupid asshole mouth shut. And so she, um, she's writing about her relationships as they're happening, which is a mistake that I made very, briefly and I know how bad that goes, but she'd ever learned her lesson. Um, and shockingly enough, like the man that she dates, they don't approve of her being a fucking prostitute, shockingly enough. And so this, well, there are, there are men who approve of it, but, you know, shockingly enough, those guys don't treat her very well and they don't stay around very long, right? There are, there are men who are like, hey, I really like you and I think that you should stop being a fucking prostitute, right? And she's like, no, you're trying to, you're trying to oppress me and then the relationship doesn't work out. And then there's people who are like, oh, you're a prostitute. You know what? I'd love to fuck you for free. Why don't I call you my girlfriend? You see, that's how it works. And then eventually they leave her and she's very upset. And so that's basically her entire love life. And so you get to the current day and, you know, she's rapidly approaching 40 and she starts to realize like, oh, I'm not a young woman anymore and she's complaining that she doesn't get as many swipes on Tinder. She's got a roommate. I mean, she's got a cat is what I mean to say. She's got a, she's got a cat and she calls the cat her roommate. And it's very, very sad is actually what ends up being the case. And so like, I, I had started to do this and I actually ended up, I couldn't like bring myself to, to record the thing is it's like, it's over, it's 31,000 words. If I try to print this out, it's over 40 pages. And so if you would care to read that, it's actually paywall content. So if you have a surrealpolitics.com membership, your, your login details for surrealpolitics.com will also allow you to log in at chrisvercan'twell.net. And once you are able to log in at chrisvercan'twell.net with your surrealpolitics.com membership, then you are able to read the content titled nearly was stage, radical agenda stage six, episode eight, sex and the hate. And that would be you'd probably enjoy that because it's very, well, as a matter of fact, I don't know if you'd enjoy it. It might be very sad. Like, it's actually like, you know, it's something that it's interesting. In any case, you know, it's probably not going to make you happy. You know, like you do not think right now that your heart could break for Kathy Ryzenwoods. I tell you, I don't think that you believe that that's possible. But there's actually a distinct possibility that you'll be as surprised as I was. And so, and the only way that you're ever going to get over that, like you'll be all bent out of shape about it and stuff. And the only way that you're going to be able to get over that is by like meeting your favorite celebrity or whatever. And so that's me obviously. And so I actually, I wrote about this if you'd like to, if you'd like to meet up with me, there's instructions. They're very detailed. They're foolproof, you know. And as soon as I get another drink, I'm going to go into a, I'm going to read it. Well, I should say I'm going to get my drink. And then I'm going to check on you guys in the streams. Oh, my God, there's a bunch of money here. All right, let me go read about money. Hang on a second. Let's see here. All right. So we only have the, the, the, you're sheep attrition fund from maybe next time. Ryan sends 1488, dollar sign, dollar sign, money, dollar sign, dollar sign, $10 from Legion Rising. There's a lazy Jew in your PC. Draw him out with shackles. That's a good idea. Tony real Tony soprano. Good guy. Tony says, uh, excuse me. I got to clear my throat so I don't screw up Tony super chat. He's been very good to me. Real Tony soprano says I've been trying to enjoy your show, but my blue hair, Nigger neighbor's dog has been barking for the last hour straight. It's amazing how you can even search for pet free apartments anymore. 2023 is all about a comp being accommodating to cringe dog moms. Dog should be illegal in apartments anyways. Well, you know, I'm all, I have all the sympathy in the world for your plight, uh, Mr. soprano. But that's fucking bullshit. Like I want a fucking dog and I shouldn't have to buy a God damn house to do it unless they're going to go and like, you know, kick half the people out of this country and tank the housing market, you know, it was just fine with me. Go ahead, tank the housing market and get these Jews out of here so they stop stealing my money. And then you can fucking, and then you could then you could do like, you can make the world inhospitable to poor people after that. But until, you know, as long as I got a rented apartment, I got to be able to have a fucking dog there. And so that's, that's my thoughts on it. Tony soprano. Tony sends seven dollars and another seven dollars, I another seven dollars, G another seven dollars, G again, another seven dollars, E another seven dollars, ah, well, that's clever indeed, my friend. Two and seven six eight eight one four three three, if you'd like to be on the program, I'm going to move you until the last time I have to simply give us a call. So let's see. Would you like to meet the Christopher Cantwell? Of course you would. Whether you realize this or not right now, I'm quite certain that you would like it. So let's talk about that a bit, shall we? In the end, spoiler alert. I'll suggest you send me an email and maybe some money just to get my attention. It's pretty straightforward and unflexible. I am notoriously approachable once my security concerns are put at ease. And I know I'm not wasting my time. What follows between here in the contact form is largely for our mutual entertainment. But it is carefully designed to convey important information. You should presume that I consider my time more valuable than yours. So if you've not read this when we speak, then this will impact my value judgments about meeting you. All people of good character and more than a few of one might say vigorously debated repute. Benefit from there knowing me, it is a sad thing indeed that so many people are deprived the best benefits of my presence. Because of this, you may find it beneficial to know that I'm not so difficult to get hold of. Not only what I absolutely love to talk to you on the phone three days a week during my shows, of course, Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9 30 PM USC's turn to 276881433. But I am just humble enough to let well-screened individuals buy me a meal in a public place. Want me to be the speaker? Want me to be a speaker at your next event? Well, I've seen crazy ideas pitched on the floors of legislative bodies. That's for sure. Single woman looking at me, you'd not be the first, but I'd consider us both fortunate if you were the last. There are a few rare, but noteworthy exceptions to those who had benefited of beating me. So at the risk of being unpleasant, let us get those out of the way up front. Chiefly among these are those who mean me harm. Be such harmful designs of a legal physical or emotional character. Although it would put you in some popular and well-heeled company, I would soundly counsel against even considering something so foolish. Making an enemy of me, you should view as a very poor and potentially very long-term investment, one that is very likely to result in your total destruction and potentially that of those around you. I have been known to litigate with and without the benefit of an attorney, and for those with shorter attention spans that May warrant mention that although the United States government has deprived me of my right to lawfully carry a firearm, there are those who say that I have the capacity to be very dangerous to those who threaten the things I care about. My gorgeous body, which I devote much effort to developing, not least of all, I am keenly aware of the dangers I face in meeting strangers so you should justly expect to be questioned about your motives. Depending upon a number of factors, there is a non-zero chance our encounter will be observed by law enforcement. That is a decision I will make with all intent, though your feelings will be given due consideration. If you will consent to me recording required by law in the state of New Hampshire, wherein I reside, this will go a long way in putting my mind at ease, but it is by no means a universal requirement. You and my go without saying will need my permission to do so. You would require still further permission to publish such a recording, and there may be fees involved in this depending upon negotiable circumstances. If you're interested me, in any way pertains to your profession, you are obligated to inform you of this. I have been known to correspond with a prisoner or two, and I do fancy myself among the most intriguing append pals, but I am at time of writing on federal probation. Though this is an increasingly temporary burden, if I know you to be convicted felon, I may be required by law to report our encounter to my probation officer. Here's a rather nice fellow and has better things to do with his time than trouble nice people. I of course have no obligation to report that which I know nothing of, but you do have the obligation to answer interview questions honestly. This may, depending upon the circumstances, be one of those questions. At my own discretion, I may also ask questions about psychiatric history divorce, marital status income, current or prior emotional trauma, or anything else I deem pertinent to my security concerns. There is a non-zero chance you will be asked to put such things in writing and to verify the authenticity of such writing with a government ID. Though again, this is by no means universal. Though not a requirement to meet me, you may be interested to know that I have a standard non-disclosure agreement more than a few folks have signed to be so bound, I'd again need to see a government ID. If you want to tell me about illegal activities you are involved in, I won't necessarily discourage this, but you should expect that I'll promptly report this to law enforcement on the assumption that you'll be receiving that report yourself. I find such things amusing after all, and on the off-chance that I'm wrong about this, I figure any criminal dumb enough to brag about his crimes to be is exactly the sort of criminal we build prisons to house. Of course, I am no snob. Even lower than prisoners are often presumed to be, creatures of such low character is to accept employment from the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center, have found me quite willing to stoop to meeting them. I've been known to consider whether your murder conviction was or was not justified, or why you would not be embarrassed to have a byline at the Huffington Post, but it would certainly be in your interest to avoid me, if you have intentionally or recklessly harmed children, and my defensiveness of women is quite primal. Many over the years have accused me of racism. I stopped thanking them for this years ago, as it became exhausting and repetitive. If that's a problem for you, there's always suicide, but do not presume that I'll not speak to you just because I was fortunate to be born to better parents than you were. Unlike many of my associates, I rather enjoy the company of Sirius Law Enforcement Professionals. This, of course, provided they do not ask me questions that cost me to be suspicious of their motives. If you think I'd go to the expense of hiring an attorney just so you could obtain information from me, well, you know, you should probably stick to doing buybuss with drug addicts, pal. Have you served our country in battle? I just might insist on picking up the tab. I do adore women, though I might demand to speak your husband about this if you have one. If you don't, well, who knows? I am single and quite sadly childless at the time of writing, where you to cure me of this otherwise terminal ailment I'd worship you until long after both of us were dead. If circumstances are such that this would be impossible with you, I'd caution against tempting me with sex. My attitudes about this are, depending on the hour of the day, rather conservative, but I am despite tremendous breakthroughs in medical science, a man and a mortal one at that, contrary to some perceptions. This being the case, I'd rather not cope with the guilt of leaving you for another woman someday to achieve my decidedly ambitious goals, but I will cope with that guilt should circumstances necessitate. Are you a reporter? I once made this chick career you might have heard. The balls in this broad to accept in any award without admitting her work was a total fiction. Well, I guess this is why we have acting awards in the first place. I'll hear you plea, pal, but assume that I assume your amel content and accrued because you likely know better than I that this assumption is unlikely to fail me. For the sake of their reputations, I did not say how far up the ladders of our society, this privilege has been bestowed, though I will note the temptation of brag borders on overwhelming. I say this not to boast of my social station which I recognize is in the grand scheme of things quite low, but rather to assure you of my capacity for discretion. This includes the use of encryption, which as well within my technical repertoire and in that vein feel free to send me cryptocurrency. Whether you can brag about this on Facebook, publish it in the New York Times or take it to your grave will be entirely up to you or better said a matter for us to agree upon in advance. This, of course, provided I do not receive a subpoena. This has happened a time of two in such an event I may according to my preference choose to demonstrate my world renowned, but thus far unsuccessful courtroom talents and resisting should it shoot should it suit me that is. I consider secrets of burden and a privilege not a right so you ought not abuse such things. Donald Trump once offered to pay my legal expenses and this was not the least of his broken promises. I of course must obey the law and this is no mere disclaimer. I am deadly serious about it. I will not go back to prison for your benefit unless you are a very very special person. So with the advertising out of the way in the terms disclosed as may suffice for an introduction how do you go about obtaining this less than unique honor? There are many ways of course but one of the best is to pay me that's right. Depending upon your means, motives and character it might be prudent that we speak before you do. Fortunately I make this near as easy as sending money matter fact. Oh come on. I'm just going to do stream the Tony from now on. I'm just going to do I'm going to be like Tony's personal fucking clown as well. I'm going to do. Let's see here Glenn sends two dollars and says how much would it be for you to come to Yokohoma? I want to interview you in person. So you send me two dollars and you ask me to come to Yokohoma. I'm not even going to like I'm not even going to look that up. I'm not you you want to interview me so you pay two dollars to ask on a stream how much it would cost me to go there? Yeah I don't think you're going to interview me. If you want to call into the show and talk to me you could do that but I think the I don't think you can afford me. 217 yada yada yada Jews worship Satan not their political identity has anything to do with that. Says fuck them all over at Goi MTV. Jews have done this 109 times. Newgers and Jews are a parasite. We're out to place out of place to hide whitey. Oh Shabbat Shalom boys. Okay so that's not that's the that's the Goi MTV jet. And uh Glenn's in uh Glenn's in Japan. Oh Yokohoma Japan. Well yeah well I'm definitely not going to Japan. Dude you think Japan's going to let me in there and I'm going to do that. Um Callahan says open calls on the skype. It's not you know the skype thing was always a fucking pain in the ass. I might do like I might do what like um you know what I was going to do was this was a goddamn you got stabbed in prison. Jesus fucking Christ. Hang on a second. I'm going to out. Holy shit. Ah Derrick Shalvan X cop convicted in George Floyd's killing is reportedly seriously injured after prison stabbing. Who stabbed in prison and seriously injured on Friday the associated press reported. The bureau prison said an inmate was assaulted Friday afternoon and taken to a hospital. Shalom was convicted of 20s. Yeah I know. Fucking stupid Jews. Shalvan was put before a show trial and thrown in fucking prison because a bunch of fucking goddamn niggers can't keep their fucking goddamn. They can't you know they can't print convincing. They can't print convincing counterfeits and so they get caught and then they die. Fucking stupid goddamn animals over there with like a fucking desk jet and a goddamn centicray. Olas trying to make kind of fit money and he's like give my cigarettes. I think they're just going to tell us that they've already we've got all the the BOP also said prison employees performed life saving measures and that the inmate was taken to a hospital. The BOP did not immediately respond to business insiders request for comment Friday evening and then they're going to talk about some bullshit. Okay. Well you know ladies and gentlemen that is that is one of the downsides of going to prison. It's entirely possible if you do get stabbed by a fucking nigger so you try to you try to avoid it. That's what I do you know. I tried calling in I think I'm the guy who didn't get the phone call back. My cell phone shows me nothing. If you're calling if you're calling with your number block that's the problem. Okay so like you have you I have to be able to see your caller ID. If I can't see your caller ID you're going to get a busy signal is what's going to happen. I think that might be what's going on with some of you if you're trying to call in. I should probably mention that more often because the only way I can screen calls is we call our ID it's the reason I'm not doing Skype and all that other horse shit because like the only way that I can manage who's calling here is with the god damn phone number thing so that's what's going on. Let's see. Where's like close this. Yeah, oh it's working fine. Yeah if you're trying to call in with your number block that's the problem. You know. But you definitely miss calls. I guess you're talking about something completely different because are you are you trying to inform me that you've been trying to call the show tonight and you can't get in even though you're showing your caller ID because I you know if you sit on hold like I'll see you on that thing. Two one seven six eight eight one four three three is what's going on. I don't you know I don't know what what I'm what what other problems are going on here but yeah that's right. It's chopper fucker just commented on my beauty revisited video and he said holy shit that was beautiful. Yeah, it's kind of the idea it's called beauty revisited. It's beautiful twice like you go back to it you know and so it should definitely do that. All of you should definitely watch that and then after you watch or listen to it. It's not it's not I uploaded as a video. It's just the image with with the audio in the background and the image by the way is fucking great too. We go look at that. You know I like I really like I stopped using a goddamn mid-journey thing some some fucking sick of them like the the goddamn PC nonsense in the in the fucking AI image generator like I like gave up on the fucking thing. I'm like why am I paying you fucking shoes and like and so I haven't used it as much lately but they actually upgraded the mid-journey thing. So you can upscale like four times now so so when you create an image in an AI image generator the image the first image you create is actually not that high quality but you can upscale it okay and it used to be that you upscale once so you get like a an image that's whatever 1500 pixels by 1500 pixels say and if you do like a wide screen thing it's not it's not even 1280 by 720 it's some other stupid fucking ratio. But you know it works well enough now you can upscale it like four times you end up with like an image file it's like seven megabytes and this like I went to try to do like I said I told it make a beautiful woman a beautiful blonde woman in an elegant dress walking through an enchanted forest and then I came back and I was like a beautiful woman in a beautiful blonde woman in elegant dress walking through an enchanted forest while playing a violin and you know that the image the AI image generators are not perfect right they they fuck a lot of things up and so I could give you these four images at first and three of them the hand is not on the bow of the violin and I'm like well that's goddamn ridiculous what the fuck you like come on you you don't you can you know what I look like you know what Roberta Kaplan looks like but you don't know that a hand goes on the bow of the violin come on and other times like the fingers are all bent out of shape and mangled but there was one that came out really good and I saw and I was like oh my god that woman I shouldn't say anything else about it so anyway I like the image in any case too the image that came out with beauty revisited I think was very very good and so you're gonna like it two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program I'm gonna moisten the less I have to so please take a school you know what I might just do is like if if you guys are not gonna call into the show maybe I'll just go game stream I'll cut this off and then I'll I'll make sure everything's functional here and then I will and then I will I'll go and I've been wanting to do I did the game streaming thing so let me talk about the game streaming thing for a couple minutes we're almost at 11 30 anyway we're almost at 11 as it were so I played Counter Strike for the first time at the at the suggestion of Mr. Mr. soprano in the chat there on Odyssey thank you very much Tony and I will let me actually pull up the blog post where I talk about this so I don't forget anything now I mention it and you probably know about all this because like you're on my email list right you went to Christopher Kent well dot net slash subscribe and you put your email address in I'm sure you did because you're not you're not a fucking recharge and I've told you to do that many times now if you didn't do it then you know you don't have to stay a retard like you can get on the email list now and as a matter of fact like if you tried to get on the email list before and you had a problem like that's entirely plausible because you know the email is being destroyed by Jews like everything else so like there's the there's you know the spam filter guys and so I gave a fucking piece of my mind you know what I did oh it's so good so I've had to do this a couple of times with Microsoft Microsoft they they fucking do stupid shit but like you can you can actually talk to them and you can fix it and I've didn't I've fixed it a couple of times with Microsoft that they start bouncing my emails and I'm like hey hey fuck you I'm not a fucking spammer and you know that I'm not a spammer so cut it the fuck out and then they stop doing it it's actually pretty good it's not entirely durable it's not entirely reliable because then they do it again and then like six months later I got to go back and bark at them but at least you bark at them they fix it those of you who out you're on my mailing list but you have an email with like charter or spectrum or roadrunner or whatever you been get your emails bounce for months and I was like this is fucking bullshit and I try to contact spectrum and they and they're like oh you know they don't provide any way to do that if you call their customer servers they're like what's your customer number I'm not your customer packet like I need to fucking talk to you about your mail server and they're like oh email abuse at you know charter dot net or whatever and of course I do that right email I email abuse at I email postmaster at because you know I run mail servers and I know how these things work I'm not stupid fuck so I email them and then they're like oh this is the abuse address this is only for reporting abuse on our network and I'm like yeah I understand that but nobody else is answering me anywhere else and the abuse is coming from you as a matter of fact you're abusing this the simple mail transfer protocol which makes you the problem you're actually fucking up the internet because you're abusing you know the strength of your position and blocking legitimate email which means you need to stop because that's abusive and they don't pay any fucking attention so I went on I talked about this on Twitter which I'm banned from again like fucking goddamn Elon Musk you know it tells you how much you know it tells you how fucking mad these Jews are they right right they're like oh there's like there's like pro Hamash pro Hamas hashtag trending but Christopher can't well can't be on Twitter for two weeks because they're that upset about it they think I'm the second coming off Adolf Hitler you know and so I'm honored whatever but it's still fucking annoying to keep on creating new fucking accounts I'm now now I'm God of talk radio on there you know you'll follow me for 15 minutes I'll make another one but uh so I went on I went on I went on Twitter and I was like spectrum and Microsoft the block of the emails are a bunch of fucking assholes whatever and then that the ask spectrum Twitter account just like oh well tell me your customer number now try to save your problem and I'm like you again with the fucking customer non-mun nonsense have you did you even read what you're replying to Faggot like I told you that I'm the one trying to email your cuss I'm not your fucking customer and I'm a fucking customer number get paid a fuck attention or what you're replying to you dumb shit no one of your fucking network doesn't work right and so I said it to him just like that in those words and that's why I had to pay the eight bucks so I could get above the character limit I'm kidding um but this is essentially what I told him and he and he tells me to go through the fucking hoops with abuse at and I'm sending him screenshots finally after like three or four fucking months at his nonsense spectrum now you guys who are on spectrum at charter now you guys are getting my emails again some of you is who like there's a couple of like Polish domains that still don't but I'm just gonna keep on breaking their balls like I'm not gonna go move my fucking mail server you know every time every time one of these fucking retards is a you know as a fucking bug up his ass two one seven six eight eight one four three three you'll like to be on the program and I'm going to tell the less I have to please give us a call caller you're on a radical agenda what's your agenda say it again friend hi Christopher what's up can you hear me yeah I hear you fine now I mean that was my four before but I didn't hear what you said before can you hear me so whatever you said go ahead with your call I hear you fine now hey what's up man um yo so I just want to say I think I was listening to the dude who was filling in for you on Christopher Cantwell dot net with like the audio podcast before you were out of prison I think there's like um it must have been years ago now yeah he wasn't filling in for me I just wanted you know yeah yeah he was he was filling up my website with content that's for fucking sure yeah go ahead oh yeah well you say that like you you didn't like it or I didn't like what I came out you know like you know look Jared's got his you know there's there's good things about Jared say but you know when I came out and like my front page my website had nothing but fucking nonsense about Alexander do get on it like come on you know just got fucking ridiculous like I'm like okay this guy's got a fucking bug up his ass and and he was just really unreasonable and I was like I can't I can't have this shit here anymore yeah no I know I think I do remember when some of that because it was before like I found cuz you know I'm just like a lazy grug sometimes and it's like whatever's on Odyssey I'll listen to like if it's not any symmetric like I like I can't stand it you know so like I listen to like finance up on YouTube but I had Christopher Cantwell dot net in like my independent website rotation for a while and I remember the I've listened to a little bit and it feels stupid I just move on but yeah I think I never like some of the icons or the graphics for some of the episodes I remember like you can stay on there yeah that's that's what happened so like you know and I don't I obviously I didn't go back and listen to all of it I was in prison for three fucking years so I don't know everything he said but you know I came out and I was like you know I'm like I'm not I'm not neutral in his conflict like I'm I'm vocally pro Russia and he's just like he's over he's completely out of his mind you know it's it's I couldn't even say he's like in favor of Ukraine he's like he's he's got he's got trump the rangement syndrome for the Ruske's is what it is you know and so like he got really bent out of shape about it and like he acted like because I took a political stance on an issue that I had like somehow fucking betrayed him and I was like get the fuck away from me like you know I was like I'm fucking done with this bullshit you know so and and at that you know I thought that you know he'd calm down and then I'd I'd invite him on the show we talk about it but like he just like I don't know when I get into it I'm gonna the guy's gonna throw a fucking goddamn temper tantrum he's gonna start writing faggot shit on his blog again but you know it was fucking stupid at any case you know go ahead you seem nice enough it must it must be totally different when like some some some someone's in charge of like your name say on the you know your website and all that but I do remember also I think he had more keen as on those are the first time I was exposed to that guy uh it's like I guess some of that makes sense but I so first off I wanted to say uh thank you for your service like you have gone headfirst against the Jew machine in the courtroom which must have been like like a spiritual emotional fucking nightmare but thank you for your service and additionally it appears like everyone adjacent to you respects you and only has good things to say about you uh and what are your thoughts on the rise in anti-symmetism I like to have to be valid you must be I mean I've just been like over the fucking moon with the way that likes like overnight everyone fucking hates guys well you know the truth of matter is I got kind of like mixed opinions about it right because like I don't I actually really I really don't like when people forget I think it's the second rule you know Robert Conquest three rules of politics one of them is you know any any organization not explicitly right wing sooner or later becomes left wing okay and like this is what destroyed the old right was basically like allowing left wingers in not only into it but into the upper echelons of it and so now you've got these fucking left wing fanatics in this three talking about from the ribatoo to see and you know you've got people in the alt-right who are like I guess you know that they're like oh well you know if you don't like Jews then you you know you're my friend and I'm like no like no like those those people are leftists and they're dangerous and they're and they're monsters and so like they're actually not your friend you know what I'm saying and so I'm a little I'm I'm I'm shall we say cautiously optimistic I like that a lot of people who are you know able to notice say like that like people who are not ideologues are kind of like oh Jews like they're like that when I see shit like that I'm like oh that's good you know but like having having left wingers you know screen their head off in the streets about you know the next government that they want to fucking overthrow or something like that like you know I'm skeptical of that I'm not sure that that's so as good as some people think it is say well even in president greenblast-owned words it's not a left or right issue it's a old and young issue well but the thing is but the thing is you have to say my friend but for the left like the like you know they like right wingers and left wingers hate Jews for different reasons you know and so like left wing Jew hatred is left wing you know like it is a left wing thing and and it's not and it's actually not Jew hatred right there's a lot they've got Jewish voices for peace the fucking you know the the Jew outfit that basically thinks that you know they're like oh well Jews shouldn't have an ethno state we should be subverting the goryam everywhere in the world and we should never live you know on our own like my my personal view of it is that I actually don't begrudge the Jews they're ethno state like this literally how I view it like go live in your fucking country I'll live in mind we need to fuck a stop fucking subverting my polish get away from my central bank packet you know like that's my attitude about it so like you know the idea that the idea that what we really need to do is go smash the fucking nest and have them run everywhere I'm very skeptical of that it's a matter of fact you know no no I completely agree I like I wish they could uh wish they could hold off so that we can get them all over there out of here first I mean they're they'll totally set up shop here and I also think that if it is really gets like turbo fucked and they all have to leave like they are gonna whip us like an alcoholic dad get home after like being fired from this fucking job and we're like the stepchild you know in America well it's funny to be you know we this conversation ensued at some length with a number of different callers on one episode of the show not so long ago when like like this guy at one of the callers called in and and was like thought I was just crazy for not assuming that all wonderful things would happen if only the Allah walk bar crowd you know took over took over took over uh Jude and some areas say so like you know and so like I'm like now I'm not sure that's actually so good you know like where are the you know unless they go in there and kill all of the Jews which I doubt they're going to do then you know where the Jews going to go and the the answer is here right and he's like yeah but then if the Jews come here and they're you know still subverting and controlling our government then you know then they'll then they'll want the Muslims out I'm like this does not sound like a good way to get out from under the Jewish boot as a matter of fact you know like like give it like let's have a place to deport these fucking people and let's go get them the fuck out of here you know and so you know I'm glad that people are not I'm glad that I what I think is kind of interesting and and that does give me some hope is you know the noticing right when you say when like if I say I can go in company that I wouldn't expect it to fly and be like oh you know the guy's Jewish and then they're like oh I get it right so like that like I didn't I was not able to do that you know six years ago you know that you just you you mentioned that somebody's Jewish and then like the that person's behavior comes into focus for somebody who's like not a Nazi that's cool that's fucking cool but you know the the the left is I think I think that's part of the reason that you see the left doing their it occurs to me as I say this that that's why the Jews are that's why the I always equate the Jews in the left which is not inaccurate but you know that's why the left wing fanatics are in the street screaming from the river to the sea as a matter of fact right they realize that anti-Semitism is catching on and they're like oh we better get in on that anti-Semitism stuff right that way we can subvert it let's go bring you into the fold yeah come join our anti-Semitic movements we can make you transgender say you know and so like you know I think these people are more sophisticated than we sometimes give them credit for and so you know I think I'm cautious about the optimistic I completely agree with that and the like yeah Jews will happily like the ones that went to guess what was washed in they had like a Jew January 6th that like nobody got arrested for and those all Jews who were like against doing this to Palestine and like not so you'll see right through that you know you're like oh they the controlled opposition and you know they're they're just gonna spend their wheels and nothing's gonna happen and they'll run the whole thing into the ditch and it peters out afterwards and they get what they want anyway but I think there's definitely room for rhetoric that's kind of of the nature of saying things like Jews don't have the moral authority to rule America and any what you know they shouldn't be in the department of justice or the state department especially after that dude with the fucking harassing like you know got like minimum wage like uh was it hallal carts in the city and it turned out that guy was like some Obama like uh state department guy like I think you you could totally squeeze in rhetoric that's like you know no Jews should be in the federal government like the Apparatus you know deciding foreign policy and then also in the same vein kind of like I think there's room for rhetoric that's like that's like you know there shouldn't be we should try to have as little Jews as possible expressing their fucking opinion in our like national political conversations like like Bill Marr when he you know he'll have like I don't watch you show or anything but I know he does these segments where it's like him sitting down with another Jew and they pretend to argue like the two different sides like think you could definitely hit a bunch of like liberals who aren't Jews you know like just regular like naive white people uh with the idea of like yo don't you know those are two Jews arguing with each other about you know this all you know the stuff that you hate and then also the whole there should be no federal officials that are Jewish because these people are just going to no matter who gets voted in you know I mean that probably be the next thing telling like Democrats that you can reach which I think there are some you know there's like liberals that you can actually reach like all the people who are protesting like the blue-haired lesbians that have been trained by the Jews to go like glue themselves to the street during parades like you know those you can't do anything with those people but like well to do free thinking Democrats that are like you know I think like a decent amount of them are reachable just hit him with the you know like obviously like we don't want that things to happen to Jews but they can't be making decisions on our behalf in this country you know you know I think I you know if there's the liberal in the sense that you know your friend your friend works for a union say and he believes that the that the Democrat party is a friend of the unions and therefore you know he's got liberal values say there's people who are like yeah well you know I probably maybe I've made some bad decisions on the dating apps and if somebody wants to go being a same-sex relationship who am I to judge them say you know those people existed you can talk that I'm about stuff and you know they're not died in the wool ideologues you can talk about things leftists are fucking you know leftists are fucking you're a demon like I really believe that you know and at what point do you deem somebody to be that I guess that you know there's a legitimate you know there's no blood test that I'm aware of we'll figure it out you know and then we'll just we'll just you know we'll use the you know this whether they dashed utilize the health care system and then we take control and then we figure out a blood test for being a died in the wool leftist will well you know I wouldn't want to say here because then they won't go to doctor but you get the idea and so we'll get rid of them and uh but you know in the meantime I don't I do not like the idea of like trying to reach out the leftists like trying to go rub elbows with those fucking fanatics who are in the streets screaming from the revot of the city like those people are fucking monsters they they they don't they don't hate the Jews so much as they love the Muslims right they're like they're like oh you know I would love it if a bunch of brown people jump from the fucking sky and in you know uh Texas and you know start screaming a law hawak bar where they cut fruits and so they like that stuff and that doesn't make them our friends you know they they would they would they think of the Jews a lot of those people think that the Jews are white people they think of Israel as colonialism or whatever and so I I'm very like the I I don't like the idea of trying to rub elbows with fucking leftists but as I said you know you're you know somebody who thinks that oh well why don't we just nationalize health care so everybody could go to the doctor and they'd never studied economics you know fine you know that maybe they're not a dyed in the world leftist and you can you can have a conversation with those people yeah yeah um and then uh just uh I mean because I don't I don't know how much more I could say about um the and I mean I'm just happy to see the Jews not have options you know like it doesn't seem like they have very many out like how do they uh like rhetorically navigate this fucking method they've made you know like well I mean you know it's not it's not that they lack options it's just that uh you know because I mean they they run the fucking world right so like but what's happening is that they they're you know oh what a tangled web we weave is what it is right I mean you tell people fucking bullshit all day long for decades and you know maybe you could have gotten away with this at some period of time but when the when the shit is recorded on the internet people can go back and look what you said last time and you know I think that that type of you know oh I just say whatever I want in the moment and I don't care if I look like a hypocrite routine you know if you can't do that then you can't be a Jew basically you know like as as soon as the as soon as people are able to discern that you know that you actually don't have any principles and all of your high-minded stuff is self-interested hostile nonsense you know people don't people don't go along with it right like people want to be the good guy and people use the thing that the Jews are the good guys people used to think that the Jews were the oppressed victims and they're and they're being you know reluctantly woken from that slumber say that it's not it's not a tenable position to to continue believing that and that's a that's a hopeful sign indeed I would say because you know they they've they've really like milked that for all the fuck that it's worth it like oh you know um we're out for social justice we're trying to help the gays we're trying to help the blacks we're trying to help the but transgender youth and all this crap and then like wait a second like I'm a parent you're trying to cut my child's penis off you're not helping anybody you sick fuck and you know you can't you can't walk that back right when you go to the pta meeting and you're like you're a bunch of criminals because you won't let me cut your child's penis off like good walk making that fucking catwalk backwards you stupid fuck you know you're done you don't get to go back and tell these people that you're the good guy you know and so they they're definitely they're fucked yeah and uh guys like us are at those pta meetings we're saying the not only does that guy want to do that stuff to your child or whatever but he's also a fucking Jew yeah yeah it's just I think things seem so ripe right now you know like fertile grime I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised like I mean just putting myself in your shoes being in a court room and subject to the mercy or lack of mercy of the like hyper hypocritical Jewish legal system you know which is like what a generous description of a you know love a justice system but like I would hate that I would hate like what you've been through would like I don't know if I'd be the same guy coming out together and so I'm not you don't think so I mean I'm not the same guy I'm I'm I'm a different guy for sure you know and it's like you know and I don't and I don't mean for the worst you know like I don't treat the matter is you know go go listen to the on beauty thing like I you know it's reflected on some but like you know they're they're beauty revisited thing I should say I talked about some you know some revelations I've had say but like you know facing off against them in the courtroom was kind of like the highlight of my life honestly you know like I got to go and put my fucking verbal talents on display against a bunch of fucking Jewish lawyers you know like it was almost like you know the outcome of that you know I mean and actually a lot of people miss this that the outcome of that was actually you know rhetorically positive in any case and I'm kind of like pissed off at all our guys for not you know not all of our guys but it it seems to be that the truth of that is not being discussed by most people who you know should be discussing it that like they failed on the main claim and what they actually held us responsible for was harassment which they they actually can't do it's the subject of my appeal before the fourth circuit and you know there's going to be oral arguments in that soon so I'm going to get to face off against them again verbally oh you're going in again not there's not going to be like a trial but there's like there's a there's a there's an oral argument pending before the fourth circuit court of appeals so like I think I'll it'll probably be all the phone or like a video conference or something but I'll be I'll be verbally doing verbal judo with the with the Kaplan army again sometime in the near future is my understanding of it and so and there's a still good possibility that the that the verdict gets overturned because you know they sued us for violence and then they actually didn't get the verdict on the violence the jury hung on the federal council and they held us liable for things that there's a harassment theory of liability so like you can't sue me for violence and then find me liable for harassment it's bullshit so like that's my that's my appeal and it's it's like an obvious argument to the point that I'm suspicious of the other defense lawyers now at this point frankly but you know we'll see what happens with it so Christopher yeah correct me if I'm wrong but your performance and results in court actually ended up getting other people off as well as like there's kind of like an unorthodox case with multiple people being the defendants and you were one of them well so what happened I mean they held us liable for like millions of dollars I mean it's fucking ridiculous what they did but but you know they they came out as who's six a six count lawsuit and the first two counts the jury deadlocked on the first two counts they would have had to find to find a liable they would have had to say there was a racially motivated violent conspiracy okay and they did not find that they found a soluble per the Virginia hate crime statute and conspiracy conspiracy to violate the Virginia hate crime statute now when the whole theory of liability behind that in the lawsuit was because we had violated the federal law we had also violated the state law okay but the Virginia hate crime statute says that you could be found liable for violence vandalism or harassment and the federal claim says you can only be found liable for a violent conspiracy okay so if you didn't find us liable for the violent conspiracy but you found us liable under the Virginia statute that means you found us liable for something other than violence and since you didn't sue us for something other than violence you actually your verdict is actually bullshit you actually don't that verdict can't stand you don't get a hate speech constellation prize when you sue people for violence okay and so like that's that's my argument before the fourth circuit now you know I've learned not to have faith in in courts much less appellate courts you know when I when I peeled my criminal conviction the the first circuit court of appeal said I was absolutely right my argument was absolutely correct they had absolutely no right to do what they did my trial and they were like well you know but you're guilty so we're gonna let you you're not gonna overturn your conviction I was like oh so they get to cheat and then you and then you just and then I go to prison and then you don't decide my appeal until after I get out of prison and then you say fuck you you know so I mean this is what our court systems do it's not it's not a fair exercise but you know for the people who listen did you see what they're doing to the v-dare dude the with the castle or whatever the brim below that lady the the the the the do you see what they're doing to be there like a law fair wise with her no I didn't know that I don't know that the castle's an any jeopardy I have no idea what you're talking about yeah I mean they're saying so there's some uh I mean I don't know what I can't like look at words I can use on your show this is the radical Jenny you can say whatever the fuck you want the kikes are trying to do criminal fucking things go ahead dude there is like there is the most niggered Lee she boon judge who is I think it's like the shitty circuit in New York if a federal federal court judge uh who's forcing v-dayre to uh reveal the identities of their writers and of course that like that's just like the layman summary there's like some kind of like uh legal pretense that this is all happening under but it's on the v-dayre website and they it's they tied it to the castle so I like I just you just like you read this shit about what's going on in the courses there's like a point in time where I would like I would I mean I'm not a lawyer you know I'm fairly intelligent but I would read about like legal stuff and I'd be like oh like maybe this is a way that like we can like leave some of our griev- you know redress our grievances so to speak and and then I I don't know I ran across few things you know there's like 10 years ago and then I'm like yo I'm gonna avoid the courts I'm not even gonna try like the court system is something you deal with if you have to deal with it but uh yeah you read all this shit on the v-dayre website and you scroll down they got a photo of the judge and you're like god damn like we're gonna dumb fucking eight dude like when you know where in rose got like like corny looking like flashy Gucci glass I mean you can only imagine what these people are like in their private life but yeah they're trying to get them to reveal the names of all their writers and it's this long daisy chain of like fucking bullshit then you can tell the end result they want to dox these fucking people writing for feet air you know well I'm not surprised I don't know I don't know the details of the case at all but you know it's it's it's probably something that happens in the course of discovery you know you get sued there's really did with us I mean the whole you know I think half the purpose of the exercise in the Charlottesville lawsuit was just to you know get all the information on people I mean a Kaplan was bragging about this to like the Jewish telegraphic agency she's like oh we got all this information about them you know it's like it's she didn't say evidence she could set information right so she's digging in the crates trying to find all the shit that she could find because she's a criminal and a problem that we have with the courts I mean I mean part you know part of the problem is that they're just corrupt but it's also that like hour you know the lawyers who are on our side or you know they treat the law with like you know with the respect that they they think the law ought to have say and so you know they they don't fight fire with fire and you know I'm not sure that I'm not sure it would be particularly frivolous but you know you can you can sue anybody for anything and if you make a plausible allegation then like you get what's called discovery okay like you know you think about like a search warrant a search warrant requires what's known as probable cause okay to get a conviction in a criminal court you need to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt well like to win a civil lawsuit you need preponderance of the evidence which is basically the same thing as probable cause it's just more likely than not and all you need to get discovery is plausible allegation so you plausibly accuse somebody of something and then you get to go through all their records like honestly you know I hesitate to say it out loud frankly but like what what we actually need is lawyers who will run around suing every fucking cock sucker whoever pissed us off and then go digging through all their fucking records okay like that would solve a lot of fucking problems and once they understood that like they they were in that peril they they behave differently you know but our lawyers are never going to do that because you know right wingers you know they they you know they they take a fucking oath to do things and then they you know they abide by it right and so we're not going to be able to we're not going to be able to do that so I mean kind of this was something else I ran across today and I mean it's it's unverified but it makes sense to me something about so like all these like home insurance policies are getting out of control in Florida and this person I read says that Florida accounts for 9% of the home insurance claims that are filed with the big insurance companies but 79% of the lawsuits that happen uh between homeowners and the insurance companies regarding these claims and that's just like wreaks of kikes like a built in money out I think Jews are just going to run this whole system like ragged into the fucking ground until there's nothing left and if if we had our guys who are our lawyers and we're fighting fire with fire I think the whole system would just last even less time because then it's I mean if fire with fire means we're doing the same thing they are then we're running this thing ragged into the it's like all of this everything only works with like all white people you know well yeah the phone car system is only made that's part of the problem you're absolutely correct I mean part of the exercise with all the law fair stuff it's it's it's the the added benefit that they derive from it is not only the trouble that it causes us they're discrediting the legal system right and you know that's actually not in our best interest to do fundamentally and it's going to be very difficult to restore faith in that thing after what they've done to it I mean you know maybe when people start seeing the fucking boats and they they forget what a fucking yarmicle looks like you know they maybe then and people be like okay well you know maybe courts are real but people are definitely losing faith in those institutions and that's actually not fundamentally in our interests in the long run so you've got a good point you know about yeah about that I I got to agree I'm sure well well go ahead for good I was just going to say for the last topic the final topic so I'm a native Texan the last place I was working full time was outside of New York City and I bought a house in New Hampshire before COVID moved up to New Hampshire I'm in like the furthest northernmost county just because it was like the widest place and the free state stuff was like whatever go ahead never mind hello ignore the sound go ahead oh oh yeah all right uh but um yeah what's it do if uh if I end up coming down south sometime and I have like a bunch of notice I'll buy you a fucking meal or whatever yeah if you're if you if you're if you're in New Hampshire and you're going to find yourself anywhere near Manchester you uh you hit me up okay okay cool man sweet all right buddy thank you very much for the call brother I appreciate it thank you very much for making to call my friend I hope to hear from you again all right ladies and gentlemen it's 11 27 that man mercifully got me to the 11 30 mark thank you very much for your help my friend uh we do this every Friday at 9 30 p.m. uh you know round about uh on Monday I come back I don't curse nearly as much so you know if I have a venue tonight just come back Monday and I'll and I'll find a different way to offend you without all the fucks or whatever um Wednesdays we do the one members only show and those are uh those are a little bit more intimate show me saying and that's a great idea you should join me for those you go to surrealpoliteast.com slash join and you'll be able to do that you want to find out how to catch up with me go to uh Christopher Campwell.net slash meet me you want to pay me yeah of course you do Christopher Campwell.net slash donate um all of the links are up at the top of the website Christopher Campwell.net you'll find everything uh and uh if you're like listening to it live for the first time you want to get pick up the podcast or whatever Christopher Campwell.net slash htl how to listen okay do that and then you can follow along if you want radical agenda t-shirts hoodies hats that kind of things realpoliteast.com slash shop and um you know just basically handle the roll of your money or whatever and then I'll I'll make everything work you know that's basically the idea is once I have uh the resources to do it we're gonna take over the fucking world just kind of the idea because I'm very good looking talented and you know that's what they do is they try to stop me but I don't care because the thing is you know I uh I find that there's opportunity and suffering so I don't care they're like oh I'll hurt you and I'm like go ahead hurt me fat get I like it you know and so now that sounded really bad then I didn't mean it like that get your fucking mind of a gutter will you uh so yeah so you know all of those things you know anything I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna go try to I'm gonna finish working on what I was working on as I ran out of time here um and then I might come back this evening and and do a little bit of game streaming Tony went so far as Tony's too generous to me he like gave me all these steam games and I had done all this stuff oh I gotta talk to you about the the game streaming I was gonna do that before then I got and then I was like holy shit I have a caller I used to do a call in radio show you guys might have heard I you know I forget about that sometimes because you guys don't call me anymore um but I was I was about to start talking about this and I got all excited because somebody actually wanted to talk to me um so I'll just read this post out loud that I made about it so I played Counter Strike for the first time and I and I titled this um uh can't little place Counter Strike for the first time and I had bed the Odyssey video and I say after the last nights the real politics member show I took the advice of one of our most generous sponsors to stream my first time playing Counter Strike there were as has become the custom here at the radical agenda some technical challenges I'll detail those in a moment but for now we can say with some confidence that you will still find this very entertaining though I acknowledge the echo of the game before I continue I became aware of this at the end of the stream and I know how to fix it this won't happen again I had initially thought that I should practice at these games and play them competently before streaming them in public when I play by myself I am perhaps obviously or perhaps not not very talkative as I was crashing cars in Grand Theft Auto and losing races and need for speed I felt sort of like a loser and this was not something that I particularly cared to demonstrate for an audience at first but I was very grateful to Tony for his sound council here while I found the technical troubles in my lack of skill personally frustrating something does change about my desire to talk when there's a camera and a microphone in front of me and I am often reminded that this is why people pay me to do these things at Christopher Cantwell dot net slash donate for which I cannot state enough I am tremendously grateful if the viewer can tolerate some pixelation and the toiling and the details as we get started they are certain to laugh many times during the two hour broadcast and I certainly appreciated being able to join them in this laughter as for the technical troubles they all easily solve for those interested I'll detail what transpired in this respect firstly this was not a matter of equipment problems my current equipment is more than sufficient to do the game streaming there are always things that I can buy to make streams better of course and you can find out more about those at Christopher Cantwell dot net slash gifting or you can just send cash at Christopher Cantwell dot net slash donate if you want to help out but this was all operator error the problems that you do see in that video were all my fault and I can't blame it on my tools all of the game stream testing I had done previously was using my consoles before I tried to do the counter strike thing I mistakenly thought that it would be a small matter to play them on the same computer I was streaming from given that I've made some very costly upgrades that are designed to facilitate this sort of demanding exercise okay now the equipment is more than capable of handling the load but I had not anticipated some of the configuration challenges at first most notably you hear some echo in the stream because the game is a source in my streaming application and the game feeds audio also into my mixer so I you're hearing me through my audio mixer and you and you would hear that on the game stream to the problem was that the the broadcasting application is actually taking audio from the game directly and then it's taking audio in from the mixer at the same time okay and I wasn't aware that doesn't come through my headphones so I was unaware of it I didn't realize this until the end of the stream that's really easily fixed it's just a it's a it's a it's a dial that I have to turn basically and I didn't realize this until the end of the stream because I closed my web browser before I started playing the game and so I like I was thus not watching the chats I will have this up and running the next time I do this so that I'll see your chats and that's important too because you guys are gonna throw super chats at me because you know you guys love when you guys throw me money I know that that makes you happy and so then I'll read them on the air as I go and I shoot people and call them faggot on counter strikes it's gonna be good time um and so there's that pixelation in the video that you see on Odyssey right now was a problem I did not experience this in my gameplay so again it's not it's actually not an equipment problem the cause of this was that I was streaming at a low bit rate which I'm actually doing right now but in the video that you're watching right now those of you are watching the video um the video is not very busy it's just me and so so streaming at a low bit rate is not like a huge problem when I'm just talking to the microphone the very demanding graphics of modern video games are a different story and so I have to stream at a higher bit rate which I will do on the future game streams um sadly I had not made a local recording I usually do that like right now I have a local recording running that actually it records the the the the the show file ends up being like almost 10 gigabytes or something like eight gigabytes because it records a super high quality recording I didn't do that on the first game stream I won't make that mistake again um I see the steam the application in which counter strike game is played it prudently uses a push to talk feature for players so if you watch the videos see like I was struggling with this for a while I have this like three three pedal switch under the desk and I acquired this to like program eight to do different things during the stream and it works very well for that purpose but because I had set it up to do things during the stream the buttons were already configured and so we struggled with this a little bit when I was trying to get the push to talk working and it also I found out the hard way when I when I just hit the pedal to you know change a scene or something like that it's not that big of a deal but when I'm holding it down to talk then it's like pushing the pedal away and you know it becomes kind of like a cognitive task for me to keep track of the fucking thing and that was kind of a problem but that's very easily fixed and so there's that I'll skip that and I will say in addition to the routine generosity of people like Tony Keck app and afternoon shift who have made their contributions public through the Odyssey streamtaps two people did I want to thank them very specially for making the game streaming possible they helped me to buy the upgraded RTX 4070 video card you guys know who you are and I'm very thankful to you but you know I haven't arranged with you to talk about you by name obviously so I'm not going to dox you just because I love you somebody sent me like a $500 Amazon gift card and that was fucking awesome I bought a bunch of the shit that was on my wish list thank you very much sir somebody's in somebody soon gonna send me a 3070 ti video card not will be put to excellent use to the individual sent me to minarell thank you very much and that's really wonderful all of you who make this thing you know I'm doing my thanks giving things sort of at this point the people who pay the rent for me the people who keep me from being fucking homeless you're the guys who give me five at ten bucks at a time okay so like this real politics members the people who have recurring things that are gifts and go gives and go.com slash spm thank you very much I obviously couldn't thank you all individually by name that would get out of hand but you know who you are and you're very very important and those of you who think that you know your contribution wouldn't measure up keep that in mind please that you know it's it's the recurring revenues that allow me to make economic plans right when a guy comes throws me a hundred or a thousand dollars it's great it allows me to do things but the only way that I know what I can do tomorrow is for the people who have you know subscription revenues and then I know you know how much money I'm getting so thank you very much for everybody's regularly recurring payment is a even a small dollar amount but I before I sign off tonight I want to send my most sincere gratitude to all of those people who have attempted to fucking stop us you know you are also far too many to be named but among the most notable obviously a Roberta Kaplan the Southern poverty law center Emily Gossensky Christopher God assistant US attorney John Davis the born Boston joint terror task force Ukraine's SBU Daniel Sprole warden of the United States Penitentiary at Marion Illinois Michael Collins the analyst analist at the fucking counter terrorist unit who censored my communications in the communications management unit and of course the Dylan Roof fan club you fucking losers are like the dead weight and rubber bands that I used to exercise daily and I wouldn't be shit without you so thank you so much for making us what it is good night that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't talk to enemies and if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda implemented their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions but they want to do here this ram their radical agenda down your Americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a light there front of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment I almost I almost forgot to do the the last super chats the Tony sent another seven dollars he says when you get off probation I'm going to take you to a spot with height white hot white girls in gene shorts and cowboy boots start working on your two step man animals says I look forward to hearing the exchange of reality based rhetoric versus pill poll when you're when your appeal wraps up maybe next time he links to he links to something and I don't know what it is so I'm not going to read it out loud thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda have yourselves a wonderful evening maybe I'll see in a little while if you're if you want to go watch me um you know crash cause or go post or whatever it is that I'm going to do next thank you very much have yourselves a wonderful evening good night