and with the local recording started then i'll go ahead and i'll go check in on an culture she uh... you know she's alright that girl that's it it's over then we organized the death squad for the people who wrecked america you know what do you call people you can't call enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical agenda the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda implement their radical agenda is the only thing they care about their bad actions what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great americans he's a people that want to see great things that they got to you know they try and build a blanket one of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second the mayor i onward and welcome to the radical agenda to show about time with ideas and news today and whatever is on your mind it's two one seven six eight eight one four three three yes this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it this 42nd episode of the six stage the program today is november 17th two thousand twenty three is the current year it's a Friday is usual and we're coming along once again from my undisclosed location where you know uh i'm old enough to remember some of you might recall is you remember show it's a tv show called kid-sated dondas things and while it might be best not to rank them in order kids do say some pretty wild stuff they might well be rivaled by a Jewish adult though who are completely out of their goddamn mind you might have gathered they just seem to be spiraling more and more completely out of control with each passing day among the better examples of this is david freeman former us ambassador to israel under president donald trump he was on al jazeera with mark leban hill to discuss the israel palestine conflict recently and his embodiment of anti-semitic stereotypes almost look like a nazi cartoon when hill asks freeman what evidence exists that hamas is stationed at the al-shefa hospital in gaza freeman responded by accusing hill of holocaust denial talk about a leap i stood there thundestruck myself i have no reason to doubt hamas is at the hospital they are losing the war after all i imagine they have some guys and you need to get patched up from time to time if they think they can operate more safely from the hospital then they can elsewhere then the hospital is obviously where they're going to operate it's fairly straightforward reasoning actually from there it is also fairly straightforward reasoning that israel is going to stop this by force media hysterics notwithstanding soldiers in war do what they must to win the war at least to prolong their lives centers where medical care are provided such as hospitals or military targets for both sides the foolishness we see about war crimes is just part of war propaganda it is pure nonsense but the jews being as they are so on a custom to being challenged have no idea how to handle this they are usually the ones peddling the nonsense after all they are not used to having it thrown at them in settings where they are not in control hills question was not accusatory i might add it was the sort of question a responsible journalist might be expected to ask so you're say you're shooting up the hospital because the bad guys are there what evidence have you of this there are lots of reasonable answers to that question not the least of which is as above people who get shot often require medical attention and we've been shooting a lot of people over there this sort of the whole point of the project but mr. freedman cannot process a reasonable response to the question all that he can do is accuse hail of holocaust denial because that's where his mind goes when he is an panic and in all fairness to mr. freedman it's probably time for people like him to panic not long before this Jonathan greenblaat king slime ball over at the adl was heard on leaked audio discussing what he describes a tiktok problem young people in the united states are all together less persuaded by the hysterical finger wagging of professional smear artists then their adult parents who have been conditioned by decades of economic coercion to keep their mouths shut about what's right in front of their faces humorously greenblaat announces that quote we've been chasing this left right divide which is sort of a stunning admission in itself not to mention a staggering miscalculation Jews run around promoting anti white narratives and helping criminals lute and burn cities in the name of dead drug addict felons they then enjoy the unwavering support for the white Christians they persecute in the maintenance of their theocratic ethno state kind of a sweet deal if the parasite is trying to kill the host obviously but that is not a prudent survival strategy for a parasite especially if the host gets wise to the routine and sees a very obvious solution to his problems wherein he lives but the parasite is not and that seems to be what's occurring to the organism of western civilization there's a handful of weirdo foreigners telling us that we need to suffer endlessly for their benefit we're calmly asking why and waiting for a reasonable explanation when all that is forthcoming as the aforementioned hysterical finger wagging those with the capacity to make the decisions are less and less impressed by this the predictable result of that today has been more disreputable Jewish behavior subversive activity media deception financial manipulation legal abuses and you know sexual blackmail little that the whole of the limited Jewish repertoire that involves not a single reputable deed call them races if that doesn't work call them rapists if that doesn't work threaten them with violence if that doesn't work offer them deviant sacks if that doesn't work sue them and if they still hate you after you do all of that to them well guess your fuck pal they can't even keep their blacks in line you might have noticed you know uh canis oens was recently on tucker carlson after ending up in something of a tiff with her boss been Shapiro can does seem to be taking that whole america first bit a little too far for the comfort of Jewish sensibilities miss oens appears unpersuaded by the hysterical nuclear threats of her employer and dares to question the merits of unconditional limitless support for Israel to do anything at any time to any one without regard for social or economic costs while america spills her blood and other treasure to clean up the mass after all it is now common knowledge that Jews are responsible for america's left wing problem in all of its many terminal pathologies immigration economic incoherent sexual perversion it's all of jewish origin and tucker carlson said so matter of factly during the discussion without even bothering to downplay nor emphasize the point he just stated it like he was mentioning in passing some mundane and uncontroversial fact of american political life i'm old enough to remember that it was not always this way and you don't have to be that old to know this it was once considered well beyond the palt even notice that somebody was jewish to state who happens to be jewish by the way as part of a sentence would quickly have one branded a holocaust anir all a mr. freeman and if a man hears this enough times he might just become one and if he hears it a few more after that he may come to develop some regret that this jewish fairytale is not true the old saying that one ought not bite to hand that feeds them it is never quite resonated with people like green blattin freeman in their minds that's the whole point of the hand to be bitten why else would it feed them if not out of fear they don't understand in fact they are congenitally incapable of understanding what once prompted american support for the jewish people which was real for a long time there was a time when this was just obviously considered the right thing to do jews were considered a persecuted minority that holds some status in the minds of white people they were perceived to be a people so devoted to their god that their race was their religion capable intelligent gentle people who contributed to society and appreciated america for being more welcoming than those many other places they had resided in near uniformly had to flee for fear of their lives god knows why america where a man's religious views were not thought to define him welcomed jews cooperatively speaking to other places and albeit with some resistance their integration into our society was considered proof of an ideal proof of a sort of progress wherein we had grown beyond slaughtering when an over-superstition supporting the jews was thus considered a uniquely american and christian thing to do but when jews became the persecutors instead of the persecuted especially when they began to brag about this openly it became very hard for honest people to think of them as victims in need of our protection when they cursed the god we want supposed to have in common blasts themed him and made a mockery of his commandments waged war against his institutions and his flock made a religion of race rather than the other way around it hardly seemed a christian thing to aid a belligerent at war with their own deity realizing this the value of those supposed contributions came into question of course yes you've made many movies written many books litigated many a dispute held many positions in the full light of revelation have these really been positive influences you've poisoned the minds of our young weak in the faith of our people attacked our patriotism discredited our courts you have not in fact integrated into our society you have made of yourselves a nation within our borders and set yourselves to the task of eliminating those very borders you have cursed our god as a fraud and his mother as a whore and in the name of your own superstition to kuno lam the absurd notion that your sick minds are endowed by god with the right and responsibility to reorder god's creation and contravention of his commandments you have led us to slaughter in that light supporting you is not an american nor a christian thing to do and so while as it so often is the case the loudest to most obvious problem is literally young people misbehaving in the streets the decidedly more troubling thing mr. freebid and mr. greenblatter soon to discover is that us all folks have fucking had it with jibul shitt too we're a little tired for rioting of course we haven't had the luxury of having activist career subsidized by jewish billionaires our whole lives most of us have careers to preserve which present us from responding as we'd like when asked about our attitudes towards your kind but if given an upper down choice if we'd like to keep or lose another half percent of our income if the survival of your theocratic ethno state hangs in the balance we need not to calculate it to decide should our sons and now our daughters of all fucking things be drafted to fight your wars no that effect not we don't even need to get upset about it we don't need to justify it we don't need to make a fuss in the street we don't need to exterminate you or hate you or anything like that we just politely decline to forfeit what is ours for your benefit and wish you the best of luck in resolving your own problems you will not be able to do that and so that will be the end of you and this end will come not because we have caused it but because it is long overdue and it is only we your urswild victims who have been preventing it it makes sense that from where you sit that would feel like an injustice objectivity we know has never been the strong suit of your kind from the very origin story of your people you believe that your destiny to rule you think that God has a plan for you and then to deviate from that plan is to deviate from God but God does have a plan for you as he does for all unrepentant sinners God told you his plan and you had other designs somebody in this equation has certainly been deviating from God all right and it's not the people who keep politely requesting that you stop having sacks with the children the plan was fairly straightforward most of you i'm sure if i'd bred at least this much of the text you shall ignore the gods before me you shall make no idols you shall not take the name of the Lord your god in vain keep the Sabbath day holy honor your mother and your father you shall not murder no murder i'm gonna say that one twice stop with the murder you should not commit adultery and that includes all the other degenerate things not just cheating on your wife you sick bastard you shall not steal big one you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor or anybody else for that matter you lying card piece of shit you shall not covet it's not you know it's pretty straightforward stuff and since that is the plan what is happening to now that's the plan you know that's that's the plan is how it works you know the idea that gods your Jews are gods chosen people as part of what the Bible calls a covenant you know this is sort of like a contract and actually it binds both parties and if the Jews had kept God's commandments well then God or no God they would not have the problems that they have today would they it's the idolatry largely of themselves the blasphemy the adultery in the murder and the theft and the deception and the envy that causes this and most people don't even need a god to tell them not to do these things the Jews they really needed some very strong discouragement against this behavior something about them you know floods and fires and war and slavery and death all failed to drive home the point and they have not kept the covenant and god ain't no fucking suck up out two on seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program I'm going to more you talk less I have to so please do give us a call looking forward to hearing from you tonight but I do I got a lot of stuff I got a lot of stuff pulled up in the newstaps today let me go check on check on you guys over here oh my god what the heck just happened here maybe next time he says hey Chris looky you made social pages I've seen that one yeah the Southern poverty lost and it doesn't like me getting paid and you know so they go and they whine about it and you know and eventually I have to go flying some other way to get paid you know kind of it's a cat and mouse thing you know it's it's more like a cat and mouse thing it's more like a it's more like a rat running around annoying at things until you smash it you know it's kind of kind of more akin to that Tom says I'm Polish in America my wife is Chinese we both want America to be 95% white well you know at 50% of your household you know I'm I'm breaking your chops a little bit I understand I you know I I uh I uh I understand uh having a finny for Asian women I get that I don't hold it against you Tom but uh yeah so thank you very much for $214 he told me that I'm not going to insult the guy after essentially $214 he'd be like oh you got to leave your wife now and I gotta get rid of that Asian check she's not wide enough we're gonna have to get you out of the at no state that Tom nomkin you know I and by the way if you've been listening for a while you know I've never done that people have called in here and told me about their uh you know their relationships I'm like hey if you love you love it what I'll get it though I don't gonna tell you not to love somebody shit uh 276881433 you like to be on the pogrom I'm gonna move you to the less I have to so please do give us a call and there's so much these okay you know as a matter of fact let me get somebody's videos up that I told you about this was too funny to me man when I saw you know I'll play the green black thing first because it's sort of that's what was actually in chronological order you know and he's all panicked about that just and he's like oh yeah they know they got a tiktok problem the tiktok problem is you know how you refer to kids now because the kids they watch the tiktok you see they're not on Facebook well I bullshit they're like hey you know if we're gonna be if we're gonna be propagandized by foreigners it might as well be the you know the change really with this fucking Jewish like they don't want to listen to the Jew bullshit and they're so sick of Jewish bullshit that they're listening to Chinese bullshit right they're like if we want if we want a bunch of foreigners to tell us to you know play like catch the hot dog in your mouth games on on the internet we'll have the we'll have the chinks to it because you kikes are just you're intolerable that's the only what's going on they say this all the time the kids they they they uh they they don't they don't have any tolerance for this fucking Jewish nonsense they'd rather get it from the gooks um and so that's what he's referring to and he says he got a tiktok problem they say okay you know they we got this like generational divide and um if one of these days I'll be able to find this thing and I'll pull it up and then it'll be over here and then once it's over here you're gonna hear the sound first before you see it it's not even really a video it's actually like audio with an image behind left and right and the numbers of young people looking at the boxes you know massacre was justified is shockingly and terrifyingly high that's I imagine that you gotta you gotta you ever try to put yourself in these people's shoes I don't suggest it it's not a good place to be you know but you know you you try to think about I mean well I mean you've been there right I mean you you see people celebrating things that happen like James fields and you know Derek Chalve and you get the idea you know so you have you have some idea but it's actually like you know very few people I think openly celebrated 9-11 say you know and I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not actually comparing the stupid you know little like the kids at the Ray they you know you know they they had sex with one more guy that night and they planned on and they act like it's 9-11 but I that's not what I'm getting it's not not saying that this is a comparable event 9-11 but I mean you know like guys coming on parachutes and murder you you know and you're like wow that's I didn't expect that to happen I just figured we just keep on abusing you forever and shockingly enough it came back to bite us um but you know you see like people being like no yeah of course they killed you like you're completely in taught your entire race of people it's just disgusting like of course like of course and you've got to watch that you're like wow you know I've put all this effort into making sure nobody's allowed to criticize me how is this even possible it's kind of the idea pal is exactly what happens when you behave that way but that that said you know he's saying shockingly and terrifyingly high I don't think that he's overstating matters I think he's genuinely concerned and I don't I don't think it's entirely appropriate really have a tick-tock problem that shows the problem that our community needs to put the same brains that gave us tagly the same brains that gave us all these other amazing innovation and so I I mean I've never heard of this before tagly I went and I looked at it's like some social media gimmick and what like I didn't get to do the research but this has been like you know this is the tool of the Jew for the propaganda now they're like hey well we're gonna go and we're gonna go and social media and find where everybody's talking about it you're gonna be like hey stupid goyum oh baby you know I don't know what the routine is he's like we need all those tech guys the right programs to get these goyum back in line we've been chasing this left right divide you can I mean you can believe he admits it you believe that that's the case obviously and I don't want to encourage any of this you know think all think nonsense is stupid cult jargon term but you know that they do you know they're conscious of these things and they do they play on it right and he's just like yeah we've been doing it you know we've been playing the left right thing we're trying to destroy the country with the with the left and then we're telling the right that you know well you guys want to save your country better save hours and you know you can't blame them for holding us a good temper we fall for shit like that it's the wrong game the original game as the next generation end of the month and there are complices that anything useful to any of the west are falling in line with their terror bike class I'll just say we saw a dangerous change in the language that the activists here in America on October the the language of groups that we've long tracked long the problematic left to us for justice and Palestine and Jewish voices for peace they blinked like this and went to like the runny and propaganda the language I could show you from their twelkets because our analysts are in their group our analysts are in their groups that's right because we're a we're an espionage organization we follow people around we lie and we cheat and we steal we go we're a group we're like oh we totally believe what you're saying can we go like help you out let's be very helpful would you like some money would you like to have sex with me you know and then you infiltrate their groups then you bring all their papers to Jonathan Greenblatt and then the people they don't like you and they're like yeah you guys are a bunch of fucking scumbags matter of fact you're like I don't understand why they don't I don't why like why do you think it's okay to kill us we saw this again on October the 8th it was that fast like the language in their twelkets was all about the scientists entity and lots of other language and we recognize from a rot in propaganda well you know the funny thing is and there was a thing he not so long ago that he was on um he was on with gen pasaki you know uh the gen pasaki chick and he's like oh well the new anti-semitism is anti-zionism because uh if we can't have an ethno state that's basically genocide it's the same thing you know either we have a homeland or we're gonna die right that's why we hate white nationals we're trying to kill you the Zionist entity that's you don't let the say Zionist entity anymore you used to be able to say like oh well you know I have criticism of the state of Israel I have criticism of Zionism but you know they were like oh wait a second you know that's that you know that that's criticism right we don't the criticism that has to stop that has to stop entire you're not allowed yeah like we we've established the rules you know guys are not allowed to say bad things about us it's not it's not a matter of it's not a question of what you know terms you're using um it's it's the it's the fact of the criticism you're just you're not allowed to do that so let's pull this one all right so here's the David Friedman one this is hysterical um I couldn't believe this went when Pat showed this to me I was like I it's been proven with certainty it's been proven with certainty that the headquarters of Hamas is under the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City now you know what happened a couple days ago I can't allow you to I cannot allow you to Nate to say 15 things that are unfactual not be challenged on them I'm happy to let you talk but I want to ask time you didn't tell me what's factual now here's a funny thing okay so like you know again I actually don't doubt that they're using the hospital like I don't think that that's actually that controversial of a point but the guy went so far as a say as it's been proven beyond a doubt that they're at the hospital okay so that's a very strong version of this statement that I don't think is very controversial he's he's he's going above and beyond to say oh you know they're it's beyond you know it's he literally used to wear beyond right and so this guy's like hey well you've just actually made a pretty strong statement so if it's been been proven beyond any you know question what you tell me about the evidence it's been proven with certainty it's been proven with certainty that the head I'm sorry he didn't say beyond he said with certainty okay there's no question about it we have the evidence you know it's it's an open showcase the quarters of Hamas is under the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City now you know what happened a couple days ago and by the way okay so like that's the other things I'm going so far as to say well I don't doubt that they're at the hospital now I haven't seen a evidence that their headquarters is underneath it I want to be surprised to find that out you know if that if they think that Israel will be more hesitant to bomb the hospital than some other building which is a reasonable assumption then that's a fine place for you to put your military right you're going to be like oh well this is the place where you're not going to get killed will keep the command center there that makes perfect sense to me and so you know if Israel does come to discover this well then obviously they're gonna you're gonna they're gonna go kill everybody right okay so you know this is war all right you could say fuck the Jews you know you want them to lose the war whatever but you know you understand from their perspective that losing the war is not the point and so you know they're gonna kill people it's kind of the idea of the whole point of war you guys I don't know if they taught you this in school you got to kill the other guy and so you know fine that makes perfect sense to me but you're saying okay it's been proven beyond certainty that the headquarters is underneath the hospital I can't allow you to lie you to not allow you to name to say 15 things that are unfactual not be challenged on them I'm happy to let you talk but I want to ask clarify you didn't tell me what's factual yes I'm asking I spend five years of my life studying this living it what was the last time what was the last time you were in Gaza Mark what was the last time you were in Gaza 18 months ago what was the last time you were in Gaza a few a few years ago okay so you said our chief of hospital it's been pretty sick I worked for Al Jazeera I go to Gaza all the time you stupid kite with him Hamas headquarters what independent reference what source what investigation has proven that who has proven that it's an outshefa hospital since it's been proven fact who proved it so now we're going to get into this basic like Hollis Costa and I and I did that evidence that Israel has shown is not valid I mean it's not what you do it do you deny that everybody that challenges you is not doing Holocaust denial you said that it's a Hamas headquarters I simply asked you yes I simply asked you for evidence of it I said who and you immediately equated it to Holocaust denial is you have presented evidence ask like that the CIA ask ask ask anybody ask the CIA sir you don't trust the government you don't trust the American government you don't trust the Israeli government who should we trust Hamas you want to trust Hamas go ahead trust Hamas yeah well you know at least the Hamas tells us what they do it they're like yeah you know what we're going to go kill some Jews then the bunch of Jews and that that makes perfect sense what what what confuses people is when they're like hey I understand that you've you've made a statement and that your your statement is actually pretty pretty straightforward and so I would be interested to know what the evidence of that is and then you're like well Holocaust denial and you're like well you know now that you mentioned it do you have any evidence of this Holocaust thing and they're like yeah like there's all these we wrote all these books about it yeah we wrote yeah we like where's the evidence of the Holocaust thing and you know we like yeah no this is we we we told you all about it you know that's the proof is that we said so but you don't believe us go believe Hamas you believe the Nazis well you know we crazy things for people to believe huh oh you don't trust the government no not what it's at war you know it is a matter of fact I've learned that governments lie all the time like they lie over petty nonsense you know they lie about Hunter Biden's laptop they lie about the 2020 election and then you know if there's like a bunch of like child grooming pedophile black mailers involved and they happen to be at war and you know killing people yeah there's like a that's actually probably not the craziest thing to think that somebody might make up a story or to about that you know I yeah I have a healthy degree of skepticism of that actually you know it's not it's not a blanket skepticism of government that guy certainly doesn't have you know Mark LeMont Hill he doesn't have a general broad skepticism of government I think he's what he used to work for CNN or something right he's a leveling guy he's not some right wing fanatic who's like no we've got to get it down to the night watchman state that's not what what Mark LeMont Hill's fucking doing he believes completely in the power of government to micromanage every aspect of the human condition he's just wondering if while you guys are running around killing people in the hospital and you're saying that it's certain not just that guys are going to get patched up there but that they get their fucking headquarters underneath the thing you know you know after you go there and start dragging out everybody over the age of 16 because that's they did by the way I get to the the that's the other thing it's a story over here in revolver well it's actually the stories from the guardian but I found it at revolver I don't take revolver as like a source of information by the way they're really discredited themselves in a lot of ways but but they've got the story from the guardian is kind of the idea so I'm like okay well you know the guardians of left wing fanatic crackpot outfit and they're being quoted by revolver and you know sorry sort of like I can sort of like approximate the point there they're like yeah look we've got it over on archive in case they change it you know and so they're like they go in there and they're like okay here's how we figure out where the homoses okay they go into the hospital and they're like hey everybody don't make us kill you all of the men aged between 16 and 40 get out of this hospital right goddamn now you're a male you're between the ages of 16 and 40 that means that your Hamas and will kill you but we'll give you a chance to run away real quick okay that's how they know that Hamas as their headquarters at the hospital because there's men between the ages of 16 and 40 there apparently and so that's a fight you know it's fine you know you're like you know you're at war fine and that's fine you know one of the things I like about the juices everything that they do is like by definition good right they're during control of all the you know the levers of information and so once they do something it's good to do that thing you see okay and so whatever they do it's it's the standard they set the standard okay so if they want to go and say you know okay all of you people who might be in theory you know physically capable of taking up arms against us you're the enemy combatants now and we're gonna treat you like that okay fine set that standard but it's perfect there's no place to hide not even the hospital that's that's I actually think that's reasonable even aside from this but you know in addition to that okay but don't tell me that when you know people come to get you out of the hospital you follow pretty straightforward and so Holocaust denial yes that's right I asked you a question about your it's been proven certain and that means that I'm denying the Holocaust after I spent the entire by Mark Lomont Hale spent this entire career promoting Jewish nonsense working for the left right but as soon as he's just a little bit out of pocket however then I thought well wait a second if the biggest donors shut up Tucker Carlson okay if they as you know you you interrupt me you deserve to get fired from Fox News I was just trying to cue it up it's kind of the idea they don't have anywhere else to go right like they like it's you know I'm trying to find a good analogy but I'm not sure there is one you know what I mean like who else does anything like that that you're just like you you've completely run out of gimmicks all you've got is that you're like Nazi Holocaust racist hey oh baby boy like why haven't you I called you and not see okay I called you a Holocaust and I are supposed to apologize and throw shackles at me like go donate money to my organization and you know and send your children to die in my war like what you like why are we still I why are you still standing there questioning that was the answer Holocaust and I was the answer question move on what do you mean I have an answer to and that's not working out anymore right and I'll tell you I'll tell you something you know one of the reasons that I got so bent out of shape at that Ricky Vaughn Faggot was you know not that I could have even began to comprehend what's going on today in 2017 2018 could I have predicted today fucking no I goddamn could not but I fucking knew then that we did something very important standing up to those people you know where mistakes made sure like it was that you know was every decision made in 2017 the most tactically efficient one that one with perfect information could have made no that's not how you know these things tend to go but you know at the same time I understood this much that like all of a admit not all of it there's a lot of problems but you could say that the the most salient obstacle to solving our problems in 2017 was that people were afraid of being called a racist right that would be that's a conclusion that a reasonable person could have made in 2017 anyway okay that like there's there's problems and they're myriad and serious and you can't simplify them in a two hour broadcast much less than a catchphrase but you can you can say that a reasonable person could easily come to the conclusion that the the the most salient obstacle to solving our problems was that people were afraid of being called a racist and I saw that and I was like well you know I've been called worse names than that for sure I'll do that I'll break that taboo let's play you know underestimated the cost of this myself obviously but you know probably for the best that I did you know but anyway you know you go down there and you're like hey yeah I'm a fucking racist what do you do about a faggot you want you want to fight me okay let's go come on you know a lot of fucking shit went wrong yeah you know we incurred a lot of costs I'd rather not incurred for sure but I knew that we had said a thing in course boy I'll tell you that you know and I you know could something else have transpired between 2017 and now that would have brought today about sure it's possible but on the historical timeline that we are working with friends bunch of guys of tiki torches saying Jews will not replace us you know put a fucking debt in that goddamn armor you know a lot of people were scared of it after that yeah people ran away from us like like nobody's fucking business you know but it was certainly a thing that like we we brought them we brought them fucking walls down substantially and after we did you know it took a it took a good long fucking time to hear this but I heard Tucker Carlson say white genocide with a straight favorable what however then I thought well wait a second if the biggest donors that say Harvard have to say we're gonna shut it down now where were you the last 10 years and that's the white genocide you were allowing this they he's talking about how they're all like oh well you know we can tell they're at the end to semitism on the college campuses and you know the other side of this is you know the Republicans are all like you know they're not all like definitely not all like you know there's a divide in the Republican Party say about like well do we believe in free speech or not we got to protect the right of these people who called for genocide and the Jews and other people like wait a second I'm like totally dependent on both people for everything I can't let you do that yeah well you know I'll complain about the woke PC stuff but you know as you know as long as it's the as long as the woke PC mob is talking you know treating the Jews like white supremacists you know and then I found myself really hating those people oh my god gradually he began to hate them you believe that actually that you're okay with that and what grounds were you okay with that and then this is what I have been trying to explain to the pro-Israeli that what you were seeing as lack of support is people that are asking the question is where were you as we have endured all of you you're paying for it actually right you were you were paying for you you were calling you my children immoral for their skin color you paid for that and I thought so why shouldn't I be mad at you I don't understand and so that is you know obviously you have a ton of white people that are asking this question and they're now being called anti-Semitic and I think if that's wrong I think these are meaningful questions that deserve to be answered why was this this sort of burby is allowed into the curriculum I mean could you imagine if in the curriculum it said that every every Jewish person born is a terrorist yeah I can actually I could totally imagine that curriculum I don't even think it sounds like that bad of an idea we might we might seriously consider that two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the grama and more you thought less I have to so please do give us a call caller you're on the radical agenda with your agenda a Chris on before you were talking about the hospital and how the Jews when they came into the hospital they were basically like all right if you're a male between 16 and 45 you're going to get out and like they were just identifying in the combatant I think the problem that the Jews are having with like these kind of things is like they understand that it's a race war between them and the Palestinians but they can't say that so like everything they do you look at it you're like well they're just killing Palestinians or they're just born in hospitals or like every male that's of you know at whatever age they're just they want to consider them as a combatant and they are I think you know in Palestine I would say the vast majority of the the population supports them off they elected them and I think that the young kids do want to fight for a mosque if they not that they are but um so it's essentially a race war but no one else outside of that can say that and the Jews understand that they have to pretend like they're being humanitarian at the same time so they're having this issue where they're like blowing up hospitals targeting everybody essentially and then going well no no no no no guys trust us the the secret hummus bunkers underneath this this hospital um and I know your point was like you know I'm sure that they would do that and I think if they could or if it made sense do they would but um one thing you said which I kind of don't think this true is you're like well if homostone's Israel is not going to talk to the hospital I mean I think that hummus understands Jews will totally talk to hospitals I mean they've always done this in Palestine um so I mean I've not seen evidence that they actually had any kind of bunker or secret headquarters in there and like um it was funny I saw a couple like reports come out from Jews where uh right when I say Jews I'm in the media um where they showed like oh look we found in this closet or rightful and it's like okay like yeah that you know that that proves that I guess the whole the whole hospital is a secret hummus bunker that needs to be blown up um but yeah I think it really is well down to you that this is essentially a race conflict both sides understand it but everybody outside the world is like trying to pretend like that's not what's going on I think I think it's a very salient point that you bring up you know um uh I've heard you were marked and I think it's I think it's largely an accurate statement that you know the only people who ever know what's going on in politics of Jews and Nazis right and so like you know and in Palestine it's it's the it's the Jews and the Muslims understand it right it's a it's a war of extermination and like you know and you're right that they they can't admit this right they're like oh we've spent our entire our entire cultural dominance has been organized around this idea that there's no circumstance under which genocide could conceivably be appropriate right that if they if they allow the um if they allow the thought into other minds that there is a circumstance under which wiping out an ethnic group could be justified then they are very very confident with some merit that this is the conclusion that would be reached about them by people capable of inflicting this and so they they can't they can't admit it but that's exactly what it is right it's like yeah like we're taking your we're taking your land and obviously we can't let you live and all our you know all our nonsense about diversity being your strength that's something that we do to kill goyam that's that's not something that that's not something for you uh that's not something that we that's not something that we are stupid enough to invite into our own lives yeah I mean they can't even uh you know genocide is one thing but they can't even like tell you like this is like we're a race and they're a race and we're competing for this territory or where you know we hate each other we're competing at a racial level because even just understanding yourself as a race and understanding that racial groups matter and like conduct themselves politically would be you know the end of the Jew world domination essentially and I mean you know they can't win in Gaza or the West Bank or you know in general without genocide like they have to exterminate those people they can't live with them there and they can't get them a space that that's why Israel's always been so opposed to a two-state solution I mean everybody around the world looks at it and like well obviously you just give them both a separate seat um and they're like no no no no no we we're not doing that and so like slowly over time they just encourage on their territory push them out and you know they use this like moniker like hummus is you know conducting terrorism against us so we push the border back then they have a bunch of like wikudnik Jews going to move in and create like settlements and then when the settlements get attacked by the people that were pushed out then it's like the next holocaust happened and that's how they kind of justify their continued rollout um of those and so genocide is required for them to be victorious and also they require the United States to support this genocide otherwise they're not capable of conducting it so these are their two problems it's a race war they have to completely remove the Palestinian people from the territory and they need somebody else to fund an arm them in order to do it and also to keep all the other dogs at bay because like literally if it had not been the United States aircraft carriers in the region I ran probably would have gotten involved peasant overgotten involved easier but have gotten involved cereal would have gotten involved parts of Iraq would have gotten involved in like the state of Israel would not cease to exist there sorry it would cease to exist so this is like a very delicate tightrope that they're walking and this is why they're so you know crazy in the media right now and you literally see all these Jews like taking a mask off and going nuts because they understand the threat you know they understand what's going on and so when they see these things moving they just they they can't control themselves and this has been their undoing throughout history yeah I think that that's a very very um a stupe observation of the of the landscape there I mean you know well I I left my I don't know if I know I shouldn't say that I left my ass off but I was amused to read the headline that Joe Biden had sent like nuclear warships to the region right like oh Israel's just going to go in and wipe out a bunch of you know you know box cutter type you know caveman who who came over with you know you know that did the did the the the fucking Mary Poppins routine with the goddamn umbrellas and like and and they're like oh you need nukes for this no like what they're doing is they're they're preparing for the fact that when they go in and do this they'll be invaded by you know all the other militaries that surround them and they'll be wiped out and you know and I'm like well you know Joe aren't you let's go we got to go help that we got to go help that Zalinsky guy we got we can't we can't leave Zalinsky we got to go help out those Ukrainian fellows which I think for for for regular listeners you'll understand that in case anybody's you know tuning in for the first time that's a that's a joke that I'm no fan of this Ukraine nonsense but you know um the obviously they are perpetually in the situation where like they're surrounded you know they're like a bull surrounded by soup just waiting to come in you know and like you know and and they're constantly in this state of peril and the only thing that actually keeps them alive is is us and that's why I find it so amusing when you know the likes of Nikki Haley say obnoxious things like America doesn't eat is really the need America America needs it real like yeah okay well I'll tell you what if that's the case that's great news because then we could leave those fucking Jews through their own business and I worry about it anymore huh Nikki uh and something tells me that that would be disproven inside of an hour and so yeah they got to go in there they got to kill everybody everybody else is like yeah well we're not gonna let you do that you kai chukrazy and and then and then America brings a nuclear worships over there everybody's like what are you gonna do just gonna have to wait for the uh 12th of mom to come back and end the world of shopping yeah I mean and this is why you know when you see them talking about it in the media it always has to blow back to the Holocaust because they perpetuate their like crimes against everybody else or like they're their genocidal violence and hatred by saying well the Holocaust so therefore I could do whatever I want and so even within this conflict we've seen a number of new little tiny Holocaust like pop up whether it's like the brave kids or the babies in the ovens or you know uh old grandma's being shot or you know the the hostages and they're being raped and whatever else like they need to create these things to say so that people go well you know if they're gonna get they're gonna bomb a hospital I guess that's okay because they did you know these people did do something mean for them um but once people stop giving a crap about that and they don't care about the Jewish suffering anymore and they just like look at it and and point out like well wait a second you guys are like being like genocidal maniacs like you can't do this anymore um that creep a lot of problems for them and especially like in it like you're starting to see permeating through media I mean I would say probably specifically right wing media is like the bigger revelation because typically the right wing has always been like supportive of Israel in the United States but now you're starting to see some bigger name people have to come out and you know point out issues with Jews and Zionism because I mean it's so glaring at this point it's you know it's unbelievable and like I think that the people following these people are demanding it um so you're starting to see uh you know Charlie Kirk came out and had had comments about how Jews fund Marxism and until they they like go up the leftist Marxism they're never gonna get right wing support for Israel which is like a really interesting sort of like uh thing for him to explain because like that is like separate from what's going on in Israel but at the same time like it's it shows he understands how this works like they they push the left wing stuff in America and then they they have the old true national is maybe that not we like exterminating Palestinians taking their territory in Israel and so it's like if you want to have one you can't have both like you got to pick one guys who else you know on mosque he didn't necessarily say anything particular about Jews but there were somebody on Twitter who had pointed out like you know what Jews do in terms of exercising their power on people and how Zionism is like the spores that like moves leverage behind the scenes and he's like yeah that's true and in the past I mean he has made comments about like the ADL trying to destroy Twitter when he got control of it and things like that so that's another example of like you see Jews operating on the left and the right for different reasons but they're both operating for the same goal which is Jewish capital our Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens obviously you know you just played the clip from that and heard what they had to say which is all kind of along the same lines and then a few weeks ago I went to Jones that something very similar where you know he was talking about how you know if the Jews keep pushing like anti-wightism like it's gonna create this issue where people can't support them anymore so like you know I don't know if these people are being genuine and observing these things and just talking about them or if they're responding to their audience pressure or if they're genuine and they really just feel that way but either way it's like the zeitgeist of where we're at now in the timeline is being pushed in a way where it's like there's too many fires for them to put out and they're creating too many problems with them and if they whack one mole the other mole pops up higher and so you know I don't know I think it was very interesting how you tied that all into like what we've been doing as you know what I'm quote-unquote movement and the importance of you know that message at Charlottes no one continuing to push that in the court and you know as things progress you know you never know where it's gonna go but we are I think you we were like a band guard in that you know pushing that and I think that's like the most important question of our time in terms of you know the the salvaging of our people and the white race and the western civilization whatever you want to call it very well put my friend you know I um there's you said a lot of great things there you know I I think that the you saw a lot of things happen that like Tucker Carlson set these dominoes in order say you know or and you you could argue I would argue that the dominoes started earlier but you know once it got to Tucker Carlson there's a lot of dominoes behind him say right and so it once once a certain once a certain person breaks a taboo like you know and then and then everybody waits around to see what the consequences of that are you know and so Tucker Carlson gets fired from Fox News he goes on acts I have no idea what his revenues are like but I'm certain that he's not wanting for anything you know and so he goes out and he's like oh well all right I'm gonna go I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna I'm gonna lie to everybody in an obvious fashion about this whole Douglas Mackie thing and then I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna invoke white genocide while speaking to Candace so and as I think about it that's kind of funny you know he's got his like I'm not a racist cover I'm having this conversation with a black woman you know so there's still a little bit of that going on but the Charlie Kirk thing I would say it was really telling um I watched the I watched the full episode that full episode of Tucker Carlson with Candace Owens what's I heard invoking white genocide and saying well the Jews have been funding you know he didn't say the Jews but you know it's inferred loudly enough um you know the Jews have been funding all this white genocide stuff and I was like I better watch this entire thing and so during that episode Candace Owens goes even Charlie Kirk and you know I would go so far as to say that he's radically pro-Israel he's been funding kids to go over there everything that's that's true I you know I don't know all the details about what turning point USA does but I do understand that you know they've been in the habit of like like funding trips to Israel for students to go you know get them propagandized with Jewish nonsense over there and so like then he comes over and then he goes into the radio show and he's like hey Jews if you keep on funding cultural Marxism well then you know then the oppressor oppress narrative is gonna get applied to you and you're gonna be in peril you know and you want to be in peril now would you yeah it's like I forget if it was last week or the week before that where you know that guy I can't remember his name now but he was like an ambassador to TPS TPS USA and he was running cover for the training manifesto where the training says you know I'm killing the cracker kids the rich cracker asshole kids and then he went out and he's like oh they were targeting Christians it's not about race or whatever um so like obviously TPSA is an organization you know they're you've traced the money trail you know where it goes and they are not they don't want to highlight race and they don't want to like you know point out why genocide if they don't have to but Charlie Kirk is at a point where he literally has to he's made a couple comments I mean this one is definitely the biggest but before that he mentioned you know the white race and Jews and stuff so like again I don't know if it's like the chicken or the egg if it's like the audience pressure is forcing them to have to talk about these things when they don't want to or you know whatever it may be but it's that a point now where it's undeniable and you can't keep it in the box anymore and like the biggest fear for the Jews is like when the right wing gets on the same page of anti-Judy sorry anti-Semitism as the left wing is I mean obviously for different reasons but if both of both the right and the left are targeting Jews as a negative force like that is where like Jewish power is going to be in serious jeopardy I think and it's a very exciting time that's all I can say about it is I'm very excited I think we're we've done we're doing important work and it's starting to take dividends I mean Keith Woods is another one he's done great stuff on on x-slash Twitter you know pushing that message out there in a way that has been forcing people to comment on it I mean the band the ADL push was big and it and you got you know like Don Junior even to jump in on it and stuff and you know Don Junior is a shit in my opinion but ultimately the point is is like that message is being pushed and even bigger people are having to carry it and they they don't have a plausible way to deny what's being said anymore which is great indeed my friend and it is an exciting time to be alive you know it's a it's been said it's been described as a Chinese curse you know may you live in interesting times and you know but I consider myself very fortunate to have interesting stories to tell and I thank you for first shedding some light on those stories with us this evening I'll talk to you very soon my friend I have a good one Chris all right have a good night two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you would like to join this program and I'm going to tell you the lesson I have to so please do give us a call now let's see him maybe next time he sends a link one of the main reasons Israel hates Iran Al Jazeera UN walk out over Ockman Dinajada speech what is let me just I'll take a look at this real quick US diplomats lead walk out as the Iranian president tells UN generally a general assembly something the US was behind the 9-11 attacks this is uh oh this is from 2010 okay this is an old story um and uh Tony soprano always uh such an important part of this show uh Tony says interesting how both Henley Henry Ford and Elon Musk eventually spoke out against the Jews two of the most innovative and industrial men in history industrious men in history I should say they're really going after Elon hard now wonder how long it will be before they try to arrest him over something also get on counter strike two um I will we talked about the counter strike day on the the members show the other day I actually I didn't install steam yet I said I would and I will but I will I will definitely try that what you told me that the first time I play I got to stream it and I got a little bit of you know I everything else I'm like oh I'll go play it a little bit before I make a fool of myself on the internet but uh you know I'll looking I'll do the counter strike thing to uh counter strike two thing and I will stream the first time I play it but you know the that combination of the two is a is a thing yeah you know maybe next time makes an important point in the uh in the comment in the chat on Odyssey uh can you hit to fire button already like what are you doing is there's there's a hundred of years watching live on Odyssey alone and we got all these other platforms that are streaming the thing too and so you guys are there and there's five people before the show even started there's five Jewish homosexuals I'm pretty sure that's what they are because why else would they be doing faggot shit like this that they before the show even started they hit that you know what is the equivalent on Odyssey if the thumbs down is the slime thing and so they come here and they're like oh can't well is going to do a show today we better stop by and do our routine obligation of of hitting this fucking thing that says that we disapprove because that's what our lives amount to right but that's their view of the world but they have to go around thumbing down things that haven't occurred yet you see so they know before the show starts that it's not in their best interest so they subscribe they wait around for the opportunity and before it even begins they they've not met death and then you're here watching it enjoying the fucking show and you can't and you can't like reach you probably touched your mouth a hundred times you know you know I'm not just I was gonna say something bad but not gonna say it you know you probably did a lot of things this evening that took more energy didn't click on a fucking thing so do the fucking do you hit the fire the thumbs up the the swasey whatever it is on the plan from your at you know be like hey I like this stuff and you know it's not just it's not for my fucking ego that we do this right is the algorithms you hear about the algorithms whenever the fucking tech guys want to lie to congress right but you know the algorithm they're real they're like oh people like this will show it to people right well you know nobody gives a fuck about it no wonder it's not being promoted right so you know if you want me to tell people the Jews are responsible for their problems and I want me to do it in an eloquent way with ace would just the right amount of profanity then you want people to watch the radical agenda speaking of which speaking of the radical agenda let me go oh come on there we go no okay there we go fed the damn surreal politics thing on the video the whole time whoops talk about a fucking branding problem so you know yeah maybe next time he says oh so no one does it for me but when Chris says well just assume that I asked okay and with maybe next time he's you know he throws a couple of bucks at me every time he's you know he's not a he's a participant you know the people who pay me they're the boss you know so like if the you know the guys who pay me tell you to do something you know why you waiting for middle management to get involved for fuck sake two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and I'm only until the last I have to so please to give us a call and some let me bring up some more news over here there's so many things this is pretty funny today I got a lot of chuckles out of the news today and I don't know where I want to start so let me go click on a couple of things yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let me I'm gonna play a trick I'll play a clip real quick I'll be right back just while I pull up the news you can listen to you can listen to this oh let's go the movement fills with gender freaks who call for speech control McDonald's workers one fifteen choppers ready to go are you ready hey are you ready for this are you sucking on the government team onto the hard ground the commie fall don't let's hop on his you coat we care another one fights the cucksss and another one-gun and another one is another one goes another�� once the monks ta da da da Grandma how do you think you're gonna get along with Muslims and pillow Send all your women to fight when I rack and faffing the quarter alone getting crispy getting carbonized were at 616 degrees out of your cuckstallable it's RIPPOP to the sun and the feet another one fights the cucksss another one fights the cucksss and another one-gun and another one-gun another one fights the cucksss hey physically remove another one fights the cucksss hey oh hey yowl trout they're the cuckstars yowl trout break the bull another one fights the cucksss another one fights the cucksss another one fights the cucksss hey hey another one fights the cucksss oh shit lawn there are plenty of ways that you can cuck a man and bring his spirit down you can force him and divorce him you can use his tact and drag your pussy on the ground my agenda is very radical too and I'm banking on your cuck to feed into the walkfold where jibby's breathe the shitboard's ready to eat oh yeah another one fights the cucksss another one fights the cucksss and another one-gun and another one-gun another one fights the cucksss hey physically remove another one fights the cucksss radical agenda the bright stuff yet high energy over here on the all-right oh man those are the good old days huh I think most of you probably know who Marock you is I'm not going to try to spell his name off the top of my head I'd have to go read it off the telegram but very talented guy one of the highlights of this shill's history got Marock you to make a song for me man that was that was a nice thing thank you very much my friend very talented guy Marock you and you know speaking of um I shouldn't put him in the same thing I was going to say speaking of talented people I was going to go talk about these Jewish actors and that's not that's not an appropriate comparison at all but I thought that this was pretty fucking amusing because Sasha Baron Cohen slammed TikTok creating the biggest anti-Semitic movements since the Nazis okay so this by the way is going on at the same time it's going on at the same time that they're all like there was a those the story broke today that the the all the people are pulling their ads from Twitter right and Twitter by the way X you know X is the thing uh cuz you know because Elon Musk is you know brilliant marketer and he's like I'll call it X cuz you know anyway so I'm banned from that again and not again this is my first time being banned from X I never banned ban from I was banned from the Twitter thing and then they got it mixed up because they actually said I did a ban invasion they they found out you know it actually happened I did a very stupid thing it's all my it's my own fault I shouldn't have paid Jews right so you pay Jews then you get that bad things happen and so I but you know you see to forget that the thing is Jewish because you know people are saying like hey maybe you shouldn't kill everybody Jews and they're like yeah yeah we we definitely have to do that and so um but you know you forget that you know that that when you have $40 billion you know you know the Jews they get to tell you what to do right and so or when you spend it anyway like when you're like I got to go borrow a bunch of money to buy this website then you end up you know you there's banks involved and you know all that stuff it's Jewish okay and so you know I before that became X when Elon Musk was over there and saying like oh we got a free speech thing going on I was like oh I'll just you know I'll submit the thing and I say hey can you overturn can you um can you undo my ban and they were like yeah you know maybe we'll get to it one of these days and I said well you know okay fine I'm a white man I'll wait you know I have patience I'll do it I'll do it the right way and it became obvious that they were never going to do that they're not going to keep up their end of the bargain the first hint that is Jewish they don't keep up their end of the bar they can't even keep a deal with God and so they um and so I was like okay well you're not you're not upholding your end of the deal right so I'm just going to create a new account I did I created as Christopher camp my first tweet was like yeah I was bad but I'm back and I'll behave myself whatever and I did I was tall I was a good boy you know and all I said was that you know I said of a man who's dead you know I hope you're kind perishes from the earth and then for that I was banned from Twitter for what they called violent speech right and I was like you you they you guys don't listen to enough radical agenda for you go listen to radical agenda back episodes I'll show you fucking violence speech you stupid Jew motherfucker and so but anyway you know there they've been you know they've been allowed to live in this little cocoon where there's no such thing as you know criticism and so that was that was considered violent speech as banned from Twitter and I was like okay and then and then there was this new website came it's called X and I was like oh I've never been banned from X I go try it and so I was on X I went on Twitter as talk radio gone and then I and then when I and then when I went to when I went to X apparently somebody had that name so I became talk radio deity and then I needed to edit a tweet I had a great tweet but I made a mistake it was like a very I said that if the Jews were stupid they would run the banks in the media and I was like and then had him chimed in he's like you I think you meant to say they would not you know I was like oh well I better I better go give them eight dollars I can edit that tweet because it's actually pretty good otherwise. So I paid the eight dollars and they're like yeah we'll verify your account for check mark and I was like yeah go ahead and then I get and I get an email like your band for band evasion I was like wait a second so a whole different website anyway so I got banned from Twitter again is the is the kind of the idea here which you know whatever you know it's going to happen so now there's a guy there I don't know he says things that are very similar to the things I say he's a pretty interesting guy to follow he's got a picture looks a lot like me and I'm a wooded coming out of courthouse and he is God of talk radio it's a striking similarity and so this this Twitter account this ex account called God of talk radio after hearing that you know all of these all of these people who love the Jews or whatever who owe the money or whatever this you know what they don't nobody loves them they don't even like themselves but you know all these people who are basically in thrall to the Jews for whatever for whatever sexual blackmail may maybe it issue they started pulling their advertisements you know I'm like oh well you know hey you know that really sucks you know I said hey that really sucks about all those advertisers pulling their money away from ex maybe Elon should tell them that he banned Christopher Kenwell and that this proves he's a good boy maybe then they'll let him permit some mild criticism of Israel after the war is over and so you know if you want sharp insights like that you can follow that guy he's probably pretty interesting because God of talk radio is what not talk radio God not talk radio day to the God of talk radio because you know you know he's not as good as me I'm I'm really good at talk radio my go 217 68 181433 like to be on the program so anyway so yes like all of these you know they they all pulled their ads from Twitter because you're not allowed to you're not allowed to you know you're not allowed to criticize the Jews at all right and so obviously that's against the rules it's right there in the right there in the book you know and so they're all panicking that Elon Musk is you know having a Holocaust or whatever and then you and then I see this headline is over at drudge that Sasha Barron Cohen is slamming tiktok the girl the greatest anti-Semitic movement since a Nazis which you know it rang familiar because you know Jonathan Greenblatter was over there talking about his TikTok problem well you know if you're creating the biggest movement anti-Semitic movement since the Nazis well that's it sounds like a TikTok problem to me I understand why you would feel that way a score of Jewish celebrities are criticizing TikTok following a surge of anti-Semitic rhetoric going viral on the social media following the Hamas October 7th attack on Israel which is culminating in some young people supporting 9-11 terror leader or some have been wanted you know I think that I don't know that I don't think this is entirely comparable frankly you know give me one second like what yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so like I'm really I'm annoyed by what's going on here so I don't think that these things are comparable and the slightest obviously to the listener who's like the my audio levels were all over the place I'm very very sorry maybe if I do if I do that is that going to make things a little bit better maybe it maybe we'll we'll see so it seems to me that what's going on here is that everywhere people are allowed to talk there's like outbreaks of anti-Semitism and you've heard this you know you've heard about it spoken of as an outbreak before the that's that's how they that's how they tend to think of this right they think of it as you know they think of anti-Semitism like it's a virus that they have to run around stamping out they talk about this it's outbreak of anti-Semitism now like it's just it's just people it's the natural thing that happens when people are allowed to talk right like when they're like hey you know there's the Jews keep doing all of these things guys and they're like yeah I don't really like it when they do those things either good and then like hey wait a second Jews are fucking us man you know amazing how that works out isn't it two and seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program animal you taught plus I have to so please do this cool Tony also said also fucked the GTA shit it's so played out if you want something really fun to stream try postal to all right I'll take a look I know I haven't heard of I haven't heard of postal to I'm clipped like all right I'm going to have to do this after the show I'm not heard of postal to I think I've heard of postal I don't know what's going on my arms here this was like this happened the other day I'm furious like I I went on the on the on the on the Wednesday show I went to re record the piece on beauty which some of you might have heard some of you might have not heard this but it was really well received really well put together and I I started to put this I rewrote the thing in order to basically make it suitable as an introductory content for new listeners I ended up reading it out loud on the on the Wednesday member show and which you could you could join those by the way you go to surreal politics dot com slash join you know surreal politics like surreal politics but with a K because it's politics you know it's a gimmick so you go to the website you join and you become a member and then when you do that then you can gain access to the Wednesday member shows and you could see you know there's a lot of different things that we do there it's like a good time and so and you get access to you also get access to some of the radical agenda are going to be publishing more of those pretty soon by the way you get access to full house members dot com you get the full house member content so that's a good good idea to become a member that said you know I try to record this thing and I think I did a really good job of it but when I went to go edit it afterwards some of the audio was not very good and I'm kind of annoyed about that now I'm just complaining about my own poor performance I'll work on it after the show anyway getting distracted by my technical problems I apologize after noon shifts as have you seen the Alex Jones video game yet no I have not seen that what do we do we go we go into you like walk into the radio show you like what are you going to say today frogs are being made gay by juke juke boxes I don't know what stands out in my mind is one of the more ridiculous Alex Jones lines and then I say that and then people are like no you don't understand it's really happening all right all right all right but it still sounds ridiculous it doesn't matter if it's real two 176881433 like to be in the program and I'm all you thought the less I have to so please give us a call so anyway yeah so the tiktok is create not sees in Facebook making a not sees and you know Twitter's making a not sees and every everywhere people communicate just it's just not sees not sees not sees and you know I told them this a long time ago I told them this along they don't listen you know I mean they listen they do listen right they listen to everything I say yeah that's the funny thing about you like you think they fucking figure set you listen to radical agenda often I'll be like oh well I better change my fucking behavior to guy right like no you know they just keep on like they just you know it's like a drug addict you know they're like oh well you know the more right you are the more angry I get I'm going to go have to make another cat and thumbs down your video twice okay fine fact it whatever you think that if they listen to the show as often as they do that like they'd get the fucking picture like yeah it's actually your fucking fault dude you know have some fucking self awareness like yeah you actually did all of this okay and so like repent right repent say you're sorry fucking change your goddamn behavior fucking change your goddamn behavior fucking move on you have any idea like like white people were mostly Christians like the forgiveness is like the whole bit like you could do like if you as a matter of fact like forget about because you know they're not actually going to they wouldn't really repet like that's that's obvious right like they wouldn't they wouldn't make a sincere apology they're Jews but like if they really if they just had the slightest bit of fucking comments like if they just get over their fucking comments fucking ego's just lie about just what you're you lie all the time you're good at that just be like hey you know what you guys got a point we're going to have to change our behavior and that would like that would totally diffuse the whole thing they'd be like hey come down you Nazi prick like the Jews they they figured it out like they're getting on board they understand what they did they saw read they're not going to ever destroy the country anymore if they get a stop destroying the country what fucking excuse do you have to fucking go after them you would totally diffuse though you shut the whole fucking thing down but you can't do it right you just like confession you know confession's a problem for you even if it's fake you're not you just can't do it it's unfortunate you know there's like you know I'll tell you I'm you know it's good for you you know so I can admit when you're wrong to like feel it when you say like oh I've made this error I've done this wrong it was in her right like I've done a wrong thing I knew it was wrong I did it anyway my my my soul is stained by my poor character I have to fix myself and I have to hate myself for doing the wrong thing like doing that I arguably do way too much about I'm not saying you should do it as often as me yeah because if you tried to do that about everything that the Jews have done wrong like they just it would drive them completely nuts and they're already fucking crazy so you're just imagine them trying to do that it'd be it'd be too much to handle but you know just a little bit you know just a little a little bit of self awareness is all you know just the tiniest little bit it's really good it's really you get a little taste of it you know it could become habit forming you know but it's not about something worse to habits two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program what do we do next what do we do next this one's funny where I could go into the story because it's actually not that when you get into the rest of this story it's it's not as funny as it sounds Fairfax County public schools to spend student for allegedly blowing whistle on swastika flag like we're gonna get there guys okay like if you go and you say hey you're a swastika teacher would be like yeah well you're kicked out of fucking school stop winding you Jewish bag it like when we get to that point fellas it's gonna be you know but it's not there yet that's not that's not what happened what actually the story I'm not gonna read the whole things it's it's anti climatic when you read that fucking headline you know but what happened was the kids like he made the American flag with like the swastika's as a stars and it was part of like this pro Palestine thing and then they um and they uh and then when the other kid leaked the photo of it they're like you're not a lot to leak the photo of it you rat us out to her press you fucking work with the Jews so you know a little anti climatic but it's a fun headline I took a screenshot of this I was like yeah you know we're gonna get there guys two on seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program here's another one that's a little anti climatic like you like I thought this was pretty funny the Santa's slams business leaders including musk for groveling before Jesus in pain because you know what you know who really hates I love this about rom to Santa's he's not a big fan of the whole groveling thing you know he's like listen no groveling no groveling at all okay we're Americans and we have pride in ourselves we don't prostrate ourselves before foreigners you know except you know like he did do the thing there was the one exception that he made you know when he went over to Israel when he went over to Israel and signed the law you know made it a felony to say mean things about Jews and stuff you know because you know because he does you know and a problem with groveling per se it's not it's not it's not it's not it's not it's not that he doesn't like groveling he's he's he's a politician you know and he's a and he's a politician is losing he's losing like like really bad like you know like Donald Trump's up here and then he's over like I don't know the camera the frame of the picture is only so high but you get the idea so don't run to Santa's is basically ruined his political career and so he's like well you know what am I gonna do later like so it goes over to Israel and he's like oh well you know you know in America we have freedom of speech you know for all of those people who hate America and hate white people and stuff like that you know not the people who hate the Jews you're not a lot to you're not a lot to distribute shocking facts and in Florida so shout out to handsome truth if you guys have in sentinel letter maybe you should I I wrote them a letter and then I was like I better rewrite this and then like my my stupid perfectionist made it get delayed I better get it over there before he gets out because I'm gonna feel like shit if I don't 2176881433 like to be on the ground I'm gonna move you to the less I have to so please do get some call let's go check on the gointy v guys let's see what you guys are doing is there like a bunch of people spamming a chat I haven't looked um So now I haven't seen the the Alex Jones video game um afternoon shift I'll be interested to do that maybe Nobody gives me any of the superchance on entropy because the other guys they don't think you know they don't care They're like hey, you know, maybe you keep on doing a show maybe you quit whatever you know uh The joke is a juge of yes is a big investor in tiktok and took donors to lawmakers who support it well there you go of course Of course a juurons tiktok, you know they're telling white girls to play catch the hotdog in your mouth games and stuff and some Yeah, obviously the juicer involved in that, you know What else I want to get to Somebody's like I know I gotta I somebody's you tell me again somebody. Okay, like what's the what's the alternative to drudge and revolver Like I've lost all respect for revolver news Drudge obviously they went crazy while I was in jail everything you know every got to you know Why go to they arrested me and everything went to shit including the drudge report, you know And so I don't know where to go for news anymore Not that the news is like I don't need care like What am I gonna learn about in the news anymore? Honestly, and I hate to say this because like It It matters what's going on right and I'm a professional, you know I'm supposed to know these fucking till whole fucking point of what I do I have to know these things and I'm like I should go do something more interesting than that and then I play video games like a fucking read to our obviously but you know the uh I looked at this fucking shit and it's like It in all my years of listening to and reading news. I never got bored with it I would read the fucking news every day. I read the Wall Street Journal every day in prison every day And I would I would watch Tucker Carlson every day and I listened to rush limbaugh every day And I never got bored of it and that's after years of reading and watching and listening on the internet And then like two weeks after Tucker Carlson gets fired from Fox News I'm like what the fuck do I want to even like why don't you listen to you people for fuck you and then I don't even want to listen to Tucker Carlson Oh I don't know what to do. I really don't You don't come to me for fucking answers. I have no fucking idea I get all my news from 4chan as well as my financial advice and pornography says Richard Cradym 44 on honestly What you know may I'll just do that? I'll just go over to 4chan get some pornography and uh That's probably it's a it's a that's a reasonable thing you go you go over there You're porn site and then the Jews run it and then you'd be like hey guys. What's a good stock tip now like yeah, go ahead Go ahead. Oh you guys like to you guys are destroying your mind's of pornography you guys should have lots of money We'll give you to good stock tips Have you hit the fire button yet? Coxucker maybe not all right so what's thing Call in if you want to call in otherwise. I'm gonna wrap it up pretty soon. I'll call it. Oh, I'll say yeah. We'll run until 11 or whatever you guys have done with the phones left wing reporter who was celebrated for discussing sexuality With elementary kids was just arrested for child porn. Oh, you don't say turns out you have fucking Jew obviously Obviously like you're talking about sex with kids Maybe you're just a maybe you're just an advocate of tolerance and diversity or maybe you're a Jewish fucking pedophile rapist I don't know. We'll see we'll figure it out. Go hang you up to kids and if you you know if you rape one with the turnaround will we'll complain about it We've all witnessed attempts by the left to normalize pedophilia many argue that following the trans movement nonsense The left's next agenda is to make sex with children socially acceptable Durational thinking people this is outrageous But a closer look at the actions of left-wing media types reveals their relentless targeting of young kids As a matter of fact a particularly disturbing example is the former recount editor and reporter named slayed somer Who as actually received praise from left-wing circles for discussing sexuality with elementary school students Disgusting right? Well now we're learning that this same monster was recently arrested on charges relating to child porn With some victims reportedly as young as three years old It's unthinkable and monstrous and the left is actually pushing and supporting it That's why this horrific news isn't surprising the warning signs were as clear as bright neon lights and all around us Popular ex-account lives of tiktok shared the news in a recent post and sure it is sure enough You see it right there. It's an embedded tweet from lives of tiktok because that's how revolver gets news right And that's why you know and don't get me wrong like okay It's it's a newsworthy that this you know this guy's like a darling at the left and then he's like yeah Well, of course I'm a darling of the left. I'm a pedophile And so that's you know, it's obviously worthy of news, but But basically revolver is not a news say it's like guys who like hang out on twitter they go on twitter and they're like Oh people are talking about stuff. Let's make a let's make a snappy headline about it, you know Oh It's exhausting and these guys they they make a money of course, you know Here's a close-up of the images liggs who tiktok shared Yeah, let's go take the images. Yeah, so this a guy you just like why you Forget about it. Obviously is a pedophile look at him We need to embrace a fundamental truth anyone who tries to sexualize kids pushes any adult concepts or lifestyles on children or discusses Sex or sexuality with them in any way outside of responsible and private parenting is Undeniably a predator and should be treated as such children shouldn't be burdened with these topics They deserve a childhood filled with innocence and fun free from the complexities of sexuality and his dramas These are issues to confront later in life when they're mentally mature enough to process the and understand all the information and emotions We cannot allow the left to compromise the well-being of children if it's there's a battle worth fighting This is it. Well, I'll tell you what to fight against the people who are trying to sexualize the kids I would go so far as to say For all the battles that you could endeavor to get yourself into Yeah, that sounds that sounds like that sounds like one worth doing 2176881433 running out of time, but you can get in here now um No, you can't I'm lying. So uh look here's I got an idea you don't want to do I'm gonna end the radical agenda and uh There's a distinct possibility if you guys follow me on like telegram if you follow me on gab You follow a god of talk radio on x Gets exhausting keeping up with these fucking things, you know what I mean Oh, I should probably tell you about the email thing So I keep on telling you get all the email is because that's a good idea Christopher can't well. Don't let me subscribe You get the email newsletter and then even if I get banned from something I just send you an email It's a much better thing, you know, except except for the fact that you know You know everybody's ruining everything right so you know every every every everything's being ruined It's it's indiscriminate kind of and so the uh right now if you have a Microsoft email if you're like at Hotmail outlook whatever anything that has anything to do with Microsoft You're not getting my emails. I got hundreds of bounce message a lot of you you still had fucking hotmail shit I don't know what's wrong with you, but you know If you go to surreal pull T-shirt comms like get pm like you get a pro time mail account It's free, but if you pay for it then I'll get a cut of the sale if you buy from there Um, you can find out more about that at right wing by the way there's a couple of different things there But you know if you get a pro time mail account there just like they're like oh if it's spam then we'll then we'll Then we'll block it or we'll put it in your spam folder. We don't just You know pro time mail is not you know an activist organization trying to Intervene and world affairs. They're like oh no We're here to prevent unsolicited bulk email advertising That's the purpose of spam traps Um, and so other companies are like I got an idea. I don't want to work very hard So just block off have the fucking internet, okay And so anyway I'm trying to work that out. I probably had to move my mail server. There's some email problems is kind of the point that I mean to make But we'll work on it. We're working on it but if you're not on Charter spectrum yada yada If you're not on hotmail live whatever and you're not on my email list We'll get on the email list and if you're on one of those fucking things to go get a pro time mail account Then go get on my email list slash subscribe It's the only thing it's the only reason we'll think to do really if you're thinking about it And so then you'll know what's going on. I'll keep you posted you'll get the emails You check your spam trap if they put in your spam trap you say hey listen you jumeau mother fuck I told you not to fucking don't you fuck around with my fucking email So I fucking sign up for this thing and you make sure don't leave any of them fucks out. Don't apologize for them either. Okay That's why we do this on Friday It's all about fucking and so uh, you know you tell these fucking people you know to behave themselves Uh, and then once we get we when we can keep it touching and I get the money you go to the like to give us and slash spm Real politics media you give me the cash app as you Chris you'd give me to cryptocurrency I like them bitch shackles that manaro stuff is great When I have all the money then like you know then I'll buy twitter and I'll be like yeah fuck your fucking Fuck your fucking advertisement kite faggot. I don't care, you know Fuck you and your stupid money shut up money shut up money. We're gonna get there. We're gonna do that But it means I'm like, you know, you gotta have like you know I just gotta be able to give these fucking other people fucking 200 bucks a week and I'm set So I do that and like buy like, uh, you know, Celsius energy drinks. I need I need like I shouldn't tell I shouldn't admit how much I Spend on these things so many bought me to grape ones you see these fucking things. Oh my god, dude So many bought me to grape Celsius for my fucking Amazon wishlist was a great idea Christopher you know, you're super or as christmask while dot net slash gifting either way you'll get it It's like you got you'll find the Amazon wishlist and then like I got these fucking things on there I haven't had the grape ones you usually see me drinking the orange ones or the berry ones or the kiwi ones Because they got the variety pack is the three but I why a lot of times I buy the orange ones myself they get the 12 pack of orange ones But the fucking grape ones are goddamn good So I wait I gotta I gotta pay uh, I gotta pay for this window with shipbox and I gotta buy a lot of Celsius. So go on getting up So you give me the money and then after I have all that then I'll be like yeah, fuck your fucking money you Jew faggot You know, I do it anyway And now you know, I you know Elon Musk. He's like, hey, you know, I'll ban can't well But this is fucking hilarious. I just saw this apparently the top of drugs has changed. Oh, I already have you sharing the screen White house condemns musk hate fallout spreads twitter anti-ju hotspot advertisers flee Well, you know, I guess I guess you're just gonna have to go ban some more gois there Elon Musk, you know Well, you know, you at least you got rid of me pal, you know because you go tell him you like, oh, I got that can't well guy out of here. They're like, yeah, but You know Jewish voices for pieces still talking we can't have them talking that's a fucking problem So anyway, you know, I guess you know the moral of fucking story of the other thing At the end when it's all fucking said and done Fucking fuck you give me the fucking thing fuck you pay me. Yeah, that's so fucking you Fuck you pay me, you know what I'm saying and with all that and we'll be back Um, I might I might come back tonight. I might I might not be gone for the evening Um, I was thinking about doing like um, I'm probably not gonna put it to Odyssey, but I might do it's like D-Live telegram whatever If you follow me elsewhere was what I got into the email thing if you follow me on other platforms I'll tell you if I'm gonna go do something I was thinking I'll do like the game streams. I could do some not test streams because the technologies I'll figure it out But I'm gonna figure out all the branding and business and stuff so I nobody really watches the D-Live thing I could do it on telegram and D-Live telegrams and store the video. It's a femoral so you know I'm gonna do some game streaming if not tonight very soon You should just follow me keep up on things. I'll keep you posted And if you do all those things then uh, we'll have a lot of fun. We'll get more people into the content I'll get the the best stuff thing published. I'll fix all these fucking audio problems and uh And it'll be uh, it'll be a good time. Let me just make sure that there's no more super chance for me to read before I punch out And uh, I think uh, I think that's uh, I think we got a more here in postal too You can piss on people and make them puke fight the Taliban and even terrorize a gay nightclub whenever you want It was a popular and controversial game about 20 years ago. Wow Well, you know, if I get to go terrorize a gay nightclub, well fucking shit. Yeah. Yeah. I'll just fucking do that What the fuck am I over here? What the fuck am I doing all this other shit for? Yeah, I go terrorize a fucking gay nightclub and postal too and stream that on the internet This is you know, it's like well, you know, I gotta go. Maybe I just do angry shape show stream angry. Goi should I do that? You know all these games all this good stuff to do and uh Such great people to do it with You know, there's 56 of you that have thumbed up to what fire you put the fire on the video in honestly so there's 56 at you I'm sure that among them are the people who paid because they're obviously very important very decent people Real Tony soprano afternoon shift maybe next time Tom You guys who made the show possible tonight. Thank you so much You guys who watched and didn't thumbs up the video and didn't hit fire and didn't pay me But you chatted Okay, whatever You're all right. You're all right. I'll let you go, you know, but uh go uh do something do something good for your country Okay, forget me, you know, but uh go go help save America and I'll be back real soon All right, you guys have yourselves a wonderful evening. Thank you very much for tuning into the radical agenda Have yourselves a wonderful weekend and good night That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America You know what do you call people you can't call to enemies and if we want to divide our society into Arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing The radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they care about their bad efforts What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat This is great American. He's a people that want to see great things that they got to you know they try and Build a light here One of the radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment Fuck you, baby