That's it, it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what do you call people you can't call to? Enemies. And if we want to divide our society into armed camps of enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. A radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity to the left to push a racial and radical agenda. Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad actions. What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat. This is great Americans, these are people that want to see great things for the country. You know they try and build a life here. One of a radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. It's called the Second Amendment. I'm really happy to have Simon Roche in the studio. Well it's not the studio in this hotel room here. I'm very happy to we're echoing. I'm being told that there's an echo on the stream. And so that means that I have to unmute this so I can hear it, of course. Like of course this happens. And so let's unplug this thing. Okay. All right. You know sometimes it works and sometimes I can't hear or anything and sometimes I say about echo. So this is my mobile equipment, Simon. I'm actually, I'm reasonably good at this, believe it or not. I have all my equipment in a studio. And when you told me that you're going to be in, that you're going to be a new hamster. I was like, oh well this is great. And I have all this stuff. I have extra equipment that I have, you know, sort of prepared in order to do interviews away from my studio. But prepared is probably a strong word for that. And I'm really sorry about that because, you know, you and I have talked twice before. I had you on in 2017. Had you on in 2018. You're obviously, you've been on the speaking circuit. You've been in a number of different podcast interviews. You've talked into a lot of really interesting people. And when I thought I had the opportunity to have you here, I was like, well, yeah, of course. Yeah, let's do that. And so it was a pleasure meeting you. And I'm really glad to to be finally face to face with Simon Roche of Sweetlanders, am I saying it right? A Saitlanders. Saitlanders? Okay. And so why don't you briefly introduce the audience yourself. Tell them what Saitlanders is and what it is that you're doing in the United States. 100% thank you very much. And thank you for going to all of the trouble that you've gone to this afternoon to endeavor to set this up. Well, I know it's tricky to get all these things working together. I before I say anything, I'd like to dedicate this podcast to three good men in Saya, Pennsylvania, who've been taking care of me for the past couple of weeks. Excuse me. While we've had some credit card financial hiccups. So Andrew Gordon and AJ, this goes out to you. Thanks very much, boys, for taking very, very good care of me here in the USA. It's not easy being a stranger in a strange land, especially when you're not politically correct. You know, when the whole world is against you, you know, the buddies that help you out in tricky situations are doubly precious. Yes. And I want to thank them for helping you out too, because I do think that you're doing some important work. And so you are, you're born and raised in South Africa, right? Yeah. And the organization that you represent is trying to put together, I think the phrase that you use is emergency plans, all right? And this is an ongoing project. The first time I spoke to you in 2017, you were working on this. And so why don't, why does, why do people in South Africa, well, what group of people needs emergency plans in South Africa? The best way to answer your question is to make it clear that very much like Yugoslavia, when it broke up 1991 through 1999, there was only ever going to be one trajectory. And that would be a trajectory of fracturing, of rupturing, of ethnic, neutral antagonism. And the Geneva conventions make specific provision for any ethnic group in the world, that believes that if there's a crisis in the society, let's call it for one to have a better word, a civil war. But that's an oversimplification. But if there's that sort of a crisis of that nature, that any ethnic group in the whole world can prepare a national emergency plan for their ethnic group. So I represent an organization called St.Landers and people can look it up, or that's, nice English website. And familiarize themselves a bit more. I represent an organization founded by our leader, a man by the name of Gustav Mola, who perceived about 20 odd years ago, that if things didn't go well in the new South Africa rainbow nation, and it became fractious, his strong likelihood that it would become a race-based thing. So he said, why don't we as white folks put together a national emergency plan to protect ourselves as non-combatants, not as belligerents, not as a party to a conflict, as ordinary civilians who withdraw from a conflict and safeguard the welfare of our women and children. And that's what St.Landers is. It's an organization devoted to the establishment of, as you rightly say, a national emergency plan to safeguard the welfare of our weaklings, if you like, women and children in the event of a crisis in South Africa that necessitates that sort of thing. And if these nivas such a crisis, well, too bad. We'll have done it all for nothing, but somehow I don't think so. Yeah, I understand that there are problems in South Africa, it would be fair to say. And so you imagine this term rainbow nation, right? So I think most of our listeners are probably familiar with some degree of the history of South Africa, but maybe we could briefly recap. In what year South Africa for a period of time was governed, the rest of the world uses is apartheid, right? So you had a white government that excluded blacks to some extent, I don't know what the extent was. And that was abolished when. A apartheid was instituted in about 1910 by the British. When South Africa was a British colony, that's one thing that people must understand. It didn't have that name, but the policies were implemented by the British in order to secure some sort of stability in the society. That was after the British one, the second famous Anglo-Buer war took control of all the gold mines and gave them to certain ethnic groups, not white South Africans, ethnic groups from Europe. And that apartheid system became formalized with the name and other things. From about 1948, 1960 up until 1994. There were some trans-siginary phases between this 1910 to this 1994 point. In 1994, we had the first multiracial democratic elections, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela to answer your question. Okay, and now Nelson Mandela is held up on the world stage as something of a hero, which is unusual because people who blow things up, that's not usually how we treat them, right? And Nelson Mandela had been involved in bombings and that sort of thing is my understanding of it, right? He was actually in prison for a while, right? Yeah, Nelson Mandela was convicted of treason based on numerous events and factors and what have you but the call one was a planned bombing campaign, which would have given that the people in question would have been largely black, the perpetrators, which would have harmed a lot of black people at Johannesburg Railway Station and other places. Right. And so at some point, was he pardoned or did he finish a sentence or what was the... Yeah, he was, I don't know if pardoned is the word that they used under law at the time, but effectively yes, he didn't complete his sentence. He was released from jail by the apartheid government to represent or to lead the African National Congress in the conversations, the negotiations that took place between his release in February of 1990 and the elections in April of 1994. Okay. So Nelson Mandela is four years out of prison and he becomes the head of state. Correct. And he had the... That's his... I mean, I don't know if anybody else came up with it before him, but that word, that phrase you use rainbow nation is sort of attributed to him, right? Yeah, not to him necessarily directly and individually, but to the incoming African National Congress. Use slogans such as South Africa is the rainbow nation, many people of all different colors. We are talking about the new South Africa. These were the phrases that they used. Another one is or was South Africa has the most liberal constitution in the world that came after the drafting of our and acceptance of our constitution in 1999. So all of these catchphrases came out of the ANC hegemony of the political scenario at that time in the 90s. And how's that working out? Did they... There was the institute of policy of racial harmony and it's been rainbow's ever since? They've introduced all of the world's most perfect policies except that none of them have worked. Oh, see, there's a lot of that going on, I understand. So people purport to have great ideas and then they institute them and then when they don't work, then they have new great ideas. I think it's kind of like that's kind of the routine that they do. Yeah, very much. And they keep on coming up with all of these great ideas and they keep on telling you how great it's going to be and your experience has been that things are actually not improving, right? Well, nothing has improved. People should bear in mind that during the from the early 1970s up until 1994, South Africa was subject to very, very heavy sanctions, United Nations sanctions, American sanctions, European sanctions, you know, it's kind of individual sovereign countries, groups of countries, the United Nations. You name it, everybody had sanctions against us. And through those difficult times, South Africa grew and extended and built and improved and what have you. And then after 1994, the sanctions were lifted. There was an enormous more than a flood, like a wave, a cascade of money, investment and what have you know how and so on into South Africa. In spite of that, our railways are failing. Our schools are disastrous. Our hospital system is on its knees. In fact, it's prostrate on the floor. And as I told you earlier, in the week prior to me flying out here, we had a national rotating blackouts. So everybody gets the same punishment as it were of nine and a half hours a day. In the previous week, it was 11 and a half hours a day. So in a 24-hour period, you would be trying to run your business, run your house, run your air conditioner, run your heating system, run anything and everything with 11 and a half hours of the electricity that you need missing. It's very severe. The decline of South Africa under the African National Congress is far worse than you can imagine unless you experience it directly. And so what is the demographic? What percentage of South Africa is white at present? Can you do you know that number? Yeah, our population. I'm going to give you the official numbers. We could talk all day long about the real numbers. But the official number is that we have a little over 60 million people, 61, 62 who knows. That's a total population of South Africa. That's the official number. Okay. The white populace makes up just less than 5% of that at about four and a half million people. The colored population, that is to say the mixed race people who insist upon being called colored and make up a similar proportion. And then the Indian population, that is to say people from India, we have the largest number of Indians outside of India anywhere in the world in South Africa, where I grew up, they make up a little less. So something like roughly 12% are those three groups, which the whites are about 5% give or take, and the rest are black. So about something like 48, 49 million people are black and the the balance are white, colored, and Indian and Chinese. Okay. And as a matter of fact, as you as you mentioned this large engine population, this reminds me of a story that I heard about that. I'll have to come back to them. And so the rainbow nation concept, it sounds like they're talking about everybody is going to, as a consequence of eliminating this system of government and instituting hyper inclusive mass democracy, that everybody's all of a sudden there's going to be no conflicts of interest between these groups and they're all going to cooperate in the state and everybody's going to be represented. And because it's a majority rule, then of course all of the decisions will be exceedingly wise. But as it turns out, when you have a demographic disparity of the type that you've just illustrated, there are conflicts of interest that emerged before between these ethnic groups, isn't there? Yeah, well, naturally, it's not unnatural. You know, we have to be even handed about this and think sensibly. There is a policy in South Africa of affirmative action called broad-based black economic empowerment known as BEE, as if there was only one bee, broad-based black economic empowerment. And it was natural for the African National Congress to impose that following multiracial democracy. It was never going to be a wise decision. It was never going to be in South Africa's best interest. In fact, it was never ever going to be in black people's best interests. But it was natural that they would do it. That's the first thing you do. You've been in power for a while. It's our turn and goodness me, no, regardless of merit, I'm going to ensure that my best interests are looked after first. And of course, it doesn't work very well, because you squeeze out the most talented and you suppress the most needy. And so the least talented and least needy, that is to say the upper crust of the African National Congress elite, take everything for themselves. They take all of the mining contracts, they take all of the deals with government, and so on and so forth. And that has led to South Africa's famous brain drain, which is the best of the white people, leaving the country for New Zealand, Australia, Texas, notoriously, Canada and other places. Now, as things have declined in South Africa, there's a lot of people, as you mentioned, have tried to leave there. Now, I've heard stories about different political figures throughout the world, calling for white South Africans to be accepted as refugees into the country. And it's a bizarre story to watch. And by the way, I'm saying this almost as a joke to my audience, I understand what's happening. I'm just playing a little game here. It's been a little bit bizarre that our countries are usually very, very enthusiastic about accepting refugees. But the people who have suggested that white South Africans should be accepted as refugees have been called Nazis and racists and smeared as evil people. Can you speak to that at all about efforts to have white South Africans accepted as refugees in other countries? You know, horses for courses, each to their own. St. London is not an organization that participates in those fields. We've decided, for better or for worse, that what we're going to be is an organization devoted to a national emergency plan in anticipation of a race-based civil war. Because that's what happens when you have such, you know, multi-ethnic societies, such as we spoke about Yugoslavia earlier. However, I can answer the question, even though it's not our principle or policy. Many, many South Africans have endeavored to seek some sort of refuge. So in other words, a refuge, e-status, in European countries, in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA, and so on, and by and large, they've had the refugee status, you know, denied them. And so they've had to immigrate on other bases, great qualifications, wealth, buying their way in, and so on. But we've lost, we've lost really very much of the cream of the crop of whites South Africa through broad-based black economic empowerment, through the collapse of our state and through crime and violence. Many people have left because they're just flipping terrified. The reason why we've been denied refuge e-status, I would say to you, is very, very simple. Given what we've learned, given what you've learned, what I've learned, and others have learned the majority of your audience from COVID-19, the the pandemic nonsense, from the clot shot, from the the engineered financial crisis in the USA, is that there is a hidden hand. And of course, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum would, as near as dammit is to hell, tell you, I'm the hidden hand. And my alliance, my allegiance, my kinsmen are the hidden hand. Yeah, we're the ones doing it. As near as dammit is to hell, you've all know, Mara Harari would, as dammit is near to hell, tell you the same thing. It's it's purposeful. It's deliberate. There's a reason why the majority of the people flooding over the southern border from Mexico into the USA are young, fit, healthy men. When you seek refuge from conflict, you are dominated by children and women. When you approach conflict, you are dominated by young, fit, healthy men. Young, fit, healthy men go to war and to crisis. Women and children flee from war and crisis, installation and famine and so on. And it's the same in Europe. It's young, fit, strong, healthy men who are flooding over those borders. They call them Syrian refugees. Where the chicks? Where the chicks? Where the chicks in the EU jobs? I saw a number and I didn't bother to verify. I didn't check the source of it, but you know, I consider the source that I got this number from reputable enough that I take it seriously, that they said 90 plus percent of the immigration into Europe last year was male. And it's like, you know, even if all of those people were of the same ethnic group as you and all had the same religious views, this would be a nightmare that you just, you know, you have millions of men pouring across your border. Like it's like it's a nightmare and then there and then they're not on your side on top of it. Right? And so, you know, it's obvious what they're doing. So, but, you know, the, well, the reason I asked about the refugee status is, you know, I understand that we'll get into this more as we go forward that you and the people that you're involved with have no intention of leaving South Africa one way or the other, but it's actually not, it's not a, it's not a straightforward thing to leave South Africa. Is it? It's not, it's not that there's a bunch of people, you know, inviting you to get on an airplane and go have refuge somewhere. That's not happening, right? No. Okay. And it's not because you're not in danger, right? I mean, it's actually pretty well understood that on the basis of their ethnicity, white South Africans are in danger. That's pretty well understood, I think, throughout most of the world. Yeah, of course, the statistics speak for themselves. The, the intentional homicide rate, as they call it. So, the murder rate in Europe, in the various countries is between one and two per 100,000 people per year. The murder rate in the USA is just under five per 100,000 per year. The murder rate in South Africa is 39 per 100,000 per year. And I'm going to continue the point in a second, but I'll digress briefly by saying, you gun-toting American maniacs just on trying hard enough. Yeah. You know, there's this global hysteria about American security. You're not even in the competition, you puked us. We, we know a thing or two about killing one another. Now, it is true that the majority of murder in South Africa is black on black, over, over, overwhelmingly. However, there is a disproportion of black on white. If you take the white numbers, it's reasonable to say that, well, okay, it's a vicious society. And the, the black on black killing should be shared about a little bit, that sounds reasonable. And perhaps the whites should get, you know, roughly eight percent of it. But it's not the case. If you take violent crimes, murder, robbery, breaking and entering, burglary and so on, there's a disproportion. And the base is obviously has to be white on white. Obviously, you have to say, if there's an external thing, you know, that what do we measure it against? Right. We are the measure it against black on black, or white on white. And that's where the liberals and the African National Congress start to get panicked and because the figures get completely skewed. And I'll give you one to illustrate the, the point. We have about 25,000 white commercial farmers left in South Africa. I'm talking about the farmer himself, not his wife, not his children, not his relatives, not his workers, and so on, not visitors. So if you want to, to get a figure per 100,000, you multiply by four. We were talking about, you know, per 100,000, yeah, a figure of about five murders per 100,000 people in the USA. You're in and you're out, the number of white commercial farmers murdered is somewhere between upper forties and early fifties, roughly. If you take 45 as your number and multiply it by four, that's a murder rate of 180 per 100,000. It is an indisputable mathematical fact that among the most dangerous social community and professional working circumstances in the world is to be a white South African farmer. People can dispute it until they're blue in the face, the math says otherwise. The chances of you getting murdered as a white South African farmer are nine times, I'm trying to do mental arithmetic, 36 times, 36 times. That's 3600 per cent more than being an American. Yeah. You know, in the United States, in the midst of our race hysteria, we have this concept of disparate impact. And so, you know, in when people run into courtrooms and start filing lawsuits and trying to grab racial spoils through our civil towards system, they say, well, I understand that there's no evidence that you had a racially discriminatory animus, but the fact that whatever you have done has had a disparate impact on this community is is per se evidence that you have acted in a discriminatory fashion. So, for example, you cannot, you cannot as a requirement of employment in the United States require an IQ test, for example, because they understand what the outcome of this will be. It's in the US military. Well, of course, well, but even at that, so that they have the ASVAB, okay, the they arm surface is vocational aptitude battery. And it is a proxy for an IQ test, right? Yes, but they can't give you an IQ test, right? But you can take the ASVAB score and you can like translate it into an IQ. Now, of course, there's a whole manner of chicaneery trying to support, you know, promote people through the military on a racial spoils system on top of this, of course, especially, you know, especially when we have particular political parties in power. But yes, exactly, right? So when the government wants to do something, the government knows how to get it done, and then they just make sure that it doesn't get done because they're trying to destroy things. And so, but I just point that out because, you know, there's very clearly a disparate impact going on here. If you're describing a situation where like, among the most dangerous things that you could be is not a drug dealer, it's a white South African farmer. And so that's a pretty staggering thing I'd go so far as I say. And so, all of these things are going on. There's, you know, people are getting murdered. And as you mentioned this thing, the brain drain, okay? So while this is happening, some people are saying, you know, I can get out of here. I'm getting out of here. And so, do you have any estimate of numbers or percentages? Or can you give me some idea of the scale of how many people in some idea of the scale of people who have left South Africa already? Yes, I can. I'm not an efficient audio on this subject, but I'm going to regurgitate or repeat like a parrot, something that I read about three or four months ago. A study was done that revealed that if South Africa's white immigration rate had been normal, as it may have been in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, people moving to different continents to pursue whatever endeavors. And as it is between, say, Sweden and Venezuela, whatever, whatever normal is, if it had not been exacerbated from 1994, by crime, by violence, by the decline in the economy, then the white population of South Africa would be well over six million. So what is the number that is immigrated? I don't know, but between them and their procreation out there over the past 30 years, 30 years and a few months time, it totals well over one and a half million. Okay, so you have one and a half million fewer than you would have expected had everything been on its normal spectrum. That's an academic study, reliable. Okay, that's okay, that's a useful number. Well, they couldn't let you get up to six million because when they kill all of you, then that's going to rhyme and they're going to get really upset. And so the sweet, so when did the organization that you represent, when did that begin? When was that started? Mr. Miller, our leader and founder, had some kind of premonition, I'm kind of putting words in his mouth here and some being cautious, but at the risk of using the wrong terms, he had some sort of premonition at the time of the elections in 1994. He told me the story and he said he just had such huge misgivings while the elections were taking place. Some kind of a premonition that he then initiated the process very, very slowly. I think I can safely say that he contemplated it for a few years, then he began another initiative that went kind of in a different direction and St. Launders as such was initiated in the early 2000s. Let's call it 2002, 3, one roughly there for the sake of a round number. And it became crystallized and formalized over years. First, it was one man doing his thing and then it was a company registration certificate and then it was it was very, very organic in its growth. And so you describe this as a premonition now. And I want to acknowledge that for you and for the audience, there's an understanding that you have to be careful about what you say to some extent. But it seems to me that people who had lived in South Africa before 1994 have some understanding of what's going to happen when the government has changed in the way that it was. When you turn it into everybody can vote, there's going to be a completely different group of people in control of the government due to the demographics and everybody sort of understands that. And one might not need a premonition to understand that this is going to end in disaster. But in any case, he has this perception in any case that things are going to go bad. And so in the early 2000s, he begins an organization to start preparing an emergency plan. And so you have mentioned something about a Virginia Convention provides for this. And tell me what that I think you I know you mentioned it before the show. I forget if you said it on the recording just tell me what the Geneva Convention part is. Following World War two, there are numerous Geneva conventions. We're going to refer to the Geneva conventions of 1948. There are Geneva conventions multiple that go back to the early 1900s and to the 1800s. The ones of 1948 were intended to address the matters emerging from World War two. In 1977, there was a perception had grown that there were loopholes in the Geneva conventions of 1948. So three protocols additional were added. The protocols additional of 1977 to the Geneva conventions of 1948. And those protocols pertain mostly to the circumstances and conditions of civilians in national and international conflicts and maritime conflicts. So it covers the whole you know, a piracy civil war, international war, everything is covered by that. And within those protocols additional, there are provisions for identifiable ethnic groups. There are many provisions. They're provisions for all sorts of things. How many torpedoes you're allowed to fire at a vessel on the high seas. What you can take captive and who you can't how long you can hold it. There's provisions for everything. Among those are provisions for identifiable ethnic groups that feel vulnerable in their circumstances to take these are very legal terms but decent respectable steps to safeguard their welfare. So in other words, are they not hoard chemical, nuclear or biological weapons. Are may not import bazookas from Mozambique. Are may not you know, hoard explosives and plan to blow up bridges. But what I may do as a law abiding state-lander is I can wisely procure self-defense weapons, legal weapons. I can store up food. I can have a safe haven to flee to. I can build relationships with other people to find security in mass, in number. There are many things you can do as a civilian to prepare for a conflict. And those things really people might say, oh well if you don't have a 15 with a hundred thousand rounds you're just pointless. Rubbish. Rubbish. In any endeavor in life, like if you're overweight and you go on the internet and you see one of those things and it tells you you're in the 0.0001 percentile of the fattest people of history. In order for you to get out by a factor of 10 is you know eat 100 calories less a day. Yeah. And similarly you can place yourself you know in the reverse in the upper echelons of the people who are best set to survive a conflict through the most the most ordinary means without getting psycho and you know doing crazy stuff breaking the law idiotic things. I can secure my welfare just by having 10 friends with hunting rifles. I can secure my welfare just by having a place to run to. I can secure my welfare a thousand times better than the next person just by having some silver in the event of a currency collapse. I can bet a secure my welfare than 99, and 99,000 out of a million people just by having good food supplies you know it's easy to do that without being crazy. What what weapons are civilians in South Africa and allowed to possess presently and what are the restrictions on the possession of those weapons. I understand you can't get me a complete legal class. Yes. In the simplest of terms you can have a pistol and a revolver and a shotgun and a hunting rifle. But you have to do a little course two three four day course. You have to sit in examination. You have to submit an application that is accompanied by a whole lot of stuff. So it's quite a rigmarole and then you will wait at least six months to be approved. For those simple pistol revolver shotgun rifle. If you want to you can't own automatic weapons as an ordinary civilian as a super duper collector or an Olympic athlete that's different obviously. I think it's obvious. Now when you say automatic are you referring to fully automatic or you can on a semi automatic rifle. I'm referring to fully automatic. Okay. Okay. But you can own a semi automatic rifle if you can justify it. If you can prove or demonstrate that you're a dedicated sports shooter that you're a gun nut that you're a guy uses a rifle you're responsible. You don't have any felonies against your name. You haven't likely been accused of murder and robbery and what have you. Then you can get it with great difficulty. That's to say a semi automatic assault rifle for once of a bit of work. I know that's it's a politically loaded term. Certainly here in the United States. So but I mean the requirement for having a bolt action rifle is different for having a semi automatic rifle. Yes. And for a handgun I understand that for a handgun most handguns are semi automatic though. And so or do they distinguish between semi automatic and revolvers or they distinguish between handguns and rifles. Okay. All right. All right. And so it's not it's not and it's it's not a process that is prohibitively difficult for an average South African citizen to have a to have a pistol. It's not prohibitively difficult but it's a hang of a lot more difficult. And it's a thing that you have to think of in advance because if you start to apply for your pistol permit after all hell has broken loose you're going to be waiting six months if you're lucky. If you're lucky. Yes. Okay. And so and so you are trying to create you're you're putting together these emergency plans in in accordance with the guidance provided by the Geneva Convention. And the government of South Africa probably has opinions about this. And I imagine that when you talk about the Geneva Convention you're talking about international law at that point. And so what if any is there provisions for your protection within South African law that you're operating within as well or are they basically being restrained by the international community. I mean what's going on? The thing is that the African National Congress was a cheap fluzy when it assumed power in 1994. Right. You asked me earlier off camera about the African National Congress's relationship with Russia. And I explained to you that that it's so joined at the hip through trade agreements to the USA that its relationship but you know vis-a-vis Russia and vis-a-vis USA might be likened to the relationship between a man and his concubine and a man and his wife. Okay. You know it's just the ANC has ratified the Geneva conventions and quite peculiarly passed them into South African law. So ratified them at a distance we agree with everybody else. There we go. There's our signature and incorporated them into South African law. So twice over it is bound by them. Therefore there's very little that they can do to formally and openly persecute us. What they instead do is use the intelligence services to make our lives miserable. And we are forever the object of intelligence plots and spies and agents coming in and all sorts of chicaneery you know they come in and then they do all sorts of destructive things and then Mr Miller has to get rid of them and it's one thing after another and that's what they do. The intelligence services of South Africa absolutely hate us by virtue of the fact that their masters in the ANC hate the idea of our existence ultra conservative white people preparing a plan that's based upon race. When in fact it's an international thing if you're a Jew a gypsy a a a a croat in the former Yugoslavia or anybody else anywhere in the world to do things along these ethnic lines makes good sense. It's the intelligent thing to do. So the wise thing to do and it isn't South Africa as well but they don't see it that way it's just race and nothing beyond race. Well it's yeah and so you mentioned earlier that the there's a large demographic of a Indian population there. Yes. How are they perceiving things in South Africa these days? First I just want to apologize for swinging in the camera. It's I'm doing the same thing. Yeah but for the audience has been if it's right now in South Africa it's whatever the time is about two in the morning one or two in the morning and I've got a bit of jet lag and I'm absolutely catatonic exhausted. Yeah you know I my audience is used to we usually do this at 930 and I and I propose that you're like you have any idea what I'm you know and I'm like okay we'll do it do it a little earlier and so we shot for 6 p.m. but I yeah and I'm grateful thank you very much I just want to point out and pay case people think I'm drinking sort of like you know I'm very politely right in the in the in the microphone you you are exceedingly polite comparable to their hummacore responded here I I suck these things down like there's no tomorrow and I do it at like 11 o'clock at night and I'm vaping the whole time it's it's yeah you are you're a perfect gentleman Simon and everybody's very grateful. I'll see your question in July between the 8th and the 14th of July of two years ago 2021 we had just in the general direction it's fine yeah huge riots in a certain portion of South Africa a region dominated by the Zulu the famous Zulu people where the largest concentration of Indians outside of India exists in the world so millions of Zulu's and millions of Indians it's a legacy of the 1860s. About 500 people were killed when these black people went marauding rampaging for six nights and six days the overwhelming majority of the killings of the black people rampaging through businesses setting billions and billions and billions of dollars of property or light rampaging through suburbs and so on were done was done by Indians not whites the Indian community stood its ground like iron and they shot them down they were not having any of it they were not interested in excuses and reasons and stories and long-winded explanations you are coming with murderous intent toward my wife and my daughters they shot them down the Indian community of South Africa which is really two sub communities that live in the same area but they should be distinguished Muslims and Hindus yeah the Muslims and the Hindus quite apart from one another our far better prepared for any crisis in South Africa than conservative whites could ever bull dust themselves we like to believe that we're the superstars we're not in their league I have had extensive dealings on behalf of my leader our founder Mr. Gustaf Milak with various Indian Indian Hindu and Muslim Indian organizations and communities and societies over the past six years and they are straight ahead of us when it comes to preparing for some sort of nationwide and archaea for one of a bit of phrase likewise the colored people not all of the colored people the mixed race people of South Africa but they are numerous colored societies for one to verbeter word informal groupings there are very well prepared to withstand the rigors of social fractiousness nationwide and archaea choose your favorite phrase and it seems to me that I remember reading a story within well I guess it was probably I forget when it was it might have been before I went to prison now I'm thinking I'm thinking like oh this is probably a couple years ago but it was actually probably within the year before I went to prison I remember this I think that when was the story that you told me when 500 of them got shot or something like that when the Indians gun them down what was it for six nights in early July of 2021 okay all right well that's what I probably read about this in the newspaper why was imprisoned and so I remember I remember this story that you're talking about in any case and so like they they don't have the same fear of being called racist say right like they they are like all right look you know you're you're a different racial group than us you're coming here to kill us and we understand what that means right and and they they don't they don't mess around with them right yes um I understand that um not that I understand that white white South Africans shall we say probably have more trouble with this than than them is that fair to say yeah yeah of course um and you describe being targeted by the intelligence agencies I mean that that probably has something to do with it I imagine yeah well it fears you know the average whites out African is as stupid as the average white person anywhere in the world I believe anything a bat in a fish market you know white South Africans signed up for the most preposterous narrative in all of the history of the world right yeah we're mentally retarded just as Australians Canadians and Americans are um but above and beyond that we're also cowed we've been bullied you know by conscience to the point where we like Germans you know everything must be our fault it couldn't possibly be anybody else's fault we're always wrong that says a generalization it's not equally true for individuals but it's it's you know there are these generalizations um Christopher once you once you move into conservative environments a lot changes health fitness common sense wealth sense of responsibility family stability and so on the list the list is endless um there's a lot less purple here there are a lot fewer people who describe themselves as I don't know what lesbian truck driving cripples whatever whatever it is I'm not really setting out to be nasty but all these sort of convoluted obscure terms you don't have people conjuring gender identities out of thin air every two weeks in white South Africa I mean yeah but it applies to everything you know absolutely everything there's just a little bit more common sense just that a little bit more wisdom just that a little bit more sense of responsibility um so I understand that there's probably limits on what you can say about what these emergency plans are but I mean what can you tell us about the emergency plans well we have identified a region of South Africa that is very sparsely populated I'm not going to go into details but our leaders know and therefore the intelligence agencies know everybody know you can't keep a secret once you tell 10 12 15 30 people but there is a certain region of South Africa that is sparsely populated and which would readily accommodate refugees you know you wouldn't be forcing other people out and creating tension you'd be going into a remote area and saying we're not trading on anybody's toes so that's in a in a dry portion of South Africa and and the plan is to erect a perimeter which is permitted by international law and to defend it which is also permitted by international law providing that you declare yourself a non-party to a conflict so if you say we the pigmies of Uganda don't wish to be involved in the present conflict between the Swahili people and the Congolese people of Uganda we want to sit it out one side we the pigmies it the law provides for you to sit it out one side behind an established and defensible perimeter and that is the gist of our plan which is not to say that everything's going to go smoothly we're not mentally retarded we're not naive we're not complete idiots we understand that that's not how war works but that is how prudent planning works you say to your hey my darling it's getting a bit hot in this suburb of weaver south central Los Angeles why don't we move two streets down and hope that we can remove ourselves somewhat from the drugs and the crime and the the gang warfare and so on if if you then are on the receiving end of a a zinging bullet through the window well that's a pity but at least you've endeavoured to move in the right direction and so as you're putting this together you mentioned Russia before and I I asked you about this earlier and it was right before the showtime we didn't have much time to go into it so if those of us who who try to keep a prize of you know Russia on the world stage Russia is making a lot of moves in Africa you know on the African continent in any case I have no specific information about anything that they're doing in in South Africa but you say that the South African government basically I'm this is not what you said these are my words for it and you can pick it apart if you like you know the South African government is essentially a creation of western powers and whoever controls western powers right and and and as a consequence of this they're basically beholden to them and they've got all these trade agreements and and so they they can't they can't openly defy western standards and they also did you tell me that they have some kind of treaty prohibition from alliances with Russia or something to that effect no I was just saying that that South Africa is so joined to the United States of America and Europe through treaties that it can never fully be wed to Russia okay but it sees the writing on the wall and through bricks it knows that the future lies with Brazil Russia India China South Africa Saudi Arabia so it's torn between its commitments there's there is a video going on all around recently of um I forget his name off the top my head I'm kind of embarrassed to buy it and I'm tempted to say that he's like a South African leader that he was he was I think he was recently leading the the song kill the bull yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what I do you know what I'm talking this recent event yeah that was at the 10th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the economic freedom fighters that's the Marxist parliamentary party so it's a party that's represented in our parliament they attract roughly for the sake of conversation 10% of the national vote they were established in 2013 low and behold 2023 their 10th anniversary celebrations were held in a football stadium that takes about 90,000 people and they use the pitch to so they had easily 100,000 people in this football in front of the stage and the founder the leader the head Julius Malema led the singing of a song called kill the farmer kill the Boer Boer being offricanso dutch offricanso is a derivative of dutch it is the language that is spoken by roughly 60% of South Africa's whites roughly 60% of South Africa's whites are not like me I'm from Irish people and I speak English as a home language the majority speak the offricanso language and they're known as offricaners and if you really want to split his Boers those guys use the word Boer for themselves okay and it means farmer so as an entire nation they if you in their language if you say who are you I say who are you you you say I'm an American you ask them who you who you are they say I'm farmer right I am farmer the word says it all it is a nation that is born of the soil it is a nation that is it that is half dug into the soil whose roots run deep into the soil and Julius Malema was saying the farmer the Boer kill him yeah and is it is it so you say that this economic freedom fighters these this Marxist party they have roughly 10% they get roughly 10% of those seats in the parliament and how much influence does that wield for them they they they understand that's not a mathematical question but I mean they have some say in how the government functions in a case right it's now generally understood that it was a ruse that the economic freedom fighters were founded by the African National Congress in a clandestine move to occupy political territory that they couldn't be seen to occupy by the world the world would never have accepted it if the African National Congress after decades of saying when we come to power we will not dispossess the white people of this that the next thing we're going to be the best government you've ever seen because we're so pure as the driven snow we're not racist we're not white we're not European we're not American we're innocent suffering black Africans who can do no wrong and you will see it with your own eyes low and behold it seems this is generally agreed by liberal I speak as a conservative I'm talking about liberal the liberals now generally agree that it was a massive move clandestine move for the ANC to by proxy vicariously occupy political territory that you couldn't see to be occupying create this controlled opposition and tell them you be far left and you know we'll both know where we stand with one another in years to come and essentially they get to implement some portion of the lunacy that people like Malima say and then they say well no we're not the complete lunatics you know we're not implementing lunatic but they're talking about the lunatic policies we've only instituted 75% of that which makes us moderate essentially as I kind of like I was working absolutely it's like the argument for gun control and abortion and what have you in the USA last week Thursday a single lady died because you're in here therefore all women should be you know what I mean I got worried about you for a second you did that very convincingly I was like I see okay I shouldn't do that really but it but what they do is they drag policy leftward yeah they say in the public forum the ANC doesn't care about the poor suffering black man the ANC came to power promising us a brighter future but they are black people suffering in squatting camps it's too wicked for words and then the ANC can very justifiably say oh golly G perhaps we should be a little bit more leftist then Bill Clinton then Bill Clinton or the America's whatever you know would would have liked us to have been we didn't want to be so liberal we didn't want to be so social democratic we didn't want to be uh loony leftists but the economic freedom fighters do have a point when they say that blacks don't have land therefore we're very reluctantly going to have to take their point of view seriously so they've created this force that drags the entire South African political discourse leftward leftward and they begrudgingly acquiesce to that right they wish they didn't have to but you know of course and so um it's an interesting dynamic I'd say and I can I can I can certainly envision how that would work and so uh when they're running around screaming kill the farmer kill the bore and the African national congress uh then they look moderate by comparison when they just say well we're just going to take your property away yeah now I think the first time I spoke to you um I think you were telling me that the the African constant the South African constitution had very strong protections for property rights yes and my understanding is that there's been a lot of work to diminish that since then right yeah you know with enough use of language you can achieve anything um a freedom of speech means freedom of speech end of story you use enough English and you can turn that inside out upside down and back to front yeah similarly um with enough use of language the African national congress has successfully um uh made this thing that they they promise would never be a matter a real matter and right now there's a lot of conversation about um the restriction of water rights I'm not going to bore you with all of the details Christopher but what it amounts to is the feasibility of white South Africans farming if you say in the interests of the human beings of of our country the suffering human beings we think we should examine who drinks what water it sounds ever so convincing yes but the net consequence is the same as the net consequence of the land matter it is the same as the net consequence of broad based black economic empowerment it is the same as the net consequence of of awarding mine um mineral mining rights uh and so on and so forth it's it's the same old thing uh it's an attack on white farmers and right now the African national congress is proposing that all all consumption of water should be along racial lines black people should be consuming at least 70% of all water and therefore if you're a successful irrigation farmer on the banks of the the the orange river our largest river uh the net result is you cannot be a farmer simple as that yeah and we all know what it's really most of it but we're not stupid we just look this way and so yeah I I can see the the mechanics of this so that okay we have some obstacle to expropriating your property but since we have control over the flow of water and water I think most of my audience is where water is very important for human life generally speaking and so if they deprive you of water then then that's actually um that can have a significant impact on demographics among other things and so that's an interesting uh dimension of what I'd say um and so these are the things that they are doing to try to get around whatever limitations they have I think it's sort of I guess it's sort of interesting that they are that they that they go through the motions here to try to do those things you mentioned the intelligence agencies and that they basically engage in I guess they're doing the things that they don't want to take credit for right I mean it is basically this is the criminal element of the government essentially right basically doing things that they do not go and say in the newspaper hey we we rated this house and arrested him on a warrant um they go and they do things that are for for want of a better term off the books and are the intelligence agencies do you but is there do you have any information about the demographics in the intelligence agencies I have no idea whatsoever okay um but if you want to infiltrate a conservative Christian Caucasian organization such as statelanders you can only use Caucasians who are masquerading as conservative and Christian right so a disproportionate number of the operators or operatives as you would call them in the USA um of the intelligence agencies is white a disproportionate number okay uh but of course the people pulling the strings higher you you get up in the uh echelons in the hierarchy uh the more African national congress nationalist black people you know it's stands to reason and so I mean you know um the the it's interesting to be that they would be that you have whites who are conspiring against whites essentially that they wouldn't be able to do this without that component I gather right and so I mean do you have any idea I understand that you probably don't spend a lot of time talking to these folks but I mean do you know do you have some concept of what what it is that drives our fellow whites to to conspire against you um at the risk of using a word that makes conservatives uncomfortable I'm going to use a word that is biblical and therefore I hope that my people as conservative as they are will forgive me Horde them and fear those are the two uh levers that they use uh to get these people to be their marionettes jealousy envy and covetousness are as Charlie Munger has famously said so so brilliantly you know Warren Buffett's business partner he has said the world is not governed by greed people are wrong when they say that because happiness was so much more a few hundred years ago when people had so very much less even the most wealthy people yeah he said it is all purely in simply jealousy it's easy to go to a guy who's got issues about how how much achievement he's had in life and how much recognition and how fair was his life and was he given uh did his mother breastfeed him enough and how come his mate down the road got an inheritance of a million grand or dollars from his dad and he didn't and it's it's easy to bribe to bribe is the easiest thing in the world and then the the corollary uh or the the the the other side of the coin is fear your child has um leukemia the intelligence services come to you and say we can get him from number 95 on the red cross children's hospital list very famous hospital for kiddies in Cape Town South Africa to number three for a bone marrow transport all we want to know is what do you and Simon discuss when you meet for beers every Tuesday night at the something something restaurant yeah that's all we need to know similarly you have something hanging over you you didn't pay tax or you were seen loitering with a woman of another color and you are stensibly conservative yeah and they come to you and they say listen we understand that you have some bad habits we don't want to ruin your life all we're asking is report to us once a month on what's going on in in sightlanders in your local group in your region your province whatever so people do it to get out of jail they do it to stay out of jail they do it to avoid shame in their community and that's all fear-based so you only need those two things bribery you know through jealousy or in appealing to jealousy and and some kind of leave of fear and everybody has a leave of fear everybody has some skillet in the cupboard apart from a very very few people the very few people who have nothing to be ashamed of right I think that there's very few people have nothing to be ashamed of and the the best that you can hope for is that you that your secrets have anyway you get afraid of let's say yeah yeah you know exactly a very few people are absent secrets yeah and so I understand that for sure do you know you mentioned the prospect of somebody being with a person of a different color do you do you believe that is it your perception that homosexuals post pose a greater threat within on account of that potential for blackmail greater than misidination greater than the interracial well I would say does the do the intelligence agencies pray on homosexuals and they're desired to keep their proclivities secret in order to blackmail them into helping them absolutely without a shadow of adults okay predictable consequence I imagine yeah and so I understand that we're we started a little bit late but we are getting close to the two-hour mark from when we plan to start and so I and I know that you're you mentioned your jet lag and I'm gonna try to we're gonna try to wrap up by eight to seven forty what you have touched on the plans of going to a territory I mean so what have I missed so far what's important that we talk about that I haven't brought up Simon? I'm gonna answer you in an unexpected way and if it's not your preferred answer that's that's okay but this is my instinctive response I wish that we had another hour or well I'm actually very happy to go another I'm absolutely kaput I'm I'm really battling but in the ideal world another hour or you know another day to to discuss the rest of the world you know I think that we say London's especially our leader Mr Miller have a very healthy understanding of what's happening in the USA I didn't interview last today is today Friday today's Friday yes I did an interview on Sunday on World Broadcasting Network and I was contacted by somebody who happened to live down the road from where I was staying when I conducted the interview and I said I'm in SEA, Pennsylvania among the big trees and coming to you from from SEA and this this woman you know sent a message via the whatever you call it the chat saying to the producer or the host of the show I live just down the road and it led to me meeting her lovely lady Veronica terrific lady and she said to me right from the get-go she said I can't get over how much more you seem to know about our country than our best commentators do and it's not we're not vain about it we're not consider we're not saying we know America better than Americans but I spend my life endeavouring to understand the crisis of Christendom my boss Mr Miller spends his life day and night endeavouring to comprehend what is going on among our people in the West and so therefore we I think are quite healthily informed about this thing and I just wish we had more time to discuss that you know outside of South Africa the decline of the West the demise of the West the the the Nord Stream 2 pipeline crisis the the the nature of the plot shot how is it the dr Lee Merritt the former head of the United States surgeons and doctors association has been able to discover that the plot shot has a a pre proclivity if you like for doing harm to Caucasians through the ACE2 receptors that are unique to white people how how how did that happen let's understand and maybe it was one enormous coincidence you know yeah how is it that we're seeing through through the events in Russia and the Ukraine an enormous crisis in the USA that people are putting one in one together bricks what are the ramifications the the entire um power of the of the dollar has rested since the early 70s on the petrodollar deal made by Henry Kissinger with the Saudis Mohammed bin Salmon has just turned that absolutely on its head by spurning Joe Biden when he tried to shake his hand firstly spurning the first visit then spurning is the contact then cutting oil production then joining bricks it is one of the biggest geopolitical moves in history and it is going to severely undermine the dollar so you know I know I've given you a hell of a long winded answer to your question well I apologize no it's it's okay and obviously we don't have time to pick that apart sadly um not tonight anyway maybe we will I'll be happy to have you back on again of course and and we can pick we can pick a lot of that apart you know I understand when we spoke before you didn't want to center this on the religious component but I I would like to you know um maybe touch on that a little bit before we wrap up I mean there's a religious element to to what you're involved in right I mean you you have described this I think I think in my show description from the first time I had you on we described this as a a Protestant organization is that an accurate representation it's it's it's fair not accurate but fee okay and that's not but it is not it that's the that is the world view that's sort of behind the organizing it's not it's not exclusionary of people who are not exactly right okay I'm hesitant to call it Protestant not because it isn't Protestant it is right it is but it implies that it excludes let's say Greek Orthodox people right in fact we are inclusive of all white South Africans a very readily identifiable ethnic community right but I guess what I'm interested in sort of touching on is you know I guess the there there's an element of what's I'm not sure the word that I'm looking for here the the idea that I'm getting at is a a the idea that I'm getting at is charitable but that's not the word that I'm looking for I mean there's there's there's a caring element to this that is driven by faith is that fair to say absolutely and maybe you could speak to that a little bit our founder is a he's he's one of the twoest folks patriots that I know he what what is the word that you use before patriots folks patriots so fork the Germanic you know it's the same word in Dutch it's the same word in Flemish it's same word in German and he has a a I'm laughing it's it's not funny but I've just you know I have these recollections in my mind of of his face and his facial expressions and this sentiment and his tone of voice on various occasions that we've discussed certain matters of of patriotism and that is I don't know it might be his greatest motivator is it his love for his people yeah pro-patria in Dolce at the quorum is pro-patria in in quietness and good behavior is the righteousness of our fathers roughly it is good to be quiet and to be well behaved in in the sight of our fathers it's this idea that that nation is superior that my language and my mother and my religious observances and everything that is above me and that came before me are better than me and I should love them and I should celebrate them so I think I might have gone off the topic a little bit but you're doing fine yes so you know I I I think there is a popular conception and I think is you know certain religious communities certain Christian religious communities in the United States and particularly like the Unitarians and these sort of people yeah there's there's an idea that you know racial consciousness is somehow contrary to Christianity because it's universalist and and there's been my understanding of it and I'm not intimately familiar with this community I I could not in faith good faith call myself a member of it but my understanding of it is that there's been a lot of money spent by Christian organizations in order to spread Christianity to black people in Africa they appear to have had a great deal of success in that and they show you this in the form of you know images and video of black people worshipping Jesus Christ now it would seem to me that if if this was quite so universalist that does those black African Christians would be very upset about the way that you're being treated and I wonder if you've observed any of that I can't say that I have although a number of black people in the USA have contacted me to say I support you I wasn't able to do so but I was once invited to to give a talk to a black community I was on my way out of the USA and there was no prospect of me turning around a bigger pardon um yeah I think maybe four black people from the USA have reached out to me over the past six years and said we like what you say please come on our radio show I've been on Jesse Lee Peterson's show I think he's an interesting guy just a man of patience super star really um yeah it's a difficult question you know I don't think anybody fully knows where to draw the line yeah because there are apparently I say apparently contradictory phrases on this matter in the Bible go forth and spread the gospel to all men yeah who knows who knows you know we we know that the that the uh what do you call these castrate the the the the unit was an Ethiopian we know that Simon of Kareini Kareini is modern day Libya yeah what is it making black half black who knows I gave up caring a long time ago right uh I don't elect I lack the intelligence to master this subject I understand that so but it's interesting to me that the the the black the the black Christian population of Africa does not seem to be in in disarray over over the way that white South African Christians are being treated as that is that your perception yeah of course of course I mean the the the support for for uh the the uh circumstances of whites in South Africa so that there's you know the the framework of black economic empowerment crime violence deterioration immigration and so on and so forth is not of much concern to many people in the world yeah um it's troubling I'd say that you know I think that there's a lot of American money goes into spreading Christianity in Africa yeah yeah and they don't seem to demonstrate that same you know uh universalist uh concern for their fellow Christians that um that seems to be so pervasive over here and it's troubling um I want to thank you so much for for coming here it's really you know I imagine we we've spoke both twice before and you're an interesting guy you're you're doing a lot of really important things and uh to be able to to be on set with you uh is a real privilege I thank you for this so I mean um now you're trying to raise money for this organization and we we should certainly get out of the way before we wrap up I mean how how you tell us to give us first give us the pitch and then let's figure out how they get the money to you right uh we are in the USA for one purpose alone and that is to raise funds however our talks uh presentations interviews and what have you uh we believe are beneficial to the listener yeah you know we're looking for your money but I tell you what if you come to one of our presentations or you host us you'll never regret it we have fascinating things to say about the the crisis of Christendom that's what we're calling this to a the crisis of Christendom yeah what's going on in in the USA LGBTQ uh a Joe Biden economic crisis inflation and so on and so forth so we have great great things to offer um if people would like to support us they can go to www or a big appartan scrap the www if they enter then scroll to the bottom of the that homepage there are some uh vectors or whatever you call it for for donations for sponsorship for support if people would like us to give a speech to their local organization or group uh somewhere in the USA over the next three months that we're going to be here they're welcome to contact me simon at as easy as that our bigger potten i've got uh little the bubbles coming up that's what that's what i've been uh shabin energy during stand your throat to keep your wake at the that's the gods of goods of it uh or via telephone number USA telephone number eight three eight eight three nine five zero seven nine all right i didn't induct the guy he read his own phone number on the radical agenda it's not my fault whatever happens so uh do you have do you have other speaking engagements planned that that that you can announce now or or um i'm giving a presentation to an italian society i think is the right word in New York City on monday night at seven pm at i believe it's called umboutos it's the it's the clam chowder restaurant i might be using the wrong words my apologies america uh where some famous mafia guy was killed monday night seven pm um italian society i have a television interview in tenise on i think the first of november i've got a speech in in the south on the 28th of october and then two others in november so i'm going to have a busy november and then i i plan to go up through the rockies to a very important uh appointment so through the midwest and up to idaho rafi uh in in november december uh for a very very important appointment before we fly out in late december so i'll be here for another three months just about uh two months and three weeks issue okay um so you're planning on you're planning on leaving the united states in late december and you and you may be available for speaking engagements between now and that time if people contact you um now uh if you have these speaking engagements will they be listed on the uh the sidelanders website or how do people keep up and do you have any social media that we can plug anything like that? mmm yes um i'll be your partner just uh got something on my tongue a net or something like that um uh yes uh you've caught me a little bit flat footed it will be on all of my whatsapp groups and telegram uh but if anybody wants to know anymore and they feel like they're not getting enough information uh send me a message preferably whatsapp if not text message it's fine i'll get to it again 838 839 5079 do you have a public telegram channel? uh yes i do uh uh uh uh st.landers st.landers overseas i think it's called and we'll we'll confirm that and i'll put that on my telegram channel which is at follow chris and very easy to remember um and so uh i would encourage you if you have speaking engagements that the public can attend to to post it to that telegram channel a lot of our a lot of our listeners follow on telegram um and so uh they'll they'll be able to find the means by which to send money on the website they they could do that with a credit card a bank transfer of this sort of thing absolutely okay you've got every everything covered you you'll find the one that works for you that you have different options. Yeah okay yes all right excellent and um i i want to make sure that i don't miss anything because i you've come so far and i and i'm like uh and but i think that uh you obviously i'm going to miss things because we're not going to do this all night and i could talk to you all night but uh in the uh moments that we have remaining i'll just say thank you so much slime and for coming out here thank thank you for thank you for trying to do a very good thing um it's important you know i i'll express you know and i'll let you respond to this before we wrap up you know as i mentioned to you i mean you know the question that always comes to my mind is you know like why not get the hell out of there and i'm very concerned for the for the well-being of you and our people that are there um um but it's understandable that people don't want to leave their homes that you know you you were born and raised in south africa you've never lived anywhere else and so the idea that you're just going to go pick up and leave is not it's not an option for you right the only reason i mean people should really give some thought to this before they develop any opinion any human being any white person particularly we are only here by virtue of the fact that some stupid idiot decided that he was not going to give ground at tour in 732 under shul martell yeah would it be an easy right the same uh she i'm so tired i can barely think uh was it 1523 it's 16 15 20 16 18 III at the go to Vienna uh for all of history white people black people colored people Indian people uh a native american people peruvians Vietnamese Cambodians have said i can run away but i choose not to do so yeah it may be idiotic in the eyes of many americans that we white south africans don't flee don't flee white south africa but i tell them that their grandfathers thought like we do not like they do yeah your grandfather wouldn't have been on your side in this conversation you would have been solidly on my side right okay i'm gonna mute our mics for a second because i want to ask my guest a question of the of the thing before we wrap up and i and i don't want to be rude and put him on the spot but hang on a second foot so um ladies and gentlemen the the i didn't want to put him on the spot he's actually not leaving new hamster right away so the good news is i've got a i've got a super chat uh cat gaps and me twenty bucks he says uh hey chris would love to hear more from both you and uh mr roach when he is not jet lagged i wish him good luck with his efforts thank you both for taking the time to do the show and what i what i just muted our mics to determine was if he'd be able to do this again before he leaves and his answer set was i'd love to and i would love to also and so we'll do this again i i'm not going to tell you exactly what time we still have to figure that out but we're gonna we're gonna do this and i'm gonna make sure that everything's working before we do it i'm gonna have intro music mr roach is gonna be wide awake i'm not gonna pack him full of energy drinks and and and all this stuff we're gonna do this the right way and uh and we'll we'll be able to discuss things at uh perhaps a little bit of a greater length but for now mr roach thank you so much for everything that you do um for our people thank you so much for being here and doing hamster with me thank you for doing the show thank all of you for tuning in and for all of you who make this possible uh by doing the whole fuck you pay me thing okay uh it's uh chris for camp well dot net slash donate uh there's lots of ways for you to i i make it very easy for people to pay me so why don't you go ahead do that and we'll be back before monday uh again with uh mr siaman roach of side landers s u i d landers dot com dot org uh dot org thank god i didn't mute your mic before we shut this thing down okay ladies and gentlemen dot org don't go to dot com you'll get you get somebody else there uh s u i d landers dot org and uh and uh you know you could pay him you pay me later all right i'll be back before monday we'll do this again thank you very much for tuning in have yourselves a wonderful evening and good night that's it it's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America you know what do you call people you can't call two enemies and if we want to divide our society into arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing a radical edge of the event has turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and radical agenda implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they tell about their bad efforts what they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat this is great americans these are people that want to see great things for the country you know they try and build a light here but of a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda it's called the second amendment