Yes, you know, I'm just I'll just remark, you know, I said on Odyssey before we got started here today that Somebody a couple of people as it were, you know, they came to a video stream and they voted down our video streams hours before the show started and Dan over on Odyssey he points out and you know, these people are really emotionally invested They really don't want us to talk about the things that we're talking about they really really really don't like that And so you know, they do what they can to stop it, but fortunately for you and I that's not a whole lot because we're very determined And very capable people who don't like being pushed around by scumbags, of course, and so that that makes a job very difficult And I like that. I like making a job difficult because they're terrible people Really really really awful excuses for human beings so the extent you know, whatever if they're if they're human or not That's a debatable topic, but you know You get the idea in an occasion so now that we know that things are working. Why don't we go ahead? We'll get some we'll get some intro music going as a matter of fact we'll start recording our local video Hello local video good to be with you and so now that all of that is in place. Let's check in on and culture great gal That's it. It's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America Arms camps of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing A radical agenda of the event has turned into an opportunity to the last to push a racial and radical agenda Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they do about their bad efforts What they want to do here is ram their radical agenda down your throat This is great American, these are people that want to see great things that they've got to do You know, they try and build them like yeah, but if a radical agenda it's not a radical agenda The second New City day and whatever's on your mind at 217 688 1433 yes, this agenda is quite radical and welcome to it this 33rd episode of the six-stage depot room today is September 22nd 2023 being a current. Yeah, it's a Friday as usual and we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location where you know Ladies and gentlemen, have you bothered to I don't know share this thing You might want to put it on Facebook whatever But did you maybe put it on gab did you tell you telegram friends about it? I like the telegram stories thing is something I haven't really looked into it You know if you would help me by going and sharing this with your friends you up vote the video You do things like that. Maybe you go and you say something nice about it on whatever podcast platform You're downloading it from whatever the case may be You know if you could if you could do that for us that would you know It's not as good as paying me. I'm not gonna say that but you know, it's it's it's up there, you know And you know, that'll be a fine thing to do because on the radical agenda we like to talk about very important subject matter Like we're gonna talk today namely Judeo-Centrism which I am decidedly against as both the title of the show today You know one need not study history to know that the history we have been fed is absolute nonsense Studying the news will suffice just fine to learn this One can hardly go a week in politics these days without hearing some reference to history's arc type of villain being invoked At all Hitler the Nazis the Axis powers any number of derogatory slang terms to describe them These are invoked not to shed light upon a situation or to avoid the repetition of a prior unenlightened darkness But rather to make as near certain as one can that the situation is not understood at all To silence one's opponent with the fear of being cast next to the most reviled caricatures our culture has to offer So ingrained as the response to this that even the uninformed understand that there to be called a Nazi Carries with it and implied threat of violence the entire purpose of the use of the term is to say that no act is too depraved when carried out against those so maligned And what did the Nazis do to become our go-to reference for evil incarnate? Was it the invasion of a foreign land a record number of deaths attributed to them a particularly cruel method of slaughter Perhaps it was their hostility to the Russians. I'm kidding of course No ladies and gentlemen find members of the agenda binary of course none of the above are the cause for the Nazis to be our cartoon villains of choice We are to believe that the Nazis are the epitome of evil because they murdered precisely six million Jews We are further to believe that because the Nazis murdered precisely six million Jews the entirety of the world order and domestic politics must be organized around the central principle that this must never be allowed to happen again And to prevent this grim fairy tale from repeating itself ad nauseam We must indoctrinate our children with this lore from their first studies of history Some might not even have learned to read before they get exposed their first picture book to inculcate holocaust mythology in the young Among such titles are headdies journey by Michelle Bissen a picture book of iron ran by David Adler and the tattooed Chora by Marvel Ginsburg In American schools children will be told more about this supposed holocaust than they will be told about the American revolution and the war of 1812 combined They will be told plenty pertaining to the American civil war But they will learn almost nothing of worth about it because its only narrative purpose is to invoke further imagery of race hysteria born of the guilty and fearful Jewish conscience This has predictable results for later outcomes in the country As those propagandized in poison minds grow older and become active participants in the national destiny They know one thing more than they know anything else that Hitler was the devil and in both the United States and in Russia Our national pride is centered around his defeat and war For the United States this takes on a uniquely caustic character as our state religion Has as the core of its doctrine that this martial victory and douse us with the right know the duty to rule the world by force Our heroic rescue of gods chosen people and douse us with special moral powers Which exempt us for the standards of conduct we impose upon other nations with our military and our Exorbitant economic privilege of issuing the world reserve currency It influences our immigration policy because though we are the saviors of gods flock We hesitated to take on the task We are told that America has no moral standing to enforce its immigration laws because as Jews attempted to enter the United States illegally in the lead up to the war They were predictably and appropriately turned away and it is implied they're not proven that every last Jew turned away Was tattooed and made to face a gas chain but just off ash was it not see hands As the Jews who turned Russia into the world's largest torture chamber fled those who had come to take their vengeance against them We dared not incur God's wrath by turning away those Jews again And now no man may dare seek the presidency without prostrating himself before the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee Our television networks are radio stations our newspapers our book publishers our financial institutions our advertising firms our internet service providers And even our Christian religious institutions even though so boldest to call themselves Lutheran Are dominated either by Jews themselves or by Jewish cultural narratives Even as America claims it's moral high ground on the world stage by invoking its participation in World War II our domestic politics are tied up at a sense of national shame and guilt That we are inherently unworthy of our oxygen supply for being descended of bloodlines that shared a continent with the rotten Nazi regime We celebrate our diversity as our men are feminized our women sterilized our children are chemically and surgically castrated and our borders are opened up to those more fertile than we Our advertisements Television shows and other cultural signals almost never feature healthy white families One cannot turn on a television without seeing a mixed race couple or at best to white homosexuals The characters in our stories if any white one remain after the second and third revision feature white men as violent drunk stupid uncarrying fools our women are depicted from a menu of either childless career oriented fictional business titans tasteless bimbo's or the single mothers of mixed-ray fault mixed-race offspring who must brave the slut-shaming patriarchal oppression of their white supremacist male tormentors One with his wits about him who manages to observe this Jewish matrix sees this and thinks quite appropriately that those so immersed in this lunacy have lost their minds He sees that this once proud people who dominated the earth and brought forth order from chaos is now in the late stage decline And on track to lead the world back into barbarism He sees that they do all of this based on a story for which there is no credible proof presented If he was once among those deceived he feels betrayed not only by the Jew but by his own people who went the long with the lies and allowed this treachery to gain a social status equal that of the truth This if he is a decent man upsets him deeply He comes to study the order gins of this pathology he aims to fix it he becomes an anti-Semite And we might from that phrase alone to start a problem he becomes an anti-Semite His identity is now tied to the opposition of the people his countrymen have devoted their identities to He has not broken free of his oppressor he is on the contrary all the more consumed by them Whereas once he had a deeply ingrained but largely subconscious fixation on Jewish narratives The Jew quite personally is now vividly fixated at the very forefront of his mind He sees the Jew everywhere like Roddy Piper and John Carpenter's 1988 film they live except that the glasses are now welded to his face The Jew becomes the explanation for all of the things that he dislikes in all of the things that he does like He comes to see the Jew as well and on account of this he comes to dislike those things too And since this leaves him not liking very much at all this knowledge cannot be said to have his improved his life in him And I get this I really do ladies and gentlemen find members in agenda binary I find it hysterical when I try to tell people to calm down and a bunch of people who really Really need to calm down start freaking out on me like I'm the one with the malfunction and this happens frequently enough When I first got red pill to this stuff myself, you know, I was fucking banged up by it too You know, I saw it everywhere and I was like how did I not see this before And I was so mad that nobody told me I thought everything and everyone was corrupt and cowardly and dishonest and stupid I was like you have all allowed this to happen because you were afraid of being called a name And you were so afraid that I went 35 years and nobody said anything to me about it And that took some fucking adjusting to let me tell you But you know what I fucking adjusted You know if you're somebody who really believes there's no point in being president of the United States unless I can also be an open holocaust anir You are being blinded by something that is obstructing your vision as a matter of fact Your thinking is more Judeo-centric than that of Roberta Kaplan I don't know how anybody can stand to live that way for more than like two years I get it just fine for that two years by the way that makes perfect sense to me When I see guys who are doing new to this thing it makes perfect sense to me that they're totally bent out of shape I was there for real for real okay But when I see guys who are in that state of mind three four five years later I get to wonder in about them if I'm honest with yet And I'm not trying to like accuse them of being you know dishonest and a farious but You know for the media types You know one might assume part of this is part of an act okay You know they're playing a role and they're trying to maintain the ideological fervor because that's their job It's what they're supposed to do and it's not a bad thing for them to do their jobs to be absolutely clear And I have no evidence to support this safe for my own experience, but you know that would make sense of it I wanted to tone it down a long time before I did you know Which is part of the reason I find it so I'm using when people say the prison did this to me well You know prison might have provided some opportunity perhaps, but this is by no means a new idea But your content producer you changed the content the audience reacts to that and they tend to react negatively Guys who make the living telling fanatics what they want to hear should not talk to other people about taking bold stances or being brave When you're immersed in that You know not to toot my own horn here, but when that is how you make your living You're actually not taking risks by doing it anymore the risk is when you say hey guys. This isn't working Let's do something else. That's the risky behavior at that point And I know this from experience okay that immediately and negatively impacts a man's income all right And unless he goes full picolini the juice and not dead to help him out when I spent the first 1500 words That is things say and how ridiculous it is that we center our culture around juice I do not then earn their favor and the favor of the banking cartel by saying that all of your time thinking Spending all of your time thinking negatively about juzas a bad idea too. They don't they don't come to my rescue when I say that I saw this nonsense, you know with the Dylan Roof guys I was like no, you know what we're not I'm not gonna tell my listeners It's a good idea to go die a go to prison for the rest of your life Just you can you know hurt if you see your citizens. I'm actually I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna let you do that here you fuck you fuck you If you can trade your life for the salvation of our people call me I'll do it you take care of your kids or whatever But like the senseless Violence caricature that's made of us by the SPLC that element exists in real life whether we like to have been or not Even if not so prominently as they would like to pretend and it's actually a pretty predictable consequence of having all your attention Focused on a group of people and blaming them for everything from the last election to your fucking sex life When people first came to me with like the Holocaust to my old stuff I remember I said the hadding I was like you know It seems to me that the same people who say the Holocaust didn't happen also say it should and you know the certain damages their credibility of my view Now after Virginia when I found you know when I found out that you know many people really can tell the same lie in my staggering shocking numbers I sort of had to you know revise my opinions about the Holocaust, but there's still that element to this And I suppose if you're somebody who's like immersed in that sort of media This is where your mind is going to be you know, but I never I was never there never was like there Never I always was like the last thing that I need to be doing is listening to Nazi podcasts all day Stuck in some fucking echo chamber. I watched that happen with deliberate charioms Okay, like that they get all of their news and opinion from their fellow ideologues And that stuff causes them to speak a totally different language than the rest of society And they end up walled off from civilization As walled off from civilization as any prisoner and more foreign to their people than the Jews themselves are That definitely happened with the old right whether anybody wants to admit it or not And the free speech liberals warned about this okay, they were like you know that it was gonna result And us being cut off from society you kick us off Facebook and we're stuck in these radicalized echo chambers Where we had less and less exposure to you know so-called normies and and a totally different and separate and distinct culture forms And that's a predictable consequence of this Do you really think knowing what you know about Jews and how they manipulate culture do you actually Do you actually believe that they're upset about that? Do you think that they miscalculate that this is some kind of fucking accident that that happened? No, they knew exactly what was going to happen These are the people who run the fucking ACLU and defend pornography in all matter of degenerate filth Under the guys of free speech they know the arguments inside out up down left right and sideways. They know exactly what's going on They consider it a perfectly acceptable cost that guys would go and gun down Jews in synagogues They like that shit, okay? Roberta Kaplan bragged about mass shootings being the consequence of her fucking ridiculous lawsuits and shit You make it impossible for people to organize you destroy prudent leadership You make sure those who remain get stuck in these ideological echo chambers and sure enough some guys who's already fucking unhinged He sees no hope for the future just a target rich environment and bang They've got more propaganda that they can use to try and seize power because that's all the fucking matters to them And so You know when when people are When people's interests are at stake, okay? You have to pay attention to what their interests are And it's not nefarious per se that like somebody's pursuing their interests, but you have to you have to take those things into consideration It really it has to be part of your you know your your credibility calculations There's people in this thing whether they mean well or method whether they're working with the Democrats Who have a very unique interest they demonstrate a very unique interest in diminishing the Republican party Now I come on here and I tell you that I want to help the Republican party and I tell you why okay? So you go ahead take that into consideration your value would decisions too, okay? But you see this all the time that they don't have nearly the concern for the Democrats who are by any measure far more dangerous to you and me And who offended Twice as much by Jews as they were Republican counterparts It's really conspicuous when you start to look for it. So this thing came across my radar some of you saw me talk about this on gab or telegram It's actually what gave me the title for today's show the Judeo centrist of thing. It's that when when this Lauren Bobert thing came up Some folks they think they're very clever by pointing out that years ago She and several other conservative media personalities had profiles on this talent website And this website was apparently owned by a Jewish man who had some connection to a phone sex operation now It is portrayed that he's an Israeli Pornographer and actually that's not And my research of it does not lead me to believe that depending on your definition of pornography I guess the guy was running like a phone sex hotline, okay? So he's not having to the best of my understanding This is not a website where the guys like getting girls to come and get you know have sex on camera is the implication that's made and that's not supported by the evidence Reviews for this website say that the site is a scam, okay? There's people who claim the site made promises of stardom and charge them outrageous amounts of money with no rewards And even some claim that unauthorized charges were made on their credit cards the consequences And that's actually not so unusual believe it or not like scam talent websites There's there's a lot of these things. It's like a perennial business these you come up They pop up they go away and then the same guy starts another one. I mean, you know, it's probably a lot of Jews in it frankly But the way that this is portrayed by people, you know, this is we are to believe that this is proved that American conservatism is a fake Jewish plot Okay, and of course the people who peddle these things they believe this not because of this website right This is their preconceived notion and they're like a ha evidence to support my narrative. I love this There's no we're not told if any Democrats are on there nobody seems to have investigated that It's not that the website convinced them of this This is part of their narrative construction wherein all things are fake Jewish plots unless they are personally involved And even those things turn out to be fake Jewish plots eventually as soon as they turn their focus elsewhere Because fake Jewish plots explain all of their failures and absolve them of all responsibility therefore But of course the idea that public figures might have sought out media jobs before obtaining them is actually not very controversial The fact that Jews are involved in media talent scouting should not be a surprise to anyone and certainly not to an anti-Semite The idea that political strategists went out and looked to hire people to advocate for their ideas based on qualities not pertaining to their sheer ideological devotion Is not only uncontroversial. It's a lesson worth learning and a strategy worth emulating Maybe if we hire some actors and actresses and have them go out and say what they are told to say We can stop dealing with these silly issues where some fanatic gets himself in a heap of trouble and discredits his ideas in a process you ever think about that The site in question is not a casting couch for porn as is so vaguely often eluded to it's just owned by a Jewish guy Who had some connection to a phone sex outfit so the idea that these are camhors and prostitutes It's just not supported by the evidence and so the site is owned by a Jew you know There's Jews own a lot of things in America's matter for you might have noticed this Um, I wonder if any of the people who are talking about this have they ever been on a website called Facebook because that's owned by a Jew If any of them have ever been on Facebook at some point and somebody went to and you know Took a screenshot of their page. We go and be like aha You were once on that Jewish website you were obviously working for them. Should we get used to them of conspiring with the elders of Zion against us If they have had a Facebook account. I think that they'd probably say no Judeo's centrism fine-members at agenda binary is dumb. It's dumb. It's as dumb as It's as dumb as any of the stupid you know Catholics and Protestants and everybody lined up around the block to come out and wish everybody a happy Jewish Holiday every two weeks. It's that stupid as a matter of fact It's actually dumber than that because at least those people wait until the damn holiday to do it Whether it's because you think the Holocaust is the most important event in human history or because you think Jews are controlling Everything in the world and explain all of your complaints about it. It's stupid There's nothing nefarious about being a professional media personality or in going through the motions of the media business To find yourself in that position and guess what you want to be in media and you want to not be doing fucking shit on Odyssey and and wondering if uh if if if you're gonna make a hundred dollars today Well, then you might come into some contact with some juice and you might not tell them to go fuck themselves every time they present themselves Excuse me Make sure that doesn't happen again Mm There's nothing to fairy is about having a manager or promotional team or buying advertisements or obtaining money And of course none of this is said to defend Lauren Bober who is literally fucking a Democrat like immediately after if not before leaving her husband Okay, there's there's actually plenty to complain about there It's just not that important that she once upon a time put some pictures on the talent scout website And saying so only distracts from the pertinent issues of our time This is a situation where people can't see the forest for the trees and that is not going to work out well for you politically financially socially, romantically nothing that's not gonna benefit you in any context whatsoever If you think the Jews have a problem with that then what the fuck do you have a problem with them like if the Jews If the Jews like hey stop ruining your life you'd be like oh, well, thank you. Thank you for trying to help me No like they love that shit like You want to go ruin your life and not have kids and fucking be alone for the rest of your life and be poor and go to prison and never have political power You think that bothers Jews it does not I'm telling you like I studied the whole Jewish they they really like it when you when you fail When you're disconnected from society and and you don't speak the same fucking language as the people you're trying to talk to that's great for them And so if you would like to you know if you'd like to prevent that from being a case like go ahead and suggest that You know you could make better decisions than spending all of your time thinking about Jews, okay Judeo-centrism is not good for you Um, I played you know, I'm gonna play this uh, I did this on the show. This is not very old this clip, but it's a good one Uh That somebody clipped out from a recent episode And I listed through this a bunch of times afterwards because it really it does some the thing up. I'd say pretty good You know My idea is basically this that like all right fine. I'm already here. Okay. There's nothing I can do I can't walk back all the things that I've said so there's no sense in me trying to do it But you know, I don't I don't spend all my days thinking about fucking Jews all the time And I certainly don't spend all my efforts talking about them because it's not helpful You want to convince people you want to change the way people view their politics convince them that the Democrats are Intentionally wrecking the country let them try to figure out the motives for doing it You know what I mean? Why are they why are they trying to do this? I don't fucking know But look at what they're doing. They're telling you that it's a good idea to cut your fucking child's penis off They have to know that that's a bad idea You believe these people mean well when they're doing that They're running around waving their finger at you giving you a moral lecture about why you don't support Cutting off a child's penis and putting pornography in a elementary school library So those people are obviously the evil party. They're not mean well. They're not misguided They're trying to wreck things. They're trying to harm children And if you can convince them of that Let them try to figure out what drives them towards that demonic purpose and they'll discover to fucking Jews eventually all right, and so um Two and seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program I'm gonna more you talk less I have to so please do give us a call Wow, I I should not have been complaining about trying to make a hundred dollars an episode I come over to my Odyssey live chat And I'm like, what is this this not this not this letters in this what's going on? And I see that there's a one dollar donation from real Tony soprano And he's like oh, I'm at a country con show. I can't hear you I just sent in some white power and I'm like, why does it have a K after the one like what is the kit? Oh my god, Tony soprano sent me a thousand dollars in a fucking super chat and he can't even listen to the show He's like he's He's this is what this white's good to have mobster friends ladies and gentlemen. I'm kidding. He's not a mobster. This is a screen name Wow holy shit Tony Thank you very much my friend. Oh my god Um, I you know, I probably should have done the other ones first. Jesus Christ Uh The gray mouse or I think we got off on the wrong foot what say you I think that you're using a super chat to try to bring our Fucking private email conversation into the public. So what the fuck is wrong with you? That's what I say pal You know, like what what the fuck is that? Maybe next time sends three dollars He says I'm late, but I have the money. I owe you. Well, thank you very much Thank you very much. Maybe next time and so um 2176881433 if you'd like to be on the program and I'm more you talk to less I have to and please so please do give us a call now if we had a private conversation by email and it didn't go so well And you're like I got an idea. Let's do it publicly. You know, maybe that's not the best idea Um, but if you have anything else that you'd like to talk about that would be a great idea. Let's chat 2176881433 if you'd like to be on the program and I'm more you talk to less than I have to So please do give us a call guess I'm gonna pull up some news stories if you guys aren't feeling shatty And there's plenty of them as it turns out a lot of stuff going on Everything's going to shit and it's all the juice fault and you know that because I'm an anti-Sema and so That's that's how I explain everything Uh, let's see him. I'm like I'm kind of getting you know Because you know, it's true 2176881433 you like to be on the program um, let's see him And that's one's not very interesting. I had this uh, I'm sorry. I closed all my tabs before and now I had to open them back up The government's gonna shut down again like are we really gonna play this stupid fucking asshole game like what's going on? Oh spinging of Jews So mexico is on track to have its first Jewish female president. All right, so that's great So it's not just it's not just us ladies and gentlemen The polls point to a historical first Claudia shine bomb Currently the frontrunner could be the country's first Jewish and female president Well, you know she's gonna be the first openly female Jewish president You could have had like a whole lot of like you know guys who pretended to be white, you know They could have pretended to be male, you know Gentiles Or Mexican, you know, they're like I'm uh, hey, I'm a mixture genius like you But it's actually a Jewish woman trying to overcome, you know anti-Semitism and misogyny, you know We figured that out with the transgender thing right you keep on hearing that you know You know this fucking, you know this Michael guy, you know, the degenerate over there in Ukraine He's the first openly transgender trotsky eyed war propagandist but you don't know like there might have been trotsky Transgender war propaganda's the whole time and we just didn't notice because you know trans women or women or whatever The way things stand now Mexico is headed to its for election with its first President next year female first woman president next year The two leading candidates in the polls for 2024 election are Claudia shine bomb Mexico's cities former mayor and Yeah, there's yeah, whatever this guy and a a senator representing the center right opposition boss The polls point to another first shine bomb currently the front runner could be the country's first Jewish president to Earlier this year shine bomb was uh announced as the candidate for the left wing burrito party Oh the Jewish woman is part of the left wing party. I didn't see that coming at all Which has been led by the country's outgoing president Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador. I can say that one. I've heard it a few times Since then her momentum has only grown a poll taken by the L. Pies newspaper has 47% of voters supporting her while Galvez her closest competitor not 30% If's if elected shine bomb would join the ranks of the few Jews outside of Israel who have been elected to their countries highest office Including Janet Jagan of Guyana Ricardo Maduro of Honduras. No one of these fucking people are flooding across our border. They're being dominated by Jews What do you think was gonna happen Pedro Pablo Kaczynski of Peru and Volotomyrsilinski of Ukraine. Isn't that interesting all of these places they're governed by Jews You know, I mean like we're all you know being Jewish dominated or whatever But these people like yeah, I'm gonna take the fucking mask off and tell you that I run your country And as soon as they do that everything goes to shit doesn't it huh? That's interesting When they're just like behind the scenes like poking at the Gentile and they'll like do what I say boy Or I'm gonna fucking show them the pictures they'd you know things are bad, but You know They they're sort of like you know, they maintain at least as soon as they're like now You know what I'm the fucking president now then they're like oh shit I'm going to America with at least they hide their fucking Jewish influence I'll be it poorly, you know Since then her momentum has only grown a poll taken by the L. Pies newspaper. That's I read that part If elected shine bomb would join the ranks. Yeah, I just read that part too. She is a primer. I'm sorry Here is a primer on shine bomb and how her Jewishness has become a part of the campaign the stories at the Jerusalem post by the way And so you might have gathered they like Jewish stuff over there at the Jerusalem post She's a new veil prize winning scientists in political liberal who has beaten back crime Born to two science professors in Mexico City shine bomb herself studied physics and became an engineering professor at the national autonomous university of Mexico Her research focused on among other things energy usage in Mexico's buildings and transportation system Along with a group of other experts on the united nations Intergovernmental plan on climate change you would go on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Well, that's great She won the Nobel Peace Prize for climate change and now she's gonna be running the country on our southern border I'm sure that she'll be very helpful with that whole immigration thing and we won't have to go to war with her country As Mexico's head of in Mexico cities head of government over at door appointed shine bomb is his environmental secretary in the year 2000 She be can't wait a second It's over door president in 2000. What are you talking about? Oh Over door was in the city government at that. Okay. That's what I'm like. What do you talk like these Jews? They don't even know they just make it up as they go along. He was a president in 2000 It's making you're just like you can't even get your live straight when you're promoting your fucking presidential candidate in Mexico You fucking kai shwita wrong. No, they're talking about the Mexico City government She became a close ally and joined his new left-wing morena party named after the country's Catholic patron state the state the Virgin of Guadalupe In the early 2010s and in 2015 she was elected mayor of Tlawpan or as a Tialpa Whatever the fuck the name is in Mexico cities largest burrow Before becoming mayor of the entire city in 2008 she stepped down as mayor this summer to enter the presidential race Like the term limited over door who's approval rating of over 60 percent has been one of the highest in the world Shine bombs platform includes fighting Mexico's deeply rooted corruption continuing cash transfers to Mexico's most vulnerable populations developing Mexico's energy sovereignty But shine bomb will likely be more pro-environment than over door while the current president has bolstered Mexico's oil industry Shine bomb has said most of the country's future has to be related to renewable energy. That's great As soon as Mexico starts moving over to entirely renewable energy and foregoes the benefits of fossil fuels They'll straighten out their economy and they'll stop flooding across the American southern border and destroying our country's great news No, that's not going to be the case at all. They're going to be running on fucking hamster wheels and solar panels We'd be like get me to fuck out of here. It's just ruining everything Ha ha ha ha ha As the mayor of Mexico City shine bomb led the city through the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic While over door appeared to minimize the threat of the virus shine bomb was running around with the other Jews Telling everybody put your fucking mask on before I jab you boy Hey, that's not what they said at the Jerusalem post them add letting a little bit here Shine bomb advocated for masks and in increased testing early on because That was the narrative that the Democrat party was up here using to destroy Donald Trump You'll recall that there were no tests and they said well, Donald Trump. Why don't you have 300 million tests for everybody in America twice a day Why don't you have that Donald Trump you're just you're killing people You're killing them and so she's like oh, well, we'll we'll make the same lunatic story down here because We're a bunch of lying Jews And in a country plagued by violence she has reduced her cities murder rate by nearly half Well, that's interesting how do you do that? Oh, well, I you know all the all the killers are dead now because they killed each other I don't know if that's actually the case, but you know Just like I know I know exactly what she did she's like hey all you murderers can you guys go to fucking America? You guys here's like here's a map and some water or whatever go fucking murder people up there There's a lot of you know, there's a lot of white girls with blonde hair you can rape them first But some controversy also brewed during her time as mayor Despite expanding public transport there were at least a dozen accidents some deadly in the city subway system Critics say she hasn't done enough to fix the city's crumbling infrastructure Shine bomb also face controversy Hang on a second Yeah, there we go that's better Shine bomb also face controversy involving infrastructure involving infrastructure disaster as head of cloud plan in 2017 during an earthquake to kill more than 300 people in total An elementary school collapsed in shine bombs district killing 19 shelter and six adults An apartment had been built on top of the school destabilizing it in some criticized her for allowing district officials to approve the construction permits She apologized what happened But some parents of the deceased children still hold her accountable. Isn't that interesting? So like oh, well and Jerusalem post would be like yeah, it's just so great that you're gonna have a Jewish president But you know there were some zoning issues and a couple of children died That's the only controversy that she's involved in you know, it's really great, you know We think it's like all celebratory that there's gonna be jeer running your country Nobody complains about that except those evil anti-Semites. We're gonna talk about them And of course her Jewish identity is more political than religious as the Jerusalem post shine bomb had ash canazi Jews grandparents who immigrated from Lithuania in the 1920s and Sephardic grandparents who left Sophia Bulgaria In the 1940s to escape the Holocaust might have heard about that thing some people talk about that once in a while that whole Holocaust thing She has said that she celebrated holidays at her grandparents houses, but at home her family life was secular Have you ever talked to a Jewish person who doesn't like have a Holocaust survivor in their family like oh Yeah, my cousin, you know, he was over there So but they're you know Getting the Holocaust it and then he got away, you know, it's like oh, thank god. Welcome to America So our sources told the Jewish telegraphic agency in 2018 that shine bomb feels connected to the history of the Jews and political activism but not Not as much so to the religion or its traditions She doesn't like those religious traditions because that would not approve of all the degenerate filth Like many secular leftist Jews in Mexico her parents moved to the south of the city to be closer to the national autonomous university Mexico a hotbed of political activism. She told the group of Jewish women voters during her mayoral campaign in 2008 that she was a proud Jewish woman She also hasn't made any public announcement about israel or spoken as a member of a minority even though Jews make up less than one percent of the capital city's population It is not known if she belongs to any synagogue or other Jewish institution now She just you know she worships Satan or whatever she does it in a you know privacy or on bedroom With the dildo it's enough. It's enough reading about the Jewish woman fuck this shit as anybody on the phones come on talk to me Oh, what did I wait a second What the hell happened here hang on a second Hang on hang on hang on hang Mother fucker where's my fucking phones I Hang on I made a mistake when I opened up the goddamn I Made a mistake when I opened up the fucking news test. What the hell happened here? All right ladies and gentlemen if you tried to call in and and I was uh and I was unavailable I'm available now. I don't know what the hell happened here But uh, it's all straight now. So give me a call two on seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program And I'm all you told the less I have to so please do give us a go I'm gonna go put this thing over here But did I already do that? That's what that's what it is. Okay. As a matter of fact no That's silly what did I Yes Oh What the fuck okay now I know what happened You Ever use browser tabs do you guys any of you do this So I use browser tabs which is kind of new I didn't I we didn't have that in 2019 I don't think and so I got to liking that thing But sometimes it creates some confusion that like okay Hang on You Sometimes a browser tabs thing Confuses me and that's exactly what happened here. I opened up these tabs I go right click a folder And uh I bookmark my news every day when I'm reading the news I pull up a bunch of news and tabs And then once I've got sort of like a bunch of headlines and I'm like oh there's you know There's too many of these I right click add all two favorites and I have the mark on By by date and year like are organized in a it's actually pretty impressive. You should really you should be envious And so sometimes what I'll do is I'll close them out because You have a lot of browser tabs open that can you know slow you down a little bit and then I'm like oh right click at You know open all tabs and they're like okay, you really want to open all the tabs? I'm like yeah and it opened it up in a new window But when it opens up in a new window like my My cab groups are in the other window So I think I'm still in the other window and I'm like hey wait a second what happened to the thing I was doing over here so anyway, so that's that and We'll continue Two 17681433 if you'd like to be on the program All the rails with no eva brawn says which browser are you using Chris? I'm using the Yandex browser Because I'm a stooge of Putin um and that's uh The way that we Putin stooge as we get things done you know Look guys, let me ask you about this so oh and somebody else sends Libertary out sends uh 14 dollars and 33 cents and says I always have at least 60 tab tabs open well you're a busy you're a busy person now Um libertary hot I have like I don't have usually 60 open. That's a lot of that's a lot of browsing Okay Real quick, okay, there's like you know, there's a whole bunch of you on Odyssey Can you go and like hit the fire button you go do that thing and I know that there's you know We're streaming other platforms and stuff you guys whatever's platforms you on you go hit the thumbs up the swastik Whatever the thing is wherever you are Thumbs up the video follow you know Tony gives me a thousand dollars, okay? Like you can't make him carry the whole thing by himself, all right Like if he can give me a thousand bucks, you can hit the thumbs up like what's wrong with you? You know, we're here the out the show hasn't even started yet and four people thumbs down the video because there's there's you know I mean there's probably more of them, but there's Jews and FBI agents and homosexuals they come around they're like oh He's doing a show tonight. Let me go stop by thumb that down Because I'm that devoted to my cause and you're like well, you know I'll listen to you talk for two hours with the idea that I'm gonna click something in addition to that you're at your fucking mind like I don't have time for that shit Ain't nobody got time for that what the fuck Yeah, Tony's not even listening to show. He's like oh, I'm in a country concert. I'll I'll listen later, but here's a grand real quick. I'll tell you Hit me up Okay, pal, oh wow So yeah, it is he's the record super chat by the way we'd never gotten that before so Thank you very much, Tony. I'm like how am I supposed to do this show now? I'm all I distracted. I'm like already spending this money and should Ha ha ha ha Two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and we're told the less I have to so please do give us a call Mr. Cantwell, do you know Bruno the doberman? No, I don't I have no idea what the hell you're talking about Um, and if you know by the way ladies and gentlemen, you know if you're on some other platform and you're not on Odyssey It's not like you it's not like you have no option to pay like you can go to the entropy thing You can go to Christopher Cantwell dot net slash donate there's lots of ways to get the cash app edgy chris I get Bitcoin minerole etched stuff you could pay me however you want you know You don't have to sit there and be like oh man. I want to be as cool as Tony You can you can try, you know It's gonna be hard. It's a hot as a high bar set, you know It's I make it very easy to pay me. I guess it's the moral of the story and so um Let's see him oh here we go I was having what's going on pal You know Yeah, I was just uh, but you've actually mentioned me this time. That's something uh, yeah uh Of course you're talking about Jews and Uh, we've been known to do that for any time in a radical agenda Yeah, I don't know exactly what your complaint was so about, you know people well here's let me just I you know You're not immersed in telegram and so like you know, this is the thing and I sometimes forget that not everybody is But you know this happens what I go through is like You know, it's it's really it's bizarre. I mean, I understand that you uh, you probably think about Jews probably more than More than a lot of people, but you know, I don't take you for this I don't take you for some guy who's debilitated by this okay, and there are people who are and they are largely on like The dark gary cesses of the internet, okay, they're anonymous accounts who are like oh my god Did you know that this person was on a website that was owned by a Jew? This is obviously a Jewish plot, okay, and so this happens with like remarkable frequency I'm like look you're out of your fucking mind like you need to get a grip. This is not helping you Yeah, okay, well, and uh, yeah, some people just uh Don't have a very good thought process like uh, Mr. Bowers Oh Yeah, but you know people people who like oh, you know what? I'm really upset about this thing So you know rather than work my whole life to fix it. I will spend my whole life in prison Yeah, that was not a good idea um But you know um there are some You know I It when you first I think you mentioned this when you first find out about the extent of real Jewish power and influence in the United States there is this tendency to um to to um To perceive more than there is i mean there's a lot of it but you know you start to assume that Everybody that could be a Jew probably is you know like I used to think that uh The author of the rise and fall of the third rice William Shire must be a Jew. Well, he actually wasn't You know there there actually are a few people like this guy over on MSNBC He's not a Jew he's a unitarian apparently, you know Um, we have some of their function Yeah, we have some lunatics in our own race that uh, you know that actually created that Radical abolition movement back in the 1840s 1850s, you know, we have some of these lunatics Uh, some people would call them judayizers as far as their religion goes because it They tend to come from that same stock that um, you know with uh burning witches in New England, but um We have some of these crazy people in our ass, but overall uh the Jews uh Some Jews at least are a big Part of the trouble making population in this country and they and they're very Big that plenty of money, you know you look at the you look at the list of uh of Of billionaire donors that supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 And it's like I think it's like 20 or so Almost all of them Jews billionaires that uh gave money to her super PAC You know um And of course the billionaire trump didn't get any billionaire jew support until he already had the Republican nomination And then three of them came over basically to buy into him so they tried to try to have some influence Are you still here? Yeah, no, I'm here. I'm listening to you. I'm listening intently I like I always hear about shade Sheldon Adelson being his his back or this didn't happen until he won the primary That's what I recall about yeah After he won the Republican nomination and these Jews decided to to support him before that his biggest donations came from Real estate concerns Right, and then it wasn't anywhere near on the scale of what Hillary Clinton was getting his donations in general were a lot smaller But you know I as you as you Learn about the actual problem, you know, you do make some refinements and you you see some things like um Like a lot of the problem is our own stupidity right why are we so gullible? Why do we let them get away with this? Um, you know instead of just being angry at them We need to be a little angry at ourselves For letting them do it um You know, and if you actually if you read mine cop Carefully you can see Hitler setting stuff like that also um a lot of the a lot of the weaknesses Uh, the Jews exploit and use against this you try to mobilize us against each other Come from Christianity actually, you know or came to a through Christianity at least like anti-racism Seems to have come to us through Christianity um, not all Christianity is Radically anti-racist It all has a tendency to you know refer Regarding humanity is more or less unitary as whole but um Not they're not all you know actively anti-racist Catholic Church before world war two was not actively anti-racist But um you look at uh saint august and augustin of hippo, you know he he was So insistent on the unity of all mankind They said it was impossible for people to live on the other side of the world because that would separate them from the rest of humanity too much Right that's that's that's putting ideology ahead of evidence right there, which is something you see on the on the extreme left all the time, right? Yeah contradicts my belief in equality, so therefore it can't be true um So but you know the Jews have i mean Hitler says this about marks is that he is distilled the essential poison of our age That's what he said that's actually in mind cuff right that marks distilled the essential poison so the poison was already there It was already in this kind of liberal European thinking that it developed out of Christianity And he just kind of put it into a purer and more deadly form And so we've got a lot of looking at ourselves to do to try to overcome the Jews definitely are uh They're like an opportunistic infection that has gotten into our system because our immune system wasn't it sounds something question wasn't quite right in our system And we've got this opportunistic infections or do you do have to get the Jews out of there But you also have to fix the problem right you have to adjust your own I imagine you see I imagine I understand that you're not immersed in like the the gab telegram thing we have to stop being so trust This is one of the big problems we're As Europeans we're like a high trust people right and these people from the levot are not like that They don't get away with their shit to the same degree, you know in the levot as they do in Europe Right that's one of the things and uh they're also they also have this This um Kind of heard like conspiratorial tendency to them which we don't have we Northern Europeans especially we tend to be very individualist we try to Judge try to be fair to everybody judge people as individuals that Jews don't think that way You know they think about what's gonna advantage them and how can we work this system and let's work together and I have connections And stuff like this they do stuff that we wouldn't do that's one of the problems that we have with Jews It's not really a lot of people think well our Jews must be conspiring To make uh things happens only believe stuff like the protocols and learned elders and things well what happens is Because the Jews are not Like us They don't have our limitations in terms of what they're willing to do To get an advantage and to get a profit, you know There's things that we wouldn't do you know Look at like how Howard Stern right Howard Stern That guy i stopped people complaining about him yesterday that guy was doing all kinds of outrageous stuff Basically just to force people to listen to his radio show You know, that's what he's basically doing kind of low grade pornography To get people to listen to his radio show and Jews of course are very heavy in pornography They're willing to do Whatever it takes to make a lot of money and have the power and That's that's a big problem it simple problem is they're not us And they're willing to do they're willing to do things that harm us as a group In order to get their advantages that's the problem it does not because they sat down and planned everything how can we harm the goyam no it's not like that I don't think anyway No, I don't think that it you know, it's not it's Conspiracy is not required where interests align right For one and then there's just you know, there's a there's a natural tendency you know if you are um You know if you're a distinct group within a larger group um, you know, you're you're ways conform to this right not to not to the larger group, but you're ways conform to the circumstance you know and and that is I think a It could be described as a natural process. I'd say somebody's got a question for you having um Steven f autism asks he sends $14 and 33 cents to me and he says what's adding thoughts on the push of war with China and possibly I'm sorry with Russia and possibly China would like to hear y'all's discussion on that by the way We live amongst Jews and a race of trade derrors you know the D Hmm Okay, well uh Yeah, I think I talked about Russia months ago um Russia has been tar well Jews don't like Russia anyway um And they don't like uh Putin Putin you know, he disempowered a lot of the Jewish oligarchs um but All of this drive against Russia started After Vladimir Putin got in the way in Syria in 2013 right, all right uh You know uh, United States government and NATO destroyed Libya in 2011 And there was a plan to do the same thing in Syria Because Syria is a big problem for the state of Israel I mean this was part of that uh, you know I know what was the the Neocon plan called from the 1990s they had some kind of new American century Yeah, and they had some some specific good documents that they had You know, were they actually listed the government that they wanted to replace Iraq was one that was like number one on the list Because Iraq was very powerful after the war with Iran But anyway, yeah, so then we're gonna overthrow the government of Syria try to repeat what they did in Libya and Vladimir Putin and Russia got in the way They happen to have a naval base in Syria and uh Vladimir Putin publicly denounced The rebels in Syria and the the um United States government's Attempt to start a military intervention there to help those rebels eat I think he called the uh Putin called these rebels deliver eaters Because of course there was a famous video of one of them cutting out a man's liver and eating it Real savages there and that that's an example by the way of the of the Jews or the state of Israel specifically immobilizing Enemies against each other. They're not afraid to do that. They're not afraid to work with people that are there Absolute enemies if they can get them to work against other enemies You know, that's what they did in in Syria. They can actually were sitting in Muslim chat rooms on pal talk where some Hamas supporter was just uh rapidly interested in in overthrowing uh uh Assad And I said this is crazy what and and he's coming up with all these crazy Justifications for why Assad should be overthrown. He thinks Assad works for the Jews. That's just insane But somehow Somehow the Jews managed to put out propaganda to get people to believe this stuff But anyway, that's what that's what Putin did He got in the way there and if you look if you paid attention to what happened after Putin opposed that intervention in 2013 all kinds of stuff happened in short order You had the nuclear deal with Iran basically USA trying to woo Iran away from Russia because Russia and Iran had ties and Iran also had ties to Syria um The stuff was Venezuela also is related to that Venezuela has ties to that group also um And then you had the uh there were some other things that I can't remember. Oh, oh that pipeline that they expedited to bring uh the Canadian sludge oil down down the Mississippi down to the Gulf of Mexico Not for us use but the ship at the Europe that was to cut into Russia's exports. That was the idea there Right a lot of stuff happened that was clearly designed to hurt Russia and And to attempt to isolate Russia and it was because he stood up against the attempt to destroy Syria back in 2013 and in early 2014 Uh you had of course the overthrow of The government of Ukraine and the establishment of this government that was adamantly anti-Russian Yeah All right, and it's all that's what all of this is about Now, I mean is They try something else they keep expanding their list of enemies, you know when another enemy appears, you know And they say okay, okay, that didn't work in Syria Russia got involved. So now you gotta destroy Russia You know, I watched I finally watched the interview with Okay, we have to destroy China now I finally watched the interview with um Tucker Carlson and Douglas McGregor the one that is happening. You can't hear me. Okay. Okay. There you are. Okay Um, I'm getting a better phone in a few days by the way. All right. That's good news Um, so the um, I watched this interview with um Douglas McGregor and Tucker Carlson on on X it's not Twitter anymore. It's a totally different thing Um, did you see that by chance? I heard that You heard it. I didn't see uh Douglas McGregor and Tucker Carlson. No, I didn't see that one Um, yeah, and so he um he I was like wow is it people told me that I should watch it because I kind of tuned out for a little while And uh, and I did take the time to watch it He's like oh, well, you know, these people they they have problems with Russia because of what happened to their ancestors over there I was like wow, that's a pretty bold thing to say Hey, so uh McGregor said these people meaning what the Neal cons you know the US foreign policy establishment And you know you know what that means right and so you know Victoria Newland yeah Right, and so that's what he said. Yeah, you know, they're bent they have a they have a vendetta against Russia because of what happened to their ancestors So he doesn't I don't think he explicitly says who but you get you know, anybody who understands the history of the world those exactly what he's talking about you know Well, you know, but there's a more proximate cause than that as I said it is a more immediate cause which is They're trying to destroy Syria and Russia got in the way The Syria thing was interesting like I didn't understand that conflict at all And I I mean, it's still I'm not saying I understand all the intricacies of it But you know when I was in prison. I was in prison would a guy by the name of monster al-Qazar He was all he got caught up in the same crazy sting operation that got Victor boot and he was this guy He's like a Syrian I think he's a citizen. He's a Syrian citizen. He was a traveled the world a bit I gather um, but he was a convicted of arms trafficking essentially or they set him up for something in the you know in order to get him for arms trafficking and I sat with him for a while and like He he gave me this breakdown of serious strategic importance in that region. I had no idea but like I I was like Why are they fighting over his fucking sandbox? I know, but he gives a fuck about but it actually is pretty important right? Well, yeah, the Syrian state is a pretty strong successful Arab state it's you know stable You know they they've had they have a strong government that's able to hold that country together um largely because they were not afraid to use the force when they had to I mean half as al-Assad the father of the current head of state there, you know Supposedly killed thousands of And you have to do that because you've got these lunatics that live there and once in a while they get a bug up Their ass and decide that they have to try to establish a theocracy and you can't let them do that because it'll destroy the whole country You know, so you have to kill a bunch of these religious fanatics to keep them from causing a bigger problem Indeed and they fortunately they've you know they've been able to do that Yeah, well, you know you got to I understand that um You know you're gonna well you got to you got a clean house sometimes and unfortunately We haven't done that here in a while and it looks like it looks like the correction. Oh boy. Yeah. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy Yeah, right. I see people on Twitter saying you know, it's really getting high time for a national divorce I think that was in response to the fact that you have uh uh people lying about their beliefs in order to get on juries in order to equip people who are obviously guilty of serious crimes You know, I mean really you've got to You why we need concentration camps in the USA. We should build them. You know, we shouldn't have already Actually, it was both of jared gehover didn't ever get rid of the ones from world war two, but I don't know if we still have them now but uh Literally we're at a point where we need to put a lot of people into concentration camps Uh some of them maybe could be reeducated but a lot of them probably not, you know So I don't know what we're gonna do. I'm USA has got definitely you could say interesting times ahead of it Interesting times indeed hadding and I uh, I thank you for your insight on all of it my friend All right, thank you very much. Thank you very much two one seven six eight eight one four three three I know that hadings a tough act to follow ladies and gentlemen Go ahead dial the phone you can give it a shot um airy's rose in berg. He says uh fair enough But pointing out that neither Lauren Bulbert nor aoc through the justice democrats are genuine political actors But were each cast as acting talent to be a valueless or inaccurate critique I'm sorry I Think let me just make sure I'm reading this right hang on a second. I don't want to miss quote the guy Fair enough, but pointing out that neither Lauren Bulbert nor aoc through the justice democrats are genuine political actors But were each cast as acting talent to be a valueless or inaccurate critique period People should know the process by which money men select our reps and where those reps came from I Don't care if people know like I mean the point that I'm getting at here is like like what do you think is going on that like Like this is the thing you know People think that everybody in government is supposed to be a fucking like like you should fucking hope that they're not as a matter of fact Right or you want to punch a radical ideologies running your government like you need people who are like Okay, how do I get my job done? You know Can we instead of having everybody try to be a goddamn philosopher king? We have some people going there and be like is two plus two four and are we spending more money than we have Like you know, I don't want a bunch of fucking fanatics running the government like you know what we should go out and And try you know first of all we should go try to you know be financially successful So we're not complaining. Oh, we'll never overcome Jewish money because you know because we didn't bother to try right The Go higher some actors and actresses go be like look here's your fucking here's your talking points Here's the things you go on TV and say and if they try to get you to go off script Don't let them do that to you. That's a talent. It's like an important skill, okay Not everybody's supposed to be hosting an open phones radio show doing whatever the fuck you guys say And so like the idea that you know people were You know picked from a talent website like I this is uncontroversial. It's not it's actually not important at all What matters is does the person go in there and do the things that you want them to do that's what matters That's literally what matters and and it's also important can they get elected? Okay So if you understand if there's like if it's an observable reality that you know an attractive woman Is more likely to get elected than a then an obese man Well then like go get the attractive woman to go say the things you want to say and then go put her in a government What do you care what what do you what the fuck do I care what she believes? Do I want people who are in there because of their ideological devotion or do I want people to go in there and get the things I want done Like that's the goal is to like get the things done And so like no like actually I don't think it's important at all You know and by the way even if you do think it's important be like okay Well, they're not an ideologue and you just have to let people know that okay fine Is it is it pertinent that a Jewish guy owned one of the websites where these people put their phone? It's a matter of fact. It's not at all pertinent doesn't matter at all and people who are like ah It's a Jewish conspiracy They're not just wrong like it's hard to it's hard to say that it's hard to call it something other than malicious Okay, it's it's hard to find noble motives for doing that because you're creating is that you it's what you're doing is fictional Okay, you're using you know, it's not that they everything they say is a lie That's everything they do is dishonest okay, and so like if you're like if you're running around on the internet Just trying to like construct fucking narratives That that serve political purposes and those political purposes are actually hostile to the future of the country Then like no as a matter of fact what you're doing is not worth one. It's not like not at all 217 68 1433 if you would like to be on the pogrom and a movie total less I have to so please do give us a call We need to send a committee to investigate two plus two equals four to find four you bigots exactly Well, this is where we get to you know, I mean, this is where we're getting And if you don't have people to go in there and be like two plus two equals four then two plus two is gonna equal five And then you're gonna have budget problems believe me when I tell you gonna end up with the government shutdown And they're talking about doing that now. They're gonna shut down the government. They shut down the government Okay, now before you get excited libertarians you understand that like shutting down the government doesn't mean that they stop collecting taxes Right, it doesn't mean that they they stop uh, you know Doing all the things that you dislike It means that they send a whole bunch of police to the national parks and they put out like cones and shit And they're like don't you dare come in this park because the park is closed You're reminisce we talked about this in the show and it happened on the Trump And Trump presided over the longest government shutdown in history up to that point, you know And I said then you know people are like what do you think is gonna happen? I'm like always gonna cave obviously Obviously he's gonna cave why because he doesn't want to ruin the country right The democrats are gonna hold the country hostage and they'd be like no You're gonna give us the money to fund transgender toddlers and if you don't then we will get us into you know We'll destroy everything we'll destroy the whole country You just let us transgender the toddlers for two more years And then maybe if you can overcome our vote fraud then maybe you can control the government and then you know Maybe if you do that then um then then you can You know reduce the transgender toddler funding by 25% or whatever but We're gonna destroy the country if you don't give us our money or whatever and so That was definitely gonna happen right so Donald Trump caved and sure enough the government didn't shut down You know completely it just they didn't let you go to the park and they like they did and they waited you know Three or four weeks to go pay a bunch of IRS employees And so they're gonna do that again because Kevin McCarthy's a moron and You know they do these stupid little games I guess it's kind of the moral of the story two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the pogrom and I'm more you'd tell the less I have to use it Please do give us call and so uh you know Bob and Nendes um Tucker Carlson's been saying for the longest time this guy's like openly One of the most powerful senators in congress fuck up you faggot what the fuck Well, I thought that they stopped doing this you know I haven't had that happen to me. I don't think that has happened to me since I got home from prison I used to complain about this on the show all the time you remember this if you're a long time listening Like I got a browser tab up and then some fucking shithead starts talking Hey, fuck you like I didn't tell you to play the video I just was like hey, there's a new story let me open up the tab And then you're like oh well, you know What's this guy? What's this fucking asshole's name? I forget his name You remember you guys know the same New Jersey Senator Bob and Nendes indicted tonight accused of taking a fortune in bribes to wield influence at home and abroad Tonight facing new calls to resign amid these new and stunning images of gold bars and wads of cash allegedly found in his home The senator was named in the federal indictment along with his wife and three associates agents searching the menendez home saying they found $480,000 in cash some of that cash hidden in a jacket embroidered with the senator's name More than a hundred thousand dollars in gold bars and in Mercedes convertible they say as well Now part of this indictment the description of benendez allegedly going online and googling how much is one kilo of gold worth Here's our senior investigative reporter Aaron Katersky now This is the Mercedes Benz that these are images prosecutors say of blatant bribes Accepted by one of the Senate's most powerful Democrats Bob Menendez glittering gold bars Allegtery car and wads of cash stuffed inside a jacket with the senators name on it the sweeping federal indictment Which also charges the senator's wife Nadine and three New Jersey associates Accuses Menendez chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of selling state secrets to the government of Egypt Senator Menendez allegedly provided sensitive Non-public U.S. government information to Egyptian officials And otherwise took steps to secretly aid the government of Egypt Menendez is also charged with trying to intervene in criminal investigations into two businessmen Including by recommending President Biden nominate a U.S. Attorney Menendez believed would look favorably towards one of the cases The senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes In exchange for senator Menendez using his power and influence to protect and to enrich those business men The bribes allegedly include payments toward a mortgage a Mercedes convertible and three gold bars The indictment says upon returning from one trip to Egypt Menendez performed a web search for how much as one kilo of gold worth when the FBI searched his home The indictment says agents found nearly a half million dollars in cash stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing closets and a safe Some even found in the senators embroidered congressional jacket on his very own website Menendez says a senator cannot influence matters involving private business or intervene in a criminal case But we alleged that behind the scenes Senator Menendez was doing those things for certain people The people who were bribing him in his wife This is now the second time Menendez has faced federal corruption charges his first case ended in a mistrial And was later dismissed in 2018 Tonight the senator and his wife both proclaiming their innocence Menendez accusing prosecutors of making false claims against him and adding they have misrepresented the normal work of a congressional office Our investigator reporter Aaron Kertorsky with us tonight Aaron. We know the senators first What's the normal work of a congressional office that like you're you're so incassioned your jackets and stashing gold like Going over to Egypt and being like how wow how long are they doing? I'm gonna do it all this gold first corruption trial ended in a hung jury a report of that there prosecutors tonight Say these new charges are completely different not related to that case Totally separate case and David Menendez is going to have to step down as chairman of the senate foreign relations committee A moment ago though the governor of New Jersey Phil Murphy and other top Democrats in the state called on him to resign Menendez faces up to 20 years if he's convicted David all right Aaron Kertorsky Aaron. Thank you Well, you know, he's you know, he's facing up to 20 years in prison And he's not facing nearly so much as my my friend is for Facilins of Bitcoin because we live in a corrupt cesspool where it's okay to commit crimes and not to help people And so Bubbendenda is a crook and you might be wondering like okay, so this is that a southern district in New York And from what I know the southern district of New York like well, they only prosecute innocent people there So that makes me start wondering like what the fuck is going on? And I think that what they're trying to do I think that what they're trying to do is Is tie this fucking loose end up before power changes hands. That's my suspicion of this If Donald Trump gets into office in 2025 The first thing he would do is indict Bob Benendez and be like okay So you tried to get Joe Biden to appoint a US attorney for you And that's a corrupt act and I need you to testify against him because we're gonna send that cock suck at a prison after what he did to me and then Bob Benendez being a low down criminal Unless he feared the Biden's which is a distinct possibility Would almost certainly do that ready to be like yeah, well I go to prison or I sell Joe Biden out I'll sell Joe Biden out yeah because I'm a thief and so I think I think that what they're trying to do you know this last thing that happened It was in 2016 oh really so before Donald Trump takes office you indict this guy you throw it Donald Trump's in office he continues being a fucking crook And then right before Donald Trump becomes president again you're like hey look We're gonna have to indict you cock second because you keep on doing this fucking shit And if you're gonna you're gonna get us all busted okay, so we're gonna go in there We're gonna do this thing maybe you gotta do a little time But it's gonna be a lot better now, you know because if you if we do this and then you're You get indicted on the Trump then we're gonna have to whack you like we're gonna have to do an Epstein thing You're gonna have to commit suicide You know really preposterous fashion Bob and so we're gonna die. You're gonna plead guilty And just like Ray Epps Ray Epps is gonna plead guilty as well Because why not you know he sees a criminal and so he's gonna plead guilty because that's uh, that's you know Good thing for criminals to do But there's there's a little bit of a problem Says revolve a news early this week the DOJ charge infamous Fett's erection provocateur Ray Epps with a single misdemeanor account misdemeanor account, huh? I gotta stop reading revolver like you know, I liked it for like two months You guys are not that smart you have clickbait headlines and you say things like misdemeanor account It's a count. It's a a single misdemeanor account not a misdemeanor account. Okay Don't say stupid things on the internet Of disorderly conduct despite what the increasingly desperate regime media would have us think Simply ridiculous to think that such a weak misdemeanor charge issued nearly three years after January 6 Could possibly quells suspicions regarding the true nature of Epps's involvement in the January 6th Fett's erection As demonstrated extensively in a revolver piece this recent move only makes the regime look clumsy and utterly desperate to salvage the crumbling narrative regarding Epps in January 6 The charge suggests that it could have been specifically intended to allow Epps and potentially the Fett's to avoid the potential disaster of having Epps testifies a witness in the case of another January 6th defendant with whom he interacted This is precisely what happened in the case of Steve Robson One of the many informants who participated in the disgraced Michigan fednapping entrapment plot who was Conveniently slapped with a bogus gun charge just in time to prevent him from testifying in the trials of the other alleged plotters Yesterday the government released its meager 14 page statement of offense for a Epps senior um To accompany Epps's guilty plea After this document it is still clearer that the DOJ's decision to charge a re-epps is just as disingenuous as re-epps's participation in the events of January 6 As an exercise will go through the statement of offensive description of Epps's behavior and compare it to what is already in the public record I'm actually not going to do this never mind. Okay. The theme here is this. Okay. They're tying up loose ends because we have a thing in this country called double jeopardy It's very straightforward You you you lock you you go and you arrest these people because you don't want the other regime to do it You're protecting them by arresting them, okay You go in you charge them you get either guilty Please you get the charges dismissed with prejudice and then the other guy can't do it And that's a very smart thing to do indeed and it saves you the political hassle of issuing partings, right? So here's the other thing as a matter of fact, you know interestingly As I think about this You know You know Joe Biden has the power of the party obviously, right? So Joe Biden can be like hey re-epps your pardon, okay Bob and Nanda is your part of hunter Biden your part And Joe Biden does not do this and you might say like why like Joe Biden is a crook and Joe Biden doesn't give a fucking shit If the voters are happy he's ripping everybody off He doesn't even believe he won the election He's transiting the kids for fuck's sake like obviously he thinks the election was stolen the fuck does he care if anybody believes him or not But he has the power to do this and he obviously has plenty of motive because he's a crook and he wants to help his friends Right, he doesn't want his son to go to prison because he'll rat and so He could turn around and be like hey everybody, you know He is your part and here's your part and bottom for you a pot and for you and he doesn't do that you know like well You know why Well, you know You know think about that when you talk about Donald Trump not giving a blanket pardon to everybody on January 6 before you know You could sort of all out right And this thing happens on January 6th and then two weeks later Donald Trump is in president people like well Donald Trump should have given everybody a pardon well, you know Even if you believe that he should do that you think that he should do that in two weeks You think he should do that without any regard for you know thinking about the political consequences of that I actually disagree with that assessment And clearly Joe Biden does too. He's like look All you people who like help us do this scam like we're gonna we're gonna have to do something other than pardon you Okay, so the pardon is not you know We've you're if you're term living it out like Obama and you're on your way out. Yeah, you're like a fucking Terrorist cocaine dealer. However, you know Should have done it the same day actually. Okay, so think about this for a second guy So your Donald Trump and you're like okay, I'm probably gonna get removed from office maybe by force the fucking militaries against me But because I'm not getting the second term it means I can run for a second term So you see a bunch of people go into the house of representing and And you and you're aware that some of these people attack police officers and you're aware that some of these people are criminal You're aware some of these people are Democrats. You're aware some of these people are antifa And you're like well, you know in order to make sure that the people that I care about are okay I'm gonna pardon everyone who happened to commit a crime within the 24 hour period of January 6th within the vicinity of the capital You know This is the same pathology that I was addressing when I'm talking about Judeo central And it's like can you think like two steps ahead of what you're doing like you know like what is what drives a person to You know a thought process like that just you know think things out a little bit man Should have done it the same day You know I was locked up with guys who attacked fucking police officers in Washington DC You think Donald Trump wants to a part in guys who attack police officers? No, like he actually literally doesn't want to do that And even if he did want to do that he's got consultants so like yeah, you want to be president of the United States You want to win a Republican primary you do not go around partnering people who makes police officers, okay? You can figure it out later on you figure out who's you know There's still a bunch of guys in prison when you become president again. You could go you know have a conversation about what happens to those people But you don't just say everybody who committed a crime on January 6 That was free for all you know that's the January 6 is the purge. It's you're just gonna sign a purge order, okay You know there was no crimes committed in Washington DC on January 6 like what the fuck like come on 217 688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you tell the less I have to say please do give us a call If nobody's gonna talk to me like you know like you know I'm I can't call it quits because Tony fucking gave me a whole bunch of money And like I can't quit early when somebody fucking throws that much cash up people Jesus Christ dial the fucking phone number with the fuck we doing here. Why do I have an open phones fucking show? I think I I mentioned that you know Did I just do this on the member show so so project veritas of that business? They thought they're really smart getting rid of James O'Keefe and nothing to work out well for them at all James O'Keefe is fucking racking him up James O'Keefe is running around with his cameras and being like hey, I got you cock sucker You know he's got the fives guys. He's got the black rock guys and and what the fuck is project veritas doing They're like oh project veritas officially shutting down. I'm like there's a project veritas still what what are you talking about So I don't need I'm not gonna go read it. What the fuck what's the point, you know 217 688 1433 you like to be on the program um Oh That's interesting So Cody Wilson haven't heard about this guy in a while um In a post this is over at zero hedge in a post earlier this week digital second amendment unveiled anti-woke AI Bot equips users with newest weapons of digital age zero hedge wrote about Cody Wilson's new alternative to open AI's chat gpt Called get gpt Get from getling which is an urban colloquialism for gun Get gp that's fucking hilarious you have it I think like Cody Wilson. I don't know if he's gonna get into this piece. I haven't actually read this yet You know Cody Wilson if you don't know he was like the first guy to 3d print a gun Okay, so he creates this thing called the liberator would you can download from the pirate bay And you can print it with a with a 3d printer you can create this thing with something that you can now buy for less than $200 on eBay now. I don't suggest that you should do that. I'm certainly not going to I'm a convicted felon and I wouldn't dare break the law But you know you have these options available to you know But now he's got a fucking AI gun maker. It's called get gpt. It's fucking hilarious The team that built jet get gpt let by Cody Wilson Contents AI safety is a pretext for censorship and political control They have declared a digital second amendment that pledges to protect and distribute the newest weapons of the digital age Not just to defend ourselves against corporate and government predation depredation But to defend our civic identity and humanity Cody Wilson has also led the fight for another kind of digital second amendment One that overlaps with the first amendment the right to distribute software that enable citizens to 3d print their own guns that fight is the subject of an upcoming documentary called death athletic Death athletic a dissident architecture director jessica solsis You explained in death Atlantic. I'm sorry death At death athletic. I don't know. I don't get the idea here death athletic part of the title in a vice interview this week Death athletic comes from the German philosopher are they he's going to explain it. Thank you slaughter diesel He's talking about death athletes as martyrs for religious purposes But I kind of modernized it to me. It's the idea that someone who looks death in the eye and death is no longer tyrannical It becomes an emancipatory thing emancipatory thing Being death athletic to me is someone who is steadfast in their motivations and stands for their principles despite the obvious Retribution or anger they're going to inspire There are plenty of forms of retribution in the current left liberal establishment has to work with against rebels like Cody Wilson as Adrian Vermeul set on x yesterday Yada yada okay, so like Whatever this is fucking getting like Now more than ever you're just like inspiring about the guy like what what's the AI component that the fucking got Get to the fucking point I don't want you to just like promote some stupid fucking movies. It's not a goddamn commercial you faggot The fuck am I reading zero hedge for you guys used to do things that were like I don't know Call are you on the radical agenda what's your agenda Good evening, Chris this uh, I'm calling you back again And let you know that I'm a little bit nervous because I have a lot of respect for you And and I really admire what you're doing Well, what are you nervous about friend? Um, oh your nervous calling it to show it's your you're meeting your heroes And that's a dangerous thing to do. I understand go ahead buddy. Don't worry about it It's there you go. That's that's it Um, I would talk like to talk about and I know why there there is in a whole lot of veterans involved in this movement Um, because a lot of us the combat veterans they They really watch us and if we get a little bit too far Uh, there'll be a convoy of black SUVs us kind of her doors was to talk to us But um to just to bring awareness To to a little bit what goes through a soldier's mind when he is fighting a war and as we are we are fighting a war whether or not we realize it or not Um, yeah, come back. It come back Go ahead. I'm sorry. No, no, I thought that I thought you were waiting for me to respond go ahead buddy Okay, combat endurance of a race or an individual relies on the strength of their abilities Um, there are eight abilities that every every soldier right needs to strengthen as much as possible The ability to think The ability to use logic The ability to use form so so do things in the best form possible The ability to prepare The ability to act Okay, so all those lead up to the action. So this is pretty action Now after action is just an important right the ability to use your emotions How you feel about what you just got them doing and how other people people may feel about what you do Just get just did right the ability of function So whether or not what everything you put into right really actually gave you the result that you were hoping that it was going to All right, so it made things better for you And then if you have it side decided that it has made things better for you then the ability to adapt Um is is a Last ability these are what keeps an individual soldier alive. This is what keeps us squad a cartoon on a race This is what race will keep our race alive Is the strength of our abilities Well, yeah, it's uh, it's hard to survive without abilities for sure and I mean um, you know, life is uh life is struggle You know, and so I would say that um, you know the The skills of Anna Quires uh for the purposes of and in the exercise of combat or by no means irrelevant to the rest of the exercise right Exactly exactly. So there's there's a lot of things that correlate Directly over now if the if those are abilities are are hard to remember Right we will as kind of went went by the the four things that keep you alive never trust Always verify Stay vigilant. This is war and to never forget Right so the first three You know go into the fourth thing that never never forget never trust always verify stay vigilant Well, um, I guess uh There's context in which one should not trust but trust is you know requisite of civilization right I'm not sure that never trust is an is an axiom. I'd want people to uh to adopt right But it has more to do with the always verify Um, sure you you could trust short term right, but but then you back it up with always verifying So so if you're always verifying You know, it's kind of a you know, are you actually trusting so you're trusting to a certain extent Maybe a short term trust right, but actually always followed up with the verification But you trust the in war you're gonna trust the guy next to you for example, right? So like you know is so the and you have to you actually can't conduct war in any other way right Exactly right, but but you're also always verifying whether or not you know He's hitting the target sees what in the head He's do it you know He's using his abilities that you're trusting in his ability is basically what you're trusting and right and if his ability starts to If his ability starts to go a little bit lower right then you need to think about being a little bit more Vigilance right and possibly taking care of yourself But also take care of have been the strongest best person that he can be Well, that's certainly a prudent thing to do. I'd say whether it's uh whether it's in the meme war or whether Whether there's bullets flying past your head and so I think that's good advice for uh for the troubles which plague us friend I thank you very much for bringing that wisdom to us tonight You walk you guys have a good night youtube pal two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program And the more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call. Let's see him Um, what else than I have? I ended up closing up all those tabs here. Let me pull them all up and then uh and then uh will publish something up here You do do do do I'm gonna play a clip while I pull up a story hang on a second. We'll do this thing This one's pretty funny. It's an open home as sexual. It's names booty judge booty judge announced his Uh candidacy for president of the United States He's a democrat as you may guess He would also be the youngest president in American history So he and his so-called husband will make fine role models for all the young guy I'm who have yet to decide if they want to be genetic dead ends and dump the last of their families D. A and his ship types of other degenerates If you thought booty judges last name was funny get this his butt buddies name is chasing chasing booty judge I suppose we know who to top in that relationship is a do we I guess we'll have to wait for the debates to find out and I'm not even just making a homophobic joke here I think that's usually relevant. I mean if we're gonna have a fact president I'd honestly feel better about it if he was a top Now for those of you who don't have libertarians degenerate friends I should probably explain what I'm talking about here Like gay dudes they're not egalitarians fundamentally. They got top and bottom big spoon little spoon Pitcher catcher you follow Sure some of them switch or they're versatile or whatever, but generally speaking There are people who make deposits and people who receive them. I'm not endorsing this shit. I'm just telling you how it works, okay With that in mind, you know, you got to choose between the two as president I think you'll agree that the fudge package better than the pillow spider I mean sure he's got no investment in the future behind the horizon of his own existence But I just feel like he'd be a lot better at protecting America's interests if he was the type of guy to grab another dude By the air and test his gag reflexes than if he was the type to pull his panties to one side and bend over the arm to the couch whimpering with anticipation, right? You might think I'm splitting hairs here, but this is deadly serious Who with the Chinese be more likely to declare war against the guy in the facial abuse video who was standing there at the end spitting on the recipient's face and saying thanks you stupid whore Where the guy who was laying on the floor afterwards not sure whether it's not ends in a mask arab begins It would certainly be a lot more comforting to hear about how president booty judge was doing in the polls Then to hear about how the polls were doing in president booty judge. Don't you think? You might assume that a guy who would become mayor and seek to presidency would be naturally dominant and thus a top You might say the same thing for him given the other guy is last name, but you must have forgotten that he's a fucking Democrat These people are all about upending the power structures of our society If we had nothing but gay top presidents for the next six presidential terms the left would be an absolute hysterics talking about Top privilege and demanding that the next president be some size queen ass gaping queer porn celebrity Now I'm not saying I'd endorse the guy if I found out he was pitching instead of catching But these are the kinds of decisions we're gonna have to make you know once america is turned permanently blue by immigration I mean think about it. Do you want a straight female negris or a gay white male Don't go all-in cat-bond me and reject the system. This is the world. You're gonna live in soon Whether a fag was a top or a bottom might be deciding factor in your vote come 2024 So you need to learn this stuff three two three nine agenda you would like to be on a show number and I'm all you talk to less eyes and fucking liar So please do give us a call. Do not believe a word that cocksucker says now I'm not saying that he's little you know, it's just it's just a turn of phrase okay, but that's not the phone number It's two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be in the barob and so this has happened a few times that we've lost our phone number We had uh what will we say what was it? I forget what the first one was I can't even remember what it was I forget our fucking phone number when I got arrested in Virginia I don't even know what the fucking phone number was but it basically expired and I had to get a new one. I got a jail And I was like okay you cocksucker. Do you think I got a silence me? I'll show you And so the system that I used to use for the phones I had the thing where you could put in letters and they'll see if they'll give you the phone number That lines up with the letters that you want not phone number became four two four three go Nazi and And then It turned out that the upstriam provider of that phone number Was a company called Twilio and Twilio is a bunch of I don't know if they're Jews or Democrats It's just fucking faggot's or like what they're fucking faggot ass Jewish problem is but They they were like hey look we're not gonna give you the Nazi number We're gonna go give the four two four three go Nazi to someone's a suspecting person who isn't no idea what they're getting themselves into And so they reassigned my number. He said nah, fuck you you can't have the Nazi number you prick And so I was like well what the fucking so I was like I gotta go you know And I was like well, I'm not gonna let you get away with this right but I gotta get a phone number from another provider now So I went to another company And I actually got a phone number forwarded to my number at the at the call in service And that number was seven four zero I am 1488 And I did that for a while and then I was like and I and like And eventually I was like okay, you know, we gotta do something else Anyway, so the numbers changed a few times the moral history you know what changes over time the guy who runs the fucking Rupa Murdoch's Empire is is now his son Lacklin Murdoch a Rupert Murdoch is stepping down He went to all kamikaze got rid of the Tucker Carlson guy now there's a Democrat running Fox news Magnate Rupert Murdoch surprise announcement Thursday that he's stepping down his leader of his two companies leaves his son Lacklin firmly in line of succession at Fox and the rest of the media empire the 92 year old Australian billionaires creation of the Fox News channel has made him an enduring force in American politics He inherited a newspaper in Adelaide, Australia from his father in 1952 and eventually built a news and media and Inter Excuse me a news and entertainment enterprise dominant in the United States and Britain Fox said Rupert Murdoch would become chairman and a rightist of both the news networks parent company Fox Corp and the news corp media holdings effective in November Lacklin will become a news corp chairman and continue his chief executive officer of Fox Corp Lacklin Murdoch said quote we are grateful that he will serve as chairman and Maritus and he will and and know he will continue to provide valued counsel as I wrecked this company and this country he didn't say the I'm ad living there Fox News channel has profoundly influenced television and national politics since it started in 1996 Making Murdoch a hero to some and pariah to others the 24 hour network converted the power and energy of political talk radio to television Six years it outrated CNN MSNBC and it still does But it's been a rough year for Fox which was forced to pay $787 million to settle a defamation lawsuit related to its coverage of false claims following the 2020 presidential election And as a matter of fact they were not forced to do that. That's a lie AP they chose to do that because they settled the case And you're the associated press and you shouldn't make blatantly false statements about the decisions that they make Fox also fired its most popular personality Tucker Carlson which actually probably had a lot more to do with the network being destroyed Stock and fax corp while positive this year began to decline in early 2022 due in part to lawsuits and investor anxiety Besides Fox News Rupert Murdoch started the Fox broadcast network the first to successfully challenge the big three of ABC CBS and NBC was shows like the Simpsons he owns the Wall Street Journal in the New York Post He's slimmed his corporate holdings with the 2019 sale of many entertainment assets to the Walt Disney company Murdoch has also controlled the New York Post which that's pretty funny So, uh, you know, I understand you know that this is what's happening You know the media is not just corrupt. They're lazy. Okay, you just said this in the prior fucking paragraph And I'm like hey, I'm just the radio host shit posting. I understand describe you're the fucking associated press pull it together Murdoch has also controlled the New York Post which like Fox has promoted his conservative world view Despite Murdoch's advanced age Thursday's announcement took somebody's surprise. I do find it sure I do find it shocking because I figured Rupert Murdoch would be around until he couldn't take a breath And Claire Atkinson who's working on a biography about Murdoch You know let a Thursday to staff a Murdoch thunder about elites who have open contempt for those who are not members of their rarefied class You hypocrite scumbag motherfucker. So like, you know um Murdoch's letter made it clear he doesn't consider himself one of them You know despite his status as a media executive in his family as well Estimated by Forbes in 2020 at about 19 billion dollars He also indicated his retirement won't include much beach time. I can guarantee you. I will be involved every day in the contest of ideas He wrote I'll keep on subverting your country and firing media personalities who try to rescue you from Jewish domination ha ha ha If my son dare gets the idea that he puts somebody on that fucking television station who might try to solve the problem I'll correct him, but I don't think he's gonna do that because he's a liberal Democrat cocksucker He didn't say that our companies in our communities So and I will be an active member of our community And I will be watching our broadcast with critical I reading our newspapers and websites and books with much interest Murdoch and his family particularly children James Lacklin and Elizabeth and prudence were said to be the model for the HBO drama succession Rupert is Certainly entertaining a career a certainly is certainly engineering a cleaner exit than Logan Roy's departure from way star Roy Co as said former CNN president John Klein who consulted on the series and he's leaving behind a lot of mess a lot less of a mess There may be the cake that may be the case for now said Murdoch biographer Michael Wolfe who next week is publishing a book the end of Fox news He is 92 and that has taken a toll on him of course, but the company too wolf told the associated press He has remained up until today the singular decision maker and he can't communicate what he wants and people don't understand what he wants Like they did in the past All right, this is really poorly written so I'm just gonna fucking you know, I'm just gonna go full dial tone On the uh on the associated press there and we'll just instead of doing that we'll talk to somebody who's you know probably a little bit better Better informed than the folks over at the associated press caller you're on the radical agenda what you're agenda Hi, so I was thinking about ways we could improve our people situation especially kids in despair and I think that if we um If we push more of our kids to work in law Given I think we will live in a Christarchy. We should do what we can to support our people in that direction Recognizing where power will help is held will address the problems we face And I have a lot of respect for what you do it's hard to follow up with phone calls Well, I appreciate that friend. You know, I do think that um, you know If uh if anybody's in a position to pursue a career in law We could do worse than to have a bunch of lawyers on our side um, I think that um This is you know, and they recognize this about us and they realize it's a weakness It's one of the reasons that they've been so so very very effective in um destroying us with law fairs that they're like okay You guys you guys don't have the money you don't have the lawyers and even if you had the money the lawyers that you hired would probably be working for us And you'd be fucked and so if we had a bunch of people decide hey, you know What am I gonna do for a living? I want to serve my race in nation Uh, let's not tell them that the law is a Jewish con game and that they shouldn't participate in right like tell them You know, maybe you should go in there and try to make it not that Yes, you don't have to pass the bar to get a job in law you could work as a um, you know, illegal aid Um without you know passing the bar I didn't know that I mean I understand that you can work for a lawyer without passing the bar But I think in most places you do have to pass the bar to like be an attorney to represent a client you've got to pass the bar right Of course, yeah, right But it would still do us well to have us be educated in those areas Even if we weren't working directly in the course Yeah, I would say so and I mean, you know and for the people who are you know, not 43 years old You know, they might very well have the you know the ability to become an attorney at some point and my understanding is that most Most lawyers at some point go through the stage that you're describing right there are paralegals or they're you know They help out in a lofts in some way and they get the hang of the thing and then they become You know, then they then they pass the bar then they become a lawyer right Exactly. Yeah, so thanks very much to take my call. Thank you very much for making a call friend. I appreciate that pal Thank you very much for thank you very much for that wisdom Ladies and gentlemen, you know, I got a great announcement to make for you my good friends coach and a gang over at full house They are going to be uh, they're gonna be working with me More closely in the future if you don't know about the full house bug now it's full H.A. U.S It's not like that stupid sitcom you watch as a kid Um with the Kimmy Gibbler girl than the the Danny whatever his name is you know Uh, this is actually like a quality production. It's not a bunch of you know stupid fucking 80s fluff or whatever Uh, and they don't say fuck on the show not frequently anyway sometimes they fail to edit it at like they'll have me on the guest And I'm like fuck cock shit with it and then they're like oh, I gotta edit it out And there's just too many of them and you know sometimes one slips through But anyway, they actually they make a prudent effort to put together a podcast. It's not complete to generate filth And so that is something that I feel really good about you know if you've been following me on telegram I've been trying to do some like wholesome posting, you know, but I think that you know I'm like on or off right like I'm either gonna be posting um, you know I don't know wheatfield pictures or what the fuck ever or I'm going to be posting like yeah Mugralized Jewish hell scape pictures. I you know, it's it's on or off with me. I got a Kind of duality to me But they do a pretty good job of striking a balance. I'd say they do a really good show and they're very talented And they actually have a reasonably good production very reasonably good. That's downplaying it They do a very good production quality show and so I'm glad to be working with them And so they're gonna be still there. I don't think that they've had um paywall Stuff since they've been on their own they're going to be doing paywall stuff and you're surreal membership is gonna get you access To the to the full house stuff. So if you're not a surreal politics member yet you could become one at slash join and You know you got a spell the thing And that would be a great idea to do and you know That'd be a great idea if you to do anyway because I mean you get all this stuff You get to you do the weekly show with me on Wednesday You get discounts at the shops. So like I know you guys like the radical agenda and you're like I'm gonna do some real politics because he doesn't say juice every five minutes and like I need to hear fuck at least twice Now, or instead of surreal politics not for me But like if you go over there you become a member and then you can get like you get a discounts on shops You want to buy like a radical agenda t-shirts, right? You know you go get a t-shirt and then you can um you can wear that And you get it for really deep discounted. This t-shirts are usually $25 if you remember you get them for for 15 So buy the membership and then go to slash shop after you remember and then you see the discounted prices The great idea it's just math. It's it's math. It's not it's not it's not like fouchy science. It's actual mathematics And so you don't want to want to disagree with math because that would make you wrong Uh, you don't want to be wrong. It's not good And so become a member go over there do that and then the other thing it's going to happen So right now as a matter of fact if you go over if your surrealpolitics member Uh, now you can go to and there's links there for member stuff. Okay now I'm still working that out. There's actually like Getting all of that stuff republished is actually like this really significant effort There's some data entry involved and as a matter of fact I put out of things some time back Uh, titled uh, how can I help and if you want to help me out one of the things that you could do if you have no technical skills Whatsoever, but you could copy and paste and like spend a few hours clicking on things you can help me out There's a lot of things that you can do um, as a matter of fact It's not if you might have read that thing that I published the thing that I published titled how can I help does not mention this specifically But I set up this project management applications called lean time. I don't know if you've ever seen this So if some of you might have used like Microsoft project or some kind of project management software at work And if you've ever used those things and and you want to like maybe give me a hand I don't I don't know how familiar with the software, but it works pretty well. It's like you know you have You have a client and you have a project and then you have to do's and you have ideas and you have goals and you have milestones And all these different workflows essentially to try to make things happen And I'm like I'm going through this thing and trying to get all together because I'm realizing I've been trying to do everything on telegram and e-mail It's just fucking chaos like you're talking to somebody about something on telegram And then somebody's like you know, let's talk about the fucking Jews for two hours And there's 200 messages and then the important messages gets pushed up to the top and it's ephemeral when it goes away And you're like oh, well why would I get the work done? And then you know nine months go by and you're like why haven't I got anything accomplished? And so I'm like well, that's stupid I should figure out a better way to do this because I'm technically inclined and I have people helping me And so I have this project management application And so that's one of the things actually, you know if uh you want to you want to help me out you know that stuff You want to um help me get organized? That's one of the things you could do you can do lots of different things to try to help me out Those are illustrated at slash how can I help all one word all over case no spaces no dashes no one Discoars, you know if you're like a web and you do like the dash I'm not picking on the full house guys, but the other thing is full dash well no, you know You don't put dashes in your domain name you'd never do that you don't put dashes in the slugs You don't put them in the domain name you don't do them How can I help slash how can I help and if you can't spell how can I help you just give me the catch Go over to slash donate you're not a spell that there's no you don't have to worry about if you have Figure not a space or whatever you just go over there and then you just hand me the money and I'll I'll hire to people to do it And that'd be a great idea because um, you know, you can't make Tony carried old fucking thing by himself Give me a thousand dollars for Christake, you know You what did you like to be as cool as Tony, you know, I would I sure would and so you know I understand you know if you're jealous of Tony, you know Just work really hard, you know, you maybe go into like commission sales and you and you get really good at it And then once you're in commission sales and you make enough money that you give a thousand dollars to a podcaster You know, then like you'll be happier with life like you'd be like fuck those fucking Jews like it's a fucking I know that the Jews get me down. I'm the type of guy who gives a thousand dollars to a podcaster and still get to go to a concert Okay, and that's that's success ladies or gentlemen That's how you make it in life. Oh, Kekepsen's a hundred bucks He says hey Chris. I'm looking forward to the new stuff coming to surreal politics membership Thanks for bringing us even more content. You got a pound and we're gonna be doing You know We're definitely gonna be doing a lot more, you know, now that now that we have this infrastructure in place It's something that I've been working on a lot and uh, and I apologize to the extent that it has impacted the content You know, I get I'm one of these guys, you know I I like tech stuff. I really do but like it's not it's it's for the most part It's not stuff to make podcasts fodder out of you know And so I had these ideas that I wanted to sort of do and I'm like oh, I'll go do these things But then you know my my head's immersed in tech stuff then you know that I'm then I'm my head is not filled with entertaining things to talk to you about And so there's been times when that is negatively impacted the content and I regret that Um, you know, I am bringing on other people to help me with tech stuff There's a there's a couple of guys who helped me out one just recently came on has been very helpful If you'd like to be one of those people, you know, send me an email, okay I I listed a bunch of things that tech people can do to help me in the you know, how can I help these But like if you got some kind of skill or you got some time on your hands And you want to do something that's not listed there like I'm not gonna be like hey You didn't apply for the you like if you want to help just help just tell me how you can help you know Get you on board and that'd be great because the thing is it's not it's not even so much about helping me okay What it is is about helping um well, I mean you know Allow me to be the fucking vehicle for for things okay I uh, I am appreciative of the fact that I get to do something that I love to do for a living And uh, that's not without consequence. So yeah, you're helping me out of fucking lot. I'm not I don't mean to downplay that But you know, I'm a vehicle, okay? I'm going to provide this service where and we accomplish the things that we want to accomplish together and Uh, and I'm gonna be the face that all the people you know I'm gonna be the I'm gonna be the the the the the the name in the newspapers Whatever, okay, and then you just you know, you you're out in the background you help me out Whether you're doing things behind the scenes or whether you're fork and over to cash And that's our division of labor and I and I appreciate that I do and I hope that you do as well And we'll keep on doing it every Friday at 9 30 PM US Eastern time in the radical agenda airs as it always does Mondays 9 30 PM US Eastern time when we do the surreal poll with the ex thing and of course Wednesdays We do that membership now pretty soon. I got a I still you know, because there's all this tech overhead and there's things that I got to get done to to get all the paywall stuff in order Um, I'm not gonna start doing like radical agenda paywall content right away Uh, new content, I should say like I'm gonna start publishing, you know, the archives the old stuff And that's gonna be that's gonna be your your Christopher Cantwell diet and at paywall content is gonna be over there But if you um, but I once I get some of this stuff straightened out and my tech overhead is reduced Then I'll start doing will start doing another show or something like that for members That is uncensored, okay, and I it's not lost on me ladies and gentlemen that you know that like um I'm doing the the the uncensored show is the free show and then you pay for it to get behind the paywall And then you're doing the fucking you know the tame product and like that's a it's counterintuitive right You get the fucking goddamn, you know The antenna cable the FCC regulated bullshit for free then you pay extra for HBO so that you can watch people have sex You don't have to do that anymore because they promote this nonsense on broadcast But you get the ideas that's what that the whole point of HBO You used to get to see boobs or whatever and people would say fuck and now they just do it everywhere But anyway, you know, we're gonna work it all out We're gonna work really hard to make you Inform them entertained and hopefully more successful than we've been to date But that's not a very high-bought to set now is it ladies and gentlemen So uh, you know what I just for the people who downloaded the video. Let me just say this I got home and get your fucking shot fuck you you fucking kikak suck a jume mother fucker How about you go fucking up vote the video five fucking people vote the fucking think down 35 people voted up There's a lot of you in the fucking chat. You don't fucking do the fucking thing. What the fuck is wrong with you Why don't you go home get your get your get your fucking shine box you fucking Yeah, that's what I fucking said okay, and all you fucking people who are like why isn't he shut down? Well, I'll tell you what okay This you know this this fucking people who are well in a fucking throw fucking money at me There's one of the people who are willing to hit that fire button if five of you show up Valvod the video will then fucking fuck you faggot. It doesn't fucking matter Come and fucking get me you fucking prick That's it. It's over then we organized the death squads for the people who wrecked America You know what do you call people you can't talk to enemies and if we want to divide our society into Arms pants of enmity all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing A radical agenda the event was turned into an opportunity for the left to push a racial and Implementing their radical agenda is the only thing they do about their bad But the one who here is ran their radical agenda down your throat This is great Americans. These are people that want to see great things that they got to you know they try and Build a life here A radical agenda. It's not a radical agenda. Let's go the second amendment You