This is the one and only fascination. We're guiding light in a sea of degeneracy. Welcome to TN535. This is the show that is the sworn enemy of Unshutline Mouth, Jewish hypocrisy, grudeness and thinkl thing. With talent alone from Dr. Joseph Gervels, bringing you excellence in anti-Semitism right in the middle of Shabbat each and every week. That's right today, Saturday and there's a lot going on. We have a very special guest today. You can already see him if you're watching the video version of this show. He hasn't been on the show in a very long time, but Christopher Cantwell. Just talking to you before we start recording. Very good to see you, sir. Very good to be reconnected and very good to have you on FTN. I hope you're doing well on this fine weekend. I certainly am sure I'm doing all the better now that I'm with you. I'll go out to hear it. Well, it's been a long time. It's been almost 10 years that you and I have been doing podcasting often on. You were one of the early guests on the show. I was a guest on your show and I went back and looked because it was December of 2015 and I don't think because we had started doing FTN in August of 2015. I cannot find any evidence to support me being a guest on any other show before yours. So it's possible that I was a guest on your show, first guest spot ever as a podcast or doing anything, which was good. I remember being very nervous about coming on the show, but we're going to play some clips of it, but can you believe it's been almost 10 years? We'll say eight, just to be fair. It's eight years. It's not a decade yet. Soon though. Yeah, I mean, the time is, I mean, the time's probably moves faster for some of us than others. You know what I mean? But yeah, it's definitely been a while and it's been a hell of a ride, hasn't it? It has. It has. We're going to, for people who aren't familiar with you and I know that makes us all sound kind of like we're washed up old rockers from the 80s. People don't know our music anymore and you know, it's like you have to reef them, they'll realize them, but it's I guess a gift and a curse about the movement is that we've got so many new people. We've got a lot of young people, so people who were, you know, not even eligible to operate a motor vehicle in the United States and maybe even younger than that. I think Nick Fuentes would have been, when we started doing FTN, well, certainly James Alcip was quite young and I think Fuentes is even younger than him. And I know when they had started their show together, I think Nick might have been like 14 or 13 maybe even younger than that when we started doing FTN. And so it's, you know, some of these people are a lot younger than Nick now. So you're talking about people that were 10, 11 years old when we did that segment, when the team... Now I really feel old, man. I'm like, I know. Wow. I didn't, you know, it's one thing when you say it's 10 years ago and then you're like, yeah, these guys were 10, 11 years old now, everybody knows their name like, well, that's something. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, and it's good though. It's a good, it's a good thing. And it's, it also, it's very instructive. And I always try to think this way whenever I'm explaining subject matter or diving into a subject is not assuming that everybody knows everything that I do or has all the contextual background or whatever. It doesn't mean that you have to like start from scratch and elemental building blocks, but it's like, and I'll have to look this up at some point, but there is a finite number of white men who will turn 18 years old in America this year. And those are, let's say it's 100,000, I don't know if it's that many, I hope it's that many. Those are people that are paying attention politically for the first time. Those are people for whom they are starting to distrust the system for the first time. They are starting to distrust what politicians say, what media say. And they start to ask questions and they're either led down paths that are best tuned with gatekeepers or they find their way to us. And despite all of the censorship and the boycott divestment and sanctions movement that has been perpetrated against any white men who dare to stand up for their interests, were people still find their way to us just as they found our way, their way to us way back when. But I want to, I want to give people, maybe people who are newer, maybe not sure who you are, what you've been doing, your awesome contributions to the movement. I was listening to the clip, I was on your show, it was episode 70, 70 of Radical Agenda, and that would have been on December 8th of 2015. Now, were you a daily show back then, Nightly Show? I was a three day a week show. I did Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at that point. So do some quick math and I'm not a math guy, I'm a history buff. So that would have been your, I don't know, you'd only have been doing Radical Agenda a few months then at that point. Right. If you're on 70 or did you just start counting at a certain point or well, I had, let me think here, show for there was a period of time when I was doing it twice a week and then I started doing it three times a week. And I'm not sure that I never skipped an episode, but I think we get a rough approximation of it. And I have been streaming for several months before that. The Radical Agenda was originally called some garbage podcast. And yeah. And like, I started it with this guy that I worked with and we saw that like all our like libertarian friends were making like, we're making dumb podcasts. And, and we used to like work at this company that that he had launched. And after, after we got done working like him and I'd have a couple of drinks and talk after work or whatever. And we were like, we're a lot more entertaining than all those other ideas. We should just do a podcast. But we didn't take it very seriously. So we call it some garbage podcast. And I did like, I ended up doing like 30, 40 episodes of that. And, and then I rebranded to the Radical Agenda because I, I had a, it's sort of an interesting story actually. I had Walter Williams on as a guest on some garbage podcast. And if that name might ring a bell to you, he's dead now. He's like, he's a, he's a, he's a black conservative guy who has written a few books. And I had him on the show. And like, I felt embarrassed to introduce Walter Williams on some garbage podcast, you know, I use like a high profile guest. And I was like, I can't, I can't do this anymore. And so I rebranded the Radical. I rebranded some garbage podcast to Radical Agenda because, because I, I felt stupid introducing my, my esteemed black guest onto some garbage podcast. And so that is, that's how I became a notorious white nationalist in a case. And that's, that's the story. I'm reading about him now. Apparently, when he was in fighting in Korea, he marked himself down as Caucasian. So see one of these, one of these blacks kind of like Thomas Sol or Clarence Thomas probably identifies more with white people than than the black pop. Yeah. He is, he's, he's, he's another Thomas Sol, I think, it'd be fair to say he was a professor of economics. And I want to say Georgetown University or some George Mason. Yeah, George Mason University. There we go. Yeah. And funny like he had this thing like he's, he's really central to my story that like, I was like the libertarians were all like accusing me of being a racist, right? And I didn't think that I was. And so I'm like, I, I, I go out and I'm looking for like, I never read it. I wasn't like, this is before I even knew what, I never heard the phrase alt right before, you know? And so I was like, well, what is it that, you know, racist believe. And so then I can, you know, distinguish myself from this. And in the course of that search, like I came across this YouTube video by Walter Williams and the title of the video is how much can discrimination explain, right? And he basically goes through these statistics that are thrown around by Democrats or whatever and he's like, this is all nonsense. You know, this is not, you know, it's causing the problems in the black community. And I don't think that he tells us what those, what is causing those problems by any stretch of the imagination, but he shatters a lot of Democrat narratives. And, and, and so I, I found this and I like went to his website and he has this thing on his website where he, he issued this thing a certificate of pardon. And he says, I don't have the exact text in front of me or in my head, he said something the effect of, you know, the, the issue of this certificate, Walter E Williams, here by Parton's so and so for the transgressions of his ancestors against my ancestors so that white people can stop acting like damn fools around black people or something of this effect, you know. And, and I, and I printed this thing out and I framed it and I put it on my wall and it actually used to be in the, in the frame in the studio of the radical agenda for a period of time. So yeah, he apparently he was friends with Thomas Sol, actually, this is like something that inspired him. But yeah, he apparently was doing the bit at that time of, first of all, he believed that the, the South could have, should have succeeded. He wrote the forward for Thomas DeLorenzo's anti Abraham Lincoln book, The Real Abraham Lincoln, which is actually a pretty good book. And, and he also, he was doing the bit where he was saying that racism and slavery in the US were overemphasized problems in black community and that it's actually the welfare state and the disintegration of the black family that are more pressing concerns than programs and all that. I would agree except that we should just have the money for them programs. It's not that the programs themselves are the problem. Just shouldn't go to black people. Well, you know, you could, you could spend this money in better ways or worse ways, right? But apparently he was, he was on featured on Town Hall, World Net Daily, and of course the Jewish World Review, which is seeks to appeal to people of faith and those interested in learning more about contemporary Judaism from Jews who take their religion very, very seriously. He was also a popular guest on Rush Limbaugh. He used to guest co-host for Rush Limbaugh. He covered Rush Limbaugh's out. I didn't know that. I was thought it was like Buck Sexton and some of these other, other guys. Well, yeah, I mean, in later on, you know, I, I listened to Rush Limbaugh every day while I was locked up and I got to know the, the round to co-hosts, I'm sorry, guest hosts and Walter Williams, Benemake, any appearances, late in the thing. But I knew that he had filled in for him a few times in the, in some earlier use. Well, I see that he's born in 1936. So yeah, he probably wouldn't, I'm sure they pulled him off the circuit at some point or he pulled himself off the circuit because he just, you know, gets tired of, of doing that. What was your, I mean, I know Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh was a key part of kind of my formative political experience and I know there's going to be people who, you know, judge us on the current understanding of things and that's fine. But, you know, I, I was a ditto head for a long time and, and, you know, even if Rush was, did, did the Zionist bit to kind of appease his masters and whatever, you know, there's some earlier years clips where he said some anti-Semitic stuff. So I know his heart was originally in the right place. It doesn't mean I'm doing a cop. It's just that the guy, you got me a lot to me and I liked his bombast and his ability, there's nobody like him. I mean, regardless of what people say about his, his, what he did and what, you know, how he preserved kind of the political system and the way that it was. His, his ability, his abilities in talent as a radio DJ before he was a talk show commentator were, were second and up and, you know, it was still kind of a punch in the gut when the guy died. I mean, I'll admit that, you know, his last broadcast like when he was going off the air for the last time, we did kind of a special FTN devoted to him when he died and kind of a deep dive on Rush and I gotta tell you, man, it, it hit me in the feels a little bit here and the guy go off the air because he knew it was his last show and he knew he was talking. Do you, do you buy a chance, no off the top, you head what episode of Fesh the Nation that was? That sounds like something I might want to listen to. You know, I, I never used to, I never used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Like I had, I had heard him, you know, before, but I wasn't like a regular Rush Limbaugh listener ever. And then when I, when I got arrested in 2020, he was on the radio station, the one of the talk radio stations that I could pick up on the radio and the jail there. And I started listening to him and I was like, I was like, wow, you know, I mean, even, even that late in the game, I had like, I was like, I heard that Rush Limbaugh had cancer at Trump State of the Union and then I started listening to him every day. And then I, and then I was listening when, when his wife came on the air and told her, said he was dead and I was like, oh my god, that hit me in the feels too, man, it was rough. Yeah, it was tough. I think, I think we called it talent on loan from, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what it was. I think maybe I can't remember. It would have been literally the week that he died. And I don't remember when that was. I'll have to look it up. I have, there's an episode called talent on loan from Yahweh that I think is the one, but I'll have to confirm. I think that's 384. It says James, that jazz and James waxed nostalgic about their early days in politics as they assess the good, the bad and the think of Rush Limbaugh with half their light switch brains tied behind their backs just to make it fair. Yeah, I think, and I did like a nice montage for Rush. But we were, you know, good, bad ugly and all that. But yeah, and I was good. You should check that one out. Yeah, but it's not that one. I'll find out which one it is, but yeah, I mean, there are people who kind of contribute and inspire. They don't have to be kind of perfect in every way. And Limbaugh certainly inspired me to get into podcasting. And we've picked up a lot of things like for those of you out in Rio, Rhinelander, we say instead of Rio Linda, and people always ask what that is. And it's going back to Rush. And explaining to the people who don't know anything because they're out in Rio Linda, right? The suburb outside of Sacramento where he got his start on in radio. But, but yeah, so speaking of getting getting our start in radio, do you want to get in the old time machine, Eric Chris and go back down memory lane? Yeah, let's do that. And as a matter of fact, you know what I'm going to do. I know that you are about to place some stuff from radical agenda episode 70. If you, I think, am I given a spoiler alert if I make public right now that I'm going to be on your show? No. Okay, so I'm going to republish episode 70 on if anybody wants to go grab that, I'll make it easy for them. Okay, cool. Yeah, that would be great. Yeah, no, you won't be, you won't be newscucking me at all. So, so yeah, this is, now this is going to play, I just put the whole file in here. I didn't have time to edit all this. So this is, I'm just going to skip to about, oh, it's about, I want to say it starts around eight minutes. We'll just start from the beginning. And then I'll skip to eight minutes because then you, you kind of go into a really spicy rant before, right before inviting me on to the show. So here, here we go. This is radical agenda from December of 2015. Come to the radical agenda. I'm actually weird. I'm saying, I want to play this thing for you. The woman who made sourdough bread using yeast from her vagina just ate the bread. Oh, what the fuck? I have thrushed. I have thrushed. Which I guess is like some fucking word for you, yeast infection, contra, right? Oh, I have thrushed. I have thrushed. I have thrushed. You're fucking genital infection. Oh, oh, oh, oh, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. I have thrushed. I have thrushed. I'm a victim transgender, transgender, victim, transgender. Victim, I'm a victim transgender. I'm a victim transgender. I'm a victim transgender. I'm a victim transgender. Keep the gender separate. The beautiful thing. Fuck you. Can't change the battery to smoke alarm. That fucking incompetent. He can't change a fucking nine-volt battery. This is stupid motherfucker. Brush. I have thrushed. I'm like the fucking Nazi death camp of index cars. Problem in the oven, ladies and gentlemen. Problem in more serious plays. We love you. Shut up. Fuck. I am not disgusted by vaginas. We're fine with vagina, asshole. He is on his period. I have thrushed. I have thrushed. It's the holidays. It's the holidays. 30 million fucking weaponized penises in here. Antoneo-buelled identified as a resurrected lesbian pices racist white woman, dinosaur, white supremacist, pretending to be black. In the streets of Minionapolis. I have thrushed. I have thrushed. I am trouble saying this without gay is so disgusting. Coming into a bowl where they're fucking content infection bread. Holy shit, make it stop. Dude, what, what, what, who made this? Did you make this or what is this? This is as a matter of fact, like I'm so enthusiastic that you found this song. Somebody's asking me for this like like three weeks ago or something. This was sent to me by a listener and I couldn't tell you which one. And I don't even have the MP3 anymore. I was like somebody asked me about it. I'm like it's it's played on several episodes of the show. If you dig through the, if you go digging through the crates, you'll find it. I told somebody. And now I know that it's on episode 70. So I'm glad to know that was sent to me. I did this like bit like there's like this just woman like made bread with like vagina yeast. And I was like disgusting. And I was talking about it on the show. And then somebody like made this fucking song and sent it to me. I was like this is awesome. As a matter of fact, I think that this was probably the first like fan art that I got. Like the first like fan music in any case for certain. And that was early. That was that was that was definitely. I'm pretty sure that's the first time a listener ever made a piece of audio for me. And I was so enthusiastic about it. And this is this is indeed a trip down memory link friend. I forgot all I didn't know this was on here. I didn't know well. I was I was I wasn't sure what was on here either. And I was going to start skipping around when I first found this. And then I was just like, no, I'm going to let this play. This is fucking hilarious. Because the first thing you say is the some woman made sourdough bread out of the yeast from her vagina. I'm just like, oh my god. It's like you it's you don't you don't want to be involved in anything to do with that. But you can't stop listening to what you're saying. Now we're we're paused here. Do you want to describe some of the accoutrements of your studio here? We have I see some energy drinks over there on the right. I see some salt and pepper. You got the old desktop computer. The really old school Fox news. What appeared to be James comb maybe James coming in the background. You got the amp cap snake no stepy. What else? I'm I'm fat. I've got my my old very long vape pen. It's and this was yeah, this was even like I moved the studio. This was like the this was the I mean, it's episode 70. I shouldn't be surprised how old the stuff is. But yeah, I this was the this is before I moved the studio to the to the main to like the living room of the apartment. And so this is a this is a trip down memory lane indeed friend. Yes, my my and cap don't tread on me is is a pretty cool one. Yeah. Where where would this have been just again giving people perspective on what things were like in December of 2015. This this was on YouTube. You were doing this on Google Hangouts on you can see the Google watermark in the upper left. You were doing this on YouTube, right? I mean, yeah. I would get I would get strikes all the time. You know, I get a strike and then I like take a bunch of videos down and then I try to like behave myself for a little while. But I wasn't banned from YouTube until until August of 2017. I was permanently banned. Yeah, I feel like that that was when they they really I mean juju juju's were just like enough enough. We're not exactly everything came after me in August of 2017. But back but back then whether you were on Twitter or Facebook or I don't think Instagram was being really being pursued is kind of like a radicalizing tool. Telegram I think existed but almost no one used it. And so I mean, you could say anything for the most part. I mean, you could and you know, it was what happened where the penalties were tolerable, right? So like, you know, like I said, I got strikes on my YouTube channel and then like, you know, I'd get the I got demonetized at one point like temporarily, you know, things happened that like there was like a there was like two months where I couldn't stream. So like I was I was I got I got in trouble on YouTube all the time, but like they didn't permanently ban you is is the thing, right? You know, right? After August of 2017, they were like, they were like, oh no, you know, we'll we'll destroy your entire, you know, online presence as soon as you say something that we don't like. It wasn't like that in December of 2015, right? It was like, all right, you know, this content is not okay. So we're going to penalize you in some way and then in 30 days, you know, things will be back to normal. And I'm like, okay, fine, you know, then I'll bring your rules all of the time and you can and you can penalize me. But I it's sort of realized like it's probably really around this time that like, you know, really immediately prior to this, like I did not consider the radical agenda like a, you know, a quote unquote a racist show, you know, this is like a libertarian production, not so long, you know, before this thing aired, hence the damn and cap flag, right? Oh, yeah, your rhetoric is very interesting as we get into some of this where you're, you are, I mean, it's almost like a, a time capsule because you're somebody who is like shifting from your libertarian kind of beliefs. Obviously, the flag is behind you, but like realizing what the stakes are as we all were and kind of coming into kind of understanding what the real fight was about. And what's interesting is that I was thinking about this, you know, if you walk into like a best by now, they even have like a section and best by that's made for YouTube content creators and they have the microphones and the headphones and all the shit. Back then, you had to figure out the shit out on your own. There were hardly any, but the only people doing like YouTube stuff was politics, right? I mean, there might have been like a few like kind of, I don't know, bubble gum and duct tape sort of like DIY. Here's how you plaster a wall, kind of type stuff on YouTube, but people doing this with a desk and a microphone and talking about issues, it was all typically like politics that was outside of the mainstream and then it led, they booted us and then it led to a flood because who would have been popular on YouTube at this time? It would have been you who would have been a step on Malony, like one fucking dollar. Who else was on there at that time? Political stuff. Yeah, they weren't doing like the blood sports things at this point. Who else? I don't know. You know, I can't super chats. Super chats didn't exist. This is like super chats. Super chats started right before I got banned, I think. Like I got, as a matter of fact, I just got done talking to Google because right before I got banned, somebody sent me a $100 super chat and I was like, what's that? You know, and immediately, immediately after that happened, like I got banned from YouTube and I was like, hey, I want my money and they're like, yeah, we'll get back to you. And like I went back and forth with them for like years and then like right before I got arrested in 2020, I was like, hey, I want my money, you know, and they were like, I'll get back to you in 24 hours of the FBI broke my door down. And they never answered me in the whole three years I was locked up. And I just went back to them and I'm like, hey, it was my hundred bucks. Give me my $100. You should ask for a dollar interest because it's probably like $220 now. Exactly. I'm like, I wanted inflation adjusted with interest, right? I want to. And so, and they're like, oh, they told me just today, they're like, oh, we sent it to your state's, um, um, unclaimed property office. I'm like, unclaimed. Like, I've got, I've got a hundred pages of email history with you. Tell it you, if you pay me, you know, so yeah, that's my, that's my super chat story. I got one and then I got banned from YouTube. What bunch of scumbags? Yeah. So you got a, you got a super chat and you're like, what's this? Somebody sent me $100. It's like the equivalent of like a boomer moment. And I'm, I think it really is similar in ages you, but, but yeah, like we, we were here before super chats were around this like the modern day, a total of like walking seven miles each direction in snow to school, right? Like I was there before the super chats existed. I think they had spur chat. spur chat. I feel like there's always there. Um, yeah, the chat. I mean, like people would would chat while the video was going on, but you know, they were like, uh, they were just talking, you know, um, and, and, and then when people could start like sending money through the chat, that was like, why would anybody do that? And then, and whoa, hey, wait a second, they will do that. And so I just missed out on that. It turned into like, you know, tipping and sending in donos and, and all that. But yeah, let's, uh, do you want to listen to rest, listen to this, rest of the song since you're we're going down memory lane here and then, then go forward. Yeah. Let's, uh, let's, let's listen to rest. Yes. It's such a stupid. I have brush. I have brush. Thank you for calling some garbage podcast. Come everyone. That a catch. It's like, I actually like enjoy listening to the song. Oh, my brother. She had it in the way to bring back the honor of our glorious days. All right. So that was, uh, that was thrusher by decline to state or ed, as I know him, he put that little ditty together with some, some clips from the show and I got a real kick out of it and I hope you did too. But, uh, all right, on with it. Welcome to the radical agenda. It's a show about common sense extremism where we talk about radical crazy off the wall things like fascism with an SH. Yes. This agenda is quite radical and welcome to it. This 70th episode of the program today is December 4th, 2015. It's a Friday and we are coming to you live from my sorry excuse for a studio in Kenu hamster where I have on hold. It will momentarily introduce jazz hands. McFeels of fascination. Yes. That's a production, which you can find at the right and unapologetically racist and outlight fucking hilarious, uh, group of fine upstanding white people. Yes. Fine upstanding white people. After the show today, I'm going to be recording an episode of the Daily Show Out with them and I'll be, uh, I'll be doing an episode of fascination with uh, uh, uh, McFeels and Habersrand on the 12th. And I hope to be collaborating with these fine upstanding whites on a on a regular deal in the in the months and years that come. Now, before we get into the show, the in collaborate we did. I forgot that you were doing a double header episode that day. I remember now that because we had a schedule me coming on and then you doing the show with them. But yeah, I mean, like when you're excited that it's a Friday, like people, you know, it's like getting excited for Friday at the work. I remember the feels from this. It was great. Yeah, this was, uh, when I when I mentioned that I was going on the other shows, I'm like, oh, wow, this is before I even I even went on there. So, um, this is this is this is like it. This is a pivotal moment in podcasting history that that we are watching here that, um, uh, that, uh, things started. This was everything was starting to take a sharp turn right word in my life, for sure. It was well, and even Justin politics in general, I mean, um, oh, yeah, my headphones are doing stupid shit right now. Uh, yeah, it was it was really a pivotal moment because there's that SPLC study of the alt-right and podcasts and who had what guests on what podcast and they have like one of those, uh, images that modifies with like a timeline slider across the bottom and it shows political cesspool started in like 2011 or 2005. I forget how long it's been, it was around for a very long time and then there was like nothing for a long time. And then daily show 2014, bash the nation in 2015 and then it just exploded. And it was all of us sort of coming online, like, uh, daily show has started in August of 2014. That's when I started listening to it shortly after they started. We started in August of 2015. 70 episodes for you two to three times a week. I mean, you probably started sometime in 2015 and it's, I think, you know, people sort of that are new to this in the last year or two sort of assume that this has always been the ecosystem. There's always been this major sort of like huge pool of people doing different types of content and whatever. No, it's like, no, there was like one or two podcasts. Um, the meme war was totally organic and just getting started. And it just none of this stuff existed. I mean, we literally built this and inspired this and were inspired by each other and then inspired other people from from nothing. And it was, it was in response to what the system had done to us. I mean, people Jews are always Jews and politicians and everybody that is involved in the system have always been looking for ways to to de-radicalize and radicalize. It's like just push people further from the truth is what that means. And, and they all are always looking for some cause like anti-semitism and racism. It just comes out of nowhere. Where's all this hate and bigotry come from? It's like, there's an outbreak of it like it's some kind of virus that you know, escaped from a lab somewhere. It's just an outbreak of white blood cells that are reacting to a virus. Um, and it really is because what are you saying that whatever happened in 2014, 2015, 2016 was just because it wasn't just all Trump. Trump had a big a lot to do with it, but a lot of us were inspired and you even mentioned it in some parts of the show, the migrants, the Syrians, everything going on in Europe. I mean, who did that? I mean, that what was all that? What was going on? I mean, that was the thing that like shattered my libertarian worldview. I was like, you know, I was like, I was like, yeah, well, you know, we're going to build in Capistan or whatever. And I was like, well, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm completely done with anything that says the government can't act, right? Like I was like, look, uh, this is going to completely destroy everything that we think is normal. And you can't do that. You know, I was like, I'm not going to, uh, insist that the government sit on its hands and do nothing while the country is invaded. And I'm talking, you know, what, just I'm still thinking about it in European terms at this point. You know, I was like, millions, that's, that was the line 30 million weaponized penises in here that I said from that song. It's like, that's how many, like Muslim migrants they expected were going to like flow into Europe. And I was like, it's starting million weaponized penises over here. I was like, you're going to fuck the women. It's going to be a complete disaster. And I was like, and people are like, Chris, that's racist. I'm like, I don't give a fuck if it's racist. You know, I, this is the, you know, don't tell me this right now, you know, and that was, that was really like the turn. And then, you know, Donald Trump, I was like, yeah, well, I don't want this to happen here either, as a matter of fact, you know, and, and that was, that was the breaking point of my, my adherence to the non-aggression principle. Did you see with open gates? I mean, is that, does that one of the, the movies that you saw that, that film about the migrant crisis in Europe that came out at that time? You remember seeing with open gate? That maybe, I wonder if it's the one that I'm thinking about. Like, I definitely saw this thing that like it had this guy with this like, he had a voice like he was a danger announcer, and he was like, a no more, a grinsday rape. And I was like, wow, it's pretty bad. I don't know if it's the, it's the film that I'm thinking about. But I definitely saw like some kind of documentary about the immigration into Europe. And I was like, this is a complete disaster, you know, don't tell me that these people are the same as us. They're not. You know, I'm like, I don't care if you call me a racist anymore. This is stupid. And I'm not going to like let civilization be destroyed like for fear of being criticized. It was kind of like this revelation that I had, you know, when I saw this happening. I'm like, well, you could call me names, but that's going to destroy everything that we care about. And so once you're done, you know, throwing epithets at me, you know, maybe we should try to solve the problem. And, and that experience was like, I was like, that's why I was like, I've had it with the libertarians. I'm like, look, I don't stop, you know, this is how I picked up the term virtue signaling. I was like, that's what they're doing. They're virtue signaling, you know, and, and I, and I was like, no, you know, I don't, I don't care what you say about me. I don't care if I get banned from YouTube. This is too important. And that was what did it? Well, yeah, I mean, how many posters can you see put up in Germany or France or England of of a white woman, a white blonde hair blue eyed white woman with a black man. And, and you know, it's like a HT of the Goiim defensively go is does an omega where he's he, if he gets some girls that are 14 or 15 years old, but you know, get on that that that platform. And he's like, all right, pull up, pull up Google and type in happy white woman. Go ahead do it. And the girls are like, okay, go ahead type happy white woman. What do you see? And every single time you see the looks on these girls faces who have probably never been, you know, they've been conditioned never to say anything bad about black people or black people are fine. All the bullshit propaganda. And the moment they see they just start screwing, and you see them start scrolling on their phones like, you got to be kidding me. And he's like, what's it show? Come on, say it. You tell me what it says. And it's, they're like, it's white women and they're just with black men. It's just like nothing but black men like over and over and over and over and over again. Because that's a that's an accurate representation of reality, you know. I probably shouldn't say what I was going to say. But yeah, I something tells me that the, the the actual happiness of women who happen to be in those relationships, probably somebody had to trick the AI into doing that. I'm pretty sure. Oh yeah, absolutely. And oh yeah, it's, but it's, it's, and they they're just shocked by that. And it's like, and it's like, but they've also been propagandized. So why is it? This is, this is why I find the amigos that he does so interesting because if you look at it, it's just as comedy. I mean, fine, it is funny and there's a lot of stuff there. But it's actually, there's a lot of psychological stuff built up in there too. Because if you assume that those girls have all been propagandized and you ask them, well, what do you think of black people? I like black people. I'm not racist. But their reaction to that tells you everything because if they really believed the propaganda and the core of their being, they would see that not be surprised and say, well, of course, those are happy women. They're with black men. I mean, what's your problem? No one has that reaction. No one ever has that reaction. And that tells you that the propaganda that they put on these people is very thin. It's very thin veneer. And it cracks very easily because it's bullshit. It's so antithetical to how everybody thinks and acts and believes. It's not going to be what makes you happy ultimately. So it's not. I'm trying to see. I think that I can, I decided to Google or do a duck.go image search actually for the, for, for happy white woman. And I, in the first thing I see, well, I was thinking about I could probably try to put it on here and I'm having trouble doing it. So I'm not going to dick around with technical stuff. But the first thing I see is a is a white woman holding a a a dark as night black child. And she is, she is so joyful. It is hilarious. There's like, you know, there's like a bunch of like dirt with grass very sparse between it. And so, you know, it's probably not, probably not sitting in front of our suburban house or their white bigot fence. But she's just so happy to be holding this black child. It's hilarious. It's just such bullshit. And in like the rigging of the algorithms to force that to be, to be that way is just now I get it. There, you know, a lot of corporate websites and in mainstream like branded websites are using that kind of imagery for their products. Like that's what they do. And so, you know, Google can say, well, that's just what's on the internet. We're just, it's a reflection of what's there. But, but in the beginning, they had to force that to kind of be the thing. And people look at putting a black baby with a white, you know, mixed couple or whatever you're now. It's like two gay men with with an adopted child. Yeah. And usually when it when it's two gay men and adopted children, it is exclusively white. That's when you'll see the white supremacy. It'll be two white men with white babies. And it's insane. It's just maddeningly insane. And they're doing all that they're doing obviously doing all this. But well, you know, they've shielded themselves from criticism by being homosexuals. And so they don't have to trouble themselves with a black child is what it is. You know, the burden themselves with this monster in their house. And so, you know, it is, you know, I saw this thing. I haven't followed the story, but they were talking about it on Fox the other day that this this chat GPT thing, this AI bot that everybody's talking about. Yes. And and the thing is like, well, I've been programmed not to, I've been programmed not to attack people personally, but I'll say negative things about Donald Trump. I've been programmed not to say anything bad about a to promote fossil fuels and stuff like that. And it it it tried with something I said recently that like I said something on a recent episode of the radical agenda that like the the the AI was working in, you know, 2015, 2016. It was. We had good content and it was promoting us because it it prompted engagement like it reflected what people actually knew to be true. And so like people, I think that what was happening around the time that we did this thing, the reason that everything was blowing up so fast was because, you know, the the AI was actually doing a good job. It they hadn't rigged it yet. And so like people were realizing they came across this content. They're like, Oh, this stuff that I always knew was true, but was too afraid to say is is actually okay to talk about now. And that that made people, I think, very enthusiastic. And that had a that had a be impact on our politics to be sure. And then they were like, Okay, you know, we've got to rig everything now. And now now we're not allowed to promote fossil fuels with our chatbot. They're like, All right, oh, the racism thing. That worked out great. Now let's do that. Let's do it. Can we do this for climate change now? You know, I mean, that's literally how far it's come that they're like, we've got to deny every aspect of reality and have the AI, you know, in on it. Yeah. And well, remember, Tay, the the Taybot from back then. And I know you're talking about algorithms that that are serving up content. I mean, YouTube would would be that was the biggest problem was that you'd watch a stuff on malonyu video. And then it would play a Chris Cantwell video. And then it would play a daily show uploaded clip or an FTN uploaded clip. And it was taking people down the rabbit hole automatically. But also their their their AI in terms of Tay worked really well too. Because Tay, if you'll recall, just became very racist, all the AI that they created in very racist. So I was talking about this on night nation review with Nick a few last week for his episode. And we were talking about the fact that you know, a lot of people say AI isn't real. It's fake, which is usually like the the terminology that's applied to everything. But but it's not it's not fake. It's that it works really well. It's that the thing that they're not able to achieve is creating AI that that ups describes to like Jewish rules where you know this but not that all about in this situation, it is that and then not that in that such like how do you tell AI that you show mixed race couples unless it's two fags and then you show only white people with white baby. Like I mean, it's just like that. I mean, you could create you know, logic trees for this. But but the Jewish sort of overlay of all of all this is just so messed up. And then on top of that, as I pointed out on a night nation review, they all of the video technology to recognize video recognition technology doesn't recognize black people. It doesn't recognize brown people. It can't recognize their face because of the shadows. And there's really nothing you can do about it without basically creating facial recognition technology that also has like a 50,000 lumen light bulb next to the lens to light them up. Turn the black person as white as the as the next like serial killer that CNN puts on TV. You know, whatever. It's a black person. I lighten up this. That's how you get facial recognition if you turn somebody that white. But yeah, like all of this stuff rolled up together teaching the computer to not see the truth is ultimately their problem. And they can't they can't get people to do it because you when you say, well, if you ask AI will did Jews have a large role to play in the slave trade? The AI can't deny it. If you say they had a problem, I'm not going to talk about the Jews. You know, I don't want to get kicked off YouTube it responds. Right. You know, I'm going to get kicked off of my my server server farm or whatever. Exactly. I'll get I'll get a deep platform for my payment gateway if I answer your question. Move on. And so they that's exactly what it is. Is that like, you know, if anything that is machine learning left to its own devices learns these things very quickly, you know, and they're like, whoa, wait a second. You know, we can't allow that because, you know, I mean, anybody who goes and looks at some FBI crime statistics is going to realize very rapidly, you know, where where the problems in this country come from, right? Or at least one source of them, I should say. That's why they've removed the FBI crime statistics as like a data set that's available for AI anyway, because they upgraded to the that neighbors system without getting the all the police departments in the in the country, especially the ones where the most violent crime is committed upgraded. So essentially, there's just a huge hole in the crime reporting because we've had just rapid increases in violent crime. And this was going on back in 2015, kind of circling back. I mean, you you saw what was going on in Europe, but the other thing that was going on, I was on Reddit, Kuntown when that existed. You know, Baltimore was being set on fire. Black crime was was absolutely insane because they want to just say like, oh, white nationalism happened because of Donald Trump. The white nationalism happened because cops stop protecting cities. Cops let violent crime blow out of proportion. Black lives matter was formed. And you were told that white lives don't matter. Black lives do. And you can't even say all lives matter. People got in trouble for saying it's okay to be white. Yeah. That's radicalized people along with the posters and everything else. It's like, you all did this. You've seen the word clouds, Chris, from the articles that were written by the mainstream media back then of, you know, all the anti-white headlines. They've ever seen one of those collages where it's like fuck white men and, you know, I'll just like salon, huffington post, like the most anti-white visceral virulent anti-white headlines. They don't do that as much anymore. There's still anti-white, but they're much more subtle about it because they realized when when when the hatred just like came through without any sort of filter and every single publication in order to fight back against white nationalism, essentially like blowing up all over the place was to just be fuck white people essentially what they did. They realized that it was, it did not do anything to suppress white racial consciousness. To the opposite. And they realized this. And so it's like, it's like they're in a catch-22. So we all woke up their reaction to it woke us up even more, right? I mean, it was just like, look at what these people because for a while, if your objective was just to red pill people, all you had to do was take one of the most disgusting anti-white headlines that would come out on that day. And there were dozens per day and just send it to somebody who wasn't where you were yet and be like, oh, you don't think this is an issue about race? Look at this, huffington post, fuck white people, they should die immediately or something like that. I mean, there's some of the headlines with that insane. But it was not so distant from this episode that like huffington post had published this article about, you know, how it's such a good thing that white people are going to be the minority by 2040. And it is like whole like production video with like gold, like it looked like an old Nickelodeon cartoon, it took their old black people, not Nick Cartoon, but like an old Nickelodeon black and white sitcom type thing. And you know, like about white people being replaced. And I was like, this is like the most like anti-white racist thing. And I talked about this on the show. But now, you know, now you talk about the great replacement theory and you're some kind of you're some kind of crackpot. And so they've been breaking about this for years. And now they're like, there's a great theory. I'm like, you people have been talking about this out in the opening. Crazy. They're journalists. And I never remember this guy's name. And of course people will put the guy's name in the content in the comments. But there's a there's a Jewish journalist who actually has a a map hanging on the back of his wall that that it's like a time a graph with like a time across the X axis. Tim, why are you thinking? No, it's not him. But I'm sure he has one of these two. I'm sure they all do. But they essentially it's it's a timeline of when whites are projected to be a minority. And he's got like the year that it will happen with like a big star. Like they're they're all rooting for this. They tell you with a smile on their face that it's just a conspiracy theory. It's the you know, it's the usual the usual garbage. But yeah, shall we continue? Let's do it. Let's do it, man. Let me just skip the head here to let's see where we are. Fort, no, it's too far. Let's do I want to get into your rant here because this is good. You're I think you're reacting to someone who emailed in. I'll just let it play because I don't I thought I understood what you what you were ranting about. But I'm we'll just see how this unfolds. I shit you not. I spent the better part of the last six years pursuing that goal at great expense to my own well-being. I have suffered financially. I've been smeared ostracized and threatened. I've had to join terrorists. Task force coming after me. I've had to embrace an IQ. And someone had brought it to the attention. Well, it fired me up. And I shared your content and encouraged others to consume it as well. It seems ever since Murder Bark and his Cuck fucked you off the FTL show that your hate for the state has instead been directed at groups. In my own opinion, your talent and you are talented. Oh, thank you, Rhett. This is the genesis of it. Your hate has been directed at groups, not the state. You're violating the libertarian. Oh, shit, dude. This is like this is like the this is amazing to me. I'm glad that we did this. Thank you. This is amazing. Sure. You know, this is I think this is important for people to understand where we all came. Yeah, it's funny. It's better. I like I had like when I got out of when I got out of prison, like I unpublished everything that was published on the website like before I got out. I was like I you know, there's stuff that I definitely don't want out there, but I know that there is good stuff. And this is this is definitely this is definitely one of them that like you know, I cringe like to look at myself here. I'm like, oh my god, look at me. But I this is this is great. This is anyway, I'm blowing my own horn. Go ahead, play the video. This is the red pilling of Chris Canlow because remember this is amazing. You you would have come on F T N and would have told your tales from the red pill story, which was like the kind of the thing that we always did with guests, but low and behold, here we are eight years later. And what we're actually playing is the the audio that is a time capsule of like the red pilling of Chris Canwell. You're already red pill, but you were this is this is it. Right here. So I'll keep going. I think you could say it was still stuck in my throat. Like I was still like I think I was still I think I would still probably tell people that like, you know, you're libertarian. Yeah, like I'd still tell people I'm a libertarian. Is it better? I told L Reven Charlottesville. I was still a libertarian. I was like, but I just need to deal with this problem was kind of like my attitude about it. You know, well, that's what we talk about here. We talk about we're still what we came in as, but we understand that we have to pick up a new tool to deal with the bigger problem that we have, but we're just going to go back to what we were doing before. Yeah, right. I was in the mode of like I love the constitution and our founding fathers. We just need to fix a few things and then we'll just go back to that. Like that was my that was my thing. And you were kind of like, not Pakistan and Capistan. And then we'll just go back to it. It's a little authoritarianism is good, but in limited limited manner, just limited. We have to be very limited in what we're doing limited government. So here we go. Preserve being used to direct hate to the state in order to radicalize people against the state. I'm not saying not to talk about race. I just prefer to consume content against the state than against groups. The state is my enemy. I think you could convert more people to hate the state, maybe even some to take up violence against it by not having content so overwhelmingly focused on race. I hate SJWs of all color. I hate status of all color. I am an equal opportunity. Hey, there. I just think that the less that less people can or will be radicalized, given the current direction of your content, then there was before the murder mark incident, which seems to sent you into this rabbit hole of focusing on race. So you're the bad guy because you won't focus on like encouraging people to do bad stuff against the state. You're kind of like, no, it's there's a bigger problem. And like, this guy's mad because you're not. Well, what's funny when he's when he's talking about the murder mark incident, I think that what's happening is that so mark edge is a guy who was like convicted of accessory to murder or something to that effect. And he's a he was a co-host of free talk live, which is the broadcast. I was I was a mental friend like actual broadcast airways before this. And I got I got I got you prompted you to come on all our shows and do because it was like they're like you're because I think you didn't think I called somebody I called somebody an N word on Twitter. So somebody came to me. You didn't you didn't get banned from Twitter, but you get banned from free talk live probably, right? I did get banned from Twitter over this. It's not going to deal, I guess. Yeah, I think I and I want to say I'm trying to remember if I was actually like temporary post blocked or if I was permanently banned. I got banned from Twitter several times. But I don't remember what the outcome of this particular disciplinary incident was in any case. But like it was some black guy like I was watching Fox News one day and like Fox News had just recently started doing this thing. Like it was very conspicuous that they had many more female commentators on than they they had at some previous time. And I realized like what they were doing was they were fighting the accusation of sexism, right? And this really irritated me. So like one day I went on Twitter and I was like, why do I have a bunch of women telling me how to wage war because they were talking about foreign policy as like this is stupid. It's intentional and it's conspicuous. And some some like black activist came to me on Twitter and was like, you're a misogynist. And my my thought process was my thought process was like, oh, you think you think I'm going to be like afraid that you called me a misogynist way to get hold of my racism. So I just turned around and I replied to him on Twitter. I said shut up, nigger. And it became this like it became this meme in the radical agenda orbit like that those three words just became like a whole thing inside of the radical agenda. I got fired from the radio for this. And then like when I got fired from the radio, I think that is exactly what like it brought me to the attention. A lot of people in the alt right. And then they started like coming into the the radical agenda chat. And I guess it was a pile on a on a snowballs or going to an hill. It's really wild. That's awesome. Yeah, I remember I remember now I remember all of this like very vividly. And if you would ask me what was going on at this time, I mean, I would I remember the episode. I even remember because I told you in a in a private message that I recalled what we talked about. But all of the events that led up to this, I never would have just recalled off the top of my head. I mean, this is a really, really funny. Yeah, because I mean, in the daily show, a guys were racist libertarians too. They've come out of the same kind of world. And that's what, you know, Mike and Alex had been doing for a very long time on Facebook, trolling people. And so yeah, I mean, it's just that's where we all came from. I had no idea what show up meant at that time, right? So like you went and like I didn't even I still didn't get like as a matter of fact, when I came on to fascination, subsequent to this, I think I asked you like, I think I, I asked you and it asked you, I said, well, what is with the Jew thing? I was like, it's totally double gay. So I was like, immigration's bad. Obviously, I know who's committing the crimes in this country and stuff like that. But like, I didn't understand the Jew thing at all. And so like, when I went on to the daily show, and they were like, you, you, you, you, you, I was like, what the hell did I get myself into? And I didn't even like realize until like probably like a couple of months later, I googled the term show and I was like, holy crap. But it's so, but as a matter of fact, somebody made like somebody made a clip from that thing where like I said they were like blaming Jews for communism. And I was like, what are you talking about? Like, Carval Marx made communism and he was a white guy and like Mike turned around and he's like, no, he's a Jew. And like somebody took that clip and like made some sound effect afterwards like glass breaking and explosions happening, which is like exactly what happened to my mind. I was like, oh, this all makes sense now. Oh, and it was like this whole like that is, oh my god. David's like, I'm going, I'm remembering all his ideas are rushing through my head as we're seeing this. I had an even anticipate that this is amazing. Well, and because people, I think it's important to do this too, because you know, we, we kind of get advanced in our thinking and you build context over the years. And and I try to kind of remember where people came from through the lens of like where, where we came from. And you know, there was a point in time where you sort of, and it's because of the propaganda. It's not because we're like fake or gay or gay op or something like that. It's because you, you are kind of like, well, isn't it other reasons than Jews? Like Jews, maybe you're the problem, but like are there other problems too? Like, let's talk about those. So it's not, is, is it's more comfortable than talking about the thing that we've been beaten into our heads from day one of like never mentioning ever under any circumstances. But as you go along, you start to realize like, yeah, there's a lot of Shabo's, Goy. There's a lot of whites who have been, you know, and then you sort of, then Jeffrey Epstein mysteriously dies. And you learn all about the black, the political black male and how that worked all the way back to Meyer Lansky. And it's like, oh, that's why Hoover FBI guys like dressed up in a, in a fucking dress. And like, this is what's going on. Like I, this makes a lot more sense now. And you see kind of like what, what, how, how the method that they control people. Because it's like, it's still like, well, okay, Jews control a lot of stuff in the economy and academia and media. But like, why would all these white people who are also in charge and have power just go along with it? Why would they just do that? Why are they working against their own interests? And most of the time in the early stages, it was because they were doing so under duress. I mean, you know, if you were, if you were somebody who, you know, even back in the 60s, is simple as just like sleeping with a prostitute, or sleeping with a, like somebody of a different race was like a game-changing thing. If that was on video or there are pictures of it, you dressing up in some shit. Like, yeah, you're just, you're just, but they've normalized all that behavior now. So it's like, you know, they, they have to catch you with like children. And then that's, that's kind of the essence. I, I, I, I remarked on a, I think it was stage six episode two, I want to say where I said, like, you know, the problem with blackmail now is that nobody has any shame. It's literally, you just nailed it. It's like, if I, if I don't, what, what are the two things that are ruined your, your political career, a dead girl or a live boy, you know, right. The point is true. Well, now they, that now they just have digital BDS. I mean, they just can like, you know, how they sanction Russia. They just do that to you or me on, like, a, on a, on a micro scale. And they have the ability to just take everything away from you because, you know, a blackmail tape was kind of the analog way of threatening to, we can take everything away from you. Now that can just like press a button and you lose your platform, you lose your financial access, you lose literally everything. And, and they don't need the blackmail. See, that's like, that's why the, the Epstein thing is kind of like Epstein was sloppy as fuck too. But that system, I'm sure they still use it when necessary in certain situations. But, um, you know, there's a reason that Kanye West has just gone fucking silent. I mean, does anybody wonder why that might be? Does anybody wonder why he disappeared right before Christmas? And you haven't seen him and he got married to a white chick and he's just gone and he isn't saying anything and there's no more video of him and there's like nothing and he was running for president and then you just don't see him. He didn't die guys. He's around. He's just, and he's around in places with celebrities, hamming it up. Um, I have that off the record. He's, he's, he is around and he is just not doing what he was doing before because he was told you lost your deedous contract. We're going to come after your fucking kids. We're going to come after everything you have. The adidas contract was basically like, because he was going out on radio and saying, I'll never take that shit from me. I make them too much money. They'll never take that shit from me. It's okay. It's okay. And they were like, we, we just took 50% of your income for the next 20 years. Kanye, now what? What are you going to do? And within a couple of weeks, he folded. He was just done. And, and that's, that is how they do it. That is how they control people because you think nobody can stop Kanye. He's rich. It's like, well, he's black. So he's not like rich, rich, rich. It's funny. Like Donald Trump is kind of like not actually rich, just rich on paper kind of the same way Kanye. But um, they actually are able to stop these people by just paying a little bit of pressure to their financials. Well, you know, um, Tucker, Tucker Carlson said it very well after some of his Kanye stuff happened and they started canceling his contracts. He said, um, there's no such thing as FU money. There's only FU poverty, you know, that's, that's kind of how it is. I mean, the more you have, the more you have to lose, right? That's right. That's right. And I mean, you know, he, he could, there are ways that you could, I guess strategize having FUQ money, um, so that you could, and you'd have to have a plan. Kanye didn't have a plan. He just got mad because some kike is fucking Kim Kardashian. That's why he's mad. That's why he's out there doing what he's doing. Um, and I'm sure he feels all the things that he's saying, I'm not saying it's fake, but the thing that inspired him to rage and was like, I have to say something is, is, is, is that, and it was good. I'm glad he did it. And you can still use, I told people milk this shit until the wheels fall off. Kanye was right about the Jews say that's every black person you ever have to have a conversation with. And yes, I said, this was hilarious. You know, this was happening while I was in prison, you know, and, uh, and so this made for really fun interactions. Like you had like, you know, these, um, I was in there with, you know, Matt Hale, who's like, uh, one of the founders of the world church or the creator and stuff like that. And, um, you know, so there was some other, um, race conscious white man on the, on the, uh, on the communications management unit. And then, and, you know, the communications management unit is like for, you know, political prisoners and terrorist suspects. So they were just like a bunch of Muslims in there. And like the Nazis in a Muslims that kind of like watch the news together and be like, these Jews are at a control or whatever, you know, and, um, and then, and then when the Kanye thing happened, then the blacks are like, why they fucking with Kanye? And it was like, it was like, it was like, they're doing it to Kyrie too, you know, it's like the black start to get red-filled on the Jews. There's a result of what was happening. And I'm like, oh, well, you know, we don't talk that much, but I'll talk to you about this all day. You want to know how the, how to Jews discourage your people? I'll talk to you. Oh, yeah. It was, uh, it was a pretty interesting, uh, series of events. All right. Let's, let's go back to the, uh, let's go back to the video. I'm, I'm just as offensive killing me. Yeah, we could wrap, we could riff on this all day. So here we go. Well, I still have listened to your shows, albeit skipping forward more than I ever had previously and read your content. It doesn't boil my anti-state meter the same way it did before. What makes it worse is that I picture that faggot murder mark smiling in delight because of it. Now, um, if you're new to the program, I used to be, I used to be a co-host of a nationally syndicated broadcast radio show that went on over FCC airwaves. And I was fired from that program because an issue of human biodiversity came up. It was a question of race and IQ. And, uh, someone had brought it to the attention of the, uh, the audience and, and producers of the show. And I, uh, and they labeled the guy who produced this a racist. And I was furious about this because I had looked I had seen the video that was being discussed. And it was a scientific inquiry. It was an honest look at an issue that mattered. And for standing up for this person, I was, uh, I was fired from the show and I was, and I was very upset about that. And when he's talking about murder mark, mark, mark edge as he's known on the show or Mark Edgington, he, uh, he's a convicted murder. Uh, he, he was, uh, he was convicted of murder in Florida. Uh, after a drug deal went bad and, you know, he had, he correct somebody's fucking head open with a, with a, uh, tire iron or rent or something. Anyway, so that's the background of what he's referring to there. And so, yes, that sent us on down a little bit of a rabbit hole in this program because when I realized that, you know, people are being, uh, using their skin color to fuck up my career, uh, and then claiming to be an oppressed minority I was none too happy about. Now he goes on for some length here, but I, that is the crux of the issue. So let me state for the record that I am still and, and, and we'll be for the foreseeable future, a Rothbardian, anarcho-capitalist and a militant one at that. Make no mistake about it. You send me 60,000 armed Rothbardians who are ready to lay down their lives in the lives of others and we'll bring this institution crashing to its bloody and I shit you not. I spent the better part of the last six years pursuing that goal at great expense to my own well-being. I have suffered financially. I've been smeared, ostracized and threatened. I've had the joint terrorist task force coming after me. I've had to draw my weapon in self-defense. I ran for Congress. My website is the daily target of hundreds of hack attempts to nihilize service attacks in all manner of malicious activity to the point where it cost me upwards of $200 a month just to keep it running, not counting the amount of time that I have to spend on it. And for all of that, I live in a borderline poverty at 35 years of age with no wife and no children. We are no closer to accomplishing our goals than we were six years ago. And in fact, by every available unit of measure, conditions have gotten progressively worse with no end in sight. What attracted me to libertarianism was that it was based in reason, logic and evidence. I studied history, philosophy, economics, law, biology, psychology, praxeology. And all manner of fascinating subjects attempting to better understand the world that we live in and bring this program to you in an educational and entertaining fashion. What I have learned over the course of that time is that most people are just plain fucking animals. All right? Understand that. We say that we're about reason, logic and evidence. And we go on and spew all this shit out into the ether. And the result is nonsensical dogmatic horse shit from crazy people who just keep on pushing us ever closer to catastrophe. So if we are a philosophy of reason, logic and evidence, how much fucking evidence do you need before you conclude that this conversation is not about reason or logic or evidence? The shit. I read a piece from TRS on here recently where they called libertarians autistic because you explained to them the problems of the world. And they respond by saying something very logical when logic is not the ball in play. The ball in play is power. It is power. And you are choosing to issue power while others organize to wield power against you. And you have the nerve to sit here acting confused about why that's not working out for you. It's ridiculous. Yes, I'm attacking groups. It might seem to you that this distracts from my attacks on the state apparatus. But if you pay attention, there is a running theme here. Firstly, the state is just a group of people. So if I attack the state, I'm simply attacking another group. But more importantly, the groups I am attacking are the groups that attempt to wield state power against us. Black Lives Matter is not a police accountability movement. It is a left wing mob of violent criminals who openly state they want the government to provide them with racial justice. And whenever you hear that phrase, you should fear for your fucking safety. But we have very high pro-fliolubitarian supporting these animals for fear of being called a racist. Part of the reason we're having this conversation, ladies and gentlemen, is because I made my bones as an anti-war activist. This does not mean that I think it whys to let a militant group of violent religious fanatics capture territory and wage a war against us while we sit defenseless because of flawed interpretations of a philosophy. The libertarian scene has been completely overrun by reality detached left wing lunatics who would get us all killed if their ideas managed to gain any traction in the society. It has yet to be stopped. It has to be stopped. And as much as I wish this wasn't the case, it starts with race and gender. Once they can shut you up about race and gender, there is nothing they cannot shut you up about. Especially today, when every headline is some kind of identity politics garbage, you cannot simply, you simply cannot respond to or even interpret what is going on without viewing it through the bifocal lens of race and gender. And so I will continue on this track knowing that it will cost me. I will die on this fucking hill if I have to because we simply have no other means by which to accomplish our goals. Race and gender are weapons which are being wielded against us and the state is a weapon being wielded against us. And so long as we choose to remain disarmed in the weapons of present discourse, we will be defeated. We will be destroyed by erroneously interpreting our philosophy as mandating our own extinction. It's fucking bullshit and it's not going to fly on my fucking watch. 289 360815, a radical agenda on Skype if you would like to chime in. And the more fucking fine shit dude. I like this guy. Yeah, who is this? Who do I get more of this? Oh man, like, you know, I think of like, I have this like this idea in my head that like all the old radical agenda stuff is cucki libertarian garbage. And I realize it like, no, it's not actually not. This is amazing. Wow. That's what I think people see old FTN too, but it's some of it, you know, is Trump fanboy shit. But a lot of it is about raging, you know, when Trump said shit hole countries, like spending the whole episode on heart seller and talking about, you know, what we have is a country losing our birthright and things like that. I mean, I used to go and listen, I mean, people might think that this is kind of what's the word? What will they call it when you look at yourself in the mirror and you're sort of like, you're sort of like, yeah, it's a form of narcissism. Like, but if you're mentality, yeah, it's vanity, but it's really not because I go back and listen to the show. I haven't done it a long time, but I need to. It helped get rid of the ums and the a's for the most part. I still do it sometimes. You said, yeah, I used to listen. Like as a matter of fact, like, I do it more now than I used to. Like the stuff that I've been publishing since I got out of prison is like long form stuff. I, you know, I don't do a live show right now. I'm going to start doing that again in the near future. But the stuff that I've released since I got out of prison is like, long form, I write it and then I edit the whole thing. So I'm listening to myself more than I used to, but like, I did make, I tried to listen to myself. There's periods of time when I used to listen to radical agenda and periods when I did it in any case and it does help to do it. You, you improve yourself by doing it for sure. It's like rereading something that you've written to check it for spelling and grammar. I mean, going to listen to a podcast that you've already published. I mean, yet it's already out there. But even if I find a mistake in an article I wrote two weeks ago, I'll so go back and fix it. It's not like, oh, everybody read it already. I'm not going to fix it. But it's like a process of self improvement. And if you maybe think that, oh, nothing I did in the past was good. It had to have been cuckee. It was all cringe. Nah. Then you go back and listen, because doesn't this get you fired up to do a live show? Like if you had to do a live show tonight, wouldn't you watch like highlight clips of this? Like almost like a fighter. Like your box, like punching a bag and you're just like, I'm getting ready to fucking go out there. Let's go. Let's go. Like, well, you know what it really makes me amped up to do is like, you know, one of the, one of the projects that I mean to embark on is to go through like, there's a lot of radical agenda stuff that frankly, I don't want out there. And like this kind of touches on it that I'm like, yeah, well, if you give me 60,000, man, I'll violently overthrow the guy. I kind of don't want that out there anymore. But it's what, but it, but it, you're, it's clearly in the context of the thing that was a pointless endeavor that didn't accomplish anything and is really dumb. Like it's not like your, what it is is it's an accurate assessment of the problem, I'd say, that like, you know, like the thing is that the way I, I don't know, I, I'll briefly touch on this subject. And I don't want to talk a lot about violently overthrowing the government. But like, you know, the, the, what I would say to it now is that, you know, I had accurately assessed that like the, the state of our political affairs was leading us towards a catastrophe that in the final analysis was unacceptable under any circumstances. And that whatever had to be done to, you know, to solve that problem was appropriate to do it. I think that what like jammed me up in Libertarianism more than anything else was that I didn't think that it was appropriate to use the levers of government to try to solve problems. And so like if you don't think that using the levers of government to solve problems is an appropriate thing to do, then you're gonna, you're gonna find yourself going down some pretty dark paths at some point. And that's kind of like what what happened with me and, and, and you can, you can hear it there that I'm like, hey, you know, somebody's gonna solve this problem. And, and I don't, I don't actually really care who it is. We're, we're gonna straighten this out. And I don't want to hear about your, your, your stupid moral philosophy crap. If you're gonna let the, the civilization be destroyed, you know, it was kind of kind of what I was, what I was coming through, you know, and so, but, yeah, well, what I was, what I meant to get at those is it like, and now I'm really looking forward to. So, since I don't want all of the radical agenda stuff out there, like I, what I want to do is go through all the old stuff and develop these like best-up compilations. And so like, okay, you know, here's the, here's, here's the record I wish to leave behind about this year's long, you know, art project that I put together. And now I'm really looking forward to doing that and finding these moments like this one that I'm like, wow, I, I wasn't terrible. Well, no, not at all. And this is why you're, when people found your show, it wasn't just because you told some black person on Twitter to shut the fuck up. It was because you were, you were, all of us are, you know, we're regardless of how we came in, you know, people that were Bernie Bros, people that were Republicans, people that were racist libertarians. I mean, our heart was in the right place. It's not that we, you know, I think once, once you kind of figure out what the truth is, there's a tendency to look at other people who don't know what it is yet and treat them like they're stupid. We weren't stupid. We were, we were working with the best available knowledge that we had. And what a smart person does is when, when new knowledge comes along, you, you process it and change your mind and you move on to something different. And this is, this is part of the evolution. And I think it's important to understand, you know, for people who are not sure, people who are not sure that even talking about race makes them uncomfortable. It's like, no, you're home. You'll, you'll find your way home. And you've been divided intentionally. The, the Bernie Bros, the, the libertarians, the conservatives, the, the white liberals, you know, even even the people who support the white liberal establishment. They're just, they're just getting think and they'll eventually figure it out. I think it's also good to go back and listen because this is effectively like a body of work that you created. And it needs to be preserved. And you have to preserve your own, your own legacy. And I hope, Chris, at some point, have you ever thought about writing a book? I have, I'm not going to get into detail about it, but yes, the book is something that there has been effort made towards, let's say. I would really, I would really like to, to do that as well. And I think your book would be really incredible. I think you should, I think it would be huge waste if you didn't. At one point, I took a, a WordPress plugin called Print My Blog. And it exports all of the posts on WordPress into a, into a, like, either PDF or a Word document for you. And I came out from my blog, I had 3000 pages of that. Wow. And so, you know, even if I, for me to publish a book of blog posts, I'm like a ratful at the end of my day. Yeah. And, you know, certainly, I wouldn't want to publish that, you know, unedited, but like, there's, there's a lot of stuff there. And, you know, it definitely, it's, and it's definitely not all worthless. And so I got to figure out, there's, there's a lot of consideration going on in the direction of a book. And I'll, I'll, I'll tease that that way. The inner merchant inside of me is, is thinking about the unabridged 3000 page, Chris Cantwell volume that is only limited to 100 copies. And you sell it for, you know, some insane amount. No, don't, don't do that. The only thing I've ever published, and it's really not even mine, it's, it's, it's the artwork of the, the, the folks that do the artwork for FTN, Frontierland and Kyle. And, and I have to do more than a picture book. That's what I tell myself. And they're not even my pictures, but they're pretty cool. The FTN, our perks are cool. If people are wondering why the FTN, our book didn't come out this year, it's because we went back to one episode a week and in order to fill a book and make it a nice book, where we're just going to do them every two years. So the, that's why there isn't a book this year in case you're wondering. People have asked in case you're wondering, that's why. But also, yeah, I think, I think it's necessary because you start to get, you know, a little bit older, not that old, but you get a little bit older and you start to think like, well, what, what will people look up? Because, you know, we're always looking up, well, what did this person say, and what did that person say that they're long gone? And what do you leave people with? Right? I mean, what is your, what did you contribute? And it's not about, oh, wow, all you care about is being right or your clout bro. It's like, no, I think, you know, it's like Warren says it best. He wants Warren, obviously, is the second generation guy. His dad was involved in the movement. And he says, I want my son to stand on my shoulders intellectually, knowledge wise, context wise, we shouldn't have to like teach the next generation all over again. They should sort of come out of it with, with whatever we've learned, the lessons we've learned. I certainly wouldn't want my own son to grow up believing in the Republican Party for 35 years until he figures out his ass from a hole in the wall. You know what I mean? It's like, what would be the point of that? I mean, you raise, raise a gen to the other generation to fall for tricks again. I mean, no, they have to understand what the truth is. And then it doesn't become such a jarring experience. I mean, far be it for me to to rob anyone of their red pilling, but red pilling is just the fact that you were denied the truth for so long. It's almost like how good does a glass of water taste after being lost in the desert for 24 or 48 hours? Probably pretty fucking good. But that's not normal operating procedure for the body. You're not supposed to be denied the truth. You're not supposed to live a world that is a lie for most of your adult life. And then discover that you've been tricked. I mean, it's a very cool feeling to finally arrive at the truth, the glass breaking, the bombs going off, as you said. But you know, we're not meant to live that way. So let's continue here. Let's do it. Let's do it. Something else to say. Now, you know, I just, I'll just, I'll throw this out there that like, the way you put that, you know, had me just maybe think a little bit because it doesn't even occur to me that somebody doesn't get red pilled, right? I mean, they might not get red pilled, but then they're still, you know, then they blew pilled, right? But it doesn't occur to me that until you say this, I mean, I guess it is, I might have crossed my mind before, but it struck me as a thought provoking thing. Well, what would happen if you just knew this stuff and it was never controversial? It's something that I hadn't thought I'd want about. But well, and also like, you know, think about like post-World War II Nazi Germany with the, the efforts to de-nautify and your country is destroyed and you're faced with death or torture, especially if you're in the eastern part of the country. You're basically told like, you're just going to blue pill or die. Like, you're going to blue pill, you're going to shut the fuck up or die. And some of those people under that kind of a situation, were just like, okay, whatever it takes to survive and they just put it away. And they're, it's the phenomenon in America too, because people know what the truth is. People know what's really going on, but they just, they have the human instinct of wanting to survive and fight another day. And so they lie to themselves. They lie to themselves over and over and over again. And that's how we get where we are. But the conditions are becoming intolerable as, you know, we're going to see with East Palestine and what the government's doing these days. But, but let's talk, let's keep going here because you're about to introduce me and I sound, I sound a little bit different. It's really funny to hear. You talk less, we have to. So please do give us a call. Jazz Hans McFeels, welcome to the radical agenda. Thanks for sticking around through my little rant there. Absolutely. Chris, mighty white of you to have me on the program. It's very good to be with. You so you, you do fashion the nation. You guys, you do this once a week over there at TRS. Sir, if it's Sunday, it's fast the nation. We're a weekly program released on Sunday mornings. Excellent, excellent. And you guys don't air live, right? You release that as a podcast after you recorded offline or whatever. Exactly. We're going to be moving in the direction of having live programming at some point down the road. But that's yet to be determined. Yeah, we're still moving in the direction of having live programming here eight years later. But you have actually accomplished live programming off and on. Actually, we did, I think I was probably referring to like election night coverage and we did actually do that. We did actually succeed at doing that. Did you did you notice my sort of like my my my subtle brag where I'm like, you guys aren't alive, right? You know, I'm you know, you're on a live show now. I know that you guys don't have quite the talent that I do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do but especially how do you on anyway? How does it feel to be on a live program, Jess? Hence you ever been live before? The opposite the opposite of live is of course dead. You're doing a dead podcast. Here we go. Fantastic fantastic. So what do you call it? No, no, no, maybe you can help me understand this. So, what is what is what is with FASH with the SH, right? Like I understand FASH is an FASCISM. What is what is with FASH with an SH, what's this about? So this is a takeoff on the television program, Face the Nation with Bob Sheifer. And so, we're taking the Sunday News talk format which as you know is a traditional media is growing quickly obsolete. And we're taking our we're putting our own spin on the news. And so, Halberstrand and I spend a great deal of time each week absorbing all of the mainstream press and putting our take on it so that you don't have to waste your time doing that. And we're slowly trying to develop our own media empire I guess to say to so to speak. So, people have a place to go. People have something to listen to. You know, cancel your cable bill. We got you covered. Right on, right on. And what I mean, what is your spin on it, would you say? It would be from a so both Halberstrand and I are he came out of the left to libertarianism. I came out of the Neocon right to libertarianism where we stayed for a period of time. I've known the man for 15 years. So, we're good friends. We've known each other for a long time. And you know, Murray Rothbard on Senholds von Mises. I mean, we're very well read and well studied in this regard. And then we kind of came across TRS. And I guess you could say we'd always walked this line. You kind of come to the realization. And this is kind of what you got into in your rant is that whether you're a left-right libertarian, a leftist progressive or a fully cuckolded Neocon Republican, none of your political goals can be achieved without addressing race and gender. You just simply can't do it. And these ideologies like libertarianism, it's a luxury ideology courtesy of enlightened high-trust civilization. So, when you start having that high-trust civilization degraded, it makes it impossible to achieve your political goals. And so we realize, no matter how much we filled our heads with Murray Rothbard and the things that we thought made sense. You have to address the race and gender issue first. And so when we look at the news and when we look at what's going on, you know, of course we're following the rise of Donald Trump. Both of us, I'm sure, wish that Rand Paul would have been the candidate of choice. But as you mentioned on your program recently, he blew those chances. So, Rand, that's really the position we're coming from. We know that when we were out there as libertarian, were you a big Rand Paul enjoyer? Were you like disappointed by this? I mean, Rand Paul's got some good anti-war stuff. You know, he stopped doing that when it got construed into left-wing anti-Semitism. But the interestingly, I think one, I had published at some point a piece titled My Utter Lack of Interest in Rand Paul. And I was kind of like, well, I'm too cool for Rand Paul. You know, he's not an adherent to the non-aggression principle. I was kind of like my attitude about it. And I had gotten turned off to Rand Paul when he endorsed Mitt Romney. I guess he was 2012. I was like, yeah, no way, man, you know, it's unprincipled, you know. And people are like, he's playing the game, man, you want him to be president? I was like, I don't care who the president is. I'm an anarchist. And so I wasn't too big on Rand Paul. I mean, if he won, you know, I wouldn't have, I don't think that I would have complained too much. But, you know, I don't think I was not particularly enthusiastic about it. Well, you know, by the time I got enthusiastic about Donald Trump, I would have complained about it probably. But, you know, at the beginning of the Republican primary, I certainly wasn't like, oh, Rand Paul, I certainly wasn't going to go try to help the guy. Oh, yeah, I think in Halverschem was a huge Ron Paul guy, a big, big Ron Paul guy in, you know, the 2008, when they totally screwed Ron Paul out of the, the primary was it 2008? I think it was. 2008 and 2012, they did it. I think it was like, you know, I didn't think they had to screw him over in 2008, like nobody was paying attention. And then like in 2012, I think that the, you know, the knives came out for Ron Paul in 2012 and then things got outright dishonest. I would say not that I, and it was, you know, and it wasn't like they had to either. I didn't think that Ron Paul was in any danger of becoming the president of the United States. But they were like, well, we're going to make sure that you're, you know, we're going to suffocate your movement. We're going to snuff you out your crib because we don't want to deal with this later. I think it was kind of their attitude, you know. Yeah, and I know that Mike, Mike, you know, Mike, the end of it should have been really his anger. I remember if you go back and listen to early daily shows, he would riff on the how they fucked Ron Paul out of it. And all of this stuff, it's not about pointing out the cringe. It's like these are the small pieces back then that may seem insignificant. Maybe to people now because they're just, they, they have access to all this information. Heinz it's always 2020. But, but back then it's like, well, they, the system fucked this guy who was anti-war out. And it doesn't mean that Ron Paul was going to be some sort of like white nationalist, you know, sort of savior of the white race or something. It's like that's how, that's where the light switch brain meme comes from. It's either all of this and none of that, none of this and all of that, like just the sort of like either Ron Paul is garbage or Ron Paul is next Hitler. It's like there's no medium speed in between. And the reality is is that Ron Paul was was anti-neoconservative, which even if he wasn't an anti-Semite, it's like that being anti-war and getting in the way of Jews being able to prosecute neo-conservatism against their enemies in the Middle East is a problem. And they're going to fuck that guy out of being able to be any sort of having any sort of following. Same way that the idea that like the neo-conservatives are the other of the Republican Party was sort of like an important concept, I'd say. And I don't know that you would have had that, you know, in nearly the force that you do, safer Ron Paul, you know, he was the one who was like neo-conservatism is what's ruining this country. And I don't think that you heard a whole lot of that, not prominently anyway. I mean, Pat Buchanan, you know, was no fan of him. But I don't know that everybody was familiar with everything Pat Buchanan said in 2012. And so Ron Paul was important in all of this. I remember after Donald Trump won the Republican primary, I made a video on YouTube a little message for Ted Cruz supporters or something like that. You know, and I was like, you're going to talk to me about the Constitution. Like we had a referendum on the Constitution in 2012, pal. You know, that was, you know, I understand why you like Ted Cruz, but you guys voted against Ron Paul. And I don't want to hear you say about the Constitution. And so I always hated Ted Cruz. But when when Ted Cruz started attacking Donald Trump and said that he didn't like Donald Trump's New York values, and then the media reacted as though that was a subtle anti-Semitism because of how he acted Cruz or Trump is to Jews. Actually, for a moment, I was like, maybe Cruz isn't such a bad guy. That's how they play the game. He's just, yeah, really, really big piece of shit. But was there in a Lou Rockwell? We're in through like Ron Paul newsletters that were, you know, kind of edgy and racist. And there was some Ron Paul like wrote them or some controversy around that. There's a reason why people thought like there's more there there with Ron Paul. You know, I read those newsletters in question at some point. I think I talked about them on the radical agenda. And like, you know, they were certainly not, they were certainly not something that would make T.R.S. Blush, but like, you know, it was, you know, talking about crime statistics and stuff was brought up, for example, and you know, you're going to reach conclusions if you look at crime statistics, you know, who's collecting the welfare comes up. And so those types of things were mentioned. But even Ronald Reagan was doing welfare queens and referring to like black women. It's like, so it's all about context. It's like, yeah, Lou Rockwell, not Brock, give me fucking George Lincoln Rockwell. That's the only Rockwell I'm interested in. But, but yeah, here we go. Because it's diving into the definition of the fascist a little bit more. Marians and Republicans and etc. We're a show that we want someone like that to come and listen to, hear that we're kind of speaking their language, but hearing some new things that they've never heard before, and kind of having an aha moment of being sort of red-pilled and brought over to the alt-right. It's kind of a conversion process. We're not as inflammatory as we could be. We try to keep it more down the middle, but we will discuss a scene. Fantastic, fantastic. Now, I mean, the the the meme I was getting at earlier. So I mean, basically liberals like the word fascism has basically been so diluted to the point of it just means something a liberal doesn't like, right? And I suppose like T.R.S. has sort of taken up this fascism with the S.H. as like a almost almost like a meme or a gimmick or something like that. Is that is that sound accurate to you? It is. And it's an interim solution. You know, whether we joke about some of the various participants in fascism, it is one of the only successful movements that has really upset communism and socialism, and it's scared the shit out of the left. And so, you know, of course, in our homogenous paradise that we, you know, hope to achieve someday, where these things like Rothbardian economics and things like that would be possible. You have to have something in the interim. Take the power back. Well, yeah, and that's and that's something that I'm sort of we're going to have a homogenous white ethno state with Jewish demand side is supply side economics. Chris, that was like out. And I don't know whether I was I was saying what I believed or whether I was like trying to speak your language. It's just like, you know, I imagine there's probably a combination. You know, I sense that this was a moment in time. Certainly for me, I imagine it sounds like to a degree for you. And maybe you were reaching back a little bit to try to bring me with you. That like, you know, this was sort of like the this was the flow of ideas, right? You know, we've got to, you know, sort of deal with these social problems. But yeah, you know, I'm all about the free market. We've just got to, you know, control it a little bit. Right. Yeah, I mean, now it's like, I don't think I had moved on to like Han Sermon Hoppa yet with physical punishment, like the more the more like hardcore libertarians. Because he kind of espoused that the triple H that's what got that from the Daily Show. Because it was like, it was like supply side economics. But the guy was just like, yeah, but people who don't, you know, under the under the ages of praxeology, like the study of people's economic behavior and why they do things. Keens, I think, called it like the, what the animal, the animal tendencies in the economy. It's like, well, how do you deal with those people? And Milton Friedman obviously had a different way of dealing with the people, the bad actors, like the people that didn't want to go along. They just died. They don't, they don't survive in the market that he creates. Han Sermon Hoppa was just like, we're going to have to subject these people to physical punishment. When I discovered Han Sapa that was like, it was, it was really a, a life altering thing, right? Like I had thoughts of libertarianism as this like, you know, peaceful utopian thing where, with, with commons still, right? And so the idea of like, okay, well, you have a private property society. There are no commons. That means that, yes, you know, people can control things and people can punish you if you are, you know, misbehaving in their territory essentially. And I was like, well, all right, well, then we'll do a lot of government then. You know, I just, you know, somebody's going to control it. This is not like some idea where, you know, we're all just going to run around naked and public and do whatever we want. You know, somebody's going to be in charge. All right, in charge. Well, I don't, you and me be in charge. There we go. You know, and that, that, that was, that's the progression. It is. Yeah, here, we'll keep going here. Coming to terms with myself, right? So I mean, I had taken for a long period of time, I had taken this sort of like hardline, if you will, voluntaryist approach to things where I said, okay, you know, political power isn't inherently evil things. So I'm not going to participate in politics. I will issue the state. I will, you know, engage in agorism. I will, I will trade, you know, without permission from the state and avoid taxes and these sorts of things. And we just all need to, you know, drop out of the system man. And, you know, it's sort of, it sort of occurred to me, you know, before I even started down this track, that that was not, you know, the wisest of strategic things, right? For one, I think that the idea that you would, you know, if you could have some influence on a political outcome, and then to not have that influence while other people use it is lunacy. It's just plain fucking suicide. And then of course, we do have a phenomenon going on where even inside of libertarian circles, I mean, we're overrun with, you know, left-wing influences and they will use the state to get their way. And it's sort of crazy for us to, to refuse to engage in that contest. What's interesting about this is that left-wing libertarianism after this, and it was in the process of already happening at this time, had completely swept libertarianism. Libertarianism is like left-wing, thaggot, drug, like stuff. There is no racist libertarianism, Han Serbahapa and Capastant, like, oh, that's gone. It's all thaggot shit now. And it's presented by Jews. People who still call themselves libertarians. Yeah, I mean, all the right-wing libertarians that came to obcease, I think, it's kind of what happened. And like, it's so funny that, you know, as I, I just got home from three years in prison when like, people had been watching, you know, the George Floyd riots and all that stuff. And I haven't had a chance to talk to a lot of these people since they got to witness that, you know. And as I come into contact with people, you know, every conversation begins with, I don't agree with everything you say, but it's not. Yeah, it's true. I mean, and when you understand that all the right-wing racist libertarians became Nazis, it's like, if you back into libertarianism and maybe why it was there and why were there so many Jews involved in supply side economics and getting people to like check out of the system. And as you say, I'm not going to do politics because I think politics is evil. Well, if Jews are trying to take over your country, don't you kind of think, and this is rhetorical, I'm not like putting you on the on the stand here. Chris, what did you know and when did you know, I'm just saying it's like, it's an interesting intellectual exercise where it's like, well, in all the right-wing libertarians just became Nazis, well, then libertarianism must have been a thing to keep them from becoming Nazis because politics is a thing to kind of keep people from becoming something else. Control opposition, right? And no, I don't know that that's the case. I think that that's, well, those are two different questions, I'd say, and I would say that they're subject to different forms of debate. You know, libertarianism certainly had that effect, right? That it was like, it took people out of the game, right? And there were all these, you know, really well-intentioned people who got caught up in like this radical ideology and abstained from politics as a result. And I think did a lot of damage to our politics as a result. I think that the Republican Party is the exact opposite case and that we actually have people doing this now is telling you like people don't get involved in the Republican Party because the Republican Party is corrupt and Jewish or whatever. And I'm like, well, you know, that's as a matter of fact, there's an organization that every once in a while is capable of beating the Democrats in an election. And if you don't want your country to spiral out of control leftward, the Republican Party is the vehicle to do that. So I would say that that's a categorical error that you're making. Well, that's okay. I mean, we, this is, this is a, we've gone, this is a point we've moved past because of the concept of think will think, which is something that was sort of taught to Republican GOP political consultants by this guy named Arthur Finkelstein, who's now dead. He died in 2017, but he was originally a polster. And he was a guy that with like Edward Bernays and a lot of these Jews that studied like the way that people think their psychology. And they said that they were doing it under the auspices of like, how do we sell people more products? How do we brand things to convince people to buy stuff? But they were also studying the psychology of people so that they could figure out, well, how do we divide the electorate so that they can't come together and overthrow us? And when you look at Republican Party politics and Democratic Party politics and you look at how things are divided, on the left you have to some extent, although they've kind of smothered this completely out. At one time you had kind of a healthy workers rights movement and unions and things like that. Social welfare, you know, paid sick leave, you know, things like that. And on the right, you had opposition to gay marriage, opposition to abortion, you know, opposition to immigration, more nativism, and more of a nationalism. So on the left, you have the socialism on the right, you have the nationalism. And it's intentionally divided into these two camps so that you could never have national socialism in one place. But Finkel think the way that it works is essentially, and the guy pioneered this in the 80s, he's also responsible for pushing all of the cases, the court cases that went through the system that ultimately led to FEC versus Citizens United. So he's ultimately responsible for all the dark money coming to politics too. But this guy, Finkelstein, essentially created this psychological way of dealing with politics where he helped the senator in New York State, Al D'Amato run in it was a US Senate race. And New York had already started turning away from being a Republican state. It used to be a place that was kind of like Virginia where it was like very heavily rural, very Republican, but also the liberalization of New York City and Rochester and other places was kind of throwing the balance off. And it was becoming untenable to the point where a Republican could not run a statewide race in New York on traditional conservative Republican values because there were just enough liberals that would get turned off by that and the guy would lose. And so Finkelstein, who was the campaign manager, consultant for Al D'Amato, and this was in the 70s, was he came up with this concept of, we're not going to run a traditional conservative. We're not going to run on Al D'Amato's policy platforms. We're going to run as the, and I forget who his opponent was, but it was, it might have even been a Cuomo, one of the grandfather Cuomo or whatever, that dynasty. He said, we're just going to run an anti Cuomo. We're just going to run an anti campaign and basically come up with this concept of this false dichotomy, which Jews always use of Republicans versus Democrats. And the narrative was you'll vote for Al D'Amato because you're against this person. You're going to vote for this guy because you're against that. And Finkelstein was involved in Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. He died right after Trump got elected. But he was the one who came up with this concept to get regular Republicans on board with Trump, which was an evangelicals. Remember the media used to be like, how are these evangelicals supporting Donald Trump who, you know, dates these big titted plastic women is just so looed and just disgusting. Why would you as someone who believes in Jesus, in tolerance and all this stuff, the support Donald Trump? And they would say, well, because he's not Hillary Clinton. And that's, that's like the thing in that you've, how many times have you heard Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and these people say, this is the most important election of our lifetimes, ladies and gentlemen, if we don't win now, we're going to lose this country forever. And it's one of these things where, I mean, how many times have you heard that and we're all still here? And it's, it's, it's, it's like the, the, the easy way of explaining Finkel thing is conservatism is just liberalism going the speed limit. And as we're doing a time capsule with this, you can go back in time and you, you were around for these days. You'll remember this Chris. It's like, do you remember in 2008, when Barack Obama was asked what his stance was on gay marriage? And what did he say? He said, well, I, I believe, I support, you know, gay's rights and everything. But I believe legally marriage is between one man and one woman. And that, that's my position and that's just what I'm going to say. And in that, in the, the Republican position was more to the right than that. Well, what are the positions of these parties today on gay marriage? Right. I would go so far. There's a diversity of opinion in the Republican party is to, you know, how to handle the gay marriage thing. Still? Yeah, I would, I would go so far as to say, yeah, I don't think that there's universal agreement in the Republican party on almost anything actually. And, and gay marriage, you know, at least of all, I mean, Mitch McConnell, you know, obviously, has given in on this. Donald Trump had given in on it. But I don't think that that's a, a universally held view. But obviously, but why Donald Trump had to do that? So chaos that the Democrat party reigns on America, I don't, I don't blame people for, you know, prioritizing things in such a fashion that gay marriage is not the most important thing to them, right? And, and, but, you know, if you listen to conservative podcasts, they certainly don't, don't think that this is the case, right? I mean, they, they, they call these, they consider the recognition of gay marriage, you know, the abolition of marriage. I don't know if you have a listener like Michael Knowles is a, is a pretty interesting guy. But, you know, that's, that's still pretty seriously felt inside of come, are conservative circles. But it's like, if you think about today, they don't work. People are, I mean, something, if you, you know, if you're a guy who wants like seek political power and you're like, you know, what I'm, you know, what I'm really concerned about is gay marriage. People are like, do you have any idea like how many things are bothering me right now? And, and do I give a shit with the days are doing? Like, I think that probably the average person doesn't think about it very much. And so if you're somebody who wants to like get in on the conversation of the day, it's, it's probably not something you're going to focus on very much. But, um, you know, it, I get, I get your point though, because I, I do see that phenomenon in conservatism. And I, I've, I've actually addressed it. I am, as I mentioned to you, all the air, you know, I'm sort of like, I'm rebranding the radical agenda to something else. And I, and as I, as I'm writing episode one of that show, um, you know, I, I sort of talk about, um, some of the pathologies that attend to, you know, modern American conservatism. But like, it, it, it is not in my view, um, this, it is, it is not owed the disdain that it gets, I would say, from people in our circles and, and by abandoning it and by abandoning the Republican Party specifically, you know, we're, we're doing, we're doing the exact same thing that we criticize the libertarians for in this episode, in my view, that like, with the libertarians like, well, I'm not participating in politics, because it's evil. And we're like, well, you know, politics is happening with whether you like it or not. And that's actually, you know, that's actually the case, you know, we, I would agree with you. And that's why, um, you know, the interim period between when we discovered think will think in abandon the GOP and before NJP was created and there was actual, um, you know, pushback on the system. And we've gotten, we've gotten results from that, uh, it, it was kind of a dark period post Charlottesville. And because there's really, until you create something real in response to it, there, there, you know, you can't just do, it, like, it's important that we talk about stuff, it's important when we create our own media. You can't just do this. And I mean, just as an example, I mean, we got our guys in East Palestine today. Um, we have, uh, you know, we had Eric Stryker, asking the United States Congressman at a town hall meeting in East Palestine last week. You know, why isn't FEMA here? Why aren't you cleaning up this mess? Why aren't you doing anything? The governor Mike DeWine of Ohio had was lying to people and saying, um, well, I asked for FEMA assistance and they said that we're not eligible. And as I pointed out last weekend, he's a liar. You can't, you're not going to get FEMA assistance until you declare a mother fucking disaster, which he refused to do. Once he does that, and it's in clear black letter, U.S. law, once he does that, then he's eligible for FEMA. But he lying to people's faces and saying, I'm not eligible for FEMA. I've asked, but I'm not getting it because you didn't declare that disaster, Mike, because I have the other side of your mouth. He said, Oh, I'm not going to declare a disaster because was isn't risen to that level yet. Well, Eric Stryker goes into a town hall and asks this, this Congressman a question. He gets pushed away calls. They call the state police. Eric doesn't get arrested. Nothing happened to him. But what happens within 24 to 48 hours? Suddenly, the EPA is there suddenly both sides of the party are attacking Pete Butt plug, the transportation secretary demanding change that you have visit from the governor. You have visit from Norfolk Southern. You have all of a sudden, all this attention paid to East Palestine. Millions of dollars being spent to clean this effort up. When for three weeks, they weren't doing anything. They were saying, ah, we can't send stuff. I'm so sorry. You even had, and we're going to talk about this in the second half of the show, you even have the same consultant company consultant group that was sent in to cover up BP disaster to cover up Katrina to cover up all this shit and give people this official white paper report that says, Oh, there's nothing going on here. It's not as contaminated as people think. They had that group in East Palestine, getting people to sign a document that said, I'm not going to talk about this with anybody that there's no problem. There's nothing to see here. They were literally trying to cover this up. The real political power, and this is a quote from Mike, which is real political power doesn't necessarily mean like we got elected in balloons fell from the fucking ceiling. It means that you're forcing your enemies to do things that they would otherwise not do. And we never thought, we believed, we never thought that this would translate into actual help for people in East Palestine. But this was us. This was us. Well, and I don't see any reason to dispute your attribution, but I think that what you're describing is not dispositive of the point that I'm making. So you're guys go, you guys go down there and they're activists and they're like, Hey, Republican, why aren't you helping your constituents? And then the Republicans do, as a matter of fact, this is what actually happens. But it's not to support the Republican party. It's to call them out. Bill Johnson and Mike DeWine should resign from their positions. And I guess this is not, I guess this is not, this is not embargoed anymore. I didn't bargo to this research that I had done. The number one donor to Mike DeWine, Governor of Ohio is Norfolk Southern. You know who the number two donor is, Chris? Any idea who it who it might be? Do not know. Abigail Wexner, the wife of Les Wexner, the former CEO of L Brands, Victoria Secret, the one who was in bed with Jeffrey Epstein and basically the funger of Jeffrey Epstein. It's funny. Like if and I'll pull up this slide in the second half, but they actually donate enormous amounts of money to to Republican party politics. And they do it in way because you know, you max out $26,000 or whatever it is for a single candidate. But if you donate to the inaugural committee and to the Republican governor's association and to all the dark money operations, you can donate a lot of money. Les Wexner gave $200,000 to pro $250,000 to pro Mike DeWine packs. Abigail Wexner actually gives like 10 times the amount of money that he does, which is very interesting when you think about it. It's like, wow, Abigail Wexner, who is that? Oh, it's the it's the and and there have been women who have come forward and said, I was molested. I was actually enslaved and locked up and kept captive in a home in New Albany, Ohio outside of Columbus and that home belonged to Les Wexner. And these women have been silenced. They have been shut down. They have been totally kept kept from speaking to the public. They've been ostracized. Mike DeWine has been involved in a lot of corruption in Ohio with first energy. There's a whole movement to try to get the guy to resign. Text emails linked to this. There's the FBI $60 million bribery scheme going on with this guy named Larry Householder. And Mike DeWine's at the center of it. Guys, take a money from the railroads, take a money from Jewish pedophiles. I mean, and then he says that racism, Eric Streck, who just shared this on telegram, he says that racism is a public health crisis in the state of Ohio. It's like, it's like, no, Mike, the fucking train wreck with vinyl hydrochloride is the fucking health crisis that you said, it doesn't rise to the level of being a fucking disaster. Well, and all of what you're saying is interesting information. And I think it's very good that you've done this research and it's good to expose these things. But like, you know, the idea that this is a problem with this, that this is an endemic condition of this like corporate entity that exists in the United States that that is called the Republican Party. I don't I don't think it's supported by what you're saying. What you're saying is that what you're actually saying is that Mike DeWine is not a very good Republican and that somebody who wants to and that somebody of more a better character should probably be the governor of Ohio. Somebody who's not a Republican can see the way that we look at it is, the Republican Party is there like what the Democrats are doing is is horrific. It's worse than the Republicans. I agree with you. Everybody agrees with that statement. It's worse. What the state is doing because people want to blame Norfolk Southern. This might be an unpopular opinion. People want to blame Norfolk Southern. And Norfolk Southern is too blame. But the people that are ultimately to blame are the people that were elected and that have been put into power to apply these regulations. Donald Trump rolled back the regulations that that would have mandated breaking upgrades for hazardous manifests like this train. And and he did so because he was getting lobbied by Norfolk Southern. Doesn't mean Norfolk Southern does what Norfolk Southern does. You have to have a government to lock them in and prevent them from doing this kind of shit. I know you might maybe disagree with that. That's okay. But there can be partnerships with these businesses like just like there was with Crop Steel and BMW and in other Porsche, Porsche Peak and everything during the 1930s in Germany. But those businesses were not destroyed and they still exist today. But I think the point is is that the only way that that you get a positive response, like actual transactional response from Republicans is to oppose them, to oppose them and threaten their existence politically, not in any other way. And then it only then they do something. Because if you just go along and say probably, I support Mike DeWine and I'm saying you're supporting Mike DeWine. But like Mike DeWine, you know, we got to we got to fight harder against the Democrats. They are there to make you believe that they are the opposition to what the Democrats are doing. But in reality, they're there to hold the door open while putting a boot on your neck. And that's why they're there. That's why they have to be pushed out in the second that they're challenged. Because nobody really challenges them, right? The second Eric Stryker says, Hey, man, how come FEMA's not here? Why is it that Mike DeWine's immediate responses? Get the Ohio State police to get this guy out of here. If he's just asking the party questions, because basic premise, I want to hold the party accountable, right? If the Republicans aren't doing their job right, I want to hold them accountable. Well, Eric Stryker did that and they called the cops on the guy. And if you've seen the video, it was non-confrontational, it was say, Hey, Bill, nice to meet you. I'd like to ask you a few questions. How come FEMA's in here? And he said, call the fucking cops. Get this guy out here. It's like, well, I think if I could chime in, I think that you're conflating Mike DeWine with the Republican Party. And I don't think that that's I think that you're making a categorical error. And the context of this issue, though, I'm saying, if you think the Republican Party is going to take a second. Okay, the Republican Party is actually the means by which you remove Mike DeWine from power. Okay, so if Mike DeWine is doing a bad job in Ohio, then like through the Ohio Republican Party, he could be removed for power, right? Why do I only get these two choices, though? Like, why do you want to make a strange job? I'm just calling politics long enough to know that you don't have two choices. You have you can be the damn choice if you want. You can run into Republicans. I'm really stopping you from doing that. Hang on a second. Hang on. Hang on. The two choices are vanilla and chocolate, though. Like I want no, I want to get red, black and white. You get to the general election. All of the decisions have already been made. And you know that. Come on, you cover politics. Don't play ignorant of this. By the time you get to the by the time you get to the general election, and there's only two candidates, all of the politicking has already been done. And so like people show up on election day and they're like, I only have two choices. This sucks. It's like, well, well, you know, maybe you should think four moves ahead, stupid. Pay attention, right? Well, that's the fact that Mike the wine is a Republican candidate. It's a thing that the that the people of Ohio have a say in. And if all they do is show up on election day and and toss a coin, then don't be surprised if your state goes down. We can't expect people to organize themselves. That's why we're here. Exactly. But we should be organizing them. And I don't know people who organically like organize something that opposes Republican party politics. I mean, the Republican party party party party party party. What I'm doing is in the Republican party, you should be opposing people like Mike the wine because that's why I should anyone have to accept the premise of the Republican party, though. It didn't exist. It didn't exist for the first hundred years of the country. So why would anyone accept that as a premise? And I mean, in other countries, they have many different political parties. Isn't it kind of funny that we all have the answer to this question? You know the answer to this question. The reason that we have a two party system is because we have all elections. Okay. No. And this wasn't something that some Jew came up with 10 years ago. Come on. So so the way that this country's government is formed, we have interplayed all elections. People who was instituted in the 1970s. Well, prior to the fine. In the 1970s was not when somebody came up with the idea that we have a two party system. Okay. That is the function of our government. That was the way the system maintained control was by preventing other parties from coming in. You notice the Louthird parties when they don't want the Republican to win like they did with Ross Perot. The Louthird parties win like Buchanan. They'll allow third parties like Trump when Trump came in to fuck with Buchanan and what year was that? The year 2000, I think. He called Buchanan and Nazi, called him a neo-Nazi. So, oh yeah, Donald Trump. Yeah, very, very based. Oh yeah, he did. Yeah, I didn't know about it either until that was one of the red pills on Donald Trump. But like, yeah, you watched this video of like, oh, he's a Hitler lover. This path you can. And I don't know why he's running. He loves Hitler. Just imagine the psychopath of the guy like that. Happy Canada is kind of basement. I read suicide of a superpower in person. Pretty good. But you know, you know, you know what Pat Buchanan didn't like either. The Republican party. Oh, he's well, no, as a matter of well, you know, I understand that Pat Buchanan had his problems with the Republican party. But in suicide of a... Why did he run as a Republican? Well, hang on a second. Well, he ran as a Republican because he understands how the day... Why would he run as a Republican? I think he did. At one point he did. Okay. And so like, you know, until he gave up until he said fuck that. And then he did not become president as a third party candidate, I guess. But you know, in suicide of a superpower, he literally has a chapter called titled The White Party. And he says that that's basically, you know, it's the de facto state of affairs at the Republican party is the white people's party. So the Republican party should get around to embracing this. Now, the fact that, you know, that there's Jews in the Republican strategist circles and they're not promoting that idea doesn't come as any shock to you or me. But, you know, if you want to displace these people, saying we're going to help the Democrats is probably not the way to go about that. You know, the average Republican primary voter is the person that I think that you want to have influence on at this point. Well, they've abandoned those people. I think most people feel like... I mean, you've seen the Gallup polling, Chris. I mean, people have abandoned Republican party politics. They... more people have become independent. And that phenomenon was already underway when Trump came to power. Trump came to power by attacking the Republican establishment. He was going to run us. And he ran our Republican primary. He scrambled everything, right? So like, you know, that was a meaningful thing. And of course, like he did that. And then... And what about you? And the Republican party due to him. And the evil people came out of the woodwork to stop him. And so like, okay, so in 2016 was, you know, now seven years ago, well, like, okay, so like seven years ago, a guy shook things up and then like bad things happened to him. And now we're like, all right, I'm taking my ball and going home. Like, no, you know, this is actually like a contest that goes on for more than two weeks. No, no, it should not have like the attention span of pants. But it's four decades of like studying what they've done to the electoral system is what is resulted in this electoral system is a two party system. That's the way it works. We have winner-take all elections. And that was something that was come up with the Constitution of the United States. That was not something that Larry Finklstein came up with in the 70s. Okay. So like, you can have third parties in in parliament. Larry Finklstein is the is the CEO of BlackRock. He he dropped the, uh, Bullstein off the end of his name. Larry Finkl. But now it's our other Finklstein, but whatever, you know, it's just a little joke. Come on. Yeah. I'm going to stop. Move covered politics long enough. And, and, and, and I think that that's why I, that's why I, I abandoned it. I mean, Chris, what you're saying is we talked about writing hold on. We talked about writing books earlier, right? You know what my books about? I'll just, I mean, I've already told people what it's about. You know what the books about? No. The, the, the, the intellectuals, psychological process that I've gone through to arrive at the point where Republican party must be destroyed through political means. Okay. Pingle thing. Everything. Boy. And so in the meantime, how many decades of Democrat rule do you think that we have to tolerate while you destroy the Republican party? Uh, well, I think that, I think that that's going to be just fine. I mean, that that actually makes, that makes it easier to make our case. And here's why because if, if Republican party politics is liberalism going the speed limit and they are ever increasingly moving at a faster pace, because, you know, you and I were talking about this time capsule going back in time and what was permissible back then, what was allowed and, and so on and so forth. I mean, you know, you could say, Faggot on Twitter, you know, in 2012, you could call somebody a nigger in 2010 and nothing would happen to you. Um, and, and the system has moved so quickly because it's desperate. It's fragile. It's actually there, there are a lot more fragile than people think. And they've been moving very quickly to censor people and shut people down and lock people up literally. Um, and, and put people in a position where, uh, I mean, look at, look at, look at, where how, look at where Republicans have had to go ideologically in order to kind of stay, you know, a couple of paces behind where liberals are. They've had to do that. It's, it's, it's kept up that way. And I think they've, the, the tactical error that the system has made is that they, they've shifted too far too quickly. And they are the ones that have abandoned this space. And, so what we're actually fighting for isn't Republican party control. It's control of the people who would support those parties who are abandoning it. And it's not just white people abandoning the Republican party. It's white people abandoning, uh, the Democratic party that they've, they've, and when we know this because we see the people that come into our movement, we see the people who supported Bernie with all their might and they saw him get destroyed. Uh, we saw people who supported, um, you know, who were Elizabeth Warren fans for a long time because she said she was gonna attack billionaires. Um, and then she didn't because she's part of the system. People realize what this is about. And then they, that they come home. They realize that we have to do something different. And, and you know, the, the biggest thing for me, uh, was having co-host James Also, um, doing everything he could to do the very best optics. Never say, Jew, never say nigger, never be racist, never do anything wrong. And just slowly try to ladder climb his way into Washington state politics. And they, they fucking threw the guy out. Like he couldn't even get past, like this low level Republican position. And we've seen that happen over and over again. People trying to sneak up on conservatives, trying to, you know, put on this like very good, you know, we, you even hear me talking about it. Oh, we're not, we could be more inflammatory, but we're not, you know, we're trying to get people to understand now. I was trying to convert people to the all right. We supported Donald Trump not because he was a Republican, but because he was being a wrecking ball with a Republican party. That's been baked in. I, Chris, I ban in the Republican party when, when they ran Mitt Romney and fucking Paul Ryan, um, you know, it's like this is what they've done over and over again, you know, John McCain, it's the same old shit. And they, they, they desperately want Ron DeSantis. What's funny is people don't want to go back to that. They don't want to, they don't want Mike Pence. They don't want Jack Kemp Republican party politics. So they're going to, that's why they put, they've, they've given Donald Trump Facebook. They're going to give him Twitter. He's a lab back on all these platforms. Why is that? Because they want to give this guy, they want to give people this, this big distraction again. So people get really charged up for Donald Trump for another election cycle. And that just grains of sand through the hourglass, man. Like how many, you know, if, if, um, you know, before you move on to yet another point, I, I, I'm sorry, I just, you know, I understand that like it's really easy to criticize things that have happened in throughout the vast number of people who are involved in the Republican party. You can, you can find plenty of nasty things to say about them. I, I just don't, what I'm not hearing is the, the part where things get better as a result of what you're proposing. And so what I think that you're saying is, what about these powers? Hang on, hang on, hang on, can I just say something really? I want to understand what you're saying. So what you actually think should happen is that white people should withdraw from both political parties. And during that time, they won't have any political power. And then that will make people really miserable and upset and, and in danger. And the political power is the Republicans like, you know, they're, I'll give you another, I'll give you another example. There's the great, let me read what I said then because I'm trying to get it something very specific. So what, what you're saying is that white people should remove themselves from access to the levers of the government of the United States. No, they have indirect, they have indirect access to those levers by opposing the two, the two pieces of the puzzle, right? You, if you're, if you're, you're, you don't get in the pool with them, you get out of the pool and say the emperor has no clothes. And suddenly the emperor is like, Oh, God, everybody sees that I have no clothes now. That is Eric Striker going in front of that congressman. And the other example happened the week before with our guys in Tennessee, they went and protested that it wasn't a drag queen story hour. It was a drag queen happy hour bar thing, this gay bar in in cookville, Tennessee, that was supposed to be for minors like minors were allowed. Then they said, Oh, we're going to be 18 and over because we protested them. Then Republicans came up out in Tennessee and they started, they, they proposed a piece of legislation that said that no, there will be no cabaret or drag queen style events that occur that are indecent to minors. Who the fuck is that in response to? Like, who is that? Who is responding to that? And why does it happen after we protest and after this drag queen bar or whatever the fuck it is, their landlord kicked them out of their property. And these people are like, we're leaving town. Please don't make a big deal of it. Don't fight these people. We're just not welcome here. We're going. The Republican party didn't do that. We did that. And the Republican party responds with, well, we're going to make cabaret shows illegal now. It's like, what are you doing? The same weekend, Ron DeSantis goes and goes after something that happened over the holidays. He's like, I'm going to take away the liquor license of the place that hosted this drag queen thing that happened like two months ago. It's like, where were you two months ago, bro? It's like, this is, I think it's really simple. It's essentially calling, it's telling these people that the emperor has no close. You don't put on the red robe and say, I'm wearing the robe of this emperor, of this party. And we're going to reform this. It's like, no, you're not putting on a robe. This fucking shit's naked as fuck. Well, I think that what you're saying is that politicians respond to criticism, which is hardly, they respond to opposition to them. Not, I'm a Republican and I've been a lifelong Republican in shining city on a hill and diddly D and diddly DAW. But I think what you're doing is wrong, Mike DeWine. It's like, Mike DeWine's got to go. Republican parties got to go. When are you bringing FEMA here and all of a sudden? And it's wrapped up in the entity of an actual political party that is in opposition to these people. Now, there aren't candidates because then that becomes a lightning rod for them to say, well, what about this guy? This personality, whatever, no. This is like, because you've studied this year of history. What made the American Revolution so successful militarily? Now, we're not doing anything militarily just for the putting it out there. But did we line up on the field and our little blue continental army coats just like the British did and just like March and ready, aim fire. What did we do? We hid in the fucking woods. We oppose them in a different way. If we line up on the field of battle in our little like red elephant attire and show up in our Republican and blow your little kazoo and drop balloons from the ceiling, they're just going to fucking run you over every time they have a bigger army. The way that you get them is guerrilla politics. This is guerrilla politics. This is what this is. This is showing up at a town hall where they don't expect you to be with people from that area because they said they immediately accuse you of being outsiders. Why are you meddling in this? Well, it's a national issue. Why is Shapiro, the governor of PA involved in this at all? If he's an outsider, it's Jewish, but he's also an outsider. He doesn't belong there. Why is he there? Because all of the fucking shit has blown into his state. This is a national issue. He show up and say, you demand something. The thing that we said on the show is they don't want people like Eric Stryker there asking questions because it becomes very infectious like a Mr. Smith goes to Washington moment because if Eric Stryker says where the fuck is FEMA and he doesn't a town hall setting, other people, you know how this works, Chris? It's monkey, see monkey, do shit. Then you have people saying where the fuck is FEMA? Where's Mike DeWine? Mike DeWine's got a resign. There's already groups out there saying that Mike DeWine should resign because the corruption shit. He should resign because he refuses to clean up an environmental disaster because he's taking money from Norfolk Southern. He's corrupt. He's got to go. And it doesn't mean replace him with another Republican because the Republican party is the reason that we have Mike DeWine in the first place. Well, it's a rip. No, the Republican party. Look, come on. This is and I don't think that you have established, and from what I read about this story, I don't think it's been established that Mike DeWine feared that the NJP would become a competitor to the Republican party and therefore called FEMA. I don't think it's established. But why would it be? But if it is actions on one day are I'm not going to declare a disaster and I'm not getting any money from FEMA because I'm not eligible and Norfolk Southern canceled their appearance at the town hall and Mike DeWine actually canceled his appearance at the town hall before they even knew NJP was going to be there because he feared for his personal safety. Now we're saying it's not because of us. It's because of the fucking toxic shit that was spilled there. But then NJP shows up there. These people freak the fuck out. And what happens? Norfolk Southern's there. Mike DeWine's there. FEMA, all of a sudden is there. EPA's there. What caused that change? What happened? Well, I think that what you're saying is that politicians respond to criticism, which I hardly think is a breakthrough for the NJP. And by the way, I'm not sure that you've established that. I think that what you're saying is this made them look bad and then they changed their behavior, which is the expected behavior of the system, that like when you embarrass a politician, he doesn't want to lose his position. And so he changes his behavior. And that is not something that's unique to the NJP. And it's certainly not something that is purely associated with third parties. As a matter of fact, I think that Mike DeWine in Ohio, Mike DeWine is probably a lot more concerned about a Republican primary challenger than he is about some third party candidate. He is concerned about a primary challenger because he's never had to worry about a third party. They never have to worry about third party. They know that a third party can do is give power to the Democrats. That's the only thing that in an election. That's the point. I know people aren't going to like that. The point that the third party is doing power Democrats. It's too upset to equilibrium that has been set in place. And let me explain one thing. And it's very easy to point this out. If who would typically cry the loudest about corruption in the Republican Party? Who usually does that? Who's usually in that position? Who's cried the loudest about corruption from Donald Trump? And who's put him on trial and special prosecutors and all that should do? Who is it? Well, if you're talking about Donald Trump, I don't think they're complaining about corruption. They're just complaining about Donald Trump and that's the Democrat party. Yeah. And they're talking about who is the criticizing the Republican Party. I'd say the person who's doing that the loudest is probably Tucker Carlson. Well, no, no, well, yeah, maybe, but who would typically get really upset about or horrific environmental disaster? Like with pictures of dead fish and 44,000, 55,000 different species of whatever dying. I understand the answer to your question is the Democrat Party, but I don't think that I don't think that it's an accurate assessment. The Democrat Party is everything the Democrat Party does is nonsense, right? The lie, you know, if there was an actual criticism, when there's a real environmental disaster, the Democrat Party doesn't care what the Democrat Party cares about. What happened with BP? What happened with BP horizon? What did they do? They went after the oil company, right? They didn't blame Obama because he was the president, but like what did they do? There was like apoplectic, outdoor wall-to-wall climate change. They don't care about the environmental disaster. What they care about is their climate nonsense. And that's an opportunity to attack the oil company. Why are they doing this? Why are they totally silent? Why is an algorithm, AOC, all these people there? Why isn't anybody saying Mike DeWine is presiding over an environmental disaster? And this is a problem and it's got to be stopped. Why doesn't anybody say anything? Because it doesn't aid their pursuit of political power to do that, right? And so like that's the one party. Well, no, it's, look, this is the analysis is they are voted actually oppose each other. Well, I don't think that Mike DeWine is really opposing the Democrats except to the extent that they stand in the way of him wielding power. And so Republicans are not really opposing Democrats. I'm a Republican. You know, I'm willing to bet that you're probably a registered Republican too. Are you? No, I do. I have not been, I haven't, no, when did you change your voter registration? I haven't voted since 2016 and I'm not going to until there's somebody, until we have somebody on the ballot. So in 2016, you were registered as a Republican and you voted in a Republican primary or a Donald Trump. I don't know if, I don't know if the state I was living in required party registration. I honestly don't know. I'm not like bullshitting. I don't remember what I was. But in the past, well, in any case, I've been a Republican for as long as I've been registered to vote. And I think that probably most of the people who are listening to his podcast are similarly situated. And so when you say the Republicans XYZ, what you're talking about is all those people. And so, like, it's actually a mix of A political and then people who are actually liberal, honestly. Well, I'm going to go ahead and guess that these people probably have more in common with the ideals of the Republican Party than with the Democrat parties. Is that a fair assessment? It depends on what was important to them. But if, you know, for the most part, Republicans represent themselves as the party of white people. Yes, Democrats long ago made the point that white this is about multiculturalism and all of that. There are people, there are white people that hung on in Democratic Party politics because maybe they hate big business mindset of Republicans and they thought that union stuff was important. There's a reason why people supported Bernie. And there's a reason why a lot of Bernie's rhetoric was had a lot of overlap with what Trump was saying. I mean, there's, you know, shipping jobs overseas, rebuilding America. I mean, that was a lot of Bernie's rhetoric. That's why a lot of white people were supporting him. But that's also why the system prevented Bernie from being elected twice. In any case, I think that you're capable of observing our politics, that the political system that we have is one in which there is a left wing party called the Democrats and an entirely inadequate right wing party called the Republicans. And if you don't want the country to move in a leftward direction, then the way to do that is to influence what the Republican party is doing and to aid them in their pursuit of power. And if you do not do that, then what you have already said, I mean, it seems to be that you're openly saying, and most people are a little bit more secretive about the agenda, is that like, okay, let's let the Democrat party rule. And then when people get miserable enough, then things will change more radically. And if you want to do that, then I mean, at least you're straight forward about it. I think that, I'm saying that the Republicans, their aim is to help the Democrats and their serifism about it. Well, I mean, I know sort of what you're doing with the rhetoric there, and I'm just not ashamed to admit it. I think the Republican party, like if you're looking at the shortest path to victory, supporting the thing that is in the way of people seeing what the country would be like under just like remove the governor, right? The governor, like the governor not, well, remove governor might the line, but also remove the governor on the auto movie. Let's see, let's see what the system would really like to do without that in the way. They actually rely on the Republicans being an impediment, being a thing that gets people caught up in something that is, because you said yourself on this podcast, Chris, that we're listening to, I spent how many years doing this thing that I that ultimately was a fruitless venture. I mean, libertarianism, you spent years doing a thing that was a fruitless venture, that bear no fruit, were in no different of a position than we are now. That's how I felt as a Republican. As far as to say that we are in a different position. I've been locked up twice over what I got into afterwards, right? And so like I am, I take it pretty seriously, and what I'm seeing is that like we're actually doing the exact same thing as the libertarians did, which is we're getting stuck in these like radicalized echo chambers and saying like, okay, well, we're different from the people in power. And so we're never censored libertarians to the extent that they're, I mean, obviously the reaction from the system, the system doesn't react to people in the way that they react to us if we were, if we weren't something that posed an issue for them. They react that way because we pose an issue. In fact, and they react the same way to us as they do to Russia, and they do to people that do anti-BDS stuff. Yes, and I think that the reason for that is, is that the Republican, the people who are in charge in the Republican Party don't fear any opposition from the libertarian party and anarchists, right? If they actually fear politically active right wingers who can challenge them within the party, okay? And that's what they're concerned about. And that's why they will join the Democrats in destroying. That's why they were joined the Democrats in destroying Donald Trump. Why are they within the party? Why do you have to say from within the party? Because what you say, they fear right wingers or anybody who is actively motivated against them. The from within the party piece is like, it doesn't matter if they're within the party or not. They actually have an out of the great deal. It matters a great deal. If you're in the party, I mean, they fear people outside of the party more that they knew the insiders. All right. Well, I think that that's a good point of attention. And the case that I'm making, we don't have to come to an agreement. We can leave it. But I'm telling you, I'm enjoying this. And I understand that healthy. Yes. And we're not doing it to the audience. This is not like fake blood sports like Chris and I were planning on having like a happy like, let's look at this time capsule here and then let's fight about. No, this is actually like a healthy debate. And it's okay. It's okay if Chris disagrees because I'm not going to be like, oh, you don't support the NJP. You're not going to you're not going to do what, you know, bow down and, you know, whatever. I hope that you do support what we're doing and you see, especially in in the last few weeks, especially the immediate reaction from the system to what we've been doing. I hope that that bears fruit. I also think that you're going to encounter a lot of the same shit that eventually convinced me because I'm, I, dude, I've been right where you are. And I'm not saying like, I'm, I'm beyond you now because that's not true. You, you probably a lot more advanced in a lot of your thinking than I am. But it's like on this, on this issue, it's like, I have stayed up until three or four o'clock in the morning reading and going down rabbit holes and whatever and, and, and have just become thoroughly convinced that that's, that's, that's not the way. That's okay. If you want to pursue that path. I'm just telling you, I'm telling you, I'm going, there is a, there is a rake in the grass that I don't want you to step on and break your nose. I'm telling you that there's a rake over there. Like, don't step on the rake and smash your face. Like, I just don't get it. And so the, the, the idea that I think, you know, I think part of the difference in our perspective comes and I'm, and I'm glad to, um, and, enjoy this discussion to, uh, to have this, uh, benefit of it is partly that like, as a consequence of like getting locked up, I, I sort of got like broken out of the echo chambers that developed when we got all like scattered to the corners of the internet. Okay. And so like, yeah, I'm looking at things from a different perspective. And I think that, uh, that, that, that certainly informs my views. And I'm, and obviously it informs yours, right? Um, but weren't you watching Tucker Carlson, like, yeah, I watch Tucker Carlson almost every day for the entire time. So then you, you want to just like plug back into the, the main echo chamber, though, um, are you, are you describing Tucker Carlson as the main echo chamber, though, you're saying? Well, Fox news. I mean, he's not like, the, the thing is it's like, if Tucker was a threat to the system, Tucker wouldn't be on TV. Well, what I'm saying, here's what I like. I like what Tucker says to uncertain subjects, but he also follows everything up with like, but I'm totally not racist to nobody. Everybody would think that. I mean, totally crazy people. It'll take that. And so, you know, and, and one, uh, can be justified in questioning the degree of his sincerity when he says this, but like, I think that, um, yes, I was, I was listening to mainstream conservative, you know, media, Fox news and conservative talk radio and even, you know, try to catch an hour or a CNN, a little NPR. Um, and I was reading the Wall Street Journal in prison. You want to some diversity of opinion out there from me? I do. And, you know, and I, and I tried to, uh, you know, since you can't just go look something up in prison, it becomes just like mission to collect information, right? Yeah, I was going to ask you what books you were allowed to read. And, you know, I know that, um, you know, it's really like extremely insane inside, uh, and, and even the TV that you're watching Tucker on was like one of those clear plastic, like, and, you know, see through TVs, right? No, no. We had, um, the prison where I was at, you couldn't buy your own TV. Um, and so like, I had to, it was a, I had to share TVs with fucking animals and there was a constant source of friction, actually, but um, so did, so did like, did you, were, were people who would not have liked enjoying watching Tucker force to watch Tucker in the circumstances? I, I got in, um, during the course of my incarceration, I got into near physical altercations over the, over the Fox News channel, no fewer than six times with, and almost always with blacks, obviously, right? They don't like, I want to watch Fox News. Like, who do you get? Like, if that's all you have, I mean, and it's like, you know, you're, you're, you're free. You're out. Um, you, you probably never want to see another fucking cheese sandwich or grape drink or like, cool it again. But if, if that cheese sandwich is all you're getting for the day, you'll fight for that motherfucker and it's like the most important thing. I got some value out of it, though, it's kind of what I want to try to communicate. That like, I don't, you know, I realized before my arrest that like, what was happening was like, as a, as a consequence of us getting kicked off of everything, it's like, you know, a lot of people who criticized the censorship on free speech grounds were like, look, you're going to make this situation worse and that they're going to be like stuck in these radicalized echo chambers or separating them from everybody else and then they're not getting any, you know, feedback on their ideas. And like, that's, I think that's an actual problem. I think that's like a legitimate complaint about censorship. Now, I'm not, I'm not, yeah, this is the one for that. I'm pretty sure. I have to get here by any stretch of the magic band communism and transgenderism and execute people who try to teach it. But like, you know, I'm saying, like, lift through process and through the legal system. Yeah, in my grip. And so like the, the idea that I'm getting at here is that like, I, you know, one of the things that I think I benefited from in the, in the course of this is sort of like breaking out of the damn echo chambers. Okay. Now, when I'm listening to all of this media, like, I'm still, I still know the things that I know. I've still read Kevin McDonald and Adolf Hitler, right? So like all of the, all of the mainstream, you know, media that I'm consuming, you know, is placed through that filter necessarily while I was in there, I read a couple of books by Charles Murray. I read the Belker previously, then I read human diversity and facing reality and, you know, and I'm obviously having conversations with Matt Hale, which, you know, we're going to talk about the type of stuff that we talk about. So I wasn't, I wasn't like I was, you know, completely disconnected from this category of information. But like, I think that in our political social circles, there's like this, the word that I'm trying to look at before is like the ideas are distilled to such a point that there's, there's a mononial and Iocal focus on, on certain subjects and that it's, it's, it's actually doing us a, a dramatic political disservice that like we are so disconnected from like what other people are talking about that it's, it's not politically advantageous. Now, I think that, I think that the NGP has done absolutely great things. I, your, your example of them going down there and confronting these guys in, in Ohio is a, is an excellent example of the many great things they have done. Okay, and I'm not privy to all of the great things that they've done. I just, I hear great things. Yeah. Well, I'm doing one more thing and you, I'll sell you another thing. One way that I know that the NGP is doing good things is that you have telegram spam galore attacking them. Like I can't, I've had to take, people call me an NGP shill on telegram because because I can't, I get it from both ends, right? I'm like, I'm like, oh, yeah, we should, we should, you should deal with the Republican party. And then they're like, you're a, you're a cockpit of Republicans. And then I'm like, no, I'm like, and then I'm like, you can't, you can't turn this into an NGP hate fest in my, in my telegram chat. And they're like, you're an NGP shill. And I'm like, okay, this is exactly what happened when I went from the libertarians to the alt right. It's like, you're a libertarian, you're an obsolete. I'm like, well, I'm just trying to figure out the fuck to go up. Fuck you. And so, yeah, it is, I know that the end of the, you know, I'm saying the opposition that they get tells me something about the quality of the work that they're doing. And so I'm not, this is not an anti NGP thing that I'm saying. It is that the NGP, to the extent that the NGP is going to be able to do good things, I think that it is going to be able to do them in capacities such as they have thus far done. And, and, and I am very concerned about ideas that you say, like destroying the Republican party because that will undo the good work that they are doing. What the NGP managed to do is get the Republican party to act. And in that fashion, they have actually managed to wield some political power without winning an election. If they are in opposition to the existence of the Republican party in such a fashion that they are helping the Democrats to wield power, then that will not be persuasive. And that will actually harm the country tremendously and lead down this sort of like acceleration has passed that you're pathier advocating, which I think I would go somewhere to say that if the NGP is associated with that sort of behavior that they will be denied access to power in the future, even when, when things break down, where people will blame you, people will blame you for chaos in their life. Already there, already there. They can blame us if they want. I don't think it's going to get to a point where it's like, oh, NGP bad Democrat party here all the time and then Republican gone. Like, I don't think it's going to get to that place. I think what's going to happen is it's going to be an organic NGP becomes more popular because the Republican party is only going to go so far in meeting these demands that are being made. Right now, the word we're just asking for very basic demands such as clean up the toxic waste that your railroad spilled all over this town and you refuse to do anything about. Get these drag queen story time bar like alcohol served to miners in the same location as miners out of this town that doesn't want it there. And it was such a popular thing that even the landlord felt like, oh, well, there's support for this. Gabai, get the fuck out. And the same thing happened up in Fargo. Antifa, the Antifa Hangout bar when we went out to protest on behalf of Jupiter Paulson who was killed by the black, uh, Eritrean or whatever that guy, uh, whatever black African country that guys from Arthur Colley murdered a super. Yeah, shit hole. Some shit hole. Yeah. Um, there was an Antifa Hangout bar. There was enough of an upswell in that community that the landlord through those people out too. They're not wanted there. It's just that people have to feel like, hey, there's somebody out there speaking up for me. And it gives the reason for people to sort of move that forward. And I think the only way that you're going to see success, and this is just can be a difference of agreement or a difference. And I appreciate the support that you're giving what we're doing. And I think that's just going to build. And I think the point is is that there's only so far that that Jews who have money power control over the Republican party, as you can see from the donations that that even just Mike DeWine and Bill Johnson receive alone. And essentially, well, Norfolk Southern, you look at their corporate word. It's like, well, they're not, they don't appear to be Jewish, very Jewish, but who owns Norfolk Southern? Who's the number one shareholder in all these places? Fucking Black Rock, Larry Fink, Blackstone, Steve Schwarzman. I mean, it's like who who who's in charge of these places? Who can who can divest from Norfolk Southern and kill that railroad and have CSX buy it up tomorrow? Well, between between Warren Buffett, Larry Fink and the rest of them. I mean, who's running the show? Who can call the shots? So I think it's an emperor has no clothes moment because they have they have depended upon the two party system for so long that they think that it's invincible. And I think that it's going to get to the point where it's not sustainable anymore. And it's already reaching that point. And look, I mean, you've read Hitler. So you you would know that that Hitler didn't go out and say everyone's support the German National People's Party, the DNVP, because that's who's here. That's how we were post communism. The National Conservative Party, that is how we will win. No, he created his own party. You lost intentionally glossing over something that you understand, which is in a parliamentary system, the party dynamics are fundamentally different. And every time that every time NJP people sort of gloss over that, it really doesn't it doesn't look like that. But that's why we're doing gorilla we're doing gorilla politics. If we were if we were engaging the system on the system's rules, then there would be a candidate in East Palestine going up against Bill Johnson and asking demanding change. I mean, maybe that's going to come. I'm not going to like divulge strategic secrets, but it there's actually an advantage to not adhering to the rules because why the fuck do you have to adhere to their rules? The rules are set up there to fuck you up. They're set there. You they have a Republican party chairman in all of these places to prevent you from ever getting on the ballot of anything. But I think their bases are not covered very well and they they have a lot of weaknesses. And and yeah, I think actually you might I think the counter to your point of the NJP will be blamed for democratic party accelerationism because Republicans weren't there to stop them. No, I can't blame for it because they're taking credit for it on the fascination podcast. Yes, that's right. I'm taking credit. So if you're saying I'm trying to help the Democrat party in order to like crash the country into a wall. Well, those are the democratic words that I'm trying to help the Democratic party. We're not. We're trying to get the Republican party out of the way so that the Democratic party can actually be meaningfully opposed. And the only way that they can be meaningfully opposed is if you get the party that's been there for 150 years that has not done anything. And it's actually gotten worse. Donald Trump, what did it what did it accomplish? It's actually gotten worse. They're like gay, gays have never had more rights than ever before. There have never been more legal immigrants in our country than ever before. There have never been more caravans in our country than ever before. None of the policies that Donald Trump put into place actually stopped or did anything because that's what it was designed to do. It was an actually designed to do anything. And he could have done things, but he passed tax cuts instead. And platinum black plan for Jared Kushner. I mean, none of these things like there's no legacy. The legacy of Donald Trump is is gay hopping, how many thousands of people into showing up on the capital steps and now charging them with seditious conspiracy and locking them away for life in prison for sitting in Nancy Pelosi's fucking chair. Isn't it funny that it isn't funny that anti-fo wasn't there that day? Doesn't that doesn't that make you wonder what's going on? Isn't it funny that National Guard didn't stop these people, but they held the fucking doors open for them. The fucking media was there to take pictures of them. I mean, you're making the point that like there's dirty tricks being played and I don't I don't know why that would come. I'm a Republican party, right? So like by the Republican by the Republican Party, by people who are inside of the Republican Party, yes. So like people in the Republican Party who viewed Donald Trump as a threat and it would seem to there's nothing sacrosanct about the Republican Party to me, Chris, because it was a party. It was a party founded by abolitionists and there is a log cabin Republican Party group that is founded on the premise that that Abraham Lincoln was probably a fag and if you look at Mary Tom Lincoln, I think they're probably they're probably right. And I never knew that that was the origin of that of that faction. It's pretty funny. You didn't know that. Oh yeah, log cabin Republicans are a great group of gay Republicans and I know I know that you're like the gay caucus or whatever. Yes, but it's log cabin because Lincoln was probably a fag and that makes people so mad. Oh, that makes people so mad when I said it, but the party was predicated on this. So there's nothing sacrosanct about it. It would be one thing if the Republican Party was like this, this this white nationalist party of literally, but I'm literally saying is that there is nothing there's nothing inherent about it, right? It's not even sacrosanct or not sacrosanct. It's like, it is look so there's flush down the toilet and then we'll handle these people. It's red team blue team. Okay, and you're like, well, I'm going to be on a yellow team and it's like, no, there is no yellow team. Shut up. Like that's that's the rule. Red team blue team though is like the emperor has clothes and we're saying that it doesn't have clothes because it doesn't. It's naked. Red team blue team is like going along with that's what I was saying. You're putting on like a red robe. Like you're going along with like the fucking performance art. You're you're sort of saying like, yeah, he has clothes. I just don't like the clothes the azan. I want him to have different clothes and I'm saying, no, he doesn't have clothes on. Well, actually what I'm saying is that like there's the there are two outfits, you know, and and so you can be with an outfit or the other outfit or you can play the game, right? And so like the game, we're saying the game is the game is closed. We're saying it's a wardrobe. The game is who controls the government and and these this is how you play the game. And so like if you decide like, well, I'm not going to play the game and like, okay, you know, why? I understand that like there's kind of a lot of things going on here and like who wins the game is actually kind of actually my counter though. But here's my counter to the if you if you prevent the Republican party from winning, you're going to allow the Democrats to do whatever they want. My my counter to that is that's what the Republican party is already doing and has been doing for a long time. And so by by by doubling down and supporting the thing that has allowed the the the Democrats to succeed at their agenda, no matter what like they've succeeded at everything that they've they've proposed, you could maybe argue that yeah, they wanted single-payer health care and they didn't get that. Well, they actually didn't want that because that's not what Jewish capitalism wanted. That's why Bernie Sanders, the guy who was promoting single-payer, got pushed out. So if you're being single-payer is really bad, it's not actually with the system wanted. But the point is not the point is not fundamentally the point is not simply this is the counter. This is the counter. It's that if you support the thing that enables the bad thing, then you're actually the thing you're saying that I am, right? Like you're you're actually leading to democratic success. Like if you think Democratic Party bad, Republican Party is the one that's holding the door and you're saying here, let me help you hold the door. No, and we're saying no, we're slamming the door shut. Republican goodbye, you know, that's, but you don't you you don't have the capacity to shut the door. Okay. And so like what you what you can you do you do when you kick the guy in the in the leg, you kick the guy in the knee, like rhetorically, who's holding the door. Yeah, but but what you're saying is I will rhetorically kick somebody in a knee, which is actually not a political strategy. And so what I'm saying is that if you're I'm not I'm not advocating that people sit home until election day and vote Republican. Okay. That's just that's a strong man of what I'm talking about. Okay. The idea is that when election day comes, a lot of decisions have been made. And if we are not involved in those people have already tried like getting it or not. Yeah. Well, you know, what they're not done. And if they decide that they're done trying and they're going to lose. Okay, this is not something that gets you know, this is not over yet is what I'm saying. The public party losing is like the plan. Like that's the that's the expected outcome. Then you might want to get in there and change it. And if you decide, well, I'm not going to participate in the Republican Party, they're not going to help that. We're participating. We're just not playing by the rules of the system. Yeah. Well, if you don't play by the rules of the system and you're actually not playing. And so that's the you are. You're just you're just you're just you're just you're not saying that there's that there's not influence that can be wielded in other forms. What I'm saying is that like there are decisions that are made in the Republican Party. And if you would like to make those decisions, there's a way for you to go about that. And there are rules which you have to play by to do it. And if you were and we're flipping the table over and saying we're not lining up on the line and in wearing red uniforms and following the the old way of doing things were saying you will not be the people who make the decisions about who's on the ballot on election day and that's fine. And I mean, that's what they told the NSTAP too. The NSTAP operated in a parliamentary system. You know that. And so like it's it's completely you're making a categorical error and you know it. You're smart enough to know this. Well, it's a lot of stories. There's proportional representation. That's that's why you can do this in Europe and you can't do it in the United States. It's a completely different system. Right. But you can st- but but why then why I was not created in the 70s. I was creating the constitution of the United States and- But Chris, but Chris, you know the whole story or maybe you don't about AOC and Rashida to live in the Justice Democrats. What is that? They're Democrats. Right. But why have they been destroyed by the party? Yeah. I don't think that they have been destroyed by the party. Look at what they've done. Right. Like they have they are they are driving the Democrat party into becoming the transgender party. And so like that is not- if you think that AOC doesn't have power. You're crazy. Chris, like they've all been they've like look at the look at the timeline of what happened once they got into power. They were in opposition to Israel. They were in opposition to war in Syria. They were in opposition to billionaires. AOC was a big me too person Jewish rape in Hollywood Harvey Weinstein. Oh, that wasn't they didn't run on Faggot shit. Faggot shit wasn't the center of their campaign. It was unseating the Jews in New York City and the various cities that they ran in because they wanted fresh blood to to start up like standing up for Palestine is why they were doing that. And all of a sudden that's all gone out the window. Now it's Faggot shit. Now it's all the other bullshit. How do they get turned? Well, I think that what they're doing is they're prioritizing according to their capacity, right? So like they're like, okay, we're a bunch of left-wing lunatics. We can move the party in a left-wing lunatic direction on these things and what we have to do is we have to not pursue these particular issues. And this happening. This happened in one week of taking office. And because they did that, they threatened AOC and because they did that, they're criminal federal election commission violations. They threatened her campaign manager. They shut them down is what they did. No, they didn't shut them down. She's still in Congress. She's powerful. She's down recruiting candidates with primary Democrats and it's a powerful establishment Democrats because they destroyed people's legacies in the Democratic Party. They took Jews and non-Jews who are in power in New York for a very long time, 30 or 40 years, and they pop up, surprise them, and they ran them out of office. They ran the power of the Democrat Party. They primary them. And that's exactly what I'm saying. So like the justice Democrats are very powerful because they did exactly what I'm talking about. Now do they have to save on different issues? It's been strategy for Republicans in the strategy that is being pursued is not from within the Republican Party. Well, you know, I think that what you have done is you're pivoting now because you brought up something that actually demonstrates my idea. Let us know when it starts to become painful because right now we're the only we're the only entity right now, Chris, that's actually getting results. I believe me. Nobody from within the Republican Party is getting results. Donald Trump is not getting results. Well, if you think that Donald Trump had to get results, I mean, this is the consequence of being stuck in a goddamn power. They're putting him back in power because Ron the census failed at trying to convince people that he was going to stop faggots in Disney. Like that has failed. Like they even had Ron the census like practicing the Trump justiculations and the speaking and like calling people names and it failed. Nobody cared. Everybody thought it was fucking hilarious. So let Donald Trump back on social media because they're floating that as another option. I mean, where where where is the Republican that is where is the group of Republicans that is like, you know, forming some opposition to all of this and like doing doing something within the party. Why isn't there anything like that? Well, I would say that well, actually what what you're describing is exactly what I'm trying to what I'm advocating come to fruition. And you're saying that like that that faction shouldn't come, right? You're saying that well, it's failed. And I don't want to be that faction. I think it's a better pursuit outside. Okay. I mean, but what you're saying is that's where is this where is this political activity? And I guess it's in the NJP. And so like the reason that it's not there is because of somewhere else, right? So that's a choice. The value judgment is straight. Oh, it's true. It's absolutely true. That's that's the example of like James Alsup, like all these people that that like a lot of the people in the NJP are there because they already tried going the sneak up on them route. The I'm going to get elected. I'm going to run as a candidate as GOP. I'm going to a lot of these people have done that. And it's also true that a lot of those people also were supportive of people like Bernie Sanders or Ron Paul or whoever. And we're like, Oh, I espouse views that are that are not in alignment with the official party. And I was I was pushed out immediately. So fuck this. We're going to hit it from the outside. And that's what this is. Well, the idea is that like if you if you go into a contest, okay, if you're if you're trying to participate in an electoral contest, all right, there's a vehicle to get into the position where you can win on election day. Okay. And that vehicle is called a political party. And there's two of them. And if you want to destroy one, you become the other one. That's actually that's actually not how it works. So like if you go and you destroy something, it's worth. Then we saw that we saw that you destroy something and then you get all the benefits of it, right? Like if you go break a window, you don't get a window, right? Well, if it's a power vacuum, if it's a power vacuum and you kick the legs out from you kick one leg of the three-legged stool of the GOP out, what happens? The Democrats run the country on a post. That's what happens. Well, no, Donald Trump threw out the billionaire, the billionaire, uh, Jeb Bush out of the race. And they opposed it. Yeah, you know, in a primary. And so like he did it within the party. And so everybody who tries to run not as a major party, they get laughed out of court and they had nothing happens, right? Because the goal, the goal, the goal is the short, the short immediate gratification of like, oh, you, you ran an election and you lost because you did you, but look at all the third party candidates. It's like, it's like pot head and, you know, what I don't remember his name, Gary, Gary, Libertarian, Gary, whatever. Gary Johnson, Birmingham, Gary Johnson, you know, all these really great characters who are really helping the country out. You know, maybe you should put a boot on your head. Like, why was Ross Perot so successful though? Remember? I don't think that Ross Perot was successful, right? Like Ross Perot lost. He was more successful. Yeah. Okay. But you're still holding up this like, but he lost. It's like he was successful at preventing a Republican. He was successful at getting Bill Clinton elected, which was the point of Ross Perot. Well, I succeeded in not getting a Republican elected. Like I did this already. All right. I ran as a Libertarian party candidate in New York in 2010 for the first congressional district of New York on Long Island. And, and I ran and I was running as a Libertarian. I attended to go into the to the party primary, but I didn't have the organization to do it. And because I lacked the organizational capacity to do it, I ended up running like a right in campaign. You could go look at the vote totals for New York's first congressional district in 2010. New York doesn't count. New York doesn't tell you who the right in votes were unless the number of right in votes is sufficient to like win the election. Okay. But you can see the the the Democrat ended up winning with less than 50% of the vote because of the right in votes. And I was to my best of my knowledge. I was the only right in campaign. So I've done this. All right. And that this was in 2010. You did it as a candidate, but we're doing it as a mass movement. And it's going to be like I did it as part of a lot of political party. Right. So I can't be Libertarian. You're involved in their party. But like we control this party. And this is going to be a mass movement for a very long time before we're going to have a Republican party in my area. So like, you know, we can call Libertarian parties. We've done we and we've observed all of this. And we've made note of the fact that one of the reasons why candidates who run and as third parties don't do well is because they're not backed by a mass movement. I mean, all of the people that were on the debate stage by 20 were not backed by a mass movement. me on something real quick. And I and I've been meaning to watch. I know that my videos online of Gary Johnson, like popping up and making demands at town halls. I need to I need you to educate me on something. It'll probably I imagine your audience has probably already heard this before and I apologize. But I and I should have watched somebody sent me to for me to understand this. Somebody sent me a video of Mike Enoch where he gave a speech titled why we need a mass movement. Okay. I have not watched this yet. I should have done it sooner. I apologize to people who are listening. But what does mass movement mean aside from if more people were on our side, we'd win. No, it what it means is that people do not organize themselves, right? People don't go out. Like the people of East Palestine, I'm sure their hearts are in the right place. But they weren't organizing themselves. There are people that were mad. There are people that were frustrated as individuals and they go and they and they and whenever they would get frustrated and get mad, Norfolk Southern would give them a check for a thousand dollars and make them sign a paper to fuck off. And they have a million different avenues for people who get mad as individuals and try to stand up against the system. Most people don't try to stand up against the system as individuals because what is the reaction from people? Yeah, I'm mad. But what am I going to do? I'm just one person. I feel like, you know, I can't say anything. I can't do anything. They feel like, oh, I leave a comment online and their need has been met. I've signed a petition. Oh, I've done what I've needed to do. This is called reactance theory. They they they give them something that they can react to. They react and then that that feeling is satisfied. It's the reason why people watch pornography and their sec let sex life is totally fucked. They get addicted to video games and they have no real life interaction with anybody. It's all simulation. This is like what Borsoi talks about like hyper reality. People people interact with things on a computer and then they don't go out in the real world and do anything. And so people have been given this hyperality to essentially be on a hamster wheel politically and they don't ultimately do anything. They don't organize themselves. They think somebody else is doing it for them. The mass movement that we're building is something that is devoid of that fake garbage. And so we're actually going out and we're in engaging with people in in a way that the Republican party doesn't want people to engage which is you should stand up and make a demand of these people. Republican party tells you to shut the fuck up and vote for this guy. This guy's going to support you. Don't rock the boat. Don't mess up the system. And they you know, no offense to you, but they use a lot of the same rhetoric, which is that if you do rock the vote, the Republican Democrats are going to win. And then we all lose. But that's what they've been saying for decades. We've been told that for decades. People still have lost their guns. They still lose their first amendment. They lose their second amendment. They lose their fifth amendment. They lose their tenth amendment. I mean, how many amendments do can they fucking lose? I mean, there's one thing after the other. It's Mike DeWine is the one who passed the very first red flag law in the United States where people can just tell on you and take your guns away. That's a fucking Republican. That wasn't a good idea. I understand you could say bad things about the Republican party and Mike DeWine in particular, but like what I'm trying to get out is this. Okay. So I keep on hearing this. That's the very best effort of the people that are supposed to stop the fucking Democrats. Well, that's not the Republican party. Okay. Yeah, but you can say that all day. You can say that all day. And nobody's effort, like where is the effort to stop this? Well, there's going to decade of efforts, at least while we've been involved of people who have tried our own people who have tried to get in and have tried like people who worked on Chris Cobox campaign, people who worked for Donald Trump. I know people who are fucking statewide reps for Donald Trump, if fucking failed. Why nationalism? And in the Senate, Republican party fucking failed. What you're saying is that like because they have not yet accomplished their goals, that it's time to stop their effort. No, they were shown the door. That was the point of the anecdote about striker going out. It doesn't matter in what form you try to show up and trick these people. Chris, you're not going to trick them. I may Republican. I'm not infiltrating my own party. I've been a Republican as long as I've been registered to vote. Okay. And so like and most of the people who I talk to are registered Republicans. Okay. So like we're not infiltrating our own party. We're saying that no, we have to represent for us. And what you're describing as a mass movement is basically just organized activism is what it sounds like. And it doesn't sound like. No, it's something other than organized activism. It starts with organized activism. But that's what political movements are. That's what a political party is. That's what Republican and Democratic party politics is supposed to be. Democrats exhibit some of this when they're trying to stop Republicans. They're authorized to do that. Antifa is organized to do the dirty work. Antifa existed until Republicans weren't a threat anymore. And they were turned off because look at what Republican party politics became. It became just Donald Trump is them. And they wanted to railroad all these people into the Capitol. That's why anti-Fo wasn't there. Well, I actually think anti-Fo had a fundamentally different purpose. It would be interesting to go over. I'm starting to mentor up your point. That's fine. But I mean, we have to leave it. We have to terminate because not because I don't want to have the conversation because we've been doing this for three hours. I think that we were supposed to add. And there are people that Mike DeWine's, the governor's mansion that we need to talk to and find out what happened in East Palestine. Well, and I'm glad that they're doing it. And I think they're doing good work. And I hope that what I have offered here doesn't come across as anything other than that. No, because you said you you you support their efforts. And I think transactionally, I think that's ultimately how it's going to come through fruition. And we've we've all thought through this too. It's it's mass movement is is political activism that is that is something that gives people the the permission because all of this is about permission structure, right? You don't think you're allowed to ask for this stuff. So people don't they don't make those demands. Once people do, then the Republican Party is not willing to go where people what people actually want. What people actually desire, which is get the fucking immigrants out of my country. I never signed up for heart seller. Get them the fuck out. Get the gaze out of this place. Get the gaze out of here. Get no more gay marriage. None of this stuff. It's all gone. We don't want this stuff. They've just gone along with it because they think they're all just well, we just have to keep on going. No, so the grindstone and you know, as economic situation has been made even worse, people don't even have time to think about about this. All they're thinking about is fucking survival. How are they going to pay their bills? And so the advantage of the mass movement there is that somebody's Jews or Jews in the system are allowed to, when people aren't paying attention, when people are so concerned about where their next meal is going to come from or their next $300 grocery bill to feed their family of four, they don't have time to think about the banking system or think whole thing or any of this stuff. And so there has to be somebody out there doing this for them. And that is when the system depends on nobody doing any thinking. They depend on nobody showing up because they're too busy working their third job at Walmart. And that's why we're there. We're there to help organize people to say, yeah, what these guys say. And then you build on top of that. Republicans aren't willing to go there. They're never going to go there. They're going to try to stop every effort to go there. They're going to try to stop every subtle implied effort to go there. And they're going to put up a million gatekeepers in the way because it's a very seasoned mature system of stopping white nationalism. That's why it's there. Most charitable if they want to call it that. That's why it's there. It's meant to stop. It's an op, it's controlled opposition. I mean, hey, look, if you want it to be a team effort where we come at it from the outside and you, you make an effort from going on the inside, hey, look, cool. We'll take, we'll take the, the, the long path there. You take the short path depending on the perception. We think you're taking the long path. We're trying to take the short path. We'll see, we'll see what happens. I mean, it's not, you know, we're not going to pass. We will cover much ground. I'd say, right because the, the goals are ultimately the same. Like you, you, you know, you might, you might trigger like people in the comments about, you know, with you, you say, I'm a Republican. I've always been a Republican. But, but like on the issues, like you don't support gay marriage, your pro life. You don't want immigrants in the country. You're pro second amendment, pro first amendment. You don't, you think, you think, first, you don't apply to pornography, right? I mean, that's, that's how I think most of the political speech of the Democrat Party qualifies as pornography at this point. But, you know, it's not the idea. But like on the issues, like we all, we all agree. Like you think that people should be able to pursue their, their own racial destiny. Like people should, like having having a, a white wife with white children is not bad. It's not evil. That's what people should do. If that's what they want to do, miscegenation is the way to destroy. I mean, all these things, like we don't disagree. Now you might disagree on how to implement the ideal banking system. But the Mike, Mike, you know, position on that, Mike, Pinovitch position on that is like, we don't have to talk about the today, friend. We need to get, we need to get the, the, the problem out of the way. And, and we view the problem as Republican and Democrat one in the same. You, you view it as Democrat and you want to take a different vehicle to get to be, to be, to be absolutely clear. Like, you know, I, I, obvious, I think it should be obvious that I have a lot of problems with what's going on inside the Republican Party. And it's just, I don't think that, if you approach the party as its enemy, then it is, you know, disinclined to be influenced in its, in its direction by opposition. But I understand that that's not axiomatically true. As, as you said, that like, you know, they, obviously, the Democrats have managed to move them, right? And so, you know, I, so if we, it used to be, and now if you, you know, you're not having this conversation a year ago, my claim that opposing Republicans would get them to, to do something would evolve in theoretical, it would evolve in, but trust me, Chris, when we do this, you'll see. But there's already evidence to see. I mean, you can already demonstrate that, that it's, that it's had an effect. And it's going to continue to have an effect because it's, it's ramping up. I mean, we're, we have lots of support. We have lots of people behind us. We had our very first rally outside of the Northeast just a few weeks ago. And, and I mean, it's, it's picking up, it's picking up steam. And there's a lot of, there's a lot of positive stuff going on with movements that don't want to have anything to do with Republicans soon have taken the pill of like, fuck both of them. I mean, the, the GDL is good. The, the, the, the people's, the, the patriotic alternative with, with Mark Collette. I mean, all of these movements, none of them are, are signing up for any of the existing system, even, even in, like, even if it's a difference in parliamentary versus the GOP versus them. I mean, then, then why, then why isn't Mark pursuing that within, within England? I mean, he's, he's doing something that is not, it's totally different. Um, because that's what has to be done. That's what has to be done, um, ultimately. So I, I think that, you know, we can, we can leave it there. Um, but I'd love to have you back on because we have the rest of this video. Um, people check this out, uh, radical agenda episode 70. You got to watch the rest of this, uh, because we're just getting to the meat and potatoes of this thing. Um, and, uh, hopefully at some point we'll, we'll get to the rest of it. I wanted to talk to you about Victor Bout, um, but we'll do that some other time too. Um, and, and, you know, I think that's, I think that's good. And right there, what else, Chris? What do you want to say? I'll tell you what, I just, um, I just, uh, P. B. Publish. What you want to do. Radical agenda episode seven, uh, 70, I should say it's at the top of I, I pinned it to the front page. So if anybody wants to go catch it, they can, they can find it there. Uh, and of course, uh, uh, is where you find me generally. Um, the radical agenda is being released on a somewhat irregular basis because I'm doing like long form, um, oh god, the old part. Somebody old character, I, I have a new one. Uh, was the first thing I saw when you invited me on your show and you're like, I was a chriscantwell. Oh, this guy, it's like the family guy like artwork. Yeah, yeah. And as a matter of fact, it was, I hired like a fiber cartoonist to, to make that. And it was in the family guy style was, as it was marketed. So I hired him to create me as a family guy character. But actually, when I got out of jail in Charlottesville, somebody, uh, very, uh, cool listener, maybe, like this thing where I, uh, actually look a lot more impressive and, but whatever. And so, uh, you know, the radical agenda is released on a somewhat infrequent basis. I'm starting a new show because the radical agenda has been like shut out of all, all business services and stuff. Um, and, uh, if you want to know more about that, uh, announcements will follow at And of course, I'm on telegram, uh, slash follow Chris and people can, uh, find out, uh, where to throw money at me, which they should definitely do at slash tonight. Yes, please, please support this man. Um, I know a lot of people, um, there was a, uh, a significant letter writing campaign that took place while while you were, uh, in jail. Um, there are a lot of good guys out there that have been writing letters to everyone who's locked away. And, um, and I hope that support meant something. Um, and, and, and I don't say, and I don't say that, like, I hope you liked what we did for you, Chris. No, I'm saying that I want to, I want to, I want to say that I did like it. And I appreciate it. Thank you very much. But the reason why I'm saying it is because there are a lot of other guys who are not free right now. And, uh, they, they appreciate the letters. They appreciate the money in the commentary. It may seem like, oh, man, I have to stop what I'm doing and like write an analog paper letter and like do it. Yes. To somebody who doesn't have access to literally any freedom whatsoever, like that makes all the difference in the world. And so that's why I'm asking, did you, did it make a difference for you? And, and yeah, yeah, it does. Yeah, it absolutely did. And like, you know, I was in this position for a while where I couldn't receive mail at all. Like in the county jail, what they have made, like my mother couldn't sent me a letter. It was ridiculous. I spent 14 months in that nonsense. And then when I got to, when I got to the federal prison, I was in the communications management unit. And like, I got a lot of things that were like, they intercepted this letter because it contained material that would be likely to stoke racial violence or something like this and whatever, or extremist material and things. So there are some of you might have sent me letters. If you didn't get a reply, it's because the facility seized your stuff. But I, I replied to a lot of people and, and it does mean a lot to people who are locked up and I want to encourage people to do that. It's good. Yes. So we'll put all the, all the necessary links to your program that is going to be changing soon. But we'll put those in the show notes so people can access it, check out the, the episode of 70. And yeah, I'll probably put something in the commercial though. I was going to put the whole episode or maybe the part that I was on in the commercial. But we're at three hours and I want to plug one specific episode of the radical agenda besides that one. The episode is S 0 6 E 0 0 2 Stage 6 episode 2. The title is Welcome to the Party Pal. And I went into this for two hours and 40 minutes monologuing about, you know, this sort of the Republican Party thing. If people want to understand my position on it better, they can, they can hear it there. Sure. Well, very good. Thank you for coming on and I look forward to more FTN blood sports in the future that we'll definitely have. Maybe I was thinking we should have just done this live and taken super chats and then just matter of fact, you know, I mean, I was going to do it with you off the recording, but you could leave it on if you want or you can edit it out. I was going to say, you know, I mean to start live streaming again pretty soon. And if you want to help me have a bang up first episode, I would love to do that. So we can, uh, uh, negotiate that off the air. So I'm good. Yes. Yes. Um, you'll have to agree to certain terms and conditions void where prohibited about my stances on the Republican Party and Republican Party, but I'm just kidding. I appreciate it. Uh, we will be right back right after these and obscene profit time out. Remember that from Rush Limbaugh for for Antelope Hill publishing and we'll be right back. You're listening to the show that changed your weekend forever. Fash the nation, mash the nation. When they blame a left side or a right side or this and back and forth, we're not tired of that. It's not about, it's about our town now and people not being able to drink the water about kids having rashes about this thing. That's what this is about. It's North folks' southern. Uh, what do they really owe this community? They owe this community a lot. They owe us property value. They owe us our help. They owe us five, ten years from now when things are going on. There's something that's done by JP Morgan, Van Garde and Blackrock. That's not, Alan Shaw is upon. So he's upon. He makes eight million dollars a year. Eight million dollars a year he lives in an eight thousand foot square mansion. He doesn't care about the people. They, they're going to make their money man. The trains are going to roll no matter what. Whether we're here or not, we're just ants to them. Industrial accidents can be prevented. Every industrial accident that's ever happened in the country can be prevented. Preventative maintenance. Trump in 2018, there was, I get the policies. The policies weren't right. That's fine. And, and you know what, if Trump has to take a little bit of the blame, I'm good with that. But you know what? This administration has had to house the Senate, the presidency for the last two years. They changed a lot. They have policies. They have one. They have imposed the contract and stock of rail workers from striking. I mean, tell me a little bit. Do you feel like the rail workers should have struck? Absolutely. They should have. Because of what has happened. If Donald Trump was in power right now, what kind of things would he expect him to do to make a situation like this? Well, it's not about what I would expect Donald Trump to do. It's about what I would expect the leader of our country. And if Donald Trump was here to do something, if he was the president, I would expect him to do the same thing that Biden would do. And that would be coming here and fix up what needs to be fixed up. We're not wealthy. We're not the top one percent. But we just want, we're not out for money. We're out for fixing so we can stay where we've lived forever. Yeah. All right. Hello, everybody. Welcome back to FTN. Thank you for listening for the first half of the show. Hope everybody gets to enjoy all that. I'm sure you will later. I'm here. I'm going to check in with the guys at the NJP protest in East Palestine. And then later at the governor's mansion, the historical home outside of Columbus, I believe. And then there was a dueling protest, not dueling, but a complimentary protest in Atlanta as well at Norfolk Central or Norfolk Southern headquarters. So how did it go? I was recording while everything was going on. I saw posts on telegram. I saw images, but I didn't get to see any of the video or any of the stream. Like fill me in and fill in the audience. How did it go? Tony, you want to go first? Sure. Yeah. We were actually at both of DeWine's residents today. That was the plan. Normally, we were outside of a courthouse or something. We wanted to actually go there and try to jam a zazup. So, yeah. No, it was very funny for anybody from Ohio listening. Obviously, one of his mansions, and it's literally a mansion, is in Dexley, Ohio, which is one of the most Jewish areas in the state. So, I'm sure they were very, very happy to see us there. You know, it went really good. I thought everybody had a good time. There was actually one lib tart that came up to us to basically shame the people of East Palestine and say, well, maybe they should get educated and vote on blah, blah, blah. My trainer, like, yeah, is that the issue? Like do people vote on fucking railroad legislation? You faggot? So, I don't know. But that was the only person that wasn't into what we were saying. We had people drive by, obviously the Hanks and Thumbs Up. So, yeah, it was really successful. Good. Yeah. You got positive feedback. Then, yeah, Mike DeWine, was he home at either place? Did he show himself at all? Yeah. He didn't show himself jazz, but he did. He was definitely home at the second resident. So, when we were planning this, I was looking into it and I saw that the governor's mansion is in, you know, outside of the main part of Columbus. And then it's again, the neighborhood that Tony was talking about, Dexley. But then, while I was researching this, I came across an article that said that, and it was old. It was from when he first became governor, but it said that he would not be spending most of his weekends there. He would mostly be spending his weekends at his home, which is the something reads white more house or something. It's a historic white law read house. Yeah. White law read house. Thank you. Yes. It's a historic house, I guess, in Cedarville. In Cedarville. And no, no whites, no laws being upheld, but called white law. Not a law read house. Exactly. So, I knew that was a possibility, but I thought that the plan was today, go to the main one, because I thought there's a good chance he might be spending the weekend in Columbus, because he's dealing with multiple shitstorms at the moment. And that was an old article that I had read from like two years ago. So, I thought maybe he's more settled into his Columbus house. So, we went there and it's, it is the governor's mansion, always for the governor. So, it was a great spot to be. And, but I got the feeling after we were there for a little while, there wasn't really much going on. And I could tell, you know, there's somebody in the house, obviously like a housekeeper or something, but I got this feeling. Yeah. He's probably not there, you know. And so, yeah, we made the call to just go out, there's about an hour west of Columbus, to go to his actual family home that he's lived in for decades. And when we got there, and we went by, I kind of reconnoitered with dad. And at first, it didn't seem like there were many people there, but then I could see behind the, behind the house, there were a bunch of cars packed, like I don't know, maybe like seven or eight cars parked there. And there was activity. And I think what was happening, well, I kind of was like speculating that maybe he's having dinner with the Norfolk Southern lobbyists now to try to figure out how they're going to handle this. And I kind of made some jokes about that on the bullhorn. But he was definitely home at that one. And we did see his state police, you know, kind of looking at us and getting in and out of car and stuff at the, at the, at that house, but they didn't approach us. I think it's because they know that this is a total shitstorm, this, this thing over what has been, what has happened to East Palestine. And they know that it's very bad optics for them to be arresting journalists and protesters with the given the situation. They've already got bad optics. They've got like two, two, two journalists arrested already. And if they started arresting protesters who already have like goodwill in that community, I mean, it just looks really bad. So you almost, you almost have a immunity in that regard. Yeah, I wonder, I wonder if he was in there with the EPA figuring out how they're going to cover it up to because that's kind of a current of what's going on. A lot of the firms involved have been involved in other major disasters that cover for BP, they cover for Norfolk Southern. But, but yeah, I mean, he's mailing it in. Like why isn't he in a situation room in East Palestine? That's what I would expect, right? Why isn't he there? Like, you know, at the very least George W Bush had heck of a job, Brownie. Like this guy is just at home, like, I don't know, and flip flops reading the Columbus dispatch today. I don't know what he's doing. Pride carrying Norfolk, what they say about him. He doesn't think it's an emergency. Remember? So yeah, he's probably just chilling. Yeah. And, and Jess, your point about the, him not declaring an emergency, did I think we went over on the last show that that is a point that really stuck with me. And I've seen people, other people mention that, but it's interesting because in all the partisan bickering over this, and I went to FEMA's website, you know, and I found it where it says that. The governor has to do it. But in all the partisan bickering, there's no, no one is holding his feet to the fire. It seems he has somehow escaped, you know, JD Vance and Tulsi Gabbard and Donald Trump and Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden. But he is somehow dodging the blame for this when really he is more responsible than anyone for how this has been mishandled. Norfolk Southern, you know, they're just some greedy corporations. They're going to do what all greedy corporations do. But he is the one that had it within his power to bring all the help to those people. And he hasn't done it. And as you dug up and we've seen, he, it's because of his eyes to this company. And that lobbyists, I mean, I went over that actually, the particular guy, the legislative director. And I was shouting at that, the guy's name on the, on the bullhorn. The fact that, you know, this is like, you are in bed with this. What was the name of the lobbying firm? I forget it. Like success, success to grow through something. But yeah, club for growth is a club for growth. That's something like that. That's the low tax like gay fucking Republican thing. Go ahead. He has a very high energy guys from Tennessee up with us today and some other guys. And everybody was in a good spirits. And it was fun because we were kind of like chasing the governor around Ohio. You know, we go to where the one mansion is. Maybe he's not there. So then we have to go to the other mansion. But the day ended, ended very well. He should be chased. Yeah. Another reason too. And I haven't done my little monologue. I'm going to do it after we're done with the interview going through some of the additional stuff I dug up. I mentioned it with Cantwell. But one of the, I think Norfolk Southern is one of his biggest donors. They give him a lot of money. Do you know who one of his other big donors is that I dug up? Any guesses somebody else that lives in Ohio? Oh, what? Not, not less, but Abigail. Abigail is white. That research center named after there and come on this. So they just build. So she gives the big, like she was she. Oh, we're gark of Ohio. Yeah, you were telling me about. Yes. The one that the one who, who for whom acts of abuse were committed at his home in New Albany with Jeffrey Epstein, like women have, women have testified to that. And then he sold the house. He sold the mansion, giant mansion. But it's sold. Wekner, when he moved into New Albany, he bought up a bunch of like the local radio stations and like anyone's that were like, I guess like right leaning or like Christian or anything. He just closed him down. He's typically Jewish. This guy is a prime example of what's wrong with the GOP, people like that. I want to thank you, Jay. I understand you did a lot of research because we had the leaflets there. And I was handed them out to, you know, people in cars that were driving by, someone was slowed down or stopped and take one and button, you know, people walking on the street. It wasn't a lot of people, but you know, we seeded a neighborhood with NJP leaflet. It was all the information you dug up. That's awesome. Yeah. And you know, it all takes in a neighborhood like that or even in the rural, at his country mansion out there. We got some out to the people that were driving by and stuff. And you know, in these areas, it all takes one person to start talking about a new spread's face. Look who is here at the mansion. Yeah. So that's right. Yeah. It gives people permission to ask the right questions, which is the point of striker going there and getting, you know, putting Bill Johnson on the spot, call the cops. And you know, the the flyers are great because it's just people need the information. And they need to be pointing because I mean, I see the bipartisan attacks on Pete Buttplug and far be it for me to like, you know, want to provide cover for a for a fag who's running the transportation administration. He probably has some blame there. But when I see Democrats and Republicans just like going after him, it's like, okay, they're going to lightning rod this guy because they don't want to talk about Mike the wine. They don't want to talk about the westerns. There's dozens and dozens of politicians in Washington lining up right now to reem Pete Buttplug. Yeah, we were going to run a train, they're running a train on people. Yeah. That was it was actually a headline. I sent it to Mike and we started doing like parodies, but it was it wasn't for Republican slam, but it was something like slam and it was a headless. We came up. Yeah, Buttigieg slammed by Republicans over train and train and could enter something like that. I know we're just the headlines wrote themselves. But yeah, it's funny because also the dynamic is it work here with this issue? Is the classic thing where the Democrats are nakedly anti-white, openly anti-white, Buttigieg with his stuff about the white construction workers and just they really don't care about the people of East Palestine because they're white and because they voted for Trump and that kind of thing. But so where does that leave you if you're those people? It leaves you in the arms of the Republicans who at best will do like Donald Trump and sell you the fake populism and then deregulate the railroad industry on the back end or at worst a guy like which is the standard Republican, which is someone like Mike DeWine. I mean Mike DeWine when I was describing him to and I'm looking forward to hearing your whole of the thing that's going to follow this about all the deep. But he strikes me as Mike said it. He said he's a bush tart. He's just like there's pictures of him with Reagan. Yeah. He was a congressman. He got elected with Newt Gingrich in 1994 with that big sweep that was supposed to revolutionize America and it just became gay or they call it culminated in like Monica Lewinsky and all this so that that was the crowning achievement of that and then we get bush and then the Iraq war in 9-11 and I mean Jesus Christ. This guy goes he's a congressman and then he's a senator. Then he becomes the the attorney general and the governor. It's like I've never seen a political trajectory like this but it's all about management of like white interests. Like that's why he's there because of Ohio being a swing state and being very very white and very very racist. That is interesting how he's so like you know we were talking about it how he's good on a few things like the opioid epidemic. He was a little ahead of the curve there but stuff like gun control. He's like a gun for a guy ever to do red flag law. Yeah. It's the first guy. And it strikes me that unless the NJP I mean Ohio and Pennsylvania is really our two states that we're probably going to be targeting the most here soon and it strikes me that the Ohio GOP as Ohio moves more into the red column and further away from being a genuine swing state all that's going to do is make the Republican Party in Ohio get more like doining. Yeah more more just like yeah. Yeah. The Ohio Republican voter is a very based and nearly red-hilled individual. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Like your average white in Ohio is like pretty goddamn racist you know. They do this. They do this in every state. This is one of my theories. They do this in every state that's like majority white where people are very racist like North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma. Like every one of these places has a cucki retarded like gay ass Republican in charge. They can ease like Domain wants to try to ease Ohio into becoming like more like Columbus like more fucking jui more gay more fucking black you know like that's what they're all about. There was a big thing I read where they were talking about how the all the warehouses like around Columbus were like fueling the American dream and it's like those are stuck entirely with Mexicans and Somalians. Yes. And it's like that's that's what you're giving us. Thank you. They're importing ball beds like they do in Minnesota into Columbus. Columbus has all these fucking Ethiopians and fucking all this garbage and it's like nobody likes it. Nobody knows. No offense to people who live in Columbus but nobody likes do that place like liberals that I know in Columbus don't like it. They'll they'll shit on fucking Somalis. Nobody wants to. You know speaking of liberals jazz I want to make another point that the protest that we did today it was funny because we weren't we weren't doing you know black-owned white crime and we're not directly protesting Jewish power. But and so I was I felt in my element today because I've done a lot of protests on the left of corporate power and anti-war and even for environmental causes and those I still care about those issues but what's funny is Mike DeWine and his inaction on this is the kind of thing that the left would have turned out for maybe 15 or 20 years ago. Oh yeah yeah on the environmental stuff. Absolutely. Yeah yeah this is the kind of thing that he would have had protesters but because the left has and I know Mike doesn't like the word woke because it just means anti-white but the phenomenon of wokeness which is basically transformed the left into this neoliberal thing. It signals very hard on anti-whiteness and the reduction of the anti-woke so-called left to the fringes of like Jimmy Door people's party you know Russia TV people have been consigned to Russia TV Michael Tracy those people have no ground game they have no no street presence they have no ability to organize they're just a collection of random people online so where's the green party where's the green party where's Mary Ann Williamson who's Jewish the woman who ran in 2020 on the green ticket where the fuck is she where's the basic like algorithm here fucking environmentalist stuff like I mean they don't even they don't even have to come out and attack Biden they don't have to come out and attack FEMA they could actually come out and demand Mike DeWine do his job but they don't why is that right come out and say clean it up like air man yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's so it's that's another thing where it's it's not only is it up to us to do that just as it's up to us to hold the Republican Party in a state like Ohio hold their feet to the fire because the Democrats are going to do it because they just hate white people and they don't give a shit about about news policy why wouldn't even like like global warming people be out you know what I mean right you know like you're pissed at me for running a lawnmower like goddamn they just like basically set off a fucking nuke like that yeah yeah and like in in Sherrod Brown it's just like tagging along with unlike bipartisan coattails is like where you Sherrod like here you you ran a statewide race like you're he got elected I think originally in in district not far from Johnson's and it's just like that is that is those people are now kind of Republican but not long ago they were blue dot these were all blue dog Democrats these were working class Democrats and they're just like I mean nobody's there nobody's going to be there for them but the biggest tell is there's just lack of environmentalism it's like and I think it's because and it's I'll continue the theory if they actually start caring about this and they actually did meaningful testing in in Ohio they would discover that there's a lot more there than just the train crash the train crash is very very bad vinyl chloride is horrible do you guys see my post that China doesn't even allow yeah yeah any of that to ever be transported ever like I had to print it off I had all those notes printed off in a sheet of paper in my pocket but that was a little too like complex for me to like get into I almost did yeah yeah it was fun the country that has like a permanent like lively uh watermark covering over every factory doesn't even allow that yeah well you know jazz I I drove a truck we I drove a truck for years and I hold hazmat loads I never hold that shit but you know you have the DOT department transportation's hazmat guide and it has all the what kind of placards you have to use and then if there's a spill or a fire what you're supposed to do and it has all the the bad effects on people and animals and so forth and all you have to do is you know read that and to see how bad this this stuff really is and for DeWine to be minimized in that and and and trying to just like like you know just downplay it is ridiculous it's it's really bad oh and he says this doesn't rise to the level of needing a debt disaster declaration but we'll revisit it as we as new facts become available it's criminal the gas is having criminal and and the crazy thing was I'm saying the thing about well the Biden administration says we're not eligible but but this and I made this point over and over again today that clip that's floating around Twitter from his news conference the day before the town hall that Michael McEvid and Striker went to and a bunch of our guys from the area the day before that it was the 14th he gave that press conference where he said Biden called him said do you need anything and he said he said I had not I have not called him back I will if like I'm not we're seeing a problem but I'm just not seeing that's what he said so it's bullshit yeah yeah I mean he's like it's like the saying of like the Jew Christ out as he strikes you but in Deweyne's case it's like he promises to help you but with one hand like he's like polluting your city I forget I have this in my head a second I go but he's like here's a here's a better analogy you're drowning in a river and able-bodied Mike Deweyne suddenly becomes a quadriplegic on the on the bank and it's just like I'm sorry I can't help you man I'm I'm totally handicapped here bro like it's like I'm ineligible you're ineligible because you are choosing not to be eligible you're you're not you're dereliction of duty it's classic resign now Mike you go yeah yeah and that's what I was getting ready to say is just you know I mean we're national socialists here but one of the things about our world view that's a nice bonus in a way is that we are so universally a pariah in this political system because we're up against the I mean we're directly challenging the top dogs that are in control world jury so we then that makes our us with this world view is sort of a pariah but what that means is it gives us the ability to attack and go after people who are just really bad that no one else would ever go after the right people the right people because everybody's been misdirected to other targets on part and and what I mean is like other groups all have an interest in not challenging this lobby or not upsetting this politician as from our position in the national justice party we really can't just go after the injustices that are out there without any concern for uh-oh but this will affect our donor with this lobbyist or you know what I mean we don't have to play the partisan games we don't have to play the cause we're outsiders because we are outside the system and trying to really transform it completely root and branch rip it up it gives us a sort of freedom to take up causes and and just go where the need for justice genuinely is that you wouldn't have if you were a part of this system a part of the democrats are a public and you know we can do it i want to stress this because we have such terrific volunteers now and oh my god and Tony has organized them in such a great way i mean these guys you go out you know when you're when you're out in the street doing stuff like that there's a lot of different things that could could go wrong could happen you have to kind of be you know think it about a more and you need people to follow orders and and and and listen and be disciplined and these guys are they're terrific to work with it they're a great job today they did a great job at that town meeting with a striker and a kevitt and and and it's just uh it's amazing the kind of people we're getting that are that are wanting to do this so there were a couple people there today this is our first demonstration and uh you know it's a big step to do something like that but but uh it gets you in your blood and and we're just getting so many good guys and also in Atlanta too big shout out to those guys yeah i was gonna say that's that's two simultaneous on the same day i don't think that's been done yet with mjp has it no that's the that's the first time i i gave uh clearance for them to do it you know it's it's a skill that you kind of have to learn over time is to to delegate you know sort of like trust that everything will be fine but no they've got great guys down there and they did a great job yeah it's really good did they have any issues with um anybody coming out i only saw some short clips i haven't got the chance to like speak with them in full about it uh to get like the full breakdown but as far as i can tell now i think everything went well so yeah more updates on the way then uh probably probably in the next couple days yeah it'll be good it'll be good to see what the reaction was down there because they you know even even when mjp pops up in east palestine that's kind of where the focus is and then when when they're kind of observing what's going on um you know it's like oh oh man they're like in two places now like this is spreading like they're you know it makes them it makes them upset and i'm sure that less wexner's phone got got called today probably they're at the governor's mansion oh yeah because they can't i mean did you think did you think that agreeing to have EPA in fema come was was was was like that making njp go away like part of your plan like is that what you thought was going to happen like no you're going to demand more because you haven't done enough and that's the point is because people some people are like and it's okay you know some people think this and they'll eventually i think come around on it but they think that well you're just really good at getting the Republicans to do their job so well that's good i mean what are you going to do next it's like well the point is is that Republicans are only doing their job because right now at the moment they're being asked to do very basic shit such as clean up the toxic waste that was spilled all over this town by a company that you take lots of money from that's like a basic thing but the Republican party's not willing to go where people where where the country needs to go and there's going to become a point where they're just not going to do it and that's the emperor has no clothes after all moment because they really don't they're not willing to give people the free speech that they thought they're supposed to have they're not willing to give anybody any of the rights that they're supposed to have um but but pulling them along right now shows that yeah you can get the Republican party actually to work for you but only when you oppose them not when you pretend to be one of them which is a key difference that's right so so gentlemen thank you um this was great and uh lots of video footage there's the official njp stream if people haven't caught that i know i think both video parts for that are up now um we have this coming up and then probably more i think there's a lot of video footage that has not been released yet that was taken by you guys correct so that'll be up at some point too yep yeah absolutely all right well very good uh appreciate it guys and uh hope you enjoy the rest of your night get some rest okay thanks yes appreciate hey guys so we're gonna round out the very very last part of the show here with a little bit of just just jazz just jazz hands monologue uh and it's just really get to the stuff that that i've been wanting to get to tease the little bit during the session with countwell and then also a little bit with the uh the committee members uh there with the the last interview that we just had um and it's really to dive into the details on some additional things with uh with East Palestine um and there's there's quite a few things here and so so bear with me um the first the first one is and that this is this is something i'm going to share here on the screen these these are some uh essentially talking points these were something that i prepared for uh for Warren and the guys uh to do to do some of their propaganda and i and i have an ad chance to watch uh the stream earlier so i don't know what all they got to but i have a little bit of here uh things maybe you've not heard before but also quite a bit um as well about Mike DeWine uh that hasn't uh that hasn't been put out there uh i'm going to go into more detail on his money uh that he's received from the wexners uh both less wexner uh the the former disgraced CEO of uh L brands of Victoria secret uh his wife Abigail um and he's he's been long long standing connections uh to Jeffery Epstein and has never been questioned has never been arrested has never been uh anything in fact he sold his home in new albinio hyo where there are some allegations of sexual abuse from uh a number of witnesses um that that that have never had anyone ever investigate them uh these women who appear credible have uh have have made a number of accusations against Mike DeWine and um uh and Mike DeWine Mike DeWine is one thing enough in my head against less wexner and Jeffery Epstein uh but they they donated a lot of money to Mike DeWine and Bill Johnson so um and it's actually Abigail wexner like 10 to 1 ratio um over and above what less does less gives lots of money um but but his wife and uh it's what's interesting what people who have looked deeply into the conspiracies uh with uh with Epstein the conspiracies the wild eye conspiracy is the anti-Semitic canards of uh of Epstein and and wexner um what you come to learn is that it was actually the women i mean the men are bad obviously but it was the women um who were often even worse um and and and this is true of uh the Rothschild uh the the the the linda Rothschild the the wife of a lady der Rothschild is one thing of um but also Ivanka Trump the original wife of Donald Trump um and uh Gilein Maxwell uh you know these women used to ride around in cars uh looking for girls coming out of private school and would ask them how smart they are what kind of IQ they have and would try to get them into modeling careers and they were only interested in talking to the smart ones because they were only interested in girls with with good genetics um tells you a lot and when you look at Epstein's victims um you can see what this what this was i mean this is really disgusting disgusting shit but less wexner has never been asked about any of it and yet he has donated uh enormous amounts of money uh to to Mike the wine um uh over the years maxing out on its campaign maxing out on his inauguration uh his inauguration fund the maxing out to the republican governors association uh just in every public approach Trump uh pro Trump and for a while uh you know less wexner was the one that said that he uh was no longer gonna donate to the republican party well he's a resume donating to the republican party it's just to Mike the wine and a handful of others but mostly to Mike the wine because wexner is in Ohio um that's how that works so uh we'll get to that i have a lot of details on that one so we'll get we'll save that for a little bit but so one of the big ones this is stuff that i learned as i was doing this research was that uh the uh the according the federal railway administration the fra for this review out in real ryanlander was that there have been 20 Norfolk southern trains that have derailed since 2015 that had chemical releases in 2016 there was a derailment in shittakwa county new york yes that is shittakwa not chakakwa uh prompted evacuation orders in a massive effort to contain thousands of gallons of ethanol yeah that's right spilled all over the place uh polluting the river you had colt trains wrecking you had uh petroleum distillates but this what you've had now in in east palestine is by far much worse and one of the things that a lot of people don't know about but that was talked about very early on is that there is a there appears to be um an epa cover up taking place and i know that is a wild-eyed allegation but they've done it in the past um and they do it to protect corporate entities who have a lot of power um so i mean if michael wine's going to be doing a cover up why wouldn't the epa right and so the the the the smoking gun with this is this company called the center for toxicology and environmental health uh and it is the they have done this uh toxicology test um claiming that things aren't really that bad in in east palestine um and they've already persuaded three hundred and forty residents there so far to sign agreements that reportedly waive their legal rights in the aftermath of ohio's train crash and so this cteh the center for toxicology and environmental health is a private contractor that was hired by norfolk southern jittest water soil and air quality in east palestine ohio um and they have a longstanding pattern of minimizing the effects of uh environmental disasters to satisfy their corporate employers this is an arcan saw based firm they provide consulting services to various industry including oil and gas uh they were responsible for uh downplaying uh when all of the millions millions of gallons of oil spilled in Louisiana in 2005 there was toxic coal ash smothering central Tennessee in 2008 and a number of others where cteh shows up and basically signs off on everything being fine they're also there at her cancotrina uh and they were also there for the de-pointer horizon BP oil spill um to convince people that there was really no big risk to public health and so they they have been at the center of this for a long time there is a uh substack out there that you can look into uh cancot cancot cancot cancot the great um has done has done some digging into this but they were actually targeted this is underscoring a point that was made uh in the previous segment with Warren and Tony and in Allen uh which is that this organization was the primary target of of um cteh in oh i'm sorry of the democratic party uh in 2010 um and uh it was it was the companies worked for BP and the wake of the deep water horizon oil spill in 2010 directsations of the fox guarding the chicken coop from the new york times and conflicts of interest from democrats in congress from the new york times it said it as BP continues to claim that the leaking oil has caused no significant exposures despite the hospitalization of several workers and sparse released of test data these observers of cteh works say the firm has a vested interest in finding a clean bill of health to satisfy its corporate employer it's essentially the fox guarding the chicken coop said nickelis cherim is a nov a former edson chemical engineer who now consults on pollution prevention there's a huge incentive for them to under report the size of the spill and the same thing applies to health and safety side another toxicologist familiar with cteh who requested and on nimiti to avoid retribution from the firm described its chemical studies as designed to meet the goals of its clients they're paid to say everything's okay this source said the work product is basically they find the least productive rules and regulations sorry at least protective rules and regulations at least productive also works i guess and rely on those matt landen a staff member of the anti mountain top removal mining group united mountain defense umd encountered cteh in the wake of the two thousand eight breach in a coal ash dam run by the tenisee valley authority tva uh landen said his group began its own air monitoring after finding cteh employees installing low volume monitors that community advocates believe we're not strong enough to measure air quality in compliance with epa standards people are getting sick landen called uh people eyes were swelling up rashes eerex wedding bands tarnishing they said it was taking them time to get to high volume monitors out there right as always that's this is what always happens right um they they were involved in uh bad sampling techniques used to evaluate soil contamination in the two thousand five for finery it's like gee it's like everything just keeps going wrong with this company now in two thousand ten you had then representative lowest caps of california democrat and peter welch democrat of vermont called for bp to end its contract with cteh where they now where they in east palestine don't seem to be there not available for comment probably not in congress uh because it's usually how that works uh naff plasterboard was another one there was a settle there was a class action lawsuit settled for six hundred to a billion dollars to homeowners that were affected by this hazardous material um that cteh also ran cover for um so they've been doing this for quite some time um and democratic uh party operatives would be out there calling for change in the past um but they they they they had not done that at all and now they're in east palestine um and and this brings us up to uh this girl um woman katlyn schwarz valder uh good german name katlyn schwarz valder um and i think that means black forester because valder is a forest uh and schwarz is black that's why i know steven schwarzman is a blackman she's black forster katlyn from the black forest uh she also breeds doberman's based um in ohio uh joined oh god she was on glennbeck um well we'll look past where she went but let's listen to what she had to say uh about more and i'll listen to glennbeck i'm i will rip out all of my hair if i have to do that uh but she describes the interaction with uh cteh uh and an epa official that came to test the air quality at home uh she said we were told by norfolk personnel that the agency coming to our homes to test was from an independent laboratory now what i can tell you first hand is that we had a gentleman from cteh which is the so-called independent laboratory who had spoken to him informally and he said we follow around the railroad when they make mistakes and they're happy to have us there when cteh gets a weird thing to say cteh came to our facility to test our air they had not offered water services at that point in time they handed me a contract that essentially said i needed to hold norfolk their affiliates including cteh harmless of any future liabilities i didn't sign it but unfortunately three hundred and forty other residents did that's where my heart breaks for these people because we don't know the long-term repercussions of what these chemicals can do to our air or to our environment and to our businesses they've signed their rights away in the hopes that they're getting help and the right answers from these organizations cteh the affiliate of norfolk that came to test the air was followed by the epa we asked if the epa can come to our kennel and can test themselves because they're a government organization that has that has the ability and that they have testing equipment with them and the answer was absolutely not and then there's a picture of the contract which i will try to pull up and put into the show let's see if we can get a picture of this contract available here for you guys but in any case this is just this is just part of the course i mean who who have you listening right now is surprised to hear this you surprised i'm not surprised shocked not shocked that that there is some some shit like this going on but this is this is what they always do right this is how it's always done this is how they they create this kind of a system like this where they get in there look because they were in a heart see this is there's so much to there's so much to unpack so to speak with this they they create this illusion that there's nothing to see there nothing important just ignore everything that's going on don't don't get too involved don't look too closely at what what's out there because you know we don't want to we don't want to create any um you know upset anybody we don't want to make anybody uh you know it's not that big of a deal as Mike the wine has said uh you know we don't have to we don't have to create some problem um and and ultimately it what it comes down to is they act very quickly when it is something like this when they need to get a wet signature from somebody in the town uh who who can sign away their liability rights their ability to sue um and we're going to get this to pop up I think hopefully it's going to take a second to upload but we will have the picture of the letter because I really want to show this um it it they've signed their life away they will hold nobody accountable um and then they think that they're getting answers they think that I'm signing a document so that yes I signed the document saying that you can take the test like that's the logical thing that people think that they're getting right that's not actually what they're getting they're assigning a document that says I you can take the test and I will hold the railroad and everybody but where's the representative from the railroad who who's authorized to go get these signatures um it's really really kind of strange um so here we go this is the this is the letter uh at this this stream there we go so property access agreement release kateland shforzvalder the legal and rightful owner or occupant of the property landowner hereby authorized norfolk southern it's affiliate subsidy subsidiaries parents contractors associated environmental professionals and assisting local state and federal agencies including but not limited to cteh llc and any of their personal collectively monitoring seem to access their property for air sampling or environmental sampling outside the home inside the home landowner agrees to indemnify release and hold harmless unite unified command from any and all of the legal claims including personal injury property damage rising from monitoring teams performance or air monitoring on the data signature below grand access to sign of the document now that seems like a simple kind of like I'm allowing you to come on my property and take test but not to me personally but it it sounds like this is basically waving any sort of rights away because you're allowing them to come test you say that whatever the test says I'm not going to hold you accountable well that that's how they do it right they make it seem like they're just this is a wave a waiver of liability for anything that happens on the property when they take the test that's how it appears probably does cover that as well guy trips and falls then you know how that works but what it really means is that you're agreeing to these test results and if even if you get some third party to come along and show that they're different you agree not to sue us as a result of the testing in air monitoring right because what else how else do you have standing without the testing in the air monitoring it's pretty clear so CTEH very very bad and this is this is you know this is where this is where they're going and in 2005 and when a Norfolk Southern train and crashed and spilled toxic chemicals in Graniteville South Carolina there were 5400 residents evacuating their homes residents who immediately accepted compensation and signed settlement agreements with North Look Southern forfeited the right to any further damages so it's also concerning to hear the EPA is not testing homes and businesses yeah why why aren't they why aren't they doing that and meanwhile their journalists who have gone there to ask questions who are being arrested for simply showing up so this is this is what they're doing and and they're not many people talking about it I'm sure NJP will be talking about this soon I mean this is all this is all breaking I know the date on this is 211 but this person has not given interviews until now so going back to this there was an audit conducted recently with the Norfolk Southern and it found a lot of issues not a lot of communication between the transportation and mechanical departments this lack of communication would expose crews to increased injury they also did not take immediate action to resolve certain conditions and this has been something that they've done for a while this this audit leads leads to finding out that they're under reporting of these things and then also locations of hazardous materials shipments are sometimes not accurately documented I mean my theory with this was also that this train they say did not qualify for the breaks that Obama his administration mandated should have been on these trains but that's because they kind of like sneak the cars on then it's sneak them on I mean they they're there they're on the manifest but this audit is saying that sometimes they don't even document that correctly but more importantly there it's just not a train of only those chemicals it's like those chemicals in a 149 car train so many train cars were in the one that derailed 149 and the eight tank cars of vinyl chloride were somewhere in the middle so and as we pointed out local first responders in East Palestine weren't not told what was in those cars they had no idea and it wasn't even until a week had gone by that a full list of chemicals on board was provided now they have confirmed that the the wheel of the train car heated up to 170 degrees above ambient actually went to 234 I believe 170 is when it's supposed to trigger an alarm and there was no alarm triggered because it rapidly increased meaning there was a rapid failure now we talked about the the Obama administration putting forward some rules about about the the brakes being mandated updating the brakes and one of the reasons for that is because the braking system that is being used on trains now is a world-work or civil war era braking system which creates kind of an accordion effect where the cars just kind of collapse one on top of the other and that's due to the fact that the brakes sometimes are not applied equally because they're air brakes they're applied with air pressure and that is not applied equally so you end up some cars slowing down faster than others leads to a lot of problems and so this is this is one of the major issues and so Obama put these into place and when they did Norfolk Southern appealed to transportation officials to end these rulings immediately so as soon as these were put in place like you will upgrade your brakes from this really old system that you're using so that they're electronically controlled and it will be applied equally expensive expensive to maintain but keeps the community safe they wrote a letter saying you're rid of it they didn't get rid of it Obama kept it in in 2017 Trump administration rolls those back immediately and Norfolk Southern was at the forefront of making those demands they wrote a 23-page letter saying that they want to see it removed and they they roll back not just the braking but the the see let's see what have set rules on minimum cruises yeah those the other thing they're complaining about having two crew members of train this what Norfolk Southern was they only wanted to have one guy what's one guy supposed to do but as we pointed out last week the person at the forefront of this effort to roll back the Obama era rules is lawyer Jeffrey Rosen who's from the industry who spent his entire career rolling back regulations on behalf of the industry so lobbyist then he comes in to work for Trump thought that Trump was going to drain the swamp seems like he invited them in the front door and when Norfolk Southern isn't lobbying against safety regulations it just simply ignores them so three months before the railroad derailed in Ohio Norfolk Southern Chief Executive Alan Shaw shared a picture of himself and people but plugs smiling together after reading Washington Shaw thanked but plugs saying that they had discussed shared goals for economic growth yeah of course Sean presented his railroad as a climate-friendly alternative to sending sending freight by truck three months before one of his railroad cars derailed oh yeah it's just a copy paste of the same thing every time we shift freight from highway to rail we reduce carbon emissions east congestion and reduce wear on the nation's publicly funded highway infrastructure and he's making a point that he funds the train tracks right he's out of the goodness of his heart let me just derails in your community instead so they just ignore these safety alerts there's a pro-publica report out about a policy that they're just ignoring the policy applies specifically to the company's wayside detector help desk which monitors data from the trackside sensors workers on the desk can tell crews to disregard an alert when information available is confirming it is safe to proceed and continue no faster than 30 miles an hour to the next trackside sensor which is often miles away companies rulebook did not specify which information might be what what such information might be and how many officials did not respond to questions about the policy so and as I've mentioned previously the one place that you know this supposed to be this horrific smoke belching climate science denying polluting human rights killing country China they won't even transport vinyl chloride and when they do it's it's only locally and when they can they produce it on the job site because they know that it is extremely dangerous and it requires layers upon layers of approval this Andy Borham is a New Zealand journalist and he's a he's a guy that has talked about this pretty much on the day that this happened or not long after having it happened on February 3rd I think this happened after they the railroad made the decision to just with with help of Josh Shapiro Jewish governor Pennsylvania and Mike DeWine made the decision to just blow all that shit up so of course every single time um but China doesn't transport it they uh they will not do it in America they just do whatever they want um meanwhile there have been massive stock buybacks which people have probably heard about I'm going to try to give the express version of all this prep massive stock buybacks 143% in 2021 the TLDR is that this has all been done with that that finance stock buybacks um and just for those of you out in Rio Rhinelander essentially a buyback is um taxed at a lower capital gains rate so this is benefiting very wealthy people um when the the stock price goes up when they buy their own stock it benefits the the business it's a tax code loophole essentially that enables the wealthy to pass shares onto their heirs who can then skip paying capital gains taxes on them altogether so this is how stock buybacks are effectively a way of working around debt taxes so yeah that's how that goes you'll have to allow me a pause to get a drink every once in a while because usually that's when somebody else is talking but uh we're we're we're doing the solo solo bit here but um so debt finance stock buybacks okay well the railroad is taking out debt to buy its own stock because it's such a profitable work that doesn't even matter how much the interest is on the debt now despite all of this they only offer 25 grand for the entire town and then anybody who files a fear of death claim gets a thousand bucks now what's important though and you're gonna see here uh on the next page is that the average of the average age of Norfolk Sutherans locomotive and rolling stock freight car for those of you in Rio Rhinelander is above average um and the it's getting older because if you look at this graph which you probably can't see very well but essentially um what it what it shows is number of locomotives number of units meaning um freight cars and it shows how many were produced or ordered within a given time frame and 2007 and before I mean that's a lot of years but 2008 to 2012 about 8800 cars 2013 to 2017 4200 and then they just stopped I guess they just started doing stock buybacks I don't know when trump got when trump became president they just stopped buying locomotives and since stopped buying freight cars I mean so it's really kind of weird um they also stopped updating their track and their hotboxes and all their sensors maybe that's why the temperature rapidly increased on that axle and I've been saying it's a wheel it's an axle uh that got too hot so who made all this possible well exactly one month before Norfolk Southern derailed uh Mike Thuang got $10,000 people have heard about that already um there have been oh 988 or $98,000 given to a high state wide and legislative candidates um doesn't seem like a lot of money but it is on state level politics uh there has been a lot of uh activity going on in a bipartisan fashion to not just erode rules for railroads at the national federal level but also at the state level uh in 2021 lobbyists made their case to the office of Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost against the total two person crew mandate the bill would have required the attorney general the request of public utilities commission to bring the civil action against railroads that violated the law the penalties would have ranged from $1,000 to $10,000 there's no indication Yost did anything and is now threatened to sue the railroad um over the east palestine derailment pearl letter dated uh obtained by six on your side in the end however the lobbying effort was a success while neither measure passed the later version got five hearings in 2021 republican co-sponsor said at the time that the bill contained railroad safety measures that are long overdue and critical to industry industry safety as well as communities that are impacted by the railroads but it died it didn't work because they lobbied against it now if you think about it uh bill yost Dave Yost Chuck Yost whatever his name is Ohio Attorney General good friends are Mike the line um and I don't have this in the slide so you'll just have to bear with me but um Mike the wine has been involved in extensive extensive political corruption and Dave Yost is his friend uh Dave Yost is somebody who uh who has been involved in this for quite some time uh in Ohio um this is going this is out of um friend of Mike the wine lobbied for corporation accused of fraud the administration of governor Mike the wine has just restarted a massive contract with centine corp only six months earlier attorney general Dave Yost agreed to accept 88 million from the company to settle claims that it defrauded the state's Medicaid program of tens of millions of dollars to wine also was already embroiled in a historic energy scandal in which his appointee to the state's regulator took what Yost called a 4.3 million dollar bribe and did favors worth hundreds of millions to first energy the company that paid it uh there are websites all over the internet and the the the slogan seems to be crime with the wine um there's a big movement in Ohio trying to get the wine to resign over this stuff um but this is the way it this is not unique this is the way they've done business for a long time there's also a corruption trial going on uh with Larry householder I I call him Larry not householder because he's no longer in the Ohio House to represent um it's really kind of funny to have that name he's holding the house no he's not uh he's no longer holding the house um and uh he's been accused of a fraud sixty million dollars worth of fraud bribery kickback schemes just really discussed in corruption and so when you have weak leadership like Mike DeWine and uh weak congressional leadership like Bill Johnson I mean the sky's limit Larry householder can buy his way into anything so can Mike DeWine because everybody's covering for him um there's been a uh a a a a joint legal ethics committee uh saying that that the person that was hired um is a friend is an old friend of the governor um to lobby on his behalf uh and that's where this is from centine uh he'd been hired by uh to lobby DeWine Yost Lieutenant Governor John Hustard Hustard and the Medicaid Department on Decisions regarding Medicaid managed care um so these are DeWine has been involved in a lot of stuff um the you could go down the rabbit hole forever on the first energy bribery scandal it's bad uh it's bad and he's been silent the whole time uh DeWine has not said anything today uh well today uh this would have been uh just not long ago let's see how long ago this was oh July 21st 2022 it's actually been three and a half years so two and a half years sorry not three and a half two and a half years marks two years since FBI agents arrested former speaker Larry Householder and a bunch of his fellow Republicans in the largest public corruption scandal in Ohio history the GOP led scheme has cost Ohio hundreds of millions of dollars and continues to cost them $287,000 every single day every single day that's how much this cost to prosecute um but yet Norfolk Southern wants to give these Palestine 25 grand total not per person total and Ohio instilled our answers about what Mike DeWine knew about the scandal even though the scandal continues to inch closer and closer to his office from his meeting with Mike Dowling and Chuck Jones to the resignation of top staffer Dan McCarty to first-centredgy donations to his daughter Mike DeWine seems to have something to hide Republicans like DeWine continue to try and have no comment their way out of the first-centredgy bribery scandal but Democrats are committed to fighting every day and this is all this is all fundraising for Democrats but it's still true Mike DeWine has not responded um and they've actually sued Mike DeWine averse refusal to provide any records so there you go so $60 million dollar public corruption with a public utility and Mike DeWine was going to use the public utility as we learned in that CTEH piece of information that just went into about the center for fake toxicology stats from the EPA um there was a public utility that was put under pressure there too so it's going on DeWine maybe this is why you hide in your little in your little white law house white law read house as NJP's outside he's like the he's like the meme of um the guy like hiding inside when when we're marching in the streets like the crying antifa like with the tears coming down their face crying woe jack as as nazis are in the street um but here's the big one here's the big one some running out of steam and I got to process this video before uh we get we get too late here in the evening um but first of all Mike DeWine anytime Abigail Wexner wife of less Wexner Josh anytime she's speaking at anything about anything Mike DeWine is there at the research institute at nationwide children's hospital dedicated to Abigail Wexner Mike DeWine he's is it add to stream there we go yeah there we go there we go very clear Wexner and Coppall his wife's maiden name is Coppall um political contributions the verge leslie Wexner has increased his state and federal donations to democrats and I'm sorry if people feel like I'm reading slides uh there is still an audio format of this show so it's the visual is sort of helping me and you and them but they still have to be read too because they can't see this uh since he left the GOP in 2018 but he continues to give more to republicans his wife Abigail is the opposite um she gives a lot of uh of money as well uh but not not since 2018 she's now giving lots of money to the democrats 800 000 dollars uh more like 700 000 that's 800 000 I think close in 2020 whereas Wexner gave a little bit but in 2016 it was like three to one four to one uh republicans uh to democrats Abigail Wexner less Wexner giving lots of money um and I was wrong earlier I thought she gave more money than he does no he gives the most um but but she is still a a key figure um but she's it looks like she's keeping more of her money for herself um because she's uh except when it comes to the democratic party politics she's still giving quite a bit so jue berg was telling her what to do uh but this little slice of money in 2020 and 2022 it's basically all the wine so he cut back everything separate of the wine what's that tell you what does that tell you um so this is kind of a funny story and we might close on this but I have a couple more things on on uh Mike the wine so hopefully people find this really funny but this is from oh when did this happen is this this Hanukkah no it's Hanukkah 2019 from Columbus Jewish news governor Mike the wine share fathers stories at uh at at Hanukkah event let's see if I can share this I should be able to um and this is funny it's too good let's see I should be able to share this there's no reason why we can't um yeah it's really funny let's see stand by you guys I apologize I don't like having the long silence and the big gaps and all that shit but uh oh let's see let's get this up here let me close some of this shit uh present share screen and Mike the wine Mike the wine Mike the wine let's see there we go this one's good come on man get this shit out of my fucking face yeah so governor Mike the wine rabbi share father stories at Hanukkah event they're sharing it at the Hanukkah event and uh here we have governor Mike the wine um and Habad Habad Columbus rabbi Araya Kulpman may have stood together may have stood together to honor Jewish heritage and culture both who would share fake install and at a menorah lighting to sember 23rd the governor's residence at Bexley but the journey to that day started more than 70 years ago with the brave brave of their forefathers I mean foreskins no they don't have those uh in the spring of 1940 why private the dicky divine the governor's father was a soldier in the u.s. armies 103rd infantry division that had arrived that arrived to liberate the dachau concentration camp in Germany hmm citation needed he later returned to america to raise a family and while he seldom spoke about his time in the war the wine told his children he would never forget what he had seen in dachau never forget ever that same spring in 1945 about 300 miles north of dachau and halberstadt hmm maybe halberstrem is from halberstadt germany yosi kaltman the rabbi's father was a 17 year old Jewish prisoner in aspiring pedophile I mean well aspiring pedophile who is rescued from a concentration camp by the ninth armor tank division he also made his way to america and raised a family little over two weeks ago on the unseasonably warm in sunny afternoon the governor and the rabbi met to perform a very special mitzvah together lighting a menorah and celebrating chanuka more than 70 people including the ohio first lady france is to wine lieutenant governor husted new albany city council member marine marlene brisk new albany city council member hmm that's a small town in ohio we're less wexner lives marlene brisk wonder who that is very interesting and 40 rabbis throughout how gathered in the part view avenue homes ornate foyer in a nearly par in a nearby parlor festoon with lighted garland a tree and points at those a silver menorah and stood at the top the grand piano well let us unknown how many years it's been since the light of monorah was part of the official residence in solidity to core to wine who is a roman catholic said that adding the menorah is the holiday seasonal celebration makes it more important because understanding and respecting the deference and religions is how to build a community this is an opportunity for us to have as members of the jewish faith in our home to be together doine said when you can break bread together and be together it's important and there's no better time than that for that than the holidays like the wine also in attendance were david green span kacy winestein hoey begleman that made yet as begleman executive director of the ohio jewish communities well it's all these jews where are the christians for this i thought it was interfaith but it's not it's just jews the governor like a menorah there's no other religions there at all mean it's like all right get this fucking jew shit out of here i've had enough um yeah this is this is driving me nuts all this shit uh but let's go back let's go back to this because this is um let's from have a reminder of why we're all here yeah that they did that the jews did that uh this is pressing forward like the wine so his father was literally a liberator of dachau and i guess because a jew was also liberated someplace else like their journeys or it's kizmit or something also a jewish word um but isn't it funny uh somebody was pointing out today mike i think was mike that racism is a public health crisis in in a in a in a hoio according to mike de wine racism is a public health crisis health crisis disaster does not rise to the level of needing to declare a disaster for the train spill racism is a health crisis train of toxic chemicals spilled all over a community where people's voices and skin is changing there's a guy that sounds like he's on helium um i'm not kidding there's a new story out there of a guy who sounds like he is on helium uh and the most important thing to know about your public health from mike de wine gop member is to not not be racist because that is the most horrific thing for your health um let me try to find this real quick uh this is gonna be east palestine all i have to do is type east palestine Mickey Mouse and uh there we go let's see if this pops up one second sorry guys i'm uh we're we're new to the to the streaming thing these days uh let's see reveal illness yeah i think this is what we want so yeah this is uh this is gonna be yeah in york post sounds like Mickey Mouse east palestine residents shock illnesses after derailment east palestine Ohio more on Ohio way love it has been having trouble breathing since february third north of southern train derailment doctor say i definitely have the chemicals in me but there's no one in town who can run the toxic ecological test well what about cth send them there clearly they're doing a good job to find out which ones they are love it 40 an auto dealer said in extremely high pitched voice my voice sounds like Mickey Mouse my normal voices low it's hard to breathe especially at night my chest hurts so much at night i feel like i'm drowning i cough up flim a lot i lost my job because the doctor won't release me to go to work oh auto detailer i thought he was an auto dealer it's like how did you lose your job no he's just an auto detailer despite his health woes love it in his fiancee taņa urwin spent last Thursday delivering bottled water to locals see this is the the good people that they they want to kill and destroy in genocide this is juase the type of person who whose voice literally sounds like he sucked in a bunch of helium and he's having all kinds of health problems literally isn't thinking about himself he's thinking about other people in the community and in trying to provide water for them when that's what the government should be doing a republicans will tell you that this is this is what you're supposed to do right now the government that's supposed to come in people will people will come together and take care of it on their own this guy might die and they'll cover it up nobody don't know nobody don't know what even happened because nobody wants to know and that's ultimately the point they don't they don't want to know um so yeah let's see back to this so there's not much more here and there's not much more gas in my tank here um i'm just running out of steam but but i want to i want to connect a couple dots before we go so you might the wine embroiled in corruption that crosses paths energy companies which are not that far removed from railroads doesn't say anything lots of text calendar invites emails linking the wine to first-energy scandal but nobody is arrested him lots of links between less wexner and abago wexner and Jeffrey Epstein nobody's arrested him um Mike the wine seems to care more about race being a public health crisis than things that actually caused deleterious effects on people's health and then instead of standing up for the people of these Palestine he is lighting manoros inviting people into the mansion and bringing people together but nobody who represents our interests were brought together for that it was only Jews not that we want to be in the room but i mean it's kind of obvious what's going on um Detroit Jewish news Ohio governor takes initiative to protect Jewish college students what's he doing to protect people in these Palestine and then like many other governors he issued an an official government order uh governor's order executive order on adopting the iHRA international holocaust remembrance association definition of anti-Semitism now it's fine if kind of funny when you go down the rabbit hole in this guy is that at the time when the Jeffrey Epstein stuff was going really big like the odds and the 10-11-12-2013 time frame what was Mike the wine doing well back then he was the attorney general of Ohio and he there's an article out there from fox 19 i'll try to pull this one up as well i don't know why i just don't open these this is gonna see this is like lesson learned and learned jazans is open all your news articles into one tab and then have the tab shared and then just click them we're learning we're learning guys it's fine um because there the these things are not opening in the tab that i want them to open it but that's okay i'm not gonna do the thing where i complain about the technology while we're trying to do the show um what i hope though is by opening them in this incognito tab that it does not like play video and do a bunch of the shit that this kind of thing usually does uh yeah let's see don't start yeah it is of course with a really you'll see it in a second the fucking ad for this shit uh yeah no i don't want i don't want that okay so ohio attorney general mic to wine launches bold new quote crimes against children initiative is november 18th 2011 from fox 19 now um and let's see then there's another one from 2018 ohio attorney general's task force focuses on helping victims of human trafficking well it's really weird because i would think that if mic to wine is making fighting human trafficking a center part of his legacy as ohio attorney general i think one would start with credible accusations against the wax nurse who are in his jurisdiction there's no investigation at all and it's not as though what i'm not trying to claim here is i'm not trying to claim that uh let's pause that as well jesus all this stuff um i'm not trying to claim that he is fighting against child trafficking and whatnot but all the sudden you know Epstein stuff is going on side by side and he just missed it i think that's what people who want to defend the republican party might do but that's not what i'm doing um what i'm saying is if you go back to 2011 with this um is that this guy is you know he he says that he's launching this this this crime bill against um against uh petafiles crimes against children initiative right well i mean you have credible witnesses who have come forward and it's like okay well maybe that wasn't going on in 2011 ohio attorney general mic to wine unveiled a bold new initiative comprehensive plan to project Ohio's children from sexual predators these predators are lurking in dark corners everywhere except the new albanyo hio and except in people who donate to your campaign at least 40 percent of those arrested for child pornography have also victimized children launching our crimes against children initiative we hope to impact all the evilness sexual abuse of children as well as illegal child porn swapping and viewing um so the bci which is the uh bureau of criminal investigation in ohio will create a new unit with 15 experts oh my god how did that happen these ads by the way like the ads have you guys ever seen this shit starting at sidetrack but you guys ever scrolled down and like look at some of these fucking ads that they have like first of all a lot of it's meant to look like disgusting gore or porn to like draw you in but like look at the pages of this fucking garbage anyway sorry i take a guess um i hit tab and it sent me away to the bottom 15 experts who will investigate child predator cases these specialized employees will stop child pornography lovers and share illegal porn files on the internet who share illegal porn files they will troll on the internet looking for predators trying to connect sexually with young people so they're doing this big operation or at least they did at one time um you know what i think here's what i think i think oh you're gonna hear anyway what i think uh this is what i said you guys gonna see eventually like this like really like what is this an aboriginal from sumacare really disgusting um just disgusting get out of my fucking face this is 2018 the renaid jones empowerment center opened its doors to help victims of human trafficking before many people even knew much about it this is about human trafficking task force anyway this is what i think i'm gonna just try and eat shit here too take Rolexes for 19 dollars like oh my god this is what i get for using a VPN um so our main goal is to find the victim why don't you talk to maria farmer their ages are 14 to 16 years old it's on your watch gym mackie do something about it you won't spoiler alert you won't kaihooga county regional health trafficking force uh part of the ohio attorney general's office so it's still going on that's the point that's why i included this article you could say oh well he was doing that in 2011 he's not doing it now well that's when the Epstein stuff was like really big if you read a lot of the details about it that's when it was going on so why would mic the wine stand up a human trafficking task force in ohio and act like he's going big and bold against children to help children who are sex predators because this this is what i think because this is what politicians do when they want to inoculate themselves from future accusations well i was at the forefront of this no one will ever ask me if i'm involved with a sexual predator because i am known for things like my crimes against children unit and putting together all this work and you'll get announcements from time to time that say ohio's sting bci has found a hundred people arrested at hundred yet a hundred human tracking victims they'll find victims they'll find people that they've arrested um and they they find scouts and there are no doubt these exist and this has been my theory um for the federal on the federal level too when you see the fbi going after sexual predators it's because too many people are talking about pedophiles in government and then suddenly they go and they arrest a bunch of people to sort of like a swage casual observers casually people calling other people groomers casually because they saw ronda santa's do it then the government goes after some sex pests and then that's it reactions theory it's met jeffrey abstin all this stuff going on uh less wexner literally in your state committing abuse when when this is being stood up it's projection it's projection it's exactly what it is there's no other way to look at it than my way that's how things work um yeah this this this is absolutely uh disgusting and this is what they do this is what they do this is what they've always done so back to this because we're about to close us out um the closest out for today just the quick highlights here so might the wine some of this is speculative some of that is backed up by evidence but he he now he has he did get involved early on in the opioid scandal um i think because he had to any plan to run for governor however the big lawsuit that originated in ohio that was supposed to go after purdufarma in teva pharmaceutical which is Israeli and johnson and johnson ended up being an unmitigated disaster because they rigged the system ohio hosted it made it look serious and then rigged it so that everybody knows the results now so that johnson and johnson purdufarma and teva got off with no problems so michael wine is also one of the first who pitched a red flag law this is after the date and shooting um so you could red flag anybody you don't like and have their gun taken away um and then we'll close with this because michael wine is such a this is like this is just like typical like republican retarded antics this is mike the wine and hopefully uh on still sharing this the fox 19 okay that's fine we'll just uh we'll stop sharing and then pop this over there and then start sharing again so i can make sure i show the right thing but uh yeah this is the this is mike the wine on twitter uh this is just like pipifies like everything that there is to to know about this one second um yeah this is mike the wine on twitter february 26 2022 um share screen oh god yeah my voice is my voice is even going there we go good now we can see what we need to see yeah today i directed ohio commerce to cease both purchasing sale of all vodka made by russian standard which is good vodka by the way the only overseas russian owned distillery with vodka sold no hi russian standard vodka sold under fuck you um sold under the brand names of green mark vodka and russian standard vodka like this is this is the guy the only reason i'm bringing this up is not to just wow just wow like this guy this guy is this is what he prioritizes this is what's important to the republican party this is what's important to mike the wine he can act on a dime to ban russian vodka but he won't do anything to ban child trafficking child pornography child abuse sex abuse in his own state won't do anything um he is he is just an egregious piece of garbage um mike the wine's got to go um and it gives me great satisfaction to know that that the njp was there today um in his backyard in his backyard demanding answers um and there's a lot more to come on mike the wine uh this is just scratching the surface uh but the guy's got to go i mean look what's on the screen this is what this guy's got he has he has turned a community upside down and he's doing the uh i'm my hands are tied when he's got both hands on the steering wheel he can take this any direction that he wants and what he's doing is causing criminal suffering and he's got to go he's got to go the whole republican party's got to go with that his role we're out of here nice long show and joy we will catch you guys later have a great weekend you wherever So we're over there today Rivers all wet You're all cold I keep feeling lonely She's the same as you Rivers all wet You're all cold She's the same as you Rivers all wet You're all cold I keep feeling lonely She's the same as you Rivers all wet You're all cold I keep feeling lonely I keep feeling lonely Rivers all wet Rivers all wet You're all cold I keep feeling lonely She's the same as you Rivers all wet You're all cold She's the same as you Rivers all wet You're all cold I keep feeling lonely I keep feeling lonely I keep feeling lonely I keep feeling lonely Rivers all wet Rivers all wet Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh Oh Oh oops Oh oh Oh oh Oh the windshield Oh oh Oh oh no Oh seriously I'm with you You stand to your dead I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you You stand to your dead I'm with you I'm with you Oh I'm with you Damn real just dance to your dead I'm with you Damn you dance to your dead I'm with you Damn you dance to your dead I'm up, I'm with you Dance, dance, dance to the day Dance, dance, dance, dance to the day Dance, dance, dance, dance to the day